Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Nov 1912, p. 11

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Arey as City Johknsan street : Intern'i Lid. i . Local GOING 140 am, 245a.m 5.15 am. 12.25 nom 1% p.m 7.08 p.m 747 poo 4,8; 6 and 8 run other trains daily except Mail Fast Express Jdaocal Mail Fast Express Local 1 9 "< i 3 2, All iay. rain - Nos, 2 and 5 carry sleeper to and from Ottawa daily ter Nov. 17th. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Pufialo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebee, Portland, St. John, Halifax and New York. ww Pullman accommodation, Tickets all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Ageat. Johnson and Ontario Sta. BOG wm. 12 57 noun 1.4 pan Pullman af- apd Corner IN CONNECTION WiTH OANADIAN PACTFIO RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON 11.30 am. Express--¥or Poterboro, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halilax, Boston, Toronto, Chi cago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. 5 pm. Local-For Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.R. East and West. 7.45 a.m. Miged--For Remirew and Jutermudiute plip; daily except Sun- ay Passengers leaving Kingston at 1. 30 a.m., arrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m. Pe- terboro, 4.19 p.m.; Toronto, 5 p- m. Montreal, 6.20 p.an.; Boston, 7.30 a.m. 8 John, 12.00 noon. Full particulars at-K. & P. and C P.R, Ticket Office, Ontario street. F. CONWAY, Gen." Pass. Agent. LAKE ONTARID & BAY OF QUNTE STEAM: ROAT CO. LIMITED: p---- " BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str.- ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally. except Sun- day, at 3 p.m. for Picton and inter mediate Pay of Quinte ports, call ing at Deseronto, Northport and Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Freight handled with despatch and care at reasonable rates. JAS. SWIFT & CO, Freight Agents. J. P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent. Famous **Pint of Cough { Syrup' Recipe No Better Remedy at Any Price. | Fully Guaranteed, Make a plain syrup by mixin of granulated sugar and oz water and stir for two minutes ounces of pure Pinex (fifty cents' bottle, and fi This gives y supply of the ough syrup at a saving of $2. It never spoils. Take a teaspoons ful every one, two or three hours. a 1f-ounce rup beat in the Sugar 8 The effectiveness of this simple remed is surprising. It seems to take bold in stantly, and wil] usually stop the most obstinate cough in 24 hours, It tones up the jaded appetite and is just laxative enough to be helpful in a cough, and has a pleasing taste. Alsp excellent for bron- chial trouble, throat tckie, Sore lungs and asthma, and an unequaled remedy for whooping cough and croup. This recipe for making cough remedy with Pinex and Sugar Syrup (or strained honey) is a prime favorite inf thousands of homes in the United States and Canada The plan has been imitated, though never successfully. If you try IL, use only genu. ine Plnex, which is the mos; valuable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract, and is rich in gua'aco! and all the natural healing pine elements Other preparations will not work in this vecipe A gu money ranty of absolute satisfaction, or tly refunded, goes with this recipe, ¥ druygist has Planex, r will get it for vou, If not, send to The Plnex Cao,, Toronto, Ont 'Satins. Ganong's Famous Chewing Candy. 20c. per pound ia J.REES 166 Princess St, Phone 58 NADRU-CO LAXATIVES are entirely diferent from others both in their composi= tion and their effect--complete evacuation without purging or discomfort, 250. a box at your druggist's. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LiMiTED. 165 CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPREGSES eagle I Brsadih, 67114 fast SR A Nov Nov, Nov. 2 Dec. Pec dan, Empress of Britain Lake Manitoba +, .