VER ------. pe JOH F YOU ARE A You want a Heavy Top Coat Not One That Costs a Lot of Money-- Just a good looking strong- ly, made, com- fortable winter coat that will keep out wind and weather. We have them $13.50 up. Have a look. Hundreds of Coats here to choose from. N McKAY, THE FUR HOUSE, 149-157 Brock St. WATH MIKNONS od BEDROOM: MIRHORY All sizes, from very small at 760. and $1.00, to four and five feet long at $4.60 to $10 each. i Gol, Gilt and Oak Frames, Bevelled dritish Fate, See our windows. We are palling these at a small ad- vance as it is a new depart- ment. "R MeFAUI'S TEA TEAl TEA! the Finest Tea Gardens of uncolored, and of the finest and Black at 30¢c per < DREW MACLE aN Sree Are often of no Use, beeause you bought something that did not give service. Our lane is durable, com- fortable, pleasing. JRE Bo» Ele Ta TET BY Well | Ak | WW & * . CARPETS, RUGS, CURTAINS. Goods held until Christmas. = . 'Phone 90. Yours, ' T. F. HARRISON Company rae ---- of Li ts THE NOTRE DAME BAZAAR. Promptly attended to by 'ex. perienced workmen, at a mini mum price. Our prices are one-third lower than any other fire's. {of the department and those of the OF VICTIM OF BAY OF QUINTE WRECK. ! Joseph A, Laberge, a Well-known Traveller, Passed Away--He Was One of the Chief Witnesses at the Inquest Held Here. Joseph A. Laberge, whe was in Jured in the recent wreck on the) Bay of Quinte railway, near Syden Bam road, is dead at his home, in Montreal. - Although his death wa. not. directly due to the injures he received in this accident, it 1s state that he never fully recovered from BURIAL OX THUHSPAY Late Nechdearon Macmorine-- --=Nervice ar St, James', of John Kher Macmworine, took place from the residence of his somvin-law, Prof. Alexander Macphail, Clergy street, on Thursday moramg at ten o'clock to Sy. James" chmrch, wnere 8 large con: gregation gathered. 'Lhe oibiomting clergymen were the thishop of Untarie, the Dean of Unturio, and the Rev. T. BW. Sevary, rector of St. James. The church was draped and the surpliced choir was in attendance. After the service the remains were horne to Cat- aragui cemetery and placed in vault. The mourners were deceased's sons; Hev. J. H. H. Coleman and 'rol. thy emects of the shock, Deceased was well known in King ston, and was employed as a trav eler by the James McCready com pany of Montreal His busines: brought him here many times dur ing the year, and in this way made many. friends. He was ou of the oldest travelers ou the road having been employed with this oa: firm for a quarter of a century. At the time of the accident Mr Laberge received some severe cuts oi his head and face. At the inguest which was conducted by Dr, A. Ek Ross, he was one of the principa witnesses He had been in the eit three times since the accident, am on both occasions had remarked. t friends that he was not feeling well He made his last visit here thre weeks ago. In addition te his wife he is survived by two children. 1t will be remembdred that in th Bay of Quinte railway wreck one wo man was killed and another died : few days' later of injuries she re ceived, thus the death of Mr. La berge makes the third death, KINGSTON STREET MARKET. The Prices Asked on the Market on Thursday. A number of sleighs were on the market on. Thursday morning. The sarmers reported that in most places in the country a good deal more snow. had fallen than in the city during last, Sunday and Tuesday night. Closer to the city the wheeb run easier. Partly owing to the difliculty to deliver their loads ix the city there was a falling off i» the number of loads of hay brougl into town this week. , The price $14 to 8i5 a ton. There was an especially good island market on 'Ihareday. A number oi the housewives bought quantities of butter, the price beihg 0c. a pound. Some was held for Je. and 3c. a pound. « Fggs remained at. 35c. and 40¢. a dozen, For strictly fresh ones Sle. a dozen was asked. There was a good quantity of poul try. Turkeys were hought for from $1.25 to $1.75 emuth; large omnes going