Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1912, p. 9

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TRE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMRER 21, 1912. EDGARD RIEGEL UPHOLSTERY, OILCLOTH, CARPET LAYER. Furniture in all Styles. ates Reasonable, Drop a Card or Call Clarence Bt. ¥ Repairs Rn THAT TOBACCO With the "Hooster" om It is crowing louder as he goes along Only 45c per pound. For chewing and smoking. : AT A. MACLEANS, Datario Street. Vr. de Van's Female Pills, ral ve veIGHER he LTT Saad to ay address. For sale ab Mahood's drug estore, WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal ~~ Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Antaracite. Coal wined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontaric Street. "Phone 185. Kingston Business College . tldmited) Highest Education at Lwast Cost Twen! sixth 'all term pos Koopifie Sika Tele. far. t railway cor. Ada, inter any or int » 1a PERE 'A Mother for the Men. K. PF Sam having tale over the laundry business at 210 Division Street, formerly carried on by Jim Lee, will re sume business at once unde the name of CITY HAND LAUNDRY. Firat-oldss work guaranteed All buttons replaced and ripe sewn. Give us a trial and you will be well satisfied with our work. OGogds called for and delivered fo all parts of the city. 'Phone 1182. K F. BAM gositloot wi tht a Ame Maty positions with 3 Hime" he Because they aot so gently (no purging or griping) yet so are best for the children as well as fhe growr-ups, 250. a box at your druggist's, Wetlanal Grog and Chases! Co. of Canada, Liniteg _ By the day, week or hoiih. Careful Irivers. Gasole..e. Best of Engine Oil. Bibby's Garage "BROCK ST. FRE E| AN ELECTRIC RON OR . TOASTER. Every home lighted by Electricity | from mow tiki | Prop | NOT FORCING PRICES NO FOUNDATION FOR REPORT, SAYS MANAGER OF COMPANY. Montreal Group Well in Control of Halifax Railwaye=Unique Giving of Dividend. Toronto, Nov. 20.~T.*A. Rus eral manager of the Rau Moter Car company, says that there is absolutely no foundation for the report that the company will be forced to reduce prices of its motors, as the result of American compeatit- fon. Price of Knight engines, with which most of our automobiles are equipped, is identical both in Can- ada and the United States, sald Mr. Russell. At present our energy is being de voted to our manufacturing pro gramme. The plant is being worked both night and day, which does not look much as though we expected to experience any difficulty in getyyng rid of our outpubk - Land Co. Montreal, Nov, 20.--J. A. Davis & Co.; who have promoted several land companies, tendered a dinner at the 8t. Regis Saturday night to the dir- ectors and shareholders of the La- chine Land Co., Ltd. Incorporated six months ago this company has just declared a dividend equal to 200 per cent. on the investment, The dividénd cheques were Kept 2 secret from the shareholders and during the dinner several prize pac- kets were distributed. The cheques happened to bs enclosed in bags of pop-corn, and one gentleman narrow- ly escaped burning his while trying ty pop some of the corn in the bag with a burning match before opening Lachine it. The position of the Montreal syn- dicate now in in control of the Hali- fax Tramway company, is that they own in excess of 75 per cent. of the stock, and like to have an agreement by which they can secure the differ- ence between 75 per cent. and 90 per cent. any time they desire to have the same. Thirty-three per cent. of the holdings were secured from R. B. McCurdy, and company, but at the time the latter stipulated that the shareholders should be given the game opportunity as they had of taking $160 a share for their stock, and ag a result, holders turned in over r' 3 per cent. of the total hold- ings. Among those who accepted the cash offer were a number of the directors of the company who, how- ever, sold only a portion of their holdings, keeping enough to main- tain their positions as directors. It is thought, however, that the latte would turn in the balance of their (stock any time the syndicate may {desire to have it, inasmuch as they solely arp retaining their holdings their with a view ¢f maintaining present positions. The general desire on the part of the shareholders to accept cash waa due to tho fact that they consider a strong effort will be made by the city of Halifax to take over the Tramway and make it' a municipal enterprise. CP. R's. New istock. Montreal, Nov. 20.--Canadian Pa- cific announces to stockholders the) issuance of $60,000,000 additional common stock, authorized at last an- » nual meeting by stockholders, offer- ing some at $175 per share on basis of 3) per cent, of present holdings, or taree shares fcr every le now hold, Offerings will be made Jan- uary 2nd, 1613, Right to sub- seribe will expire February 12th, 1913 U.S. Rubber Earnings. Morptreai, Nov. 20.