, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND) TELL US. ENTS The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario---Whas People Are Doing and What They Are Baying. Latimer Locals, Latimer; Nov. 28.--The Ladies' Aid of Latimer met at Mrs. Harry Darl ngs on November 13th, with a good + attendance. A large number from here attended the eoncert at Kepler last week. Mrs, Thomas H. Scott and two children have returned to their home Gananoque, after two weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. N. Darliog Miss Nettie Shérman visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. H. Shanson, of Sunbury; Mise Beryl Arthur, at R. Curran's Mrs. N. Darling and Roy and Grace, spent Tuesday at S. Perry's, Inverary. Lyndhurst Locals. Lyndhurst, Nov. 2Y William bas taken over the Riverside Mrs. William Church has bought the property of Mrs. F. Beetle. Mrs Church takes possession as soon as R. Gireen can move out. John Niblock Jost a valuable horse for which he had refused $200, Mise Alma Gram has re turned after an extended visit fo ronto. Mrs. GU. 8. Hooney took trip to Brockville to-day. RK. Gi. Har bakery started in operation to dav. Oliver Simpson of Seeley's Bay, spent last week the guest of William ats. The smow storm of Sunday and Monday was the heaviest in years. The snow fell to the depth of eighteen inches on the level. Wing hotel, vey's Portland Paragraphs. Nov. 29. Ihe saw mills short time. still run Portland, are' closing down for Ihe cheese hox Tactor) ning. A number of the farmers from the vielmily gre drawing their milk to the factory and having their butter made. Mr. and<Mrs. RB. L. Joyn§, of Brockville, were the guests of the Mis- ses Donevan, Mrs. lewis Cannon and son, Wesley, Smith's Falls, were the guests of Ross Cannon on Sunday last A number from here attended the At Home in Toledo last Thursday. Mrs. A. GaMagher returned home aiter spending a few days with her daught ter, Mrs. Kerfoot, Smith's Falls. Mr and Mra. W. MH. Holton returned home from a visit to their daughter, Mrs? Rev. J. Lyons, Rosland. Mrs. Hi. Bal, who has been working on the boat, Ottawa, returned home for the win ter. W. Hogers spent Sunday at J Norris's Mr. Ralph has moved from hs island to the village for the win ter months. We are pleased to learn that J, Gallagher still remains man- ager of this branch of the bank here. a 8 Denbigh News. Denbigh, Nov. 28.~Rev. J. Reble and F. Probst, Linwood, who favored their friends here with a visit, have arrived home again and claim to have enjoyed their visit here very much. H. 9). Bryan, Rochester, N.X., also informed his friends here that he reached home safely and had a pleas ant time both here and on his home ward journey. Mrs. R. Meyer, Phila delphia, for a couple of weeks the wel- come guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. Stein, also Rett and Denbigh is gettin to be, very quiet, as now nearly a our young people are away to spend the winter fram home. Miss Fda War tich left home to enjoy town life in Berlin, [Ont., during the winter. Mrs. S. Perty in away on a visit to her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Butler, Ca van, Ont. Miss Emma Kliem, who greatly enjoyed a twelve months' visit amongst her numerous relatives in dif ferent parts of Germany, has safely arrived home again. P. Stein is sub fering from a severe attack of grippe and ches Warlich and little Mar guarite Adam * are confined to their fads with - pneumonia and under Dr. My Digestion Is Now Good And | Feel Like a Young Man Since Using Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Plile. Prof. A. T. Smith What a horrible condition the gestive system gets into when the liver becomes sluggish and the bowels constipated. The poisonous waste matter is thrown back into the blood stream and finds its way into all parts of the body, causing pains and aches and feelings of fatigue and misery. It is wonderfu! how quickly Dr Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills aweep the poisons from the digestive system and enable the organs of digestion to resume their natural functions. Prof. A. T. Smith, 1 Mt. Charles street, Montreal, and formerly of Bos. ton, Mass, writes:--"] suffered for many years from bad digestion, con- stipatton and horrible backaches. 1 ve been freated by many doctors withogt any results, One day a friend in' 2: advige@ the use of Dr. Chase's Ki dney-Liver Pilis, After using two. boxes 1 poticed great im- provement, and after the fourth box 1 was sompletely cured My diges- . 