1 GRIMASON HOTEL Has clianged hands and has been thoroughly renovated spd refurnished Mesin a Spestaley, Bar stocked -- wi cholcest | flquors mad cigars. t yard and stables In city JOHN COUSINEAU, Proprietor, | Schoolgirls Extiausted Nerves PHONE 76 | For your Grocery orders. (Prompt delivery.) 'D. COUPER'S | "Phose 76. 841.8 Princess St. | ct tr Simin orate WE BELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Catario No. 1} Mines, the best Antaracite. Coal ined in Pennsylvania Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Outaric Stress. 'Phone 185 " FR | AN ELECTRIC IRON 03 | TOASIER i «" Evefy ' home lighted by Electricity from tit: Christmas will Electric Iron or Toaster free receive an EE Miss Gallop. At about the age that most girls are working hardest at school studying far examinations there are important raysiological changes taking place ht are an additional strain on the vous system : Mis. Gallop has had experience in cases of her daughter and grand- atighter, and for this reason her let. is particularly interesting to par- tf Mra. J. A. Gallop, 135 Victoria cet, St. John, N.B., whose husband a carpenter, states -- "We have #.d Dr. Chasé's Nerve Food in our amily for nervousness. headaches "zines and nervous dysper x, and © found them satisfactory in every articular My dauoghter Dessie was and became quite run By the time she had of this remedy her toady., @her general excellent and she was en zy pleased nt Nerve who was ire more than results of this tre recently wa used my granddaughter EN ---- THE DANY [Besrrasassasansaneaess The New Miniter } ttn dh fad ct ch ht "New, Cynthy Peel, you're acting outrageous. You don't kuow how folks are talking." "And I don't care, either." Mrs Pe 1's little mouth looked as if the puckering string that confined it haa been given an extra jerk. "1 gnes I've got as good a right to my opin fon as anyobdy *It happens to be the wrong opin- ion this time." = Mrs, Hite waarly rocked herself cut of her chair in ex- agperation. . 'I don't know as it's a wrong opinion, and until T do I shall hang to it," retorted Mrs. Peel. Mrs. Hite laughed in her vexation "Hang to it, then," she said, "buf you won't find anyone to hang with you. Everybody's in love with Mr Brant. And yon would be, too, | | you'd ever heard him speak Mrs. Peel inter apted dryly. "Ne danger of my ever hearing him if ) don't go where he is. Now, you needn't fy up in a wyi®, Harriet. 1 don't like the church sending Mr Roducy away. He pleased me wall enough if he didn't 3¢ Other folks As for this yong upstart you've called, he ean preach here till he's gray-headed and I'll neve: £0 to hear him. [I shall attend thy, Presbyterian church." Mrs. Hite bit her lip. She wa 80 angry that she wag red in the face. "Cynthy Peel, | feel just like shaking you," she said. "And vould, too, if 1 could shake an senso into you. But some day you'r: going to change that opinfon ¢ yours. You've got to ran up agains the minister somewhere in th: course of time and when you de you'll think he's ths nicest thing out, just the way the rest of u do. Now, good-hy." Mrs. Peel watched her as she go her two hundred pounds and mor down the iey front steps and ove th: still icier walk to her own hou A few yards away. Spring was well on its way, b: the sharp blast that followed My Peel aa she closed the door made he appreciate twice over tha cosiness her little sitting room. The cat curled on Pris cushion and she ben over and stroked him. Siroking th cat always soothed her when oh in iz BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. ECCENTRIC PASTE straight up and far as wraps of the momeri ner of opening, the more wrap of old gold plush op: shonlder to the left under The sn front are chich rm sem VINGS IN NEW EVENING WRAPS, concerned the ns obliquely NOVEMBER 30, 1912. fastening is so a thing of the past, more eccentric is the man- garment as a rule. This new Paquin down the front from the right and the long, oblique line is edged r PAGE RLEVEN. One of Thomas A. Edison's New Blue Amberol Records was played 3,000 times on an Edison Phonograph--and gave Just as true and sweet a repro- duction the last time as the first This was not an endurance test for mere hardness. It tone after countless playinges as it is when new. Your was an endurance test for | Edison dealer will play quality of reproduc- tion --to find if the Blue Amberol would be as far superior to all other records in some of these won- derful records for you on an Edison Phon- ograph. Ask him to-do so today. Thomas A. Edison, luc.; 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N.J U.S. A, A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at 158 Princess Street 173 Princess Street F. W. COATES - A. K. ROUTLEY - at the back>meets the ermine trimming at the appear though a long fur sash has been are and baggy and