« «+ Empress of Trel&nd Bmpress of Britain Empress of Ireland. . Rmpress of Britain re bras in, Tickets end all information from any steamship agent, or ¥. CON- WAY, GPA, K. & P.R, Kingston, Ont LL ------------ ALLAN LINE TURBINE STEAMERS to LIVERPOOL LARGEST" STEAMERS, MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, WAVRE & LONDON to LIVERPOOL. Oet. J Nov. Ith , 488 15 "3st - MONTREAL "VICTOR! ane " "ain, THE FIRST GRAY HAIR SIGN OF AGE Easy Way to Preserve Natural Color of the Hair and Make = Grow. A harmless remedy, made from com mon garden sage, quickly restores gray hair to natural color. The cave of the hair, to prevest it from los. ing its color and lustre, is just ns Important as to care for the teeth tg keep them from discoloring. Why spend money cosmetics and creams to improve » complexion, and yet ne- gleet your hair, when gray hair is even more conspicuous and suggestive of age than wrinkles or a poor ecom- plexion ? Of the two, it is easier to preserve the natural color and beauty of 'the hair than it is to have a good vomplexion. All that is necessary is the ocea- sional use of Wyeth's Sage apd Sul phur Hair Remedy, a preparation of common garden Sage and Sulphur, combined with other valuable pemie- dies for dry, harsh, faded hair, dand: ruff, ehing sealp-and falling hair: After a few applications of this sim: ple, harmless remedy, your hair will gradually be restored to its natural color, in a short time the dandruff will be removed, and your hair will no longer come out but will start to grow as Nature intended it should. "au NISLAN' SVERGL "CORSICAN," 3 Nov. - 1st AL: to GLASGOW, "SCANDI AVIAN," Nov. ind MONTREAL--HAVRE~LONDON "Seotian," = Oet, 13th, Nov. 17th "Tontan," - 20th 24th "Lake Erle" * 21th, -- "Corinthian," « Nov. 3rd, Steamers Seandinaviag ald tovian te G) s fo Havre a One Class (1) Cabin Passengers. For full ticular at rates, ete apply Laeal ta, Oi HE ALLAN Th 77 Yonge Street, Toranto. From the Fine#t Tea Gardens of Ceylon, undelored, and of the finest flavor, Green and Black at 30c per pound, at alin ANDREW wacLEANS, Don't neglect your hair. for it goes further than anything else to make or mar your good looks. You ean buy this remedy at any drug store for fifty cents a bottle, and your druggist will give your money back if you are not satisfied after using Purchase a bottle to-day. You will never regrot it when you realize the difference jt will make in your ap pearance. Agent, G, W. Mahood. RIENT CRUISE See fe Pramide, Delight 31 Cruise on S.S. CINCINNATL (17,000 Tons) Hi DAYS. 2h, 1013 80 D S--$325 "3 41-45 Broadway, N. ¥., or Local Agents. MEGANTIC From MONTREAL NOV. 23 qygaee, 7p. 3 RATES FROM: Fest $92.50, Secoxe $53.78, Twos $250 * Laurentic , Dec, 7) Next Dam Toto. ie 9) | ear ime to Steamer, from: Flew $35.00, Second i tare { Preas, 1 | | f off. --= |THE SPORT REVIEW © {OFPAWA FREE PRESS ON RMC, TEAM, ATTACK | 1 Rounds Ridiculous id the Extreme Not Break Line Last Why Queen's Did Through the 'Varsity Saturday, Here is the greatest piece of sport- Hig nonsense we have read this £00 It is from the Ottawa which should have Listen to jt Rr. M. C. are endeavoring t have the game of November 23rd, which was to have been played here transferred to Kingston They cinim that as they have to meet Varsity I's on Saturday, Ottawa Il's anc Hamilton Rough Riders should get) together and play off, the winner: meeting the cadets' in the finals "No matter what might be arrived at it would be] more sportsmanlike for the cadets to have the game called off as they have a 3%-point lead and the game is to be played on their ground, te meet the Rough Riders themselves instead. "THey bave come through with the championship of their little two by four league with ridiculous ease and have never experienced any dit! fieulty in winning out the title. In- stead of being asked to play Otta-| wa H.'s in Ottawa they should be ordered to do so, and likely will be, | unless they, like certain other cham- pions, who have been so for some years, have .a first mortgage on the Canadian union. R. M. C. must see a grave danger of losing what they have held so long and successfully, otherwise they would not resort such wire pulling." Free known better . Whai is the answer? Why R. M C. cannot have the return game with Varsity cancelled. It has its sched- ule to play off befare it enters into a Canadian championship game. The fl. M. C. ted is under the direction of the Intercollegiate executive. Fur- thermorerthe game is to be played in Toronto, not