De. M orse's Indian Root Pills, dre not a new and untried a as ever, 4 ter bas yet been devised 0 are just as eflcctive, just as nothing be sntarto, st $8 per year. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 ; Thur morning at §] & year. T be added, Ba making price of Attached is one of the $3 and Weekly $1.50 per year. best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, ish, sand cheap work: nite improved Presses. : rm . nan simon n . : 'THE 'WHIG BEVENTY NINTH YEAR some aldemen on the fire apparatus | DAILY BRITISH WHIQ, pubilshed ar 305-319 Kidg Editions at 3.5% and 4 pan A By, 3rd gr bymng in parts on Monday and Street, Kingston, States charge for postage had to sel THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED J. G. Elltett, President, Leman A. Guild, Sec~Treas. TORONTO OFFICE~Suite 19 snd 20 Queen Clty Chambers, 83 Church Stree:, Toronto. MH. E. Smaliplece, J.P. representstive. Cure Common I11s rag counorL Iv SESSION, i The citizens who are interested in BE Lele rages The proceedings of our council should '#ec it in sewsion. Perhaps they would 'be favourably impressed; and then again they might mot. The Whig does not know when the innovation of smoking while the business pro 'ceeded set in, but it is one which leannot be too strongly condemned. (All the' members of this honourable body ave not smokers, and why thes: 'who do mot! use the weed should be foraed to breathe in the second-hand 'smoke is a question no one can ans- We have the finest assort- 'ment of Rough and Dressed Lumber in the city. S. Anglin & Co. {WELLINGTON ST. NORTH LE n-------- THE TIME T0 SAVE New bu wid on may always Instend friends snd mourniug of hair, walt ug ant! gudranteed to Kill dagdrat ut and check falling hair. 3H Car save the ha mifeh easier than wou i time to gave your } 1 remedy for Juing it is © "i |, 4 same opportunity never oops once. ewhio's Herpicide in 30c. and $1 is sold by all dealers who guar- it to do all that is claimed. | are not satisfied your money will refunded. = ications at good barber shops. Jn Meleod and 1. T. Best, BROCK ST. YOUR HAIR IS NOW tovems, oo aGrigi remedy, , $0 rive his successor in office all ® gr. The motion If 'wer. Occasional visitors to the American courts and councils have been shocked as they saw lawyers, doctors, judges, jurymen, and legisla: tors, smoke pipes, cigars or cigar ettes, and they have commented upon the becoming dignity of the Cans dian courts and councils, where the air bas berm pure and where the evil habits and customs of some mem do not obtrude themselves upon others Phose persons have only to 'mee our icity fathers at work wn order to veal ad fali from her : fze what « i what » ara sas been, really wnwholesome ouneil ane) th oudu wtiable thors is of vik sheonor h hing THE CITY stlaCiToRsuw Mi accepted fi aud ihe ial did the graceful thing of desiring thi information he could with regard to the public business before leaving the of acceptance, woich was made by Ald. Elliott, was followed by as neat a speech as any dane has heard in the council in many a day. It was not long, and it was not fulsome. It expressed the aoe thought, which every one sp 'plauded, that the city was losing an ¢ble man, an oflicial who had served the city faithiully, conscientiously and welt, and that the government of the day had made one of its best ap: pointments. The mew tity sclicitor was appointed later, and after one of the most confusing scenes. There [vai three nominations and for a The resignation o Me fntyre wad, of course y WAS so alternmiive, retiring. of while it was not at wll clear how ithe motions should be disposed of ' There was talk of suspending a rule | which required the motions and a- | mendmnty to be voted om in the re- verse onler, and then there was, at the last moment, a determimation . to 'stand by the rules. On the first STOVES AND HEATERS. i bought and sold. Obbouite Cranes Whormaie® Grocery 3 ntario Street. : fs Eagineering % Star Bldg, 18 Kina $i. W., Tocote i I have a hig Sock of FY Lelase Heaters and Stoves wi san he boughi very chesf. bk Now is your time to buy ld i get ready for sold weather. | | Also a Mme line of Fu' 8 Househoid Goods, ef: Fuorpitere a spoctaigy. | L. LESSES *Phone 1045, a Stands ruiture of gl [vote Ald. Givens, (who did not vote jand vesigned his seat in the council . later), received a 'majority. Thare was 1 8 let of talk--oh, such a ™lot--shout ithe main motion, whith should. be iput as amended, in favour of Ald { Givens, and some aldermen worried over it as if some mew problem 'surprise. would now take place. Thore {was a difference of one vote, but thers "ekonld not Rave been any discussion; I because it could not have been ex- pected that men in open council iconld vote for more than one candi 'date without being exposed to well: 'desarved eriticism. The council did *'well to make the choice unanimous, and Mr, Givens, from his long ex' porienc in municipal life. ghonld ren and a valuable recent servis. The Whig aad wishes him abundant dr te shie him tie cons, IL MOTORIZED i