Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1912, p. 10

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PAGE TeX MBER 36. 1912, TUBERCULOSIS SUNDAY. | A LINE ACROSS MAINE Great Movement Wit Bs Given a Day 'In the Churches. A TRAVELLING, = THE CORTONS OF WA NATIONS HAS ITs TUES EN Minnie on Le ae at: AMONG HALIFAX WILL BE THE C. andi Le Sic genres to ANOTHER MIRACULOUS bin Gf cose wes es sneer: GURE OF RHEUMATISM ay Y "FRUIT-A TIVES November aon tu December leader th Plax Archbishop, Pain Was Almost Unendurable Until He Began * To Take The Famous Medicine Mada From Fruit, Which Is Making So Many Cures. Hata! fa wa op Sweeny be lssued at of Torouts, and Rev. Dr. Carman, gen- $25.65 Suffered For Five Years And Would Be Still Suffering--Probably--Had It Not Been For eral superintendent of the Methodist Good going December 1st to De- . - » Chpreh in Canade. In addition to cember 4th 1912, inclusive. There i: no doubt at Fruit-a-tives" } lending their approval to the proposal, the, warmly praisé the efforts being Rheamatism, Sc hah : 1 "PFruit-a-tives"'. made by association to combat the ravages of consumption. It is appar- ent from the wide interest being taken in the plan to devote one Sunday to a consideration of this important sab. ject that a great ward impetos will be given th ovement, and HW is yield to the 'magi wonderful secret There may "Fruitra-tives"' insist that their pit-a-tives"' tp Dobson probable that the observarce of the day will be made an annual event in Our General Delivery Much Abused him. by Crooks and Others. tea-tives'" ist} et dy kK sm that the the churches Through the Hon. W. A. Chatlton, The restriction of the "gencrai de- livery' system at the postoffices, = a unigue gift, consisting of a hand. made patchwork quilt, wa: received at the Toronto Free Hospital for Con- sumptives, {rom and Mrs. C. G. Charlton of San Diego, Cal This quilt, done in red and white. had written on cach white square a Serip- one of the matters submitted for the consideration of the Postmaster-Gen- eral Pelletier * The "general delivery in where there is a postal delivery responsible for many evils, which up to the present time the Postal D {wan "on Mantreal, Nov, 25. is evidently making for Halifax, and the opinion gains ground dally that the vast terminal project unfolded a few weeks ago by the minister o railways and canals had mot been | Perfected without the knowledge of the Canadian Pacific, whose bhiten- tions to make Halifax the ocean port for their pass:nger business was Most apparent. It is now known that the C. I will build a War that i=, wariare between on The C. P. R: i thzed nations has its code of et} {suette; known as the customs of war, | | some of which ary written, others tac Yitly agreed to. ilbvious examples of fighting . eti- rpurite are the rules which protect the Hed Cross flag of the ambulance, and forbid the use of explosive, or, within limits, expanding buflets. 1 Nominally, a general may use any irmeans in bis power to bring hia foe to {subjection but there iz a well defined boundary line. A leader may eut off his enetny's food and water supplies. He may subpet him to all horrors of famme and thirst; but he must not poison his food or water Suppose a place 1s beseiged, and that outside the walls are wells which the beséigers cannot eliectively hold, and which the beseiged can reach un- der cover of night. The beseiger would be justified in sending parties to Hill lup the wells with earth and stones, lor to destroy them with dynamite. On {the other hand lo pollute the wells lwith poison, to throw dead ani- {mals to them, would be an infamy. A 'prisoner of war' has his nights, {He may be asked to give hig parole to promise not Lo escape; but he must nat be forced to give his parole, and {iv not to be punisned for refusing to prisoner om parole who at tempts to escape is liable to be shot, vither when escaping or if retaken | alive t Ca : An unparpled prisoner may also Ie eofnecting with C.P.R. Enst and Wout. | Ishot w oe in oR. act of escaping; but 7.45 a.m. Mixed- For Ren dow Hib : {il recaptured, it would lie wurder to intermediate points, daily except Sun-| { shoot him, and he should not be pun- 'day. J fished for his attempt. though he way THAT TOBACCO 'h Cin 2 | aseengers leaving Kingston at 11% he placed in confine: With the "Rooster" om Tt th, Round-trip Passage Tickets will the Rr line across Maine fron Mcgantic to a point near Centre ville; in New Brunswick, add from thence to Chipman and Moncton. A look at tae map will show this to bi: as straight as the crow fies, and will be by all odds the shortest rail way line from Montreal to Mone ton From Moneton it is under stood that the C. I'. R. have like wise plans for reaching the port of Halifax by a lin: having the lowest possible grades, the intention of the great company being to aecure ¢ fifteen-hour gervice between Man- treal and Halifax, this line to be ex pecially used for fast freight, pa sengers and mails CLANDESTINE LETTERS. Good to return until Dec, 8th, 1512, inclusive. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sis to KINGSTON IE MBROKE ~RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WiTH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON B30 am. Express--For Poterboro, CONTAINS NO ALUM. Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John COSTS NO MORE NB. Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chi- cago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. | Marie, Duluth, =t. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Partland and San Francisco, : . 5 p.m. Local-For Sharbot BAKING POWDER IS USED. giv : cng t ? cure for ved hy matism ich are made by a ery day sec e *hopeless, mearablc"' powers "of these traly marvellous tablets, + process trom be skeptics. Re: wt perhaps r others, hut not for t + There may be people who we say "Try or ture text. The fortunate patient »n whose bed this quilt was placed writes as follows: "Your gift shall always be before me, and 1 shall always enter- tain » grateful memory of you in fu- ture, and alio of the staff who so faith. fully minister to me here," right fi cases are too far gone to be helpe ) uch, ; } » grove their value. ment was sufficient to tdo so. A world has Hon. Louis Cogderre. "L'ami Louis" ix the unassuming ti- tle Hop. Louis Coderrg, newly-seleetad Secretary of State, has won from his many friends. It describes him al. most better than a photograph could In the apt phrase of his native tongue you get the nonchalant, free and easy manner, which has won him cities ® . HOEY FICOrous am, arrive in Ottawa at 5 pan; Pe | mnt f 1 terboro, 4.19 p.m; Toronto, 6.35 pn Montiesl, 6.20 p.m. Boston, 730 an. B84. John, 12.00 noon Full particulars at K. & P. and C. | PR. ot Offlve, Ontario street, I, CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. LLAN LIN Christmas Sailings TO LIVERPOOL. From Bt. John, From Halifax. 89th Nov. Direct. 6th Dec. 7th Dec. 13th Dec. Direct. TO GLASGOW, Frem Portland. From Halifax Seandinavian 12th Dee. 13th Dec T0 LONDON AND HAVRE. From St. John. Lake Erie 12th Dec. For full information Local Agats or The Allan Line 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. we Corsican Vieterian Grampian Direct. apply to LANE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAK- POAT CO. LIMITED! "BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally, except Sun- day, at 3 p.m. for Picton and inter mediate Pay of Quinte ports, salt: - ing st Deseronts, Nort Batlevitle on' Tuesdays, ursdsys and Saturdays. Freight bandled with despated sud care at reasonable rates. JAS. SWIFT & CO, Freight Agents. J. P, HANLREY, Ticket Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC Empress of Britain Grampian (chdvrtered) Empress of Ireland Empress of Britain ., .., amet at Intoem AK & PRe 3 | Is crowing | smoking. alse | All ention. Only 45e¢ per pound. For chewing and AT AL MACLEAN, Ontario Street. T takes but 2 few minutes to make a pint of appetizing Club Table Jelly and a half pint of delicious Club Jelly Sauce --all from the contents of one carton of Club Jelly Powder. Full directions . on carton. Sixteen Jelly Flavors, as true asthe pure fruit. Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING COUGHS SPASMODIC Croup § | BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLD3 BETABLISHED 1x30 A simple, safe and effective tneitey et Pw bron chil wowbiens, withoot dosing ¢ Stina with § | drugs. Used with succes for thisty pec ca, } The sor ovr: log the antiwptis with every bveath, makes b » i th sown thot, 80d sur | i nights, Cresolgno ia drove Ahr with young cidliren asd a BOON le rs feom Asthosa, Feat us postad for Sustriptive boos tot, ALL ORUGOISTS, Tey CHESOLENE ANTISEPTIC THROAY RLETS OF rour druist ur fom A { us, 100, in stamps. I 4 Vape Cresolene Co. |g pt ! 02 Carthandit St. N.Y. { gl ! Laemiod Ailes | = . | Montreal, © Go To BERMUDA p twin.screw ES "Refmudian'" tony displacement sails from York 2 pum, ith, 18th 28th | December Suites with private bath, orchestra Reels: sleotric rane: ! wireless ) Neos simorage. i Fastest, newest and only steamer | anding pawsefigers ai the dock in Hamilton WEST INDIES NEW BS GUIANA" © and other steamers 2 pm 1 te Saturdays | fram New: York Thomas St. | Corkx. St. Kitts, Guadeloupe, ! Dominics. Martinique Lucie, Bar. badoes and Demerars full information 3X and ©. 