here. As to .R. M. C being afraid to meet any Iatsrme- diate team away from home, that is moonshine. There is no such thing as fear at the Royal Military college, whose team was not afraid to tackle sven the Varsity seniors on Torontn ground Both the Ottawas and the tHamiltons might as well put away their football clothes, for the ana- tian Intermediate championship will be won easily by BR. M. C., no mat- ter where the game is played Good Reason Why. The Toronto sporting writers and e sporting editor of The Varsity all rejoicing because Queen's failed to break through the blue and white line in Kingston last S&tur- lay. This bears out what the Whig wid on Tuesday that it is impossible o break through lines such as those if Varsity or Queen's by playing straight football. The fact that Queen's did not break through the Varsity line was because it played traight Yootball. The reason why Varsity got through Queen's line in he last quarter for a touch and won he game. was because it violated the ules by holding the Queen's line- man, and by using gross offside in- terféerence h In Rugby Circles, Alerts and Tigers will lamilton on November 23rd. should be a great battle Coach Frank Shaughnessy is of the opinion that McGill ought to win wandily on Saturday. Phil McKenzie of Montreal and Dr. Hendry of Toronte will officiate a the Varsity-McGill play-off at Ot- awa, as referee and wmpire, respect- ively : Leckie, of the Hamilton Alerts, is he star performer of the Hamiiton team. He is one of the classy half- yacks of the O. R. PF. 1. Varsity will likely play the same eam against McGill that finished the game at Kingston. Knight may re- place Bell in the serimmage. Terento Star: Varsity players are joud in their praise of Hazlett, the Jueen's half, who kicked the heavy ball if it were just out of the store The Varsity meet at This As players are confident of winning the play-off from MeGill, and they will have plenty of finan- élal support when they meet the red and white at Ottawa on Saturday Ottawa Journal: Of course, we'll all go out and see McGill and Var- sity, but what the diekens have sither of these two clubs ever done for Ottawa? Gitmore, one of the beshline plane ars in the Intercollegiate union in recent years, turned out with McGill to get ready for the Varsify play- He injured his shoulder at the first practice and cannot play again this season. "Jimmie" Craig, a brother to Ralph Craig, the Olympic sprinting hero, is becoming one of the great- st halfbacks In the United States. Ha plays for the University of Mich- igan The final game for the junior Can- adian rugby championship will be olayed in the east this year. Last 'ear R. M. C. journeyed to Petrolea for the final game. This year the winners of the O. R. F. U. will play off with Ontario Agricultural college » Guelph and the winner will play off in Montreal with the Quebec un- ton champions. Present indications point to the fact that the O. R. F. U. cannot declare a winner before the 30th of November. That would place the semi-final on December 7th and the final on December 14th, which is a pretty late date to try and play rugby in Montreal. Hocly The Saskate play under O, ter. Bowmanville, Beaverton, Bradford and Burk's Falls will have new rinks this winter. The interprovincial amateur hoc ker union will again meet at Mon treal on Saturday, November 23rd. Gordon Roberts is recovering from typhoid fever and will be able to play with the Montreal Wanderers this winter. A trainer has been secured for the Bowmanville club, asd an experi enced coach from Toronto will be in charge of the boys Cameron of Port Arthur bas sign- Notes. wan association will . A. rules this win- SA- | arrangement | od wh Toronto and Tecumsehs. The | will decide the ovnershipiy a x dyer } That McGill is assure ed of & g good hockey team again this winter wa lemonstrated he Taatal meoting Rankin, last was chosen and w the ma players back again Poetical Selections LILY AND THE PINE, WiMtems near my an hour, at Ramsay this weex who played point as the captain, have i THE By Theodore C i asian {1 found a lily | CRAFTY "GALICIAN PEASANTS, | Yon hivomed RO more i ns i bi ha How They Fleece the Danish Tax- | And her pure-Bearte i periectness My heart did less payers. I saw high up the mouhtain cold A pine A hundred winters old; For his strong-hearted patience ther I breathed a prayer. jority of his j old door lucrative of agri Denmark the Sabstantial reaped by the farmers, and cars shareholders in the! companies have tne of most cultural Leultivation 'pralits are many Lhe industries beet mn sugar is lor 0 hour of sweetly "hreathing life ! 