« PAGE SINTELS. acc ssencstsesences 1 Tips For the Farmer EE BY USCOLE JO#R. PO00SS00000000000SROY 8 s000aceneabee Yield of Cow. A good grade teva whowld | yield about nn 3 per « nile 3 day for months, says o proces] dawyman. | MH she dogs this, cerves the pro per food and will fa { thrn the owner a fasly good profd dhe per cent. of butteriat uw mk i determined by the separation of the fat from the malk by a method known un tho Haheoek tesi * Malk contre 8.17 per cent 3.60 per cent, Wt. 2.02 por cent. cage i, DE per evat. albumin, 1.55 per eent. sugar and 71 per cent. ash. Thiz i® the average composition determin: "ol hy a large number of enalyvses. The fat content is the jnost valuable prit "of milk and consequently nolk and | frame ave weually soit according to the amount of butts dst. contuined, "The diferente beiween butterfat and butter is that the manulacturer of butter had added to the int a ver fain por cent. of salt, card and moist ure that coustituics $s is known as the overran which is wually*hetimaied nt one-sixth, ? aver af 2 pounds | and ¥ attention ne water, Shelter for Hogs. Warm nights seldom vember, The stockman should boar this in mind and provide sdogquate shelter for his young wiotk, especially swine. igs have no coats of fur to out the coin, so need some ad "ditional attention ax cold weather ap occur in No 2 eH Most pigs have heen sleeping on the pruned without bedding. This was atl) Fight during the swnier, but in Sofder to keep them comdertable at 8 night they should to shelter of same sort, 1 they are not allowed the ran of n straw stack or : gheas shod or a weil bhodded porte y of | a hog house, enough straw should be hauled into the fepd lot to bed hogs thoroughly such" no hed would | greatly appeeciaic | the pags ! They will in tutn repay the owner | mandold {or his eo and troable by | akchtional gary Hag Soil Needs. How to tell nods of the a hard question, tays Fare apd Fale fide," but by obtsorvation of the groy ing orop something may he toll Lack | "of nitrogen touds Lo stant tire leaf or ns, nnd excoss of It tO cinse pro leatage. Lack of potash cause: delicionsy 1a the ns. Plenty | of potasn in the case of Hus, for in stamue promotes the aawih of na ik cgreaset minount of fone. Phofphoras Se nevdod for the seods. © OF course, fhese olenonts sie not distributed within strict hmits, but these are the general jinex 0 distribution. Wher he grup or tree iw short in any res RL, OF in Any Way escmssive, at vw well for the @ serving tamer (o look lo the case closely. An experiinen Plot will furnish real knowludge, now have scooss wil Lire Ww. | "ran i Lhe soil as | tem orga Pacumonle HH Cattle, Tha essence of the treatment 13 fake it early, and give rowing stim "mlants that will carry on tho hegst 'aetion and prevent stagnation. Am Smor'acal remedies are advised be Ganas thay are mors direct, and doi Bot leave the disposition to run down | which simpl: aleohdl has Carbonate af amunonia in does of half to "threecouarters of an ounce, direolved fa pint or more of water, ii chéap or than the aromatic sprit, and you oan add aromatics such as ginger and eardamoniy, and swoel pepper { eonnter-irritation to the sides © mw chest shonld be tried st the ear it. moment, and may i voasint © two drams of Spanish fiy, hall ma oo of spirit of turpeut ne, a dram oF oil of clover, hall an ounve af phior and two ounces of olive oll ble this quantity is needed for both aden. Pigs in Argentina. €inod purebred pigs are sellin: "wall in Argentine. © A two-yea'sy middle- white sow sold by auction reo © ¥ realized $200. She wan hy well-King Edward VIL pigs Just weaned average! heir), Twenty-eight Borkshive boars and twenty-two sows old) i the previous day highest price was $114 for : 8, These pigs were all just] ya montha old, aml Argentine] EL Their sire was Munden Ron 24859, and the dams descended | Whitey. Vivacity and Danesileld paid. It aver the Argentina are again, oponed to Biit:h there will undoubledly be demand for pigs, bat only for Br tia © _'Alhen Hens Lay Eggs. ® question as to what tme jo day a hen lays has puszied poul fanciern for wnnumbered dec but now, it seems, it has boon jgfactorily solved Dy & woman 43 Mrs, Sarah Erickson of Fel: . BEng. Having kept chickens thirty-soven years, she bolioves ualifics sa an expert in this