Z "Salada" Tea is *Hill-Grown" wn" tea has the small, tender leaves-- rich, delicious fragrance, redolent spicy tropics, | "Hill - with of the Tea is grown high 7p on the mountains of Ceylon -- with its native delicacy and fre grance held captive in the sealed lead packages. i mr my The "Patricia" Bow Price $1.00 The "Princess Pat" Bow has met with great favor in the feminine world this season. It is made of rich black velvet, and has mount- ings of the finest quality gold plate ~--ecomplete with brooch attachment at the back. This mounting is detachable, and a bow of ribbon or a piece of lace can be inserted ot any time. Order by the number--73 ii i YONGE ST. TORONTO| HRT TTT RTT ? i Hit restores - - to its proper tension ; restores ¥ wim oo vitality, Premature decay and all sexual ! averted Phosphonol wil Fall i Ape mA, Price 2a hou, ood "for term Bake a box, or two 20th. Courses in Bhd to any sddress. il Drug Tiranty-giath yea Jesine ugust a fer ly, © & For male at Mabood"s drug store rvice and ene wradus a De i in er TT at write for informa # Metoalle Princ Kingston Frincios Our toer ed Pome tion "You'll find it's so.' Labatt's London Lager Now Perfected -- Best Bupable TRY IT JOHN LABATT wats 28 MOTOR: CARS Ry the day. week or houh. Careful rivers. Gasole 'a. Best of Engine Ol Bibby's Garage | BROCK BT. |! jals for Sr i 1 Saturdays Cream Puffs Cream Rolls Choe Eclaire Charlotte Russe Swiss Rolls 5 3. J. Lackie's, FURNITURE | Rebuilding Sale This is a good opportu portunit to save money on &ll lines of | furniture. wing the next} JAMES McPARLA ND, Ageat. K10.241 King Street East. ENKINS' Children's THE RM.C. TO MEET HAMILTON NEXT SATURDAY. Ottawa 11. Defeated by 17 to 1le Other Ragby Games on Saturday --iarvard Wom From Yale Notes on Hockey. The HRoyal Military College rughy team, champions oi the intercollegiate intermediate series, will play Hamil ton Ul in Hamilton next Saturday for the Canadian championship, On Sat- urday, Hamilton deteated the Ottawa {11 on the former grounds by the seore lof 17 to 11. the K.M.U. team is the favorite, and should again land the trophy. Sent a Scrub Team. Hamilton Alerts sent a junior team on Saturday to play the Torontos the game ordered replayed by the ORF. LU. executive. 'Toronto wom by 3% 1o 7. The lorontos and the Alerts are tied for the O.R.F.U, semor fidmpion- ship, but Alerts are really the winners las the order to replay was out of all reason. Tigers Defeated Alerts, ih an exhibition rugoy game at Ham ilton on Saturday for the city cham pronship, the Tigers won from the Alerts by a score of 12 to 8. * A Ridiculous Score. in the Canadian rugby junior semi: final game in Montreal on Saturday, the Ontario Agricultural College team defeated St. Lamberts by a score of 0 to 2. Argonauts Defeated 'Varsity. Toronto Argos defeated Varsity by 22 to 16 Saturday in an exhibition game, in which there were many bril- Liant plays on both sides. Argos got an overwhelming lead in the hryt gquar- ter. but the collegians made a gallant uplall fight, and made it a close fin- ish. with the element of uncertainty carried through to the last kick. Harvard Swamped Yale. At Yale lied, New Haven, Conn Saturday, by playing superior » On 'THE DAILY BRITISH : | SE ----__ DOCTORS SAID IT WAS HEART FAILURE And Gave Me Up--But "Fruil-a-lives" Cored Me MoorFreLD, 'ONT., MarcH asth, 1970 -d suffered from avers Indigtation ia for nearly two 1 > oon take food without fearful distress, Two doctors thopght my disease was Heart Failure and incurable, | and I expected to die in a short time My son asked me to try "FPruit-a-tives"' rom the outset, I was better and gradually this fruit medicine complete! cured a dogen boxes--mnow | me 1 took hap am en end have gained over ¥ as in weight'. HENRY SPEERS (Justice of Peace' "Fruit-a-tives' are sold by all dealer: st soc » box, 6 for $2. , trial size 25c-- or sent on receipt of by Fruit-a-tive Limited, Ottawa. offence for loafing off-side shall stitute a major foul. A major foul consists of throwing tho stick to prevent a score, tripping in opponent when the latter is at emp' ing to score, cross-chocking harging from behind, kicking, and allaring. ¥ir che first offence a fine of % vill be inflicted. Second offence, $10 and bauishment