~The Daily Brit TAR Tomo. at 79-50. 271 T0 TREAT WITH sh TURKEY WITHOUT INTERVENTION Balkans Notify and Thank the Great Powers . -------- WiLL BE DRASTIC, IT IS WELL KNOWN. A King of Bulgaria Invites a Noted Bavarian Doctor to Combat the Cholers ~~ Ravages--Russia Has Suspended Mobilization. Sofia, Ba Nov. 20, ~The reply seat to the teh of the grand vizier to King Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, says : "The Bulgarian government, after afument with the allied cabinets Bervia, Montenegro and Greece, informs the porte that plenipotentar- ies have been appointed with instru- ctions to arrange with the comman- der-in-chief of the Turkish armies the conditions of an armistice, and subsequently to Proceed to the con- clusion of peace." That the terms of the vistors will be drastic is known, but the Euro- pesn powers are doing their utmost to make them lesz harsh than was at first mooted, without attempting to rob the Balkan confederacy of fruits of its month's war, With the jealous eyes of Russia on cence enquiring may expect out of the "hoi. to observers to be inducement for the allied Balkan nations to keep Hein demands within moderate Tim- | imultansonly with the despatch to the grand vizier of their agree ment to Stpoish Hus: peace planipotentinr- , the allied Dalkan nations notified Constantinople, Nov. 20.~Following a consultation between the Sultan and the Sheik-Ul-lslam to-day the latter sanctioned the burning of the cholera vietims. Ho acted in deference to the wishos Berlin, Nov. 20.-It is reported that cholers and typhts are causing fearful ravages in the Bulgarian radks. br. & well-known physician, ; Upper Mavaria, has telegram from King Fer Bulgaria, asking him to compatible with the ity of Turkey, accord: despatch from Con- the i - GEN. JOSE MAKNUEL HERNANDEZ, Who aspires to be president of } Venezuela. He is leading a movement to overthrow President Gomes, REGARD CANADA'S NAVY WITH MUCH SUSPICION Why Recnits Are Scarce-No Pre- parations For Accommedation or Training. London, Nov, 20.--A Portsmouth correspondent says pensioners and fleet reserve men are fighting shy of offers to join the Canadian navy, and asserts that the real! cause of the trouble is that Canada iz trying parations for the men's training and accommodation. The Evening News gives these assertions considerable prominence. The correspondent says that men who went out in the Niobe and Rain- bow were picked men, hoping to fill the position of Mstructors. They found nothing ready for them and the recruits who presented them- selves in the bellef that they would recive tralning on a man-of-wa' found themselves limited to am oid fishing schooner. The Canadian recruits' dissa'istac tion has reached the ears of. B'ilish who Shnsequetitly regard the ] Caadin navy extrenfely suspicinne- iy. Ll 1 WAR IS ENDED, London, Nov. 20.--Berlin, St. Petersburg, Paris and other European centres of diplomacy express confidence to-day that the war is practi- cally ended. The great dgnger is that the Balkans will fight among themselves for possession of the con- quered territory. The Ser- vian-Austrian situation is improved somewhat to-day, PEP 20 400 P Ib" ia SPL 00005000007 FEWER rePns EXCUSED, New York Jusisting on Physical Training in Scheels. New York, Nov. 20 --Gradually the schools are beginning to realize more and more the necessity for keeping their pupils in good physical condition, and so the high schools of this city are careful not to excuse any boya or-giris from the course: required in physical training, except in extreme cases. Dr. C. Ward ing, finds that, after several years' { eo-cperation with private physicians | tbroughout the city, few of the school children weed be excused from work in the gymnasiums and play- grounds because of serious physical defects or ailments. APP 42224440 40 i] to start a navy without proper pre-{ a Crampton, directc: of physical train. ; KIN GSTON, -- GRUMBLE AT KING GEORGE. Resent Lack of Information Ab~ ud Royalty's Doings. London, Nov. NM, -- King George is discovering, like so many crowned and uncrowned head betore bim, how