white silk gloves with ermine. A similar lis front and makes the wrap draped over it. The sleevy Ry wis unset, "I'm just about tired snoyugh hearing them talk 'new minister' ! ar from improves f sohael tor nearly ous trouble, and noticed t in her condition at on as We pre wiring homes every | i Come and have It explained loose | day. LET US WIRE YOURS, H. W. Newman Electric Co | 70 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 441. When yon require a "HAPPY HOME." the best material, handsome in design, has a large ventilated Oven, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, We carry allkinds of H ELLIOTT BROS Phone 35. Dr. Chs Nerve Food a box for $250. a'l dealers. or Ejmanson, 'ates & Limited. Toronto Co GARD RIEGEL PHULSTERY, © "op cAanRrEY y LAYER, n, Repairs all Styles. Rates Reasonable. Drop a Card or Call, Clarence St. Range, examine the This Range is made of eating Stoves, \ 77 Princess St. Moving Picture Machine FREE Complete, with films and slides, to the boy or girl selling 35 seta of our Xmas, Floral, and scenic Postal Cards (6 in a set for 10¢). It shows great pictures, heaps of fun. It's a great machine. Write to-day and we will send the cards by return small. When all sold send ua the money. We will send the machine all charges paid. Get our long - list of premiums for boys and Birle-- Watches, skates, gold rings, lockets, bracelets, dolls' and many others. Address Dept. 90 Toronto Novelties Co,, Toronto, Can. "Ilike ours has always been. mie," she told the cat, which was th sole confidant 'of mos. of her litt problems. "My land, you'd thin' from al) they say that he was ¢ angel straight from the land abov There's Harriet now. Bie nove ould go Mr. Rodney. But this ma: she's clean daffy over. 1 don't sa much, bat I know that no woma: who wears a willer plume and 1} dress that looks llke a man's nig! shirt the way that young Mrs. Bra: does w"fit to head a congregatio And he No better else he wouldn't allow h to do it. 1 don't want anything t io with them---I don't." The large old-faghioned clock ¢ the wall struck the hour. "Noon!" exclaimed Mrs. Peel. moat get my lunch." Though Mrs. Peel lived alone, ha indeed lived alone aver since M Peel had passed into the rest be yond, she ordered her meals with a much regularity as if a dozen wer coming to eat them. She was poo amd old, but she loved the comiirt of life. As she lingered over th. 'hoering meal her thoughts wandered as they invariably did of late, to wards the new minister and the un toward circumstances he was bring ing into her life. She loved hoy church and it was a terrible cross for | her to bear when on Sunday she ha to go past its door to that of th i Presbyterian church beyond. She had expressed her opinion in foreibls terms at the outset and she woul not depart from it now no matter what came. In vain her friends hac argued, in vain the good women of the church had called, in vain the dapper young minister had-sough! admittance at her door. She was pouring her second cup of tea when she chanced ts glance at the large figured calendar on thr wall opposite, There was the day and the date, and in the stress of larger matters she had forgotten both, "My land, 'it's the 16th!" she ox claimed, Theh came another thought. "My losr ance runs ou' to-day! Suppose the house had got on fire to-night and that paper nat renewed' "" She turned pale at 'the thought Rising, she got the Important pape from her desk pod examined it "I shall have to go right down- town and see about it," SB ai i Mrs. Peel would never have of venturing out on the ice if ii Were: pot for the insurance. \Wv8, ber precious papers in. her black bag she made her Way nervously to Ward the heart of the town. in ame places coal ashes had beet: thought. fully sprinkled, in_others salt had eaten away the danger, but for the Most part the sidewalks were un. comfortably slippery. " €," shy sighed "That young minister won't have laid a shovel to his walk, { know. Mr Rodney was al ' Rolled Gold Extensior with gold embroideries, wh worn, i ------ a ived her racked anphor™ was applied to head and thrust under her took a long sniff and her to clear. A girl in ouch ro She sion be- a blue dross nose gan Nickle-Piated Hockey Ske'c Free. To the boy or girl selling 15 vir Xmas, Floral tards (6 in a set sickle plated, splendid excellent Skate Write we will mail the cards, and we will res pald 3 ind as Watches, Gold Rings | Dolls and many others A 24, Toronto Novelty (eo hard i te roiurn send Cet a the Hs Rh Bracelet FREE To the girl who wells 35 § Xmas, Floral, Scenic (8x inv a set for 10 gents) el I8 heavy rolled gold w tnameled back You will Write to-day. We will send return mail When sold rei money We will send bracelet, p said - Got. ovr. big lst of prem! for hove and girvis--Gold Filled Lock. #t and Chain, Gold Signet rolls, Engines, Yicture