The Christmas Number of THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL eu. ££ We kate Prag: plesmsure in announcing Number December; of ihe LADIES" HOME on Bale Tomorrow (WEDNESDAY) Moroing it is an IDPAL CHEISTMAS HOLIDAY the Christmas pe that IGURNAL wii HOME NUM- BER, The Christmas COVER as a POSTER expresses. the holiday { spirit, from a drawing by Maxfield Parrish, | CHRISTMAS STORIES, H The contents consists of Christmas Stories, Special Christ- | mas Ar , '@hristmas Decor ations, Christmas Sweets, Christmas . Music (2 Full , The Christmas Gift and Card, Things te Make at Nom& bbautifully fliustrated in color; Christmas Gifts Worth "While, Children's Christmas Party, Christmas in Churcn and School, and several leading articles on other leading subjects, i all specially interesting to Mothers, Wives and Daughters. This gYéat number of the LADIES' HOME JOURNAL will be wanted id every bome in Kingston. Secure your extra coples early, as edition ia Hmited. PRICE ONLY 13¢ PER COPY. UGLO W'S Distributing Agents for Curtis Publishing Company, 141 PRINCESS STREET inne. GET OUR 'PRICES for Tin, Lead, Zine, Babbitt, Solder, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe. THE CANADA METAL CO, Limited, House of Hobberlin High Grade Tailors « are made to Your own measure by skilled cutters. style. A man is "well dressed' in one Habherlins Hovhertin's Garents have good of theic Suits or Overcoats. Hobheilin's Garments have good laings and are woll made. Hobberlin's Prices for Suit or Overcoat are from $18 to $35. Hobberlin's Agent for Kingston is THOS. LAMBERT, 157 Princess St {eatin When you're tired, What's more refreshing than a | delicious cup of LIPTON'S TEA It sustains cheers. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY SAA a 8 aera 50. Sweater Coats Men's regulff $asdng $2.00 Coats, all alges, in various combin- ation colors. 3 : YOUR CHOICE, $1.00 BACH, Bays' regular T5¢ and 90¢ cos ts, SOUR OHOICE, 50¢ EACH. Hoye' regula $1.04 and Bi 25 Thais Heavy wool, in Maroon and Gray and Rud aad Cmpy # YOU CHOIUE, 156 BACH. ' . AANA ~~ 75 Girls Dresses 75 Fitting ages 8 years to 14 years. Blue, Black, Brown and Cream Serges, heatly trimmed, lived throughout, well tatlored pelféct fitting, Values range from $5.00 to $7.50, & % [| THE DAILY i N D. A. GIVENS CHOSEN TO BE KINGSTON'S NEW CITY SOLICITOR. " E.C.~Mz. Givens Majority Over Each. buvid A. Givens is to be King: ston"s new city solicitor on the first of December, to succeed Donald M. Mcintyre, K.C., appointed chairman of the Ontario Railway Roard. He received the appointment at the hands of the city couneil on Monday night, and a by-law was passed, con- firming the same. The salary is | $900 a year. Mr. Givens retires an falderman, representing 38t. Lawrence ward. The appointment was made at the conclusion of the council meeting. There were three nominations made; in motion form. i Alds, Fair and Sutherland moved | that J. B. Walkem, K.C., be city sol feitor. Alds: Givens and MeCarthy moved in amendment that T. J. Rigney be appointed. Alds. Rigney and Shaw moved in; amendment to the amendment that] D. A, Givens be the solicitor. i Scme discussion had arisen as ta how the votes should be take Mr, Walkem jaddressed the council; anil said that he desired his name with- drawn if the vote was taken as sug | gested by the mayor-----that all three should be voted upon at once and the low candidate drop out after the first ballot. The mayor said he had been advised that this could be dove by the suspension of a rule. How: ever, council decided to take the vote | according to the erder of the resolu tions. On the amendment to the amend | ment, which was a vote betwee) | Aldd, Givens .ad Rigney, the forme won out by 10 to 6, as follows: Yeas-- Mayor Hoag and Alds. Arto- | | strong, Couper, Harrison, Littou Peters, Shaw, Stroud, = Sutherland (and Turkiagton.--10, Nays---Alds. Bailey, Elliott, Fai: Harty, Kent, MeCarthy.