yng DYLY Dairien PITH OF WORLD XEWS, MAY HAVE T0 6VE UP, FATING ' ANOTHER® CAKE MAY | COST $105.000, ] Telegraphic Despatches and' Xewspaper Exchanges. Lumsden Bros, wholesale grocers, oi Hamilton, asnounce that they will remove to Torowto. rr Pog ' a i Famous Huber Will Just Unearthed uauibes, -of the i s force, was suspended for ! Based on pawity That Started at fo Harvest Feast in 1750. Dr. Vardon, MO.H., of Galt, says | Pittsburg, dv. .--Enmity result. | 9a! twenty-five per cont. of the child {ing from p #0V thirteen years of sge | 72 of today are mentally or phy- leating his playmates cake at a har sicily defective, vest home #ast m 170 in Germany, The annul "report of the Depart- {may focee the last trustee of the old rent of Labor notes an upward ten | Harmony society' to refgnd ¥103,000 | dency in wages attended by an m- = Iwith terest from 1835. Grease in the cost of livieg. v. hg Kapp and Jobn Huber wees fhe Domi cust has i -- ; Johs Pp ohn aber w amon Trus o. as paid eV qm liriends ™ Wuertembery until the | $300,000, or $7500 a foot, for pro- i cake cident. Rapp founded the ior | porty on Main street, Winnipeg, now - {mony Society near here, Hiber fovned by the Bank of Commerce. - 1 3 a EE I You can find out several reasons why Us store is the ff ss VERCOATS Hamilton thirty days assaulting a fellow censtable. BEST PLACE i ir sieeed wealth, and when his wuisters, A dirigible balloon bas been able {ype Hemtal and Mrs. Wagner, joined | bo locate the American frigate Phila- |e x community be gave warning | delphia, which was sunk of Tripoli Ipat whatever he might will them | au0ut 1502, during the Barbary war. must not go to the society but must Heber Lane, who disappeared from he held under a separate trust. Ingersoll eight years ago, has heen When Huber died nis fortune was | loonted as an employee on a boat ply- obtained through the courts in France | no between Duluth and Bufialo. : and merged with the society's funds. Hamilton PDoard of Control favors His will, just found among old papers asking the goverament to suitably re in the home of Mrs. Sarah Bental of cognize Mrs. Fessenden, of that Hochester, Beaver county, was writ- city, founder of the Empire Day move p 2/5 . sen n Honeur, France, in IS84. It ment. ok specific ally directs that the money Joseph Davenport, who invested the A alrs Heft to his sisters go to their heirs {4 0 oo 0 cab and pilot and built 5 : an not to the sotiety. The heirs will the first wrought iron bridge in the a 3 3 press their claim in court United States, is dead, at Zoar, Whit | 3 5 7a BI k t ! Ohio, aged pinety-seven learge W. Vale, of Waterloo, aged Viorty-eight, is dead irom blood-pois- : Not the ordinary small makes, but a large size! full 80 inches long, and about 70 inches Pretty O'clock sad f cafes > 'Your opportunity to save on purchases adver- tised for To-Night 1s just so much money Found QUEEN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE, Siz Ce De _ . . c Students ( hiosen as Delegates to Out | oning, resulting from a scratched fin- side College Functions. gr while at work in a shoe factory. A long needed want at tue med! 4 Ho leaves a widow and seven child cal college is being supplied by the | on. nadian railway works v Hon. Mr. Graham has given notice of a motion calling for the original pians and specifications for the con- gtraction of the National Travseon- milway between Quebec A CAREFUL CONSIDERATI . charts are Washington authorities have asked diameters, on heavy cardboard and Fol our store, is sold under an absolut guarantee 0 : asked for a bonus of forty-five dol- Our immense Overcoat business this fall has | Kinnear and D'Esterre as a presen- a ae ih coatings of every conceivable weave and shade. jn And rhany others from $25 to $30. i faculty. It cons.s's of a series of | On the request of the ¢msul-geper- § Svlored anstomy Shaws for the dis § of of the United States at Winnipeg ) sectio ; e Bofore you buy your NEW OVERCOAT way mean (about three feet square with en-|; =. thorough enquiry into the con- Dollars Saved To You Later [| {a rior to amon ve | ioms oi the construction camps of b : wv, Welch and Stewart upon a Every Overcoat, like every otherarticle sold at go SO students are in hot water again, and have just been satisfaction for you, and we carry that guarantee