* PA 4 3 PAILY. SRITISE WHIG FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1912. : GE Founy EA Unable to Work for 14 Months Complete Nervous Breakdown Left Mr. Black an Invalid--Cured - by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, A TITANIC SURVIVOR PIES IN NEW YORK FROM THF EFFECTS, Colonel Gracie Escaped Drowning by a Miracle--He Went Down in the Vortex, New York December 6.--Colonel Archibald Gracie, U.S.A, retired, oie of the two men who actually went down in the vortex when the Titanic sank last April, and who escribed his escape from death to & miracle, diel yesterday in his apartment in the Hotel St. Lou's, 34 Ecst 32nd street. Though his death is credited to a complication of diseases, his physicians and his wife and daughter, who were with him when he died, believe that Colonel Gracie succumbed really he- cause of the far-reaching effects pf the Titanic aisaster. During his brief illness Colonel i Gracie ta'ked continually about the s'nkiag of the Titin'e, recalling the tremendous bett'e He had for life when ae wes gripped in the swir)- ing waters ol the foundering steam- er; and 'as' night, waile delirious, he called cut repeatedly, according to h's daughter: "We have got to get them all into boats We must get them into the boats." The stra' n of these memories was also addei to because Colonel Gracie had only just comple ed his bodk cn "The Truth About the Ti- tanic.'" Ever since last April he had teen in correspondence with sarvivors cf the ill-fated liver, and the work he had written ; received its §nal correcijons only last week. It is now in the hands of the print ers. Co'onel Gracies story of the sink- ing of the Titan'¢ was one of the most ronarkable of those told by the survivors. After all the life- loats had g ne from the sinking ve 8 he went to fhe topmost deck as the boat g.adua'ly settled, and when the final wave broke over her, ¢ nding her to the bottom, he jump- ed with the wave, Colonel Gracie a'so told thrilling- ly of his sensatiors while he was underneath the surface of the sea in the great vor ex caused by 'he sink'ng chip, Mr. Henry Black. What a helpless mass of bone the human body is, nerves become exhausted. weakness comes over you, lese control of the limbs. The next step Is paralysis. ou will be fortunate if, like Mr. Black, you get the building-up process In action before it is forever too late. y forming new, rich blood Dr. Chase's Nerve Food carries new vigor and energy to every organ and every meme ber of the human body, Mr. Henry Wiack, 81 St. Catherine street east, Montreal, Que, writes -- "The wonderful results | obtained from the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food constrain mo to write' this let- ter in order that others who suffer from nervous exhaustion and weak- sess may use this medicine with equal- ly sitialactory results. AS the result of overwork I became completely ex- hausted, and was unable to work for fourteen months. As I am the father of a family, these were sad days for me, hut-after T had used six boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I had improved 80 greatly that 1 continued the treat- ment until 1 was completely restored to health and strength. I now work twelve to fifteen hours a day, and keep in excellent health." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box. all dealers, or Bdmanson, Bates & Co. Limited, Toronto. Thomas Copley Telephone 987 & card to 19 Pine Street when want anything done in the Car ery 1 | stimates given on all k flesh and once the Extreme and you Briuging a Pedigree, A may who had very rich" went to live in New York and began to spend monev with lavish hand. lie dicided that name nevded some advertising, so visited a genealogist. "I suppose," be said, "if | pay vou enough vou can trace my family back je Adam." Irs _ and new work; nds "My dear sir," replied the genecalo- rdwood Floors of all ih. All j gst, "if vou're willing to put up PF of Ye Prompt attention. f the mons; we can prove by evolution that 'vour family existed belore A. dam." -- Lippincott's. At Last identified. Ottgws Citizen Hamilton newspapers report the death of an ideal citizen, a landlord who had not raised' his rents in fif- teen years. The deceased gentleman was not really a landlord. He was a . philanthropist. suddenly become a hid he Ee Cries Man Whe Has Been Bling Five Tears, Woodbury, N.J., Dec. 6. Members pf the household of James Johngon, an aged tailor, startled LE pight to hear him exclaim suddenly : "I can see." With a wild ery of joy he leaped from a chair in which he had bees sitting in apparent deep thought = and for several minutes danced gleefully about the room. The delight of the tailor. who is seventy vears old, was shared by the members of his family, for he was growing despondent over the loss of his sight. He was suddenly stricken blind five years ago, and continual medical treatment had failed to do him any good. le often said that some day he would and his relatives hum- ored him in his hope. were ser, Clarendon News. Clarendon, Dec, 5.