dif ficult it is to please everybody. Not so long ago some of his sub jects were severely criticizing him for being too fond of newspaper publicity, now he is being blamed for just the reverse, "Considerable dissatisfaction," writ- es a society correspondent, "is shown that so little is being made public of the doings of their majesties. All the papers that formerly recorded such news are absolutefy debarred irom any information whatsoever." P4909 90900 CARRIED OUT BABY, Boston, Nov. 20. --Five- year-old Fred Dolan carried ~a& four-months-old child dowa two flights of smoke-filled and flame-lighted stairs to safety last night in a fire In a lodging-house in the Charlestown district, whieh cost one man his life and caused probably fatal Injuries to two other persons. | SPP 23 49008040 00 WRONG MAN HANGED? Judicial Inquiry to Clear Up a Georgian Rumor, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 20.--~Was Leonard Lewis, sentenced to' four years on the state farm for burglary, hanged last Friday at Douglasville, Pa., by mistake for Leonard Lewis, who was sentended to be executed for murder? They looked alike and a judicial inquiry has been or- dered to clear up nasty rumors. The live man declares he is. the burglar. Lady Missionary Spoke. Miss Agnes Sproule, a missionary to the lumbermen in northern Ontario, spake to the members of Bethel church in their lecture hall on her work in that section of the country. Miss Sproule was sent o.t fourteen years by the W.U.1.U, and is meeting with every kind of success. Although she has been the only woman mission- ary in that country, the lumbermen have always treated her well. The members of Bethel church were grate ful to Miss Sproule for her most in- teresting address. Six Years for Manslaughter. Montreal, Nov. MN. -- Wentworth Moseby, accused of having murdered | William Biles, a waiter at Dominion Pork, im a fight last summer, was yes- terday sentenced' to six years' impris- onment, the jury having brought ina verdiot of manslaughter. DREW LOTS IN HAVANA IN ANARCHIST PLOT Spanish Police Nave Learned About the Assassination of Premier Madrid, Nov. 2. -- The police 'an. nounce that their investigations show that the assassination «f Premier Canalejas was the result of a plot ar- ranged in Havana during the course of a recent meeting of "international anarchists. It was intended to throw a bomb at the ministerial bench dur- ing the sitting of the Cortes. Manuel 1'ardinas drew the lot to exe cute the design, but apparently he was most unwithing, and," knowing "that he was watched by other anarchists, he did his utmost to have himself arresi- od. Finding that this was vain, he decided to kill the Spanish premier, so a8 not to be killed by his. comrades, and, {ailing to a_eap, he committed suicide. PITH OF V OF WORLD NEWS. From Telegraphic Despatches and Newspaper Exchanges. The Ottaws-Toronto line of the CNR. will nol bein operation before pext spring. The mew battle eruiser New Zealand, built at the cost of the New Zealand government, has been commissioned. Chief of Police R. F. Chamberlain, of Vancouver, has resigned to take a L.P.R. at Montreal. Allan Fanning, of Quebec, found a fnvale while playing in his home, and accidentally Shas a and killed his wes, has ho Mack enn, now the president University of of Idaho. He is a Cana: ian. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, PITH OF NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. THE LATEST TIDINGS PRESENTED IN THE BRIEVEST POSSITLE FORM. The Whig's Daily Uondensation of the News of the Wortd From Tele- graph Sérvice snd Newspaper Ex. changes. ; The Advisory Industrial Commit- tee, Toreanto, will ask government aid for the new technical schusl The Methodist Boeidl Union and the Fred Victor Mission wnited un- dér the name of the Toronto Meth- odist Union Queen Alexandia sent a contribu- tion to the Bishop of Saskatchewan towards the erection of a~thurch at Lloydminster. Rev. Thomas McKee of Barrie, onc of the oldest public school inspee-4 tors in the province, has resigned, Edwin Longman being appointed his successor. Mrs. W. Johnson, of