Machines. and: mény ddress, Dept. 314, Toronis 0... Toranto Watches, Beautiful French Doll ] tiowing eve lashe 8 ly dressed to-day w sind the return a X Jobs Moving chines, muay dress, Dept rofite * Naveities Co. Toronto. "BOYS WATCH, FREE open! Thora h are retained after the wrap is removed, are | body and | knelt beside her, aching | through the ad jof Mrs John John K. Bourk rimma-- I ---- A man approached opposite doorway. "Here's the liniment, Nun good fof her bruises," he said "lI guess she isn't badly braised. Thire's just this place on hor poor wrist," said the girl. Mrs. Peel was becoming herself again. She felt a sudden suspicion whith grew each moment. That round girl's face--yes, it was the same she had seen under the "'willer plume." The man in the house jacket was the new minister. "I know you," she sighed. "And I expect you know me. P'm--~I'"m the woman who won't go to bear you preach. How in the world does it happen that I'm here *" the girl laughed and her laughter filled the voom like silver bells. How pretty and sweet she was! "Why." Dick saw you from his study window just: as vou fell," she . ex- "Ie wasn't a minute getting to you. He used to be a great sprint- or at college But he never made any goal fa than he made that n That's ons claimed, ter "It was Micky for me," said Mrs. Peel. "If he hadn't me | night have been lying ther with per- haps my papers and stolen. It's my insurance, vou see, due io- I must see to it." unsteadily, but the « hand was on her shoulder. "Don't try exert yourself just vel," he said. "Uf you'll tell me who vou want I'll phone down and have the agent coma right up here. How that. Mra Peel 77 "Why, 1 think you're the two kind st, nicest young folks 1 wver saw." Mrs. Peel answered, and she did not t grudgingly. Tw: agent was "called and came and he new paper was made out And that tine if' was so late that Mra. | must stay to supper. And after. ward the new minister took her home in his eutter When Sunday came Mex. Peel had so far recovered from her fall that he was able to go to church--her own church. And that completed her sur. render s "Pr widen - ape now, monéy fo is had hold of me that Inv 1 lL" che confided afterwards to Harr Hite mother used to! ay, Providence always will find some | Aoed that was the way it found good | As wy to convince me of the genuine minister." Woodrow Wilson's Million. Brantford Expositor The conteibutions to Woodrow . Wilk son's campaign fund amounted to $1. 100.000, and wer: made 'hy 91 000 per. sotis, Is populsr financial support was far absad of both Roosevelt and Taft in the presidential campaign. e rontributions vame from all sorts of people and from all parts of the United States, ro that there wae nev. or suything lik: it before in a pee sidomtinl campaign. The embers of Canading parties might well profit hs this example. By individual sub. scriptions from large numbers thev enuld place their party mansoers | a- have obligations to the great interests. This wystam was advocated by Sir Richard Carvwvight. LE oi Mr ew " Oso Station Notes. Oap Btation, Nov. 27.---The heavi- est November snowstorm in a num- ber of years feil here on Sunday last. J. Revelle and his gang of men moved to Sharbot Lake vestorday, A few from here sitended the party af Joh Lanmon's on Mouday evening ast, and separt 4 god tigne, Mies ww Saterday and Sunday Yast. A num- ber from here attended the fanera' Charlton to-day. Mys moved to Smith's Falls vestorday. SS ----------. J Plt, Porth, has ' a cea of sae Sdn -- all to keep them fresh and dry with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. A Perfection Heater is a mornings and cold evenings. great comfort, too, on chilly It is the handiest and most reliable heater made. No S00t ; no smoke: no smell. Carry it where you please, All the heat you want just when and where you want it, e circular sent on request; or, better still, ask your desler to show you a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. THE IMPERIAL OL COMPANY, Limited NTREA WiNNIPE 3 ST. IOMN HALIFAX visited Hottie Bourk or RESTORATON And are a Positive Care for NERVOUSNESS, TION OF THE MEART, AND ALL FEMALE TROUBLES AMD SEND FOR OUR FREE BOOK--OF VITAL INTEREST TO WOMEN, For sale by dreacivts 81 $0c. ¢ box, or sis $2.00, or E TAB REMEDY FOR ANAEMIA, NEW YORK LADY CURED BY RESTORATONE TABLETS, Was s0 weak, fainting was a common occurrence.' $07 Waste tiv ~ New oy * For years | suffered from iaward wats] 1 became & nervous wenk, thin and pute and as fy and sirep bachve very poor | muh wemkoer and {jn Ang wan 8 ecturrence. After giving up ali Sorel wan Jmprsend with the wt wives RESTORATONE "F) and decided to ty & hon wore ali CEE of two » taked plain bor -y had deamprived nS oad h of A TABLET: Shovid nor gil takin in i hesith wish ta wr, ses They ute at bberty todo in" © rey