--Mr. and Mis. Walker of Cambogie, visited friends here this' week. A baby boy has come to stay at Isaac Kirk. ham's. The young people are pre- paring for a Sunday School enter- tainment. John Campbell has gone to Calabogie where he may remain for some time Mrs. Thomas Love of Elphin visited "friends here on her way home from the west. Mss E. Appleby and Miss M. Campbell made a business trip to Sharbot Lake on Thursday. The K. and P. steel gang of about ninety men, and extra train and boarding cars, is <here at present. Campbell & ® 1 Sous shipped a carload of lambs to Wednesday William news of his a Kingston on Barr received the sad sister's death at Syracuse, N.Y. few days ago. BREAKS A COLD IN A FEW HOURS. FIRST DOSE OF PAPE'S COLD COMPOUND RELIEVES ALL GRIPPE MISERY--CON- TAINS NO QUININE, After the very. first. dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" you distinctly feel the. cold breaking and all the dis- agreeable grippe syiaptoms leaving. It is a sitive fact that a dose of Pape's Cold Compound taken - every two hours: until three consecutive doses ave taken will cure Grippe or break up the most severe cold, eith- er in the head, chest, back, stomach or limbs. It promptly ends the most n. rable headache, dullness, head and wose stuffed up, feverishness, sneeilng, sore throat. running of the NOSE, mucous catarrhal discharges, soreness, stifi- mess ar.' rheumatic twinges. Take this wonderful Compound with the knowledge that them is nothing else in the world which will cure vour cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and without an other assistance or bad aftereffects as a 20¢c. package of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply--it contains no quinine--be sure yon get what vou ask for--accept no substitute--hnlongs in every home. Tastes nice ~acts go tly. WONDERFUL GIVEN TO THE COAL INDUSTRY IN THE WEST. At Adanta a Cotton Concern Has Gone Under--Commereial Notes of General Interest, Victoria, B.C., De *s Statist show that the coal industry in Bri tinh Columbia has been given a won derful mgpetus during recent years. Nearly fifty-seven per. cent. of the aggregate production of sixty years was made during the tem years im- mediately past. The production of the five years, 1907 to 1911, was $123,000,000, as against R101 000, 0x for the five-year period, 1902 fo 1906. The government returns show that in 1910 for an output of 2,500,000 tons the value represented was $9,500 000, Money at 11 Per Cent. : New York, Dec. 5.--~The prevailing jocal monetary stringemey wis reflect ed in belated money offerings on the Stock Exchange. An initial loam oi $0,000 was made at ten per cent., followed by £150,000 at eleven per cent. The amount of money offered was comparatively small, in- dicating the Clearing House institu- tions were holding hack. Cotton Firm Goes Under. Atlauta, Ga., Dec. The .. cotton , exporting firm of W. W. Espey, main- 'taining offices at Savannah and Cor: dele, CGa., and other cities, has failed. with liabilities amounting to $250, 000 and assets of ahout $125,000, ge- cording to a special despatch from Cordele to the Atlanta Constitution. v Give Per Cent. Bonds. London, Dec. B.-A sign of the changing financial times is to be had from the city of Saskatoon's negotia- ting for a five per cent. loan here. The issug price is slightly below par Saskatoon's existing five per cent loan, issued in quoted at 106. Lake of Woods Plant. Winnipeg, Dec. 5.--It is understood here that the Take of the Woods Milling Co. has decided on important extensions to soma of its mills, these being in addition to the ones autho rized back some months ago. Some anpouncement in connection with same is looked for during the next few days. Extend Operations. London, Dec. 5.