--8. Alds. Givens and Rigney asked ! bi excused from voting. The new amendment, with the ame of Ald. Givens substituted for that of Ald. Rigney, was then put, and ft earried by 11 to 6 as fellows Yeas--Mayor Hoag and Alds. Arm- strong, Bailey, Couper, Harrison, Lit ton, Peters, Shaw, Stroud, Suther- and Tarkington. --10. Nays--Alds. Elliott, Fair, Kent, McCarthy--=5, The appoinment of D. A. Givenn was made unanimous on motion of Alds. Rigney and Elliott. The e¢ity solicitor-elect thanked the couneil for the honor it had con ferred upon him and for its confi dence in him. He sald that his wiiole aim would be to act in the intaresta «i thé city, and made it clear that ro individual or corpora. tion could buy him to act otherwise than for the good of the citizens. The task before him was no sinecure, but he would endeavor to perform it to the best of his ability. DISTRICT CATTLE EXPORTS Harty, ¢ To United States in Month and Half Was $6,000, Tua mite the duty of 271% per cent. United States is a good market for good Ontario cattle, is the pith ot an article in the Toroalo Globe, And the reports of the Am erican consul for Yhis district, Felix 8. 8. Johnson, follows this out. 8« Jar, this quarter, the exporty of cattle from this district, have amounted to $6,000, and thore is ths half of this period io hear from yet This stands in contras" 1° $890 for October, November and De- cember of last year, and against $1411 for the twelve months of 1910. 'What profit must not the Am- erican live stock producer, - or those who handle it before it is sold on the markets across the line, make, when the Canadian producer can poy such a duty and still secure a good iprofit in this market. Owing to the vast population abnormal prices ican be secured. Foodstuffs are { cheap in the western states, so much that at times it pays to buy there On the other side, they have ot the room to produce live stock, and {Ontario has. In this province alone there are large areas well adapted (for the raising of cattle, | is situnted so that jt has unparalled {transportation facilities to the Can- {adiar and American markets. «Yet Jwith markets af hand which ars high {Above the Furopean basis, theses iareas.are lying vacant. A few mer iare waking up to this situation and. la little ranching Is beginiing In tho inorthern countiea of Ontario. | i Weites in Appealing Fashion. | { The Hurley Printing company, of { Brantford, Ont, has issued a {did story entitled "A Rebellion," story of the Red River rohellion, by F. D. Reville. 16 is dedicated to his j wife and acts forth very lucidly an in: { teresting story of the Red River up riving, the life of the prisoners in Fort {Garry and the execution of Sent: ane given. re Revil gracefl { The Other Nominees Were Ald T.| J. Rigney and J. B. Walkem, Had a Clesr! Nor is the end, here ""the refusal of the commissioner The nnd: he 'sn. and Lhat when taken with it splen- | The postmastér-general, a! TWEED POSTHASTER REMARKABLE ATTITUDE AD- OPTED BY THE DEPARTMENT, Commissioner's Letter--An Extra. | ordinary Letter Also Received port Talled ito EYoperate Mr. Murphy --Review of the Case, i Tweed, Oni, Nov. 15 SJames Mur § phy, the postmaster here for ten years, has been dismissed. A period of pear ly seven motiths has elapsed from the laying of the charge of partizanship against him. During all this time Mr. Pelletisr has vacillated between acting on the pressure of the office-seekers, or according to Mr. Botden's oit-pro- claimed policy of 'no spoils system." | yet, for so! fagrant a case 'will undoubtedly be. sired on the floor of the house. The! history of this case is so peculiar that it deserved the widest publicity. i The predecessor of Mr. Murphy was | a brother of Sir Mackenzie Bowell, a strong tory. Nevertheless in 1596 the liberals made no effort to oust him. | He held the position until 1902, when advancing years caused his retire | ment. i Mr. Murphy was then appointed, | and nothing was heard against him | until after September 2st, 1911. The charge was then made that he bad | taken so active a part in polities that | he deserved instant dismissal. But the agitators, for a change, were op- posed by some of the most prominent | conservatives in Tweed. They repre s*nted to Mr. Northrup, the member, that Mr. Murphy had taken mo part in politics, and that they desired no American spoils system nor sordid politics in their riding. This stop- ped the instant