YEAR 79-NO. 274 he Daily British Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1912, LAST EDITION. NO VISIBLE PROGRESS IN THE Fighting Contes Nong the Tehatalia Lines THE SERVAN FORCES ARE MEETING WITH HARD. SHIPS IN MOUNTAINS, ---- The Turks Claim That Several Thou- sand Bulgarians Were Killed Be. fore the Tehatalfd Outer Works, Miter an Infibtey Battle. London, Nov. 33. The efforts toward peace im the made progress yesierdny. lixchange of ar pong Hook and Juladiey. Xeon dnaiba ces al chataljs lines and Nazim Pasha the Turkish com mander-inchief, in a despatch to Uon- stantigople, claims that an infantry battle occurred in front «f the centre of ls position, and that the Bulgar ians left several thousand dead before the Turkish outer works. Not much credence 15 placed in this report, how: ever. . Elsewhere in the war zone, the mili- tary situation remains unchanged. The Servian forces advancing towards the Adriatic are miecting with hardships m the barren, mountainous soumtey. which is buried deep in snow, sad the alhes are still harrassing what mains of the Turkish army that was driven from Monastir. Bulgar: iang have the important town of the terminus of ihe Salonika railway om the Aegan sea. The Turkish cruiser Hamidieh came into port at Uonstantinople yester- day, wounded from a Bulgarian tor: ped. 'ae a am that the ship BE WO au torpedo hoats nish, whe engaged, has not heen con fir To Negotiate A: Armistice. Sofiia, Nov. ot Ra 8. Davoft, president of m Juris ment, a ulgarian commander-in-chief of the Bulgar- ian army, have been appointed Bul- garian plenipotentiaries for the ne- gotiation of an armstice Setwaen the . Safvia, Nov. 23.--None i generals alleged to fed at Monastir are or in Pasha and Kars up the sponge and retired from scene three days be fore the city yielded. Th Servian light brigade reached the environs of the Turk h city of Dibra, whither it ts believed many of the Turkish troops re treated. : The Judgment of History. Paris, Nov. 38.--The editor of the Matin, who has just left Constantin. ople, describes a farewell visit which Te Joie to Kamil Pashe, the Grand 'You sep 1 await the ond." he said. "History will judge us, but it will also judge Burope. It will say ¥ Europe has ever seen in us a people jo Be instgucted, or sim a people he atploited. It wilt pay | demanded as many re vis AE s from . ; It will say A cemtury any inter est has been shown in anything but ave a and iad Snglond wil not not rogrel ome day Having abandon HAVE BOUGHT CLADE our £t a no visible |. re PEACE EFFORTS SIR GEORGE W. ROSS Chosen IHfberal leader in the Canadian Senate. PITH OF WORLD NEWS, From Telegraphic Despatches and Newspaper Exchanges. Five hundred boys' work leaders are in conference at (lalf. At Nottingham, Eng., Asquith apd Redmond said there will be no tam- pering with the home rule bill. Monte Carlos Wells was convicted, in Paris, France, of bucket shop swindl- ing, and got five vears in penitenti: "he urglars hurled horseshoe Nraphed per through a jeweller's win in Chicago, and secured $2,500 worth ol loot. 8. J. Covey, roadmaster on Grand Trunk Pacific has been promot. od to be trainmaster with headquar- ters at Biggar. William Galloway,' Waterloo, lowa, will present President Wilson with a $5,000 cow. The animal is Nona of Avon, and registered. The estate of F. J. (Lucky) Baldwin of Los Angeles is shown to be worth $20,000,000, after all expenses and minor bequests have been paid. Sentence of death on the four gun. men, convicted in New York of mur dering Herman Kosenthal will be pro nounced by Justice Gott on Nov. 20th, The killi Pattoinian George in Ih if, 3 od tho Claus lo a Titled by gan: mén in Buffalo in the last seven yours. Native silver has been discovered in good. quantities at Stewart Lake, 114 miles north west of the Grand Trunk Pacific line at Fort George and is be: ing diligently followed up. eo Queen of Greece is feeding 6,000 | b Moslem, 3,000 Jewish and 1,000 Greek familieé al Salonica. The representa- | sa tive of the Greek government has lib- erated all the political prisoners. At Franklin, Pa., in refusing a di voree to Mrs. Laura ¥. Sylvester from William WW, Bylvester, Judge Criswell