0 century strength and strife I only know that in each one God's will was done. Danish sugar refinery received dividends of 25 per cent. and' more Fhe oaoly dragback is that | bor has to be unported from Galicia of ia the Danish peasantry declining to work in the beetficlds, and as many as 25, {0 Galician mea and women armve in Denmark for the seed time and re | main until the harvest in Uetober. As may be expected, the Galicians are a rude and uncultivated set of peo- | ple Fhey a fraction of {their earnings for meals, and they {have now discovered how to save thew {return fare, being fully aware of the {fact that their presence in the coun- ftry is not desired one single moment after the termipation of their contract. 'On being paid they immediately send all their wages home by post, and be- | ing without a farthing in their pocket, jand absolutely without any means of | subsistence, the authorities have con Fsbrpuent ly to pay their return fare fhousands of these cunning Ualic ians have this year played this game at the expense of the Danish taxpayer and the government has promised to consider what steps should be taken. It is suggested that the farmers should deduct trom the final payment the amount necessary forthe railway fare, {but against this is to be placed the | fear of the Galicians causing a riot {should they not receive their wages in full. It is possible that a special act of parliament may have tosbe passed to deal with the question. The Age of Power. Mr. Balfour is often thought to! have suceeded to the premiership at | an earlier age than his predecessors in the Victorian era . As a matter of fact, this the case. Sir Robert Peel prime minister at the age of forty- | six. So did Lord Rosebery Lord { Derby happened to, be fifty-three, and | | therefore one year vounger than Mr i | Balfour, who was fifty-four when he | But gathered into his hands the reins of | phat | office. | ) . ] Lord Salisbury assumed the leader: Just because the summer's oer; ship of the cabinet in his filty-sixth That's the time to sound your praises vear: Mr. Gladstone at the age of Even louder than before. fifty-nine; while Beaconsfield sas six- ' tv-four: Russell, fifty-four; Aberdeen, sixty-¢ight; and Melbourne, fifty-five. Lord Palmerston did not become pre mier until seventy-one, nor did Sis Henry Campbell -Bannerman -until THE BRAY E MEN. Free Press Here's to the men who laugh In the face of grim despair, Who gather the tares and chafi But sow with a cheerful air. Here's to the smiling men Who, giving, can take a blow, And rise to the fight again When others have laid them low. Det re spend only Here's to the men who grin When plans that they wrong, ! And straightaway: new plans begin With courage and purpose strong. Here's to the glad, brave men Who, battling, expect a bruise, And rise to the fight again Undaunted by fights they lose. build go Here's to the men who smile With laith in the morning light, And bravely await the while Till victory crowns their fight. Here's to the fighting men That always need not succeed. Io rise to the light again-- The brave in defeat we need. CRICKETS SONG. Dumb the THE Neilie M mals When the land, And the flowers begin to fade; When the: twilight shadows lengthen In the meadow and the glade; 'here's a merry little singer That whene'er your footsteps Sends a cheery note From his home By Coye In Our Ani. birds have left wood- not | pass, beeamo | It of greeting down in the grass, Just a common little cricket Brown and lowly, it is true; there's meaning in the message he has for me and vou; forget to sing, my brother, grasses Were "Hear me down among the Brown and sere that once green, You'd most think I'd be discouraged { When 1 view the barren scene. { But the song that's worth the singing