Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Nov 1912, p. 6

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© PAGE SIX. pd SIR EDWARD CLOUSTON "how SUDDENLY IN MONTREAL, "SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Heo Was Seized With Created a Baronet In 1908, 'Montreal, Nov. 25. ~The death of Sir ¥dward burn Clouston, Pati, one of the Egknown bankers and fin auciers of Canada, occurred here Sat- urday atterpoon. iis sge was sixty- three years J Sir Edward fsinted in the morning hile engaged in conversation with a friend Liz the Royal Securities build. ing' Mecovering a few moments later Ne objected to being removed to the hospital, contending that he was all right. On the advice of his friends, However, he allowed himselt 30 conveyed to the Hoyal Victoria hos- pital where an examination was made. The hospital authorities at first is sued a bulletin announcing that the biFonet ¥ dondition was not very. geri- , and that the fainting fit had been brought about by acute indigestion About 2.80 p.m., Sir Edward's condi- tah begin grow rapidly worse, and away at 2.45 o'c he lock, death being due to apoplexy. : 'The deceased financier was the son of 8: J. Stewart Ulouston, chief fact- ¢ of the Hudson's Bay company, and Wr torn at Moose factory, Hudson s Bay. Alter ing & year in the ser- "of his father's company, he join- ol the stati of the Bank of Montreal M465 as a junior clerk. He became al nianager of the bank in 1590. a8 elected a first vice-president in tle resigned from that position I manager last year. r Kdward Clouston was connected in 'om city or another with twen- ty large financial cud commercial con- torne and a reputed to have been 'worth well over a million. J dn private life he was a generous supporter and worker for practically every charitable orgamzation in the city. Me was a great sportsman, and in his younger days distinguished himwel #8 an athlete, playing lacrosse, fgot- ball, and tennis equally well. He or tained a Canadian team which played Harvard university football team in =. He was created a baronet in Hew 908, of To Cut 600,600 Ties, In accordance with the tie-cutting rivileges grant to the Grand mk Pacific railway by its domin jon charter, the company has notifiec H. MacMillan, chief forester o Columbia, that approximatel 600,000 ties will be cut in the viecin ity of Tete Juane Cache. Under it: agreement the G. T. P. is entille 10 take all of these from live wood bdt an arrangement has been mad whereby 150,000 will be taken fron wood fire-killed last year. This | experiment to test the relativ. lity of live and fire-killed wood. The railroad has further agreed 1 burn all the brush for a distance of $00 feet on aither side of the right- of way. As an indication of the de- yélopment which is to take place in the Upper Fraser valley one firm has nde arrangements to put in two ills, whith will each have a ca of 175,000 feet per day. ---- hs Impure Blood. Let the blood become impure ar im- 'the nerves--which draw 2 ent from th neuralgia, lodomotor ataxia, and oth- affections arise frim impure ood. Debility and musoular weak- hess has the same cause. The certain is Wade's Iron Tomic Pills Laxative). - o ' kif Bot, sntisfactory. Sold at oLeod's Drug Store, Brock street, ane door above King street, jai -------- a t nerve strengthener er. In boxes, 25c. Mon- - A new hotel company with a capi tas of $900,000 divided into 3.000 3 of which half shall be prafer stock, has been organized 11° milton, and given a charter under the pame, "The Hamilton Hetel com- Ta mite, : H. F, Hoffman of the Re- © Episcopal church, died at ia from heart disease, seventy-one, During his ca- clergyman be never accept- preparing for a t Ottawa. 's ¢ the subject of lively : Apoplexy=-- 'Born Sixty<three Years Ago--, - 'Eczema Cured Best City Dootors Falled, Buy' .re | Mrs. A. T. Smith. you fire getting rid of it. Mrs. A. T. Smith, 1 Mt Charles St. Montreal, Que. sema on my leg for four years, and Boston, without 1 used three boxes of Dr Montreal benefit. pletely. This was thres years ago Since then I used Dr. Chase's with two or three applications. Dr. paration." Dr. Chase's Ointment, & Co., Limited, Toronto, THE TOWN OF N APANEE.