Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Nov 1912, p. 5

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oS Remember the Bays. I we bave made speat preparations for supplying the i A e with the very bes reading matter for Hoflday Girta, ind book buyers will be intergted in our magnificent stock of BOOKS FOR BOYS including the tohowlng: BOYS OWN ANNUAL HE CAPTAIN CHUMS . The three New books for boys by Captain Brereton. New Scout Story Books, and rattling Boys' Stories of English School Life. Select your gifts for the boys at once, at boro ws great Eaglish Annuals for boys. Before Leaving Your Order For an Overcoat or Suit, suppose selection of surely find your ideal material here. Then we will take up a that will be just You will find that youn come and see our goods 7 You will your measure and make you Suit or Overcoat what you want. our prices are not ¢ high THOMAS LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor :.: HE CHANCE YOU MISSED fad you purchased Inside Towns ite Property in Calgary, Edmonton, BASE Moe Jaw, Regina and Medicine Hat a few years ago yo would now be worth a fortune. An o pportanity, just as full of possibill on VERMILION, Alberta o Divisio Paint en the CN between Jo ay the py! that bas had suc bh 4 phenomenal growth durin the past few years, and where land values ve advanced so dapary, Brit MiLION is surrounded by 2,000 000 ac res the finest grain and mixed farming land in Western Canada, is | direct line of population rowth, and the railroad develo ment workt now golug on will make it_an fnportant. distributing centre. fe ©0 ntrol 80 per cent. of the unsold Inside' Townsite Property. which we are now offering at very reasonable rices for business and investment purposes. Write us to-day for handsome VER- MILION Booklet and valuable infor mation about the money-making op- portunfties in this rapidly developing centre. CEDRIC A. MORRIS & CO., 424 Builders Exchang®, Winnipag, Man. 1 A ---------------------------- ~Full Government Deposit. Legal Government Reserves. «Over Capitalization Provided Against. --~Rates that have' stood the severest actuarial test. ~But 'no loaded « rates, consequently less per thousand than for corre sponding policies in other companies. £0. OFFICE: TEMPLE BUILDING, TORONTO. whdF THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE CAPITAL, $15,000,000 000 REST, $12,500,000 "MONEY ORDERS Issued by ¥Fhe Canadian Bank of Commerce, are a safe, convenient and inexpensiye method of remitting small sums of money. These Orders, payable. sfthout charge at any bank in Canada (except in the Yukon Territory Sand in the principal cities of the United States, are issued at the following rates : % R: :4_ TANCES ABROAD should be made I» meats of our SPECIAL FOREIGN DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS. Issued without delay at reasonable rates. P.C C. STEVENSON, Manager, KINGS TON, Ontarie. -- air What a gst 157 Frincess St. ¥ *htreh held a ten aid si at Coward, THE PAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUURSDLY, NOVEMBER 28, 1012 ARTS SOCIETY AlSO DOWN THE CABMEN And Its Members Will Walk to Dancos~~Progress of the Hockey- ists--~The Fimal Year Dance on Friday Night. The Harviers' Club selected . the following offisers for the forthcoming year, at its meeting Tuesday even- mg ; Honorary president, Prof. Henderson; president, J. W. D. Far reli; ios-presidutt, I. I. Tees; "se cretary, - McKay. ON At the meeting of the Arts' So- ciety on Tuesday evening the follow- me motion was t "That the members of the Arts Society unani- mously declare their "disapproval of the exorbitant rates demanded by city cabman, and their resolve to dis- pense with cabs for dances, except in extremely bad weather." On Saturdav afternoon next the Jevana Society of Queen's will hold its annual tea and sale in Grant Hall. "The co-pds have been busy for some time past preparing for this event, which promises to excel all past achiavements of the society. The victory of the Queen's Ladies Basketball team over the K.C.I. team, on Tuesday, by the score of 7 to 5, was marred by the injury s2stained by their captain, Miss Edna Henderson, who had her ankle sprain- ed in the contest. The Queen's team consisted of the Misses N. Merry, Elizabeth Chown, Gemmel, McQuay and E. Henderson. The Queen's hockey aspirants are rounding into shape under the able wmetruction of Physical Director Bews, who fputs the boys through an hour's vm. work everv Monday and Thurs day, from 4 to 5 p.m. of last season's team is hack in Blakesley, Box, McKinnon Wally Smith. "Eamie" Sliter not expeet to play and so will be three positions to fill, an the defence and one on the for ward lines. Besides many promising aew men there are soveral oi last vear's [ast intermediates to fill these bacancies, including Lou Smith, Mox- tev. Elliott, Ray Smith, Rodden, and others. Queen's will make a de- termined fight to win the cham- monship this year, and prospects seem: bright for success. "Everything points to the final Lvear dance being a great success. The mvitations are unique in their origi- aality. apd the orchestra is Ottawa's best-- Valentine's, The patronesses will be the Mosdames