for 20 minutes. Third offence, banishment for balance ol the game. fn addition to the foregoing, match foul is also provided for, = A match foul shall be when a player disables or injures an oppouvent. Fou the first offence the penalty shall by 835 and banishment from the ice un til the injured player is ready te come back. The second and third of fomees shall he dealt with as in th case of major fouls. Censured the O.R.F.U, At a meeting of the Canadizn Raghy Union, at Toronto, on Satur con WiHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 45, 912 'Anderson (captain), Batty, Morris; day, to consider the auestion of th final games, it was decided that th Argonauis be declared the winner oi} foot- (he semi-final, owing to the default of | Best's. Jixamine. -- players wore clean and fair and the game. showed much better fo ytball than the one of a week agd The teams were: Queen s--Fisher, goal; Duffat and Menenzie, backs; Bal, Coulter and MacDonald, halves; MacLachlan, Whitehead, Foster, McNab and Mas- ers, forwards. C. L. C.---Goal, UC. Hicks; ful! backs, Edwards, Other; ball backs, forwards, Murray, Robinson, Woods Guy, Kershaw, Soccer Protest, The protest of the Kingston Ship- vullging CcOmMpany TegaAraing their soccer game with Queen's of a week ago Saturday, will be considered at =» meeting of the city league executive on Tuesday night. The score of the game in question was 4 to 2 in Queen's favor. 8. B. Co. demand the tt be either replayed or pronounced a tie, e-- TENDERS TO BE CALLED For the Erection of New Salvation : Army Citadel. Major Miller, chiel architect of ¢ Salvation Army, arrives in the city on Satumiay and - lefi ot y morning. ~ While here he took charge of the Sunday services. Ome of te reasons for him being in the city was to make more = defipite arrange ments with regard to thy new cite del. At present the plans ave being vepared and in a week or so they will bé completed and tenders will then he called for. The local con cractors will do © the work en the' building. The Be citadel will he a brick structure, having a frontare of forty two feet and will be eighty-five feet in lencth. There will be a large hase ment and this will be divided off in to class rooms for the use of the Sunday school. The building will be heated with hot water or steam. ! 'and room and also an office will be located in the rear of the structom. the The new structure will be canable "of | § Tn vlgee senting five hundred people. chairs of having old wooden benches will be used. Finest range of holiday perfume at come famous as a city of peace, it is ball and taking advantage of costly fumhles by Yale, Harvard won by a score of 4) to BH. The scores were two touch-downs and two drop kicks. N.H.A. Penalties for Fouls. Very littly revision was made in the rules of play at the meeting of the National Hockey Assbeiation at To ronto Saturday. Penalties for fouls were outlined as follows : A minor foul consists of holding o tripping and loafing off side when the goal is not in danger. For minor fouls the player shall be warned once, and for every succeeding offence shoulh be fined $2. The third Restored to Health. by Vinol--A Letter to Mothers, Anxious mothers often wonder why their children are so pale, thin and nervous and have so little appetite. For the benefit of such mothers in Lhis vicinity we publish the following let Edmund Miller, New Haven, Conn., says: "My little daughter ever * birth "had been frail and | addin lior teams in the "OHA. This scraggly looking "villayet™ within. the line of fortifications ¢ ntside of Constantinople may bee It was here where General Savoff and Gen | generals, met to discuss terms of peace between the Balkan States' and Turkey. ed they will meet again to try and arrange terms. WeGill, and that they (the Argonauts) day the O.RF.U. winners on Sa. urd: Nov. 30th, for the champion hip; i in Hamilton with Alerts ne ground of the Hamilton A.A. ii forouto on Varsity grounds. The Canadian union also passed the allowing resolution : 3 "That in the interests of he Canadian union deeply regrets tum action of oné of its members, the T.RF.U., in the recent protest avising rom the Toronto R. and A.A.