Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1912, p. 2

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my TWO. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1012. CHRISTMAS ame ! ite ww - _-- _ y ' _-- aa n ra } ' | derson: special table. Miss Faith} vood thing. The bevefit of absolute | ° 'THE HALLS OF QUEEN Chown; Queen's calendar, Miss Flor-{ unttormity ft a3 "ery +1 . jepce Tait; candy table, Miss R. uonahble. An i neous revelation , : e as ore souvenir table, Miss O, | of all knowigige w take b { Campbell; ; uid away ali BY, Chown; tea table, Misses E. Wright! che mental discovery and M. Hobbs. {God's object, revealing the -- {whole truth to man, was fo briog y apt Convocation Hail . on' Saiurday {uo existence an order which would The Y.W.C.A. Held a Salé on Satur- night was the scene of the annudlijecoms great througn ita efforts--great day Afternoo Prof. Morrison's 8nd regular meeting of the Alma to overcome By struggle. Addresss--Sermon In Convocation | Mater society, At the annual meeting | fy spiritual life when greater knowl. : . ; . the reports of the retining secretary | doe wag acquired, things would Hall by Principal Smythe, of 4 treasurer were read and adopt-| oe more satisfactory. Anyone Montreal. {ed. The constitution of the society [ine wished to do rood to tise. Grant Hall was the stene of a | Was amended / several PArticulars. | greater heights, most successful college function Sat- i The clause - ed h sequise of aL re iday and generation better, would, by urday from %.30 10 6 p.m., when the; BBIVErsily Crest & ih hea ' hi Pible and reading it care pleasure of BUSINESS TRANSACTED ALMA MATER SOCIETY. Im not Leather Hand Bags Large Shipments Just Received. Only once in a season, and that at the holiday time, 50 as tO secure the latest styles for gift-givers, does such a gorgeous value come in- Toys and Dolls To be told by the most discrim- inating shoppers that our line of Toys and Dolls is the handsomest ever shown in this city is our ex- | perience hundreds of times dally. To those who are net acquainted | QUALITY was the first essential r Hh h i 4 vel 1 al ase with the machine it is & marvel and |; selecting the firm from whom we Radiopticon Orders for these machines using Gas, Electricity or Acetylene should be placed at once to insure delivery 'oltor the holiday. | and to serve his Made from the finest se- lected White Lamb Skins lined with White Felt. Plain - -- - '83 Pocket . - $350 JON McKAY The Fur House GIFTS. Rugs Mats Comforters Mirrors Carpet Sweepers Make Suitable Gifts R McFAUL'S CARPET WAREHOUSE. Thomas Copley Dro Telephone 9 Street . when wantin) anything done in the Carpen- tery li§e. Estimates given on all Kinde of repairs and new work; als Hardwbod Floors of all kinds. AT 8 ers will receive prompt attention hop, 40 Queen Stree THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on It 8 crowing louder as he goes along 4i¢ per pound. For chewing and smoking. ' AR A. MACLEAND, _ Ontarie Street. Queen's Y.W.C.A. held its annual! sale and tea. The members, tilly gowned im white, disposed of pennants, cushions, home-made | dainties, calendars, and candies, to | many buyers, Coffee and refresh | ments were gerved to those present, and the wants of none were neglected. One of the special features of the | afternoon was the Clam Pie booth. | On the payment of a small fee a | person was entitled to explore the interior of the pastry, Here many wonderful discoveries were made, | by thoge who were daring enough | to test the pie. When it drew pear the closing hour P. T. Pilky was called upon | to auction the few commodities that | had not been sold. Thanks to his | stentorian voice and compelling | persuasiveness, he succeeded, with the assitance of J. C. Smith, in dis- | posing of mest of the stock. Dur-, | ing the afternoon an excellen: musi- | cal programme wis provided by the Queen's orchestra, under the leader- ship of Mr. Webb. The guests were received by Miss Mcintosh, presi- dent of the society and Mrs. Prof Laird. The sum of ten cents was collected at the door and altogether some two hundred cuu doaars was ; realized by the sale. The success iof the undertaking is due to the fr'lowing conveners and those who i ably assisted on their committees: general convener, Miss E. Maude Brownlee; banner, Miss Millie Hen- For the convenlence of our cus- tomers our store will be open until 0 o'clock In the evenings until Christmas. CHRISTMAS . IS NEAR Furniture, Carpets. Rugs, Curtains. NO BETTER GIFTS THAN THESE. "hone 90, Open Evenings. "Phone 90, Yours, T. F. HARRISON CO. Latest French Novelties In Personal Greeting Cards and Xmas Station- ery just opened. Order to-day. i THE JACKSON PRESS | Wellington Street 2 ¢ Venice Cafe Hes Been Purchased By i Charlie Yoke, Charlie Wah and le Woag Place closed for repaire i Monday, Decenber 2nd | struck captain, 1 subject, "The Ideals, Social and In: {a place. | purity | of raising the nation to higher ideals. two inches by two i , mince the secretary of] ¢ association had found | imposible to. secure a crest of those drmenXons Jhe siz) W the crest was therefore not speci- fled 'n the amendment. Amn amend- ment was also made, requiring the secretary of each athletic club, and of the dramatic club to present a written report of his club's ac- tivittes of the past vear at the an- nual meeting of the Alma Mater Society. Certain other changes in the constitution were made neces sary because of the changes in the university comstitution. The new officers of the society were then in- stalled, and President Watts and Secretary Sutherland relieved re- tiring Vice President McTavish and Secretary Pilgrim of their duties, the athle After the annual meeting had been adjourned, the regular meet ing of the society was held. The recommendations of the Executive committee were adopted, as foilows: That Prof. J. PF. Macdonald be granted the sum of $15 for auditing the books of the treasurer of the AMS. That the sum of $50 be granted as an honorarium to the retiring secretary and $25 to John Baker janitor of the old Arts Building for the services he render- ad the society during the past year; that the election bills be paid and that a grant of money be made to the Athletic committee to be used | in gecuring suitable souvenirs for! the championship association foot-| ball team and their able manager, P. T. Pilkey; that the Theologi- cal society be granted the use of the Red Room in the new Ants Build®ng for their annual dinner on January 20th. The annual meeting of the Curling Club was then held, und after the se- cretary's report was read, the follow- ing officers werg ejected for the ensu- Honorary president, Prof. preéident, P. T. Pilkey; Simpson; secre- ing vear' L. W. Gill vicespresident, J. M. tary, R. MeConnell. The following committee was ap- pointed to choose a suitable design for a university pin and report to the society : MM. Omond (convenor), .J. Stitt, I. Stevenson, R. Harkness, W. Barrett. The Track Club held its anfiual meeting. The secretary's report was read and the following officers were chosen for the coming season : Honor- ary president, Prof. Hendérson; presi- dent, J. W. D. Farrell; vice-president, H. Lees; secretary, J. KE. Mckay; man- ager, W. Johnson; committee, W. G. Melntyre, L. R. Dodds, FE. 6G. Speers, P. O'Connor, A. W. Troesdale and D. C. Matheson. The Harrier Club 'elected these offi- cers : Honorary president, Prof. J. Matheson; presidént, H. 0, Kerr; vice president, A. J. Wilson; secretary, H. J. Linneker; manager, J, W. D. Farrell; W. J. Johnston; liéutenant, H. Lees; committee, YI. J. Stew- art (arts), M. Speers (science), J. W, Coulter (medicine). A vote of thanks was tendered by the society to Vice-President R. M. MacTavish and the other members of the retiring executive, for the able and conscientious manner in which they | transacted the business of the society during the past year. President E. E. Watts conducted his first meeting in a most able manner. At the next meeting of the society the MeClement cap, 'emblematic of the in- ter-year faculty championship in asso- ciation fpotball at Queen's, will he presented to the winners, medicine 14, Iho team is to he bangueted by its year in the near future. his the Prof. J. L. Morison addressed Bible class, Sunday morning, on telloctual, of a University." He em- phasized the need of peace, and a right proportion of things, in the'col- lege life. The realities of life needed to be taught. First things must be first Dancing, cards and the