_ Another Leading Novel, THE HOLLOW OF HER HAND GRORGE BARI MeCUTUHEON, Author of "Granstark,' ete. With Fall Page Illustrations, in Color, by KELLER. Instantly, from the start, from the first situation, tense, dramatic, unique and powerful, you realize that this is away head and shoulders above the average novel; and as you. go wm, the first prediction is more than justified. "The Hollow of Her and" does not flatten out, does not pall, does not hang fire; on the contrary, the first striking situation is developed with master- ly handling of plot, suspense surprise, clear through to the end of the story, Now Ready. Price $1.25 UGLOW"S 141 PRINCESS STREET Merchant Tailor A adhesion Sit or Overc oat can always upon for mervice. We have a large assortment of Suit- ings and Overcoat Cloths which we can make up at a very reasonable price. We also have the House of Hobberlin sam- ples to well from: Prices for Suit or Overcoat from $18 up. THOS. LAMBERT, 175 Princess St. E. BLAKE THOMPSON, Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance : -- Agent for-- Union Assurance Soc'y & Liverpool-Manitoba Assurance (oy. OVER NORTHERN OROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, "Phone 306. Mahood's Drug Store The latest French Perfume, "Sous Bois" $1.00 oz. The daintiest Toilet Water, "Trane ArBUTUS," 4 .. oz. bottle, only 50c. be depended | | | Perfumes, nicely boxed for Christmas, 25c and up. Fountain Pens in Holly Boxes. Our $1.50 Pen is fully guaranteed. k Christmas Presents are always ap- 'preciated. Brownies . . cv. $1.00 and up. Wodaks _.. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CHOCOLATES 5 1b. assorted box, $1.25 SR CHOCOLATES 80c quality for 25¢. Ib 3 The Rexall swore Mansell, Hunt Catty & Co. Famous English Crackers variety in Kingston, containing Hats, Caps, Musical Toys, ete, 12 in box, 16¢, 20¢, 26¢, 30c, Tbe, $1, $1.60 box. a Toni Smith's Stockings Stockings at $c, 10c, 20c. 35¢, 76¢c, $1, $1.25, $2 and $3 each. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street a SE | Buy. Them Now Christmas Presents dase a : Men's Sli rs in fancy feet BN ""73c - $100 - $125 Men' Leather Slippers from $100 © $200 'Ladie, Felt Slippers in red, brown 25 5 $1.50 "or Black, $1 'Ladies' Cosy Slippers 78¢ & $1 Children's Slippers from §18¢ up /l Mrs. d X 2 EVENTS AT CHURCHES TEAS AND SALES AT ST. LUKE'S AND CHALMERS ~ On Wednesday ~ Afternoon--Both Were Weil Patronized--A Cob- cert Was Given at St. Luke's in the Evening The ladies' church and the ladies of Si. Agnes' Guild jointly held a successful tea and sale on Wednesday afternoon and evening. The proceeds amounted to about $150, : Mrs. J. Saunders, president Ladies' Guild, received at the door, assisted by Mrs. R. Reynolds. The tables were very prettily arranged and stocked with all kinds of bar- gains. Over the tea fable presided Mrs. J. Simpson and Mrs. J. Cammon, assisted by Mrs. H. Lyons and the Misses N. Serivens, E. Lucas and R. Compton. St. Agnes Guild fancy table was under the charge of Mra. James Schofield, Mrs. W. Carroll and the Misses N. Scrivens, E. Lucas, V. Hartman and Elva Pack. The home-made table was in care of Mrs. Serivens and Mrs. Con- nors. Those at the Fish Pond were Miss Lottie Mo"ammon and Miss Mellisa Goff. A table was also provided . and cared for by members of the Sunday school. This table was in charge of the Misses FE. McDonald, Thelma Car- roll, Ruth Lyons, Flora Lyons, May Perris, Lila McCammon and Marjorie | Watts. In charge of the fano; work liable were Mrs. J. Caldback and J. Birmingham and at the ap- iron table were Mrs. J. Marsh and { Mrs. E. Chalkley | In the evening a splendid concert | was given with the assistance of | the 14th band and a ig of the | vo ple of the church. Severa EE played by the band were greatly enjoyed. Songs were sung {by Miss C. Forneri, Miss R. Comp- ton, Mr. Pardo, Mr. Saunders and Bandmaster Webb. A duet sung by the Misses Johnston varied the pro- Rr ramatic '#ketch, which addec greatly to the entertainment of the evening and was warmly received, was put on by the young people o the church, The piece was ontitled "A Noble Man ih Disguise." The parts were taken by the following Mr. Kershaw, James Saunders; Mrs Kershaw, Miss Fannie Johnston; Jwila Kershaw, Miss Gladys Cald: pack; Dick