The Dail YEAR 79-NO. THE ARMISTICE 283 UT GREECE DISSENTS The Greeks Greatly Annoed; at Bulgaria CLAIM THER FLEET WAS THE MEANS OF THE SUCCESS. ALLIVS The Athens Press Speaks Ouf-- Bulgaria's Terms to Turkey Look. ed Upon ay (oo Generous--Con- "cessiolis May Endanger Fruits of Victory, London, Dee. 4.-<The Balkan ar- mistice has been signed, Greece alone dissenting. The ning took place yesterday afternoon at Bagh- tehe, on the lanes of Tchatalja. Greece will be left to continue tha War alone against Turkey if she so desires. The finxl meeting of tentiaries representing Halkin nations and the Ottoman em- pire, was held at four o'clock. The proto for .an armistice be- tween the belligerants for the puv- pose of permitting them to enter into peace neégatiations, was signed that hour. the plenipo- the allied Athens Pres Is Vexed. Athens, Dee, --Burprise and an-j noyance are a by the Greek newspapers at what they term the "eomplaisance shown by Bulgaria in accepting the Turkish proposals witich are s0 advantageous to the Ottoman empire." It is contended by many writers that the complete and definite lib eration of the Christians in the Ori- ent is only obtainable by combined Jand and sea action of the allies against Constantinople. Why Greece Hangs Back, London, Dec. 4.---Adrianople was the obstacle which threatened to wreck pourparlers between the pleni- potentiaries of Turkey amd of the Balkan allies when they first opens ed at Baghtche, on the Tchatalja lines, and Adrianople appeared again at the end of the uegotintions as the most serious Bindrance to the attainment of an agreement, Duriag the first session of the delegates the Turks absolutely re- fused to consider the surrender of the atronghold of Adriancple, and when the Bulgarians subsequently yielded (o .them on this point, the Greek doiegates sprang back and de- manded time in which to submit the question to their government at Ath- ens. The reason for the Hellenic ob jection to any such submission to the desires of the Ottoman repre- sentatives is not far to seok, accord ing 'to the opinion expressed in dip- lomatic vecircles. It is pointed out that #t is obvioua<thst iI the Bul- garians sacrifice the fltimate posses- sion of Adrianople 'nn thé jnterests of general peate, shey will expec} their allies to share their sacrifice any the only way{ in which this can bis done is to give Bulgaria com- pensation in the shape of territory conquered by the Greeks, SBervians and Montenegrins, and which they had staked out for themselves, tence thy wail from Athens that any concession to Turkey will endanger the fruits of victory gained by the allies~-above all those of Greece and Sorvia, » Greece Says Fleet Did It, London, Dec, 4.--The bitterness of feeling between Grevce and Bul- garia was ceflected at the Greek le gation in London. The Grecian min- ister claimed that the action of th Greek fleet was "the only deciaive factor of the whole wur. Without the presences of our sips Turis would have buen able to bring het best troops from Asia Manor and to land them at Dedeaghatch and flank the Bulgarian armies, thus render- ing their magnificent victory quite impossible." As regards the Bulgarian position at Tchataljs, it appomrs that Groec more than once offered three divigions of fresh troops. apd the entire use of the Greek fieot to augment the force before the Teha- talja lines, but received no reply to her offer 'ulgaria's Terms Generous. ut Hadgarial SIGNED as generoud, but in view of the great diffieulty with Turkey necessarily will find in revictualling her scat- tered forces, their practical effect probably will not be very important, The fact that the negotiations for the armistice were reg integral part of the pcace negotia- tong 180 helped Turkey to secure more favorable terms than would have been granted under other cir- cumstances OUKER DIVORCE E Wants Freedom With Huashand Living in House. City, N. J, Dec, Holton of No has filed papers against her . mi, in the Court of Chané®ry. Holton mada application for alimony and counsel feos, Hhe gars in her petition that her d earns $8,000 a year Holton still ives in the same home with hiz wife in this cits He claims he is only making $50 a week, and affidavits from his business associ- ates seem to support his contention. He admits owning an automobile, ! but denies he employs a chauffeur THE NAVAL MEASURE SURE TO BE PASSED TANGLE. Wife 4.