1 never feel any pain in the back. My head is clear and I feel like a young man. I think Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are one of the best medicines on earth." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. one pil a dose, 25 cents a box, all deal or Rdma Bates & Co. Limited. Toronte. >. di J. relatives Lane n Mis to Joseph Adams' care. i" away on a visit | Renfrew. Entertainment Held. dramatic was hel on F the spices of The first part consisted of by the emen , Miss Miss Bur. and Successful A successful | musical entertainms | the Masonic Hall, | Nov. 22nd, under {8t. John's church of - the programme, songs, duets and recitatior { following ladies and ge | Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. C | Wartman, Miss Forester {ley and the Misses Hannon | Messrs. Wemp and Burley The | accompaniments were in the ca | pable hands of Miss Thibley, Misa {Ham and Miss Colin Two neat | j enjoyablé patriotic items were given by the school children, who were! | admirably tralmed by Miss MeCam- { mon The second part of the pro- | gramme consisted of the farce | "Dearest Mamma," given the | { following Mrs. Cuppage, Mrs. | {| Hamm, Miss McTear and Miss Hilda McTear, and Messrs Cup- page, Wemp and Brackenbury The epjoyment of this farce was evident by the continual laughter of the audience, the admirable manner in which it was done, and the ab- sence of the prompter, testified to tue ability off all concerned. A delightful dance finished up one of the best entertainmnts that has been held in Bath for some time Special thanks are due to the re- freshment committe, consisting of the following ladies Mrs. Robi- son, Mrs. Northmore, Mrs. Wemp, and Miss Davey, assisted by Mrs. { most 1p by n Yi 100, lungs, asthma, throat tr M Ine minutes three haqurs Fi Kuo membranes concentrated compour pine all the Other preparations wil formula Tt have endeared it to thousands wives in the which explains why the pl {tated often, but never su A money promptly refunded yecipe, &et it for » hs \ ; 5 ot. .* THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESIAY, DECEMBER 3. ihi2 ol Tr { 1 The Quickest, Simplest Cough Cure Easily and Hon Cheaply Made saves You $2, at f for whooping IX two cups of granula cup of warm water Put 23% ounces ri a teaspoonful every one ne is one of . the oidest and best. , wn remedial for gents f t throat Pinex is ihe most valuable of Norway white eh a gulaicol and | Eg ele { extract, other and is natural je prompt results from ti i United States and ¥ guaranty of absolute : Re i Your druggist has Pinex Parks, for the excellent refresh- ments served during the evening As a result of the above a substan- tial cheque will be handed to the church wardens. . HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SUSPENDED By Sydenham Principal --- Pansies Found Under Snow. Sydenham, Nov. 28.--The work of placing the roof on the new St. Paul's church was delayed for a couple of days by the snow. The bazaar in aid of the mission band was held in Wesley hall, Tuesday night, but was poorly attended owing to the bad roads. However, the band cleared $30 The pupils of the Methodist Sunday schoo] are practising for their annual concert. The semior hockey team has heen reorganized. The rink will be at the game place as last year, with D Woodruff as manager. A number of the senior pupils were expelled by the principal of the high school for bad conduct for from ome to five months. The Sydenham cheese inotory was closed for the season. Mr Cochrane will make butter for a while. Several of our young people will attend the ball at Harrowsmith town hall to-night. Mrs, Cole Lake has moved from Godirey Station and will live in C. Davey's house, lately eacated by J. Pick, the latter having moved to Kingston. James Spratt has moved in part of J. W. Trues- dale"s double house on Amelia. street. Mra. Sidney Davey 1s somewhat bet ter. Samuel Truscott is alsa im- proving. De. Prank Ruttan, who was called here to attend the funeral of his father, returned to his home at Woodstock last Wednesday. Rutledge | Bros. shipped two carloads of hogs! this week. While passing by the residence of Jackson Dowsley, in this village, this | afternoon, vour correspondent saw, | oéeping through the snow, some pan | gies. He reached his hand through | the fence, brushed off the snow, vicked a few ber of buds, while the plants were as green as in summer. Winter in Algonquin Park. With Switzerland, Canada is taking ite rightful place as the winter play ground of the nations. One' of the most