Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1912, p. 10

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Station, foot of Johnsan street : GOING WEST. Intern' Lad. Mail - Local ~ po GOING EAST. Mail . Fast Express Local . Mail . Fast Express Nos. a 5,6, 7and 8 run daily. All other {rains daily except Sunday. Train Nos. 2 and 5 carry Pullman sleeper to and from Ottawa-daily ai- ter Nov. 17th, Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Bufialo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax and New York, For Pullman accommodation, Tickets and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. IN CONNECTION WiTH CANADIAN PACTFIO RAILWAY, TRAINS LEAVE, KINGSTON . 11.30 am. Express--For Peterboro, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chi-! eago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. 5 p.m. Loeal-For Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.R. East and West. 745 a.m. Mixed--For Renfrew and intermediate points, daily except Sun- day. Bassengors leaving Kingston at 11.20 a.m., arrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m; Pe terboro, 4.19 p.m.; Toronto, 6.35 p.m; Montreal, 6.20 p.m.; Boston, 7.30 a.m; St. John, 12.00 noon. Full particulars at K. & I'. and C. P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. I. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- BOAT C0. LIMITED BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally, except Sun- day, at 8 p.m, for Picton and inter- mediate Pay of Quinte ports, call- Deseronto, Northport and Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satardays. Freight handled with despatch and care at reasonable rates. JAS. SWIFT & CO, Freight Agents. J. P. HANLEY, ' Ticket Agent. ALLAN LINE Christmas Sailings TO LIVERPOOL. - From St. John, From Halifax. 30th Nov. Direct. 6th Dec. 7th Dec. 13th Dec. Direct. TO GLASGOW, Corsican Victorian Grampian From Portland. From Halifax. | Scandinavian 2th Dec. 13th Dec. TO LONDON AND HAVRE. From "St. John. 12th Dec. Lake Erie Direct. For full information apply to Local Agiuts or The Allan Line 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 19 Pive Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work: Hardwood Floors of all Ninds. A orders will ve prompt attention. Shop, 40 Queen Stree! Bibby's Garage BROCK ST. - Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Cure Kost of the Family's lis. Perhaps if the 4 children, and the '"grown-ups" too, tlways atc exact the right of exactly the right things, at' just the proper times, and in every other way obeyed the rules of health, there would be no sickness in the family, and no need of medicine, . But they never have and probably never will, so in : every family there are sure to be more or less frequent attacks of sick' headache, biliousness, indigestion, constipation, and kidney and liver troubles, and occasion- ally some one is **sick in bed', It is worth a good deal to the mother, then, to have on hand that perfectly safe and reliable remedy for these ills -- Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, They invigorate those organs which cleanse thg body of waste and impurities, regulating the bowels, stimulating the kidneys and opening the pores of the skin. Thus Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pill cure the common ailments and keep the family healthy, This they have been doing for over half a century in every part of the world. 25¢c. at all dealers or from W, H, Co, Led, Brockville, Ont. Tis Little Bos lo Bother' s Stand-by THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, THE HOME PHYSIOAN THE SPORT REVIEW MOVING PICTURES OF McGILL- "WARSITY RUGBY GAME, A WONDERFUL CASE, { Three Months in Hospital and Came | ncered, | Fre OR tof St Royal Military College Team Look] "1 had the Hest of the Intermediate Rugby Outfit, the Toronto Globe! [rubbed or Says. { Frank Shaughnessy has besn of- {fered a contract to coach McGill rug- iby team again next season and wi {accept it. | Laing, McGill's great outside wing, {will play Billington's position at {centre half next season, He lz said {to be a great punter. The moving: picture films of the Varsity-McGill game, were exhibited in Montreal; and turped out very sucessfully. Over a thousand feet were reeled off and caught the most Important incidents of the game. Torgnto Globe: --The Royal Mili- tary College team looks best of the intermediate outfits for the Canad- ian championship. Another game such as the soldiers played here against University of Toronto seniors will beat either Ottawa or Hamilton aspirants for the intermediate title. Rev. Father Stanton is firm in his belief that McGill would have de- feated Argonauts had the champions of the Interprovincial and Intercol- legiate Unions come together in the semi-final for the Canadian football championship. Representatives of the Canadian Rugby Union visited Hamilton and reported that if Alerts are returned O.R.F.U. champions, their grounds are unfit for the Dominion final with Argonauts. The Tiger grounds in Hamilton will be secured. The Toronto Globe says: --The de- cision of the McGill football team tc adhere to the policy of going no far- ther than the Intercollegiate series was a capital object-lesson. It is Kingston Business College Limited) Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-sixth year, Fall term begins August 30th. Courses In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele. firaphy, Civil Bervice and Eng- sh. Our aduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest railway cor- orations in Canada, Enter any Call or write for Informs- H. F. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, Canada. 1 ime. tion. worth something for sport in general to see thut there is one organization, at least, willing to forego the cer- ftainty of a big 'gate' and the possibility of a national champion- ship for the sake of principle. ' In Hockey Circles, '""Basil" Frith will captain Varisty team this winter. Percy Le Sueur, the Ottawa goal- er, says the N.H.A. is making a mis- take in not installing seven-men hoc- key this year. It is said that both Dr. Laflamme the RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Apply the Relief to the throat and chest until! the face smarts and reds a Give ay's Pills ch do as will freely me Fe sudden cold take large dose Radway's Pils and a teaspoonful of Relief with a teaspoonful of molasses ip a tumbler «¢ hot water, Netire at ones to bed, A profuse perspiration will break out, and in the morning the cold wlil be gone. ASK FOR RADWAY'S and take no SUBST TUT CURES SORE THROAT owels, and Frank Rankin of Eatons will be with St. Michael's College in the 0O.H.A. senior series. Ottawa Free Press: It will seem strange without Albert Kerr working along those left boards or Marty Walsh gnawing on a piece of gum in the centre this winter. Brantford will have an intermedi- ate and a junior team in the O.H.A The new rink will be completed early next month. Cuzner of the Varsity team has a case of water on the knee from a football injury and will not be avail- able for the blue and white hockeat team, the candidates for which are now working out at the gymnasium. LABS 00 BS INVALIDS PORT WINE * The services that wine vender to health @re more important then those of any medicine with which I am acquainted ™ Froncis E. Ansise, M.D, F.RC.P, | Concentration saps vitality. Hard work tires the stoutest muscles. Continued concentration and work without relaxation result in infinite, per- manent depression of mind and lassitude of body. Wilson's Invalids' Port Wine is a bracing, invigorating tonic that steadies the nerves and builds staunch bone and muscle. Doctors know ! Remember--a brimming wine- .o-. 'glass before each meal. . 182 It is possible that Skene Ronan and Percy Lesueur of the Ottawa Hockey Club, may accompany Fred Taylor when the latter jumps to the Pacific Coast league. Toronto News: Eatons took the proper course when they refused to play under an assumed name. 1f a player played under some other name to escape a rule he would be suspended, and why should a team sail under false colors. Hugh Lehman is the best keeper in the game, according to Lester Patrick. Jehman Is now with the Wsetminster Club, and was formerly with Berlin in the Ontario professonal league. The hockey war is a great thing for the players. The players in the east received a telegram from Patrick and showed it to the moguls and the clubs have to come across with a little more salary, than the contracts call for. Contracts don't seem to bother the players. goal- General Sport. The Alberta branch bonspiel wil be held at Edmonton, beginning Jan uary 15 and lasting eight days. "Bob" Fitzsimmons, the forme' heavyweight champion, and his son, "Bob," jr., are<giving = boxing ex- hibitions on the vaudeville stage. Promoter Coffroth of San Francis- co, wil Itry to arrange a match be tween Champion Wolgast and th A bite of this and a taste of that, all day feng, dulls the appetite and weakens the digestion. Restore your stomach to healthy vigor By taking-a Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal--and cut out the piecing". Na-Dru.Co Dyspepsia Tablets are the best friends fof sufferers from Indigestion and dyspepsia. 50c. a Box #t your Druggist's. Made by the National Drug and Chemical Ce. of i Canada, Limited. | 149 Going Home | 1 for Xmas? FOUR SPECIAL Sallig St. Lawrence MEGANTIG From MONTREAL NOV. 23 QUEBES, 7p.n. RATES FROM: Pst $92.50, Secown $33.73, Tums $30.50 Laurentic . Dec. 7) r= Teutonic, Dec. 14 : Canada , Dec. 21 | samus™=~="' Sy rites Can- and A Rive ali ET ide ee tm Fy A, Sond Ask Morel, Toren, Gusher wad winner of the Mandot-Rivers bout Ad Wolgast will sal for England in January to meet Freddie Welsh, who recently defeated Matt Wells for the lightweight championship of England. hg The famous yacht Seneca has been .