--Vever ros, Lim- ited, the makers of Bunlight Soap, which has an authorized ompital of £100,000,000, has issued $507,500 - six per cent. cumulative preferred shares at 85 a share. The company now has plants in nine different countries, and is issuing present capitalization for the purpose of developing plan- tations on the Pacific, the west coast of Africa and in the Belgium Cou- go. Shows Signs of Activity, Montreal, Bec. 5 Richelieu & On- i tario showed some signe of increas Sais sans: " Write Ideas For Movi CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND EARN $25.00 OR MORE WEEKLY YOU ng Picture We Will Show You How! ea a If you have ideas--if youcan THINK --we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Posi- tively no experience or literary excellence necessary, No "flowery language " is wanted. The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers earth" in their attempts to supply the ever increasing demand. are "moving heaven and get enough good plots to They are offering $100, and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas. Nearly all the big film eompanies, the buyers of photoplays, are located in or near NEW YORK CITY. Being right on the spot, and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted by the producers, our SALES DEPARTMENT has a tremendous advantage over agencies situated in distant cities. We have received many letters from the big film manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPH. EDISON, ESSANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP. REX. RELI ANCE, urgiag us to send photoplays to them. CHAMPION, COMET; MELIES, ETC, We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets of suc- » We ore selling ** paver before Perhaps we can do the same for you. photoplays writ a abe by pense who If you ean think of only one good ides every week, and will write. it out as di figure. rected by us, and it sells for only $25, a low You Will Gam $100 Mosthy For Spare Fme Work Send your name and address at once for free copy of our illustrated book. "NOYNG PICTURE PLAWRITNG" Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write now and learn just what this new and vour future, profession may wean for you sain -------- Plays ! IMPETUS J 908, at 101, is now | ! ing activity, gaining 114 in the early trading. In certain quarters an im- provement ig Richelien is looked for on-almost any gemeral improve ment in the local market Interests that are working out certain plans are very confident regarding their ability to carry them through. Financial Notes. From present inditations there will be no opposition to the plan of the Bank of New Brunswick to amalga- mate with the Bank of Nova Scotia. The Marconi company are seeking to olitain pon' ~ol of the Poulson patefits. The Poulson company "has established communication between Honolulu and San Francisco Une of the reasons for the recent advance in money rates in New York is the shipping to Canada of gol. Hlinois Traction company, in which Montrealers are interested, may start paving dividends on their $10,000,000 commen stock early néxt year. The rate will probably be three per cent. Charles Clarke has been appointed assistant commissioner of industries for the Grand Trunk line west of De troit. C.P.R. gross earnings for the mouth of October showed an increase of $1, 2,405 and net increase of $379,782. noe January 14t, 1912, the gross in- crease was $7,003,446, and the net £2,100,142, The Granby Consdlidated Minthg, Smelting and Power cofupany, limited has been empowered th call for th construction of the proposed new 2,000-ton smelter at the company's | Hidden Creek property. ¢ The directors of the New York Cen tral. Lake Shore, Michigan Southern, Bir Four, Lake Erie, and the Toledo and Ohio Central companies have formally adopted a resolution auth orizing an equipment trust of , 000,000, The output of - Dominion Coal com pany for November was 400,000 tons Dominion Textile stock is put on. a six per cent. basis. The first dividend at the new rate will be paid January nd. The old rate was at five per cent | re { TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. | Loughbore Council. | Sydenham, Dec. 2.---Couneil adopt jd the minutes of last meeting an {passed the following aecounts: Elgh Brawley, cement and weighing coa $6.45; Campbell & Thompson, J on Opinicon road, $15; F. C. Ma: tin, teaming, $7.50; J. Fellows, re culvert on the Portland boundar) $2; C. Babcock, drawing tile, $12 county clerk, tile account, $28.10 J. Pethroe, job on 10th con., $1.50 {L. Cranston, shovelling snow a Raitton road, $2.75; L. Parks, rej sidewalk, $2; E. Johnston, 6 1. days' work near Grant's, $13; Har ry Keller, job on North 8hore roac 27; J. Graham, telephone service: $1.40; W. Holder, opening road o North Shore, $3: A. Grainger, jo near his place, $7.50; C.