Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1912, p. 7

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Ambitious Young Men business of your own. Prepare Open a Savings Account, to systema forward money Look save owring a now, Bically. Savings Account grows, when additions added It Is amazing Low a are made regularly and into est agcount with THE BANK OF TORONTO $1.00 are received. Open an Deposits of sums as small as old-established iustifution. Assets, exceed $57,000,000; the West Toronto is a sound $11,000,000; Quebec and The Bank of Capital and Rest total 112 Branches in Ontario, will Young men. disposed 10 open a Savings Account be a corded every courtesy and attention. KINGSTON BRANCH---107 PRINCESS BT. GEORGE B. McEAY, Manager EE ---- WHAT DYSPEPTICS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Altractive Propositions at Right Prices. 13 | x brick; PHYSICIAN'S ADVI EB. solid 1Drouble Bagot modern; 6orner Gore Streets Aarge ¥ ly moder: bumerous rooms 1312; lecatien' apd Alon: would make attract fortunes ¢ apartment house; Brock ates micxr foods d~Holid mt 8. : 4s 1h Ww fron clad exter wood Htreet: hodern conveniences; No. large iol 68 aceomoda- rooms pe lot 05 dysos psuAl ng in 3 coms yr benefit solid 5 veneer Nos. 100 Nt, prices rangin y to $4,100, according , of bullding 1d AED or the whole sale en bloc at an figure; all equipped modern canveniences For full particujars for. the ahove and fany others too numerous to specify, jactuding some -of the most modern Ard best located residential pro. perties in the, e¢ily, apply to k ¢ 1 PE HOWARD $. FOLGER, 44 Clarence 5 attractive with usual Magnes'a corrective medi allzing and we'd del potdity removing Gnada life Asura Assurance Longa ny whuse . profits pe for vm dosing stomach id of he tre +d Magnesia what you wan treet. next meal e some Cf the -- ted Magne s directed above Fm n i t cheerfully en by 1.0. Hutton " a KINGSTON'S REAUTY PARLOR. SHOBLD EAT] double do ne. a ' Ht $ ore should . a-flne up-to-date furnace. al o | Nor hern with the thus irri cate Spirella is, a boon tg women. 1.a- dies, call, and be measurea for the most comfortable, healthy corset built on good lines to suit your tndividual figure Ow Mlifornia aifume Co.'s goods, consisting of r Creams, Shaving io Ma Hétire Bets. A good range of P.O, Xmas boxes ta selogt Leave your orders early Shampooing, AT 83 EARL STRERT, present in a position furnish all parties with kinds of Fresh, Cooked, or Canned Meals, Butter or Lard Veal at lowest Cash Prices. Will selicit orders at your daor All goods bought here are guaranteed. Wateh for our man to take your order Also Oysters and all kinds of fish Is at to ali Pickled 1 ele, Ry Manicuring, done on premise See our lne of fancy goods, service guaranteed. OPEN AT NIGHT ete 3006 1K DANY BRITISH WIIG, TUESDAY, DEC EMBER J. 3, 1912, INCIDENTS OF THE BAY Amusements | GRAND OPERATHOUSE) | TO-NIGHT QUEEN'S DRAMATIC CLUB PRESENTS BERNARD SHAWS "YOU NEVER CAN TELL ? | Loca NOTES 5 AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. | lappenings mm ie City and Vicinity ~What the Merchants Offer to the leaders of the Whig. I "Fresh baby Hon, Witham Hairy 1611 10 Tuesday | William = {received at McAuley's. I'h | taory basher, of Foroat telegraph town. § ren, | tuner and i A member | in police: court | oo ; {William } has purchased | Kingston Lown fe Torrance, in John Belleville, Gihoou's Qu fois | hoe om 101 Oy de we, piano tuner or opetaior of the ils Gold Bar Fancy Seeded Raisins Guaranteed absolutely the best produced. Packed by GRIFFIN & SKELLEY CO, FRESNO, CAL. AT YOUR GROCERS. in : ertificated pisno HI6 Brock - stiset "prohibited list," fined %it1 | H: Fepaired, f of Ade " dge, the fuesday, was Bedford valuable Bradley, township, | " farm mz