laid down the principle that it is the right ot the husband to keep his fing: ors on tie family purse strings. in Uhicago, Irving Farveli, tweanty three years old, was shot and instant ly killed by Policeman John Honan, while resisting arrest in the basement of the Farre:l home. Farrell was the third of three brothers to be shot 'by policemen within five months and the second to be slain. A: Wo Bourchier, the ovigimsl eer of the Fort fieorge settlement in British Columbia; who went into (hat country from Ashcroft in 1906 as a freighter of supplies jor the Grand Trunk Pacific construction camps, has Just arrived in Kdmonton and states that, with a gap of 1 miles between Fort George and Fraser lake and few wunor gaps, the roadbed of the! GLY has all been. graded from «the end of steel at lete Janne Cache to the dud of steel at Hazelton. SEEKING TRENT VALLEY ENLARGEMENT AT ONCE A Big Depatation Wil Wat on the Goverment Rogar. gh tho | ago "1 the intruders, ---- WILLIAM P. HUDSON DEAD, Former Member of Ontario Legisla- ture Passes Away. Helleville, Nov. 23. --William P. Hud- son, aged seveniy-one, ex-M.P.P. for Kast hastings, died Thursday after- poon after being ill for some time. Previous to taking up his residence in this city Mr. Hudson resided in Ros: lin, 'Thurlow township, where he con- ducted a business. For years he was a mem of the township council, and from 1553 to 1894 repre sented East Hastings in the } ture. Deceased was a member the city board of education, having been chairman last year. He was an elder in St. Andrew s I'resbyterian church. Mr. Hudson was a member of the Mas- onic and the A.O.U.W, societies. Mrs. Hudson and two daughters survive. CANADA HOLDS FIRE RECORD. Nation, ' Montreal, Nov. 23. --Heavier losses from fires have been sufferer in Can- ada during the past lew years, in pro- portion to the population, than any other country mn the world, is the statement made by Chief Tremblay, of the local fire depariment. Alter a great deal of work he has received figures from the varioms Fu- ropean countries and in fact practic ally every country on the map. Canada's igsaes from fives, accord- ing to the statisties of the Montreal chiel, average about ¥3.40 per person, while the Umited Slates , average ' is nearly $3 per persoh. SHE SEOURED THE DOG. Dog's Skin Successfully Grafted on Woman. Chicago, Nov. 23. -- Announcement ia made at a south side hospital of the successful outcome of a case of skin grafting in which a large piece of the skin of a skye terrier was placed over a wound on the arm of Mes, H. W.Johnson of Menominee, Wis. The wound had been left after an opera tion for tubercular ulcer. The opera: tion, said to be the first of its kind ever performed, took place fen days and to-day Mrs. Johnson return- ed to her home, taking with her the which had contributed to her con- va Canon Feared Conditions Were Dan- gerous for Makiag Alterations in Holy Writ. w York, Nov. 23.-A London eca- AE yom tion ot an. t was a hot dis: inser Ffh the Buon at West- tors roposa) to 'ame! the gues- ion in the Rubric, "Do you unlei wdly believe all the canonical scrip: the old and new testaments ' minating the word "all" and {'containing all things neces to eternal salvation through in Jesus Christ." said fhe amendment would remove the conscientious scruples fo many candidates for holy orders. fait! The Deno Jit as a blow to the Bi- ble, Ci Gewbolt said it would be d to make an alteration ata time a Englishmen were losing be- lief in ly writ, when soldiers Wats no longer listening to sermons at St. Paul's, and when John the Baptist and Christ figure in a cinemntograph The change was adopted, forly to thirty. Carried by Flirting Porpoise. Los es, Nov. 23. -- Miss Caro line Ki i, «+ Chicago, jelioves in serpents since vesterday, when JeirfPaciov in the surf after being car vied several feet on the back of a large ul porpoise. Alter the regaining of consciousness and the passing of the hysterics Miss Kimba#l declared that never again would she attempt surf bathing. When a large school of porpoises came tolling in Miss Kimball, not be ing quite sure about the intentions of staried for the beach. One of the largest of the fish dived near her. She jumped and got in the direct path of the porpoise, which ear- vied her salong on its back a short distance. She screamed and then fainted. Cut Mare's Throat. Ottaws, Nov. 23. Hi: clear across, a young amd Vv i lo" Col irk, who Losses Greater Than in Any Other| | Woodstock, Nov, 23.