. . Tis Gen WH Corton, Tew MePECTOR ~ WHO BECOMES. ADJUTANT GEMERAL 4 BUILDING IN KINGSTON YEAR NEARING A CLOSE was A BANNER ONE. Up Till December 1st Work Was Valued at $685,309, an Increase of One Hundred Per Cenf Over Year 1911--Amount for Month of November Reached S83, 185, The records at the city engineer's office certainly go to show that Kingston has had a building boom this season, It has been one of the greatest years for building In some time. The amount of building for this year, up till December 1st, shows an increase of one hundred per cent. over the same period of last year, and that is certainly going some, The figures were made known at the city hall to-day, and they show that the amount of building for the month of November of this year amounted to $83,185, and for the same month a year ago $12,029, The total amount for the year 1912, up tHl December 1st, was $635,309, while for the year 1911, for the same period, it was $311, 278. This is, without doubt, one of the best signs of the progress of tne city, and it means a great deal. One has only to take a walk around the city to see the improvements which have been made. New houses have been érected here and there, and the year round the noise 0 fthe ham- mer and saw, have been heard on all sides. A Whig representative, who made a tour of the upper end of the city, recently was greatly at- tracted by the number engagad in erecting houses. The next season promises just as good---and perhaps it will he better. This year some of the con- tractors had to refuse contracts, es they were 80 busy they could nm look after them. This fact was shown not long ago, when tenders were oalled for the erection of a wholesale warehouse, and it was found necessary to do the work by day labor, as all the contractors had their hands full i ------------, He who tdkes his own time gen- erally takes other people's, too. The man who can bottle up his wrath at all times is a corker. to be YEE DAILY BRITISH WHWIG WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1012 nt ee GENERAL ~~ "Ny PricGex.FL LESSARD, WHO WILL | COMMAND TUT TORONTO" therwise earned the the Canadi Geneal ( Toronto general canadian Dr can war : recently cor i k recently commandan was inspector of cavalry adjutant neral of Canada FULU GIMSER'S AFFINITY Wife is Suing Actress For $50,000 Damages. Pittsburg, © Dec 4. ~""We prove our charge," said Rody Marshall, attorney for the plaint can F. iff, in discussing the $50,000 alienation brought against Lulu by 'Mrs. Bertha Richards, Thomas Richards, Miss partner on the vaudeville stage, "We had Miss Glasier and ards followed. They have been suit wife Glaser of Glaser's Rich- un- der the espionage of detectives for information is said to aer months. My Miss Glasier Ralp Herz I love this man. Mrs. Richards says her said to her: 'Il am done with You are a milistone about necks that husband, "I am through with you. He is my affinity.' husband vou. my When the average man does make an honest confession he makes it strict confidence to himself. in THE SHAKEUP IN THE CANADIAN MILITIA [WO OTHER REGIMENTS CELEBRATE SEMI-CENTENNIAL NEXT YEAR Along With the 14th of Kingston-- They are the 15th of Belleville and the 16th of Picton. With the 14th Regiment, P.W.0. Rifles attaining the fiftieth year of its organization in January next, at the same time other regiments in the third division reach the half century mark. On the same date as the Kingston rifle regiment (January 16th, 1913) the 15th Regiment, Argyll Light In- fantry, of Belleville, completes fifty vears of organization, and the 16th Prince Edward Regiment, a month later, ceiebrates its semi-centennial. In 18687 three years after the three above-mentioned regiments were or ganized, two rifle and five infantry regiments were organized. They were the 19th Hastings Rifles, September 14th; 41st Brockville Rifles, 40th Northumberland Regiment, 42nd l.an- ark and Renfrew Regiment, October Sth; 45th Vietoria Regiment and 46th Durham Regiment, November 16th; and the 47th Frontenac Regiment on November 30th. The 56th Grenville Regiment, Lisgar Rifles, and the 57th Peterboro Rangers were ' 'born" in 1567, on April 12th and May 3rd re spectively The 59th Stormont and Glengarry Regiment