Menominie, Wis., suffering from a rodent ulcer on her left arm, is in a hospital in Chicago with her arm strapped ir plaster to a living puppy This 'is a remarkable effort on the part of surgeons to save the woman's life, ---------- BRYAN of stare in the Wiison, provid. WILLIAM ¥ Will be US secretary rabinet of Woodrow ing he accepts SEVEN NEW SENATORS, Another to be Chosen After Open- ing of Session, Ottawa, Nov. 2. --1he six senator ial vacancies Irom Nova Neotia and Prince Edward Island have been filled, after considerable difficulty on the part of Premier Borden in deciding how to distribute six plums among af score of applicants. The new senators frém Nova Scotia, in succession te the late Senators Hell, Comean, Ross, Miller and Mackay, are respectively W. 1} Hoss, K.U., of Middleton; E. I. Gn roir, M.1.P., for Astigonish; William Dennis, proprietor of the Halifax Hes. ald; Dr. W. Mackiy, of Cape Breton, ex-M.P.V., and foymer conservative leader in the Nova Scotia legislature, and Nathaniel Curry of Amherst, the millionaice coax urer.. and ex president of the Canadian Mant facture ers' associalioh The Prince khdward island vacancy succession to the late Senator Mae- donald has been filled by the appoint. ment of Dr. P. UC. Murphy of Tignish, the unsuccessful conservative candi date in Prince county at the last clee- ton, Une other senatorial appointment will have to be made shortly, when the seat of Semator Sullivan, of King: ston = formally declared vacant by the senate at the opening of the ses sion. Sémator Sullivan has been ab sent for two sessions, aud therefore forfeits his seat. It is understood the appointment will go to a wesigen On tario man. nnd Alexander Maclaren, the mujlionaire cheese manufacturer, is slated for the position. J 1912. ASSESSMENT REFORM. Legislature Committee is Meéting in Toronto, Toronto, Nov. 20.--A determined and vigorous fight ta adjum the as sessment Taw to meet modern condi. tions was instituted before a special commitiee of the legislature to deal with proposed amendments to the assessment law, which met at the par- lament buildings yesterday. The com- mittee was appointed by the legisla. ture last session, and had referred to it two bills, one hy N. W. Rowell, leader of the opposition, and the oth- er by J. A. Fllis, M.P.P., jon West Ottawa, both desigued-10 give muni- cipalities local option in cvempling improvements to property, such as { buildings, eta. Various speakers who appeared be fore the committee urged at the law be amended so as to exempt im- provements to land, and make the land bear the taxes. The evils of land speculation brought special con- demnation from the labor men, who declardd that workingmen were to day prevented from mamying and having homes because they could not ajiord to have their own houses. . The retail merchants omplained that the t business tax was unfair and it should be reduced. The retailers were bearing too large a portion of the taxes. A reduction of $the business tax would be welcomed by ninety-five per cent. of the retail- jars. WHAT WOULD FOLLOW The Workers Would Refuse to Supply the Munitious in] Provisions of War. Rochester, N.Y., Nov. 20.~That war between any great powers is impos- gible, and especially between Great | Britain and the United States, was emphasized, last night, by President Samuel Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor, who stated that immediately war was declared, the in national union" workers all over the world would refuse to supply muni: tions or provisions of war, thus mak ing its continuance impossible, Brit- ish and Canadian delegates endorsed this assertion. Sees Her Husband Die. Montreal, Nov. 20.--A Point 'Du Chepe farmer, going to ask a neigh. bor named Raymond Lamarche help him, found Lamarche's dead oa. in the woods, yesterday, with the widow lying beside it in a hali-craved condition clasping a little ¢hild in her ams, Lamarche was taken ill with pneu- mionia, and, as his wife was unable, on account of the distance; to go by herself to the nearest village for a doctor, he tried to walk there with her aid. Assassin Lived im Canada. Haniilton, Nov. 20.