Kershaw, Miss Daisy Johnston: Aunt Polly Grimes, Mis: Edith Bermingham; Mr. FitzBoodle Alfred Compton; Mr. De Smith, No- ble Sharp; the policeman, Nicholas Timmerman. of the An Event at Chalmers. On Wednesday afternoon the Sun- day school hall of Chalmers church was the scene of a tea and sale by the young women's society of the church. | Miss Macdonnell was in charge of the tea table, Miss E. Richmond was convener of the home-made table, assisted by the Misses A. Matthews, 4. ang eee dater and © M. Fenwick. Those who atjended at the display of fancy work wige Miss M. Ross, con- vener, Mrs. E. H. Yous and the Misses Bellhouse and H. Driver. The affair was well attended and a neat sum was realized. | | THE CHRISTMAS WHIG. The annual Christmas number of the Whig will be issued on Saturday, Decem- ber 14th, and will be supe- rior to anything hitherto published by the Whig. The illustrated section will consist of 32 pages, printed on fine coated paper. There will be several colored engravings, and a large number of new . views of Kingston and vicinity. Christmas stories, miscella- neous "articles, and' attract- ive advertisements will make up a very excellent number. It is an issue, we are sure, the 'public wiil appreciate and send on to their frieads. The edition will be consid- erably larger than last year, when all copies were sold be- fore six q'clock However, the only way to make sure of extra copies is to order in advance, PPT IPIT RIE 2 4004044004000 000 0 | PEPE PEPPPP PFE P 220244 P P2000 00 Married at West Toronto, The marriage of Miss Evelyn Edith | Thompson, only daughter of Mr. and { Mrs. James Thompson, Manvers Sta- {tion, Ont.,, to William Heward Cooke, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooke, Kingston, Ont., quiet- ly took place in the Victoria Pres- byterian church, West Toromto, 10th. conducted by the Rev. Kerroll. The bride wore a travelling sit of water blue whipeord, a cor sage of roses, and mi furs, pre sented by the groom. Nr. and Mrs. Cooke after the ceremony left for Detroit, and on their return will re side at Manvers Station, Ont. [ies al Is | i ; jt i Ai ok 3:2 : i i i af i bi 7 5% Guild of St. Luke's} Me- | il - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1912. 'CLOSE OF NAVIGATION NEARLY ALL THE VESSELS | HAVE BEEN LAID UP. i I Maviners Are Busy Placing the Boats for the Winter Months-- | All the Slips Filled With Vessels | Good Trade in Grain aud Coal This Season, {i { The marine season at this port is | practically ended. The last cargo ot {grain has been received from Fort | william, nearly ail the coal schoon- jers have been laid up, and mariners {are leaving for their homes for the | winter. The steamer Wanderer, onl {the Cape Vincent routé, and the | Wolfe Islander, running to Gardes! | stand, will now have full away an- {til the weather man sends along the jce and ties up navigation. Just! jaw 'long that will be remains to be seen, Both these vessels keep he line open as long as they can, | The harbor, at the present time, is filled with vessels, all getting! placed into their winter quarters. A half dozen or more were near the' steamer Sowards, damaged by fire on Wednesday morning, and it was in-| deed lucky they escaped. Had there been a windstorm, like that of Tues" day morning, at the fire at Swift's wharf, it would have been a very i ABERNETHY"S | Start Your Xmas Shopping Now. It's none too early to do your Xmas buying. You'll be glad you started early. We are showing a large range of things that make the best gifts. Suit Cases, Travelling Bags, Slippers, Overshoes, Boots, Overgaiters, Leggings, Rubbers, Rubber Boots Make this your Xmas Store. seine -- hea serious matter for the fleet of ves- sels quartered there. The firemen would have had about the toughest proposition they ever had, in Sighting the fire. Nearly all the barges of the Mon- treal - Transportation company bave arrived to go into winter quarters. The barges and tugs have had a very busy time plying between here and Montreal with grain. All the ves- sels of the R. and OU. company have | heen laid up with the exception of F : : {the Wanderer on the Cape route. or generations Sage and Sulphw | The seaggn now closing has been have been used for hair and scalp 'a very busy one, both in the grain | troubles. Almost