--The Boston News Bureau estimates that notwith- standing its increase in preferred and common stock, United Staten Rubber will show earnings for the fisoal year ending, March 31st aext of 10 per cent.' cn its $50,000,000 common. stock, which would be 2% times the present 4 per ceni. divi dend. Thuckett Shares. Listed. | Montreal, Nov. 20.--The necessary papers in connection with the listing of the issues cf Tuchetts Tobacco, Limited, have been passed by the Montreal Stock Exchange Commit. tee. They will be callad for the first time to-morrow Tha listing consists of 25,000 shares of common stock and 20,000 shaves of preferred stock. Financial Notes. . The bond issue of the new Atlantic Sugar Jefinery company, which will erect a plant at St. John, NB, has been purchased by MN 1. Stark and company, Montreal. The Texas railway commission way atar the purchase nf the horthern by [seek to siop t national and Missourt Pacilic, Montreal Vower company has out blank forms proxies to shareholders from which they have not got proxies at the present Lime, indi- cating that the interests Detweep the wpany evidently reat sent Yor nave some allotments oigast Decem ber, which not t Ken up and pacily dractiobal shares to sold under the provisions of the Banking Act . Authority has, been secured by the Shawinigan Anitting company to in crease its capitalization from $49,000 to $200,000, Were be PRISON REVOLT. Five Killed; Three Wounded When Prisoners Mutiny. Rochefort, France, Noy, 21.--Five persons wore killed and three wounded in a revolt which took palee in the prigon here to-day. Prisoners overpowered their guards and shot to death the warden and his wife. An officer and sailor who went to the assitance of the warden were dan- gerously wounded. The revolt occurrad at the supper hour, when several of the prisoners sudenly sprang upon the warden; and, wrenching his revolver from him, shot him through ths head. The warden's wife was killed when she came to the aid of one of the guards. Troops were hurriedly summioned, and "after surrounding the building, drove the mutinous prisoners to the top floor of the prison and killed one of them. The two ringleaders bar- ricaded 'themselves in a cell, which they defended desperately' with & hatchet. They finally committed sul- cide with the warden's revolver. Several of the prisoners suceeded in making their escape during the affray. LIGHTING A RURAL HIGHWAY. Township Councils Asked to Act With Hydro-Electric,. 21.---A movement is on lighting of two and = half miles of roadwiy between the houndaries of Galt and Preston. The Township Councils of Waterloo and North Dumfries will be asked to co-op- erate with the Hydro-Electric Com- mission in the project. The lighting of rural roads is a new departure, and this move will be in the nature of an experiment. The road is traversed by the Galt, Preston and Hespeler Elec- tric railway, and much motor and ve- hicular traffic, as well as being built upto a large extent with good resi- dences, and it is hoped that th scheme will go through. Citizens AM Galt and Preston are also boostinf a" plan for the macadamizing of the road by private subscription and some as- sistance from the government and townships. It looks as if, in the not far distant future, Galt and Preston will _be joined by a roadway bordered with handsome homes and with city facilities, SPRAY FOR A "DYING" MAN, Galt, Nov. foot' for the Proves Doctors Wrong by Leading Grand March. New Rochelle, Nov. 21.--Once pro- nou a hopeless - cripple, Waldorl Miller, paralyzed since he broke his neck diving from the rocks at Hudson Park, July 3rd, 1911, led the grand march at a dance given by the Iro- quois Social Club in his honor. Until a few months ago Miller, who js¥ twenty-one years old, 'was helpless and physicians said he would never re- cover. He gradually regained the use of his arms and handsgnnd then sud- dénly found he could stand on his feet, but could net walk without the aid of two ple. Millet was carried to the dance and sat in his chair. When the grand march started two friends held him as he led the dancers around the hall. TESTING OF TEA. Secretary of 'Treasury Exceeded Authority. in Ordering It. New York, Nov. 21.--~The Board of (General Appraisers ruled that the se- cretary of the treasury had exceeded his authority in ordering that the so- called Read test be used to determine the purity and quality 'of all tea im- ported into this county. The decision follows an appeal of importers at San Francisco, whose tea consignments had been rejected because they were found to contain coloring matter. The im- porters pretestedaon the ground that the Read fest is not according to the "usages and customs 'of the tea trade," as vequired by the tea act' of 1907, empowering the secretary of the treasury to designate regulations for the inspection and testing of teh. POST-CARD AS PAY. This Will Stop Your Cough in a Harry Save $2 by Making This Cough . Syrup - Hej ess i Lunatic Arrested Said to be Mont. realer's Son. | Philadelphia, Nov. 21.