THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 101. " © PAGER 4 ---------- : TR -- TEA! TEA! From the Finest Tes «Gardens of Ceylon, uncolured, and of the finest flavor, Green and pound, at ¥ ANDREW MACLEANS, Ontario Street. Woel's Phosyphodizs, is Great Fag yous , oakes new f. ia pias, Cures Nero. enn We eh fee: fn ras ¥ One Aa six SO et iy £4 hee mailed 1 2: w pamphlet Medicine Cu Toronto, Ont The AT HALF PFC, ! One dozen Children's Hats | below cost, | Reductions in Velvets, Rib | bons, Trimmings, at Miss E. D. HAMILTON'S | 370 Princess Street, Opposite YM CA. Cream Rolls Choe. Eclaire Charlotte Russe Swiss Rolls J. J. Lackie's 168 Princess St. For weary, strained or injured eyes will be followed by us to the thous- a art of an inch in supplyiog the called for glasses. WE GUARAN. togei® fill it exactly as he wishes. ® will carefully adjust them. I» the most comfortable manner, asei- ing you entire satisfaction or refund- ing the money. We Grind Our Own Lenses. Oldest reliable Opticianin: the Gity JENKIN'S| | NEW SHIRTS | | For Xmas. | | Thirty-fourdoz- I en new patterns $1.00, $1.25 and E Even pair of | Xmas card. | 45 dozen. | Ombre Silks| and special Black at 30c per TO SAY IF AGREEMENT WAS IN WRITING. That British Government Would Place Orders for Certain Ships in Hunadian Yards--Bills Introdue- ed In Commons. Ottawa, Dee. 12.--At the opening of the house yesterday at two o'clock, Mr. Cochrane introduced his bill to en- courage and assist the mprovement of highways. Sir Wilirid Laurier was the same bill as yoar, Mr. Cochrane replied that it was. I'he amendments made by the house last session will be inserted this time. Mr. Mazen mtroduced a bill to amend the Customs and Fisheries Protection act. It is Lo correct an er ror in the statue which allows other foreigners as well as Americans to fish in certain waters aliecled by the treaty of 181%. Mr. Burpham act so as lo make the dominion regulations agree with the provincial. Candidates in Untarnio would be required to make no deposit at all, if thas is carried. Mr. Meighen introduced his eattle guard bill of last session. It has to do with the railways hability to prove negligence, Sir Wilirid Laurier brought up a dis patch from London stating' that Mr. Asquith had spoken im the British House of an agreement to place or ders for certain ships in Canadian shipyards. He asked if there was an agreement, additional to the papers brought down by Mr. Borden. Mr. Borden said that he had been authorized to state that such orders would be placed. Sir Wilfrid Laurier pressed 10 know whether the agreement was In writ- ing. Mr. Borden declined to go fu ther in this reply. Mr. Charlton asked if the post ficon refuse to accept letters Christmas stamps . alixed. stumps were being printed Mr. Pelletier said that anything ap pearing on a letter resembling in shape, color and design a stamp in creased the labor of officials, especial ly in large offices. There was danger of letters bearing these stamps and not beacing the departmental stamp escaping notice, I'he international union bas ceased to allow these, and many countries returned letters so marked even if otherwise stamped properly. Great Britain refused to allow these stamps for domestic use and it was thought betier to follow her example! i the executive of the tuberculosis hospital board would undertake tc have the stamps used for sealing put) poses their use would be permitted this year. : asked if this introduced last of- with These WHO IS TO BLAME? the Firemen False Alarms. Wanted--Some person who will give information that will lead to the finding of the guilty party sending in false alarms to the fire depart- ment. The members of the depart ment and the civic authorities would® also be very glad to get a clue to the guilty party. | Kingston's fire-fighters were very mad on Wednesday afternoon when. they were given a false alarm to. the corner of Montreal and Russell street, and they had: good reason to be mad, for just a couple of weeks ago they were summoned to the same corner, only to find that some per son had played an alleged joke on them. ' ( For some time now the "joker" has been at work and it is a great pity that he has been able to keep 'un der cover. If he should be caught a term in the penitentiary is wailing him. The