Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1912, p. 5

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_ HOLIDAY OPENING CHRI! MAS CARDS "gow f forw irdand our skow casbs and tables will repay your inspection. Beautiful Xmas Cards from all the lading makers of the world. Rvery line NEW. Exclusive Designs. 87 We advise making selections early and secure a share of these artistic Christmas Card Novelties, R. UGLOW & COMPANY THE = BANK 'OF COMMERCE HAS INSTALLED SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. 'a ' LODGE YOUR Wills, Title Deeds, Mortgages, Insurance Policies or other valuables in one of these boxes m-- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO . "A NEW EPOCH IN LIFE INSURANCE " to quote the Toronto Star, was inaugurated in the incor- poration of the POLICY-OLDERS' MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE (CO. And toquote a leading insurance expert of Ontario, "The Com- pany is bound fo be a huge success as soon as the public un- srstands ite system." This prediction is fast coming true, as the years move on. Lile insurance---safe, sound and economi- cal---is the guiding principle of the directors. Their motto ! ,... Policy-holder must be protected." You'll be interested in Policy. "Just 2a: Comparison' --free, Holders' Mutual Life Insurance C Co. TEMPLE BUILDING, TORO THM 4 the finance "imous opinion of FACTS THAT MEAN MONEY NDON is the Banking Centre. NDON is the Wholesale Centre. DAN is the Educational Centre. . N is the Retail Centre. BRANDON is the Railway Centre, BRANDON is the Wheat Centre. BRANDON fs the Industrial Centre of an area larger than the Repubife of France. AMPSON GROVE is in direct line with Brandon's demand for a ih Ch 'residential saction. The property is charmingly located overlooking the Deauth ful Assiniboine River. This view has been considered by sight- seers to be one of the finest on the Continent of America. . arate investment in Sampson's Grove means large and. sute Cakh wc EL Fnaces : Easy terms. from Sion Views of anion and Vicinity, write or call. STANDARD OANADIAN INVESTMENTS, LIMITED Room 22, Standard Stock Exchange Building, Toronto. 4 » THE DATLY FEITISH WHIC, WE DVTSBAY, XOVEMRUR 20, "foro. EE ------------ THE HAL HALLS OF QUEEN'S | ATHLETIC COMMITTEE WANTS CONTROL: OF THE RINK, And Asks the Board of Trustees to' Grant it--The Students Have! Found That the Rink Has Been al Very Paying Proposition. A copy of the following resolution, formulated by the athletic commit tee, has been sent to each member of | committees of the board of trustees at Queen's : "The athletic committee of Qdeen's | university, Supports by the usani- the lent body, {as expressed in the Alma Mater So- |ciety, hereby requests the trustees to revoke the lease granted for skating rink. The students are una- nimously of the opinion that the ath. letic committees should have con- ttol of the rink this year, if possible, ! and the finance eCaaitter last spring. The students can see no rea- ton why this agreement should not have been carried out. Owing to the nearness of the skating season the matter should be settled at onbe." Information has come to light that the gross earnings of the rink last year amounted to $7,800, with a net profit of $4,900, which proves that the rink would be a valunble asset to the university, especially as a means of paying off the $14,000 debt on the gymnasium and of affording revenue to improve the athletic grounds, $4,000 being requimd for that purpose. Reorganization meetings of both the French and German clubs were held recently and the programme outlined for the season. The aim of the clubs is to cultivate a taste for and facility in the "foster mother tongues" and so supplement the mo- dern language courses. The programme committees of the French class includes Miss Price, Miss Sinclain, Mr. Shaw and Mr. Weber (convenor). That of the Gemnan club comprises the following : Miss Stocks, Miss Goodwin, Miss Chown, Messrs. Girdler, Rielly and Weber (con- venor.). At the Arts Tuesday afternoon, a communication was received from Guy McFarlane, re signing from the office of captain of the aris faculty rugby team, owing