PACE TWELVE. Each and: Every 5 Pound Package of Extra Granulated Sugar contains 5 pounds full weight of Canada'sfinest sugar, at its best. Ask your grocer CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO, Limited, Montreal. Think of any soup in the recipe-book -- think of your favourite soup--arrange to have it for dinner to- day and make it better than ever before, like this :-- Prepare your soup in tle ordinary way, and befors you put it in to boil add a packet of " Edwards "either the Brown, Tomato , or White variety. When the sou, is served you'll find it better and thicker and more nourishing ; im short, you'll like your favourite Soup so mug h better that veu'il want to improve every Sou recipe in the/book by adding "A hile Edwards." You can use Edwards' Soup as a basis for prac tical y any soup yon make. Although spl ndid by itself, Edwards' Soup blends so naturally with other so ups that it seems like a part of the original recipe. Get a few packets of Edwards' Soup to-ds ay, DESICCATED 5 ou PS Bdwards' Desiccated Soups are made in three varieties--Brown, Tomato, Sc. per packet. White The Brown variety is a thick, voursshing soup prepared from beef and fresh vegetables, The other two ave purely vegetable soups Lots of dainty new dishes in our new Cook Book. Write for a copy post free, W. G. PATRICK & COMPANY, TORONTO, va, Gh Representatives for the Province of Ontario. want to Toi Pod t Tea, Coffee and SG oe look up any good ror treatise or ask your own doctor. "When you have, you will decide to drink more Cocoa and less Tea and . Huge, of Water: | Rev. W. T. Rogers, of Trenton, selected as ome) Methodist, was fatally injured by between | a street car in Toronto. 'ew York{ Thirty amendments to the Irish ease on | Home Rule Bill fell under the British Commons. 1 tg are visitidg at SWE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WHAY WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. pr bm-- The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--Whas People Are 'Doing and What They Are Saying. Notes from Clarendon. Clarendon, Dec. 11.---M-s. James Campbell is spending a few days in Kingston. Mrs. Jecan Barr has "¢ arned from Miss.ssippi. Joan Grant of New Liskeard is visiting his motaer, John Sampel} of Cala- bogie made a flying visit hom: on Monday. 1. A. Irvine of Kingston is here on business. A. White has moved into his new house here. Tamworth Tidings, Tamworth, Dec. 11.--Joha Floyd, one of Tamworth's oldest residents, died on Saturday last. The funeral took place from the Methodist church on Tuesday. Mr. Floyd was a resi dent of Tamworth for fifty-three VeRrs. He came _to Tamworth in 1533. He was seventy-nine years of age. Two sons, John, of Mattawa, and Daniel, at home, survive. J. A. Floyd, of Mattawa, was in attend ance at his father's funeral. William Lemmon and wife, William Huff and wife, and Charles Stover, all of Ernesttown, were in town on Thars- day last. Miss C. B. Corran is now selling winter millinery. Elias iMec- Kim, Camden Fast, was in town. on Waodnesday. Edward McPhee, Napa- nee, visited Tamworth last week. Lawrence, Wolfe Island, St. Lawrence, Dec. 9.-No service was held in the Methadist' church, Sunday, on account of bad roads, Rev. Mr. Stewart not being able to get down: The telephone line through this section is still out of order. Miss Lena Bolton, Marysville, return- od home Thursday, after a week's visit at William Gillespie's Miss Katie Wiltshire is spending a few days at George Ranous' Samuel R. Woodman, jr., spent Momday at' James O'Brien's Miss Sylvia Woodman returned home Thursday from Cape Vincent, where she been spending a few days H. Day and 'family returned Thursday, after spending the werk with 1H. O. Day. John i. McDonald lost a valuable this week. St. colt ve Centreville. Dec. 11.--The At Centreville, and everything was frozen solid Monday moraing Gettting in the! winter fuel is the order of the day. Miss Bianche Milligan and Stan- ley McKeown, Croydon were qulet- | ly married at Grace church par- sonage Napanee, on 27th in the town hall Ira Thomp- store to moved to Rob- continue in the Alfred Mil- ings will be held here, on Dec. 12th. eon, having sold George Wilson has lin and will still game busipess there ligan, Lake Road, is pressing hay in this viciréty and the clover dressers are aiso doing a rushing business here at present. The clover is turning out better than was anticipated Vernon Paul home from the west The kitchen shower at