---Mra. 314 York in a divorce and, Gen ¥ street sult Holt Mrs. ¢ hus | ded as ant" KINGSTON, LURED TWO POLICEMEN. Into Gas.filled Chambers, But con. stables Escaped. San gamblers lured two police officers to imprisoninent in gas-filled cham- bers, Jeaving them to be asphyxi- ated. © f the nien carried a small Epchof th chopped holes through the walls to obtain air and aid Corporal Goff, the first victim, vas walking along when a Chinese { brushed by him and whispered: Fight In Siberia Club.' . Without waiting to call his squad, Goff rushed to the club. He thru.t side the doorkeeper. As the door swung back he heard the bolt click, vod simultaneously the gaslights went out. Trying the other door, he found himself imprisoned in a narrow hallway seven feet long and found that gas was rushing from jets which he couid not reach. After fifteen minutes' work with his axe he cut thrduga the walis end was rescued. Officer Bailey was trapped similar- ly in another ciub at almost the same time. THE SLAYER OF TWO Was Found Not Guilty by a Texas ory. Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. Beal Sneed was, yesterday, guilty for the murder of Capt. A. G Boyce here. Snead shot Capt, 4.~John found not Boyee to death on January 13th, in Fort Worth, soon after Sneed had' returned from Winni- pex, Man, with Kis wife, with whom Al. Gi. Boyes, Jr., son of Capt. Boyce, had eloped. Sneed claimed seli-defence, a conspiracy on the part Boyees to rob him of his wife. and aleo of the As Brought Down---It Will Receive Liberal Criticism But no Amendment. Ottawa, Dee, 4.--As the date for! the naval announcement by the gov- ernment approaches the interest of members on both sides of the house increases. Curiosity concerns itself | | jchiefly with the amount of emerganey contribution, with the reasons upon which the government will basé its declaration that there is an emery- gency, with the attitude which the liberals will adopt, with how many nationalists will break from the gov- ernment, and with, what the Senate is going to do when the measure reaches the upper house, where there is a liberal majority. The present indications are that! the proposal for emergency naval i aid will be severaly criticised by the! liberals in the commons, whither | thoy vote against it or not. It is practically certain that the nationalist followers in the com- mons will have an amendment and that in the Senate the proposal wilt be censured by many speakers, but the bill will nass without amend- ment, There has boen a recent distribu. tion among the members of a pamph- let hy C, H. Cahan of Montreal, con- taining arguments against emer- gency ~ contribution and against the; assumption that an emergency ex- ints, : So far¥ the question appears to have produced no split in the ranks of the liberal opposition, } i ROB PASTOR IN IN CHURCH. Strangers Who | Greet Minister After Sermon Steal Watch. Norfolk, Va., Dee. 4. Rev. W. G. Starr, probably the best known Methodist pastor in Virginia, was robbed in his own church, in New- port News. Dr Starr is pastor gf Trinity Methodist church in the shipbuilding city, and, after he bad preached, he| came down out of his pulpit andi shook hands with members of his congregation. : Two strangers came up to him in the church, and, engaging him in conversation, one of them cut the alk guard and relieved him of his watch, He discovered his loss later. ASSISTS IN OPERATION, PATIENT 1 HUSBAND Nurse, Lifting Cloth From Man's Face, Recognizes Spouse Whe Had Shot Himself. Atlantic City, N. J, Dec. 4.---Stella; Coles, maid to Superintendent Nan Burkhardt of the Atlantic City hos pital, called in to assist in an opera. tion in the emergency ward, obey- ing orders of her mistress, lifted n blood-stained towel from the face London, Dee. 4.