TO HUSBAND AND WIFE Or to any two pariners, the suggestion is made that they opes a JOINT ACCOUNT with the Bank of Toronto. Having a Joimt Account either of the partners may withe draw money, and in the event of the death of one, the money belongs to the survivor. If interested talk the matier over with the Manager of THE BANK OF TORONTO The Bank of Toronto is among the strongest and most pro- gressive institutions of its kind in Canada. 112 Branches in Ontario, Quebec and the West. A wt hn 11ersteny vor» $57,000,000 CAPITAL AND REST , ws «+ $11,000,000 #9 ESTABLISHED 1805. -- : KINGSTON BRANCH-107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McEAY, : "es sv wa CER an, av en Attraclive Propositions at Right Prices. Na Double solid brick; modern, corner Bagot and Gore Streets. 2-Large double stone; dis- tinetly modern; large and numerous rooms; lot 68 x 132; location and accomoda- tion: would make attractive apariment house; Broek St. . 3--8olld stone: two storey: iron clad extension; « Solling- wood Bireel: ten rooms; modern conveniences; . lot 76 122; bargain, 4--Large detached sold brick, 'niversity Avenue; lot 68 x 132; excellent loca- tion; distinetly modern; very J. O. Hutton, is mA" "street. attractive property. The whole row of briek veneer and frame houses, Nos. 100 to 130, on Vietoria prices ranging from $2,950 Bt. 4,100, according to style of buflding and size of lots; or the whole property for sale en bioe at an attractive figure; all equipped with modern conveniences For full particulars for the above and man others too numerous to ineludin 1 PHOTOS. Make a very suitable Xmas. Present. ~ in now before the The Cooke Studio 244 Princess St. residential city, apply HOWARD S. FOLGER, 44 Clarence St. attains perties in the 'Welsbach Gas Mantles Inverted and Upright Special Price 3 for 25¢ Soot & Rp £16 BROCK HABIT 'Reliable Home Treatment. The ORRINE treatment for the Drink Habit can be used with absolute confidence, It destroys all desire for whiskey, beer or other alohohe gtimulants. Thousands have success. fully used it and have been restored to lives of sobriety and usefulness. Can be given secretly, Costs only $1.08 per box. If you fall to get re- sults from ORRINE after a trial, your money will be refunded. Ask for free Booklet telling all about ORRINE. W. Mahood, Princess and Bagot Sts. town? Spiralla takes the lead in the Corset line the California Toilet Articles we afe Showing are seco to Stamping & speulaity. New range ot ibbons now in. Call and ins what we have in Xmas. Box fumes, etc. Open at night. M. F. Dunnett or. HOTEL FRONTENAC KINGSTON'S Simple A Herh Quick read Diseape to TY Cured. Te bas heretofore been con. sidered {ncurable, and the only hope neld out to the afflicted has been to prolong their years by strict dieting A plant discov in Moxicn, called Herb, has been found to be a specific in the fasatient of Slabetes, aulckls reduce. ing the gra avity nd rasturiug or and buliding system This karmless vegetable remedy will reileve the patient of his werst symptoms, in the most aggravatea cases within a week, and to prove It we will mai] the first 0c pae e for 5c with free bookiet of apocis valey to the diabetic, containing latest diet list d exclusive table of food values i reent of starch and sugar ydrates in 250 different your attiisted friends of this Sugar, up the 10+ and sen for a full. CHEMIC Box a, Whitney. Point, =. ---------- {INCIDENTS OF THE DRINK By it For Kingston ! Why not patronize your own home none. ren This X1 deer. cellars. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE DNESDAY, _ Novem: LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS or (GRAND i GENERAL INTEREST. { Happenings :a ie City and Vicinity ~=What the Merchants Offer i» the Readers of the Whig. { Order Duffy's Malt at McParland's. | William Swaine, piano tumer. Orders | received at McAuley's. Phove 564. Joseph Hodge, certificated piano | tuner and repairer. 336 Broek streets Miss Georgia Bell is spending her {vacation at her grandiather's, Capt Robert Bartlett, near Napanee. Camphor 'lee. "Gibson's. Albert Il. Muir, city auditor, who! has been confined to. his home, through iiness, for several weeks, 1s around again. Buy concenirated essence of vanilla, three for 2e. "Gibson's." Messrs. Vanhorn and Greaves, cattle dealers, will, to-morrow, ship nine tesn stockers 'to Lethbridge. Thirteen | were secured at Kingston and six at i Trenton. Pompéin Massage Cream, 30c., "i5e. snd BI, at Mcleod's Drug Store, | Brock street. Thomas Alexander, collector of in| land revenue, at London, has been sp- pointed inspector for the western dis- trict. He is a former Kingstonian, a; brother-in-law of James R. Honder: | son. Windsot papers have the idea that Edmund I. Scully, of that town, will | Le given the senatorship, vacant through the lapse of time, of Senator | Sullivan, Kingston. Watch for a war cloud if this happens. ladies' up-to-date dressmaking. Terms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 221 Princess stroet. The remains of Jacob VanAlstine, who died on Monday evening, in the Hotel Dieu, were removed to his home in Napance on Tuesday. The deceased | was seventy-two years of age and had | Leen a resident of Napanee all his life. Red (ross Cold Tablets. "Gibsons." Bernard Dooney, aged seventy years, an inmate of Rockwood hespital, died, on Monday, at the institution, where he has been confined for some' time. The remains were taken to his former home at Killaloe, where the funeral will be teld on Thursday. "A positive cold breaker," Gibson's Red Cross cold tablets. Mayor Hoag gave a railway pass -) a man in hard luck, as far as Da vant. The man camé down from Win. nipeg, and when he reached Kings- ton he found that he was short of funds. He has promised to send the money when he reaches his destina- tion, Adeline Genee, in G. ballet, "La Camargo," is a dancer and actress unsurpassable. Mlle. Ge. nee, with her company, symphony or- Wilhelm"s new tion, will be the attraction at the Grand Opera House on Tuesday, No- vember 26th. Verona News. Verona, Nov. I1¥.--Mr. and Ferguson York and daughter, ['clle- ville, visited at KE. M. Yorke's, here lately. John EK. Peters and family have moved to Kingston. Manson +Lioyd will sucobed Mr. Deters in the 'shoo repairing business. C. W. Lead lay has returned from a business trip to Toronto. The debate at the league! as to which was the most advantag-| Mrs. or of the former. Charles York, teach ston, Dr, Beattie, Kingston, and Dr. with a good bag of game. Mrs. ¥lisha | James MeKeever has purchased the The little daughter of Ira N. Bauder, | completed and adds to the appearance 'Trousdale, telegraph operator, is howe parents, Mr, and Mrs. John FE. Wal- thanksgiving party held at Myers, i er has bought a team Of horses from Asselstine, C. Brown, J. Perey, NM. hunting trip. Jo McMillen is cous, a smart, cross wile, or a lnay, good natured one, was decided in fav. | ing school at Loydminster, Sask., has resumed his studies at Queen's, King- Hose, Wolfe Island, after a weeks wi | it st Joseph Percy's, left yesterday Martin and Master Uecil, are visiting] the former's sister at Camden Last. | Samuel leash farm on the back road. ('. Brown is away on a hunting trip. ill of typhoid pmeumonia, ix Improv ing. 1. M. Craig's new building is of his lot very much. Mrs, ¥. Avienis home from Harfowsmith, Frederick | 'from the west. Mrs. (Rev.) Dalton (. Flatt and child are visiting her roth. Norman [alls has started to build a house on Sand street. The Simmons' was large,v attended abd an enjoyable time spent. James Mcheov: James Fitzgerald, Bedford. The rafile at M. Kenyon's was well attended. 