|sold by Eric Moore, Rochester, N.Y.; to BE. K. M. Wedd of the Royal Can- adian Yacht Club, Toronto. British Columbia Amateur La- croase offifficials will take the in- itintive in organizing, National Amateur Lacrosse Association to govern all Canadian leagues. Manitoba is supporting British Columbia for the Canadian athletic championships this year. It will back J. D. Pratt of Winnipeg as president if that office goes west. The prospects of an international university athletic meeting in Am- erica during the coming summer have become brighter. The athletes of Oxford and Cambridge universi- ties are largely in favor of such a contest. Turkish Soldier a Model. mn cle. OT TRIS sokiier presents a' blend- ing of qualities such as no Eurbpean soldier possesses in the same degree. He is astonishingly sober; he never touches wines or spirits; a handful of rice or a crust of black bread, witha little mutton, form his sole food. He is proof agamst fatigue, cold, heat and poverty, and his fanaticism ia- spires him with dauntiess courage. Death has no terrors for him, for he has ever before his eyes the picture of a detighttul paradise awaiting him after all the miseries of this earthly life. - 1} 08 j caused me 1 j venience I end burn and Ta ar very painful. | war mit burned and bum {almost unbes remedies, but cided to go special got no better, Montreal and treatment I received ioenit at the Montreal General Hospits for' thirteen weeks the end ¢ that time | was no and jprucsst gave in A friend advised to give Zam-Buk a trial "Almost ap soon as applied Zam- Juk stopped the itching and the ir ritatyon 1 persevered with the balm, and it was soon evident that it would Fach day the pa be but at Ad cared ai me do me good. reduced, the sor heal, and by the a few boxes of Zam-Buk cured. "Since then Zam-Buk blood-poison in my finger, time when mv finger was in terrible condition that 1 feared would have to be amputated." For eczema, blood-polsafTg, piles, uloers, sores, abscesses, varicose ul- cers, bad leg, cold sores, chapped hands, cuts, bruises and all skin in- juries and diseases Zam-Buk is without equal. Ste. box all druggists and stores or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toron to, for price. Refuse imitations. nots At Wolfe Island, Wolfe island, Nov, 21.--The funeral of the ate John Keyes took = place from the family residence on Tuesday, Nov, 19th, at one o'clock. Stewart conducted the service and was assisted by Kev. J. Roadhouse, a for- mer pastor. 'The remains were placed in the vault. Kev. A. W. and Mrs. Stewart attended the Thanksgiving tea in Princess street church, Kingston, on Tuesday evening. Elmer Woodman and family left this week for Kingston where they will reside Mr. Woodman and daughter, Miss Olive, have been valued members of the Methodist church choir for some Lime Miss "Woodman was the recipient of a nice- ly-Bound hymn book. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church met last week at the home of Mrs rge Rathroy Mrs. William Gitlespie, = f.awrence, 18 visiting | rotoer, », G. Wood man Cre The Deceased. "Unfortunately the girl in the boat with him when he rocked the boat did not know how to swim "That was unfortunate." "For him, You see, she clawed him under the surface and stood on his face to keep her head above wa ter. '--Houston Post, BREAKS A COLD NEEDS NO HELP Pape's Cold Compourd Cures Colds and Urippe in a Few Hours-- Tastes Nice--Acts Gently. yes. It is a positive fact that a dose of Pape's Cold Compdund, taken every 'wo hours until three consecutive doses are taken, will end the Grippe and break up the most severe cold, either in the head, chest, back, stomach, limbs, or any part of the bady, It promptly rdieves the most mis- erable headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed np, feverishness, speezing, sore throat, running of the nose, mucous, catarrhal discharges, sore ness, stiffness and rheumatic twinges. Take this wonderful Compound as directed, with the knowledge that there is nothing else in the world which will cure your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and with- out: apy other assistance or bad af- ter effects as a 20c. package of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply--aceopt no substitute-- containe no quimne. - Belongs 1 every home. Tastes nice--acts gently. THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on It is crowing louder as he goes along Only 45e¢ per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A, MACLEANDS, Ontario Street, Electric Restorer for Men honul restores every nerve in the body Phosp to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphomol wil make you a new man. a box, or two for Eid to any address. The Scobell Drug Catharines, Ont. Price » {ability » | With organized society aiding {you that Rev. A. W.]