--The terms of the armistite Between the Turkish and ulgarian armies as accepted by | ka provide that the truce shail continue during the whole period of the So uacs negotiations, Turkey ia to have the right of re. 11 hor besieged fhriresses détached bodies of Ottis remaining in Macedonin as well as the Turk: ates. are to furnish chance | for vecoverx. 'the revictua jof a wan upon 'whom the surgeons were working. "it's John!" she screamed, and fainted. The man was her husband, John Coles, of Philadelphia, He bad besn brought in from a cottage, fwherd he had sent two bullels through his head with suicidal in- tent, The day before the man triad to shoot his wife, but the cartridges failed to explode after he had pulied the trigger three times. Then she and secured s warrant. onstabls were waiting outside the cottage with a yrant for his ar- rest when he tried suicide. Hos pital surgeons say he bas slight a ------ Made a World's Record. enty-six bushels to the sere. This is betirved to be » world's record for panty for commercial wheat grown purposes. { February at of meeting will be held at the Ho- ThiaClark hus shreshec S06 bushels. of font ng Al Boyce, Jr., was killed by Sneed in Amarillo, September 14th last, Sneed will be tried on this charge in Vernon. The families . involved in the two tragedies are wealthy and have had prominent parts in the up-building of Texas. After the elopment Sneed spent $20,000 in a chase across the continent to find his wife. Sneed's first trial on' the charge oi killing Capt. Boyce resulted in a dis- agreement. BEAR NURSES BABY BOY, | Clergyman Regards Mlle. Bruin as of Valuable Servant. Boston, Dec, 4.---~Rev. Chauncey J. Hawkins of No. 24 Bim street, Ja- maica Plain, has the most unique nurse girl in America for his three- {year-old son Robert. It's a bear and her name is Blitzen. This bear is gentle and wheels the Francisco, Dec. 4.--Chinese | British ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, ALMOST SUFFOCATED beunue MEN HAD NARROW ES. CAPE OX YORK STREET. Nelson Clemons Son, of Port land, Visiting In City, Slept in Rooms All Night With Gas Turned 'on=Third Mast In Next Room also Suffered. i ~Nelson Clemons aud his gon, William | Clemons, of Portlgad, who have been | visiting with J. Ogslow, grocer, cor ner of York and Division streets. had | a miraculous escape from being sufio- ented with gas, on Tuesday night. When retiring for the night, they turned out the gas, and accidentally turned it on again. The gas was turned on. full blast, all night, and 'he only thing that saved them: was that there was an open door, and he gas thus had two rooms to work is. Me. Clemons and his son were not used to gas, and when they turned it off, they did. not know that they slipped it on again. A brother of Mr. Onslow, who was slesping in the oom next to that oc. cupied hy Mr. Clemons and his son, also had a parrésw escape. The father and son both fell over after getting up out of bed, but recovered later on. One of the men was able to walk out of the house, as far as the barn, but there he fell, and had to be given assistance, This afternoon, it was stated that the three men were all right again, and noue the worse for their experi- ence, although they will have good rea¥on to remember it for some time, { RIGHT 1 TO VOTE Women Want to See the Hon. Hanna. Toronio, Dee. 4.--"Always glad to THE Ww. J. 1912, TO BURN 12000 BODIES | 0 Turkish and Balkan Funeral Pyrex, Constantinople, Dec. 4 Twelve thou- sand bodies, Turks and Balkan sol diers killed in the last fights, still remain unburied, owing to the frozen nature of the ground. The peace con- ference has decided that they shail be immediately burned in great funeral pyres. Soldiers i TO BE TRIED FOR MURDER For Ending Life of Sick Wile at Mer Request. Paris, France, Dec. 4M. Beguery, who shot and killed his wife at her re quest, she being ineurably il, will be tried for murder in the first degree. Doctors have decided that Madame Beguery was not incurable. She only thought she was. There have heen several such murders in Franee since the story of the Heguerys was pub- lixhed, NOT ALLOWED TO MARRY Wives of Foreign Nations--Ris- | mark's Old Rule Revived. Berlin, Dee, 4.