law provides for a sen tence of seven years in the peniten- tiary for such an offence, It is a very serious matter to mall out the firemen when there is no need of their services as while they' are responding to the call a fire may break out in another section of the city and then there would be a great loss oft time. In addition there i= the wear and tear on the hose wap- gons, and the extra work for the horse: | For Sending Tom eri Kisses, The wavelets kiss the sandy beach; The winds kigs vale and hill; The sunbeaths kiss the violets shy, Fer the fragrance they distil. The dewdrops kiss the rose at eve; The lilies' dew at dawn; The raindrops kiss each flower fair And clover on the lawn. The zephyrs kiss all things that b . Thrilling the blossoms fair, Till their sweetness falls in kisses On the balmy air. The moonbeams kiss the mist at night; The starbeams kiss the streams, And twilight shadows soft and light, Kiss the vale of dreams. The winds, the waters, trees and flowers Are kissing all the day, And little children kiss each other In their gleeful play. H'en earth and aky do meet to kiss, Thro' a mist of rainbow dew, | In kissing there can be no nary When love and hearts are true. a Ie GANANOQUE TIDINGS, What is Trauspiring in the River Town. Gananogue, Dee. 12. Cambria Lodge No. 134, BOERS, selected these of- ficers:-- Past 'resideat, James Weaver; WP, A T lash; VP, Joseph Mun den; chaplain, William Richards; trea tary, E. F. H. Leech; tyerrard; 2nd, Joseph' Wadsworth; 3rd John Applian; 4th, Thomas Pratt; Sth, Witham Ford; 6th, J. Windmill; 1. guard, Stanley Jones; 0. guard, 1. H. tobertson; trust A. E. Meggs, William Reyworth, W. F. Stevens; au- ditors, W. W, John Munden. The "No Seven" held a meeting at the offices of the Spring and Axle com- pany last evening to talk over hockey matters for this season. The string of 5. C, sent from Glenholme farm to the big midwinter poultry show at Guelph, the largest in the dominion, off the following prizes:--Ist and 3rd 6th on cockerel, 7th and Yih on let, Harold McUarnev, sop of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCarney, of the Provineial hotel, was taken Lo the Hotel Deu, Kingston Tuesday evening, for an op- eration. Miss NB. A. Uross, returned from a short visit with friends in the township. Miss A. A Howson entertained a number of he iriends last evening at a farewell for Miss Hobertsom, teacher of the King street school, who 1s leaving atl the close of the term, I'he work of roofing the extension to the 1. ¥. Johes company's shovel shop at 'the upper dam has been com- pleted, pul North street, has MUST BE SETTLED SOON. Ask Board to Take Over Separate Schools, Winnipeg, Man., Dec. ragular meeting of the School Board a delegation headed by De. J, ¥ MceKenty, representing the Roman Ca- tholic ratepayers of this city, sented a petition praying the city to take over eight Roman Catholic pri- vate schools and to employ pualified teachers, under the require nents of the public school act, and to operate them under the act. 12. At the pre duly 1 ein x ADMITS POISONING BOARDER. Lansing, Mich., Police, Search for Further Victims. . Lansing, Mich.,, Dec. 12.---The legad confession in jail here of Mrs. Mary Lucas, a former Fort Scott, Meb., attorney, that she buarder, Mrs. Pauline Fingel, with poison MAST Frroay nigat, cause. the afficer to maks a hasty but ex- tensive investigation in the Lucas home for possible evidence in con- nection with the disappearance of a Lansing contractor. A quantity oi quicklime was discovered under- neath the celiar. "Uruguay Aids Women. Uruguay, which had the distinction of being the first country to appoint a woman to its diplomatic service, has just provided for the instryction of women telegraphers for eater: ment service, The officials are gaid to have been instructed to employ women when possible in all branches of government work. Servia Fortifies Durazze. Rome, Dec. 12.