ip { of Kingston, Street Presbyterian | on Sunday i tsmouth residents. who recently the electric lights placed in their | | homes, are delighted with the service | Uunen Stacy went to Turon oul {Tuesdny to attend the annual meet- ing of the ol Historical so- no nfeeting of the Ports: : | ciety. { There was | mouth Council, Monday night. the | nal meeting of the year will be held { December 16th Hut drank court, Tuesday morning, had never n before ihe was given a | Tae anights a aving instaliod in ner af dig Kev hed Free Demonstration appeared ti police and he the court before, chance { of Columbus are their building at | mara King one be: Areas, Messrs. | Simmons Bros. have the contract wand papér manufacturers New York will form a com pany which will have 4 common dock mg ground at Ogdensburg, N.Y for | the storage of Canadian wood pulp. | It has been stated by a person wha bas been observant, and purposely so, | at the present time there is move arinking among young men, im the | city, Saturday evenings, than ever | tagdre was | The Portsmouth that boy fret one their hands 0 Ean on Sunday last | Ihe creek at Portsmouth overflowed | its banks on Monday and watér came ! lokn the bank bear the town hall | | myself FOR THE MAYORALTY a4 flawad inte the constable's ounr- [I have consented to accede to | ters and also into the blacksmith's | their wishes and therefore 13k the | Shope ill hit Rad ts he. aid ratepayers for their VOTES AND | hy Se parents of Albert Pion. Pas | INF UENCE to elect me as | CHIEF MAGISTRATE OF KING- | the result of a school episode, which got into the court, wus the medical {STON for the year 1913. bill, and this has been settled SAMUEL R. BAILEY {i the present cold spell keeps up rink will be able to open of a week. On Thurs day morning the men in charge were vagaged ia petting things ready to jut on the first flood. Mrs. William Craig and Mrs. T. F Harrison went up to Napanee on 'uesday to attend a banquet of the Indies of one of the Methodist church e+ there Tuesday evening. The lay- Hien of the church are the hosts of the occasion. Mrs. Craig will give wa, add . : ' "he funeral of the late William! Me is a pioneer in the Dowsley took place from his jate factory-made vehicles, and residence, Johnson street, on Tues-| 'losely in touch with conditions day afternoon, to Catareguni ceme- the rurai districts for almost hali tery. Rev. B Le Roy Rice, minister | (®atury Mr. Storey is an advocate sufficient for | a wip in TWO PERSON Cor, Union and Division Sts. ALL THIS WEER. taal on philosopher states from the bay were the | have a hockey stick in this season, having hac the creek pear the village | Ley CITIZENS' CANDIDATE. Having been requested by a on the covered it the course Storey Favors Federal Highways, Storey, president of the Canada Car- riage company, Brockville, has writ {ten for of the agricultural publi cations a letter the question 10ad improvement. Mr. Storey's busi ness as manufacturer of { gives his v great weight | qv ra Thomas J { general manager one on i ! ews mn " M. ¥. DUNNETT 4. Ih NELSON, Prop. 'Phone 1214 of the First Congregational chuych,| * al government aid to provincial high conductad the service. {ways He thinks that a dominion 181 Wellington Bt. = "Phone 87% HOTEL FRONTENAC KINGSTON'S Woels Phos! i: Great Bagl Toues anu invigumales De, FOus system, Blood in old Veiha Cres N ong Debility, Mental and Brain Wt ! Weakness, Emissions, Sper hive, po Effects of Auge or EF pr el a 41 hay bn LTS os tor root of prs Xe be pam ar ss -------- Shoppers. stock we will give 20 p.c. off All our new Fall mas. "Nothing reserved." $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 for $1.50 Hat in the store, A.C. WAGGONER, Tailor and Furnisher. MY WARDROBE, 188-190 Wellington