~-Prince Bismarck's rastic regulation, forbidding mem- bers of Germany's military, naval or diplomatic corps to marry foreign wives, has been revived, and in fuo- ture the marriage of any officer with a person not of German extraction will be regarded as an expression of a wish to leave the service. THE PEACE DELEGATES TO MEET IN LONDON Russia, Britain, 2nd Germany see you, thanks." This was about all the satisfateion given to a depu- tation of Ontario suffragettes from the Ontario Council of Women who | made heir annual pilgrimmage to the pariisment buildings, this morn- | ing, and laid bafore Hon. W. J. Hanna, provincial secretary, their arguments in faver of women's suffrage. They pointed out that under the present law a dissolute woman, with property in her name, can vote, while a decent married woman is disenfranchised. They wanted a change made in the com- ing amendments t6 the municipal act, giving all women the right to vote SHE HAD 22 CHILDREN. Negress Dead Had Reached Age of 115. Pa aon, Dec. 3.5Mrs, Eliza: boy around in a baAbY buggy, exer- cising the greatest care and kissing the youngster affectionately when hs) fakes a notion to bawl. Mr. Hawking says that the bear ts] much safer than the usual nurse girl, | because she doesn't flirt with police- men, and he allows the little poy to remain under the chaperonage of Mile. Bruin without any compune- tion. AGED MAN FOILS THIEF. Gently Lays Thug on His Back in| Street. Palmyra, N. J., Dec. 4.--=Martin | Btockbrine, seventy-year-old sexton of | the Palmyra M. E. church, is a man! of peaceable instincts. A highway- man attacked him as he started from his home to open the edifice before daylight, and as Stockbrine tried to escape, landed a smashing blow on his nose and tried to throw him to the ground. The old sexton refused to hit back, but turned and seizing his assailant by the shoulders, lifted him from hi feet and gently laid him on his back on the pavement. Then the old man slipped quietly off toward the church and the high- wayman, nervously watching until his intended victim had disappeared, seurried to his feet and ran off in the opposite direction. CHILD DROWNS IN WELL. Plunges Through Trap Door Mother Had Just Opened, South Bethlehem, Pa., Dec. 4. Elsie H. Sherman, aged three years, was drowned in the well at ¢he home of her parents in Willow street when she accidentally fell through the trap door. The mother had just drawn a tucket of water, the pump being broken, when the accident occurred. The frantic woman screamed for help, but the child was dead when! taken from the well } STARRED AT A HAZING, Boy Student at Methodist College May Die Springfield, Mo., Dee. 4---Ryron Crane, sixteén years of age, of this city, was stabbed and probably fatal Ivy wounded as the result of a bazing isode at "the Methodist College at orrisville, Mo., where he was a stu- dent. Another student who was hazed recently, was arrested, charged with stabbing Crane. Crane, who is the son of a prominent local physician, was brought to an hospital here. Cape Board of Trade Agtive. Cape Vimcent, Dec. 4.-<An effort being made by the local Board of to increase its memborship yg a committee consisting of Frank Milton A, Drake and 'cowid do in that line. An effort be made to get every man in village to join the organisation. The on the evening of De- oo hie Ome arratge. be made for the annual ber 1 beth Th Peon, "hother of twenty-two children, and grandmother of fifty, died in a local hospital at the age of j 115 years, according to her own reck- oning. Two years ago her bushand died at the age of 1089 years. Mrs. Thompson was a megtesy. All but one P of her children are living. Military Training in in Ireland. London, Dee. 4.