to the fact that he was disqualified, by having played on the first rugby team. The Arts Dinner committee was: ap- pointed. The convenors are: Invita- tion, Mr. Pilgrim; reception, S. Rut: lédge; dinner, Mr. Williscroft; i Chown; programme, J. W. It was decided to have am arts dance alter the New Year. S. Rut- ledge was appointed ag general con: venor and was given power to choose : sub-convenors to work with! monitor of the arts Jeading was granted an increase of $I making his salary $50 per annum. i Arts '15 defeated arts '16 in an in- teresting game of ry ed series, on Th y afternoon, on | the lower campus, by a score of 15 to 2. The hali time score was 8 to © for '15. Mackenzie and White starred for '15, and Elliott for '16. Referee | the game impartially. He spent the summer 'on a mission | Prof. Jordan delivered another of | his lectures to the class in Bible | study, on Tuesday, at 4 pm. The subject taken was "Cain and Abel." Prof. Gwiilim gave a most interest ing lecture on the subject, *'Some As- | s of Nature," to the Phil Socisty; on Monday, at 5 p.m. The medical 'dance committee held its ' final meeting last night, to settle the accountsjand prepare its report for the Aesculapian Sociely, as well as receive the reports from the difigrent ittees. From all indications -the Rebuilding Sale Thisis a good od. opportunity to save my of fufniture. ng the next two weeks will "offer extra dance was financially a success and credit is due to Gi. N. Urie and the affair was managed. The MeUlement cup, the object for assodiation football have been in view in the secretary of athletic's | office. ty, composed of a wide ehony base for | thé winner's shields and a silver cap | of classic style having engraved on: its side the seal of the mniversity, | enscribed "Queen's University Interfac- ulty Association Football." The gymnasiom ai the college is greatly ted by the students this year and the voluntary " tors oi the this convention for Kingston. {year there is keem competition for | Society meeting, on ' decora- | Pound and Umpire Burkett handled at | November 21st. Mr: Lees, arts '15, has returned to | college, to resume his studies inarts. | field in the west. i which all the much-talked of games in| layed, | i WILL BE BEST EVER ' p10 CONVENTION OF DAIRYMEN HERE IN JANUARY. T. A. Thompson, Secretary, \rrang- ing. for Annual Gathering Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Association 'Meetings Will be Held gates Expected. T. A. Thompsvn, of Almonte, secre- tary of the Eastern - Ontario Dwiry- men's Association, is in the city, making arrangements for the annual convention of this association, which will be held in Kingston on Jan. sth, 9th and 10th. He was met by Joseph Mc(irath, ome of the direc » association, and a lead- mg member of the Frontenac cheese board "We expect the convention here in January - will be the best in the his- tory of the association." said Mr. Thomp to a rey ative of the Whig. Mr. Thompson is busily en- gaged in prranging 'the programme for the meetings. Some of the best 'speakers on the dairy question will be present, and the sessions will be of great value to all engaged in the dairy business. 'Arrangements have been made for the meetings to be held in the city hall and the delegates will be wel: comed by the mayor. It is expected that several hundred delegates will be attracted to the city. The dairymen of this district have been trying for some years to get Every it but this year a strong deputation, headed by Mayor Hoag, attended the moeting of the executive of the sociation held in Toronto, in - tember last, and succeeded in landing the convention. Mayor Hoag had with him on the deputation Anthony Rankin, M.P.P., Frontemac county, G. G. Publow, chief dairy instructor, and Josaph McGrath. The deputation able put forth the elaims of Kingston and the sur rounding district, with the result that the invitation extended to the as- sociation to convene here was accept- Endorses Hallock Theory. Mme. Macy Hallock, who plays at the Grand Opera House Monday, No- vember 25th, must be reckoned among the greatest of her calling. Her play- ing is pronouncedly individual and in