J. Manion's, Seeley, was well attended. Wm. Ftizgerald is working on the railroad at Robl'n School will soon be closed for the fall term. Jesse Card Enterprise is visiting at Wes. Kelley's The oyster supper on Fiiday night, was well attended. . Miss Mary Fitz. martyn visited at Jas. Dewey's over Sunday. his Lansdowne Locals, Lansdowne, Dec. 10, -~ The Lansdowne Rural Telephone com pany has bought a lot from 8. C E. Dixon and is erecting an office and dwelling combined, which wil prove more convenient for the man- ager. Aaron Sherman has complet- ed the new schoolhouse and #t will be formally opened for the new year it will be a credit to the section being fitted with all conveniences, the cost being about $10,000. The new shed in the rear of the village hall is now completed. Prof. W. A Brown of the Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa, gave a very inter esting address in the village hall Friday night on the production and marketing of poultry and eggs George Randall, chisf engineer on the government dredge. has rented the residence of W. O. Bell, and will reside here during the winter. W. J. Turner is seriously ill at his home. Mr. Whaley of the Merchants' bank has been notified to report at Napa- nee at once. Arthur McCready, who nas™been very ill for some time, is very little improved. Mrs. William Dixon, Rockport, spent a Tew days with Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Dixon last week. Arthur McNeil, v of Kinmount, has moved here. a St. Lawrente! Wolfe Island. St. Lawrence, Dec. 11.---Mr. and Mrs. George Day, of Vankleek Hill, H. 0. Day's. Mr. and Mrs. Lrank Ellery, of Kingston Mills, spent the past week with Mr, and Bre. Thome' Dign MecDon -- Sylvia with relatives. Cape Vincent, » moved his wile and family to last week. The + in. this vicinity is in operation Mrs. John McDonald and Lome, of Central, spent Mom- th er parents, Mr. and Mre Sames O'Brien returned ding a few days in The remains of Mrs. J. omery were placed in the fam- on Friday. John O'Brien St. Lawrence Cor: Montgomery ily t spent Sunday at ners, N.Y. : Budget from Newhovo. * Newboro, Dec. 10.-The Women's Institute held a meeting on Tuesday. There was a' very large attendance to + has George 3 home } ' fo be re ther- womete;s took a sudden fall Sunday 3 { hare {riordan Addington Farmers' [Institute meet- | ston iM Could Not Digest H His Food, Suffered For Years Fi From indiges«/ tion Until Cured by Dr. Chaseis Kidney-Liver Pills. Mr. J. D Barrett. If you suffer from chronic indiges tion, forget about the stomach and pay attention to the condition of th liver and bowels. Ten to one thal is where the real trguble hes + The liver gets sluggish and fails - t 'filter the bile from the blood, the bowels become constipated nd the whole digestive system is upset As to cure, you cannct do better than to read of Barrett' experience with Dr. © Kidney Liver Pills There is no treatment go prompt and thoroughly effective Mr. J. D. 8. Barrett, Nelson, B. C and formerly of Twillingate, Nfld, writes: -- For several years | was great sufferer from indigestion least bit of food caused me consid able trouble.and often 1 itd cely eat a meal a day The remedies 1 tried proved futi'e until it 1906 I began the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and after using about eight boxes 1 was comp'etely cured Since that time T have not been troubled with indigestion, which I consider a great hlessing.' Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one jp a dose, 25 cents a box, all dealers wr Edmanson Bates & Co. Limited, Toronto Beautiful." A the 8 ag lunch Farm Vi much ( dainty The in the deserve was served at close ' Institute was held toria Hall Mr. Bass in making the meeting a Cunningham and Mis McCarthy were in West svening. Mrs. Chip of Crosby, gpent Sunday with mother, Mrz. J Ih Richards King friends Mr. and Mrs the guests of Mr. and Mrs Chamberlain and attended the funeral of Miller, of Chantry, Mrs. T. Cannon is ill Mr I. Freeman, of Phillipsweille, Sunday J. Nolton hour this morning home for the credit cass Miss Mary and D. port on Tuesday man her Fleming 1% Visiting Carkey Brady rood the late on Friday and Mrs visited died at R. Ri holidays. Mes ver-- ill at the home of Mrs. A. Ackland Mrs Graham is visiting ue dauch ter at Brockville. Mrs. T. P. Kelly who has been visiting her mother-in law at Ernescliffe, loft on for her home at Mo Mich J. Moriarity this morning Mis of Cleveland, is visiting Mrs. A. Hart. A attended