8. Livodberry and 8. Wattam, members of | Verona bunting club, are back from a home trom Uochrane on the Gi. T. P.| railway, Bunker Hill Notes. Bunker Hill, Nov. 18.---Farmers are doing their fall ploughing, but have been delayed on account of so much rain. The deer hunters have returned with thelr usual number of Potatoes are rotting in the - is hauling 3 wood. for Aaron Hoppins. Four more Russians have arrived at the feldapns mines Sure Visitora: -- 4 Leann of Godfrey; Mr. and merman, at Aaron Hoppins'; Dayo. has rutyned to the lead mines chestra and beautiful $30,000 produe- | : CSE (GRAND OPERA") HOUSE | { TO-NIGHT Greatest snd Largest Production Ever Staged in Kingston, OPERA IN ITS SPECTACULAR REVIVAL oF BOHEMIAN GIRL Supa CAST--IMMENSE CHORUS. ALL ORCHESTRA -- RODE t WHIRLWIND ACHOBATS AND OTHER UNUSUAL FEATURES. SEATS NOW ON SALE 25-50-15-$1-51.50 'Saturday, 'Nov. 23 Matinee at 230. Evening at 5135. | wix Mansive Seenes. The Sweetest of "Irish Singers, BERNARD DALY! In 8 Delightful Romance of Ireland, "DION O"DARE" Excellent Company. Elaborate corti PRICES Matinee, 13, I5, 35, 36, Eve ~23, 35, 70, 73. Seat Salg Thurs. ; day. & GREND SP HOUSE) | MARY HALLOCK The Female Pederewski Monda "Nov. 25th. '$1-75.50c-25¢ dd last of Nordica Series on Sale at 62 en at Box Office, COLONEL'S WARD. Big feature, miodern warfare --two reels of pictures will be shown at Wonderland Wednesday and Thursday, with special matice s, under the management of W. H.! Cornell. EARNER ae Gold Bar Fancy Seeded Raisins Gudranteed absolutely the best produced. Packed by GRIFFIN & SKELLEY CO, FRESNO, CAL. AT YOUR GROCERS. AUCTION SALE. Friday, Nov. 23ad, 19 am, 1% Stuart Street. Parlor Suite, Centre Larpets, Hanging and ether STN Pictures, Curtains tension Table. Dining Standard BW Roe kers, mps, ¢ ean, Chairs, Linoleum, Square Heater, Kitchen Cupboard, Drop-leaf Tables, Dishes, Glassware ete, Hall Rack, Stair Carpet and Ofi- cloth, Dressers and Stands, iron Beds Springs and Mattresses, BW Singer Bewing chine, Camp large Tool Chest, etc, ete 'Phone 252 ALLEN, ir Auctioneer ~35 Brock Street Free Demonstration Cot Willowpank Waits, Nov. Ph the realized. 5, ¥ Galway & 1 im. Mss Fannie G Gals ' a and Mrs. | Ring. who have been living . MecMuch's for the past year are Mes. BE. BR. Jack. Cinrk spent ry Mrs. Ww. aia with _ Wellington) i A Thurs | Tables, Hange, | Burvau, ! | | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES tanegion 17% word. Each con secutive = fasertion thereafter aait one insertive, 30e; three Soe: six, $1; one mosth, 5 MELP WANTED. : i i i : ASSIST WITH AT ONCE, GiRL TO 3 Queen ; housework. Apply i ------------ 'A GIRL POR STORE, AT ONCE. AP. piy at Grimms rrincess bireel ee ete lx Goon GENER AL SERVANT. AV. i Piy to Mrs i £, vas, Brovk Breet ei etre AT ONCE, FIRST-CLASS TINSMITH:! pur wages, steady yment Bipamons grus. union emp Apply 1 4] THE PEOPLE cent a werd Minimum charge tee} : ~~ -- m------ LOST, SATE RDAY AFTERNOON, SOMe- near Opera House, ( Lamb Muff Finder pi Tense 10 British-American Hotel ON wh { Ww return CONTAIN. oft Prin {sm ALL BLACK PLRSE ing $4 and small change cess or between cess; Bagot and Quests. Wiil finder please return ai this office and receive reward, STRAYED. | onro PHE PREMISES OF HENRY § Lynn, Sunbury, Holstein Bull