--Lying dead inj {a pasture field with her throat WHO GETS. IT? An Estate That Seems Quite al WHICH DIED FIRST AND "WHE DROWNED WHILE OUT FISHING. ------ Fifty Thousand Dollars are Involved ~Llegal Complications in the Winding Up of an Estate--An Action Has - Been Launched at Osgoode Hall. Toronto, Nov. 23.--Legal complica: tions, which will be most difficult to untangle, have cropped up in connec tion with the estate of the late Wil liam MeCafirey and his wife, whe, with their children, and Mis. McCaf- frey's mother, were drowned while fish: ing from a cance near Omemee," on Baptimber 28th, he question which must be settled, hefore anything can be done in the way of winding up the estate, is whe- ther Zr. or Mrs, MeCalivey died first. If Mr. MeCafivey died first, his es- tate, amounting in all "to 'about $50, 000, would go to his wife and her heirs, put if Mrs; McCafivey died first, the heirs of Mr. McCaffrey will joberit the estate. In order to settle the question an action was launched at Osgoode Hall, yesterday, by heirs of Mrs. McCafirey, who issued a writ nisi to prevent the winding up of the estate until the question of the priority of the death Pof the husband or wile is settled CHOSEN THE LEADER SIR GEORGE W. ROSS CHOSEN BY LIBERAL SENATORS, MAN He Accepted the Position and Ex. pressed Deep Regret Over the De. wise of Sir Richard Cattwright-- Resolution of Condolence, Ottawa, "Nov. ® 23.--Sir George Ross, éx-premier of Ontario, was yesterday, chosen, by a fully attend- ed caucus of the liberal senators, to lead them in the upper house in sue- cession to the late Sir Richard Cart- wright. Hon. Mr. Bostock of Bri- tish Columbia, was also nominated for the position but. the choice of the majority fell upon the veteran ex-premior and the decision wae made unanimous. Sir George was most cordially re: ceived by his fellow senators when the invitation. In announcing his acceptance of the offer of the leader ship he express=d, at the same time, his deep regret at the loss to the senate and Canadian public life of the late leader, Sir Richard Cart: wright. condolence to the family of the late Bir Richard Cartwright, ing the deep sense of loss in death of one who had so long and #bly upheld the best traditions of public life. Christmas Hint An 01a Fashioned Gift € © Agin In Vogue he joined the caucus in response to teph, of Syracuse, N.¥.; The caucus passed a resolution of | express the ' pchased last spring and which has been <i) WAR LONG FORETOLD. Ancient Jewish Literature Tells of Fail of Constantinople This Year. New York, Nov. 23.---A London ca- bie saves : The Jewish World prints the following : It Bas been pointed out that cabalistic word Keohar, which so revered by the Chassidim and the oth- er Jewish mystics, there are state ments referring to Ishmael in the Bib- lical portion of the Vayera, that in the Jewish year 5673 (1912-1913 our calendar) there will take place a great war against Turkey, and that a ga- thering of a pumber of kings will take place in the captured Turkish capital, Constantinople. SLEW HIS NEIGHBOR AND BURNED THE BODY Killed Him in 2 Jealous Warsaw, N.Y., Nov. ¥.--I¥ a sworn stalement made to the district-attor- ney here this afternoon, Althose Prince, the young Wyowing county farmer, admifed that he murdered his neighbor, Frank Bentldy, in the woods near North Java on Saturday after noon and attempted to destroy evi- dence of his erime by burning the body. , Jealousy because of Bentley & {riend- ship with Prince's young and pretty wile, Prince said, was the cause. From the details of Prince's confes- sion, other evidence in the hands of Shenfi Bauer and the results of the autopsy held this afternoon, thy auth- onties believe there was a death strug: gle in the woods between the two men for Lae possession. of Deatley's shotgun, in which Prince §rme out the victor, apd then, with Bentley at his mercy, Prince