" , q eA CHRISTMAS. STATIONERY We have just ERY, and all k the new "EATON HOLIDAY will he delighted "PIMLTY" BTATION with beautiful line of Writing "a00pALE opened our wers of Fine Papers CRANE' | NOTEPAPER and ENVELOPES in FANCY ART BOXES three amd patterus of two and quires each Ideal and useful At very Containing one, Christmas Presents, reasonable Prices. A RD= ith Envelopes to United States CORRESPONDENCE mateh, greatly used in England snd the heons, in Hh and motloes, at NAME CARDS, fo dinners and lune liday olors. Also, Name Christina ¢ aris, wit h humorous designs UGLOW"S 141 PRINCESS STREET | Telephone No. 285. v veTw TYVVVTYTTTYUY GET OUR PRICES for Tin, Lead, Zine, Babbitt, Solder, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipg, THE CANADA METAL CO, Limited, Factories--TORONTD, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG. - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1912, AT COOKE'S CHURCH! HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNIVERSARY SERVICES W ERE | | 3 HELD ON SUNDAY. of | Morgan | Pay -- | Principal Ww. the Dr. Gordon, Queen's, and Prof. D.D., Preachers for Members of Choir in Gowns, has | its | Cooke's Presbyterian church passed another mile stone, y., and the anniversary ser- held on Sunday, were largely | { attended, the sermons of a helpful | nature, while the choir rendered {appropriate music. Rev. Dr. Gor | don, principal of Queen's University { preached in the morning. the pulpit jin the evening being occupied by | Prof. W. Morgan, D.D., of Queen's University The pastor, Rev. J. W. Macintosh, was present at the services, and in the morning, made a brief refer- | ence to tae anniversary, pointing out that the church Had had a most 'I successful year. The members of the choir wore their gowns, for the first time, and the pastor, in re ferring to the innovation, state that he regarded it as one which added to the sacredness of the ser- vices. Dr. sermon on taking as in Gordon preached a forcefu! the ministry of Christ. his text two passages of cripture, John XVIil-18: "As thou hast sent. me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world," and John XX, 21: "Then said Jesus to them again: Peace be unto you: As my father has sent me even so send I you." The speaker told the story of Christ and His service of self sacri. fice His ministry was one of INDIA PALE AND EXTRA STOCK ALES, XXX STOUT STANDARD BEVERAGES 3 JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON revelation; if we could see Him we could not help but be drawn {towards Him The life of Chris { was one cf self-sacrifice, and Hi met with a response The chure' to-day, was called upon to manifes Christ among the children of mer Christ served others, and it was in this work, we would receiv our greatest blesssing. Our life wes not one 10 be always receiving but we should be giving. We should not serve simply for our own salvation, but for alva- | tion of others. This vas the real secret of the example 'gst by Christ There was 'great need for us f« get back to | ministry. At the éven;ng service Prof. Morgan delivered a strong 'sermon 'THE QUEEN MILLINERY Ar SATURDAY BARGAINS Shapes in all colors, regular $2,00, $2.50 and $3.00 . 80c Willow Feathers in all shades, $100 1 $2.00 Veilings in black, brown, green, purple, 10c: and §8¢ a yard Duchess Ribbon, 4 yards for . 0 NRCan ans --. WELL'NGTON STREET i i = (British Whig Publishing Co, Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Clathiers, Hatters, Furriers, (Confectioners, Bakers, Druggists, - Florists, (Grocers, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Fancy (ioods, Hard- ware, Stationers, Ete. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. Difice ard Factory © King Street West | res Bn0BRN nn Smart Evening | Slippers In Satin, colors Pink, Blue. White and Black, {with hafidsone ornaments, some beaded | $3.50 $4.00. $450. $5.00 and $6.00 | Kid, Patents and Beaded, one, two and three strap | effects from $2.00 to $350 . o P Men's Pumps Metal and Patent. Prices run $3.00 $330 $400 and $500 best place for Evening Shoes is the od Shoes. Cm ! i l | dealing with the opportunities for { Christian service. One did not ne preacher to do this work to he a One could do good, by simply help Wana. I ing others There were people however, who looked upon every thing in a gloomy spirit, instead o looking upon things from the brig side fhe ministry of Christ wa one of encouragement, and we har it in our power, to encourage ont another In times of war, ,e0, i were ever ready to give thrir sup port to the men at the front, b not as ready to give their support in the fighting of our more battles. Even if we were not inl the fighting line, we could play, and that showing our inlereat and in the work The music by the choir was =. cellent in the mornin. ia &al- dition to selections by the choir there was a quartette composed of Misses Ross. Rosevear. and ,Messrs G. B. McCallum, and Harry Filson In the evening. Angus Orr render> | a solo, and Misses Tweddell' ar) losevear a duet was Ar sympatn) ' - i An Abundance of Blood. If you have only a little less r~ ergy than your duties require, in is a burden. If you have just a little excess of anergy, life is a joy. Good, rich, red blood and an abundance of it will give you the excess of energy Wade's Iron Tonie Pills (Laxative) will provide the blood and vitality required' They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker, In boxes, 25 cents, at McLeod's Drug Store, 53 Brock street, one door above King St. Money back if not satisfactory. Snug Harbor Closed. | Sailors' Snug Harbor is closed for { the winter and J. F. Owns, who has | been in charge of it during the past ! wason, has left for Port Arthur to { take up residence as steward of the sailors' institute there. Mr, Owns was well liked here During the past sea on he made many friends, all of whom were sorry him depart. { He is an old salt water man, and has seen lots of hardships, having been | shipwrecked | i to soe A reghilar "Gitson's." Rev. D. C. Ramsay New Lis keard, has received a call to Cam- rose, Alta. "Life. membership to library at Cibson's, ber only J. H. Mendels has sunounced bim- self a candidate for the mayoralty 50¢ emulsion Tabard 31.00, Inn Decem- there was a part | $ interesting to note, {village. of Perth for 1913. BY PROF. CoM] OF TORONTO, ADIPRESSEDR WRONG, Who Spoke "A Canadian Manor and jt Queen's Uri versity om Saturday Night, To a largely on Seiguors" of Toron-'1 -atiended meet No! the build Tes | f Professor Wrong to, addressed ing of t! Ki ¥ on English room Canadian Manor Historical vening in new ats and ngston day Salix ng on 'A Nedgniors i The picture of & French anadian |i pastrol community was drawn in al thoroughl. interesling manner an dil { the character the French langmage |! was brought showing ite virtues and pecul arities he meeting in charge of Canon Starr who, new capacity os president of the} , robe briefly, introducing thetll first of the society's ! of addresses Wrong desc ribed of thes. and Lace. WAS (| in his ii ocet v, ane wintes Professor tha iil Gun Metals. Patents, Box and Velonr Calf. $600 We wonld be pleased to show them to you SMART SHOES for YOUNG MEN Swell Tans high toes, high heels $450 - 500 + 600 in Bluchers and Buttons in Bluchers, Buttons 580 - 500 - 450 400 FPrench-Cana nor and survivor of the 'and holding ual guide of «1 the divergence tween the people people of Quebec; dian village with its seig- if urate, the formet the seignioral system of | ynd the laiter the spir- the people. He remark- in the type of Ontario and the former the ABERNETHY'S the Teutonic of the Roman. representatives nch, the latter representing wn type gave conception nresentatives of wd the latter 'ormer th igious bre he : of one re- with a few | the othr. | world its | authority | marks the Frepch-Cana- | community The Teutonic type! laid emphasis on the | individual, which marks | people of Ontario. travellers have remarkad uniformity of the peonle | Un: ted States. One wha | wo large eastera province i red for