sixty-nine. | Can be sung when skies are drear Asquith, the present premict, | just as well as in the brightness who assumed office in 1908, was born | Of (he gpringtime of the year." in 1852. while Bonar. law, the lead m---------- or of the opposition, is now in bis | filty-fifth year. i A Royal Superstition. Canterbury cathedral, like great cathedrals, is decorated with innumerable niches for statues. At Canterbury a series of these nich 8 | is occupied with statues of kings | and queens of England, and there are |, only four niches left unoccupied. An odd traditien has it that when all the | niches are filled the throne of Eng- land will come to an end. Queen Vietoria was approached | with a view to a statue of herself | being placed in one of the four re- maining niches, but her late majesty was aware of the old tradition and refused. One wonders whether in| the future there will be four mon-| archg of England sufficiently indif- ferent to superstition to defy the tra- dition and allow their effigies to fill the unoccupied spaces ----Tit-Bits. ( ha WAS Mr, HOME AND LOVE, | By Robert W. Service. Just Home and Love ! small, Four little letters unto each; And vet vou will not find in all The wide and gracious range speech Two more so tenderly complete, When angeis talk in heaven above, have words mors most the words ol I'm sure they no sweet Than Home and Love. Home and Love! it's hard to guess, Which of gain; {| Home without Love is bitterness; Love without Home is often pain. No, each alone will seldom do; Somehow they travel hand glove : f vou win one vou must have | Both Home and Love. Just the two were better to two, Noiseless Palace of Music, \ musical palace on American lines conducted by a welisknown American musician is about to be established in the American quarter of Berlin. All the rooms are to be litted with piano Extra thick and padded walls will be fo obviate the possthiity 0 'if you've both, well, them I'm sure You ought to sing ihe long; It doesn't matter i With these sang And so I praisefully When angels talk in heaven There are words sweet han Home And whole day to make divine constructed of vexation to the general public high notes and scales can be practiced with impunity. The dreaded Berlin po lice have granted the house a limited license in this respect. The sacred po hice hour of ten p.m., limiting singing and playing in private houses, may be intringed if the house be isolated or surrounded by a large garden.--Berlin letter in New York Times. rapeat above, no more simply and Love. THE LIGHTHOUSE LAMP. Off the coast of Bretague, lighthouse-keeper lay dying, his wife first, and then his children, tend od the lamp, saving vessels from dis aster till help came to them. the brave while Too Much Alr. Jaggs, alter an evening at elected to sleep in the flower bed in the front yard. He slept well, and in the morning when he awoke he saw his wife regarding him the club worse: 1 the thy father's That he cannot live Now I durst mot | me Thou must light. "Pierre, tony Ie night: bitterly from him. the open casement of her bedroom Jaggs, confused and chilly in the fresh morning air, huddled up among the _eold plants and yelled "Vhut that window, woman ! you want me to catch my death" BOWELS SLUGGISH, STOMACH SOUR, GASSY, UPSET 7 CASCARETS GREAT ! That awhil sourness, belching of acid and foul gases; that pain in the pit of the stomach, the heartburn, nervousness, nausea. bloating after eating. feeling of fullness, dizziness and "sick headache, means your stomach is full of sour bile----your liver is torpid--your bowels constipated. It isn't your stomach's fault--it isn't indigestion-it's billousness and constipation, : : Try Cascarets; they immediately sweeten the stomach. remove the sour undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter from the bowels. Thea your stomach trouble is ended. A Cascaret to-night straightens you out by morning. Heat ¢ watch and trim "La Petite will mount to aid Fake her hand upon the stair. Do thee then hitomed § are and | the | Phos PTRTRY, ---- [CITY CIRCULATION AGENT Of Leading Mentreal Daily Endorses GIN PILLS IVE long years of suffering from Kidney Trouble boxes of GIN IS ahd "it's That