worked cut the problem,' 3 "By using marked leg: ap-nests, and alarm clocks to the nests 1 have detor that & hen Inya an ege at the ue, minute, and second that 8 horis-or, rather hatched. fanee, if the hon dapponed tf Hs way through Its > 2 0. ahe WHF lay au sely 1.43 a. nr And she thom variation evory ¢ lay. 1 W © year, and | ' have wover od : " itv of 3 ar Seveni | averaged $72.00.1 viCTRoLA IV $20.00 le REFIT EE FS » 4 i. A Genuine Victor Victrola [Ems For Every Purse. There is no reason why you should any longer d wonderful home entertainer, when a GENUINE VICT be bought for as little as $20.00 Other styles up to $300.00. VICTRGLA IX § 65.00 _ This marvellous musical instrument brings the voices of the world's greatest singers to your own fireside in so natural and lifelike a manner that you actually FEEL the presence of the living artist. Any *" His Master's Voice " dealer in any city or town in Canada will gladly demoastrate the Victrola for you. Double-sided records are only 90c¢ for the two selections. 0 rive yourself of this R VICTROLA may , and on easy terms of $1.00 a week if desired. ROLA VIII § 52.00 11 VICT Send postal for free copy of our 300 page Musical Encyclopaedia, listing over 5000 selections. Use only "His Master's Voice" Needles with Victor Records. BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL. D. J. DAWSON 244 Princess Street Pop't fail 8 have vour forses' teeth examificd once a year Mont drive over hea id through a stream of cold water, and no means allows them drink hase Dy iu WHIM 40 sw ontiiilon Hon'. feed wheat or barley - to notwer whee oats sud corn are avid able on LEE vard font mares or cows to a Jdirly barn allow your their young iu feed your horses whem = the are very tired, specially gram, "pont wait outil your sabre most dead at time of foalivg vinariaa. medicine animal, never intended is al befors vet valhng a defiirstir to tha through i" Bont hove, {ae now What why, ihm't administer any deug animal until vou sre famnbar with ite action and the exacts eondition of your patie Pont pun shot' Hon't continually dosing vous horse; keep him well by proper cave. Don't elip vour horse and leave hun unntotecied while nol in motion. fGon's leave the shoes an sa horse wiger than five or six weeks without ing. : allow the blacksmith te rasp hoof wall and otherwise mutilate in shoeing ow with calks unless sary. ihe norse th stand na thaw or avy. other patuce to an administer medicine on the pina tm vy foat Don't tutets flon't dra Pont wash the horse's logs; then then dey. Pon' wait until the horse's tlevs are wore before properly the collar : Don't put chains behind the horses to keap them from backing out of the sted Don't allow the horse io drink mech woten at one time Bon't feed irregularly "Don't water hdrses at public water troughs. Don't fry horse. Don't fories your farm with bath wire i you enn afford a better | way, * ' uhso ny alow shi Currey shoul: fitting too to doctor a glandered Lins Famous Go to any drag store today or to any department slore or any filet ods counter say fk want a Loan of PARISIA N Sage Hair Ton: Say PARISIAN Sage : 'ask for it by when yea name want the real hair 1 NO grower, beawtider™ Tred é ] dandrall care. arations bride prepara {ior the hair, shod: Tine in name, arg be : edst on PARISIAN you'll RISIAN Mage Banish : HS Hair Beautifier ne For Sale By Bon't t until the cow or has become ugly before dehorning it while they are voung Don't feed the vow henvy just fora ealving time Don't leave poisoned ment for wis in the day lime; Rover may it Don't stand the Lore on an iuclin oii plank dloor. Don't wait until vour animals are bevond help before calling a velerin arian. Wat Produce and Prices. Kingston, Nov. 30.