dismissal scheme. But a new way was found. In spite of the opposition of certain life-long con- servatives, the local association for: warded to the department a vague | charge of "political partizanship, sed | the further remarkable charge that Mr. Murphy had voted against local option in the municipal elections in 1912. An active conservative, J, F. Wills, of Belleville, was appointed to make a "judicial investigation" of the charges. The inquiry lasted from May 30th to June 2ist, and every ! dffort was made by those in charge to discover some one act of political par.icanship. No single act could be pointed out. The charges were of the vaguest and most flimsy charac ter and were in each case specificial- ly and definitely denied by impartial witnesses. Several prominent con- servatives came forward to testify that they had no objection whatever to Mr. Murphy and the liberals. call- ed in by' the prosecution in a desper- ate attempt to discover some oli-. tical act of which those who laid the chamze were unaware, testified that Mr. Murphy had taken no active part in politics; that he had attended no cancusus of the, liberal party nor of any committee, and that he was not n member of the East Hastings Liberal Association, These facts are set out im the evidence commissioner. The . to | permit Mr. Murphy's counsel to sum up the evidence, on the ground that ! the department itself would act on the evidence, The commissioner sla- | »d that he would make no report on the evidence, but would merely transmit it to the department. After the investigation the opinion in Tweed was that as the prosecution had failed to substantiate the charge nothing more would be heard of the matter. Four months passed, then Mr. Murphy received an oxtrgorditiary letter from the department, saying that the report of the commissioner had "failed to exomerate him." Sub- | sequently, however, the department took the ground that the dismissal | was because the commissioner had reported that the charges were fairly substantiated. J. lL. #uncan, counsel for Mr. Mur phy, at once communicated with the commissioner reminding him of his statement and asking him whether he had made a report. The reply wus, in part: "I have 'nothing 10 do with he: dismissal of Mr. Murphy. The evidence as given was duly sent in, and the depagtment has dealt with it. That is & matter entirely for the depart meni, and they have acted in accord- ance with the evidence sent in." { Counsel thereupon repeated a west | bad made before to be" allowed to! review the evidence to the postmaster general, pointing out that the evi-' dence established beyond a peradven-: tute that Mr. Murphy had taken no part in. polities; that counsel Kel had no opportunity to review the evidence; that the commissioner, who had em- phatically and clearly stated he would make no ort, had apparently one had sent a letter which appeared to state he had not made a report. however, after considerable delay, has vielded to the importunities of the office-seek. ers, has decided "to set in accordance with the report," and has dismissed Mr. Murphy. This is not s case in which there can be two opinions; for Mr. Murphy has from the commis! sioner himself a copy of the evidence Tot | for, guarant $2.00 takin hy the J investigation concluded = with JAMES REID' S tions From the Uepariment Saying Res % $5.00 and $6.00. GOOD SHOES -==-FOR~-- MEN AND YOUNG MEN See the Heavy Tans-$4 00 4 530 500 We also show a big range of Calfskin Shoes at $4.00. 4. The Invictus Dry Sox at $6.00 is the Shoe of to-day, also Men's Rubber Sole and Heels, leather lined Shoes at $6.00. ABERNETHY'S craps FOR THAT CHRISTMAS PRESENT SOMETHING THAT HAS A LAST. ING EFFECT. Suitable, Durable and reliable, FANCY PARLOR CHAIRS and ROCKERS. J i] ~ ] 4 HALL SEATS, HALL MIRRORS. Your Purchases Stored. The Leading Unde t: ker. i hone 147 IN MARINE CIRCLES i MARINE LAW WILL BE STRICT | LY CARRIED OUT | Hiring on the Vessels Next Summer -- Great Beal of Trouble Experienced With Men During Present Season ~The Movements of Vessels le ported. A promineni marine man stated to the Whig, on Monday, that owing to the great amount of trouble compan- jes had experienced