- Ambitious Young Men Look forward Savé money fo owning a» now, It Is amazing how a Savings are made regularly and iotnest £14 Open am account with ' THE BANK OF TORON small as $1.00 are received, Deposits of sums as The Bank of Toronto ie a sound, Capital and Rest total $11,000,080 112 Brapehes in Ontario, Quebec systematically. business of your own, Open a Savings Account. Account gr addéd 0; and Prepare ows, when additions EY old-established Institution. Assets exceed $57,000,000; the West. Young men disposed to open a Savings Account will be ac- corded every courtesy and attention. KINGSTON BRANCH-107 PRINCESS 8ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Canada Life Assurance Company, §™ RI TA profiia 3 0. Hutton, " A et. Blacksmith Coal | ----: High Grade :---- DRURY'S Coal & Weed Yard ki Thom Copl Rees Drop a Tel o 13 Pins Street when wanting any Fihing done in the Carpen~ tery line. Fstimates given on al} Kinds of repairs "and new work{ alsc Hardwood Floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention Bhop, 40 Queen Street. APRS EARL STREBT, Is al present in a position to furnish all parses with all kinds of Fresh, Cooked, Pickled or Canned Meats, Butter or Lard. Veal at lowest Cash Prices. Will solielt orders at your door, All goods bought here are guaranteed. Watch for our man to lake your order. 4s BD. NELSON, Prop. COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL "Hinetly 132; tion; iron wood brick, lot 66 ton: $e veneer Nos st, to pri ar gale flgure; the above ar numerous ul #l petties | | | N For ful me of J would make apartment olid stone; clad modern * 182; bargain. f-Large distinetly modern; attractiy 6 property. rhe w, 100 4.100, of building and size of en located in HOWARD S. FOLGER, 44 Clarence St. Bagot ~large dorble stone; dis- modern; numerous house; Broek St extension ; Street: ten conveniences; lot | detached University x 132: excellent row and frame te 130, op red rangin according 10d to whole blo al property at equipped modern conveniences for vthers I particulars vd many LO Bpecify, the most modern resideiiiai the city, apply ne tii, ri attractive two storey; Colling- rooms; solid Avenue; loca~ very of brick houses, Victoria from $2,350 style lots; for Bn attractive with the too incinding and pro. to rane HJ | abr. THE DAILY MEETINGS OF FARMERS ADDRESSES ON AGRE TOPS, i "HEAR CULTURAL io First Institute Mccting of County at Hartiugton on Thursday- --mpeakers of Were VW. OC. Shearer and J. G. Tag. gat. Farmers' Institute mweelings of Frantenay ecvanty were opened on thursday afternoon at Hartington 1 ruesidale was ealled to the hai and made a few remarks as 10 toe penchits to be derived and the koowl | wige lw be gained by the farmers whe | atiend these sessions. He mtroducsd W. LU. Shearer, of Pright, Uxtord | wounty, who, he understood, came too one of the ws chess producing soctions of Western Ontario. Mr shearer is president of one af largest wheru the whey is all pasteurized and sont home to the patrons (sweet daily} to be Jud there to hogs apd calves. lis factory produced 204 tons of cheese during the season of 1912, and from this 2,750 tons oi whey were yeovived by and busdivds of hogs wen and sold as a result, Air. Shearer for his "The Preeding Hogs For Profit." The audience wou found that he was thoroughly master of his subject. Me told them some of the goad points to be observed choosing 'a good sow, such as length, good width, pleaty of silky hair, and fram twdve to fourteen tents. emphasized the benefits to be derived ! from allowing the young pigs tu suckle until eight weeks old. After! weaning he oarterated the male pigs and looked in their mouths for "black teh," which were sometimes [ound and nipped off with a pair of sol! pinchers. He explained the most The fattened took now only giving two feeds daily in stead of three as formerly. He ex plained how the bogs digestion work vd and showed how so much more profit accrued wg and night and entirely saving the noon feed He advocated assorting the piss. placing all pigs of equal weight Logether in one pen, maintain | ing that they fed mere evenly, looked better and sold better, as that system wit no culls, ~e