--Archibald 'Loeb, said to be the son of a wealthy | wood dealer of Montreal, who escaped from the State Hospital for the In- sane ai Norristown, Pa., was return- a inativution by the Phila- ia police. He was arrested at an hotel after he had offered a post-card addressed to himself in payment for a dinner. Loeb said he had slipped away from the asylum several days ago, aod had walked the seventeen miles to Philadelphia. ) Clay City, Ind., Nov. 21.--William C a farmer livi Brides. this nt is suffering from an accident which may end fatally. all] WHITE WINTER WEARABI The young girl is never so cha white hat to match. brought out by the fluffy white fu older woman. and a hat of shaggy white beave panies the white fur set. buttoned cloth tops. The tints of complexion, hair and The collar and muff pictured are of white Alaska fox These white wearables lift simple suit of dark blue serge wornwith street boots of dull calf with ADORABLE WITH Y( ring as in her white furs and a big eyes are all apt to be trying to an ES YUTH. r which is rtrimmed with white to wings accom- distinction a i FEEDING BULGARIAN ARMY, Masterly Work of Commissariat Difficulties of Transportation. Correspondence London Telegraph. The Bulgarian army orgamzation is wonderful and goes like clockwork. When driving through the mountains 1 have been frequently astonished to see long lines of ox-carts heavily laden with army stores slowly plodding along, and wondered how sueh primi tive transport could be adequate to a modern army. : The neediul explanation was afiord ed me at Kostendil, where I have had occasion to see one of those commis sariats in full operation. All the bx carts in the adjoining departments had been requisitioned to the number of 1,000. They were then divided into five sections of 200 carts each. The drivers, with their whips, as trakhan or ordinary sheep wool caps and long sheepskin or goat hair coats, loo picturesque beside thes tied small Greek oxen or African buffaloes. Every day 200 carts were laden; and they start away at a slow pace, the driver walking before his team, hum- ming an air or smoking a cigarette He thus trudges up and down the mountain roads for a distance of fif- teen kilometers, or nine and a half miles, which is one day's march, Then he lights a fire for himself at the roadside, has a warm meal, feeds his oxen or buffaloes and lies down to sleep on straw near the cart or in a harm if a farmhouse is near. Next day he covers another nine or ten miles. Half his food is taken into horse-drawn carts, which carry it more rapidly to the nearest fighting troops perhaps twenty miles away. The teamster them returns, taking two days, as he had on the outward trip, and on the fifth day rests while his cart is being reloaded. Only bread was thus transpocted from Kostendil. It was in good, round, appetizing loaves weighing two pounds, of hall:wheat,. half rye, bread. which remains soft and palatable for fifteen days. 1 had partaken of it myself, as po other was av ailable. The entire population lives on this bread now. No one thinks of baking any other during time of war. Life in these places is now entirely absorbed by the war. Two-thirds of the shops are shut and the owners are carrying rifles and wearing uni forms. All bakeries ~ have been re quisitioned for the army and are now baking army bread day and night. Women and children are helping. Schoolboys and students wear neat uniforms and help where they can. The students are clerks at the railway stations or public offices and act as rolice and constables. On leaving my hotel I saw a young student scarcely more than fifteen, in uniform, drag- ging a long sabre by his side. He was "CASCARETS" BEST FOR THE BOWELS The Millions of Cascaret Users Neter Have Headache, Consti- pation, Biliousness or Sick It is more Stomach. that you your' Bowels, Liver and ay clean, pure snd fresh than it is to keep the sewers and drainage a large city free from obstruction. Are you keeping clean inside with ascarets--or y forcing a passage way every fow days with salts, eathar- ] the from the li system the constipated waste matte: rl poison in the intestines and bow: tic pills or castor oil ? This is im- portant. ) Cascarets immediately cleanse and pr the village policeman and proud of his office GRAND OPERA HOUSE. "The Bohemian Girl," in Modern Form, Pleased Large Audience. "The Bohemian Girl," revised and modernized, was produced at the Grand last night by the Aborn Opera company before the largest audience of the season. Spectacular addit- ions, such as introduction ot horses, poultry, a tiny