followed in "68, and last, but by no means least, the #3rd Regiment of Ottawa, the Duke of Cornwall's Own Regiment, was or- ganized in 1881, * The city regiments of the division are the 43rd of Ottawa, 57th of Peter- boro, 15th of Belleville, 41st of Brock- ville, and the 14th oi Kingston. The rural infantry corps are the 16th, with company headquarters at Picton, Black River Bridge, Allison- ville, Rossmore, Northport, Welling- ton, Bloomfield; the 40th, with com- pany headquarters at Cobourg, Camp- bellford, Brighton, Norwood, Grafton, Colborne, Castleton; the 42nd, with company headquarters at Almonte, Carleton Place, Perth, Smith's Falls, Renfrew, Pembroke, Lanark, Balder- son; the 45th, with company head- quarters 'at Cameron, Lindsay, Ome- mes, Norland, Tory Hill, Woodville, Bobcaygeon; the 46th, with company headquarters at Port Hope, Lakefield, Orono, Millbrook, Burton. Campbell eroft, "Janetville, Havden; the 47th, « My goodness, you don't mean to tell me that little can costs Fifty Cents ?" « Makes about 100 cups ! " Let's Well, that's different." that's-about half a cent a cap." «And son say it's in powder, and a little over half a teaspoonful stirred in a cup of hot water makes Postum instantly, and with a perfect flavour !" « Well, that surely would be a comfort." " Oh yes, some members in most e with tea and coffee, and it's fine to that don't break down the nerves. "I'm glad you brought to my attention this TANT POSTUM very tamily have-siomach or nervous trouble have a snappy beverage. like Podtum x i BREAKS A COLD Pape's Cold Compound Cures Colds and Grippe in a Few Hours-- Tastes Nice--Acts Gently, It is a pomtive, fact that a dose of Pave's Uold Compound, taken every iwo hours until three consecutive doses are taken, will end the Grippe and break up the most severe cold, wither in the head, chest, bak, stomach, limbs, or any part of the body. It promptly rdlieves the most mis erable headache, dullness, head and wose stuffed np, feverishness, gnecezing, sore throat, running of thé nose, mucous, 'catarrhal dwscharges, sore ness, stiffness and rheumatic twinges. Take this wonderful Compound as directed, with the knowledge that there is nothing else in the world which will cure your cold or end Gripps misery as promptly and with- out any other assistance or bad af ter effects as a 25c. package of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply--acespt no substitute-- contains no quinine. Belongs in every home. Tastes nice--acts gently. with company headquarters at Inver- ary, Sydenham, Fermoy, Napanee, Verona, Tamworth, Odessa, Arden; the 59th, with company headquarters at Cornwall, Morrisburg, Alexandria, Finch, Osnabruck Centre, Williams- town, Lancaster and Maxwell, There are two rural rifle corps, namely, the 49th, with company head quarters at Belleville, Stirling, Sid- ney, Madoc, Tyendenaga, Trenton, Bancroft, - Marmora, and - the 56th, with company headquarters at Pres cott, Merrickville, Metealfe, Lynn, Kemptville, Spencerville, Algonquin. Whether these corps will in some way mark their semi-centenial, af the 14th has planned to do, is not known FACE DISTORTED BY FEAR. Finding of Body of Wealthy Young Englishwoman, Quay, Wales, Det. 4.--Authori- here declared yesterday that events have gone far towards clear- ing up the mystery surrounding the death of Mrs. Sidney Nowill, thirty- four, the handsome wife of a Sheffield manufacturer, who disappeared from the Atlantic Hotel here Nov. 23 Curiously in accordance with he Cornish tradition that a drowned body rises on the ninth day, two fishermen at low tide yesterday discovered the body in a cove at the bottom of a elifi. Mrs. Nowill's disappeagance was followed in dramatic manner by the suicide of James A. Delay, retired solicitor, and admirer of the wo- man. The theory New ties that she was accidental ly drowned seems to have been shat- tered. Her face was distorted with fear and there were many indications of a struggle. : The mystery as to why Mr. Delay committed suicide, or how Mrs. No will died has not been declared. The theory of suicide in the woman's case is not believed from the position of the place where the body was found. KINGSTON PAPER BOX CO. the Paper irae New York. The Paper Trade