St. Fruit 1 1b. Glass Bottles with ground stoppers I OUR SILVER THIMBLES "AT 26c EACH ARE WONDER- FUL VALUE, AS EVIDENCED BY THE SALES WE ARE MAKING. i 4 OTHER THIMBLES AT I 40c, Bc, Tic and $1.00 BACH | ARE HEAVIER AND ARE (BQUALLY GOOD. VALUE. NICELY BOXED . POR GIFT GIVING, "The 'school 'of experience is Sene- ficial only to those who remember learn. the whole Dog wil, pad Bas 2 onto: On Snaps for Christmas In order to reduce our large ; Shirts and Underwear, from now until Christ- All our new Fall Hats, regular Less than cost. This means any © Rev, Father Meehan. "December only." Life membership A to Tabard Inn, $1.00.-- Gibson's. | grant should be made io each pro "Oibsan's." " I vince, such grants tobe supplemented The funeral of the late Mrs | hy provincial money. He suggests ard, - Collins Pay, who died that the Dominion government should | gimeral hospital 'on/ Saturday, took | @Ppoint three practical men who | nlace in the Methodist ehurch. Collins | Would visit the difictent pFovinces, ac- | Bay, Monday, at 1.30 pom. The de. { G48int themselves with the conditions ceased was 8 valued member of the | that prevail, and then treat with the Preshyvterian church and Rev Mr provincial governments ¢ as to the best | Dawson, Presbyterian minister, con- | methods of producing good and per- | ducted' the tuperal service { manent roadways. --------r---------- Mr, Storey contends that Canada | \ GRADUATE OF QUEEN'S | has been prodigal in the building of - { railways while making practically lit provision for the construction of | highways to feed the railway lines | | He points out that 'in many instapces it costs a farmer to-day as much tol draw h's produce over twenty miles of Canadian roads as it would to take it! 500 miles on a railroad. and it is esti- | muted that it three times as much per ton per mile to draw the | produce oi the farms of this country | it does in ope. Leon- in the Consecrated for Mission Work in tle Foreign Field, De. A. A. Gray, a graduate Queen's. in medicine, last year, was consecrated for missionary work in the foreign field, on Monday evening, 'a Bonar Presbyterian church, Toron- "Qo I'he sending of the young ne dical man for service in Formosa, which will be his field, is the result of a decision of the Sunday school | EE of Bomar church to support a mis SOME NEWSPAPERS REFUSE sionary in the foreign field. i Ac the farewell servies addresses | TO Alow the Dogs of War to 'te were given Ly Principal Gandier, Tied Up, Knox College, Rav. R. P. McKay, Kev Dee. 3.---Some Austrian] J. I. Robertson, Rev. Dr. Macgilliv- and German newspapers refuse. t rai. pastor of the church, and the let dogs of war be tied up. The superiniendent 'of the Sunday school. to-day demand: 'Buda Pest Hirstap y sm peil- | THE WORST IN THE CITY ol costs as of Loudon, {that the king of Servia be ¢ ied to appear before the Austrian of- | | ficials at Belgrade and publicly aps) is fhe Way in Which Citizen Refers ogize for the indignities suffered by ) Roadway on Rideau Street, the Austrian con:ul The Cologne aay say for me, that the road {Gazette hears that cevoral Austrian way on Rideau street is the worst, 3TMY €OTps will march ito Servis wr the city," remarked a well known | Within a few days. Crown Prince Ferdinand of Bul citizen, who buttonholed as Whig ro- r ved at Berlin to presentative on his rounds to-day. ja is has arrived a a3 " {that his fatherland be given consid: | What section of the road have s gottle t. neg so rel oe 10.2" asked: the te Sn in the sottlement negita- i er. "Every bit of it," was the reply, "from end to end iL is disgrace | and omething ould be dose put! Copenkagen has a model fish mat- it into good shape." fee. built by the municipality. With This is a gentle tip for the alder | the exception of the larger varieties, : like cod and halibut, all the fish are an Satara ward to gel busy (kept alive in tesselnted tanks filled | ith running water. There is no oth- City Beceives Percentage. jor town where all the fish, whether Montreal, Dee. 3.