To al Colov. made a due to thie "sage tea' vantage of get a ody storer perior this to scalp. and healthy, Get a Boe. today. He "sage Wyeih's eolor and beauty, GRANDMOTHERS USED 'SAGE TEA Darken the Hair and Restore Gray and Faded Hair to its Natur. It is cadier to preserve the eolor®of the hair than to restore it, although it is possible to do both. Our grand- mothers understood the seeret, tea," fact. gray hairs before they are fifty, they are beginning Lo appreciate wisdom of our grafismothers in using for their hair and are fasy following suit The present generation has the ad. the past in that it ready-to-use preparation called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem- As a scalp tonic and color preparation in vastly the ordinary made by our grandmothers: The growth and beauty of the hair depends on a healthy condition of the Sulphur Hair Remedy quickly kills the dandruff germs which rob the hair of its life, color and lustre, makes the sealp clean gives the hair strength, and makes it grow. hottle from your druggist your money Sage and will give back if you are not satisfied after faic teil. Agent, G. W. Mahood. "sage tea' They | and and their dark, + adilrose, glossy lair long after middle life was ' many excellent vointers on Our mothers have but the can Te ! n { A OUICK CHANGE, } A quick change for a dirty, soiled skirt or suit can be made If you send it to us to he dry leaned. Our work pleases. R. PARKER & 00. Dyers and Cleaners, 0 Princess St, Kingston, Out, ads. in lneator, ote to break or rust for one Ladies Home Rr arnnh Ded . TREY Fi J. OG. Tageart, B.S.A., of Svden Yam, district representative for Fron: tenac county. was next introduced and took for his subiect "Alalia," and he advocated a dry soil, clean and rich and would sow at least twenty pounds of seed per acre, with about a bushel of barley per acre as a purse 'evop. He told his audience to take two cuttings per season and to feave the third ' cutting to die protect the roots from severe frost, He also said it was well to inoculate the seed with a eulture, which could be procured from the Agricultural College at Guelph, Another session was held at dight o'clock in the school house. A much farger audience was present to for. | the speakers than during the Ader. noon Mr. Taggart spoke along t iinet of co-operation for the Bo delivered a splendid somintiug Mr. Shearer gave A io ful Agriculture." The meeting was ta the sthool trustees for the the schoolhouse. use DEATH AT SYDENHAM Of Charles Rattan on November 21st, Aged Eighty-one. Born at Sydenham, where he resided all his life, aome, on Thursday, Nov. 2st &as eighty-one years of age and illness had been of soe months' vation, Fhe deceased old gentleman had been one of the prominent residents of the county #5d had taken an active mierest in its affairs up to vears of his death, snd reeve of the township of boro council for a nuinbér of years, wt retired a couple of years ago. He also represented Loughboro in county council for about thirty-five years, serving on the important com. mittoes. The deceased was a liberal | » politics; having held the office * of srk of the third division court for thirtvelive vears, and a subscriber of the Whig all his life. He was a Me- shodist in yeligion, and ithe funeral was conducted by Rev. Mr. Tripp to Sydenl am semetery last Sunday. le is survived by his widow, whan | was Miss A. Purdy, of the Bath Road, the couple having celebrated their fiftieth annivetsary four years Four children also remain : . 8. Ruttan, Woodstock; E. G.| Sydenham; Mis. F. Fergu- son, laverary, and Miss A. Ruttan, | Wi Newport, Rhode Tsland. ! MAN AND HIS WIFE Were Placed on the Aeoitbiot] List" om Feidus: On Friday morni tor C. W. Wright to the "prohibited list" and among the somber' a wan and his wife, Sher were sutontly before the court They have a fam: He his du- fn four names £5 # Ti tha i ; I co-operative cheese factorees, | the patrons' subject © and Fosding of Bacon | in} progrossive feeders of his district wer | from a full feed morn: | wrought to a close by votes of thanks, of : Charles Rattan died at his | few | He was a member | Lough: | the | Aosase Tnspec- Pia r