it her Oriental ancestry is 'clearly re vealed for it is _intinct with poetry and warmth, sod characterized by a i remarkable psychic power. Tha pianiste has also gained fame hy her various wrilings on musical and verbal rhythm. No less an authority than the Am- erican Medicine Magazine says: "A new and interesting dependence of the rhythm of human and animal life upon the physiologic pulse has been suggested by Mary Hallock, the Phila- deiphia innate. Music is an almost peciect illustration of the direct crea- tive cliort of the human brain, and Mme. Hallock has opened up a valu- jable field of study." by in the match. | The performer's explanations of her {programme are so simple that listen- trs are hardly conscious of the fact that they are heari a philosophy ! which required years concentration and hard workito oe. Plan open the box office Thursday morning, Preacher "Qu HQuarried Out." Rev. John Webster, pastor of Brock | Stredt Methodist chureh, made amus- ing reference to his boyhood home and early religious instruction, ia Princess Street Methodist church, on Tuesday | evening. He said, in part, that he owed evesything to Lhe early Meth- odist preachers, who travelled in the saddle and ministered to his com- munity when he was a youth. He be. +hioved that if he had not heen a Meth. jodist he would have been a heathen, | because there were no other preachers in that part of the country. He declared that a number oi law- yers and doctors had been "quarrigd out" of that part of the country, but more preachers than any others have been the fruits of the quarry opera- | tions. committee for the able way in which | WHEN YOUR CHILD GETS CONSTIPATED I'he cup, presented by Profes- | sor Mcllements, is very neat and pret- Cleanse It's Little Stomach, Liver and Bowels With "Syrup of Figs." Look at the tongue, mother! [i Souted, it's a sure sign that your little one's insides, the stomach, liver and thirty feet of bowels are clogged up with putrifying waste mat- ter and need a gentle, thorough clean- sing at ones. -- . four "caild is listless, droop- pale, dpesa't sleep undly or (oat heartily or is cross, Yrritable, i" in City Hall -- Several Hundred Dele-! The Leatin ; Undertaker. Tthe time of $5.00 2nd $6.00. 00D SHOES MEN AND YOUNG NEN See the Heavy Tans-- $4.00 450 500. We also show a big range of Calfskin. Shoes at $4.00, 4. 3 . The Invictus Dry Sox at $6.00 is the Bhoe of to-day, also Men's Rubber Sole and Heels, leather lined Shoes at $6 00 _ABERNETHY'S FOR THAT CHRISTMAS PRESENT SOMETHING THAT HAS A or ING EFFECT. Suitable, Durable and reliable, FANCY PARLOR CHAIRS and ROCKERS, E - a 4 HALL SEATS, HALL MIRRORS. Your Purchases Stored. JAMES REID'S Phone 147 WOULD DRIVE THE TURKS ---- Out of Europe---View of Rev. Dr, Ryckman, Rev. Dr. Ryckman, Sydenham street, takes a keen interest in the topics ol the day, as he displayed, when speak- ing at the thanksgiving supper at Princess "Street Methodist church; on Tuesday evening. And, of course, through the newspapers, he follows what is of most striking interest--the war in the east, The venerable preacher declared, dur. ing his address, 'Bat he hopes with all his heart that the allied powers wiil drive the Turks from European soil. In spite of the terrors apd ravages of war, he was lad these powers-- Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro and Gréece--had at last taken up sms. to gain their liberty. = The doctor has travelled in these countries and conversed with the peo ple. In every domain where Turkey holds sway, he has found general dis satisfaction and the same oppression of the poor, The speakers cited many examples of the tyranny of the Turks, displaying a vast grasg of conditions. He declared, in althost every case where he had enquired, the remedy for the conditions, the answer was that some power should intervene, and that ~ireat Britain. The doctor said the British rule and transformation in Egypt was an object lesson to the east. He believes that Comstantino- ple will be the only possession, in the end, retained by the Turks. TO ESTABLIEfI A BRANCH Of the Seventh Day. Adventists in Kingston. From the meetings of the Seventh Day