---The city has chean or dear; are so beautifully just received a cheque for $409.910 fresh. In the harbor there are a trom the Montreal Tramways, com-! large number of wooden bouts pi reed pany, this being the city's percenc- With holes and filled with fish. These | age on the gross earnings of the rail-- boats just float | ine---------------- Copenhagen's Model Market. } on the suriace oi way within the city limits, for the the water, and the living fish : year ending August 31st last. { taken out. of them when wanted. But | This seems likes a large sum to re As every one cannot go fo the wa. ceive from a single corporation,' ter's edge % buy feb, there are wa but it dwindles into insignificance tanks on wheels, and {le live when compared with the sam the are hrought to the doors of ths rity of Toronto Tnenited fram the people's houses.--The Argonaut. Toronto Street company. te ne Pivments made to Railway eity of To-| Mrs. Klisa Peres, Brookville, ronto by that company in its lant on Sunday night, at the residence fiscal year ware no less than 32°, j her davghter, aged sevemity-nibe. ata ip {wis possibly the : {resident of Rockville, having In Belleville. on Foday evening, J. there mines hor birth, July let, 1834. Vincent Brennan, tailor, and There daughters and one som sur. Wiss Jennie Brown, werr married by give dad She i A SMART i The A YOU NS {large number of citizens to offer CANADA'S NEED; BETTER ROARS | Aid. to | and | of | carriages | manufacture | has been | of feder- | | returned, Bay of Quinte conference. are To Adjust Panama Difficulty, Says | Panama canal, and says an endeavor will be made 15 adjust the difficulty. crease in naval armaments, of (dent Taft says the United States is 8 peaceful uation with no desirs for oldest continuous War, but it must be prepared for all been eventualities. F. Heaship was united in marriage he Buy Nyal's face cram "Gibson's." Miss Nellie Way: First lusertion 1¢ a werd. Each econ- seentive ftmsertion thereafter halt cent a ward, Minimum charge for one luscrtion, 2%¢; three Imsertioss, Ge: six, 81: one month, $3 HELP a 10USG GIRL FOR wor Apply 1% MOTHER'S HELP. APPLY TO ums | WwW. Winnett, 10% Bagot siree "IRLY Ron en APPLY, Pr ing Street COOK Mrs, J M AN EXPERIENC ED Ho usema Apply 1 'ampbell, Emily Street wit ASSIST Apply Stree GIRL T™n the work SERVANT Apply Street A GENFERAL required 508 Princess CAPABLE references Mrs. Hest, LIGHT HOUSE. Union Bt. west. | a ONC E, AND] i , IMPORTED { First Mrs | { PUPILS STE ROGRIPHER: mera i «l of x Br Be and ond B AND and Wer IAPERIENCED semald, Apply in the ng Berrie COOK between © 8 to Miss D 64 SERVANT FOR no washing or LW. Mur 1 Good ramiiy irony phy COMPETENT WOMAN AS and to take care of first floor references reqaired Apply, even ings, after 8, at 169 King Bireet \ PFERSON MAY corresponding CRnvassing Press Syndi- NY INTELLIGENT earn $100 monthly for newspapers. no Fend for particulars, ate, 1,969 Lockport AN MEN TO LEARN BARBER t expert instruction « praciiee; tovis free; alway employmen for for catalogue Moler Toronto ONCE, trade; stant sure write lege, WANTED: BIG PROFITS OLD COUNTRY DOMES. giish, Scoteh and Irish; arriving November 11th. The Guild C APABLE tics, E party and fortnightly after 71 Drummond Sireet and 47 Pembroke Street, ont, Toronto, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT NEEDS railway mall clerks, city carriers; $90.00 month; many appointments coming; Kingston examinations soon: specimen questions Franklin Institute, Dept. 713, Rochester, NY, BIN