-Alert came of the 16th inst. We, as a mion, are strongly of the opinion that he referee's decision in this, as in alll uestions of fact, should be upheld} nd we regret that it is not in ower to award the game to the A rts. winning it as they did on the field." oO football McGill Fully as Good. The Mostrial Gasetta says ; Tt seers miair to sav that the MeGill sti eps. were afraid of deleat at the pas of Argonauts. The standard of "football in the Intercollegiate for wveral vearsy past has beén admitte) "igher than Abas in the Iaterprovin- dal. The Nhl team this year WW least the equal of any that vewe Varsity colors while the icaship rested in Tovento. A In Hockey Circles. * Univesity of Toronto will have, in. to a Senior team in the Teague, senior sod jun ia has) chan Int te I Princess street Methodist church, ouel] "gwere done the treasury of the 2 dered were in our churches who would Trhing for God's eatise they would re Nazim Pasha, the warring Negotiations. failed, but RELIGION DOES NOT REACH To the Pocket Book of Majority oi Christians. Rev. F. G. Robinson preached, in on Sunday morning, on "The Evidences of True Conversion," and among oth or things said that a man cannot be a sirue Christian who does not con-3 socrate his wealth as well as himself | to God. He said many people's ro ligicn waa of the head; sometimes it] resched to the heart, but in how fow cases did it veach "the pocket-book %r. Robinson also said, "We musi Iv aside at least one-tenth of ow it.ome to God's cause, and if this Lord would be filled to ovirflowing and as a consequence, whenever anything was required for the schemes of the church, there would always be something on band." In ihe book "Briigg vo ail the slarehouse. ete. voquired to give one-tenth of the twentieth century twice us much. How of Malachi we road : tithes into the I the Jews were Christians should give many people «ing "Lake my silver and mv gold," end yet if vou msked them foe any. it. "y hold." said Mr. Robinson, "that if we do not give to God's cause, and give until swe fool it. and feel it keen Te. we sliall pet vigy little ovaedit for sin the kingdpm of deaves." PAGE THIER. clenr moderately . B0th, 10 mam and Upper St. Lawrence westerly winds: ondary fue and Toroute. » wa \ Sertherty t. We have a store full of suggestions to suit every purse, and besides you will find many novelties at *'the store with the Christmas spirit " that cannot be found elsewhere. FEED dd 2 + 3 Shop---Early, In the momiag=i's ours. Come in you why. Get a Steacy Booklet of suggestions and. start right now at e morning and we wi and to your advantage 11 show - STEACY'S ores?) DISERSESTR) (TSAVEST) UTSANENY) You want to examine very cheap. | ROYAL STAFFORDSHIRE CHINA Genuine Hand Painted these dainty artieles We carry everything imaginable in this line something entirely new. You have never seen anything like it. . Cute odd shapes--dainty designs--and very | | ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Fine English China re GRAND OPERA HOUSE. or Dare" Was Twice on Saturday The romantic Irish drama of "Dion 0'Dare," with the median, Bernard Daly, in the tithe role, was presented at the Grand Op era House on Saturday afternoon and evening, before large audiences. Nr. Daly made a very favorable impres sion, 'both as an actor and singer. During the presentation of the piece, he sang several songs in a very pleas- ing way. In the seesaw song, "Love Is Like a Choogy-Shue," he was warmly applaused, and was obliged to repent three times. The company is ao etcellent one. "Dion Presentad Genee's Novelties for Tour. Adeline Genes, the cofiehrated danc- chestra for an extended Her noveltiss include a bean- 0 | pular young co- EDGARD RIEGEL FHOLNM ERY, ONOLOTH, Canvey LAYER t airs. Purnfiure Ig all Styles Hates WHensonable Drop a Card or Call ig Clarence Bt R RR. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CATARRH Pain over thé eyes, obstructious iin the nostrils, running of the nose, + watering of the eyes, are the symp- toms of this annoying complaint. Mingle a teaspoonful of the Relief with a tumbler of water, and snuff the mixture up the nostrils several times & day. Relax the bowels with Radway's Pills. Ask for RADWAYS sre best for nursing : mothers Because they do pot affect the rest of the Bild butsure. 250, el