the concert the 9rd. A number whooping cough Brockville re Mr son son, at early chards 1s Sushfield her dauchter, J. F. Tuesday Pleasant Quebe Burns, mother, number from her at Westport on of children haw Mrs E. Wilts visitor Thurs 1 left for M. J hey was a on da) One Way to Size Up Farmers. Pittsburgh Dispatch An observing farmer tells the Syl van Grove (Kan. ) News that the fol lowing rules may be. regarded as tol farm and see a- large barn and a farm and sce a large barn and a small house vou may know that the is but when you see a fine small barn you may un the woman has things her own and when there is a good barn and nice house you ma take it for granted 4he woman and man are equals and work together in man hoss; and a that way; house derstand harmony " A Chicago Girl 1 Club, Boston Globe Chicago has just club of girls who pledge to marry no man whose fees that $5000 a year The next number on the programme, ladies and gentlemen, will be an attempt to dam the Mississippi with daisies. seem organized a themselves neome 8 Not Particular. Exchange. "What sort of a=tablet shall we erect over your grave when vou are gone ?" they asked the man who Bad long suffered. A Well" said the cheerful vietim of to trouble, "1 think a dyspep- sia tablet. would be as appropriate as any. {SE en All Evidence of Impure Blood and a RumDown Condition. When the blood becomes thin, poor, devitalized nature cries out through such external and often. painful evi dence for and the safest, surest tand most hen remedy we know is { Vinol. ki This is because it is a combination of the two most world famed tonics the medicinal ¢urative elements of cod liver oil (without the oil) and tomic iron for the blood. Vinol strengthens the digestive organs, creates a hearty appetite, purities and enriches the blood, creates strength. Mary Lang, of Altoona, Pa.. says "Ever since childhood, | have been delicate, and my blood poor, thin, and devitalized. Nothing eeemed to help me until I took Yinol and it has built me up and made me strong.' We say positively thers" is nothing like Vinol to rify asd carich the blood and build up weak, run-down people. "If it should fail in your caw wo will returs your méney. Mahood's hear Mre. Watts, who spoke on "How i Ont, ! New FRIDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1912, l) GIRL PLEADS FOR HUSBAND'S MURDERER 'After Visiting Sing Sing She Asks Governor Dix to Pardon Stayer. York, dee a show and a model, sent a letter to Governor { Dix, asking him to pardon William | Jones otherwise known as Scottty | who is serving a term of not {than twenty years in Siag Sing {the murder of Miss Grant's iband, William Lysaght, on ith, 1911. > The request for a parden Miss Grant says, was the outcome of a motor trip to Ossining two months LAEO. The party, which included Miss Grant went through the prison and the widow of the murdered man had an opportunity to see what not less than twenty years or more than life imprisonment really means. She did not see Jones at the prison, but thought of him in the prison and a ever since the motor trip she has thought of him in the prison and a few days ago decided to do what she could to free him. She does nog know the prisoner and never saw him, and so far as she knows Jones never knew the man he kil- ed had a wife, The reason why the young woman was so mich affected by the thought of Jones serving so long a prison term is that she says she knows that her husband was a man of violent temper and that he carried a re- volver. The killing was the resalt of a saloon quarrel and Miss Grant believes that if she had come for- ward and told on the witness stand what she knew of her husband's habits and (temper it would have put the caseNyp the jury in a differ- ent light, i Miss Kitty Grant, less hus- March Law and Logic. Times Lockwood, an of whose wit many are told, sometimes got hit himself He was defending a man at VY» who was accused of stealing -'heasts " they call them there "Now, my man," said Lockwood "you say that you saw thus and 80; how far cag you a beast to know it?" "Just as far off as 1 am from you,' promptly returned the witness In another case a thief both wit and some logic He had been convicted of ste a horse. "Yours is a very offense sald Lockwood "fifty years ago it was matter." "Well "and fifty a crime New ork Frank counsel English stor es see showed ling serious sternly: a hanging replied the years hence it all." A Real Edmonton Bulletin He clerk y real