shot him in the back. in the LATE MRS. JAMES CAMPBELL, Of Beverly Street, Who Friday Evening. Mrs. Sarah Campbell, wife of James Campbell, Beverly street, died at her home on Friday evening at cight o'clock, aged seveaty years. She had heen ill for about seven weeks, the end being due to a general breaking up of the system. Ihe deceased wae born in Lansdowne and during her life had resided in Cros- by, Jones' Falls and Seeley's Bay, but with her husband, had made her home in Kingston for twenty-seven years. She was a Presbyterian in religion, be- ng a member of Uhalmers church. The funeral will be held from her late home on Monday afternoon; 'at two © clock. Her husband, five sous and two daughters survive. They are William, of Pittsburg; jiarvey and Samuel, of Harricheld; John, of Kingston; Jos ve. Gh Mo- Alister, - Harrietield, a~d Mrs. W.. R. Moore, of Watertown, N.Y. One broth er, William Mason, of Jones' Falls, and two in Sheldon, lowa, with two sisters, Mrs. A. Ross, of Ogdensburg, N.X, and Mrs. M. Willett, otf Rome, N.X., also survive, Died on CHINESE EAGER TO FIGHT. Army Now on Way to Retain Hold "of Mongolia. Chicago, Nov. 33.--A special de spatch to the Chicago Daily New from Canton, China, says: The goyernor-general has desig nated Lieut.-Governor Chank Ming, commander of the Cantonese: foree going to Mongolia, to hold the territory for the republic. Red Cross societies are preparing to fol- low the army. "Let us fight and end once for all these forsign invasions," is the war ery that has been raised in Canton. An anti-Russian society opens head- quarters here to-morrow. MAYOR HUGO FAVORS MOTOR FIRE ENGINE Watertown, N.Y.. Nov. 38.-The mo- tor fire engine which the &ity pur in us since Jupe 16th, has entailed an expenditure of just $21.24 to meet its upkeep and running expenses for five months. Mayor Francis M. Hugo secured the figures yesterday from Fire Chief Mor: rison in order that he might answer a communication from the Kingston, Ont., authorities, who are fotnidet- ing the advisability of securi Wing / CARMI THOMPSON Secretary to President Ta appointed treasurer States to succeed Lee resigned last week a » IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor. The schooner Ford River, Saturday afterhoon, from son's whar!, with a cargo spar, for Charlotte. The schooner Abbie L. arrived at Rockwood coal, from Charlotte The steamer Tagona arrived from Fort Willam, and is discharging 110,000 bushels of oats, at Richard- son's elevator. The tug Thomson, of the tredl" Transportation company, from Montreal, with three' light barges, and cleared for Montreal, with three grain barges. The oil steamer, wvirt, Friday aight, Port Colborne, to grain. The steamer Samual cleared for Port Colborne, grain, for Kingston, The steamer Canadian, cleared for Belleville, and will load cement for Fort William, The steambarge Navajo, arrived at Richardson's wharf, light, from Mon- treal. The C. 6 4 Benechasss will steam out of the harbor next week down the St. Lawrence, between Montreal and Queber, us it was for the work on this part of the river she was built. The men of the Kingston Shipbuilding company are rushing her at the wharf A num- ber of workmen will accompany her The Botlechdsse will be' tried out ip the harbor on Monday or Tuesday The steamer North King was float ed at the shipbuilding eompany or Friday afternoon, and iz now moored at the Cereal company's wharf! M. T. company's barges and the Calvin company's Burmah will be docked before the ice takes The steamer Mississquot mrrived at the wharf of the Kingston foun- dr}, where she will lay up for the winter, and repairs will be done. The steamer City of Hamilton passed down on Friday night on her last trip of the season. The steamer Dundurn wont west on Saturday She will make an other trip before golng into winte: quarters. The steamer at a cviinder, head, neat ont, alter emMporary pepauw wer to Kingston Shipbuilding pany wharf, on Saturday morning, for repairs, under her am cleared Richard: of {eld Andrews Hospital, with Mon- Toiler, was on her way from Montreal, with Marshall to load blew Vin Caw Kevbelle, which Cape com own si Steamer Toiler Ashore, Toiler grain-iaden from Port Colborme to Montreal weported ashore at the island, having run on lay morning The steamer PRINCESS THEATRE, of © Management Popular Theatre, Commencing Mowday November 5th, the Princess will, under the management, go back to their old tem of giving the citisens of Kings ton the best show in the city for the 3 Don't fail to see the famous George Mascott, the best of all come diens. and four reels oi pictures for Be. Come ome and all-we will make room for you and welcome old and new alike. Don't forget Momday, 25th, Change pictures three times a week Embargo on Cattle. London, Sov. T3.