-~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1012, is 5 nu g ARE : FIGHTING MAYOR HOAG ON THE BENCH. | RK Presided at the Police Court on! Monday Morning. | | WITH DESPERATION IN FRONT 1a the absence of Magistrate Pas. | OF CONSTANTINOPLE. rell, Mayor Hoag handled the x | 1 i o Justice, at the police court, : onday morning. Captured 8.000 Bulgarians andl, yore ight docket, as there were Thirteen Guns-----King Ferdinand's! only three cases to be hoard. Troops May Meet Their Waterloo > took a Souple too many, : the explanation given Y Henry! i They Hurry Things. an Stone, gathered in as a drunk. Stone Constantinople, Nox. 15.--Ihis city | stated that his home was in Maassa- |} is trbmbling with a terrific cannonad- | chusetts, and that while on his way (H ing going on to-day aroand the Teha: | home, he stopped off fn Kingston, el talja fortifications. The Yurkish troops {see some friends. The pr caraon | are fighting desperately, and have cap- | which followed, was evidently fac tured eight thousand Bulgars and {mueh for him. He was given thirteen large hrapp guns. There be | chance, ing no United States warships here "Bert" Grimshaw, arrested for be yet, a detachment of ope hundred |ing drunk, is a member of the "pro. marines from British cruisers has been | hibited list," and at the request of landed to protect the United States |D. A. Givens, who appeared for him, yembassy here. The city is quiet, but{he was remanded for a day, so a full of disease. the magistrate could hear the case. . : A young man, who has been drink- ) . Bulgarians in Danger. ing quite heavily of late, and whe London, Ving., Nov. 18. --~ Several M08 8 ¥ife und family, pleaded guilty Women's Plain Black Cashmere Hosiery, seamless london and Paris newspapers contain D 4 if . . : ¥ . A. Givens appeared for him, Sctailed rm fous Sram -- fght: and told the aeting magistrate that feet, neat fitting leg, at 25¢. i utside Constantinople. The ar [3° 80.on the "pro st' ' # . tiers Bro' was seemendous. on' both |if SIven a Chance, and the court de Women's Fine All Wool Black Cashmere Hosiery, sides and was terribly effective all cided to give him a chance to d: round, bursting shrapnel and lyddite, | POULeT- seamless feet and neat fitting leg and ankle. Special 35¢ tearing whole companies and battal WiLL OPEN ON TUESDAY. or 3 pairs for $1. ions lo Dive. : All SES Aus Shut 1 e Lurks are in rene al orti Grad Trunk F ight Department | ; . : Eh Be ats a a enctn | Ons Tn Thety Now Shettn Women's Fine English Cashmere Hosiery, very soft i of ' i 'ordi M lay the frei sheds ol . : 3 action, apparently. are merely to har. (Grand. Trunk ratway at the waters ll] and elastic and a make that gives excellent wear, at 50c a ass the enemy till" reinforcements of edge, between Johnson and William . '|Servians and Greeks arrive, and thep | streets, which have been used since the parr. jto make' a dash. running of that line into the city, were vacated by {hat department. og Many other makes of Cashmere Hosiery. Some as Monastir Surrenders. general business. It was 'moving 53 : day" with the freighters. : 1 : \ p 18.) : gh | 1 ea Belgrade, So: IS domantic has On Tuesday morning the new sheds fine as sle, others quite h vy. 49c, 69c, 75¢c. surrendered to the Servians, with ol, |, Wellington strect. between Anglin's . 000 Turk soldiers, including three gen- | mill and Place d'Armes, will open for z | "mm [meets om lS Women's Black Fleeced Cotton Hosiery | | woo win, oh be ng oat F. t. McCurdy Co., Clarence Chany soven or eight sidings, and three For those who cannot wear Cashmere or Wool, erv--it , Netw agen (tins te Sova of ice sce 25c and 35¢ 3 GENE 1008, NOY. "lor package freight, and the business "Sorel. OF tie sompaty. in sonnection with the Women's Winter Weight Fine Black Cotton boats. 'Lhe offices in the new Blizc away, Mr, Blizzard We're all fixed to fool you. Canners aiaeaiias we wii 68 are at the south end, and scales will : 25 d 35 y 7 Nomad be side. Ww . C an Cc pair Storm Ulsters are ready to slip on.' Big, Meavy Ulsters with Gment ih gee segesvaries . be. huin, outside, with the héam in the Stockings, . wide collars to cover your ears in a gale. Richelfou | a i 1124 : Materials in Heavy Cheviotts and Scotch Overcoatings. Toronto Rails on Ss PEIVLIPI PEPE T PEP rOb EM PES $15.00, 18.00, $20.00, Shey vo [¥ rvoresr w ween. SH White Flannelette for Ladies' Underwear New York. ii Cut loge, with full. loose back and belts. Others with semi- Coppir Winnipeg, Nov. 18. -- . & © ; form back. Very classy coats. Gor Natice Yap filed Satuda) ua] Mhite Fannelette for Men's Nightgowns. Sk THEM AT a. independent candidate, pro- . testing the election of Alex- 3 Special makes, 10c, 12 1-2¢, I5¢. Extra Fine White Flannelette for special uses. Union pie ou ander Morrison, conseiva- Steel |, tive, at the recent federal . . . Large Sizes ia White or Grey day afteraoon, from Winnipeg. He was Late Sister Mary Cecelia, I lannelette la ets bead 'ng for Lavant, but when he got The death occurred at the House Erie bye-election in Macdonsld on the usual charges of corrup- this far, Ye found that he