lars from the Arts regisirer. : ont to Sie Jester. The alking Alok subplied by » do iy and for all documents J aN Rg. 0 i aoe ents : : xn for the Al Mater bestow necessitated repeated reorders; This insures you fl (00. sudent whose meritorious | them. ust as big a choice as the early buyer. We always record etands highest at Queen's, The Gorman imperial chancellor re ave something new to shoy you. Fancy Over- Americanized and English models exhibited here in extensive assortments. Special lines at $15, $18, $20 THE HOME OF THE OVERCOAT C. LIVINGSTON & BRO. 76-77 BROCK STREET. J To-Night, 7.30 O clock. Made of extra quality Ribbed Cashmere, spliced ankles, worth 40c, 45¢, 50c. On sale 29¢ Pair. . . [nitialled, pure linen, hand embroi- dered Handkerchiefs, neatly boxed. . For Ladies, 1-2 doz. in box, $1.00 For Men, 1-2 doz. in box, $1.50 Fancy Hand Embroidered Hand- | rchiefs, Pure Irish Linen, 25¢, 30c, , 50¢, 75¢, 90c, $1. EE Ladies' Plain Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, special values, $I, 50, 1.75, 2.00, 3.00 dozen ntlemen's Pure Linen Handker- w Bpecial will bes contested for shortly Ly men from the different faculties. The regulations regarding the giving of the cane as a reward of merit are: that tae student be In his final year; that he has never failed at any examipation in his college course; that he bas played on a first team. The representative chosen by the students is V. Blakslee, unanimously eclcted and one of the hast known and most popular men insth: mel'. cal college. Invitat ons have been receive! Lv the Aesculopian Society from Laval Toronto and Western colleges for representatives at functions to be held' at these colleges. Mr. ve Heaupre will represent Queen's Medical Faculty at Laval's annual dinner; Mr. Williams at the West: ern Medical College of London; and Hugh Meninnon ap he Toronto Varsity "At Home" on December 13th, The Aesculopian ®octety "met on Friday afternoon. Seventy-five cents was voted to be paid to ihe Hotel Dieu for the expense of a window broken by medical stucents amount of fifty deldrs for menus, ete The progranime at. the meet- ing wis given by thé second year and was heartily actorded to be the best yet. It consisted of: violia eolo, "The Echemian Girl," by Mr. Waite, asisted by Mr. Paul; piano solo by Mr. Burden and vocal solos the next meeiing the honorary presi- dent, Dr. James Third, will deliver an address. Invitatiops have been issued for the medical dinner of the Aescula- pian sceicty to be lield on Dec. Sth. Affairs are going: very smoothly as tthe reports of the different com- mittees connected with it testify, cluding Dr, Shearey, of Toronto, ana Dr. Willison, of the Toronto News, and the R.C.H.A orchestra will supply the music. No. 5 company, of the engineering corps held their weekly drill at the armourics on Wednesday af- ternoon. There was a good turn out and the boys look well in their new uniforms. Sergt.-Major Boaks of the-R.M.C., instructed them in rope-tying and other engineering tactics. A class in signalling has been started in connection with the corps. Medicine "15 and "16 wii hold a joint meeting on Monday or Tues- day in order to give candidates from Medicine and Science an opportun- ity to address thein. Duka Denies the Statement. Mcntreal, Nov. 30.--The Star to- day publishes a eable from the Duke of Argyle, characterizing as rubbish the story in Sir Richard J. Cartwright's memoirs that Sir John A. Macdonald was om ftnfriendly terms with the duke's wife, the Princess Louise d@iring tae Jest two years of Macdonald's life. Sants Claus Paners, Gel one for the kiddies. Free at Besta - Tha post office at Wellington wax established in 188 and Archibald McFanl was the first postmaster. The village sad post office were named alter the Duke of Wellington, who was then famous as a statesman snd a soldier. : 3 Great sale of sweaters: children's from 50. men's and women's, from Princess Ci8Ge. Dulton's store, 208 street. : we oF Alon the file dmoghie A leer, tH of Mr. and Mra' Frank Vandewater, after an illness of two weeks, from {meningitis of the hrain. 