8 Agents. Steamship Co for St Antigua, St apply to J. I} 8 KIEKPATRICK, Kingston; uebac Quebec, seconD DEAL 5.5. CLEVE ing San Francisco louder ay he goes along A if he nature "art ployment of et enemy, pretending to be 2 (deserter, Put up by S. H. EWING & SONS, Montreal. duct--that is, if the pretended 118 an officer or A spy, of course, has no rights, and be shot or [public buildings--unless used for tensive purposes--should be spared so is cap- jtured, the victorious foe is entitled to art treasures and so on, and to or act of a | sere | vader can : : ove of the Windsor Record to eac¢h other. prisoner may be competted to earn "hao " by werking at his rade, bas aue, or by doing work for his captors not of a purely mihtary fhus, he may be ordered to mm draming the camp in which prisoner; but it i his would not ix him to huilding fortitica he 3 a fair to put tions the om certamn of war but Ihe customs spies riles 1 a soldier the other side is of hum; but it j= pot "erick a soldier to betray lis Justify under traitor, make use to tempt awn side H thus to turn trautor with false information hand, velustanly to' tempted, a man may pretend and deceive the enemy Un a traitor or would he dishonorable soldier. is at all times hable to hanged ut might. An ofheer,. or soldier, be treated as a spy, but as a prsoncr ol war, provided he is not disguised. If a commander takes part to hee, he must take his being shot; but in big afiairs it is not the "game" to detail marksmen-to try to "'piek oli though every to eapture him. When a city or town is ellort may be made far as possible. When a place hold them to ransom. destroy them would be vandal. When fo mjure the a country is invaded, compel (he \ person who, vot belonging to any recognized military force, takes wy arms against an mvader 8 liable to Retuliation is be shot when eaptured. sanctioned by the customs of war. It bs malibasy vengeanee; and takes place when an outrage committed on ont side is avenged by the commission A similar act on the other. thas, an unjust execution of prison ers held by the enemy may be follow ol Ly the execution of an equal num ber ot prisoners held by the oppon ent, ROMANCE ON A PAPER'S TRIP. 1 A band on Tour. Leamington, Nov. 30, Miss Viole Allan, a charming young lady whi has been stenographer for the Laud lam Ainslie Lumber toupany, Tor the last five years, resigned her position last week, of the firm and sta®f each made he: a handsome present on tae ape nouncement of Wer marriage with Bert Smith, formerly of Toronto but now of Windsor, which took place Saturday. It is the colmina- tion of a romauee wiieh began oo trips. Miss Allan was one of the sucoass. Tul contestants for the Record Mon: treal trip: and it was on this trip that Miss Allan and Mr. Smith fic' met and were mutually attracted They will make their home in Windsor. ---- BRYAN ANU WILSON. Hamilton, Bermuda, Nov. Woodrow Wilsonl has written a let Jennings voluntarily turns entitled tof the other go over to the Jeon traitor howover, jedught in the spemy s camp, must ot in a j charge, or persistently exposed himselt chance of your opponent's general, bombarded, de- the in- ithabiitants to (supply him with food amd other sup- iphes, and to act as gmdes, workmen {and drivers. of Girl Met Future Hus The employees 30. hosts of friends Hon. Louis Caderre is comparatively a new man in Parliament, though he is by po means a novice in public life and polities. A stubborn fighter for his pasty, he accomplished a feat i which many older and more experienc. ed men might not have accomplished, winning Hochelaga from the Liberals, who had held that constituency for filtedn years, and that by the astound. ing majority of 1,373 votes over Mr. i L. A. Rivet. {| Hou. Mr! Coderre hs rapidly, beine «till suite u young man; in fact, few people would take him to be 47 years old. He does not show'his age. He is vot only young-looking, but he has the heart of a boy of twen- ty. jovial, and quick-witted. Hon. Mr. Coderre has always been looked upon by his fellow.members of Parliament as one of the most able of the French-Canadian representatives, He speaks clearly and to the point. The new Minister is one of the best known members of the Montreal bar, and for a number of years he has tak- rj en a very active part in every move- nent intended to improve the standing ol the legal profession. Belore their annexation he was attorney of the towns of St. Henri and Ville Emard, in which capacity he rendered impor. tant services. -- Canadian Courier. advanced very Just Finding Out, Canada is not yet properly under. stood or her resources appreciated in the oid country. This fact is found out in a short item appearing in the last istue of "Canada," a Loadon publication devoted to Canadian sub. jects. Recently, H. A. Macdonell, On- tario director of colonization, drew allention fo the article in a number he had just received from his agent in London, N.B. Coleock. The item is an English newspaper reporter's impression gained in view- ing the window display of the On- igrio Government office. If reads [| "The window of the Ontario Govern. ment offices, 163 Strand, now contains a wonderful exhibition of vegetables grown in that province which needs to he seen to be believed, photographs night be regarded as 'freaks,' and spe- cial utensils would have to be made to cook many of the specimens en- tire. The following is some of the weights: White marrow, 18 34 pounds; yellow marrow, 221-2 pounds; pump- kin, 32 1.2 pounds ; squash, 28 pounds; Hubbard squash, 2012 pounds; six varieties of potatoe, variety of opians, carrots and neppers also afford unimpeachable « vidence of the productiveness and variety of the soil of Ontario. Samples of peaches grown in the open air are als: iawn." McGill's Physical Test. McGill University has adopted the