--Levantes Coril- ligs, 16 Harriet street, is the auth- ority for the statement that Manuel Pardinas Serato, who shot down the Spanish premier, lived in Hamilton for fifteen months. | Serato left here about three vears ago to go to Cubm. While here be liv- ed on Francis street, and was employ- ed at the steel plant. Police Court Cases. stil in Tor retain to the Magisicate Farrell is ronto, but will likéle jeity by Friday noon. At the of lice court, Wodresday morning, Mayor Hoag presided and further adjourned some cases until. the maygieisote ar vives home. MANIAC WITH BOMB TERRORIZES THOUSANDS Dynamite Seized in Los Angeles Police Station--Bravery of 2 Detective. Los Angeles, Nov. 20 ~Armed with an infernal machine containing en: ough dynamite to destroy an entire city block, a bottle of nitto glycerine apd a forty-fivecalibre revolver, a masked maniac took possession of the Cenjral police station, yesterday, snd held it for more than an hour, while hundreds of occupants of the building and those for blocks around, pane stricken, sought safety in in distance, When Detective James Hosick knock: «d the man usconscious with & leather "hilly"" after: slipping wp behind him, the fuse of the infernal machine was antomatically igamited, but Detective = Yas grabbed: the box, with its fuse sharply sputtering, and it into the street Sticks of high power dynamite scat- tered over the pavement, while hug deeds of Rote stood apparently nak ol chanée there was LAST pe ---- THE LIBERAL POLICY BE MAINTAINED WILL ITS NAVY (QUESTION WHAT IS ITS PROPOSALS MUST FIRST BE DECLARED, The Liberals are Resting on Their DECLARATION OF WAR: Oars and Waiting for Things to Develop--This is the Birthday of the Mustrious and Well-beloved Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Epecial to the Whig Ottawa, Nov. ).--Early arrivals in the liberal camp are thorgughly sa- tisfied with the outlook for the ses sion. As far as the naval question is concerned they have nothing to fear, The country know their policy and from that policy they do not pro pose to deviate. Until the policy of the government is given to the house they have nothing to say. They are simply resting on their oars and wait for things to develop. his is Sir Wilfrid Laurier's seven: ty-first bimhday and that Canada bas not forgotten it is evidenced by a sheaf of letters and telegrams which were waiting for him in his office early this morning, The veteram "chief" goes into this session in the best of health and has been very busy for the last two or three days shaking hands with his followers as they dropped into his office to renew their allegiance N Activity on Parliament Hill Ottawa, Nov. #.---There is an at mosphere of activity on parliament hill. Finishing touches are lping put on legislative halls by the builds and decorators. A mild bright morn ing brought members to the hill in groups, and. scattered ones and twos, There is not a doubt in the world that the largest assembly of people » ever witnessed an opening will be tickets to the red chamber early Much speculatian is vile as tc legislation which, will be toreshagbwed from the speech from the throng. It is in nearly all cases a mon- committal dovumend, but it is believed that sev. eral important constructive wmensures at least will be hinted at in ite pages. The people of Canada will be informed that it is the intention of parliament to consider the naval pol icy for tie dominion. Ilis Royal Highness will express his gratification at the satisfactory con summation treaty with the West Ind- ies and will announce that parliament wit be called upon to gratify the same at an early date inthe session Im portant amendments in the Hank Act will be forecasted and also a general revision of the Railway Act, it i= also probable that mention | will be made of the government 8 in tention to submit to parliament the tarilf commission and highways' hill which were thrown out after a dis puty between the upper and the lowe chambers last No particular revigion «¥F the however, be forecasted An-eurky Jeature of the seaon