---Servian troops have began fortifying Durazze, the Albanian port recently occupied, ac- cording to a despatch received here from Antivari, Montenegro. This in- dicates that Servia intends to hold the port permanentiy, in direct de- fiance of the demands of Austria, Get him a Gillette at Best's. The man who treats you often to the harmful beverage does not treat you decently. "The Uniy ure, for Piles" Writes Mr. Taylor in Tolling Hie Experience With Dr. Chase's Ointment. Because Dr. Chase's Ointment sripgs almost Immediate relief from the @geadful ehing burning, sting- tions of piles, it is well worth the attention of everyone suffering Tay y .. writes : "To ail sufferers from stiles in any form I would recommenc g age while in Boston 1 r a year yent' to a 'doctor, whe 1 went' to expe. ne 3 5 i 5 § surer, John Hubbard; recording secre-} Ist. guide, i Woods, - George "Parry, | w . | White Leghorns | al-| killed her | Chase's Olntment as the only cure. | rroFEsson MAKES DONATION ! TO GYMNASIUM FUND. <> . [hoses Wrestlers, Fencers, Hockey~ ists and Basketball Players All at With Ald be Classes Crutches. at | i A meeting was held, last evening, in the new arts building, for the purpose { of organizing a Mathematical Club. 'The hockey squad put in an hour's harrier work yesterday afternoon ! There was a fine turn-out and with a few more such workouts the bovs will be rounded into excelient eondition by | the opening of the hockey season. One of the professors has made nagivm fund. Secretary Dawson hopes om cock, Ist and 4th on hen, Hth and that the students will follow the suit | bed. who hay of the professional staff, of been most. liberal in their sipport this worthy objeet. The Basketball Club had an excel lent practice in the gymnasium from 4 to 3 p.m. yesterday. Those on the | floor included : Meek, Pound, Jem mett, Watts, Erskine, Truesdale, Sliter, Buchanan, Barrett and othe: stars, E. W. Boak acted as umpire and Prof. 1. Maleolm coached the boys from the sideline. An excellent hour's work was put in, and it was demonstrated to those present that {Queen's will certainly be strosg com {tenders for the championship this ! year. > | ---- The schedule for the Arts Baskstball (league has been drawn up and th first game will take place Thursday af | ternoon, between years "13 and '16. The boxers, wrestlers and fencers oc jcupied the floor of the gymmasiom from five to six o'clock yesterday al i ternoon. There was a goodly attend lance and Physical Direetor Bews gavi {the boys an exeellent workout, Much I material is being developed. Th heavyweight boxers include "Fd." Fl |liott. ROBE, Wilkinson and Melnnes all embryo "Jack" Johnstons in the {pugilistic science. The lightweight are numerous and promising. Up wards of twenty-five wrestlers were on the mat--men contending in every class. "Billy" Gatvooh and many other of last year's enthusiasts in the wrestling game, are unearthing ar {abundance of new material. Coming to the fencers, Queen's is again fortu- inate in possessing, this year, the fam tous trio, A. D. Carmichael, "Jim" Mec Kay and "Jack" Carmichael. These {form the nucleus of the university's {hope for 1913, and she need have nc (cause for worry in this field of ath | letics. Altogether the prospects for | Queen's agam winning the indoor ath |letic championship are exceedingly bright. t Ollie -Alyen, science "13, the cham pion middleweight wrestler some year: 'ago, was a welcome visitor at Queen': | this week. He returned, Tuesday, t« i his home in Trenton, where he hold: a responsible position. The many friends of Guy McFarlane will be glad to hear that he has se {far recovered from the injury received lim the arte-science rugby game, that {he is able to attend classes one 'more, His ankle, however, is not yet completely mended, and he finds it ne- cessary to move about on crutches. i in Where Living Is Cheap. For cheapness and splendid cooker: | Luxembourg cannot be surpassed. Th Luxembourg girls are advertised for {in Paris. "It was a wet day," said the man over the luncheon table, "and 1 wanted a glase of beer and a {sandwich, when I got into the small inn; io. Pve forgotten the pamo of the place. But the landlady said +I must 'have a real meal. In twenty minutes she had produced a course soup, fish, a chicken, an omelet. And when the half hottle of wine and two |eigars were to be paid for the land { 'andy asked half a crown for the bext funcheon T have ever eaten." Tuxem ithourg is one of the few cheap coun tries remaining in Europe which gre (serve independence. The man who | dropped off the train at the right sta {tion was a sportsman. He wanted t | fish and shoot, both of Which amuse {ments ars rathet otpemsive in Eng [Yand. Well, we fished for trout smd cot seventy-two of them in three [Have und paid the ordinsey fee of 2: 6d for the right of s year's fishing Moreover, he wanted a bit of 'shoot |ing, which is rather dear in England | You ean got voir shooting in Tux Lombonre for 68 a year.