popular districts where unrivaled | opportunities are found for healthiul | sport and where an invigorating at- | mosphere may be énjoyed, is the | Algonquin National Park of Ontario. | fn summer it is the stamping ground of the angler, camper and tourist, but with the first frost of autumn the camper and angler have stored their tents, their rode and their canoes and the lovers of winter | sport follow summer visitors of "The Highland Inn' and comfortable hotel Park Station. at altitude of 2,000, feet above level, is reached by the Grand Trunk railway. it is about 200 miles north of Toronto, and 175 miles west of Ottawa. The winter rates at Highland Inn" ave $14 to $16 week, and the several attractions the Park in winter are depicted ina handsome hooklet entitled "Winter in Ontario's Highland Heritage," copies of which may be had free by sing a postal card to Manage land Inn, Algonquin Park and take pdssession * the at per Station, Had Narrow Escape. W. H. Brickman, a bachelor who re sides not far from the village of Red nerville had a narrow escape from be- ing burned alive when his dwelling caught fire on Sunday. jle did not have time to dress, but had presence «f mind to close the doors leading in to the other apartments out into the snowstorm to the and began herculean efforts to save the residence from destruction. After a long and strenuous battle he suc in subduing the flames, but not until the interior of that section of the house was damaged beyond repair The furniture was an entire loss, and the remaining part of the dwelling badly damaged by smoke. Make Timber Fireproof. Tranmmiss®n line poles and cross arms treated with creosote oil are less liable to destruction by fire than treated timber of the same kind. This appears to be due to the fact that the free carbon deposited by the bursming oil on the surface of the timber affords some protection from the action of the fire. A committee ted by - the National Electric Light Association Y conducted a series of experiments on similar specimens of treated and untreated short-leaf pine, and proved conclusively that the lat- ter suffered considerably more damage from ihe effects of fire than the speci mene that has been impregnated With well 1 y and | 46 long ago that they ought not to which he sent to us. | jnterfere There wera more blossoms and a num- | ing. Sometimes anc we When tra find it the product . in the footsteps. of the! well-run | Algonquin | Algonquin Park is at | sea | "The | of | addres | r, High- ! He then ran! creosote oil. MOUNTAIN MACKINAW and at Lenox days heen we he mistakes of Moses were made with present century lv- we make more allow e for the crimes of the knave than do for the mistakes of the fool. investigation gets on the ck of rumor it is quite likely to of many tongues 'Plague™ Time of Tactitas. ¥ BMIOKS Wilds FORTUNE FOR DIET. in Italy should Shun italy, Dec. of the t pu ated to provide a veg hildren, with the ng them to Hebrew Meat. i J A Ne brev elanan object also asks ed will he it antlary ith the request. e-- I unhu for Wedding at Plevea, od old summer tune love-making, as for rivals it the ast best nes lhs wa many pressed by Wallace J. Clement Annie K.. eldest Mrs. Samuel Barton ge took place in Plevna, the knot Wilham @erguson At two in a travelling vith hat leaning on her to daught ied the the suit o'tlock erge church, and took her place al while Mrs. {nthe the ¢ groom, Gilber presided wedding march Mise | Lemke ke supported the groom mony over, the bridal party church to the strains a She was ouise ol march and repaired to the home ot the bride s parents {, and a dainty partaken of About sixty I'he popularity of the number present wenced pretty followed wishes of many ve ot by ful and couple presents by the friends, William ly occupied b Wealth Is Distributed. distributed in other European according to Edward exist among the Bul Ith is more evenly We Hulgaria than in any Poverty in does not garians."' In" The there sases of destitution, and misconduct, but i ant are awing towns these There pW insigmi AY noad rel on of workmen of onflicting and employers; trade garia, present proaches as alosely vith the imperfection of all as at as stitutions latter day social reformers Are and no Chroni y privile classes distinations.