higher. Ducks sold at $1.25; fowl] from. 90c, to $1, and chickens from We, to 90¢. a pair. The other prices were : Potatoes, 00¢. to 31; apples, 80c. to We. a bushel; cabbage, B0c. a dozen; beets, carrots and turnips, 20c. a peck: parsnips, 25¢, a peck; dnions, 36c. and 40c. peck; pumpkins, lOc. to 30c. each. "Beef sold for 6g. amd Tec, front auarter. Lamb was bought for 13¢ and Ibc.. apd pork for 12c. and 13c. BETLECHASSE'S TRIAL TRIP, $1 New Steamer Made Twelve and » 'Half Miles: The steamer Bellechasse arrived back in the city at eight o'clogk, on Wedngedav evening, after her . trial trip up the Bay of Quinte. The new government steamer, with the officiale builders on board, made her (trials in the vicinity ol Bath. She was run over the measurgd mile twelve times, eight for the satisfaction of the government officials, and four times for the shipbuilding company. | 1t js undetstood that the Dllechassd will go down the river on Saturday. The steamer Dollard, also. for. the government service, which was launch- od a few dave ago, will take the place of the Bellechasse at the whart outside the dock and the work om her will continue - 'The steamer in her full power trinl made a speed of 12 1-2 knot per hour, whilst the other tests were highly satisfactory. Medsrs. Duguid, Forneret, McLean and NeNab, repre sentatives from the department at Ottawa, were well pleased with the boat in every way and félt it was fof the Co afternoon was made intervsting by a a' decided acquisition to their fleet and a credit to the builders. On Wednestiny afterndon the "bazaar rogation of Notre Dame, at + hall, was well at The Alexander Macphail, sons-in-law. and Frederick Ransom. The honorary pall- bearers were; + Venerable Archdeacon Carey, Canous Grout, Loucks .and Cooke, Rev. RH. 8. Forperi and Rev. William Lewin. 'The bearers were the two wardens, Messrs. J. HK. Forster, and H. Thvior, and Vessrs. Francis Ring, G. E, Hague, Frederick Welch and trof. btaliord nirkpatrick. The following is the list of offerings : ~~ Hed carnations, Miss tallian Mowat; spray, Mrs. Muir head; flies, Mss iogers; sheaf of roses, Mrs. ¥. PP. Syer; spray of chry- santhemums, Mrs. and Miss Going; spray of roses and chrysanthemums, Mr. and Mrs. Gwillim; spray of chry- santhemume, Mr. and Mrs. Francis adng; spray of chrysanthemums, the it. James' Woman's Adxihiary; cross, Dr. and Mrs. BK. K. Ailborn, wreath of roses, Mr. and Mrs. 5. K. Ahirk- patrick; spray, Mr. and Mrs. George Jrawford and daughter, Cross, the cdthedral clergy and city clergy; roses, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wo. Cense, Ottawa; spray of roses and chrysanthemuns, Mr. and Mrs. George Hague; spray of roses, Miss Beard: Areath, the congregation of St. James' 'hureh; crescent of chrysanthemums, he Misses Pense; spray of carnations, Mes. H. W. Betts; spray, Rev. 17. W. Suvary; spray, Miss Georgie Caddy; spray, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Murray and dgk and Miss Louisa. Kirkpatrick; ross,' the organist and choir of lames church; violets, ¥. Jobbs; spray of lilies and roses, Mr. Judi Mrs. R. W. Marshall; spray of osés and lilies, Junior Auxiliary of ¥. A. of St. James' church; sheaf of hrysantheinums, Mrs. Corbett and hing R. Corbett; sheaf of roses, Mr. ahd Mrs. F. OC. ions, Rev. A. Edward Smart, of Sharbot Lake; spray," W. Maemorine ; spray of earmaticns, Mise Dubuis. Likely tu Stay. Dr. A. P. Knight, of Queen's stated to the Whig on Thursday afternoon, that, if<the general iule is followed out, the snow is here to remam for the winter. According to this rule, if the snow lies on the ground for a week (as. it will be on Sunday) the dew point is kept low, by this snow. Any fall later is generally in the form of snow, rather than rain. On Thurs- day morning the 'temperature was twenty-two degrees above zero, Fire on Queen Street. The firemen were called by tefephone at 715 o'clock, Wednesday night, te hthe home of Louis Abramson, 220 Qwen street. Uné of the members of the family had a lighted piece of paper looking for an article under the sofa, when the latter caught fire. The damage will amount to $150 or more, covered by insurance. -------------- rders taken for expert piano tuning. Jutton's Music Store, Phone 270. Lhe police wish: to return thanks to Dean. N. ¥. Dupuis, for his donation of literature, Buv mentholatum. Gibson's. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Time for Furs The rush of Christmas trade will soon be here why not choose what you want. in Furs and have it { laid aside until wanted. Don't wait until the : ther momete, is so low that Suying Furs 's entertainment ealled 'Fairy~ i" which takes place every after | In 'the even was given Dane yor of the Notre a pleasing operetta | will have to be done har- | viedly: | come to this store becan ¢ | The funeral of the late Archdeacon the two § floral' nughter; roses, Mrs. William Kirkpat- | St, | and MN. Reid; spray of carna-' High-clase songs in great 'variety. |] bi trial of Ur. Heattie Nesbitt. : " Dberty 1s taken from him. This {ime Wise Fur Buyers § i.» Ship Ahoy, Excuse Me, Mr. Moon, COLLEGE BOOK STORE 160 and 102 PRINCESS STREET. Parliamentary. Offer | ~ Of Canadian National Newspapers, TORONTO MAIL AND GLOBE. Five Months For $1.00 'From Now to April 1st 1913, Send or phoze orders tc us and receive prompt attention. Little "Miss Fix-It" Music. The four leading numbers :-- Ever Love Another Girl, Will you be My Eve, x, A Record : Season +H : This has been a record season in our Coat Department TH The sales are far in ad- TY vance of any previous Hilti season. Why ? Simply because our plete, 1 } HOW HE 'Regular Hours for Meals and Re tween Times He Can Play Check. ers, Redd Books and Ohat With Prisoners, Since W. BR. 'travers, former man. ager of the defunct Farmers Bank, was sentenced to hwgston pemitenuiary, he has spent but a short tame in that in- stitution, says' the Torunto telegram. «in tact, most of hus tame has been spent in nhttie jaunts to Toronto, a SPENDS TIME AT TO- RONTO JAIL. stay of a lew weeks, amd thea back | 2 agmn to mmgston, only to be brought bes here again to give evidence wo the |" While m foronio he has a fairly good tune for a convicted crinmanal, He has no work to do, and except when in the witness box he can enjoy himself as he likes, except that hus hé has less liberty than om the other t | dyxcept when he is taken in a cab 10 the city halt to give hus evidence, he is resttidted to tae jadl courtyard for fresh mar. range is the most com- the styles are strictly up-to-date, the garments made, and the values are the best in the city. We court comparison. Nobby Coats for Misses or Ladies. $5.00 and Up. INEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORER. are tailor- Wrist Watches For Christmas. IN GOLD AND SILVER, On expanding Gold and Sliver | Bracelets or the less expen sive straps. They are accur | ate jewelled timepieces, made |» espeially to stand the extra motion of the arm, ; We have them with White Enamel, Silver, or Gold Faces at moderate prices. « There 1s going to be a dig demand for, this Gift this THE PEOPLE'S FLORIST E. K. PURDY 100 BROCK STREET, All seasonable stock - on hand at all times. Phone in connection night and day. Often need Glasses for read. ing only, their distant sight ! belng perfectly good. ' If the print blurs or the eyes tire whem reading no other symptom is Decegsary. What is NECESSARY if you want perfect Glasses is a visit J. S. Assalstive D. 0. §. a A -------- Christmas. \ f { SMITH BROS. Jewelrs and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 850 KING RTRERY. Hudson Bay Sable Ermine, Persian Lambs, Minks, at REAL ESTATE Row of four frame houses in ® down town location $4,400, Present rentals $444. per year: Money placed on first mort- gages on good security. E. W. MULLIN Real Estate Broker, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. "COR. JOHNSON & DIVISION sT% 'Phone 539. The distinguish that charscterites A a Breeding. verything wi wash is notieendls Yor clean'y Jwastiss and faultless Cor. Princess & Sydenham Ws. "Phone 22. ¥