a changes The | the the | i 'Present for Baby LEARN THE BABY TO WALK, wweaphions "he nagntlicent vhich still lian has rights of the the the of Ron always tronzly Ok donverse ol » virtues of 'the French-! system of living, Profes i 4 great stress on the rea curate in ostablishing board | ng schools, which gave a good life and good training to children of ali 1agses, even to the ve'y oor ed of the ol s side of life was impressed CHILDREN'S TOY SETTS, s character with tremen and the moral seal| hi The village drunk-| ard was practically unknown ir nany of these communities, almost | ill of which had prohi v The si +he seigniorial system. he country with leaders and dif} used among the common people al ultured element almost unknown in| ar rural in Ontario | He desc curate's 'life ufluence ard told of the tithe em which gives the curate wenty-sixth of the grain crop allows the curate the twenty- child. born y family as to reach this mark oy he said, that {3 not unfrequently paid to] in the French-Canadian Li tricts and ov | | | ed the CHILDREN'S HIGH CHAIRS one WE STORE JAMES REID'S - DIED IN "HOTEL ian DOWSLE) AWAY VERY SUDDE Yous PURCHASES Phone 147 iso sixth 'ortunate go | his tithe he curate ng also remarked - the Canadian hebi to his ideals. Our yroblemn, he said, was to live side hy side with a people so divergent 'rom us in their ideals, and to Ww %| n ointly with them the common -- ut Jota of Canada and the empire. | Heart Disease Was the Dean Bidwell moved a hearty vote| ceased Was a Veteran Shoemaker, « the splendid discourse! Having Been Fmployed had give The meeting closed OM Kingstoq the ng of God Sav the | P rofessor wr he tenaci ar¢ inh siding NLY. by 1e Houses, Dowsley, a resident of half a centur: Frontena he ater villiam noarly in the irda ston lor Concert at Cataraqui. a hai in spite of inciement weather i on Friday night tae township hail} at Cataragui was filled to the door and every available seat ta- ken by an appreciative audience hear "Ye Olde Folkes Concerts, given by the ( ataraqul hockey team and ends who were dres in costumes of ye "olden times. The | ' derwased, programme oper wd with a ¢ ry i age, 8 mareh by all m costume, followed | and during the by a chorus of over thirty voic followed the Many remarks were heard regard- | nes heing ne the vocal talent and ability of | Allan and John OF the young people of Cataraqui I | quiet nature, Fiberal ir has been decided to repeat the con! un men the ancient cert | and hose bh noon f the + | lifetime he. late itting chair in » 3 i | hot ooms when the 0 their fri ord | he el roo ¥ n er who. wa born ir greater pa boot and the lat ocd rd Aith Wolfe Island Funeral, Pun The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary |, J. Taggs Wolfe Island, took piace } ate. on Sat ¥ morning Mass was! sung at church of the Sacred! Heart Ly kev. Father Spratt De- copged is survived by her husband, one son, and nve daughters, Wil I liam of Wolfe Island, Mrs J: Hogan | in and Mrs. J. Murphy of Wolfe land, and the Misses Annie, and Kathleen, al of Tory lian and The div te | Service Margaret funeral il y Untaraqu ondu~te will be ' the Is- | ar gatwonal church Jessie | home i MAY HOLD COMPETITION A i the month of Deca: uber only | On we are offering, a $1.50 "Life; membership to Tabard Ina library | Viether for $1.00 club should The wedding of Miss Aan Bree, | ante sk: son. Erinsville, to John Healy, St -- rage was solemnized. jacas at the annual club on Baturday «vening Figure Skating Instead of 0 Usnal Masquerade. tha ing For ton meetin IN STOMACH CAUSE THE SICK All women get bilious, headachy and = constipated---simply because they don't exercise enough. They don't eat coarse food, or enough fruit and green vegetables. Those are nature's ways of Keeping the liver and thirty feet of bowels active; but very few women employ them. The nex: best way is delight- ful, fruity Syrup of Figs. Nearly all ills of woman can be overcome with Syrup of Figs alone. There is no need to have sick head- ache, backache, ' dizziness, stomach sour and full of gases, Dbiliodus spells sallowness. coated tongue, bad breath, bad complexion, nervousyesa, and depression. The surest and sal est remedy is one or two teaspoon- fuls of delicious Syrup of Figs. Try this t.nights Jaw st feel splendid in the ootning when the sour bile MADAM ! IF YOU DON'T FEEL RICHT . ' ns fe TAKE DELICIOUS, SYRUP OF FIGS" 5 555. 