Fhe ire P Commit bed, with regu tao Lehange in Uhe Bic apparatus, i place of dinwn bi horses, wg APPARATUS, ' { Power v gradual repo so that will Be debven to fires by metlay ap Tee vd in omospiril of levity. Granted tha ithe the is mot vipe for a chabge in | fire eguiiyent "have to be aducaied with regard 10 it ~thy information which kas bien col locied 15 of 'the most Taierestiog Kind, The committee dic! wn! ive Hs chair man adequate support, and Ald. Vaie was, pothaps a little discursive, and hig onsily tod irom a debate wpon the i of tasae HEH pepe hada lie or cagratnlatés thai the papi and so that he may hold off all who seck to disconcert him by untimely in- tirruptions. Jhe mayor, too, should see that the rules of the council are impartially caforced and to the epd that the amenities of debate may be preserved. ASSESSMENT REFORMS. A subject of especial interest is the manner in which the assessment should be made. There has been an impression that the work of our eom- mistioner could be improved, and it sees that the Finance Committee has hud the matter under advisement. This was the last resort, after two or thres motions had been submitted council, half-heartedly, and hy [ bets who were not clear as to what they ought to do. One of these motions involved the printing of the agsessment roles, for the information of the people. When it was dropped ths committee was asked for an opin- ion, and this opivion it has given, ac companied by a summar; respondencs with other municipalitie 1 r of of ws cor The uli is a testimony to the the wa Y, sud jt k of Commissi is auch (od thal a pew hody of nen knowl of the circums vivich hs of th Whig rome yighe furct or members when and the evidetw on which th difference ton was scleciod for office Kuowin Lhe yelems it on vould think of going back {o the old ni. The Finance Committee thinks, however, that each fall a couple of competent men can be selected to look over the rolls, hear complaints against them, and help the Court of Revision, and infenentially Mr. Gordon, to ad- just the differences. What good these men could do cannot be imagined. What they think of the assessment may amount to little, The Court of Revision will hear the evidence in any case, and will adjust the assessment ng it dees fit. It has been doing this all along, and that so few alterations have been made from year fo year is a splindid testimony as to the excel lene: and fairness of the Assessor's valuations. bel not 13 surprised that au REARRANGING COMMITTEES, The manner in which some questions arte approached is remarkable. The Finance Committee suggested, through the mayor, that the ilem of "Unfin- ished Business" might lead at meet- ns to the introduction of new mat- ters, and as a sample of this kind of thing a couple of aldermen talked of what they saw abroad, and Ald. Mc Cartky produced a 'cresoted block and told that many streets in New York wire being paved with this material. man,who had a reason for it, did not the woukl amend: the rules in a certain way and thus bring the matter before the council in a direct and effective form.' The desire is for a "Manage nent" Committee. There should be an P'xeutive Committee. Belleville has it. So have other towns and cities. Thy meaniag of it j= that the work the wih commitices have vartes to of. and that SGERTYNRR smeniivi.en may be able The punmint x Commaition dead han oi HU 3 BY anc time comm teen them, 1 he bwdears there i fon Ol aes rondo meets for the wi 1# cant for the year EDITORIAL NOTES EN 4 ge duetors' combipe "or unin Englnd, syalost the losurssce Aer qv ---------- be encouraged. the campaign does go aguninst him. Think of the adulation he is receiving in | ethoy "The Late Mrs. Thomas The Whig wondered why some alder! give notice that at the next meeting | : wml has suceeded. The suffragetice will Jor. Avmand Lavergne is the stor oto; (question is remarkable. i In one city, twenty towns, tweniy- three villages, and twenty-three town- | suips people will vote on option law in January. So that thé de mand for an abolition of the bar igoes on Sir James Whitney will" pleas: take notice. ' THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE After County Councils for Overdue High School Fees + Gananoque, Nov. 19.--J. Leslie Mc i Fadden, the fifteen-year-old son ofeMr. {and Mrs. William McFadden, passed {10 rest at the family residence, near i Pittsferry, on Sunday evening, after a short illness. The funeral took place | this afternoon, to Willow Bank ceme- | tery. : f Principal R. G. Graham, of Gana- phogqus high school, and W. B. Car- iroll, K.C., appointed by the Board of i Education, at its session last week, 'to attend the Counties Council, in ville, this week, left, yesterday, or Brockville, to present the claim of !the high echool against the county for fees of pupils residing outside of Ganavogue. The amount is stated to { be somewhere near $2,000. There is {8300 due from the county of Fron- | tenae. Messrs. Thomas Cockrill and Ro- ¢bert Haig have relurned from a two rweeks' hunt for big game in the