pig and family of Arabian acrobats, have made more popular than ever this opera which has occupied (he boards for seventy years, With all the scenic introductions, the grand op era dramatic effects are retained. The singing parts are in excellent hands. James Btevens, as "Count Arnheim," displayed a magnificent baritone voice; Roy Pilcher as "Tud- deus," is a sweet tenor, and Joseph Florian as "Devilshoof" has an ef- fective bass voice. Blanche Morris on, "the Bohemian Girl," (soprano) and Claudia Albright as "the Queen of the Gypsies' (contralto) sang well. The chorus was well balanced. The street fair scene was decided- ly realistic, and the acrobatic. work of the Arab family evoked"great ap- planse. The "Dancing of the Hours" in the third act was splendid. The whole production was good, and as presented in this more popular and spectacular form it was appreciated by many who dodge grand opera as something beyond their power of ap- preciation. he the "Dion O'Dare." Bernard Daly, who 1s known as the Scanlan of the popular priced theatre, will appear at the Grand of Satur day, Nov. Zird, matinee oy night in his popular romantic play, entitled "Dion U Dare," under the management of the Broadway Theatre company. In "Dion O'Dare,"" Mr. Daly will have a purely Leish vebicle, as the entire act ton of the play takes place in Ireland in the early part of the 15th century. The piece is strictly a coslume play and deals with the life of a poor young Irish lad, who finally becomes Ireland's greatest sculptor. The son | ery has been made a special feature oi | the production, and each one of the | four acts have hen built from sketch es especially taken by artists seat to the exact loeality Mr. Daly will sing a number of pleasing songs that aw filled with that plaintive Irish melod, so dear to the Irish heart. Genee, the Famous Dancer, Adeline Uenee is as much of a gen us in her art, as Sarah Hernhardt or filli Lehmann. The only difference ™ that Mile. Genee is in the frst Hush of her youth, while Bernhardt and Lehmann are both to sevenly vears old, Genee was born in Aarkus, Denmark, and made her debut at the age of nine at Uliristiania, in Norway. I'he one appearance earned her fame Mile. Genee will be assisted by her own symphony orchestra and a tom- pany of dancers. Her programmes. in- clude "Hobert la liable" and "a Camargo," a new ballet with the scenes laid "at the Royal Palace in Versailles. Genee danged before fourtesn royal persona, one time in Denmark, in her favorite ballet, Delibes "Coppelia" Mile. Genee comes to the Grand on Tuesday, Nov. th. Story of Sir John Macdomald. Once when Lord Dufferin delivered an address before the Greek class of Meliill University, a reporter wrote: "His lordship spoke to the class in the parest ancient Greek without mis- onouncing a work or making the slightest grammatical solecism." * "Good vens," exclaimed Sir Hee- tor vin to the late Sir Johan A, lye "how did the reporter know that ¥* "i told him," was the conservative statesman's answer. "But you don't know Greek," 'said Sir Heetor. "Trae" said Kir Jobn: "but T know a little about polities." It takes = barber to discern iw close A The Auditor Should Remember As an auditor you should reiember that the Split & Normal Burronvhs, which is different from 99 gther adding machines out of one hun- dred, gives you Comparative Statements, in one operation--giving you invoice number, date and amount of purchases, and so shows your number and amount of return checks, and date, --remittance number and amount of commis- sion---andd adds only those columns that you want added, all in one operation. A little bit different from the machine you probably have seem: It more and is worth 'more, but you will agree that the differ ence in price is small does <w Burroughs Adding Machine Co. D. W. SAXE, Sales Manager 146 Bay Street. TORONTO ONT. emmy it Parlor Matches | Made of very best corkey pine. Evely stick a match. Every match a light. Well packed so that a match may readily be extracted in the dark---no fumbling with the inevitable spilling of the matches. AND ABOVE ALL EDDY'S a surety of the best possible quality and full count The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited Makers also of Paper Bags, Toilet Paper, Tissue Towels, ete. "aman Sn 3 --------------- [---- Eddy's Sile . HERE SINCE 1851 I ---------- a -- Qveriand Model 069 T 30 H.P. Five Passenger Touring or Roadster, $1,350, F.O.B., Toronto. 45 HP, with electric self starter, Zr. KINGSTON AUTOMOBILE CO. AGENTS 255 Princess St. Kingston' KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO = 18 IN A CLASS BY ITSELF! rte, SOLD EVERYWHERE: 10c A PLUG Jock CITY TOBACCO Co., Manufacturers, QUEBEC because the --It is deli- weak points of a safety razor. The popular, and upon. bo

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