like were right in their place, but they must not be given too large Social unrealiity was the mood of today. What was needed was a deep earnestnéss to face the great problems and social questions of the ay A man must not live unto himself, but must have a passion for the rights of the people. Political depended largely upon the Polities were badly in need of coll ideabism. The church re quired brains and religious fervor. Canada needed to take the kingdom of God in the right sense. College men could shape the Canada of the future. They must be the leaders in the work students. An clogieat and inspiring sermon was preached, on Sunday by Principal Smythe, of ; Wesieyan College, Montreal, to the students, in Convoration Hall. He took as his fully, learn how to live. Love was the great principle which taught how to serve God and man and how to obtain greater knowledge. Examinations have commenced in medicine and will continue during the forepart of next week. The Aesculapian Society held its régalar meeting on Friday, at which reports of the various committees were recdived. The Dinner committee in timated an expense of seven hundred dollars for the medical dinner, which was ordered to be paid. The Election committee in its report stated the ex- pense to be somewhat less than the other faculties and that three medical candidates had been successful, four in science and only three in the larg est faculty, arts, Dr. Mundell addressed the society on the subject of "Life Insaranm dealing mainly with the side with which a medical man was concerned. A hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered the speaker by the members As the society will probably not meet again until the new year another local doctor will be asked to ad dress the sociely then. Queen Street Young Men's Club. The election of officers of the Young Men's Club of Queén street Methodist Church took place Sun- dey afternoon, and resulted as follows Hon presidents, Mrs Squires, Rev. Mr. Roadhouse. Rev. G. I. Campbell; leader, Robert Meek; president, A. O. Derbyshire; 1st vice pres., Fred Clow; 2nd vice president, George Joyner; secretary Hiram J. Sharman; assistant. sec. retary, William Cockburn; treasur- er, Allan Shea; chief usher, George Joyner; look-out committe, J. A. Philip, R. J. McClelland, J. Ben- nett; Social committee, George Joyner, Frederick Clow, Melville Cook; Athletic committee, Kinnear Reid, Leslie Meek Wedded in Toronto, At the Metropolitan church, Toronto on November 6th, a very quiet wed ding was solemmzed by the Rev. Dr Armstrong. Lhe contracting parties were Miss Flossie Dabeock, Toronto, ormerly of Udessa), and Sergt.-Major Walter Babeock, of Kingston. The happy couple left on the 9.30 train for Kingston where they will reside, the groom having a permanent position there as guard in the Portsmouth peni tentiary. The bride's travelling suit was of navy blue broadcloth with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Babeock are very highly esteemed and have the { best wishes of a host of frends, Fell Off Express Waggon, Stanley Rogers, driver for the Do- minion Express company, had the misfortune to fall off the waggon on Monday morning, on Clarence street. The waggon was very heavily loaded and the driver was standing on the dashboard when by accident he fell off, alighting on the road on his back. Fortunately he escaped serious injury. "Huvler's Christmas sweets,"" one, two, four and five-pound boxes. Gib- son's. Kingston's Famous Fur Stere. For Christmas Nothing is more appre- ciated than Fursfor Christ- | mas. - ot a long Fur | Jacket ? a e it better if t in the bi Fur Store and the hg "George Mills & Co" is | as to Fuss what "sterling" | means on silver. iron mod WATCH OUR WINDOWS! a -------------------------------------- ¥ Police inspected all the ) At pitrol the town, to protect Ritiary, remarked that it was the it for a few minutes in our special demonstrating room. Prices from $3.00 to $30.00. The larger sizes more suitable for church or society work than the most ex- pensive Magic Lanterns. ox we are most pleased to demonstrate | purchased over lines from more tman and Dell Houses. that the goods after We guarantee of other goods at the same prices. OPEN NIGHTS 160-162 Princess St looking 50 