averyone knows the 'ana cosi-carrying trade. Vessels) Value bi such a combination for keep | nave had all they could do. mg the hair a good even color, for The average person has no idea of|curing dandruff, itching scalp and the work eutailed in the placing o:|falling hair, and for promoting the vessels in winter quarters, and get-! growth of the hair. Years ago the ting them out again in the spring. ionly way to get a Hair Tonic of 'lae vessels have to be given the|this kind was to make it in the best of attention---in fact, they have home, which was troublesome and not to be looked after ail the time, and always satisfactory. Nowadays, al the expenditure in keeping them up most any up-to-date druggist can is great. Every spring it means a|supply his patrons with a ready-to great deal of time and money to get|use product, skillfully prepared in them ready to start out, and as the perfectly equipped laboratories. season is so short, all this makes a| An ideal preparation of this big cut in the earnings of the boat.[is Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur mai From Portsmouth bay down to Remedy, in which Sage and Sulphus Swift's wharf practically everything | are combined with other valuable re has gone into winter quarters, How- | medies for scalp troubles and thin ever, at the yards of the shipbuild- | weak hair that is losing its color or ing company, one vessel is following | coming out. the other imto the dock for repairs, [jor a few and wil be unt the ice ake And |coior gradually ~ coming back, ou ernment steamers. The last of the | coor be el better, the dandrul will Calvin company's fleet, the steamer | g , and m less than a os : th"s time there will be a wonder Simla, came up from Montreal last mont Rima : week. All are laid up. ful difierence_ in" your hair. A i Don't negleet your hair if it is full The steamers R 1pids Prince and | ¢ dandruff, losing its color or com Pierrepont are laid up at Folger's | ; ; fe on ing out. Get a fifty cent bottlsa ot wharf, the steamers Newshoy, Am-| Wvyeth's 8 X : : or "+ | Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur from vom rica and St. Lawrence at Crawford's; : . . the Rem nd- Jessio Bain at- 1 druggist, and see what a few days x ona a Jesu) "mn a 2 | treatment will do for you. All drug foot of Princess street, and the! _. ay . v Thousand Islander -at 'Aanlin's £ igjsts sell it, under guarantee that A i - ot i d on . _ the money will be refunded if the A large number of marmners arere- |, .nedy ix not exactly .as represent. turning home. Among those noticed' d y today are Capt Charles Martin, | «ow g . : 8 Agent, G. W. Mahood. Capt. James Martin, Capt. W. Sugh-' p-- . KINGSTON STREET MARKET. OLD-TIME REMEDY DARKENS THE HAR Gives Color, Lustre to Faded and Gray Hair--Dandruff Quickly Removed, sort After using this remed days vou will notice th rue, Capt. Walter Collins, Capt. Jos- eph Murray, Capt. James Kirkwood and Capt. James Oliver. Capt. Thomas Murphy is holiday- ing at Clayton. Capt. Patrick Sullivan, of the steam- er Prince Rupert, has returned to his home in St. Catharines. " The C. GG. 8S. Scout coiled Swift's on Thursday moming going to Nime-Mile point, and from pound." there down 'to Prescott. The lat- i" jy wever some of the poultry raisers ter place will be her winter auarters. {are getting prices a little in advance Navigation is practically closed on! of this now. kggs sold for 40c. and all the river and the buoys and dykes 45¢. a dozen. " are nearly all picked up by thei (Ome lady on the square, after judg government steamers. ~ This work has | ing the weight of u pair of fowl, ask- been completed in the American chan-| od the price. "One dollar," replied nel. Ithe farmer. '"I'here are ten pounds in The house boat Wenona, owned bv them. If vou think not, 1 will have W. H. Nichols, Brooklyn, N.