FR x x. TOVEM Amusements (GRAND { PERAYHOUSE) BRITISH WHIC, 'Tuesday, Dec. 31 JUEER'S DRAMATIC CLUB PREKENTE BERNARD SHAW'S YOU NEVER CAN TELL 4 Ok ¥ ol n rie Sr ey aoe. Ae, Auction Sie of Horses Market Square, Sat Nov. "1 patr Grey M Mare, ble. Mare, Austionecr et ee A enm-------- Gold Bar Fancy } - Seeded Guaranteed absolutely the 3 best produced. Packed by GRIFFIN & SKELLEY Co, FRESNO, CAL. AT YOUR GROCERS, ins He "|e CON DENSED ADVERTISING RATES I i i i First fusertion le s word. Easeh con- secutive lusertion therealisr hall) cent 8 ward Minimuss «barge for one insertion, 2Z8¢; three Insertions, Be: wix, $1: soe month, $3. HELF WANTED. A SMART POY APPLY AT Jienderson Studi Princess APERIENCED < asHIER. | Permanent Brea. THE! street GIRL AS positing } (oN. THE Meintosh IA WOMAN TO ASSIST IN THE cane of children at Nr. plans' Home Apply SHOP MEAT and steady Whig wifice s------------------ A GOOD, PARTICULAR cotter. Good wages whik Apply Box T. GENERAL SERV ANT required Apply to} 408 Princess Street CAPABLE references Mrs Best MAN TO ACT employ ment 246 Princess MARRIED steady Apply at A YOUNG 4% groom; free rent AT ONCE~=MUST KNOW and be handy Zurbrigg's Delivery, Princess street COOK hétw een th Miss EXPERIENCED housemaid, Apply i 3 in the evening { $4 Barrie streel. $ and i : : : With horses. | i AND, i Ihwyer, | x Free Demonstration \ Guu GENERAL sEmyANT rou | sufficient for TWO PERSONS CR McLEOD'S Cor. Union and Division Sts. ALL THIS WEEK. < CITIZENS CANDIDATE. Is OHIEY MAGISTRATE OF KING- STON for the year 1913. SAMUEL R. BAILEY INCTENTS OF THE DAY Foca NOTES AND ITEMS OF : GP.NERAL INTEREST. Uappenings m (ue City and Vicinity | | ==What the Merchants . Offer to the Headers of the Whig. 51 suspensory, 50¢. Gibson's. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. "hove 564. Se. Emulsion, 35c. "Uibson's." Rev. 8. J, M. Compton will preach anpiversary sermons in St | chureh, Belleville, 'on Sunday. | Joseph Hodge, certificated piano { uner and repairer. 336 Brock strecl. | suspensory, He. Gibson's. Miss Fduan Lesslie. who has heen spending a few days in the city, turned to New York, Friday noon Se, emulsion, 55¢. "Gibson's." Mr. apd Mrs. G. White and Mr. Mrs. (i. A. Rogers, of Bathurst, N.B.; are spending a few days in the ety. Ladies' up-to-date drewwmaking. Terms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 221 { Princess street. The officials of Queen Street odist church ate asking the congrega tion for $1,000 at the anniversary Sunday. $1 suspensory, Hf. Men's extra heavy Dutton's store Next Sunday is Le Gibson's swentors, $1.30, December Ist and there will be five Samdays in the month, as well as the same number of Mondays and Tuesdays. after-dinner mints "Gibson's, Buy son's." Sale, siroug boots for men. cheap. Dutton's Shoe Store. Cape Vincent Eagle: A long cold winter is predicted because Canadian geese are fying north. This is the! Gaiters Fhusy season for the weather pessiniiet, | whe " McC onkey's caramels. ithson's. See our $9 leather suit case, $6.50 Strong trunks cheap. Dutton's, 209 rinecess =irect, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. McNulty, of 208 King street, asnounce the mar: ri po their daughter, Sally, to Ir Albertus A. Moore, of New They leit, Wednesday night, muda. Fresh for aiter<dinner mints Chapman, of Badford Mille, ong Fo the Kingston left, on Thurslav, | he has seoursd a in the Carardian' Pacific rail Utilities commiites was this. afternoon, (0 take of power for the street and to consider the wn Milling the rity 500 horsepower of energy for ten hours a day iB _ Rowatres's dhosolaten. Mrs Modo, Toronto, will at ihe Halv ri : i 8 hi £ i 17 bFycd 7 § f J i i "Having been requested by a {large number of citizens to offer caranLE oLD COUNTRY DoMEs. and 'myself FOR THE MAYORALTY 'I have consented to accede to | their wishes snd therefore 1sk the ayers for their VOTRS AND | UENCE to elect me as CANADIAN Andrew's { and Meth- | on! York, | Ber- i "Gib | [2 tof {of lam opel. company 'tn $2.50, gl 7%. opened at Westport 3 i ily Fa phy i three no Apply to Mrs, L Sydenham sireet W. Murs " COMPETENT WOMAN and to take care of first fivs; references required. Apply, even. ings, after 6, at 148 King Sireet ia INTELLIGENT earn $100 monthly fer Newspapers: Send for particulars cate, 5.968 Lockport SERVANT, is plain of PERSON MAN corresponding canvassing N.Y who GENERAL dhdsraty L] rashing of Iron ening to Mra Broek street ONE woking Apply in Mahood repre manufac snadian Sale James Nt OT oF EMPLOY MENT? you right! learn barber trade; Ways sure employment for our fmproved methods, practice and instroction you for position in Send for catalogue. | i SERY constant short Moler time 5 Col lege. Toronto. tice, English, Scotch and Irish; party arriving November 11th, and fortnightly after. 