RHEUMATISM Until vou drive Acid poison from cannot gel rid of rheun Warner's Safe rex Healthy, dition, enabling r mind on your wor a Inste quantity of doctors yery little relief. Warner's Bate Rhbeun tirely cieared my s¥si atism i {Siamtigution ) SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Write for a free sam the number of remedy « Warker's Safe Remedies Co, Dept. 203, Rheumatic Cure Sxpeis uric acid from the bisod and dof ile giving asired to Toronto, Ont Livery Stock Of Cutters, Robes, Blankets. Get a bargain at Bibby's Garage BROCK 8ST. Sleighs, Hiaetories had been boarding ON SALES OF CHEESE FRONTENAC BOARD REALIZED THE SUM OF $213.565. Estimate Given of Business Carried on During Season Sow About to Closes-More Factories Shonld Sell On the Board. That the sum of S243560.5% was realized from the sale of cheese on the Frontenac cheese board, for the sea son now about to close, is the estim ate given the Whig by & member of the board. From these figures 1b will be shown justPhow valuable the cheese buviness i#. Even at this, the amount realized was nol as large as last sca- #0D, an estupate giving the amount realized as $295,140 The estunate for this year is based on £1215 boxes of cheese, with. an (average of eighty-iive pounds to ths hox, and selling at am average price of $12.90 cents per pound. In the sea- son of 1911, there were 27,436 boxes of cheese sold, aud the average selling price was 124 contd. One fact: which actounts for the de- crease, in ithe cash received for this season, over last, is that several fact orice boarded on the Brockville board Phere wers other factories shipping di rect to Montreal, and some selling to Montreal parties as a result of com muniéation over the telephone. There were also a number who did not make cheese, buat skimmed the milk, and shipped the cream to the United Stat os, There has been a great failing off in the number of cheese boarded on the RADWAYS READY RHEUMA TISM Apply the Reliél externally to tae part or parts affected clreumstances wil) Pe will also be deri Pills, their al pecullar'y suiled Where the jo! tts af rantracted, tho Belle - with oll, an admirabla lubricant. as briskly as TRease :N "a SLi ar sweet Bak for RADWAY'S and take no Substitutes Thursdays and Saturdays Cream Puffs Cream Rolls Choe Eclaire Charlotte Russe Swiss Rolls J. J. Lackie's 168 Princess St. east ils Es rw wR Frontenae cheese board, this season and the maiter was commented upon, nt the lest meeting. 'The board has pot been receiving the support nt should receive." It was hinted that if the fault was not remedied, the boan would continue to go backward. Some at Broce are looking forward every actor) viie. 1 he members to a campaign to have a member of the board CHRINTM SHOPPING. Advantages of Early. Christmas threadbare topic, but jr will be a live question, so long ' many people put off to the last mi ule shopping that could as well, fro their wide, and much better as fara 'others are concerned, be done muc) sarliee in the holiday season. Early Christmas shoppiog should specially appeal to the ladies, who de shopping "'as is shopping." H the delay Christmas purchases till the las: minute there so much rush anc crowding that they have really t buy things, und are thus deprived oi the pleasure and delight of turning upside-down the contents of a shop aml postponing, as Nicodemus post poned his repentance, then actual pur chasing, to 'a more convenient sea son." There are three classes that woul be benefitted by doing Christmas buy jug carly. The purchaser, herseli, - ei himself, would have access to a bet rer stock, and could have time to set tle without undue distraction, the mo mentoWs question : What shall 1 bu; for a 'Christmas present ?"' Then, ou prighbors, who cannot easily get om to do their Christmas buying and only do it when forced to do so, would be benefitted. Compelled to be the last they would not have to vist over crowded shops, if those who have the time and leisure left the way open by doing their buying earlier in the se a son. Then the shop girls and sales men would have their hard lot light ened and would pot be subjected te the exasperating experience incident te crowds of jostling and insistent cus- tomers, cach clamoring to be serves and every other one not knowing what she wants to buy. The weary shop girl is the one whe sullerd most from delayed Christmas buying. She is necessarily dead tired from standing on her feet the whol day, and vexed and badgered by tw melluous cross-currents of demands or hier sarvices, forced to be polite to and smile upon, exasperating custom- ers, who would put murder into the heart of an angel. Early shopping and early buying would be real kind nose 10, and show Christian considera tion for. the long suffering shop girl What is the use