about (Wo Years t'wner oa claim properly LY 3 g for this advertisement and damages, Hen: 8. Lynn, Sunbury, BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. | i bs PROBATION N URSES, course. Fhodes Avenue 460 BE Chicago, «1 TTER, FIRST-CLASS MEAT EE APPLY, atl wRoe, In writing, No "XYZ." Whig ollice ™W ° YEARS Hospital a2 1th Street, FOR ROOFING Apply, at ence, Mo Kren 11 Brock Sireel, A WINSMITH | plate Ww Keivey & | coon. STRONG BOY FOR department ; steady Job chance for advancement. Whig office { { TO-MORROW MORNING, 10 LABOR. | wages. | good wo son, ers; steady work: Apply to A. Davis Kingston 'Tannery. rtd, BOY TO DELIVER SMALL PAR. eels: steady work sand ge ood pay | from start Apply Anderson | bros. cor Streets } | LAT HB, A GENERAL SERVANT: | ON Re required Apply. in the] evening. to Mrs. Hooper, P20 Princess Street. ONC OF GOOD acquainted assured h'g office FOUNG MAN ance; well goo a Tae ome K Wh with Apply, A FEW PLAIN COTTON WEAVERS: | two girls for cloth room; young men Apply "to Dominion | Yextile Co., Cataraqul Street. a COMPETENT WOMAN AS and to take care of first floor; references required. Apply, ings, after 6, at 160 King Street THREE BROILER MAKERS, 2 CAULK ers, 2 Heaters, 2 Holders On, Dri , 2 Laine Hands: no labor troubles. M. Beatty & Sons, Lid, Welland, Ont | INTEL LIGENT PERSON MAY earn $190 monthly corresponding! for newspapers. no canvassing gend for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 1,969 Lockport, N.Y. WANTED, AL TOMORILE | rapid seller; Write for partic ulars, Garrett Co Brooklyn, i laGaNTs aecesSOry commission The P. H Green Place, Goon), - FLARE MAN TO CUT AND! { resh, Cooked and Pickled] ity as I am opening up busi. 33 Earl Street, November g . Apply, at once, J. D. Nelson. "Phone 1314. 'NY, RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, Ory Mai! Carriers, Wanted by Can- adian Government: many olin: ments coming; excellent details free. Frankiin Dept. 811 Rochester, | CAPABLE on COUNTRY DOMES. | Scoteh and Irish: | English, urriving November tics, party and fortnightly after. 71 Drummond Street, and 47 Pembroke Street, Ont, 11th Montreal, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT NEEDS rajiway mail clerks city carriers; $50.00 month; many coming: Kingston soon: specimen questions Franklin Institute, Dept. 713, Rochester, X.¥ . examinations free. WwW, OUT OF EMPLOYMENT! SERVES you right! learn barber trade; ways sure employment for barber; our improved , methods, constant practice and instruction guslifies you for position in short time Send for catalogue. Moler lege, Toronto. TEACHER WANTED, A QUALL IFIED TEACHER No, Bb, Collins Bay; mence In January ing salary, to Sac. Collins Bay FOR. 8.5. Apply, George F. Clark BUSINESS CHANCES. sensi tian SASKATOON INVESTMENTS WRITE The John A. McRae Co, Saskatoon. ANYONE ANYWHE * mail order business at canvassing; be your Sena for ree hooklet; Heacoek. 1.968 I ackport, home; oo own we . Bow. UPHOLSTERER. Ww. 4 SAVING, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pair i carbet wor, Bair mai. tress eal! 216 Bagot CATERER. ~ PART BALLS a RT el ens are. Reid ey Phone $43 or 304 a Burr Creek Budget. Burr Creek, Nov. 19.---Many friends will be glad to hear that Mrs. John Woodrall ia able 10 be around again. | Master Bexter Fairbanks was removed to the general hospital Yalaesday, he underwent a suceesdul oper: ation. Mr. Sterling, Bath, spent a couple of days at Johnston Day's. A number from here attended a party arm at «J. Fairbanks, where a pleas- ant sveming was spent, 3 it for Crosby where he 'will spend few days. James Ntafiord and moth er spent Sunday at Mre. Jake Muc 8 Mr. Mumkins, of Perth Road, 'spent Sunday at his sister's, Mrs. GG. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Joba Mactad. ey of Glenburnie, spent Sunday al : Henry Mackow's. a i-- {sen, is remewing scquaintances here to the eity elk for | edieal Health Officer Dr. : of Ashisbils, MAILING Ne | AppiY. vi Princess and Division] APPEAR- | city! Hox | two ' Cook even- Hberal | app ay: full Jrgionte X } The Guild | Toronte, | appointments | al Col- duties tg com. | star. | RE UAN START, WR. wd & card or} {IMPORTE First beautiful D GERMAN CANARIES. shipment received of thes song birds. each bird a guaranteed songster; come and hear them W. J. Driver, corner Queen and Barrie Poone $13, FINANCE AND INSURANCE. | 1 INSURANCE. on { Agent, 159 Wellington ol i Fire, Lite, Accident and Health Policies issu 3 GARDINER ~~FIRE, Insurance and Cus- Real Estate and n: a share of your 8 Ci 'Phone 306. | BATEMA & Life, N ent; Maney to Lo aney te business solietied. Street, Kingston. } NAC LOAN AND INVEST. HPRONTE Soclet established 1863; president; Li Henry R. Smith money TT on city and (i properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages pur deposits received nd interest al lowed. 8. Meatil, Manager, 87 Clarence Street, } 1 LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fi Company. Avallable assets, $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of city property Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or ing new busines rates feom Rironge & Strange Agents 'Phone 3135. { WANTED--GENERAL. - A SMALL FARM TO EXCHANGE FoR a city property. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 52 Brock Street. JRNISHED DWELLING, § OR rooms; alse & smaller one, Cann, Real Estate Agency, Brock Street. » Me. | 82 : NICE CLEAN RAGS yon im € machiner: 3 al pa PAY Sood same. ig Publishing Company. YOUNG LADY PIANIST WILL AC- cept engagements for parties, Al Homes, eilc. Apply, ox 1922 Whig office. {A i FOR GENTLEMEN'S High-class Talloring, try Ashby the Tailor, the man that sulle you. 19 Montreal Street, Kings- ton LADIES OR ARve REPAIRING oy NYERY D scription; first class ! leather on { suffice, ott's, Clergy West THAT | WILL BUY TAKE NOTY all kinds of and stoves; will pay highest rices; see me before anyone else , Thompson, 333 Princ ree next St. Andrew's Church. " PILS FOR MUSIC LESSONS pianoforte: also dancing in pri vate classes or at home: will engagements at private clasnes for childrer afternoons. Apply, Mrs 301 Johnson st. ON parties; Saturday Wm, Hayward, NTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into u to-date sults. rice and wor manship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Gallo. way Brock Street, pear Bibby's Livery ARCHITROTS. | HENRY PF. SMITH, ARCRITREOT, 268 King Street. 'Fhone 348, | WM NEWLAND tects, eto. Ott 'Phone 008 2 oN Anon. $ 'Bagot | FOWER & SON, Al MITROTS, WER- chants' Bank tidings, corner Brock and J/silingten reets Aran 8 SAF MFDICAL. * CLARENCE A, HOWARD, M.D. ow Physician and Surgeon, Donald Street, Napanee, Ont. 'Phones 1% P.O. Box 251% DR. FREDERICK A. CAYS, SPECIA I ist, Nose, Throat and Ear, 134 Wellington Street, corner Johnson Hours: § to 1, 2 10 5, 7 to 5. Bun- day, 2 to 4 and by appointment "Phone B14. Leo Lake Locals. Leo Lake, Nov, 20. The sale ai R. Webb's Monday was a decided sucess. Mrs. James Scott had the misfortune to fall and break her wrist. Her daughter, Miss A. Scott, of Buffale, N.Y. was called home to care for both parents, who are iil A Tew from here attended the dance given fu the town hall, Joyceville, on the 1¥th. = Jamieson, Batter Miss Josie B, Webb. bas retarned "home after a three, months' visit «ith her giver, Mra, J. BE. Doeckrill, Ohio. Miss Helens w with ber Mr rt Brock and Prin-} Hi a pals T n our re a 206 a Barrie Bt Street, of second-hand furniture Wer | M FOR SALE. RAINCOATS. - G0 TO 3% Clarence Street, -{ ENGLISH Fraak Cooke, POWER MOTOR Apply, Street. HORSE current) 47 Mack EIGHT (direct Wathen, Phone A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK Sideboards, the best we have ever bad at =A redicnable price, = Turk's. 