rile that ali students entering that ipstitution must pass a physical ex- am pat! Where minor weaknessos anly a wncerned, the medical direc. tor wii ive ndvice az to how to cor- rect them. This will be followed by fogular and compulsory physical training This 14 as it <hould be. In Toronto, Queen's und other universities, com pulsory physical training is still un. Known. There is no individeal fest. "A sound mind in a sound body" is Bot & university deetrine ar goal in this coubtry. MeGill is leading the way to higher things and it id entitled ts real etedit for its leadership. Bringing Out the Family, Women and childeen coming from the old country to join heads of fami. Kes are presunent in the later immi. ation arrivals. Most of them are wkd for the west, though Ontario is getting a goodly number. |: The Immigration Department is ar moging for a large exhibit at the Chicago land show on November 29. Bull Moose In the Town. A huge bull! moose' awoke many i in the north end of Port partment have been unable to: over- come, hut through the éfforts of Dom inion Inspector George Ross, under mstructions of the Postmaster-Gen- eral, these evils have heen reduced to a minimum in the larger cities The general delivery is ier the pur- pose of supplying transients with their mail at a convenient place and time, and it was never intended that a resi dent served with a bouse Crlivery should be peivileged to secure muil at the general delivery. However, this cannot be avoided, and one of the greatest abuses is the vast smount of clandestine mail that passes through the wicket at the "General Delivery of the Toronto Postoflice. The fieti- tious names are in some instanoes sufficiently unique to sttract attention, and where they are too commun there is many a mix-up. This system is emploved by hus hands to carry on correspondence with young girls amd the wives of other men. Any person who makes the postoffico one the sight-see- places soon learns to spot the "habi tuant" at the wicket. Mrs. So-and-8o presents herself at wicket, and half the time gets her letters without the formality of even asking the name Not a few cases like this are knbwo, where the husband and wives, carry on illicit correspondence, The general delivery iz the haunt of young girls and young wen, who every day at the noon hour and in the even. ing stand in long rows waiting their tarn. The crook and the thiei, but rarely the expert criminal uses the mails and the general delivery. This i= one of the sources from which the secret service men operate, and the haunt of a number of private detec tives who "shadow" people day io and dav out. The bungling criminal usually caught through correspondence in some way or other, and ohly the most expert of the underworld are suffi. ciently well versod to leave the mails alone as they know the immense pos- sibilities of being traced by means of this system, which i= both sacred and secret, as far ss the public are con- cerned. No person rents a box at the post office to receive mail unvouched' for, In case it is a business, it must be ex. plained to the postmaster. If the of the verv is advertising, he must submit copies of his literature and advertising matter to the postal authorities for approval before he may use the box, even if he has been using the mails for his schemes. A number of schemes which prey upon poor people have been kill ed by this practice, and several of these very questionable entérprises are now under investigation by the authorities at Ottawa. - It has been estimated by officials of the morality department of the churches that from 75 to 90 per cent. of the mail whicliygoes through the "geperal. delivery' wicket ix clandes- tine. When a woman shrugs her shoulders at the mention of another woman's name, it's a sign she can thing tell some Use Baby's Own Soap. It's "Best for Baby -- Best for You". ---- wey ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, Mirs., - MONTREAL. Broxte, Onr., March Ist 1912 n my case of Rheumatism, that treatment, from ir w Janced t Eng vue or two t breaking and eatinent | This, | & The trouble 2 almost un- ) turn on my Fhis kept up bigts In experienced about Hx iribute to my or mmend your remedy 10 any a cure will result, often recommend [AMES DORSON. n as Mr. Dobson too Mr. Dobson. soc. sent on receipt k theme--and a box, 6 tor of price by man is carrying on a basiness througl; "Her" Christmas Gift does not necessarily call for a large expenditures. The Swallow and Crescent Brooch, illustrated, is one of those articles of Jewelry which is always in perfectly good taste for any occasion. The Pearls are the finest Oriéntal quality, and are mounted in a heavy 14k gold setting. The price is only $5.00 complete in case Order by the number ~32, RIE BROS LiMITE ET 154-6-8 YON H For A Soft Healthy I D | 10, fi] Absolutely pure vegetable oils made fragrant by flower extracts, which help the skin, make Baby's Own Soap the best for toilet and nursery use. Its fra lather nt, creamy lights all. :

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