3 and The Programme commitiee were giv- | en permussion wo expend to the | by A. Trucsdsle amd V. Murray. At speakers have been abtained, in| * joged to take anv measures to relieve {ite meat scarcity, saving prices were {heh the world over and that it was not desired to expose Gepman sienlture to the competition of rinorted frozen weal Thousands of citizens of Lawrence, Vase. Inst night. at a series of open a'r meetings, pledged themselves to sport civie 'government and order ta dufend the same from "'the/slanders of har onsmies." The meetings were to olTvet demonstrations of the Industrial Workers of the World. Here's a Picture. YT ritish and Canadians News Toronto, One got a picture of a great litera- tour, of a great churchman, of a great scholar, of a great philanthropist pee. haps, of a great conversationalist, lor os an after-dinner speaker he was ini- nitable. Bat there 1s one little story which shows another side, his child- | likeness. Some Years ago the late i rof. Clark went down to Kingston ! to speak at Queen's and to preach at St. George's cathedral, and he stayed with Dr. R. T. Walkem, who has since died, but who was then one of the I garrison town's foremost lawyers and chancellor of the diocese of Ontario. ! Dr. Walkem gave a small dinner for Prof. Clark, and one of the guests he bade thereto was that philosopher of almost world-wide renown, Rev. John Watson, who has the chair of philo- soph at Queen's. And after dinner what did' these men talk about-sci- ence, philosophy, classic lore, archaeo logy. mathematics ¥~-Oh, no, but "aout lewis Carroll's "Alice ig Won- dornland," and "Through a looking Class." . 880 Per Cent. Duty. Grain Growers' Guide Our readers may have . noticed [attern designs for ladies' garments which we publish from time to time. These patterns are wade from matrices which we secure from New York, as there are none of the kind made in Capada. These maurices are invoiced to us at cents per month, but the custome department in Winnipeg. has nsist- ed on caarging us $4.40 on this 5¢ certs' worth of materiel The duty is a specific one, being half « cent per square inch, though we have finally got it reduced to a quarter of a cent per square inch, or 440 per cent. We do not know of any higher duty in tHe tariff schedule. Christmas Canaan Magazine. The names alone of the contribu tors to the Christinas number of the Canadian Magazine are enough i make the issue noteworthy The I'st contains Arthur Stringer, Kath Jeen R. Coleman ("Kit"), Isabe Eeclestone Mackay, 1. M. Mont gomery, Marjorie L. C. Pick thal. Newton MacTavish, S. A. White Madge Macbeth, Margaret Bell, Pau Sheard, Donald A. Fraser, Carrrol C. Aikins, Ethel Hamilton-Hunter Fstelle Kerr, H. Isabel Grabam; while the artists represented are John Ruasil, Arthar W. Parsons, J W. Beatty, Andre Lapine, Fergus Kyle, and Estelle Kerr. There is no charge made Jor eo Fgraving sets bought at Dest's. Pre * sent selection 'assures yu of more artistic engraving. > . Ruy chamois vests. Gibson's. : When 8 man is a success he wouldn't Have been if he had followed all the advice he got when he started out ic fife. 0 t Gibson" coil" Yon "the debate from ny on Friday night by ter ts. Nutton's corset factory. large stod eorsels to suit wide, and sold regularly a $1.50 a pair. borders of either Blue or Pink. . Yours To-Night $1.13 Pair. All the' 50c Collars for 125c¢. 39¢ Collars for 20c. 75¢ Collars for 38c. 90ce Collars for 45c. $1.00 Collars for 50c. And so on through the list. Come early as there is quite a choice. Comfortable Underwear for Women Natural Wool Undervests and Drawers, White Unshrinkable And a number of other makes in Proper sizes and shaped to fit. Exactly HAL 120 Pretty Lace Collars Just two or three of each make, in a great va- riety of new designs, at F PRICE. 25¢, 35¢, 49c, 75¢ and up. Vests and Drawers, 25¢ to 99c¢. Fine Wool. 50c to $2.00. For Children, Warm Underwear In both White and Natural Wool. All wanted sizes, now ready. On Sunday evening the house on lot I, 2nd concesvion north of the Carrying Place, Hallowell, was bra. od. The farm ix owned by Mrs. Aon Griffith and the house was ied John Laidlaw & Son. HIGH CUT STORM BOOTS. By Nicholas Bailey and family. Elisha Wager rents the farm and Mr. Bailey has been working it on shares. The so rapidly that litle could About fwo weeks ago the barn on this farm was burned. < a ty FOR LADIES AND MEN Waterproof and Cold Proof Splendid Shoes for Fall and Winter wear made of soft Tan Elk Leather. Ladies' in Calf Leather