3 7 | dies' remais 2 the same as las | WANTE-CLOGGED BOWELS, TORP 1D TI In ER AND DECAYING FOOD SALLOWNESS, BILIOUSNESS AND INDIGESTION. the secured th Satar 8 fae | ter was loft in the hands utive. The rink has Leer {for the season by the «lub on isame terms as last year, 0 tday even' thes. The gen he In {year. The officers, most © re-elected, are. Hoc IH. W. Richardson x president iMrs. D. L V. Eaton, Misa W, F' Nickle, Mrs. ¥. O. Wiiiholft, Mrs. PR ™a gl pig Rwifr clogged up wasie and poisonous mar! i. W Biden; | Ianas James . ter have been gently but thoroughly d7 ; 5&¢ ay i Shh moved on and ont of your systera |roasurer, P. H ER without nausea, griping or weuk- | COMM ge, ott Henre § MeCan: ness. Your head will be clear, com-j FoR: (0 Short G bi Richardaes plexion rosy. breath sweet, stomach|F: 0. Wi : ea mppii mt . ¥ xy 3 3 S-------- a ad a. 20uspaL on, To (ure a Cold in One Pay. It is simply a matter of keeping! Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab your stbmach, liver-and bowels clean | leis. Druggists refund money if i and regular. Then you will always fails to cure. ©. W, roves sigan be well--always look and feel your ture is on cach box. ie 2 But get the genuine the old re Ai Barglars hroke able, Ask vonr druggist for "Sy. up) C. Ferguson's boot and shoes stor of Fiss and Elixir of Seana."y Re-| Renfrew, and stole two bots, =n fuse. with vontemjt. the so-called they were both for the samo foot Fiz Syrups sometimes substituted to] Puy Nyal's face cream "Gibson's fool you. The true genuine, bears W. H_ Brown has purchased th the name California Fig Syrup Com: | Revere HOste, Broekviile, He wit pany: look for this on the label. also males the Stratheona hotel ! He ir a pepular bouiface, Whom we president HEADACHE, GAS, BAUKACHE, the window of | AND ROCKERS, | "CHAR PASSED | Canse----1les | Two, The | of | A ---- Moir's Chocolates 50c a 1b. 50c a Ib, 50c a lb. 80c a ib. L'S Phone 640 ------------ TE ----. French Cherries - . . Nougatines - - - - Whipped Cream - Oporio . . SAKEL Next to Opera House - a on mm---- --First of Season-:- . A Pi CREAM PUFFS CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS CHARLOTTE RUSSE CREAM CAKE FRESH ON SATURDAY. R. H. TOYE 302 Xing St. Phone 141 EVIDENCE AS TO CHRIST. IPAPE'S | BREAKS A COLD AT ONCE First Dose of Pape's Cold Compound Ends Grippe Misery----Tastes Nice--=No Quinine. Andrew's by Belleville ermon in St, Rev. A. | S. Kerr, of On Sunday an surely end " up the wad, chest by takiag Compound res consecuti doses and d either stomach of two most oF Papa's hours are tak. It promptly relies the rout adache, dull stufiod throat, mis and Snes alarrhal rable he . ose erivhness, SACOuSs Arges, ning of nose, nd rhe twinges onderful Compound as ut with Lhe eine up, fe ing, sore the Ore unis le interierence anid tandmy $3 to the Christ yo snd t our trouble videno prompt TAN ADDRESS BY PRO} kage at YY. MCA. sunday After KNIGHT ¢ old oan contain tongs in home Et --------------------------------y sunday Skaters Suffered poe - in Heredity Meeting noon had ent stl wa ng md one ut th ; P'.. had take WOU The » Belleville aged vears, was found asphyx- wuring house in Torons had just returned and was hin een the « The First Congregational orchestra, | sixt en inder the retup of H. ! urnished music. It is the the leave ry Sunday Hon. a purpose of metings ev Manitoba Belleville, wsotialion to after) = > RARE : PACKED N ONE LJ L AN Sue. , OUND OF GOGD COFFEE 1S NOT Nga, POUND CANS : only more economical than the ONLY ordinary cheap grades, but is an added pleasure to every meal. "Sen! Brand is tlic best that can A NY CHASE, : be prac yy SANBORN AEEEHE MONTREAL