Journal, of New York and Chicago, in its November issue, has the following kind reference to a local industry : "The Kington Paper Box company, a comparatively new industry, situat- ed at the junction of Lake Ontario and River St. Lawrence, has been tak en over by the British Whig Pubfish ing company. At the present time the company has fiity hands employed, under the charge of J. G. Brown, a paper-maker of wide experience, and who holds patents on a folding box All designs and sizes of boxes are be ing turned out to meet the heavy de mands of a large local trade, and to meet orders from all parts of Canada. It is expected that one hundred hands will be engaged by the beginning of the New Year." Referred to by Journal, MOUNTED POLICE SALARIES. Premier Has Given Notice of Reso. lution for Increases, Ottawa, Dec. 4.---Premier Borden has given notice of a government resolation 'providing for an increase in pay by twenty-five cents per day to Royal rthwest Mounted Police constables, and also for general in- creases to superintendents, inspect- ors and other members of the force. The new rate of pay for consta- bles will be $1.25 per diem Fur- ther provision is made for special constables and scouts, or plain clothes men, at a salary of $2.50 per day. These will constitute a new branch of the force. Miss Phylis Welch's Success. The Little Minister, the organ of the Windsor Avenue Congregational church, Hartiord, Conn., in a recent issue, has the following reference : "Mise Phyllis Welch, who has won a reputation as an elocutionist of merit in Hartiord, presented the play, "Sweethearts," in Hillyer hall, on Fri- day evening, November 5th, for the temefit of the ladies" auxiliary. Miss Welch, with marked histrionic ability, charmed her audience." Miss Welch was formerly of Kings- ton, a daughter of Mrs. Phoebe Welch, at one time a well-known pian- ist of Ringston. She moved to Hart- ford about three years ago. Pensioned; Dies Next Day. Mount Holly, N. J., Dec. 4.--Hav- ing reached the age limit of seventy years, ton street crossing of the Pennsyl- vania railroad here, was retired and placed on tne pension list. The next afternoon the old man tripped at the head of the stairs in He was dead when picked up. serions accidents. an alley if he saw it coming. 1 Toronto Joseph Grooms, for many years flagman at the busy Washing- his home in King street, and plung- ing to the bottom, broke his neck. fn the years of his watchful cars of the railroad erossing Grooms had saved many lives and averted many Many a man who howls for jus tice would probably try to sneak up 'THE SPORT REVIEW SLUGGING GAME AND NOT RUGEHY, | What the Toromto News Says the { RM.C. Cadets Were Up Against in Hamilton Notes Rugby | and Hockey. on { A stafi correspondent of the Toronto News, witnessed the R.NM.( Hough Rider game in Hamilton, last Saturday, During the first hall of the game the very even and the Royal College looked a good deal on account of thar pretty passing game behind the line, which netted tnem two touch downs, and Barron's good booting added six sin- gle points. Rough Riders put ting up a hard battle and Manson's kicaing, with muffs by McAuley, on the K.M.C. back division, kept the game close, but when the teams came off the field at hall-time, with the score 16 to 15 in favor of the Cadets, they easily looked the best team Just at hali-time a free-for-all took place, in which nearly all the players, three or four spare men, land : spectators, joined in, and for a it was feared that the gameSwould not be finished. The Rougn Riders, or "Rufi-necks," as their chief rooters in the stand called them, had handed out many a punch during the hali, and ai- ter RM.C. scored a touch-down one of the Rough Riders took a punch at the man on the ground, and in a minute they were all at it. Whether it was the effect of the fight or the rough usage during the first half, but the Rough Riders simply swamped the Cadets on the defensive all through. A couple of bad mufis hy McAuley gave the Hamilton team two more touch-dovwns and R.M.C. never had chance. Roberts, of RM.C., had his shoulder dislocated in the first quarter and the brand of football put up by the Rough Riders did not rebound to their credit even if they did "punch out a vie tory." They used their fists on the Cadets at all times and it was noth- ing to see n man knocked out after he had booted the ball. Myles, at inside wing for the Rough Riders, should be in a prize ring, as a football field no plage for him. who writes pl Muatary the best was were few while a a 18 In Hockey Circles. When the Pacific Coast League wants a player it simply wires and gets him. Pitrie is the only one who escaped the long purse of the Patricks. "Doc™ Doherty, the former Renfrew man, has signified his intention of playing with the Torontos in the N HA. ' Bruce Stuart, the well-known veter- an hockey player of Ottawa, has com pleted arrangements whereby he will manage and probably play with the Quebec team this winter Frank Hefiernan, who played foot ball at Toronto in the Ontario Un- ion, will return to Ottawa College next week. He will play hockey and football with Father Stanton's team in the Interprovincial and Intercollegi- ate or Ontario Union Percy lesueur, the Ottawa captain, says that the N.H.A. should do some- thing at once to strengthen the two teams. "Those men they have been signing up will never do,' commented the Oftawa = captain. "Why, there isn't one real top-notch- er in the bunch The Toronto clubs should have been prepared to lose about $10,000 each this season. They would have got it all back next year.' The Ottawa Hockey Club has issued a denial to the story that "Hamby" Shore had signed to play with the Quebees some time ago and aceepled an advance on this season's salary before the Patrick raid commenced. Saskatoon expects to have a4 great amateur hockey season, says a re- port from that city. The profession- al game is dead there. At first it was expected that Saskatoon, Prince Albert, North Battleford and Old Battleford would inaugurate a 'Big Four" professional league, but Prince Albert decided to go in for amateurism and Saskatoon followed. The Patricks have evidently changed) their minds about not raid- ing the Montreal Wanderers. They have taken Ernie Johnson to the coast. It was sald that they would take players from every team in the N. H. A. except the Wanderers, the'r idea being to make a one-team race of the National association. At: the annus! meeting of the New Edinburgh Hockey club, Ottawa, it was decided mot to press their cbel- lenge for the Allan cuv "ls ae th, but to insist on a single sosndule of games in the Otiawa section of the Interprovincial union, and to challenge again in the spring if suc- cessful iu retaining the champion ship of the east. Rugby Notes. Ottawa Citizen Look out for Queen's next year, "Tout" Leckie will be with the Presbyterian uni- versity again. Gage will join the Hamilton Alerts when his Toronto university days are over. The new champions may get back at the O. R. F. U. by resig:- ing now. En Toronto Telegram: The Cadets at- { tribute their defeat to the fact that they had not had a game in a three weeks. They asked for the bye in the championship draw, but it does not seem to have proven satisfactory. The Ottawa Citizen says: The re- sult of the morning game at Hamil- ton means "good night" to King- ston's chances of placifg another team in the Intercollegiate union. After that catastrophe the Cadets wouldn't draw a corporals guard when pitted against Varsity, MeGill or Queen's. The Hamilton Rough Rider teami who defeated the cadets on Saturday are practically the same team .who represented the Tiger club in 1510, when they won the junior Canadian championship. The Hamilton Alerts stand sus- pended by the Ontario Rugby Foot- ball union, a resolution having been passed at a recent meeting that the suspension should go into effect af- ter the final for the Camadian cham- pionship. A motion to expel Alerts will be conside~ed at the meeting on the 14th of Decomber. i annual 'PAGE NINE. The Oftener You Like It. OAP "IT's ALL You Use It ~The Better Appreacting Visit Professor Pember Can I I'he appe haw way Representing hair store, of Toronto, woman whose tion in any fashions about The Puffs, , transiormation of all Pember sense He will display and hair the hair and scalp without Natural Bangs, Braids will who view them. ~ The Professor will be in Kingston at the Randolph Hotel on Dec. 10th the Hair reliable advice trate newest and degion neds and will give sw itches parted dgrtistic wa and straight exclusive aud the he new the eye and 1 delight Ladies Who Desire Genuine Beauty Making Aids Cordially Invited. ONTARIO AND QUEBEC WILL ASK FEDERAL COMMISSION, Naval Demonstration. on the St. Lawrence Suggested, With Inter national Festivities at Various Cities--Hope Expressed That King Might Come. Foronto, Dec. 4.