wal) be an order from an opposition mem ber asking that correspandensy fond ing up to and bearing upon the resiy pation of Hon. ¥F. Db. Monk from the cabinet, be brought down, and it believed that both Premier Borden and Mr. Monk will deliver thew nis at an early date PR, Selon tarifi will Staten SPANKIE As Inspector oA Schools Frontenac" WILL REMAIN for South The Frontena would like to have the Ontario Ik partment of Fducation reéonsider the case of Dr. William Spankie, and agree to retain him as inspector of South Frontenae. The council does not want to accept his resignation if it ean possibly help it, as the people of the county ate strong for the retention of the veteran school inspector. It was stated on Wednesday that there wae a good chance of the departivent agreeing to Dr. Spankie being con tinued in office for a further period At present the premier and the min ister of education are in Europe, and $0 is the provincial inspector. Some arrangement may be made, it is sad, whereby the County Council will not fill the position st present. County Council ' What Must Come. If the pressure becomes very strong in connection with railway matters, the Grand Trunk, to meet the condi tions that will undoubtedly follow in a few™years, will have to do as is done ia Hamilton, res their trains in and gat of the city over a branch line. This will have to be the out come if better arrangements sare not made for the railway getting doser 10 the heart of the city. At Hawilion all trains for the west and all west. ern trains for Toronto, back inio the Stuart street station snd handle al! their passenger busines in that way! Murvale Church Re-Opened. The Methodist church st Morvale was formerly on Tuesday evening. Re, . John Waddell, A the shares, is deotog good "district. For od LAURIER his seventy first birthday oi Wednesday A HOSTLER DEAD, | He Had Geen Despondent for Some Days Past. Smith's Falls, Ont., Nov, 20.-A young man, named Waller Francis, was found dead in the Swale, here, this morning, and it is believed hy committed suicide, The deceased had been employed as a hostler at the Rideau Hotel for the past four years and, this morning, he got up at the usual hour and attended to his duties. He did not come into breakiast, how. ever. Nothing more was spon of him until , bis dead body was found. Francis had spent Sunday in Montreal and since his return he appéarad to be very despondent He was twenty eight years of age and unmarried. 5 3 3 | 3 3 UF LOST HIS DEPOSIT, Montreal, Nov ~Hon. Louls Coderre, the new secre- tary of state, was elected in Hochelaga by a majority of twenty-four hundred. BHoyon, his opponent, lost his de posit LH PEPE SPE O NY tebe ee 5 | nn ims e TWO MEN KILLED When a Light Freight ' Motor Car. Winniney, Nov. 0.--A light freight struck a motor car and hand car this morning, about two miles west of Whitemouth Manitoba twa men instaptly killed and othems : ese jomping.. The dead ave 2 Charles Newles. merchant, Whites mouth: FV, FE. Nex, searetary-treasurs er of the municipality They have relatives in Ontario 5 Six Years for Manslaughter. Montreal, Nov Wentworth Moseby, accused of having murdered Rittinm Pales, walter al Dominion s fight jast summer, Was Xx yess' imprisonment, brought in a verdiel » Struck» ware caped by 20. ' 7s in ! note dd tos i the hry ins fof man laugh! | Rugby Player Has Samnlipox: be Atanas HL cughy wg to Hamilton Lem, instead of Kingwton, will go' without one Gordon Willis, wha in land, suffering with = next Nalurda of Ha amber artes |e ol smalipox ut ort attack A quiet bul interesting solemmived in Brockville, on Tuesday, when Miss Ella Driscoll, of Meericks ville, was united in marriage Cliff, Pennock, s prominent business man of Elgin George W. "Mason, senior the firm of 6. W. Nason Lighers of the Prescott Jo tically ill BORN. ding wn to 1, young member of son, pale urnal, is 8 STOVES AND RANGES. 'Faons 95. Arriving Daily SEEDED RAISINS, NEW SEEDLESS RAISING, NEW CUREANTS, | PEELS. | PRUNES, New - NEW GOODS - which wages Y The best lot we have a; dca Drussers, a Stange and Pods. x og fine. Heasonable prices. At