71 Drummond Street, and 47 Pembroke Nireet, Ont, | Toronts qualifies | Montreal, | AS COOK | i i Press Syndi- } 28 Sauth | i Ss al- { barber; | | i The Gulia' | WM NXEWLANDS BAR PIN, ser mira on Aaxy Iwo § MRP lea a. lohnson. A lery, Broek woke's ehure Finder re- Whig office Reward, AND ® nany to STRAYED, PREMISES * HENRY S. Sunbury, one 9 elstein Bull twa years old. Owner ean claim property by Jaying for this advertisement and damages. Henry 8. Lyuu. Seabury, BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. IMPORTED GERMAN CANARIES.-- First shipment received of those beautifv! song birds; each bird a guaranteed songsier: cuine and hear them. W, J. Driver, corner Queen and Barrie. "Phone $12 MUSIC AND DANCING, PUPILS planaforie; FOR MUSIC LESSONS also dancing In pris home; will at private : for calldeon Saturday afternoons Apply, Mrs Vim Hayward (formerly Miss Baxter), 361 Johnson Sireet oN FINANCE AND INSURANCE. {GENERAL INSURANCE, -- J. Boon, Agent, 158 Wellington Bt.; Fire, Life, Accident and Health Policies issued, FRONTENAC LOAN AND . ment Hoclety; SRT $43: president: Li «Col; Henry R. Smith money issued on chy and jarm properties, municipal and coun debentures; wmorigages purcha denosite received and interest pu lowed, 8 CO. McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence Street. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets, $61,187.215. In dition to whirh the pollevholders have tor #ecurity the unlimited Hablilty of eity property Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or Kiving new Sinem get rates "am Ktrange trange ents 'Phone 128. ae Ag ARCHITECTS, | HENRY P. SMITH, ARCUITECS, 268 King Street, 'Phone 348, tern, a Otfices, we BAS ot GOVERNMENT NEEDS callway mail clerks, eily earriers; $90.00 mouth; many appointments | coming: Kingston examinations | goon; specimen questions free Franklin Institute, Dept, 713, W Rechester, N.Y 1 MAN OF ADDRESS AND ABILITY, with some knowledge of trees and shrub. represent fis ax Ornos mental Salesman in Kingston and district Permanent position and splendid opening for the man Bione & Wellington serymen, Toronto, ~ RELIABLE MAN TO CANVASS THE ity and large towns, orders for fruit and trees, rose bushes ete; or steadily: liberal autfit free; should weekly Thos Son Co, lad | ornamenta, | part time commission; Average W. Bowman Ridgeville, Ont » mo < At ToMOBILE ie winter and he mare for a good job the early spring Your portun y. Classes star: on Monday, Board and room for tows men, Descriptive with fall instruction on request. bile Sehobl Brogdvisw LEARN ness ity. Dec booklet tuition Los ¥ A Depariment Avenue, ete, fre Astome. ¥ Toronto, GIRLS WANTED FOR Kine n Box Co, ngs St, West, opposite: | i | A good chance to ob- iI! tain a smart hat at less '} than cost. Watch our windows. "GE DYE" Up-to-date Store, 78 WELLINGTON STREET. Private Pitting Rooms. "Phone 226. George 1. Frost, of Plainfield, N. 0. Carss, Smith's Falls, have purchased the beautiful grove south Rideau avenne, dnd directly appo- site the block purchased by Mr. Frost They propose to divide building lots. a hee set shaving brushes will not shod bristles or fall apart. A eom- plete adsortment ranging from 3be. at NMcleod's Drug Store, Brock street. Motor veils, 50. silk ribbon (wide) 10c. vd. Dutton's store. | A praath of fhe Union Bask is lo ingher, - mavagér at Newborn 'have Newborn, Wesipoit and land under his charge. Bee our hasdsome ilk shawls Yokohama, also wold -besded rensonable prices. Dution's, Princesa sirect. Canniff Rinmerly, Deseronto, his ribs; Gnd | : : | | 1 right | taking | i $251 nl | out-of - | particulars of courses of! } : i ! ! | GEN : i i POWER & SON, ARCHITEOTS, chants' Bank Bulldin, Brock and Wellington arop a card WER corner reets, : PALE SEVEN. a-- « m------" FOR SALE, RAINCOATS, -- GO T8 ENGLISH 5 33 Clarence Sirest Frank Cooke HORSE POWER MOTOR urrent) Apply. "n 4 nage Mack Street EIGHT {direct W athen 884. 