WEEKLY FOR FEW wurk spare time, mailing « for large cut-rate grocery der house. Redpath's best lated Sugar four cents pound resenitatives wanted everywhers pasition permanent The Consum ers Assoe lation, Windsor, Ont A MAN OF ADDRESS AND ABILITY, with some knowledge of trees und shrubs, to represent us as Orns mental Salesman in Kingston district Pérmanent position splendid opewing for the man Stone & Wellington, servmen, Toronto LEARN THE AUTOMOBILE ness during the winter mont and be prepared for a good jon the early spring ity Your opportun lasses start on Monday, Dec Sth oars and room for out-of town men Descriptive bob with fall particulars of courses ot instruction, tuition fees, ete, free fin request Y PC. A Automo- bile School, Department ¥, 271.248 Broadview Avenue, Toronto BUSINESS CHANCES. SASKATOON INVESTMENTS WRITH The John A. McRae Co. Saskatoon. ASYONE ANYWHIRKE CAN START a mall order bus bts at home; no canvassing; nd for free nookiet; eacock, 2,969 ].ockport, NY CLERGYMAN DEAD. Ww. B. ---- Paralysis at Lindsay. B. Seccomhe died, on Decem from paraiyms. He was sixty Rey. Rev. W ber 1st, years of age and was ordained to the | | Methodist ministry. in 1880. He spent some time in Newlouadland, came Ontario, spent a few years here, and | went as a missionary to the extreme | western coast of British Columbia. He | owing to the ill-health of! his wife, and took up work in Among to! many appointments were Carrying Place, Miliord, Odessa, | Greenbank, Thomashurg and Marmora | Since 1905 he has been living at Lind- say. He was twice married, cond wife surviving with three and one daughter. He was 3 asm: ter, a Mason and an Oddfellow. ENDEAVOR TO BE MADE - President Taft. Washington, D. C., Dec. 3 In a | message to-day, President Taft re fers to Britain's protest. about the - Regarding his recommended in- Presi- On Wednesday last, in Belleville, Houns' the se | sons i 'her of the United Workinen, a Fores | Seee rcontbe Succumbed to | the ! ws | Havelock, | GEN h ADYS GOLD WAT HAS | wir a------ GENERAL COOK' barber; | Cols | Montreal, | free | w | pm. FREDERICK A. CAYS, SPECIAL. Rep- | | is A RAR BUSI | od Jet | | | | STRAYED. onto THE PREMISES OF HENRY §, Sunbury, one Holstein Bull, 3 two years old. Owner can claim property by paying for this advertisement and damages. Henry Lyan, Sunbury, BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. CANARIES hipment received of these beautiful song birds; each bird a waranteed pongsier: come and hear them W. J. Driver, corner Queen and Barrie. 'Phone 812, GERMAN AND PANCING. MUSIC LESSONS ON dancing in pri home wiil at private FOR MUSK oforte; also classes or at cnEAgements parties classes for children Saturday afternoons Apply, Mrs Wm Havward (formerly Miss Baxter), 201 Johanson Street pla vate take FINANCE AND INSURANCE. INSURANCE. --- 7. 3. oon, Agent, 158 Wellington Bt: Fire, ,Life, Accident and Health Porioiby issued. C, 8. KIRK (PATRICK, GENERAL IN. | warm, : A Marine Clarence oclident 42 AC LOAN clety: FRONTEN AND INVEST. ment 5. : established 1863 presider : Li-Col, Henry R. Bmith money issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages purchased; Aeponits received and Interest al. lowed. C. McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence Street. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Ingiirahoe Company. Available assets, $61,187.215. In eddition te which the Lt have for security the unlimited HHabliity of city propert insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates fram Strange & Strange Agents 'Phone 315. CATERER. wE TO PARTIES, BALLS Breakfasts, angquets Rent Dishes able Silverware Rell & "Phone $43 or 202 CATER Wedding ele; also Linens and Hambrook MEIDICAL. st, Nose, Throat and Kar, 134 | Wellington Street, corner Johnson Hours tol 2106 7 tol Bun day, © to 4 'and by appolntr ent Phone 814 TEACHER WANTED. A FOR SALE. RAINCOATS, --- ENGLISH TO 3% Clarence Street, Frank Cooke, HORSE row BR ural current ) 'Phone EIGHT a pPLy, 47 Mack = re (direct Wathen, 834. A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK Sideboards, the best we have ever ha: at a reasonable price, at ¢ Turk's. 