-The chief secretary i for Ireland has had the following let- ter semt in answer to an inquiry by a correspondent : 'Secretary Birrell desires me 4 ac knowledge the receipt of vour com- munication asking whether under the home rile bill the Irish parliament could refuse to adopt any plan of com pulsory military training sanctioned by the British parliament or adopt on its own initiative a scheme of com- pulsory military training even though the hill has not previously passed through the British parliament. Int reply 1 answer both questions in the negative." h } A Canadian Ambassador. London, Dee. 4--The Review of Re- views is out with an article advising that the Canadian government should he represented direct at Washington by an ambassador all its own, as so many Canadiun matters need adjudi cation there. po------ = Daily == Christmas Hint Ribbon Centerpiéce Makes a Smart Gift This Season it you are in doubt us to what to give the bostess who is fond of pretty thlogs for ber iable, buy or, belter still, make her a ribbon centerpiece. To wike the centerpiece purchase a wire 'basket of suitable size from a fotist snd wrap the true with hand some satin wl of auy sulable shade. This being accomplished thread the ribimn ie wid ont of te wire io terstices, fohiog the weaving st tne side of the asket io.» Vig DoW formed of ribbus ups | "a 2k vets of native sliver wa: | 1 tertnin the By suffragettes in Picoadilly and tunable Iwo years of age. Brought the Balkan Nations to Terms on Armistice London, Dee. 4. tions are already Extensive prepara being made to en- peace pleninotentiaries who are to meet here on Dec. 13th to decide on permanent terms of peace between the Balkan states and Tur key. ft ig learned that it was the united effort Of Russia, England and Ger many that brought the Balkans to terms on the armistice, and the op: position of fireece {0 this arrange ment will seriously endanger that na- tion's standing with the great pow- ers. It is impossible for Greece to alone continue the fight against Tur key with any degree of suceess CLUBLAND WAS RAIDED Caused Damage, London, Dec. 4.--In London ciub land the name '"'sufiragettes" has be come more than ever anathema.' Yes. terday saw unwonted perturbation in the usually tranquil purliens of Picea- dilly, and it transpired that a rail had been made on a Down street pil larbox, which is in the heart of club land, and the receptacle of a bulk of correspondence from a large number of clubs in that section of Piccadilly. The raiders not only poured acid liguid into. the pillarbox, but spiked the kevhole so that the postman was to open it, and a locksmith was requisitioned. All this took time, and there were the elements of many comedies in the delay thus caused in the transmission of clubland's corre spondence. WANT THE LASH Westmount Council Asks of Justice to Amend Law. Montreal, Dec. 4.--The Westmount Council believes that to spare the rod is to spoil the rowdies, and Ald. John Hyde, at the meeting Tuesday night, presented a strong resolution recom mending that the minister of justice be asked to amend the eriminal Jaw and allow the lash to be applied in the case of a man who proved a nui- sance to the neighborhood. The mo tion to have the criminal Jaw amend ed was unanimously adopted and will be forwarded to the minister of jus- Lice, A PPLIED Minister THE PRINCE OF WALES Was Recently Operated Adenoids, Dec. 4.---It has just leak- ed out that immediately before his visit to Paris, some months ago, the Prince of Wales was operated on for adenoids and other throat troubles, which it was feared would retard his growth mentally and physically. To his successful operation is now at- tributed the fact that H. R. H. is making unexpected progress in stud- jes and athletics at Oxford college, Miss Redmond to Marry. Dublin, Dee. 4.--A marriage has ten arranged between Max Greene. chairman of the Irish prisons boa and recently secretary to the lord lieutenant, and Mies Johannn Red- mond, the youngest daughter of John E. Redmond, the of the Irish parliamentary party. Miss Redmond is about twenty- She has re- tently devoted part of her time to writing for the stage. John Hays Hammond Wiss. Washington, Dec, 4.