-O'Connoi digging ditch near Moreland's, $11 Sawyer-Massey Co., two jaws fa crusher, $85; A. Blakasley, oversee for wages paid for job on Bedfor dtreet, $173.10; O. Marks, shovelin: snow near Raitton, $2.60; F. » Grant, stone for job on Bedfor street, $14.08. A Moved, Hobbs-Deyo, that the treasurer pay th: Raittor astate interest due on note, and als that the clerk be requested to write a letter of sympathy to the widov of the late Charles Ruttan. Moved Ennis-Deyo, that the county be charg ed $6 per day for the use of crushe on the Perth road. Carried, Moved Ennis-Deyo, that the clerk notify W H. Smith, H. Kellar, W. H, Kennedy F. and Arthur Campbell 1d rémovs within thirty days all obstructions from. road allowance between the eighth and ninth con., opposite thei property. Carried. - By-law No. 5¢ for grant on the Wimur road re- ceived its first and second readings. Moved, Hobbs-Deyo, that the follow- ing deputy returning officers at the municipal elections: Division No. 1 J. W. Davis; No. 2, Seymore Free- bern: No. 3, M. W. Spafford: No, 4, Walter Guthrie; No. 5, H. L. Bauder; No. 6, Herbert Buck. Coun- cil adjourned to meet in final session Monday, December 16th; at 2 p. m Storrington Council. Sunbury, Nov, 25.-~Council met at 11 a. m., with members all present | The minutes of the previous meet ing were adopted. Communications were read from J. W. Bradshaw anc Dr. A, E. Freeman. On motion Dixon and Balls, resolved that A. Ritchie inspect a culvert near Bat tersea and repair if necessary. On motion, Ritchie-Dixon, resolved that A. Craig, William Blacklock, M Daly, K. Spooner, 8. 8. Corbott be exempt from statute labor, they hav- ing no road. On motion, Ritéhie Shepherd, resolved that the follow- ing bills be paid: W. Guthrie, $16, work on road near his place: Hugh Ritchie, $75, work on Sunbury and Battersea road; Harvey Dixon, $20, repairing road ned agile church; Samuel Jamieson, $50, granted last year for building cement walks in Battersea; Leonard Vanluven, $1.50, repairing Battersea bridge; William Jamieson, $9.80, tile and building culvert near his place; R. Arthur $5, building culvert near H. Hugh son's; M. Cainpbell, $5, repairing road at Sunbury Corner; T. MeGar- vey, refund $1, dog tax, he havias no dog: C. W. Sleeth, $1.75. refund being an error in assessmen Gn motion, Ritchie-Balls, resolved+ that Jobn McGarvey and G. BH. Matthsw: be each paid $2 for pound keeping for three years, also C. W. Sleeth $26 expenses in connection with in- correct sale of land. On motion, Balls*Shepherd, resolved that 3 on Washburn road; Ross Dixon. $2 for diteling on Brewer Mills road: Thomas Cuddy, $123, work, on Tash burn road: Thomas Thomson. $10 for "building culvert near Made! Che se fuctory: Harmon Kesler, §7 for building eulvert nasr Patterses: George Ritchie, $8 for rebuilding two culverts an Brewer Mills oad: Joseph Hitcheock, $22 for hoildine #od furnishing tile for two culverts: Thomas McWaters, $6 for shoveline snow on county road: A. F. Frea man, M. D., $20. as medical heaith officer; James Fisher, 3200.53, gov- ernment and township grant on rosd [hetween Sunbury apd Inverary; Harmon Keeler. advanced 375 on i nd township arant near . cal Centre party seph Cauley be paid $3 for ditching! THE Q This is price o At larly were - larly were Untrimmed Hats at At $4.00 we will Fancy Feathers, Ornam 80c. 75c. $1.00 20d $200 | 174 WELL"N GTO | have a few that regu- Final Clearance of Trimmed Hats | bp chance to get two hats for the the one you have been yourself for several weeks. $3.00 we will have several, that regu promising $700 '80c, 75, 211 $100 ents 3 Snes 100 N STREET are due to torpid liver and sluggish Bowels. The days when your stom- ach is sour and full of gas, when you have indigestion; the nights when your nerves twitch and. you are restless and can't sleep could be avoided with a teaspoonful of. de- liclous Syrup of Figs. Isn't it foolish to be distressed when Chere is such 4 pleasant way to overcome it? Give your inactive liver and ten yards of waste-clogged bowels a thorough cleansing this time. Put an end to constipation. Take a teaspoonful of Syrup Figs to-night, sure, and just gee for yourself by morning, how gently but thoroughly all the sour bile, undigested, fermenting food WAS DISCUSSED IN THE GERMAN REMNHSTAG, ot the the That to Concep- Said Opposed Modern Chancellor Jesuits are Growth of the tion of the State. Berlin, Dee. 6.