Fort {Coulanges section of the wilds of Que bee! They report the big game as quite plentiful, but that the number ! of hunters was not up to the regular | i standard. g f Miss Muriel Churchill, fornferly of ! ths stafi of the local post office, has | entéred the private hospital on | |Sideshum sireet, conducted by Mre | i Charks Bamford, and will take al course in trainin for mrs ilveye 1 k Briitoa and vis Jd A. Webster wre Hing th : tod keputy {home unuingham ghd | eh victim Mrs. Thomas { Cunningham, of Napanee. She had | | heen ailing hut a short time and went | { there with the hope that the best of | (care would soon restore her to her! usual good health. Her daughter, Mrs, | {Joseph Flemming, Rochester, N.Y., lcame and lovingly looked after every jeomfort available for her mother, but i {she grew gradually worse and passed | i peacefully away on Friday morning. Mrs, Cunningham was the daufhter jof the late James Hinch, Camden, be- | ing born in county Wicklow, Ireland, | lin 1836. When only a small girl she jeame to Kingston, afterwards marry. {ing Thomas Cunningham, a sea cap- { tain, who predeceased her some six Ivears.. She was loved and respected thy all who knew her and had lived !most of her life near Tamworth, but {had beea. residing in Napanee the past {ten years. Her large concourse of friends followed in her funeral proces sion from the old homestead at Tam- worth to the Roman Catholic church in Erinsville, where a solemn requiem mass was sung by Rev. Father Carey. Her remains were then placed in the vault to await future interment. She {is survived by three soms, John, San biego; Daniel, San Francisco, Cal, and William James, Tamworth, and one daughtor, Mrs. James Flemming, Rochester, and one brother, James Hinch, Camden East. "The Bohemian Girl." Of all the musical productions pre- (sented within the last few years, none have attracted more widespread at- | tention or received warmer praise than has the Aborn Opera company's mod- ;evpived revival of "The Bohemian 1Girl," in English, which will be the attraction at the Grand on Wednes- { day, November 20th. The reason for { this, it is said, lies in the fact that in its pew dress it has made even a !sironger appeal for popular favor than lit did as it was formally presented. {Many of the changes incorporated into | {this version were suggested by the] Kingston Cash and One-Price Clothing Soe. a sons rtm > $15.00 SUIT SALE 38 Hand-Tailored Suits froin the shops of Canada's Best Tailors. Trav- eller's samples. Sold Outs"and the last and only one of the patterns." All new 1912 Models. New mlorings, new Flake patterns, imported fabrics. Sizes 35, 36, 37.38, 40. Regular$20and $22 Suits. "ra reser Bibbys Clearing Price 3 -. ig SARRIRIRY $ 1 2.00 Rid These Suits on sale Wednesday and Thursday only. $12.60 Suit Sale pad vd Worst il tailored, womodel Button styles p ! ' a1 @ lL rouser Bell foo pl 1h ¢ cull bottom Regular®iis Bibby's Clearing Price $:2.00 . These Suits on sale 'W ednesday and Thursday only. / v ve Fine Tw I : neganty tnd thre - nq - Men - Suits, 1 Wo tol NLyie ot , . : ind SiR g ° ox See Our Eee. Our . $1.00 mp $2.25 1 Fur Band: Fur Lined Gloves! made from Fownes English | Urey and Black TMG English Melton ' Made. Cloth. : cmmmmam . BIBBYS Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental StOrEy 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. i 324 King St. | Watch our windows seasonable every day from our own houses Ferns Palbhe of fon atl Flowers, . fresh reen- 'alms Flowering Plants descriptions. Wed. Cut A fine stock of and an ding and Presentation Bouquets and i i {book used at the time of the music |g festival at Pats, during the French ce nd enjire. An especially elabor } ate production to whwh braandior of the Orde i frou nt of Spain and was made wn fesiaag all contased in the Ha i Ladies' Mundt Fe Tein ! i The following ladies constitute ihe board of the Ladies' Musical Uiub, of Napanee : President Ns. i Frankly o andy on. Firet Vice Progdente Mos. BF, Mi | Second Viee-President--Mr:. W. & Hermagton. Secretary Mra, JF. WB. Robusos Treasurer--Mrs. C. M. Seealion. Canvetior--Mrs. Usmeron Wilson. Programme Uommittee--Nrs. U. M. Wilson, Mrs. MeN: a a3. G. Ih i {4 ig {A Laskets, Fioral Sprays and Faneral Designs a. specialty of Resid "uw i o FOR SALE i» : 5 desirable build- | ing site, high, | dry and level, | on Beverley $t PRASALAMLES LL ARAOLAMSAL NSE LOTS § i 90 ft, | » Bie cocaine i } i i 4 i i i i fi i i a -------- A ------- Taxs are going to be all the rags in Footwear this SEASOr, 1a wg lial th We have made special and will be able to offs: goods ever shown for met PeLariliong re swell this wat CF or i i A -- ------a Don't forget Tan Footwea: REID & A ARLES a ww ' a ------------------ A AOD 15 A AA BS NRO, E. BLAKE THOMPSON, . Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance . ~ Agent for---m : Union Assurance Soc'y & Liverpook-Hanileba Assurance (oy. | OVER RONTHEEN CROWN BANK. SAKEET SQUAKK, i : Fhone 285 KINGATOX, ONT. j enn i i : { | 5. WFORDS 8 A ----------------------