-~~1n a decision by the Court of Appeals of the Dis trict of Columbia, it was held that Jokn Hays Hammond, the mining enginesr, was wot liable for the $1.- 660,000 subscription of the preferred stock of the General Cotton Secari- tien company as alieged by Dani J. Sully, former "cotton king," but that the obligation was personal to Sully himself. The Japanese Cabinet Quits. Tokio, Japan, Dee. 4 The tive of enbinet Xenighed. + Upon for London, hig While Tory Members Shouted and Screamed A CHALLENGE FLUNG BY LIBERAL ORATOR TO DEMAGOGUES, ' THE Uproavious Session in House Commons--iHou. Charles Murphy Charges Hon, tobort Hogers With Making False Statements Ottawa, De speaker calling while the government bent he ed and screamed to pre speaker from being heard Lemieux concluded a telling ment of the government chameleon naval policies, commons last evening Passing from his dealing with Hae Mr, Rogers atid Sir Rodolphe ¥ovg the eloquent ex-postmaster-g ns referred to the declaration of policy contained in the from the throne "When served, 1 want to learn the exact meaning of an English word | go ! Webster There 1 'am taught tha an emergency is a sudden Or unex pected occasion, an unforeseen oc- currence, a pressing necessity or an exigency If Britain 8 confronted with any of these conditions, I will be the first to join in any vote that is deemed necessary or best, for the lingo members have not a monopoly on loyalty But nobody will be stampeded if an emergency does not exist, "There of deput y the y i . 0 shout the Mr er on Ary as 3; he are those now on ernment benches who in campaign declared in my provines that Canada owed nothing to Fig land. The liberalism of Laurier hid no recourse to the language of dem ARO UES, The British preference was the test 7 Hberal imperialism; sending Canddian troops to South Africa .was the test of liberal im- perialism, and the Laurier naval pol fey---the development of 2» Canadian fleet unit to take ite part in Imperial defence----was the test of liberal im the gov- the last | Probably EDITION, - LEMIEUX ARRAIGNS * BORDEN GOVERNMENT he, While the majority are clined to view that it will be Fh contribution, there are others Who #4y that the country may get a sup- prise and that instead of a © offer to Britain, i may be in the form of a.certain number of ships. Whatever the annoupcement, it will be the equivalent of at least thirty millicn dollars in Just what cours» Bir wit Laurier will adopt to-morrow is not cerfain, but it {3 assumed that if he makes any observations they will be of a general character only. He will make his main spesch on tae question after the government's proposals have been considered In the Liberal cautus PLAN HARMONY, Progressives Expected to ¥ad the Feud, Washington, Dee. 4.--The tw) tions of the republican party 11 tas Senate are moving in the direeiisn of a reconciliation. The pucjpuss is re-establish harmony snd wins past differences Of tment 3 » applied tn the sore pal 3 wvement is young It may at maturity. it is a start and grant entertained and nurtured common groust F.r InNBug hands is founl in {ne pies a sud Bro REPUBLICA The he factios posed tem for al ele ¥ BRITISH NAVY PAY Is to be Increased Fifteen Per Cent. Al Hound, Dec, 4 The pay in the which has remained the same for Afty years, will be increas ad about fifteen per cent. all round, according to the announcement of the Admiralty to-day. Thera will also be many concessions 10 the rank dnd file, in better grub and opportunities for promotion, CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE ARMISTICE force it is Said Will Participate in the Peace negotiations in London British navy, perialism." Shriekers in Government, Proceeding, Mr Lemieux with the nationalist policy as advo. cated by the nationalist witkg of Borden government, "ne navy, no contribution, we owe nothing to Eng land."" This was the kind of litera- ture that