--The Jesuit ques- tion wes raised in the Reichstag by the clerical leader, Dr. Peter Spahn, ~#ho declared that the Bundes- rath's recent interpretation of the anti-Jesult law of 1872 had made nore severe the provisions of the aw, therby affronting 24 000,000 Catholics in the realm. He read a formal declaration of the Cleri- fo the effect that German Catholics, so far as they are represented 'by the clerical patry in the Reichstag, "have no confidence that the needs of the Catholics in the German empire will receive just consideration from the Imperial Chancellor and the Bundesrath, and will order their conduct according iy." The Imperial chancellor, Dr Bethmann-Hollweg, In reply, fended the Bundesrath'. decision as only an interpretation of a law forty years old This decision in effect, holds that Bavaria's recent course in modifying the severity of the en forcement of the Imperial legisla tion against the Jesuit Order in Ger many was illegal The chancellor declared that the Protestants have always bitterly opposed the Jesuits, who also in the past have not been tolerated even in certain Catholic couniries on a count of "their militant activity politics, the church and the schools their international character, and their opposition to the growth of the modern conception of the state.' While 24,000,000 Catholics want ed the anti-Jesuit law repealed continued the chancellor 40 000 - 000 Protestants wanted it retained and he warned the Centrists against a renewal of the religious conflict of the seventies A social'st speaker assured the clerica's that his party would sup- port any attempt which waz made to repeal the law The two parties together bave a big majority in the Reichstag The Van de- Fof--=+--Alhans { | i i OE ------------------ SURELY TAKE "SYRUP OF FIGS" IF * HEADACHY, BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED SWEETENS YOUR STOMACH, CL EARS YOUR HEAD AND THOR. OUGHLY CLEANSES YOUR LIVER AND 30 BOWELS OF SOUR BILE, CLOGGED.UP WASTE. FEET GASES AND oF FOUL ' All those days when you feel mis: and clogged. up waste matter Is erable, headachy, bilious and ' dull | moved on and out of your system--- no nausea--no gripping--no weak- ness. You simply can't have your liver inactive and your thirty feet of wels constipated with sour, de- Ng waste matter and feel well he need of a laxative is a natural need, but with delicious Syrup of Figs you are not drugging youresif. Being composed entirely of luscious figs, senna and aromatics it can not injure Ask your druggist for the full name, "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sdnna," Refuse, with scorn, any of the so-called Fig Syrup imite tions. They are meant to deceive you Look on the label. Tha genuine, old reliable, bears the name, California Fig Syrup Com- pany. News From Verona. Verona, Dec. 4-H: Dickson, while employed on the township erusher, was struck in the eye by a small piece of stone He is obligad to consult a specialist as a result o the accident. William Charlton, Kingston, is visiting here for a few days. Eggs are selling at 40 cents per dozen and butter at 30 cents per pound here C. W. Leadley merchant, has purchased a new bur- giar and fireproof safe of Taylor's make, Toronto Mrs. John Peter and daughter, Wilton, visited friends here this week Kerr & Irish's sash and blind factor; progressing well. One insertion the British Whig brought an owher f cattle strayed on the farm of HH. Dixon They bolonded to' Archie Close, Vio tet P. QO. CC, Brown's new building is nearing completion E. M. Yorke has put in a telephone N. Yorke Bellrock, held a shooting match here this week. A touplée of weddings will take place soon The crusher is working on Perey's road Ww Lampson, turnkey in Kingston jail, is here bn a visit to his mother. Mrs Williams is going on a visit to Watertown, N. Y., next week Mrs G. W. Lakins, Sydenham, is visiting her old home here this week Mag fstrate McMullen has anotoor trial hooked for Friday, December 6th I. L. Smith doing some interior work at 1 Craig's store C. Bo gart has 4 new ol on h house, is in ' H put News From Pictou. Dec. 4 Some of town are much rural delivery lras been visitiag in the country "Glenbrook Charles time with Messrs, Collier There has hundred the fa: pleased Mrs, her son Mra. Ed- has been G. Pox apple Picton near free mers have 'olliver Walter, win McCaw, a town visitor has had a busy drawing this fall and Clark assisting been a vield of over three barrels to Has Gone 3,270,000 Miles, foseph Willett, tourist Vi who 15 now ontinental trip fron fins be forty 3 ha conductor 120th trans floston to California, velling constantly for He estimates tbat he this time 270,000 mils makes this trip across ery three weeks, an teen roupd rips a his year There is a remarkable interest _in Home. Baking and Cooking throughout the land. Home cooking has the backing of science and the approval of fashion. Itadds to housekeeping a pride; to our food, healthfulness; and the best cooking in the world today is with the aid Baking Powder. of Royal