--London Chronicles "Doesn't Swore, Not My Son." "uv grandfather shored, my lathe: snored, my mother smored. and I hav. always snored. Edward never snores Us is no son of mine." | These fow lines in the will of Ed {ward Avthur Bentinck Monckton, Be "son Hetherington, have (hrown a hug: {estate into the probate court of Eng {land and question the legitimacy of the succeeding heir. | The late Baron's nephew claims sue {cession to the estate under the will {and will 'also lay claim to the peer 'age. The man who for vears 'has heen accepted as the lawful son of the old ford has offered a caveat, alleging that the will is prima faci proof of his father's insanity. The case is atfracting national im terest.--New York Tribune. Practical Economy. Buffalo Express. "I do not see that you are Prac- tising economy by buying a $15 'handbag for your wife." i "It's interior is complex that Ine Practice--Guy McFarlane Able to| from here attended the funeral of of | Mr. O'Hara at Camden a carried | very substantial donation to the gym- {a slight stroke of fOr | season's work, which will now have VILLAGE OF NEWBURGH. ] ! Weeks. { Newburgh, Dec i and public schools are both practis-| {ing for their eniertainments. The | { Scouts have begnn work for the {winter and are holding forth in the | wi {bank building. Quite a number oo THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S Streets in. Darkness for. Same} on the East { Sunday. The. people have { promise of a rink this winter, and preparations are now © under way The time-table on the CN.R. has! i recently been changed again and fs { somewhat in the mapper it was be- | fore. The Seymour Power company {men are at work in the private { houvses in the village. The people would like to "see wore" light on the streets which have been in total darkness for some weeks. Miss M, A. Jackson shffered paralys's {week and is still confined to Mrs. Clute has returned from last her from time Kingston after spending some [ under treatment for her eves. Mrs. (Rev.) J. Gandier left a few days ago for Toronto to spend the winter, Mr. and Mrs, George Thompson have disposed of much of their property, and Mr. Thomp- son left for Edmonton, Alta., wharo he expects to open up a merchant. fle business. Mrs. Thompson ex- pects to spend some time in treal. Mon- {week and made & very handsome { presentation to her. They will both be sorely missed. Mr. Swarts and family have taken possession of the dwelling lately vacated by Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson. Nr Younge visited the "burg last week. SETTLED OUT OF COURT. Weir and Mother-in-Law Settle Bill, Toronto, Dec, 12.--~-After only twe witnesses had been heard in the suit of Hon. Justice Weir of Quebec against his mother-in-law, M=s. Eliz- abeth E. Stewart, in connection with $6,000 bill for board and living ex- penses which he maintained she owed nim, the litigants held a private conference out of court, and at the end of two hours' discussion arrivea at an amicable settlement of their differences. The exact terms arrived at were not disclosed. Bréad-and-Butier Studies. The complaint that colleges are moving too rapidly away from the old learning is one frequently heard in our day. Many people have at« tributed this drift to the faet that undergraduates are permitted to map out their own courses of study, and to do this under the influence of a delusion that only the so-called "'pragtical" subjects are apt té prove Justice Some of her Jriends Sf] Methodist congregation last | ; Weather Probabilities : Teroute, Owl, "Dee, Ottawa Valley resce---Sirong worth-west awd colde,. ¥y temperature ls the morning. 