was very |of Providence, on Friday, of Sister This 18 something you should consider mn short\of funds, and that he would not. | Mary Cecelia (Louise Staley). Do- tion. . The notice sets out have enough money to take him to |Cetsed was a daughter of Danie! buying Flannelette Blankets. Most of the a ---------------- a ns LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET STRANGER WAS STRANDED. LE SEE EERE 2X2 Decided That He would Tramp From Here to Lavant. A siradger arvived in the city, Mon- 4% Batre stead athe 48 ole reason for unseating Morrison that Premier Rob- lin and Hon. Robert Rogers intimidated the electors. Lavant. He made up his mind to Staley. of Shia eit: She was thirly- Id L b walk, but was advised to see Mayor [eight years of age, and entered the r o Hoag, for a railway pass. The man ardor 18 Jeurs ago. > Besides three Blankets SO now are too S ort, ut we 'i said he only took enough money with | brothers in the priesthood, Revs. Ar 3: IN crwear bim te i his trip, Put that while [thur and Melville of Toronto, ant have now ready a make that 18 LONGER 5 : in Winnipeg, he had to meet extra ex- {Lewis and Railton, she also leaves renses, for a dentist's "foe, and - this |@ sister, in the order of the cloister. than usual, although the price 1s the same . left him short. He promised to refund ad Bula at Loretta Abhey, Tarante, h di makes the for the ticket. er father, Daniel Staley, Mrs. M. ry . Y ] the x amil A os e Shyne, Toronto; Mrs. (Dr.) William as the ordina i Beroard, Ottawa; Mrs. A. Brooks Toronto, and Miss Norah, of this - Leo H. O'Meara, Queen's Graduate, | City, and two brothers, Frank and ° all * . Albert, Toronto. Meets Death. . The funeral took 1 N f Leo Harold O'Meara, M.D A 0 pace fofiday ' A » @ morning, to the Chapel of Our Penman's Celebrated Underwear aephew of . Dr. Daniel. Phelan, and | Morpioe; to the Chapel of Our : cousin of Dr. William McCarthy, who | requiem was sung. Interment : graduated from Queen's last year, was ve St. 3 '3 cemoter For Men, Women, Girls and Boys J [sri irom Guns inst ear. vas | ook pisce at st. Mary's cemetery ie Jn le LA buny Fiver, near Fal Returned From New York. bd * lowheld. IQ tleceas was we + . thx # I Combinations B [imine di cul Sei essay | Mili Nears Sos Tem Vests, Drawers al om nations many friends in the university here. tending thé Clinical Congress of Me cactiv " ARTA" NORTE AFR i Surgeons Gynacpologists and Obste- _ Every garment guaranteed vo be exactly as repre - SWRXTV-FIVE SEARS AGO.....| AHO Cyvachologiats and Obate § sented or be The. 90. refunded. sentatives from all over America and : : What H in Ki i Europ 95 ; Fv J Prices 50c, 73c, 90c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 " Eecwhere in 187. | Barope, about 3500 being present yo Resolved by governots of general | number of photographs of the work in hospital that hospital Sunday be per- |ihe congress po | operations. He has manently established for the third |also a splendid large photograph of . We make a specialty of Sunday in October each year. the Canadian ~ Club dinner gathering | Number 'of farmers were on the [in New York, at which he was a Children's {market in uleighs. There is good |gucst. The picture shows, among oth- { ; Underwear The L.A. Meet. Case Was Postponed. (sleighing on the roads leading to the [er Iamiliar faces, that of Rev. Prin city, i cipal Gordon, of Queen's. . ia : The meet in the Lake Yacht Racing| The appeal in the case of Michael 15 distinct styles and sizes. Assuciation: will be held next summer |J. Ladies, of thé Anglo-Americad . at this end of Lake Ontario, the spot (hotel, who was recently fined by - chosen being MeDonald's Cove, Ppince [Magistrate Farrell, for selling liquor Vests, Drawers,Com sen being gince | Magis ¢ lig ination, Tights, and [| [50:5 ah 106 a Tus sl tw (20 Save ec hoard by dude JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. ? ; ix I~ 1A \ ng derstood that sn afiott will be made {Price at the court house at eleven Te PING : "ff 170 have the annual George cup raves o'clock Monds ing, bul owing Sleeping Suits 'at the sae place, the week before. [io the absence of W. F. Nickle, KC. iy Commodore Hansard Hora and Dr.legunsel for Mr. Lawless, the case was Black represented the loeal club at the enlarged dor two weeks. annnal meeting of the association in a p Boy Bitten by a bog. 4 Fe | Terme | ae? Ty 0 wm She' 2 : Tt is not too moon to be thinking {thirteen or fourteen years of age, . Shia gnd uf Lake Ontario. Among he of Christmas gifts. Time flies. 6 whose home is at 1 Hrock street, | Bi Watertown, Rochester Os wainly shop chi was bitten by a bull dog belonging . 4 : : are to George Lennox, Princess street, ou nego, und Big Sodus. ; y ' Sunday afternoon. The boy, with a number of others, was in the yard and - astound ®t. Mary's school, Clergy street, at the tine. They admit that they were playing with the dog, bui ne may have been guing farther. . : nverand's left log was quite badiy Saturd flérnoon, at 4.30, the bitten. He wos taken to the Hotei et Roa i | CE Rl me New Goods to select from ForLadiesand Child en. Prices from