-~The celebration of one hundred years of peace b tween Canada and the United States, which fis be observed mext yeu: in both countries, promises to out five: the Champlain tercentoaapy at Quebec in 1908. The deputalish rap resenting the : Ontario government consisting of Hon. James 8S Hon. J. O. Reaume, W Naught, M.P.P., and Georg: erham, M.P.P., wh the Quebec government, has return- ed, and states thaf the provi of Quebec will heartily co-operate with Ontario in promoting the schem It was decided that representing the two governie: lt should proceed to Ottawa on Satur day and interview Dominion gov ernment with the view of having the celebration nation-wide on the hand and international on the other Following the line of the Quebe tercentenary, the federal government will be asked to appoint a commis gion to take charge of the enti® matter and. invite co-operation of Lhe imperial government as well It understood that s'milar organization will be established in the- U1 States, and the two bodies wil in harmony So far : h concerned, as Ontari ( are the parent proving the minion, and were most the waf of 1812, the would be largely confi Canada. As at fire would extend from Quebec the east, the ancient capital of ada, to Niagara on the west ¢ ital of upper Canada at the the war A naval demonstra Quebec, participated by of Britain and the United suggested as the outstanding on 'the St. Lawrence, with demonstration on Lake Chas Lake George Military to Dad, K. Mc H. Good hh interviewed wo a deputatl the one Jueber do city 1 on 'an views and PEACE CELEBRATION: cities ge between lakes are also posed hy addition to thesé it ('anada mark the an exhibition of the the country has made during the one hundred years of peace. The de velopment Canada in art, manu factures and agriculture~in all that makes for material progress--would passed upon in review, and po phase of the nation's growth would be overlooked Whett King In that is-p occraion progress that of be George himself would favor the occasion by his presence has not yet prese nied it self to those promoting the celebra- The despatches from Quebec ast week largely conjectural, s informed. It is sald, the Quebec tercen f presence surely the be an ocea and inter the king and this the pro the tion were s0 the Globe however, that tenary VAR WOT of the heir to peace centenary sion tional would be willing would he especially 80 posed inter il such m impor come pcter on lines propose ried ont MOVING PICTURE FILM Thomas A. Edison Was Not the fn. ventor. Washington, Dee. 4.~Thomas A. Edi o have ving 'picture him Is of the District of decision on was held not been the ventor 1 the cour reversed y Edison's mpany of Chicige that ng picture discovered nor pro Columbia, n of a low 1gainst The court held films was neither fuced Fdisor turer of shotogr Felisor ork ment of motion pictures less ths ARIE NCeE MO hut by a Ph in by manufac, aupphies and the develop olely that mn camera appa ' . Warming Pan Fires Bed. 4 Fant, seve Boughton Light and 12.15 a coverletia tus Bt. "Louis Pes Rear-old son of Judson H president the National Power « pany, awoke at m. in his me to find the at the dg the The chilis cries aroused ton, who i and then fire from an ing pan of Brough WHnsiairs of hed on Car put _-- lighter, some. Genius finds its own road and car ries its own carbide iHawinant. ing and beautiful and Adds whoiesomeness to the food. Jeveland Baking Powder A plain cake, made with Cleveland's Baking Powder, i cake costing twice as much made with an alum powder. ' Cleveland's Baking Powder is pure, clean and*wholesome, and- with less trouble and concern makes the cake sweeter, purer, more is better than a pound appetiz- assuredly whole- Take every precaution to avoid alum baking ood is deleterious. ders, J f a ay be asin by thew lower pce.