J. Watson, J CO. Connell, W. 0. Willhoft, IL. Mal- solm and W. L. Grant. The vom- mittee in charge is made up of M. J. Avkroyd, J. Aird. 8S. Parsons, V. Blakeslee, J. Fower, C. Cameron and W. Paye. The debate committee at Queen's has 'sustained the decision of the mdges of the arts '14-'13 debate on Saturday evening last, in awarding the debate to the senior year. It will be remembered that the second speaker for the affirmative had been mallvertently allowed 'one minute less time than his appointed time and the second speaker for the me gative four minutes in excess. After areful investigation the judges devid- ed to adhere to their former decision nud now the debate commities has sustained this ruling. THE COLLEGIATE PRINCIPAL again, and does there a------ Makes a Statement About Institute Hockey. Kingston, Nov, 2i.--(To the Edit- or. )~-1 am told vaat there is ton- siderable misunderstanding, and a great deal of idle and malicious talk about the attitude of the Collegiate institute on the junior hockey Ques toon.. This communication is an at- tempt to remove snoh misunderstand. ing and to have nO excuse for such talk, It 13 Now uhiversally admittec that athletics may be made a valu able part of school fs, but, if such is to be the case, the athletic activi- ties of the boys must be directed and controlled by thé school authori: ties; encouraged when encourage ment is necessary, restrained if there appears to be danger of excess oi other abuse. Evidently such con- trol cannot be exercised over boy: who play with outside teams. Hbw, then, can the authorities of a school entertain proposals to amalgamate the school clubs with others? In fact, to make such a proposal ic evidence of failure -to. understand the place of athletics in sfucation. Personally, 1 always have used, and Always shall use, all my infly- ence to keep our boys loyal to the school, and the school teams; but auzhea who says that I have ever any threats or compulsion tc er end, is saying what is absolute- iy false, and what 1 believe h: knows to be false.--E. O. SLITER. St. Paul's Woman's Guild Tea. Ine Woman's Guild of St. Pauls N home of Mrs. The nucleus | two | PEED BY LADIES WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, The Affair Was Well Patronized--- Mrs. John Boyd is President of the ned Thursday. Zion church on Pine street has been, | since Wednesday afternoon, the scene of a bazaar, heid by the the church, of which Mrs. John i The usual "booths A the sides, while in nd centre os en trance, is situated the round nl booth, where a number of J ue ies add to the aiiractiveness. the Misses N. Spooner (convemer), L. Bews, KN. and E. McKee, N. Gil and G. Whittield. 'The fish is charge of the Misses Florence Ucbke and L. Spootier, is a centre of an.use | ment. 'The pop-corn table is in of the Misses Hubbell, "Wilhe' er and Melville Boyd. The conveners of the other tables are:--Home-made, Mrs. UC. hemp, Mrs. F. Camick; apron, Mrs, 1. Marris; children's fancy word, Mrs. J. McKee; | fancy work, Mrs. J. Boyd; cake, Mrs. | W. P. Peters, Mrs. W. Knox, Mrs. C.| Crozier. The bazaar opened on Wednesday afternoon, and will close on Thursday night. A ly number of people at- tended on the lirst day, many pure chasing Christmas gifts. Tea 1x served in the hall, and 170 ® enjoyed the menu provided by the lad- wes on Wednesday evening. A few musical ndmbers were on the evening's programme. Miss E. Downey and A. Truesdell sang solos, in jood voice, and a clarionet solo was c¢on- tributed by Mr. Murray. IN MARINE CIRCLES, Recorded ave Movements of Vessels Along the Harbor. 'The steamer Phelps was in port on Thursday morning, loaded coal at Crawford's wharf and cleared for So- {dus with barge Acadia, to load coal {for Chaumont. The Phelps is an Am- erican vessel, and while in port, the steward secured a fine big turkey, at 1. J. Millan's meat market, So that Thanksgiving Day would not be for: gotten by the Yankees on board. The steamer Acadian is due to ar rive al the Montreal Transportation company's elevator to-night, at six o'clock .to discharge grain from Fort Wilham; the tugs lhomson, IKmerson and Bronson arrived from Montreal with hght barges, The steamer Alexandria arrived from Montreal early 'Thursday morning on her last trip of the season. She dis- charged freight at Folger's wharf. 'the steamer India is due down on Thursday at Garden Island, where she will go into winter quarters. During the past season she has been trading an Georgian Bay to Welland. The steamer Prince Rupert is to load the stesmer Acadian"s cargo of oats at the M. T. company's elevator and take it on to Montreal, I'he steamer Alexandria p i wp on Wednesday night on her last trip of the season. CHARLES | DOCTEURE, SR. Well Known Resident of Cape Vin- cent Dies. At an early hour on Sunday morn- ing occurred the death of Chures Doc teure, sr., one of Cape Vincent's old and respected citizens, He died at the home of his son, John Docteure, about three miles from the village. Mr. Dooteure was botn in Fraare. He cane to Americn when three years of age with his parents. When he was a4 young man he was one of the pion cor settlers of this vicinity, near what is now Hosiere, He married