'Phene 700 MAKER'S BEQUIPMENT boiler, S0-gal!. steam Fans kettle, lard press. Wag fer. spice mill separate - together Apply to John King Street SAUSAGE steam ble jacket goner st 1h Gleeson DOING if sold Goon NELSON COLLING. ail parts of the city A NUMBER OF CHOICE FARMS here and In the west HOUSE TO RENT, BATEMAN & GARD ance tea] Estate Lean §7 Clarence Street 396 - FACTORY, A snap $1700 CHEESE profitable busihess; in two weeks 8 a ral HY SE IN NAPANEE; large lot a AME HOUSE, eel nn oo--Bikac ® HOUSE, vlhers ood Btreet in Whos TO LET. LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, wWIiTh or witheut board; all my Cobh. vehiences. near City ark, 2 Wellington Street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, airy rooms, absolutely oth proof; yeur ay Frost's Clty St Phone own Blorage, §2¢b COMFORTABLY FURNISH. ed rooms, @Gouble and single; sil mode ro conveniences, with ep of telephone: table board next h ADPILY 185 Queen Street, Sydenham Telephone No. BUSINESS NOTICR. COALS! COALS! UOALSI-WHY AY such high coal bilis when you Wo use gas for cooking? Rage oan avid Marshall, L Street, for prices on gas 1 - to tion DENTAL. A. E. KNAPP, BA "TA JD.8, WE. moved to 358 Rr . 2 Reet 3 DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIS Weicker, sesistant. PPrntess Street. 'Phone 733. AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, Wellington Street (over Care noveky's, Kington 'Phone 240. ar SPARKS 15% 5. H. SIMPSON, LDS, ist, corner Prin Entrance on Bagot phone 626 OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT Asheroft, DO, Tien hours: | bY wg oointm croft COMPORTABLE rd Apply to YE City LARGE, with boa ig ROOM, H, i ho A ALIFIED TEACHER FOR AS, No. 6, Collins Bay: duties tg com. mence in January Apply, stat. ing salary, to George FV. Clark, Sec, Collins Bay A cant tn septa se a TEACHER WANTED FOR department of Seeley"= Bay Public School; must hold Normal certifl. cate ABply J. FF Chapman, Sec Seeley"s Bay, Ont JUNIOR ALIR TED TEACHER wnship « 5 We fes POR S58 Ne al ABA Se saliehing NICE CLEAN RAGS fnashimes i Pp Compan rad WE FOR LADIES OR GENTLEMEN'S fiigh-ciass Tailoring, try Ashby the Tellor, the man that sults yo 1 Montreal Street, Kings. i SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE. scription: first cimss work: bem best er only used: one tris) will uffice, Bring Io rs Bors. 29 3s Barrie reet, cor. of er TAKE NOTY WILL BOY all, kinds To aaAT. hand furniture a ren, will highest ie i See me (before's ry, else. oa Nompao mpton, 313 Princess Street, w's Church. T™ ING THEIR and have It up into sul Price and ts. Pressine Juarant ort eat Hae 0 0. 0. Ofice 'phone 1v WINDOW CLEANING. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLA orders for your storm be cleaned and put ki Kingston Window Nn ontreal toast ceived at Sargent's Drug PERSONAL. HAIN, MOLES, WARK marks and all growt blemishes Tomored without sear; a enre Dr. "Eimer Ear, No Pres Spedtatint, "ts a st LRGAL. CUNNINGHA ers and iT a Ole. TH Clarence Btreet UPHOLSTERER. UPHOLSTERING, RS. carpet wor, hi '~ Drop . treet. W. J. KAVIN patring an a. JLnnvatin § Bagot ARCHITECTS, "NE King Brose Focus Wh 5 wa. we, Otticn adi Ei hays ESTABLISHED 1866 PROGRESS Is the result of confidence. Kingston _ is going ahead if we believe it.Our coal is going into most households Try it Fre Te cue

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