- ---- Musical Club--Death © Mrs. Luther A. Wagar, Napanee, Nov. 25. The recon regular meeting of the Ladies' Mus eal club was held in the town ha on Friday from four to six o'clock The programme was arrangéd b Mrs. J. W. Robinson, Miss E. Dx roche and Mjss Light, and consigtc entirely of local talent, but from tb nwlibers given and the excellence « the music there was nothing bt congratulations to the performer The following were the participant: Miss Luella Hall, Miss V. McLauogl in, Mrs Curry, Miss H. Van Luven Miss B. Van Luven, Mrs. A, L. Hov ard. Mrs. P. BE. Van Luven, Miss } Stevens, Mrs. B, Black, Miss Norm Shannon and Miss E. Laidley, W. { Herrington read a very able pape on music. s 5 Rev, H. Cairns spent a diy or tw in town last week renewing ecqguaint (ances, ou hig way. back to Saska i toon. Mrs. Henry A. Baker. left thi | week for bef home iu Calgary, aft er spending the past three month 'with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Baker and family. Mrs. Sam Bell Jeft Saturday for Port Arthur to join ber husband. Mre Ladies' IT. D. Pruyn of Buffalo, N. Y., was {in town Yor a day or two last week le Word was recelved on Friday "of he death of Peterboro of Mrs. Luth er A. Wagar. Deceased leaves two children, one a baby, only a week id. Rev. W. H. Emsley of Picton war in town on Monday. He attended the Empey Hill church opening, and was ona of the principal speakers. The sum of $3,000 was subscribed for the repairs to the new cuurch, The marriage took place at St. James' cathedral, Vietaria, B. C., on November 12th of Harry Davy, » well known Napanee boy, and Mise May Belfray of Vancouver. Ships have passed icebergs at the mouth of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Bergs on the southern coast of the colony at this season of the year Ir unprecedented, Three Years Ago You apply Dr. Chase's Ointment for eczema and feel the benefit as if by magic. It may take some days to get the sorés cleaned out and the healing process fully established, but from 7 to day you can see the old trouble gradually disappearing and know that writes:--* 1 had ec- and tried many remedies and doctors in any Chase's Ointment and was cured com- r Oint- ment for irritations and eruptions of the skin, and easily got rid of them Chase's Ointment is a wonderful pre- 60 cents a box. all demlers or Edmanson, Bates mnie n---- NOT TO SELL CIGARETTES T GANANOQUE BOYS, mein The Merchants of the Topn an to th Strenpuously Opposed Market By-law--Other News © Gananoque. ul 5 . Gananoque, Nov. 25.--The ques tion of selling cigarettes ta minor: has been given considerable atieu tion during the past in counpectio with young pupils of the publ schools. A number of dekiers wet waited on and given strict warnin against selling in violation of th law, Gananoque Soccer team, OR a count of a number of their playe: being out of town, had to canes the game with Brockville on Satu aay. Thomas E. Boucher, who was r« ported ag ill a few days ago, at h! home on Brock street, suffered paralytic stroke on the right side saturday might, and is In a '@ eritical condition, slight hopes bc ing entertained for his recovery. Rev. Melvin Taylor, pastor ¢© Grace church, conducted the thiri: sixth anniversary services In th Lansdowne Methodist church in the village yesterday, and was greete with large congregations. Rev. 1 Richardson Kelly vf Lansdowne suj plied the pulpit of Grace chureh. Miss Irene Bishop, who has bee undergoing treatment in Hotel Die Kingston, for the past two month: nas returned homie much improve John D. Ryan of the staff of th Bank of Toronto, Lyndhurst, spen vesterday in town with his parent: Chief of Police and Mrs. E. J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCarney an young son left the latter part of th week for their home in Calgary, Alt: Miss M. Cornell spent the past fey days in Lansdowne, guest of he cousin, Miss Alma Turner. Dr. Fra McCullough, Fort William, is spend ing a short time here with his pa ants, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCul lough. Mrs. Timmerman, Orillia, and Mis Florence Sargent spent the past fe) days in town, gtiests of Mr, and Mp G. N, Assalstine) Another effort is being put fort by the town council to get the ma: ket by-law in such shape as to bs © some benefit. The merchants of th town have strenuously opposed th by-law ever since the reopening © the local market. The Late Miss Viela Whitty. Mre, Michael Whitty, 5% street, on Sunday, of their Mr. and rincess 1 illncas, ng for some time or parents, m 'Theatre. v-one years of age, and was a Ro an Catholie in religion. ived by - her father, mother, thre sters and two brothers. In Military Circles, Capt. L. Sherwood, Corps iuldes, third division, a graduate 0 46 Royal Military college, has bee: ransferred to the reserve of officer (Engineers). Major W, Henley, 45th Victori regiment, third division, headquar ters at Lindsay, has been transieive: ta the Corps Reserve, The period of tenure of appoint vent of Lieut. B. H. Hopkins a: signalling officer of the 45th VI oria regiment has been extended t Jeptember 10th, 1913, -- ¢ Owl at St. Andrew's Service An -gwl found its way info St Andrew's hall on Sunday evening for the Scotch service and caused quite a stir among "John Tameon's hairns," who scarcely knew how to take the visit of this bird. The bre thren were pacified, however, when their honorary secretary, James Ste wart, sanounced that the owl bad Seotch qualifientions for did it not say "Hoot." To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Fab tots. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 3 The SS. Royal ticorge is off the rocks, and reached Quebec under her own steam. { (hse tests The death oceurred, at the home o! laughter, Miss Viola, after an extend The deceased had been ail- of heart trouble. he had only been in this city a short ime, having come from Toronto, with when her father accepted we position as manager of the Orphe- The deceasind was twen- She is sur: TRE DAILY BRITISH AHW, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1912. Let us prove it, TORONTO Making Statements If you haven't seen the Burroughs State- ment Carriage, with which all that the clerk is required to do is sim the statement sheet in, give t whil, and go ahead with his work, 25 to 30% faster than any other form of state- ment carriage on the market. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. D. W. SAXE, Sales Manager 146 Day Street Shoppi t H The most clever and progressive women have learned the immense advantage of carefully reading the advertisements. ply to drop ie platen a Those who are more dull of apprehension prefer to wander around in different stores hunting for the special bargains and unusually attractive articles. up-to-date woman of to-day sits down and takes her paper and reads the advertisements carefully before she goose "shopping." has learned by experience that the merchant who is up-to date in his methods and has the most desirable offerings, is the ome which makes his influence felt through his advertia- ing. ONT. is merely a matter of using a little Danderine. it is easy and inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just get a 25 cemt bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now---all drug stores re- ommend it--apply a little as direct" od and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance; freshness. fluffiness and an incom- parable gloss and lustre and try as you. will you cannot find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about twy GROWS BEAUTIFUL, LONG, HEAVY WE CAN PROVE IT---25 GENT " --_e : a mite " DESTROYS DANDRUFF--STOPS FALLING HAIR--CLEANS AND IN. VIGORATES YOUR SCALP--DELIGHTFUL DRESSING. To be possessed of a head of! weeks' use, when you will see new heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous] balr---fine and downy at first---yes fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff{---but r ; If he did not do this he would, not be an up-to-date merchant. The back number merchant does not advertise. Shopping at home, looking through the ads. before you start out, saves time and annoyance and Is sure" to result In both economy and satisfaction. " It pays to read the advertisements. "The British Whig" Eastern Ontario's Greatest Newspaper really new: hair--sprouting out all over your scalp--Danderine is, we believe, the only sure hair grower; destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp and it never falls to stop falling hair at once. If you want to,prove how pretty and soft your halr really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your bair taking one small strand at a time, Your hair will be soft. glossy and beautiful in just a few moments--a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this. TRAVELLING LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM MOAT CO. LIMITED BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE, TITRE | Intemational Live Stock; Str. ALETHA . ISL IN SER d a STEAMER TOILER IN A MISHAP ON SATURDAY, Ran Aground Near Foot Wolfe Is. land, But Steambarge of Vessels Reported bou, The oil steamer Toiler, which ran aground Saturday morning at the foot of Wolle Island, was released early in the evening, and was able to proceed on her way to Mentireal, Lhe vessel was doaded with from Port tolborge, but it is stated that she suliered no damage, as she merely went on a mud bank, when a slight mishap occurred to her rudder, in a narrow part of the ghannel. Word was sent to Bangston, shortly after the accident, and the steambarg: Navajo was soon on the scene. The I Navajo took oli part of her cargo, and after this was done, the vesser was sable to pull herself off. The steamer 'Leiler has had many accidents, and a great many marmers are included to look upon her as a "hoodgo."" the steamers Frontenac, and Hemmens of the Wrecking Co.,.also went to the oil steamer Touer," which was in trouble at the foot of Wolfe island, and with the steambarge Nav ajo, succeeded in pulling her off. The steambarge Navajo took off part of her cargo snd went on to Montreal grain the