--An influential de putation waited upon Presmer Asquith in the commons last evening on the question of the embargo on ealile at British ports. The premner promised that mm compunction with the president of the board of agrcutiure he would consider all points raived with 8 view to removal of restrictions at the ear lest ible moment. A mewsber. of the depalation infore. od the LAL that they expel the ens barge will be ermoved within the next month. Change of This new Eves pan Michael Fraser Dead, WAR IS STILL STORMING IN THE BALKAN STATES Sunday May Bring. More Det- Assuranc HEAVY MORTALITY ON BOTH SIDES FROM DISEASE AND POOR ATTENTION. The Turks Have Everything to Gain by the Present Delay--Rulgarians are Far From the Base of Supplies ~Britain's Stand Assures Peace. London, Nov. 3%. This week closes with the war still storming in the Balkans. Therd were some prospects that Sunday would bring more definite assurance of favorahle asegotintions, but, this mornitg, advices tell of vothing better than terrible mortal iy, on both sides, from diseasé and the poorly attended wounded The Bulgarigns have not gained an ich all week and the Turks haveev.. ervthing to gain by the present de- lay with the Bulgarian army su far from the base of supplies Peace experts profess to see a silver lining 10 the clouds to-day They think the preventative of the big war is Great Britain's avoidance of continental alliance. They think Britain's continued neutrality is the best assurance of peace among the great powers. TO CAUSE BITTER FIGHT SOON AT WASHINGTON Is Uncle Sam Belitting Himself in Oifers.? Nov. 28.-The appeal reciprocity, which still United States statute roots, despite the defeat in Canada, is likely' to be the vause of a bitter fight in congress this winter, accords ing the house leaders assemblying hove to-day Some congresanen think Uncle Sam is belittling himself to wither hoid out offers of reciprocity to Canada. greatest Washington, for Canadian stands on the to "Y Ruiph Connor's New Hook. Just issued to-day, "Corporal Cam: aron, of the North-West Mounted Polies," by Ralph Connor, sathor of "The Sky Pilot," ete. Never RBelore has the suthor had a more * pidiar- esque subjeet, and not in any of his earlier books has he risen to the op- portunities and possibilities of his theme. It is a mowel bo inspire and to theill and to satisfy. Now ready for" sale by R. & Compan: Velephope No a copy. Uglow 257 for Pension for Carnegie Family. Madrid, Nov. 28 The ducal title and an pension of $6,000 were conferred on the family of the late Premier Canalejas, who was as sassinated on Nev. 12th. Mclood's Little Liver Pills, box, 3 boxes We. Melrod's tore, Brock street. re. Eboneser Purley, Shasnonville, died waddenty- an hour alter a shins. illness Buy son's. fe. a Drug Red Cross Cold Tablets, "Gib BERRY 1 Funeral Any the 4 Walle ibera fsiand will be ee SUNK respect r lates resid. roan. at we ul Cemetery Thursday, Rutian, and 1§ Cataraq gvdenhath. on 1912 Charles . months Zim his Tax residende splay Novenmbur Friends apd ase- usin ances re respectfully ine ted to attend No flowers ---------- ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 577. 280 Princess Strood. The OM Firm of Undertakera, 254 and 2W¢ PRINCESS STREET, "Phone 147 for Ambulance. * 5 p.m a STOVES AND RANGES. Dressers, Beings oar Pode % line. Heasonsbie prices. At Phone 705. - NEW GOODS ~ Arriving Daily NEW SERDED RAISINS. §.. NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS, NEW (URRANTS, NEW PEMLS, NEW TABLE PIGS. NEW COOKING FIGS, NEW TABLE RAISINS. "| JAS.REDDEN & 00.