4 FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK Bidsbaare .. the best we have ev had a Tegannable price, urk's. 08. a SLT CHRESE FACTORY, Pho Dol profitable business: a snap Hf b in twp PANEER cool weeks S1L,000--HOUNE IN NA HOUSE, NELSON size; large lot HOUSE, COLLIN part AME others in al cHoK ® FAR i us DE Mg Estate and Mougy Clarence Street. Pl wood Sireet; of the ity A NUMBER OF here and in the HOUSE TO RENT, BATEMAN & GAR ance, Real Loan. 7 186. -- TO LET. : -- HEATED OFFICES Pad TELRG Bullding. Apply, C, i Kirkpal 42 Clarence Street 8 TE we -_-- win orn ark, STORAGE FOR FURNITY chandise, ete; clean n Cann, $3 Brock Street LARGE FURNISHED ROO or witheot board; all m veniences; near City Wellington Street STOR) AGK FOR FURNITURE, sum airy rooms, ahaelataly, at your own lock and Frost's City Rtorage, 2199 i St. 'Phone 526b. WARM, COMFORTABLY PO ed -rooms, double and Mb modern conveniences, with telephone: table board a Aonply, 185 Queen Bireet, Sydenham Telephone Na BUSINESS NOTIOR. COALS! COALS! COALSL-WHY Such high coal bills when yom as tor cooking? avid Marshall 101 Breer. for prices on gas an. DENTAL. Peal A. B. KNAPP, BA, LDS, moved to 268 Bis monsd DENTY i (over '. 'Phone 24 DR. ©, ©, NASH, DENTIN Welcker, assistant, Street, "Phone 7 SPARKS AND SPARKS, 58 Wallineton Stree aa. sky's, Kingston CATERER. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding Breakfasts Bangants elie; also Rent Dishes, Table Liens and Silverware. Reid & Hambrook. "Phone $43 or 304. | FOR MFDICAL. | PR. FREDERICK A. CAYS, SPRCIAY- jst, Nose. Throat and Har, 134 Wellington Street, corner Johnson. Hours: 9 to 1, 3 to § 7 to §. Sun da ay, 2 to 4, 'and by nppointn ent. 'Phone 814 5. H. SIMPSON, LDA, BD, ist, corner Princess _ Entrance on Bagot St phone 626 OSTEOPATHY. SHEATH WITHOUT DRUGS AN, Asheroft, DO, 118 Wal Offiee hours: 10 to 13: WW el. Siatment, croft, Ho Nice Bone 'hone 1509, WET are: aR "I. WINDOW CLEANING. boda NTE Due AFRNERAL. FIA iNIee CLEAN RAGS POR WIPING machinery: will pay good price for same, Sritlan on mpan Whig Publishing LADIES OR GENTLEMEN'S High-elass Talloriag, try Ashby the Teilor, the man that suite you. 19 Montreal Street, Kings- ton | amor REPAIRING ory WYERY DE. scription; first ciass work: best feather only used: one trial will suffice, Hing treks repairs ¢ Reott's, 208 Barrie reet, cor, of Clergy West, TAKE od rd bt THAT WILL BUY ail kinds second. 14a, furniture and stoves; will y highew ices: see ne Patare J an ome "eine pson, next Be AT Andrew's Chures, 00 TLEMEN TO "BRIN THEIR Cloth and have It made up inte u to-date suits Price and wor manship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done an wh Jotice. Thomas Gallo- ; oc! {LR Test, Bear TEACHER WANTED. A ay AL) JrIED THACHER FOR §.5. 3. Collins Bay. doties ts tom. mence in January, Apply, star. ing salary, to George ¥. Clark, Ser, Collins Bay Ee ATR Af a rt THACHER WANTED ror department of Sede 's Bay Public School; Apis pola Rarma corti. . -, y J Ph TL, Meply "Hapman, See, JUNIOR NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAC arders for your storm w be cleaned and put Kingston Window inant 21 Montreal Strest ceived at Sargent"s Drug PERSONAL. HAL MOLES, WAR I and all A ae Sg blemishes removad désm without scar: 27 Jone Ee gnee. Dr. Eimer 751 Bagot Street. one. hroat Specialist LEGAL, CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, B ers and Bollcitors. law Clarence Street, Kingston. UPHOLSTERER. W. J. GAVINE, TPHOLETERING, pairing and carpet ATERING: tress renovatin Drop & call 218 Bagot treet. BUSINESS (CHANCES. SASKATOON INVESTHENTS WRITER The John A. McRae Oo, Baskatoon. ANYONE : ANYWHERE -. mat order - x at Bond" Tor Free booklet eacock, 2.989 Jockport, The best mined is thet only kind we sell. cf Stove and fgg $7.50 per ton; Chestaut §7 iF