-- London LONDON FOGS NOT MODERN, Was Cousidered Nuisance | = i stipulates Family of Modigliani tate to ' abstain that eight authorities relus but a' time jor septinent e Wedaesda Plevna Methodist beng Wa to match, entered the altar 1 the organ, played th attended by while William Lem Fhe the wedding where a reception was wedding supper was LUesLs Were the I'he hearty will reside Mclaren & Depot, where the groom has opened a store in the building forme: Richards. individual to Cnse | to make any public provision for the poor; there's no ques interest strikes unions are alike unknown constituted, 1s consistent to the ideal state of our in » be no poor and no PAGE ELEVEN. WE SELL 'Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, - the best Antaracite. Coal wined in Pennsylvania. Place your next oraer with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontarfe Street. 'Phone 188. ! 7 Six-roomed, self-contained le furniture to be a bargain Sevens interesting | ¥ a fragment of a very by the Zam Bak Co. fron Joggin Bridge, Digby Co, N.S. T ¢ * When the sores first broke out I called in a doctor: but his treat: no good, I tried salves and lotions and washes of all kinds, bu still spread. The dwsease finally became so had that the child shoulder were completely covered with sores. Imagine the pain the poor chi not a year old) had to suffer ! roomed two with im- received Nios house within ¢ lotic Princess street, all Yery locks furnace, and modern provements CARY lerms arranged 2,250.00, tan be for pur "One day s friend advised me to try Zam- Bak. I did net have 1 at thas time that Zam Buk would be able to work a eure, but uo harm in trying it, [obtained a supply. At that ti remedies 1 had tried By the time I had tr Zam Buk there was a marked improvement. I continued treatinent and day by day the sorés showed migns of 1wj sozema was confined to the child's shoulder, ones particularly deep. By degrees this, al was healed, banished every trace of the disease. "1 have waited several months before mentioning this ease to you, ip order to see if there was any return of the eczema. There has not been any return: the cure being permanent, and there is no scar or trace of the disease from which the child suffered so long. You may publish this information if you wish, so that every mother may know the value of Zam-Bok." Zam-Buk is just aa good for cold sores, chapped hands, piles, blood-poison, ulcers, bad leg, varicose ulcers, se sores, frost bite, baby's chafed places, etc. Also as.an embrocation for the tisra, sciatica, ete. All Druggists and Stores, 5c box or Zam-Buk Ce., Toreuto, _ for price. houses on the bring- annum. Four frame ealth north side of the city, ing $384.00 $4,000.00, for over a vear ( ir . ; Save in per fue ' ont 0, snd final Frame house on York St. $750.00, easy terms. Norman & Webb 117 Wellington St. for the Men. ' : Sam baving taken over the laundry business at 210 Division Street, formerly carried on by Jim Lee, will re- sume business at once under the name of CITY HAND LAUNDRY. First-class work guaranteed. All buttens replaced and rips sewn, Give ns a trial and you will be well satisfied with our work. Goods called for and delivered to all parts of the city. "Phone 1183. K. F. SAM FREE AN ELECTRIC [RON OR TOASTER. lighted davs may In ma ey alta of Mr The ted br of fe blue - arm d Usler bes core left the bride of use voung good at of Better Baking comes with "BEAVER?" Flour. It is a blend of the best wheats grown in Canada-- Manitoba Spring wheat and Ontario Fall wheat. It has the bread-making powers of the one--and the pastry. making powers of the others. ' Every woman, who brings "BEAVER" Flour into her home, makes the right start towards better Bread and Pastry. 12 DEALERS -- Write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grain and Cereals. THE T. H. TAYLOR CO. LIMITED, CHATHAM, Ont, hy titi Every home Electricity from now Christmas will receive an Electric Iron or Toaster free drink Aare a Come and have it explained. We are wiring homes every day. LET US WIRE YOURS, H.W. Newman Electric Co 79 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 441. ol and Bul ap human which rich ial | Which Way Do You Buy Sugar? \ Do you "A quarter's, worth of sugar", *» simply say, or "A dollar's worth'of sugar", and get an unknown quantity-- of unknown quality-- scooped out of an open barrel-- into 4 a paper bag? 9 L{ Ll Or do you say, "A 5-Ib. package of Redpath", or "A 20-Ib. bag of Redpath", and get : a definite quantity-- C of well-known quality, Canada's best-- clean and unéontaminated-- in the original package Extra Granulated v : Z is refined to absolute purity, and put up, at the refinery, in 2-lb. and 5-lb. Sealed Packages and in 20-1b., 50-1b. and 100-Ib. © Cloth Bags. PA - gar Refining @. Limited Montreal {