of labelling our selves "Christians" if we lay aside and fail to practise, she first principles of Christianity--consideration for the rights, comforts, convenience and feel ings of others? The Doing is alway | as Early shopping is Fur-Lined Coats for ladies, Made in Kingston and made a Campbell Bros', the storn that's ne ted for selling high-class furs a moderate prices. Drop in and se the new styles and get prices "Rays He Was Defranded. Montreal, Nov. 2. ~Uharles Hughes, nitety-six years old, almost stone deat tered foebly across a room In the scart house to i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE. Grant for Good Roads---Turkey Fair| on December 13th, Nov. their fraps at the Thousand dd its ampual Gananoque afternoon, at bopper Park Gag Club bh shoot Ihere were two mmtches, pcauh of four ifteen birds each, one for the other for chickens, twelve of the | former and thirty-six of the mg up for competition. The ing is a complete list of the winners and/their scores: Turkeys Chickens ! 13 Grass: Island separate events of follow- Prize Norman Rattray... ¥. P. Wright t. A Lewis Hobart Tulloch . : "arénts, Mr. apd Mrs. . Willis .. ar Stevens . Sau aan gan wari lB : JW. F, Stevens, W. Cross, H. Me Carney, R. C. Brown, E. McKeneio and others also competed. The monthly sission of the mothers' lepartment of race church was held vesterday afternoon. An Mhtetesting programme was rendered and an ex. vellent address given by the pastor along the line of the department's work. At the close of the session ta was served und enjoyed by goodly number, : Miss Beatrwer GG. Aikens and her Sabbath school class of Grace church mjoyed their annual tea in the church mrior last evening. Through the persistent efforts leeve Charles F. Britton and Deputy Reeve John A. Webster, Gananoque will receive from the 'county council 7008 as her share in the count v's ood roads' scheme. Added to this here will he part of the government rrant for that purpose, Higqnanogue annual turkey fair will 0 held under the auspices of the oeal Board of Trade on Thursday, 12th. Market fees abandoned for y Substantial prizes will be of ler & Baker, manufacturers of supplies, have decided to go mo the building of aluminum hulls oar motor boats and will make up a umber during the coming winter onthe, most of which have been or- jared. Mm. Tves Armstrong, Lethbridge, ita., formerly Miss Rohena Byers, 4 spending some time here with her W. H. Byers. Schoenleber is spending « a nw dave ip Brockville. Mrs. F. C. tell and ypung son left on Wednes- av to coend a few days in Ogdens- urg, NY, and New York atv. Miss 4. M. Byers has returned from a hort visit with Brockville friends Mrs. Howard Taylor will receive on Vednesday, Dee. 4th, from three till ix pum. The Misses 8. Stunden and \. McKenzie have returned from a hort. visit in Toronto. PITH O OF THE 1 THE NEWS. "he Very Vater Colled Prom AN Over the World. The naval bill will probably be in troduced on Wednesday afternoon. Germany will build twenty Zepplin irships at the beginning of an aerial 18V y. At London, Eng. militant ragettes set fire to the contents nail boxes. Furness interests deny the rumors f Richélion Ontario and Inter-Ocean imalgamations, ¢. E. Jenny, Grand Trunk passen er agent, Toronto, has secured. a imilar position in Pittsburgh. At London, Unt., the cost of Hydrg- sdectric power will be reduced ten per ent., about (he first of the year. At Cleveland, Ohio, Patrolman Le- 'oy Bouker was shot and instantly silled by a gang of four men at the wene of a rad, J The State Hospital Commission re ports that New York saved over a million dollars in a year by deporting 1.999 defective persons. Just after warning year-old son against handling wea- pons, Mrs. Margaret Comers, of At- lantie City, picked up a revolver and accidentally shot the boy. He may fre, Four men locked by mistake in the fury room of the supreme court in New York tried to attract the atten- fon of three women and were scorned as mashers. A nowsboy came to their rescue. A report just received from Regina states that steel-laying on the Grand Trunk Pacific from that city has now reached a point within half a mile ot Moose Jaw, and will be completed in a fow days' time. An accusation was hurled at the heads of two aldermen of Maison neuve, Que, to the effect that they had come to town beggars, and were now, thanks to pillering of public 'unde, well on the way to become mit: aires. The second Christmas tourist ses- son of the Grand Trunk Pacific will shortly be inaugurated when =» through train will be run from Ed. monton to land, , to connect with the i. Star SS. Laurentic, which sails on December 7th. Ob this i58in, vill bs standard se well ais tour: ist sleeping cars h diming our au H ery couseniencs of modern tru ded Mrs. OQ. suf- ol her ninet on- WILSON GOT 6,136, 748 VOTES. 