| ling with colic, 1s what has made next 22 1912. | CRIMINALS WASTE LIVES, Transgressors Gain Nothing by | Violating the Statues, criminals is the says a writer in Brave men are Honesty is pol The courage of recklessness of fools, {the man's World. i never lnw-breakers. {afraid to fear the wrong. Crime is {an acknowledgement of inferiority. | Thieves amd murderers are low types weaklings aud unable to control their impulsey and passions--cheats who by their misdeeds proclaim in- to meet their fellows in fau jcontest. and encouraging law and order, he who believes that he ean pit his wits suc- {evssiully against ninety-nine per cemt, lof his fellows is either an ass or an | imbecile. | No example more firmly establishes this (ruth than the recent looting of an express car by a rattlebrain who, after plundering the safe, remained up- on the train and calmly esconsed himseli in a Pullman berth, where within a few hous he was discovered, sound asleep and with the evidence of the robbery upon his person. Any experienced jmibird will the wages of sin are only poor but uncertain. The greatest safe wbber of the century died mn poverty. , There is no record of swindler de forger who was able baueath an estate to his family. tell not to GET OUR PRICES for Tin, Lead, Zinc, Babbitt, Solder, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, THE CANADA METAL CO, Limited, Factories--TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG. IAN TAR Tans are going to be all the rage in Footwear this Season. We have made special preparations for the demand, and will be able to offer you some of the swellest goods ever shown for men, women or children. Don't forget this when looking for the latest in Tan Footwear. REID & CHARLES NEWEST MODEL IN FURS A short t of sealskin with man sleeves he latest length trimmings a muff are of The sealskin has the feather down over the dal The skunk laid eft ear ' I COMMENTS BY ZACCHELUS, | Who Reviews Current Events With 2 the Alphabet's Aid, ¢ A--~A man of pleasure soon finds | himself a man of pains. B--Bright metal is tarnished by ex. posure, and good morals are not en hanced by protracted promenades un der the stars. (--Constantinople, the capital of a great Christian empire, would have been '"'cute."' D--Dark rain of tears soonest flews from eves thal are most hike heaven. k~lagles, mighty kings of the air though they be, often have been slain by bttle humming birds perching on their heads and pecking and pecking into their brains. F--Friendship sweetens life. Gg-Grand Vizier of Turkey, very near out of a job, a warning to all tyrants. H--Hydro-aeroplane 'New York" to take party to Paris for "'dejeuner and back in time for swell bail in the evening. Hats off to our cousins! 1--1t were a little presumptuous af ter attending church about once every fwo years to expeet: Saint Peter togo into raptures when we knock at the door. Jd--Jinghing of pretty near due R--Krupp guns and cholera, kind of hard on harems I~Lord Carson. very quiet good King George whispered thing to him. Lord Bourassa may be the next to be sent for M---More power to our constables to keep moving 'ornate gentlemen of the street corner persuasion N<No. "14" the best Uhrist and his twelve! 0) grant an honest fame, or grant ine none! P--Pygmies are pygmies still though perched for the nonce on Alps ef pow er G-Quietude of conscience, reme satisfaction. L--Hising of "happy" father in mid- night maze, to soothe young one roar- merry sleigh bells since some those the sup door bachelor (so he says) obhdurate Being reminded, with the poet, that "music hath charms, ~ he (the obdur ate bach] simply qualified the joke as "insane S---Smiling a spacious smile, easy in prosperity, but only the stoic see God in clouds! I-~Triumphs of time, transient! U--Untrained, unorganized and un- armed Bobs, England never was and never will be, "dont you know?' V--Van der Goltz, military mentor to Moslems, a distinct ¥ailure. VW--Waves whirling wildly on ocean of lite, and without a true Christian's compass it were impossible to make the seraphic shore. A~Xaver Scharwenka scorhs all mannerisms and eccentricities. Art without artifice, all the more captiva- do nol enhance a man's stature by putting a tall hat on him. Oddity of dress or demeanor, a poor substitute for positive merit. ZACCHEUS. The prettier the stenographer the sooner she throws up her job to get married. . Somebody is watching you. It is; therefore, best to be a good example, nol the reverse, ; One cup of Lowney's Cocoa contains more nourishment than 24 cups of' Tea, or 22 cups of Coffee- and Cocoa won't make you nervous or fo 2 b 44s Hod Reuss how Cocon. Ougnt bolas The Walter M Lowney Co. of Canada, Lad. Montre: Smart Evening Shippers In Satin, colors Pink, Blue. White hod Black, with handsome ornaments, some beaded § $3.50. $4.00, $4.50. $5.00 12d $6.00 | Kid, Patents and Beaded, one, two and three strap effects from $200 to $3.50 ' P Men's Pumps In Gun Metal and Patent. Prices run $250 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 2nd $500 The one best place for Evening Shoes i Home of Good Shoes Sug Shoes Ts the J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoes

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