Adventists, thie past summer, in the tent on the lot at the corner of Princess and Frontenac streets, has de- veloped what is expected the forma- tion of a congregation of this sect in the city. Eider Johnston is the preacher and chief mover, and he told the Whig, on Tuesday, that it was the purpose io establish a branch «1 his church bere. It will be remenibered that some of the ministers and people. especially in | he" vicidity of Willinmsville, were, at Bn Mestings, , Foeatly disturbed regai some # utteramoces, gud one of the officials of 1 Alliance, of Cimphestod. | Moir's Chocolates French Cherries . No ines - Whipped Cream Oporto . 50c a ib. 850c a 1b. 50¢ 2 Ib 0c a 1b. SAKELL'S| Next to Opera House - A - Phone 640 a ema WHEN PEOPLE THINK OF GOOD BREAD They always think of "Toye's Bread." Ring up Phone No. liveryman 'will call. 467 and our de NAA Pst SNP tPA R. H. TOYE & CO. (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Clothiers, Hatters, Bakers, Druggists, Furriers, Florists, C onfedtioners, Grocers, Dry (Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- ware, Stationers, Ete. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory : King Street West i "PHONE 883 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL, we GRAND OPERA HOUSE. "The Bohemian Girl" the Bill fos Wednesday Evening. It is said that the most sensational success of last season was scored by the Aborn Opera company, in its modernized version of © Baltd's over vopular opera, "The Dohemian Girl' vhich is underscored for presemtation it the Grapd to-night. The beauties f the ballads, for which the opera ix justly famous, should be, and were for nearly seventy years, sufficient is pep it in high favor with all musi lovers, but Milton and Sargent Abort hought that new charm could be pdd d to it if, without slighting th music in the least, advantage could b taken of the splendid opportunity of fered by Baelie's work for spectacula: irentment. With this purpose in vies they engaged Edward I'. Temple, whi staged all the Hippodrome shows for the first three seasons of its career and his genius was never bette shown than in the realistic touches he has given Lo this produstion of "The Bohemian Girl," so it is claimed. Irish Comedy Drams. One of the prettiest stage pictures wir produced wil seen at the rand" on Saturday, November Tred, natines and might, when Berngrd Daly appears in his popular Irish comedy " { drama, "Dion © Dare." The sweetie reprevents the exterior of Dion's home, Hn the mountains in he background. It is it twilighs ud little itie: a a whily fi has been adopted by begs lor Ame wong 'hills, sings the little one to slowp. i invariably brings forth round ronnd of spplasse. Mr. Daly will songs during the action gu Bt abies 2 | Electric Restorer ror Men Phosphonul restores every nerve in the body Yhesphonui 7 5 its proper tensio or vim and vitality, Premature de oy 21 egksess averted at ouce phn, A hew man, Price bd sale n ; Mahood's drug store. 50 ENTI IRD THI EE Who Coma mitted Assan Monday : Nighn, On Tuesday moo: alton, young battérymas, whe as pss: i on King strect west, jondsy night, identified thice = rho attacked him, and to-day he bad be police issue a summons sgaingt ach one, The case will Le heard n a few days, possibly om Filday. Further particnlurs in tegaid to he case were learned today. It ape Jenrs that one of the men who eam nitted the asseult, was sequainied with the young lady. Falten accom. vanied home, and that he stepped wp to her and wanted to ascort her io fer home, earlier in the evening, but was refused. Fulton was on Prine cess: street on Tuesday alternocn, and Identified the men iis wee derstood that the three fo not dosy. being in Abe mix-up, but claim that the? bal no intenticr of doing serie ous ham to Felco 8 be n o id Besbert Pr MEX on Him Robert Father Mechan Promoted. Rev. Father J. A. Nechan, (he popu Tar curate of St. Michael's chereh, Belleville, has been promoted $0 the parish of Morrisburg, Opt., spd will take up his new duties on the Reg Sunday in December. How. Father J. J. Keeley will be his stegossor st Belleville. ou on

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