with their hel this season, that mext season - woul see the companies very strict in the carrying out of the marine law re garding men engaged, who did not hve up to the law. "fle said that the men would have to si the necessary papers which would bind them for the season, and that the men would be unable to de sert the vessels al any port they de sired--at least if they did, there would be trouble for them. "We have been too lenient with the men," added another marine man, "with the result that the owners have had to suffer. This has been the worst semson in years to secure help. Men have hired on vessels and before they made s round trip, have jumped the boat. And with such a greal scar city of help, it has been a very hard job to fill the vacant places." 'There are certain rules and regula which men hiring on vessels must live up to, il the contracts are drawn up; and the companies will take this means of protecting themselves. The scarcity of men has been a great drawback to vessel owners. Ser- ous delays have resulted from lack of help. Kwvecy captain coming into port has a hard-luck story to tell about the securing. of men. Many & man is sired to go on a vessel, but when the time comes for the boat to clear, he is conspicuous by his absence. Regarding Men Movements of Vessels. About four hundred thousand bush el: oi gram were handled at the M. 1. Co.'s elevator within the last twenty four hours. Monday was 8 big Say at; the eisvator. The steamer Alexandria was at Fol ¥ whari on Tuesday worming from Moir's Chocolates Freeh » hierzies ougatines - Whipped Cream SAKEL Next to Opera House tl i 50c a Ib. S yo J 50c a Ib. 1.' . 50¢ a Ib. Phone WHEN PEOPLE THINK OF GOOD BREAD They always think of © Ring up Phone liveryman will call. * Toye's Bread." No. 467 and our de Eh R. H. TOYE & CO. (British Whig Publishing Co,, Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, Clothiers, Hatters, F Florists, Bakers, Druggists, for Milliners, Tailors. urriers,- Confectioners, Grocers, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- ware, Stationers, Ete. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every deseription made to order Estimates Office and Factory: Furnished. King Street West 'PHONE 883 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. from Bellevilly t6 load $fope at penitentiary for loremto, Fhe stesmer Iroquois, unloading grain at ichardson's elevator, cleus ed Monday might for the upper lakes. | The schooner Julia 8B. Merrill js in] port. New spars are being put in the vessel. | the | the steamer Dundurm was due dows on Tuesday. The steamer Alpxandria Monday night I'he steamer Majostic passed up Mon- day night. at passed 4 up The steamer Buena Vista coaled Swift's on Tuesday. Ihe steamer Aletha made her down and up the bay on Tuesday. ------ c------ trip fire insurance protection get it? the established rates why not demand VETPYTYYY Is It Not a Pity? Toronte World Fhete are 3,000 people dying of con- sumption in Ontario every yess A num of gentlemen are getting » million dollars together as 8 memorial to King Edward to assist in stamp og out this plague. Up to date there bas. only been diseovered one man who 3 lifts his voice agwinst the effort. He wills be thought abowt at 3,000 funer- als ext year Get What. You Pay For. Yoy pay a pramium for first-class Why not I you are willing to pay St. Nicholas' Clothes Line will have the best policy your money will buy ¥ a dull papply of attractive Christmas day, 230 p.m Miss Lita Chown, Kingston, are the guests Miss Mattie Hobertson, Feterburo . Enrl Bowman, Princess street, has returned after spending a few days at) Sith 's Falls. ofl {You want novelties 'at the tea and sale, Syden. Strongest company. hm Street Methodist chureh, Thurs With _saything inferior. 4 'sn policy in the Liverpool & Henderson! and Miss May & Globe, thé protector of the Do not put Insist upon London Agents, Sirange & Strange. i Miss Florence Meheod, B.A, 1), and Miss I'nompson, Madoc, were wm the erty bor the medics) dance. TON KINGS = ENDING money to 2ny pont in p Canada, the Unite! Sain " Emope » wie. economical su: expeditions when this Bad's dros end moey orfus ave wed BRANCH, N pl