steamer Tagona discharged. The Eastwood was held up at Cardinal on Sunday on account of the storm, bat it way expected that she would arrive here during the day. AM. ¥. CoJs elevatori--Tug Partlett arrived from Port Colborne, with the barge Ungava, loaded with gram; tug Broneon, from Montreal, one nght grain barges; tug Bartlett cleared for Montreal, with two gram barges; steamer Advance arrived light, from Montreal, and went into winter guar- ters BOIL THE PRINKING WATER Til Contamination Disappears is Health Officer's Advice. As Prof. W. T. Connell, Queen's bacteriologist, shas contaming- tion in the city water supply, the me- dical biénlth officer has notfied {he households 10 boil their drinking water till he announces that the con- taminstion has ditagpented. That th Hafbor waters are lable to contami co a o con hate' ot Pro Borah and o need of a filteation plant is - again : Tuself upon eilizehs. Dr. i, on Saturday, as Te walter RAN ON A MUD BANK Navajo Came to Her Rescue--Movements | Along Har i Cornwall The steamer Eastwood is on her way | from Montreal to Richardson's elova- | tor, to luke the cargo of grain which | | {An barge. cleared for Montreal, with wo Man. daughter of a wealthy farm { throat, bad breath, of to bresk I sea, and you will surely have a well 1.082 day, at 3 p.m. for Pi¢ton and inter Exhibition mediate Pay of Quinte porta, call- port and CHICAGO, ILL. ing at Deseronto, Nort Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays to December Tth, 12. and Saturdays. Freight hendled with despatch round-trip Continuous Iirkets will be Issued at and care at roasonable rates $25.6 JAS. SWIFT & CO, Freight Agents Good going December 1st to De- { 'ember 4th 1912, inclusive. vovember 30th 1 Passage P HANLEY, Ticket Agew: J Fruit Bonbons. | 1 1b. Glass Bottles with ground s'oppers 'Only 50 Cents 106d to return until Dec. th, 1912, inclusive For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts Any . fA" J an vik atalb Aida nie IN CONNECTION WaT CANADIAN PACTFIO RAILW AY TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON 11.30 am. Express--For Petérboro, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebeg, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chi- cago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. 5 p.m. Local--For Sharbot Dake, connecting with C.P.R. East and West. 7.45 a.m. Mixed--For Rentrew and intermediate points, daily except Sun- day. Passengers leaving Kingston at 11.30 ! a.m., arrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m.; Pe | terboro, 4.19 p.m.; Toronto, 6.36 p.m; { Montreal, 6.20 p.m.; Bostos, 7.30 a.m; St. John, 12.00 noon. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. i SLIPPER | IN VELVET AND FUR artistic treatment of the favogite suiting material bein used winter ® Ladies' Dress 8lip in White, - Pink, Blue, . Yellow and Black Satin, | also in | Patent Colt. Dull Fid, Suede and Velvet Bead- ed Slippers, Strap Blip- = per $2.50, $3.00 $3.50 and Elizabeth Sienkbell, Brandon a: ALLAN LINE Christmas Sailings TO LIVERPOOL. From St. John. From Halifax. Corsican 230th Nov. Direct. Vietorian 6th Dec. 7th Dec. Grampian 13th Dec. Direct, TO GLASGOW. From Portland. From Halifax Scandinavian 12th Dec. 13th Dee T0 LONDON AND HAVRE. From St. John. 12th Dee. Direct. er, suicided by shooting herself be -- cause her parents refused to let hos go to a dance. CROSS OR FEVERISH Mean Their Howells are Waste. Clogged: Liver Sluggish and Stomach Sour. Your child isn't natdrally cross, iritable aud! peevish, Mother ! Ex- amive the tongue; if vosted, it means the little one's stomach is disordered Liver inactive, and &ts thirty feet of bowels clogged with foul, decaying waste. Every moiber realizes after giving delicious "Syrup of Figs" that this is the ideal laxative nnd physic for children. Notbing elee regulates" the litle one's tender stomach. liver and bowels so efliectunlly, besides they dearly love its delightful fig taste. For constipated bowds. slaggish liver, biliowmness. or sour disordered | 10031 Ants or stomach, feverishness, dincrhoes, sore cold, give one-hall to a te ful The Allan Line "Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours , ail' the clogged up waste, sour bile, 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. undigested food and constipated mat- -- ter will gently move on and out of , . the system withoul griping or nsw Gents' Dress Pumps, . Gun Metal and Patent | Colt, light or 'heavy | soles. $250, $3.00, $3.50 $4.00 and $4.50. Lake Erie For full information apply to To ENGLAND, SCANDINAVIA an) the © CONTINENT Laureatic Dec. 7) 5505s 3 3 apey and smiling child again shord- "With Syrup of Figs yon are wot drugging your children, being

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