~Market reports the following : Potaties, 0c. pk.; cabbage, 30 to he. don; celery, De. to Te, lettuce, De. bunch; onions, 0c. pki; earrots, He, pk.; new beets, We. pk.; chickens, 12ic. to he. Ib; fowl, 10c. ths po- tatoes, #1 to 8125 a bag; California ooliry, le: to 13e. J. A. Pekartane, rock streel, re ports grain, Hour and feed sciiing. as follows : Oats, Bc; local wheat, $1.10 bush; feel © wheat, 80¢.; peas, $1 to £1.10 yellow feed corn, $0¢.; bakers' Hour 32.00 {c ¥1.10; farmers' flour, $2.85 $110; "Hungarian patent, 5.10; oat meal and rolled oats, ¥3.50 per bar vel: cornmen], $2 to 52.25; bran, $24 28 per tom; baled $11; loose, 83; hay, loose, £17 + pressed hav, $15 to S16. Meat-l Bool, local, carcase, Ne. to fe.; prime western, Ie. to: lg; car wnae: outs ee. 10 MWe: mutton, He to 18¢.; lamb, 124c. to I8e. Ih; live hogs, $8.25; dressed hogs, 12¢; veal, 124. ' Dairy--Batter, ereamerv, 3c. prints, Me, to Be. Ihe; eggs. Be. to We. a dozen. John McKay, Broek street, reports as follows : Hides, No. I, trimmed, at fle. a 1h Neo. 2 apd bulls, 10e a lb; sheep skins, fresh, The; deacons, 81 veal sking, 136. a Ih: tallow rendering, 0. per Ib: wool washed, ic. per Th: wool, wawashed, 14. per Ih: giosing, #5 to $6.50 per 1b; hors hides. No. 1. £3 LL The Dominion Fish comtmny reports the following prices : Whiteish, - 15¢ 1b; pike, We. Th: Chinook sslmon, Joe, 1h. Mppered. herring, Shel; Yar en clerk i and Scalp Remedy a soalpy and fromote as new growth of hair if the bair root is mot dead. Tt will put radizat beamy fate dell, fad: ed, Bfsless hair, and as a daisty and delightful hair dressing for women it eangot be matched, i It is sot: a dve and pot con. tain Jead or other nuts : ety fet a (heent bat. th of PARISIAN o * lisir Ton } ou'll nev- be | { mouth bloaters, 40c. doz.; perch, 10¢. ih, to ib.; bh salt codfish, 134e. 1b.; halibut, 200. th fresh haddock, i stead, cod, 13§¢. Ih, salmon fresh mackerel, Be. Ih; oysters, to 60 per quarl; shell oysters, : fillets, 15¢. 1b.; fresh smeits, 20¢. boneless herring, ¢, Ib.; lake Z, Hie. a doz; salt water her- Roe doz. John McKay, farrier, reports the fol lowing prices lor raw furs: Bear, black, from 28e¢. to $80, according to tice and quality; racooonn, dark, 25¢. to 83.75; raccoon, pale, 25c. to $2.50; otter, dark; $1 to 835; otter, pale, £00. to 820; fisher, §1 to $20; marten, brown, 2356. to $10; mink, dark, 50c. to ¥; muna, brown, He. to $6; mink, ? pal » 3c. to $0: fox, red, 25¢. to $8; cross, Hic. to 840; silver, $200 to 8500, acording to beauty; lynx, He $20; muskrats, fall, Se. to 16¢ Hie. to 6dc.; white weasel, 3c, £150; hiack' beaver, Bie. to $10: brown beaver, Me. to $750; skunks, 2%¢. to £1. to From November lst to April Ist is open season for heaver im the province of Quebec, The Real Lincoln, Tim currant es ideas eruing s Nicolay brands at un: not, for ipstance, call Hie follow-couniry men re- hime lovingly "Hone " during the early days of hig srd his candidacy: but they hin "My Lincoln." i an lie loved the "plain people," imple #3 was his manter on every OeeLusion, Be was a man ol oo great a natural dignity to wdmit of any sort of cheap familiarity Nor was his story telling so important a charae fstic ax many of us have supposed, tell stories, and told them ex- wilemthy well: but the lime where story telling became simile ix, in Lincoln's seeh and | writing, often hard to draw. His stories were told for a pur pose, Neither was he indifferent to * perconal apoesranes; oitem uneon- ventional in his dress, he was yet the peatest of men, and be at least lis ened ta comments upon his height mid ragged face. cone ns Use for Chinese Temples, In Canton and Henan there are large number of tanples to the mem- ery of numerods deities about whom woth ng or very little is known, the only time one aver hears of W.oonte a sear, when the priests o's rating the birthday of the god or githir fstival. The pew government is of the opinion that, without alienet- ing public opinion or causing ill-fecl- mg. many of these temples could be ft to a mush more useful purpose by ing iver into the bands of the Fducational Commissioner to turn into schools. The matter is receivin attention, and the funds hitherto pai to a pembor of bury priests asd eare takers i to be devoted to education. Also the mans celebrations held on the birthdays of the various gods are 10 be eancoled, and the only fetiv of this king to be held are the Con- opie Fn colebra tions. A woman's iia of soothing to keep har. Seat Js. cold weather is anvthiog in onen work: The remson a man will work so much (0 tenth his wile to think he never will himself, oh Na Also Representing Knabe, Willis, Karn-Morrs, Dominion and Gerhard Hein-zman Pianos and Players EEC _S-- -- The Softer Side of Morgan. { John 'Prerpont Morgan--to give him | all of his name<has softencd and hu | manized of late years. He still bus a roar that starts