20.--On Wednesday | turkeys, { latter be | the Board of Works on Thursday STOLE A DOOR MA JOSEPH FOSTER TER SENT TO JAIL FOR TWO MONTHS, I Was Mentified in Police Court-- | Several Complaints Made About Missing Door Mats Around City. Convidted on a charge of theft, Jos eph Foster was on Friday morning, sentenced by Magistrate Farrell to (two months in Lhe common jail He was arrested on a charge of i stealing a door mat, from the Fhe of K. J. Pack, Alfred street. He den- ied the charge, but a door mat, secur- ed at Sugarman s second hand store, Untario street, was wdentiied by Mr. Diack, as his property, and Mrs, Sug. arman 1dentified Foster as the man who sold the mat. i Severzl réports have been made to the police about door mats having been stolen, and 1t would appear as ul others besides Foster have been play- ing the game. Foster has been before the magistrate on a number of times for drunkemness. The police are now endeavoring to get trace of other door mats. Iwo other eases were on the docket, the oftenders being drunks. As it was their first appearance, the magistrate gave them a chance. Une was =» stranger in our midst, whnle the other was a local man, who just happened to fall by the wayside. { DIED PROM EXPOSURE. Avose in Night, Leaving House an Perished in Snow, Recorder sad and distressing death Wednesday morning in th Elizabethtown, a shor of Addison, whet daughter of Fred erick 1. Moore, the bestknowr revidents of that section, {oun dend, ihe circumstantes of the cas are that Miss Moore,apparently aros in her sleep. and walked out of the house, and into a field, her body be wy found bv her brother, : Dr. Harts, Athens, was called an found that life was extinét. She was attired in a nightdress, and had one stocking on, while the other was held in her hand. She died of exposure tc the cold weather. - It is thought that in arising from a sound sledp sh went out, and being so weantily ela yuickly perished. Great sympathy i felt for her father and other members of the family. She A Seaver to mourn her besides faihe r, four brothers and one Fri ev are 0. 1. Moore, Wesley, John and Jas per, and Miss Agnes. She was thir ty-five years of age. TO PREPARE Brockville A very occurred township of stance northeast Louise Moore, one of was loss, A BY-LAW Regarding the Alignment of House on Streets. The city engineer, at the meeting : a ternoon, called the attention of th members to the proper alignment o the houses on the streets, those bein, construc "ted monthly. He recommendec the prepating of a by-law to regulat: this, as is wn force in other cities and towns, 'The board gave him the powé to confer with the solicitor and pre pave the by-law defining that any nes house built should not be placed nea the roadway than the present neares one, and that ones being constructed on new streets be kept a certain dis tance back from the street line, A communication was received from the North American Smelting com pany asking for repairs lo the wali on River street, and a crossing to bx laid on Urchard street, these street: being adjacent to their works. Th board 'instructed the engineer to: have the work dome. James Hendry, condition of the complained about the wire fence on King street, between Albert and Uelling wood streets. the engineer had re coved similar complaints, and, on mo tion of Awd. Peters the engineer wa instructed to have the owner of the property put'it moa sale condition. POULTRY BUYERS AT NAPANE} Three Carloads Taken Out---8235,00¢ Paid to Date. . About $25,000 worth of dressed pout try changed hands in Napanee, or Thursday, when pouitry buyers nvad ed that town and as high as We. pound was paid for turkey. Farmer and poultry growers from all the coun try surrounding flocked into Napane and the streets wore alive with wag gons. In fromt of the agent's offiey not less than 150 waggons weve lined up to wait their turn. Oue firm pax cut BI18,000 and took. ont of Napsnes about thirty-six tons of fowl, The three largest buyers were White Pack ing company. of Brockville: Nevios Poultry company, of Jasper, apd Gal lagher, Holmes & LaFrunce, of Win nipeg. An average price of 2lie. a pound was paid. Chickens sold al 14¢. and geose at Me. a pound. It is stated that the chickens are all small this year and this is atoributed to the wet weather. The largest sale made by a wae that of Mrs. Jos eph whey. who cleared $377 on he 'poultay. turkey {Seold Mat at Second-hand Store, anc) oo { JRIPAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1912. DIED AT ATKY XSOX. (Mrs. MM. Donohue, Venerable and Much Loved, Atkinson, | of Mrs. Michael victim her om .» and claimed mother, Mrs. Margaret advanced age oi She came to visit Mrs. July, as was her custom, in- wnding 10 procesd by wavy of the Hidean