'Phone 105 2 THREE MILES res. all under ght-room FROM CITY, cultivation] Liust ocom- mil the necessary barns stables in good repair. a falling suppiy of sprisx the property of the lale B. Fleming For further paticutars, apmy to Mrs Fleming, wn the property, or te C. F. Adair, Cataraqui, Ont house $2,150 FOR CEMENT BLOCK, EIGWT rooms; for quick sale. -- AME HOUSE, wits steble and large lot. BRICK HOUSE, NEW: ALL good Boat. improvements: large loti TWO DWELLINGS: heuse: and large lot. oh Walsy front: in Bath; fine place for summer cotiags BATEMAN & GARDINER, REAL Estate, $7 Clarence Street, King ton. TO LET, Fi R¥Snen ROOMS ON SE. 1eor Apply, at 48 Wi iliam ™O cone Stree - FOUR 1 NEt RNISHED ROOMS FOR ight housekeeping Apply, 180 Sydenhain Street, TELEGRA 8. anor "ary Ne HEATED OFFIC La Building. Apply, C. 2 Clarence Stresl. STORAGE FOR FURNITIR chandise, eto; clean and Cann, $2 Brock Street a RNTSHED ROOMS, WITH all modern CON. City Park, 2% LARGE or without board; veniences; near Wellington Street 7-ROOM BRICK ; kas for cooking ar: General Hose : Earl street « OMFORT ABLE bh & Apply FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN 4a airy rooms, absolutely moth prot; your own lock and key "rost's City Storage, 29% Queena St. 'Phone 526d. -- STADLES: situated on possession apply, ™™o also LARGE STONE coach house, Lower Princess Street; December 1st For terms, Hox L., Whig office. WARM, COMFORTABLY ed rooms, doubls and single: sil modern conveniences, with use of telephone: table board next door. aoply, 188 usen Street, near Sydenham elephone No. 5 FURNISH. BUSINESS XOTIOB. COALS! COALS! UOALSI-WHMY PAY such high coal bilis when you use fa s tor cooking? Drop avid Marshail, 1 1 ess . Brest for prices on gas tion, sn-- A. BE. KNAPP, BA, LDA s B.D.A, ne. moved to 258 Princess Stree iL OR. C. DENTINTS, (over Caf. Phone 346, DR, C, C, NASH, DENTIST Weicker, askistant, Street. 'Phone 738 SPARKS AND SPARKS, 5% Wellington Bireet hv Kingston ihe DDS, DENT. rin Tele S. H. SIMPSON, st, corner 008s Entrance on Bagot Street. nhone 628 USTROPATHY. 'HEALTH WITHOUT ORUGS. Peel, a= Ashcroft, D.O, 138 Y*iiiagicn St Office hours: 10 to 13; 3 8 ° 4 snd by we sointment, 7 . Rectadaes croft, D.O. Hous, Office Ja phone tv Ww pin ---- ------ NOW IS THE rive TO PLACE YOUR orders for your storm windows 0 he clenned - and put-up by the Kingston Window Cleaning Cn, 21 Montreal Street. Orders ros ceived at Bargent's Drag Store wow CLEANING. RSONAL. I WARK BIRTH. marks and all AR vas and skin blemishes removed without sear: 27 ence, Jr. Eimer . Ea Throat Sractaliet "en Bagot Street LAL. CUNNINGHAM MU RINT. ers and Soticttors On n Clarence Street. Kingston. 16 inch Beech and Maple, sound new w $1.70 cart load "delivered. JF. T ray's, Brewers' Mills It is rumors ed that Clarence Kenney, of Jones Falls is to become a resident of this vicinity. rm --------------_ i -- Threatened Girl's Life, Brockville, Nav. 25-05 a ¢ threatening to shoot a girl in Sm Falls, Thomas Durgas. aged pwns; was finent ander arrest. hers and ba over to the Swith's Falls authorities for trial The Kingstin Collate Titi hockey Lemme has 'engaged ihe oi Bert. Simpuom, of (eens npasiom siafl, ae trawer for the: com pr