the ink in the office wells spouting like geysers, amd can glare a hole through a chilled steul safe. But beneath the rough oute husk he is-n Provdy. warm-hearted old man. "He hasn't softened enough to spread," said an aegUdintsnce, 'but fie is a blander banker than he used to be. The time was when solicitors, even for worthy objects, were protect ed by no office game law. Nowadays, it they get past the elephantine Celt ui the doer and atiract the eye of the olf man as he sits at his bg desk overlooking the common corridor, they are fairly certain of a hearing The other day a church collector ran the gauntlet, but by the time he had reached the last assistant secvetary Wu hgd been reduced to a state of wir ering palsy. =~ nog him, Morgan ordered. The solicitor Knock -kneed his way imo th presence. "What do you want? "It was a study in stutters that the unfortunate oliered Hig cause was just, all right but his vorcal chord had jellied. Oul of the mess of clicks and false Morgan learncd that he wanted ¥200 * *You should not have come to me, sid Vo gan "The solicitor * Naver come Morgan "Ihe solicitor's face brightened That was one worry off his mind "Now, smd Morgan, 'get ont. thor in X300 Nt. aul Pioneer Press starts hopelessly agreed in here again, Hamlet's Condition, Herbert J, Pattoe, an old-time Togiths mate actor and a member of thel famous Booth and Barrett combing tion, reformind, and is now luxuriously off the money obtain from valuable inventions, but still likes to talk about the ups and downs of Shakespeare. "A friend and 1 once passed a theatre in Wash- ington," sald Me. Patice, "just s the performance had let out. My friend met an acquaintance who was coming out of the theatrs. We wore ignorant as to the attraction, so my friend asked his acquaintance what aj i witnessing. 'quaintance. antl § £ hem | Alfed with all sorfs of eoujecturer are 188 to whether Hamlet was really ithe acquaintance, 'left no doubt on jthat point. jhe was frantic sort of a performance he had been 'Haminst," said the ac 'Ah, Hamlet," "said m lend. I suppose that you are naw mad." 'The Hamlet to-night" said He was not alone mad There weren't a handred people in the house." " . At Sharbot Lake. Rharbot Lake, Nov. 2% There was. quite a now storm here on Sundays. Mrs. Walroth and son, Fher, have re turned home after spending somes time with her daughter. Mra. Carey, of Havetoek. Rev. A. BE. Swnrt has veiurnsd home from Eegland. © afew ah absence of two months. The shick on Sapper, hold in Frein Hall, well attended. Mise Fdua Mevhar shent Suwday at Smith's Falls B. Erwin snd son, Kennels, have m torned home from the west. J. Huff, Man vented by Mr. Long. Iv is moving mito the sn house vasa by. G. Huflman, ; tddy's Silent Parlor Matches Made of very best corey pine. Every stick a match. Every match a light. Well packed so that a match may readily be extracted in the dark--no fumbling with the inevitable spilling of the matches. . AND ABOVE ALL EDDY'S a surety of the best possible quality aad full count The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited Makers also of Paper Bags, Toilet Paper, Tissue Towels, ete. Saison -e ST HER SINCE 1851 ens -- en "I like to sell a-- SOUVENIR RANGE because it always means more . " and better business for me. 7 "Why ? "Because I know a Sou- venir Range will give absolute satisfaction and the pleased cock is a pig help in our business. "You #ece I've been sell- ing ranges for a good number of years and I've _ got to know what a cook- ing apparatus should be. "The Royal Souvenir is a handsome range and a perfect cooker. "There's nothing to burn off about this range--the body requires no black- ing, saving kitchen-work. "The AERATED OVEN is 2n exclusive feature of the Souvenir Range. J "The roast is entirely surrounded by & current of fresh warm air in an AERATED OVEN: thus retaining all its generous and nourishing juices. "For your health's sake as well as for your igmily's ~You should buy a Royal Souveuir. #9 "It will add to your reputation as a cook. "There are other strong reasons why I recommend this rauge." ' N.B.--Come in and talk the matter over. BENNETT & HALLIGAN. Al Soutenss Kanges ave made tn Hamsiton, the Stove Contre of Canada, by The Homillon Stove and Hester Co. Limited, iucevs- sori to Gurney, 1 iden Company