has been thicex nee of Mr. Eugene Quesnel, Chief City Circulation Agent of La Patrie, of Montreal He describes 11 feetingly Montreal, May 3rd, 1912 "1 have been suffering from Kudaey five long years, 1 ! had Rheumatism in sll my bones | and muscles, conld not sleep nights and + on some occasions conld has diy walk, 3 . I had been treated by some of our best the dark night's turn-} phygicians but without elie! and 1 lost over fifteen pounds. Ove day 1 met one of our leading hotelkeepers, who had been cured bv your famous GIN PILLS, snd he advised me to try them. So 1 bought two boxes at my druggist's before | had used one box 1 felta re Before 1 fvished the second one 1 was completely cured. I can assure you | can hardly believe it for if I had only known what I know now I would not have spent over One Hundred Dollars for nothing when two boxes of GIN PILLS cured me.' RUGENE QUESNEL. GIN PILLS are gaining a world-wide reputation, by the way they conquer the most CRstinate cases of Rheumatism and all kinds of Kidney Trouble, soc. a box, 6 for §2 co. Sample free if you write National Drug zr and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 148 J thou art afraid to leave me, { Then say thy evening prayer duty, brave and ready: Thou must Keep neither sleep mor ial the lamp well wmmed | "Do thy i : api} steady It must i gone eaking Reep a faithiul waich, mv child, "Kiss thy father He would bless jut he's Turned her face to hi weaker he know; speaker \ her gros = | | : =) | thee going ie Woe. "Hush, my Jeannette, ng, God hath need of thee While the world is soundly sleeping Thou must help to tend the light." cease thy weep » Trouble for over to-night Late and long ingl When the mother, and chill. Climbed, the lamp was brightly burn- ing, And the children watching still white arms enfold them: Swift her hungry ones '"' her lips ap "Brave, good plaud; wilh them, "Dears, thy lather Mary M. Curchod bers' Journal. Fhen, broken heart, she told is with God." (Myra), in Cham reserve Your Health. A well person can make a fair a healthy person a better a wholesome person do the biggest things in life, but he can help others succeed He is the individual who leaves a trail of sparks after him, whom vou visit and feel re freshed, whom you leave with newed inspiration. He makes people feel better by his presence sue Coss SU cannot only IH Thomas Cople Telept one 007 y Drop a card 1o 3 five Street wanting anvthing done in the Carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds repairs and new work; aise Hardwood loors of all "kinds. AN wwders w receive prom Shop, 40 Queen Brees Ie attention, re when wo Love blind --especially if the man in the vase has mote dollars than sense. 18 : } LL a [Eddy's Silent Parlor Matches Made ol very best corkey pine. match. Every match a light. that a match may readil dark--no fumbling with t the matches. AND ABOVE ALL EDDY'S a surety of the best possible quality and full count The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited Makers also of Paper Bags, Toilet Paper, Tissue Towels, ete. ------ ---- FLOWER LOVERS Nature's Gifts for your Sweetheart, your Friend, your Sister or vour Mother. Your early orders are solicited by HAY, THE FLORIST Brockville, Ont. For the choicest and best in Plants and Flowers for Christmas and the Holidays, Every stick a Well packed 80 be extracted in the e inevitable spilling of Beautiful Christmas Plants in full bloom. Boston Ferns Azaleas, Primroses. Superb Christmas Flowers, delightfully fresh and fragrant. Roses, rnations, Violets, Lilies-of-the- Valley" Cut Palms, Write or telephone us for our Christmas Price List. The Hay Floral & Seed Co FLORISTS - - - BROCKVILLE, ONT. z jo Smart Evening Slippers In Satin, colors Pink, Blue. White with handsome ornaments, some headed ' $3.50. $400, $4.50, $5.00 2nd $6.00 Kid, Patents and Beaded effects frdm Black, and two amd $2.00 to $3.50 one, three strap Men's Pumps | In Gun Metal and Patent, run $250 $300 $3.50 $4.00 22d $5.00 The one best Home of Good Shoes. Prices place for 3 : Evening Shoes is the ak J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The, Home of Good Shoes ly

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