2th, 10 same Upper St. Law. winds; fair and Friday, fine, with sere LJ - . CIS ER WEA IST) CRE) Ea) CSE D0 YOUR KNMAS SHOPPING " At the Christmas Store" And save money while youn spend it in saving "Steacy's discount stamps." ; 37%e, 4dc, 50c up te whim of fashion. Handkerchiefs. A bewildering assortment of beautiful quality Handkerchiefs for gift giving--some very dainty ones at 12{¢,15¢,20¢; 22}¢, and 25¢ and extra quality fine linen embroidered at 3e, $3.00 each--See our hand-embroidered Maderia work--the latest "Chic" Neckwear. A wonderful collection gift to be had at 50¢c to $2. of novelties for Xmas giving--Our dainty net lace collars with jabot attached at 25¢, 40c, and 50c are real value while our "Robespierre" Medici, in Black and White effects and Fancy collars with pretty touches of color on White and Paris background --are the smartestand daint- iest we have ever been privileged to show-- On 20 " Shop now "--at STEACY'S DL CONIA CO ARN CO > Ll bl TO >" A] 0 ny service to them in after life. Hence the classes in accounting, or in industrial 'chemistry, or in politi cal science are large enough to tax the capacity of collegd lecture rooms, while professors of Greek or Sanskrit discourse to half-empty benches on the beauties of the Odessey and the aphorisms of the Rig-Veda. But the experience of the univer- sity extension courses which have been offered in Boston during the last three or four years seems to prove that the superior magnetism of the so-called bread-and-butter studies is just as pronounced in the outer world as it is within the college gates.----Boston Herald. A Missing Odor, The Church Times A good illustration of the wit of Bishop Welldon, the popular dean of Manchester, is afforaed by the fol- Towing story: At a luncheon given by the lord Mayor of Manchester, the dean sat next to Sir Herbert Tree. 5 | "Well, Mr. Tree. what have you! been doing to-day." he asked. "I went for a long motor ride this morning and Jost a bet," replied the famous actor. "Indeed!" said the dean. "And may I ask what the bet was?" "1 made a bet that we would pass through four wundred différent odors, and we only encountered three humdred and ninety-nine ™ "Ah! replied Bishop Waelldon promptly. "You missed the odor of sanctity." Sure Signs, H you forget to hard the waiter a little promething it is a Sure sign that you are going to heave a Mitis soup down the back of your neck the next time yon call, H you see a man pawing srouni with his front hoot like a hoss, try ing to find something to put it on it is a s'gn that he often dallies In front of the polished mahogany If your wife beging early in the morning to pay you compliments and forgets to hand 'yoy one for get ting home late at night, it is a sign that she 's going to have a new bay or a sealskin coat. If you see a particular friend of yours sailing along your direction in a néw aulomobile; it Iga sure sigh that he is not goingdfo ask you to jump in and have a ride. Barge's Boflers Leaky. Brockville, Dee. 12.--Pive miles 3 . A CHRISTMAS GIFT Fine China Dinner Set com. plete 98 pieces---regular price $20.00. Fine China, For a few days only ' Special at $12.00 Don't fail to see this snap. ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Rich Cut Glass Do G PERRIN'S and LOOK for the Trade-Mark. Perrin's Gloves are famed for their Style, Fit and Finish. Gloves that are NOT stamped with either the trade-mark or the name "Perrin's Make" are not the genuine." not be misled-- ASK FOR LOVES yivaz J out of Erie, Pa., on her way to this town, the bollérs of steam barge Senator Derbyshire, twned by An- toine Wendling of this town, were found to be lemking badly and it was deamned wise to abandon - the trip and put the craft into winter quarters there; whére the necessary repairs will be made before the opening of Davigation next season. The Derbyshire had on board a cargo of soft coal' for the local light and power department to' wind up the 10 De transterred ana snipped rail, ; Women's Juliet boots $1.35; ohil- dre@'s boots Ean sare. y a scold product of an uRAPPT! Sn Ons "SOMO QUNINE." ae 3 Laative Bromo Cares a One Day, Grip In 2 Day» 3 on box. 25 VOY Cw Or. de Van's Female Pills reliable Fi h lator; faile. The EB yaa ol he jmtattone ae Vane are oid 8 Er BA doi With nut centres, 30 ets. per Ib. a A. J.REES 166 Princess St, Phone 56 Christinns cameras can be much more sati ly at 8B than elsewhere. Years of ex makes the pr explanation ss 0 taking and making pictures easy. All makes of cameras and kodaks sold, and special inducements held out which cannot be given by other deal orn. Cameras from $1.50 and up, and all are guaranteed. ; THE "BEST" DRUG STORE. -