estaie and evervthing prisoner mavn't be at Pusher, y Wis a new m a Calgary he office, W As ould h The social sing. He Sweet Home little surprised he was heartily forward, he like the song 'Home that is selling hit nw e interests his employers other » was at a asked to Home, wer but Stepping am glad nothing and let represent evening ring, and responded His at the wpplav said 1 There is Home, company | terms gathe was with friends election, Sweet like me the homes say on to sult within twelve minutes' ride of the eity Evervbody ought to have a home. If you don't want to live the chance of your life for at ment A there, it' RD Inve Contagious Hysteria. London Chronicle before the fall of tain at the end of the opera Juan" at the Opera Comique Paris a spectator in the stalls off his seat The humor incident so tickled ; one principal actresses on that she went into peals ter Her example was ous that one by one each jingers. pegan to laugh Jn until all were incapable mirth Then the audience to laugh, too, with the result that the curtain had to be lowered be fore the end of the opera had beer reached +h ry qe our Dor Just of of the of £0 wi bega The Uncertainties of Life. London Sketch, A story. is going the rounds that Mr. Lloyd George being cornered the other day by a solemn philoso- pher who was determined to dis. cuss the Uncertainties of Life 1 aged to escape by a story which temporarily floorea the philosopher "Yes," said the chancellor full of uncertainties. I mind a military friend who laugh at a timid little woman cause she was alarmed at the noise of a cannon when a_ salute was fired. He subsequently married that timid woman and six months afterwards he took off his boots in the hail when he came in late at night." "Kife is have n used to be- Identified. Harper's Bazaar, The teacher was addressing pils on the subject of laziness idleness. With due solemnity, fitted tne wcdasion, he drew a tex rible picture of the habitual loafer the man who dislikey to work and who begs for all he gets. "Now, John," said the teacher to a little boy who had been very inattentive during the his pu and as be John was instantly on the alert "Tell me" continued the teacher, "who ix the miserable mdividual who gets clothes, food and lodging and yet does nothing in return ?"' John's face brightened. sir," sald he, "the baby." His Mother's Crime. I. ondon Chronicle A guild of godparents {ren from incongruous names is sugested The late Canon Par wiv, author of a book on English names, (old the story of what probably the most idiot betowed upoh ao unfortunate iniant "Please, to save child being was Rie oN Quality Tells! The emphatic demand of the public is for "SALADA" Tea and "Salada" Only. Black, Mixed or Sealed Packets Only Uncolored Green | Refuse Substitutes FREE Samples Mailed on Enquiry. Address: '"SALADA." Toronta. Persistent Coughing _ not only annoys others and exhausts irritation and effort does real harm to lungs and heart --often lasting injury . Wilson's Invalides' Port Wine all heals the fevered membrane, because it reaches the essential cause of c« nutritition and lack of constity Dr. J. Duntield | have 3 of rare quality the avs the ional vig any other medicine "BEAVER FLOUR" makes ideal bread and pastry, becanse ftisa perfect blend of Manitoba Spring wheat and Ontario Fall wheat. You don't need to keep two kinds of flour for bread and pa Beaver Flour makes doth--a pure, white, n light loaf that 'stands up" in the oven, and pastry that is crisp and appetizing. It is more economical than other flours, end appeals to all thinking women. Order it to-day from your grocer, DEALERS. Write for prices on all Peeds, : Coarse Cralus and Cereals astry. THEY. TAYLOR C0. LSHTED, CHATHAM. Set A wormn had her son baptised What, for no other reason than to smusesnent in future vears, when, ng asked his name, be should weply 3} "What.™ Sh BNE be "LITTLE DARLING" "LITTLE DAISY" HOSIERY FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREM The Finest Money can Buy Admitted to be the finest hosiery that motcy buy for the young folks. They are made of softest, daintiest Australian Lamb's Wool, and sold them in all sizes for children. The colors are the prettiest--Cardinal, a very ditractive Sky Blue, Black, Cream, the daintiest shade of Pink yon ever saw---and all obtaihed with fast sanitary dyes THE CHIPMAN HOLTON KNITTING CO. Hamilton, Ont. Limited Mills at Hamilton and Welland can th are A INSISY DN TR SUS... Mans TOE TERT / @fcisreais