¥., ia! them weighed." From SOc. to $1 a hing reinodelled at Davis' dry | pair was asked for fowl, and chickens | dock. ¥ ranged from Uc. to We, a pair. Ducks The vacht Morning Star, owned by | Sold for $1.25 and $1.45 a pair. Hon. Clifford Sifton, Ottawa, is also | "Your apples look good this morn- in dry dock undergoing repairs. ing, was addres to a farmer The Davis Dry Dock company is ex- | "How much are they?' "Well, I'm pecting shortly to close a contract for | getting $1 a bushel," he replied. the building of a gasoline motor tug! The other prices were: Potatoes, which will be & part of the winter's | 9c. to $1; cabbage, 50c. a dozen; beets work. ' { carrots and turnips, 2Ve. a peck; par- The ice on Anglin's Bay took for|snips, 25¢. a k; onions, 35¢. and the third time this fall on Wednesday |40c. peck; pumpkins, 1Uc. to 0c. each. night and was still holding at noon Beef sold .at 6c. to Se., front quar- on Thursday. The wind has broken ter. Lamb was bought for 13c. and it up every time it formed. and will | 15¢., and pork for 12 and 13c probably deo #o again before it be- Hay came into town in greater quan- comes solid enough for the winter. tities this week. Up to Thursday there - were forty loads weighed at Place d Had an Arm Broken. Armes. The price was fiom $12.50 to Frederick Paynter, aged twents-|¥14.30 a ton. seven, living at No. 7," Devonshire Terrace, Sydenham street, employe | as 4 machinist, at the Locomotive Works, had his left arm b'oken, as the result of an accident at the works, on Wednesday moraing. Me was removed to the gemeral hos- pital. { There Will be Lots of Turkey for Christmas. "There will be any amount of tur | key for Christrim®,"" declared a local jdealer to the Whig on the market, { Thursday morning. 'We already have { plenty on hand for our customers. The price will range from lic to ISe. a at befora AN AGED MURDERER ~ Enters the Provincial Penitentiary For Life Sentence, Another life prisoner has entercd the provincial penitentiary, in the person of John Bateman of Whit- a i NT ¥, who was brought to the city cn Still No Quorum. Wednesday by the sheriff from that The Property committee was called county. He did not appear to mind to meet on Wednesday afternoon, but hig position very much. It will be only two members turned up, so the, remembered that some time ago the ¢ had to be called off. old man killed his wife and ww faithful two were Aldermens Litton sentenced to be hanged. A petition and Armstrong. It is over six months | was presented fo the minister of since there has been a meeting of this' justice, Hon. C. J. Doherty, why, committee. | after considering the matter, had , (the sentence commuted to MHfe im- Get that Xmas camera at Best's, | prisonment. The murderer is said to and have it properly explained | be eighty years of age, but to loo Some new models just in. at him one would not take him for The world is full of men and wo-| that age. men who are willing and anxious to| Bateman is the oldest prisoner at be purveyors of questionable news Portsmouth, but under the close without money and without price. | confinement it is not _Mkely that ¥ | The Late Daniél McGillicnddy. Daniel MeGillicuddy, editor, who his years will be many, unless "i A Physical Wreck died in Toronto on Wednesday night, is pardoned as was Farquhar Mo. Rae, the aged Lancaster slayer. ortures ops lived with his in King ston.. His father ---- ---------- | | i ii il i i i i i . | makes is possible to select ome that Moir's Chocolates French Cherries 80c a Ib. 640 Nougatines - 50c a Ib. Whipped Cream I.' Oporto : Phone SAKEL Next to O pera House Xmas. Plum Pudding Guaranteed fresh made this year. Tom Smith's stockings all sizes. Tom Smith's Crackers large assortment. [ R. H. TOYE 302 King St. Phone 141 ° _-- > TE KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, Confectioners, Bakers, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- ware, Stationers, Ete. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory: King Street West 'PHONE 888 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. {| yy, ERADICATE HAIR fl will quickly remove SUPERFLUOUS HAIR | Absolutely harmless. Convenient to use. i Price $1.00 postage paid ' Jessop's Pharmacy Napanee, Ont. am Venice Cafe Charlie Yoke, Charlie Wah and Je Wong Place closed for repairs OPENED ON . Monday, December 2nd FANCY ROCKERS IN OAK OR MAHOGANY. § < MANICURE SETS. There is really nothing more aceept- able to a lady as a fine manicure set ~a real one as sold at BEST'S. The wishes ospressed by the fair or will at) once be appropriaté and ac ceptable. Many new designs in ebony, silver apd ivory, m nad coro holo to choose from, a in prices from Te. to 520. Headquarters, THE BEST DRUG STORE. \