cand: to visit at Jones' Falls and Davis' Locks, where her other daughters are staybio+ After a week's stav she was taken in, thereby being unable to proceed on her journey or cetirn to ber home pear Gunanogue. she bore her illness with true Chnst wh patience and on Nov. 9th | het spirit. passed peacefully to its He ward, Mex, Donohue, was Margaret O'Connell, County Galway, Iveland, in she was a sister of Rev. D. sell, of Peterboro, and cousin fev, Eugene O'Connell, DD. of Flaviopolis and Grass Valley. fier husband, William Donohue, of south Lake, predeceased her (thirty. une vears. teceased was Mangan, for its years, gan 0 whose maiden name was born in 1823. O'Con- of Rt. Jishap a woman of many scholarly attainments. @WShe possessed s genial disposition and wds loved snd respected by all who knew her. A large concourse of friends followed o her funeral procession to St. laruaby's church, Brewer's Mills, vhere a 'solemn roguivm mass was slebrated for the repose of her soul, w Rev. Father Traynor. The re- nains were then placed in the vault in await future interment. She is wrvived by four sons: William, of dount Pleasant, Mich.; Daniel, 'of tuffalo, N.Y.; Patrick and Michael ).. at home: and. three daughters, Wre. Thomas Kemny, Jones' Falls; drs. James Kenny, Elgin, and Mrs, fichae! Mangan, Atkinson, and also w twenty-five grandchildren and. six- The angel of death entered the home | Donehive, "at | eighty-nine| Man- | SAOR THR. Toroute, Ont, Nov. J0th, 10 nM Ottawa ¥aller and Upper Si. Lawrence -- te strong southerly te weslers Ivy winds, mostly falr aud teralog milder today and on Saturday Now! Now! Now! Is Xmas Shopping Time HOLIDAY GIFTS in every section of this store are here in abundance. A few suggestions. KID GLOVES . Ladies' fine quality lined and pL gloves from 8c to $300 Mens at $100 2.758 obi unlined and evening gloves. Children's best quality gloves NECKWEAR Beautiful novelty Xmas, neckwear--all the newest effects, including the * Medici" and Robespierre novelties--to be had from HAND BAGS BSc 5229 | son prest-grandchildren. Her pall- wearers were three sons, Patrick, Dan- 4 and Michael, and two sonsin-law, bomas and James Kenuey, and leer | ephoew, Daniel. 0'( 'onnell. Security First, Absolute security is the ial in Fire Insurance. if a -1 comdary consideration. You may save trifle on the premium but ass rule) t does not pay in the long run. What lo a few dollars signify when you ake a big chance that the company | you insure with will not be able ta, ay when your loss occurs? Avoid taking any chances by demanding a olicy in the Liverpool-Manitoba As- urance company, which furnishes se surity of over twenty millions. Ag- ats, C. W, Wright, E. B, Thompson. first essen- Cost Boy Burglar Garbed as Woman, Sarnia, Ont., Nov. 2h--After laugh ng at both the Usnadian and the American police for over a month, red Buchanan, the boy burglar, was aptured in Sarnia at the home of his rrandmother. The Jad has been bere early every evgmuag for the past two veeks. He 1s pot more than sixteen, and with a girlish cast of features, we been masquerading m- women's tothes. | | : I Telegraphic communication has heen stabliched hy. the goversment line be ween Fort on the Grand | runk Pacific main line, and Stuart | ake, Hudson Bar post of "ort a distance of about ixty \ CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL That alcoholism is. a disease i¢ ow recognized by scientists. No man n- his senses brings disgrace and uin on himself and family through hoiee. Alcura stops the craving for irink, builds up the syste, stead es the nerves. It is guaranteed tc ure or benefit or money refunded \fter a fair trial. Alcura No. 1 can e given secretly by any wife or nother wanting to restore a deat me to health and usefldleness. Al ura: No. 2 is the voluntary treat ment. Can be had at our store only $1 or box. Ask for our free booklet ibout Alcura WwW, W. Gibson, ton. George, the old St. dames, miles Druggist, sings ' Some choice "real leather" bags from $150 to 400 and fashionable hand strung Fancy Head Bags at $250 «od SCARFS Silk scarfs of every and evening wear at ion for street i de Sor ; 0c 1» i $1400 1 «Get one of our booklets of sugges- \, tions and start NOW ! pr a a an, STEACY"S TETATERR UIE RE TANTS) CAE ---- er Sm OYAL STAFFORDSHIRE CHINA Genuine Hand Painted You want to examine these dainty articles, We carry everything imaginable in this line-- something entirely new You have never seen anything like it. Cute odd shapes--dainty designs--and very-- very--cheap. ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Fine English China Whether ifs havdwosd foow to be cleaned or po ished ; deors 8 painted walls or | woedmorite be brightened up the lustre to be wistored to Jing furniture, ov the smoe« white spotleseness to bathroom