Miss Elizabeth Constance, who died nearly thirty years ago. He had been 'a life long resident of this vicinity with the oxoeption of a few years he lived on Wolle Island. lle was eighty-three years and eleven months old, Mr. Pocteyre was the last of this genera tion. He is survived by two daughters and four sous: Mrs. Augustus Mussat of Rosiere, Miss Helen Docteure, Uhar- les Docteure, jr., of Hosiere, John Doc teure, Edward Docteure and Pocteure of thas village. A PAINFUL J ACCIDENT Sustained by Tn ¥ Henry White at Work Wednesday, R: Henry, Albert street, was th: victim of a 'painful sceident, while at work on the hay market on Wed: nosday. A large piece of machinery, the turbine, weighing twenty-one tons, - for the extensions at the city hight plant, was being moved from the G.T.R. freight yards at the time. Horses were pulling it along wooden tracks, when one of the whillle-trees broke and hit Mr. Henry | in the abdomen. He was taken' to his home in a cab and attended by De. I. G. Bogart. On Thursday! moming he was a good deal better. ALD M Aid Society-~Bazaar Contin ol Louis ; places |outcact out of the cone~evative gov. i THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S ZION CHURCH BAZAAR | $i 1 iii ALL NEW NEW WINTER FOOTWEAR | New Rubbers and Overshoes New Rubber Boots New Slippe New Leggins--Spatsand Overgaiters New Felt Footwear I's GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. ABERNETHY"S Present for Baby LEARN THE BABY TO WALK. CHILDREN'S TOY SETTS, CHILDREN'S HIGH CHAIRS AND ROOKEKRS. WE STORE YOUR PURCHASES AT JAMES REID'S Phee 147 STILL WANT - QUORUM TO DO BUSINESS OF CITY PRO. PERTY COMMITTEE. City Council * Will Likely Appoint Chairman at Hs Next Meeting-- Two Members Responded to Call for Meeting. The Property committee, The "hoo doo' committee, of the city council, is still without a chairman. Another meeting of the committee was called for Wednesday afternoon, but for the second time within a few days. that body was unable to secure a quorum. Ald. Stroud and Ald. Lit ton put in an appearance, for the mwuch-desired meeting. Ald. Harrison was out of the city. while the othm members were conspicuous by their absence. The two "city fathers" whe were present, waited patiently for hali an hour to see il any of the othe members of the commttee would turp up, but there was "nothing doing.' It 1s indeed a great pity that the work | jof the committee should sufier in this ty and that aldermen should be | called upon to give up their valuabh ' Moir's Chocolates SAKEL L'S Next toOperaHouse - - Phone 640 FRESH FRUITS ARRIVING DAILY Flonda Oranges and Grape Fruit, New Figs, New Dates, Malaga Grapes R. H. TOYE 302 King St. Phone 141 KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Confectioners, Grocers, Dry Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, Bakers, Druggists, Florists, Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- ware, Stationers, Ete. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory: King Street West PHONE 883 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. time, for atiendance at meetings, (nly | se to find that business could not be pro | ceeded with. Last Friday an eliort was made io secure a quorum, but on | that occasion, Ald. Harrison and Ald Litton were the only members on hand and it has been the old, old story of "mo quorum, since last May, oaly one meeting being held in that time | Ae a result of the negligence of the members of this committee, it is like fy that a chairman for the commiltec will be appomnted when the city coun- eil meets, on Monday next. There has been some talk of having the Proper ty and Parks committee combined, it being felt that all the business of lhe {two could very easily be handled by ! one committee. 'CONTRACT 1S AWARDED To Michael Sullivan for Erection of : Gan Shed. A has again "pinched" "a erament. It is suthoritatively. an. nounced from OWawa that the - traet for the new model to be erected af the 's | Colles, has been awarded to Michael of this city. His i through the matter i §5u. Fi, Tif i Royal ina] : SEARCHING FOR FATHER, { een ' Frederick Giblin Supposed to Have Resided in Kingston. Mrs. Jennie Zaldwin, of Fast Jor dan, Mich., is searching for her fath- er, Frederick Giblin, who has bosn mis- sing for several years. Ii is believed that he resided in Kingston for a time and Mrs. Zaldwin 1s putting forth every effort to locate him. Postma ter James Stewart has received a let ter from her, asking to have him look- od up. "Could you give me any information regarding him" she writes. '1 have beem trying to locate him for s num- ber of years. The last time 1 hentd of him, he was living at Aingston. Ii fou can give me sny information, kindly let me know.' Postmaster Stewart would be to. receive any information in regard to the matter, in an endeavor we Cate the misaing man, rspnppa4A)\ ' THE SUM OF $2300 td Promised to Missions Next Year by St. Apdrew's. : Of Cuttérs, Sigs. Robes, Flankets. © Get a bargain at meeting, last in i hae Canvass. The total amount swbeeribed for 1913 is 82.0508. Each individual member ned Adherent of of She congregation was

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