Toy the QUALITY of our goods to be more than double firms selling similar to the store. Over 500 Bags in the consign ment from one of the finest manus facturers in the U.S. Every bag is of leather, and nearly all lined. guaranteed are leathor THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Phone 919 up. TE -- EE ---- Headquarters for Xmas Presents A a i NN ~~ The store is crowded with good serviceable articles that will make very desirable presents. Received. to-day a big shipment of dainty Sweater Coats in Ladies', Misses' and Boys' sizes--Ilatest colors in plain and comhination --extra special at $2.00 and Another big shipment Gloves --black, white, tans, browns, greys--all sizes and with guarantee--unbeatable values at §1 00 and $1.25. of genuine French Kid A magnificent array of Ladies' Fancy Collars, Jabots, Belts, Scarfs, Veils, Ltc.--popular priced. ----. Suits, Etc. Pins, Ete., Etc. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Ihe Happened in Kingston and Elsewhere in 1887. There are twenty-five prisoners in the county jail. bakeries in the city and found bread was of first class quality, and weight U.K, in some oases over weight. Napanee, special constables pa promanent Scott Act residents from dynamite and other outrage. Queen street Methodist church con gregation expects to give E500 ° fos massion purposes, this year, Sydenham street church foiks aim at $2,000 Kingston housewife advertised in the Whig for a recipe for "boiled icing fo cakes." I Lads Come to Penitentiary, Un Saturday afternoon Deputy Sher- gif Arthur Jarvie arrived ffom Toron- to with two boys, sentenced to peni- | tentiary for robbery and shooting. {Une is nineteen years of age and the {other fifteen. The latter is the young- est in the big prison at Portsmouth. Deputy Jarvis, when some one re (marked that it was a shame for a lad {like that to be sent to the peniten- { oper place for him. He held that he would not be contaminated in the prison, while he would contaminate others if sent 0 a reformatory. The fifteen-year. old Ind cried like a child on his way down, The Holidays Soon. ; Mri the best week of fun the Jana gives them. % Fall and Winter Importations. Previ.t, Brock street, Bas receiwd fail importations for oss | Handkerchiefs by the thousand--3¢ each and up. mr 'For the children we show a wide range of Toques, in plain and combination colors, also Scarlet Mitts, Sashes, Toques and Stoekings, also Gloves, Mitts, Ties, Belts,- Hosiery, White or Scarlet Overalls, Sleeping A PA NSN For the baby---a big variety of plain and Fancy Bibs, Bootees, Infantees, Veils, Wool Jackets, Fancy NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. THE PEOPLE'S FLORIST E. K. PURDY 109 BROCK STREET, All seasonable stock | on hand at all times. fl Phone in connection | night and day. We Grind Our Owa Lense Chain Guards, Hooks, Hair Pinos and Ear Loops, Two Finger Plece Mountings, Expert Eye Examinations. Lenses of All Kinds. Nose (Tips to Tit any nose. Frames to fit the features are a few of the eye helps offered J. S. Asselstine D. 0. §. 343 King St Phone. 1010, Kingston's Exclusive Optician, Chosen With Care for Christmas Our Diamonds, Necklets, Rings, Watches, Silvér Mani- sure and Toilet Sets, Cuff Links, Leather Goods, aad ail »ur other articles for gift. Ziving are chosen with experi ence and care. We have now an excellent range of vifts for your luspee- don. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, 850 KING STRENY, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. FURS We have a choice assortment of Furs for Christmas Gifts. GOURDIER'S 76-78 Brock Street. A Real Estate Investment, that will net over 10 p. c A suitable frame dwelling on Earl $t, with improve- ments for $1650 I can place loan on first mortgage security at good rate of interest, |E. W. MULLIN Real Estate Broker, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE, COR. JOHNSON & DIVISION $78. Phone 539. Is ready for his Christmas dinner. Fur coat and boots are discarded. He Dress Sult, White Vest snd immacniate linen. In ate linen means tiess laundering OUR LAUNDERING Of course. How sbout your Christmas linen? * Why not follow Santa's good example? A A RR A NA OA A YO HONE

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