Mr. Ames, '"jingo of the jingoes,"" paid the postoffice to spread. over the province The con servative-nationalist orators talked about a "deep-laid plot tween Laurier, Borden and Earl Grey "and," added Mr Lemieux, "tha loudest shouters and the most sistent shriekers are now in the den government." Mr. Lamarche of to know if, when it Canada owed nothing was not Sir Richard Cartw was 'being quoted (Conservative apolause.) "If fools there Lemieux, "who attribute such « loyal sentiment to the gallant knight, 1 pity them A half-guoted nhrase is a lie. The m f Nicolet was himself one of offenders, though he wa sponsible than' the posimaste eral, who had been a ms Quebec governme and the oath of lay to tk to Demagogues, days now we shal these demagogy ipl and repeat dealt § Lhe Bor. Nicolet wanted was stated that to England, right w ha be." replind M ald mber had ie kB 1 taken y Challenge "In: a few learn how many jettisoned their pric fice and the trough, have brass enough to liament what they sal 1 charge the pestmaster-ge minister of inland revenus new secretary of state with made statements during the campaign that they dare in this house. 4 { "We of the old rouge party, led by the Old Chief---{prolonger liberal cheering )---fought the demagogues as best 'we could. We stood for » sane imperidlism and a sane Cana dianism."' That Hon. Robert Rogers delib erately made false statements in par- tiament' in the course of Lis speech endeavoring to defend econservative misdoings in the Macdonald bye election was the serious and spec charge of Hon. Charles Murphy the house. He referred to the m fster's declaration that J. J. Salli van of Regina was a nephew of "Cap" Sullivan, and read the 7ollow- ing telegram from Mr. Sullivan "Rogers" statement absolutely false I am not a relation nor in any way connected with "Cap" Sullivan" .The Senate's sitting yesterday was distinguished chiefly for references to the memory of Sir Richavd Cart wright, eloquently made by Hon. Mr Lougheed, the government leador, and by Sir George Ross, leader of the oppasition. Kindly references were made to the late Senators Wi son and Bell 3 8 of how many in par Quebbe neral, the anid the having elect repeat { fo 3 The Navy | :oposals, Ottawa, Dec. 4---Unless some thing entirely unlooked for happens. Premier Borden will make his naval bill explanation on Thursday after- noon, soon after the house ments it was devided not to have th: an- msuncement made to-day in order to give private members an opporfun- asidty to put 8 large number of ques- tions and move for the returns, ete There is A mush specu- lation as 10 what the proposal wit London. Sofia, Dec Fhe Armistice, signed at eight o ole last _eypening, at the village of Baghtche, on the Tehatalja lines, contains the following condi: { Lona shall re or m 1 main cupy 9 belligerent Armies position they at present I'he fortress not I'he inn army on, b commencing of the. The ne in London on in the event the armistice partieipate In m London hesieged Turkish re-vietunlled re-victunlling of the Bulgar the field shall be carried Black Sea and Adrianople, Len after the signa armistice gotintions for peace shall December 13th. her declining protocol, the peace shall be 3 it the dave ture J begin Even approve Greece ttl tiation Lo w nego deposits radium have heen Austria H. tobaccos.' Rich foand in "Givson's." BORN. Kingstor Dee tat, M 5 Patrick J direct, A Son on Nov, 1th, to 4 Mrs "Ros Leggett, a On Westport, Nov ind, Mrs, Edwin Newaswiie, on Mrs ria LEGGE My NEWSOME Mr daughier HT In Picton r ' Mrs, fo a wih Wright on Ne WwW. A Whi M -- MARRIEA). ALLEN Prada 3v Hhore Athen: Rophlsns h Atlan, 17¢h, Mex yoars, ov. Ith, at Peeling, aged Nm aged 52 James 254 and 254 PRINCESS STREET, Phone 147 for Ambulance. STOVES AND RANGES. The best lot we Rave or had; Dressers, Stands snd line. HRsasonzbie Phone 70% ? 5 ALL CHEESE We have in stock & full Une of impwied and domestic Cheese, ihe «lyding: OKA SAGE SWISS HOQE EF ONT LIMBERGER ViMENTO CANAMMAN STIAON ENGLISH STIVTUN JAS.REDDEN & C0. o