DECEMBER 17, 1912 TUESDAY, a Will there be a Victrola in * your home this Christmas? You can search the whole world over and not find another gift that will bring so much pleasure to every member of the family. $20 $32.50 $52 $65 '$100 $135 $200 $250 Any " His Master's Voice' dealer in any town or city in Canada will gladly play any music you wish to hear. BERLINER GRAM-0-PHONE CO, LIMITED, MONTREAL. PAGE ELEVEN. . ee ------ THE SENTIMENT OF THE UNIT. ED STATES SENATE Is in Favor of Final Submission to Arbitration--Much Speculation as to the Vote, J iy / - Washington, Dec. 17.~Whether a ma- jority or two-thirds of the United States Senate would be to order the Panama canal pute with Great Britain submitted to The Hague court of arbitration for adjustment has become a matter of study among members of the senate si the receipt of the British full prof against the toll provision in the recent Canal Act, exempling American coastwise ship- ping. It is the opinion of many sena- tors who were orginally opposed to granting American coasiwise shipping free passage that if thé subject finally reaches the senate only a majority of the votes of that body will be held to be necessary for the adoption of an agreement for arbitration. Bo far as could be learned to-day no plans are under way for an atiempt to repeal the toll provision to which Great Britain has directed its chief profest. Although that Course Was recom of War Stimson in his senators who were st with the fight against August, to-day stated of no contemplated bill or amendment to repeal that portion of the law. A strong sentiment exists in the senate in Boe of a final submission to arbitration of the respective rights of Great Bntain snd the Umited States in the canal. . i sena- tors who endorsed this sentiment, however, expressed the belief to-day FOR SALE BY D. J. DAWSON 244 Princess St. Order a Victrola NOW to be delivered Christmas Eve. It will cost no more. ELE ER I may not be able to fill your order at the Ee FE last moment. de Tn Will be pleased to demonstrate a Victrola in your own home. > fr "Eel EES "Also representing Kiabe, Will, Kan-Mortis, Dominion and Gerhard Hintzman ian and Players. Britam, ratified in 1908, provides that lay matters so that aa arbitration Soi---- Prince Whe Acted as Secretary to Method of Transfusion by disputes between the two countries shall be submitted to arbitration agreement could not come up for the final consideration in phe #pnate 1| London Russian Embassy is Dead. Syringe Saves, Life. Mow a lussian Prince occupying the | Betroit, Dec. 17.~r thomas B Victor- Victrola XI, $135 Mahogsoy or oak. for ratification, many %enators be- lieve an agreement u an exist treaty might be held to require only Kingston Business tldmited) Nighest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-sixth year, Fall term begins August 30th. Courses in Bookkeeping Shorthand, Tele phy, Civil Bervice and Eng- Our graduates the best A Within a time through as agreement made by the president 'with the ad¥ice and con- New after the democratic. administe has come into power. ipportant post of Kirst Secretary at! ('goley and Dr. 1. Walter Vaughan, of the Kussian embassy in London was | (his city, announced to-day the suc sent of the senate. While treaties specitically require a two-thirds vote killed by swallowwng® false teeth wus | cessful transfusion of blood by a ribed in a recent telegram from |gyringe, a new and revolutionary me 'Build better rods than the SWPPP 00000 > "It is not money that Bri- tain wants; what she wants are the hearts, the brains . and the bra of her sub- % jects the wi over. It has been stated--I hope it will @ prove true---that this * generous contribution of * $35,000,000 to the Imperial treasury will create a deep impression in Europe among the great powers. 'hope it is true, but how much ter would be the impr oh instead of this money comtri- bution, the nations of Europe were to see the young daughters of the empire, the young nations scattered over the empire, bullding fleets of their own, to use the language of the resolution of 1509, 'im co-operation with and in close relation to the imperial navy.' "--8ir Wilfrid Laurier, in the Com- mous. - & ge > +» * + + > +> * + * * * + + + > * 4 > * * + + + + * + * + + . ® it Se% " Ut rb RR RRR RR bb bbe ------------------. _ a. SEARCH REVEALS HER IN JAIL. Sceme Between Murdéress and Daughres, . Reading, Pa., Dée. T7.--An affecting scene was witnessed in the cell of Mrs. Kate Edwards, the murderess, at the Berks jail when her sixteen-year-old daughter, Ella, a fi i girl, called and wade h acyuainted with her mother, whomyshe had not seen for eleven years. : At the time of Mis, Fdwards' trial for the killing of her Busband at their Stouchsburg home, thf daughter, who was then less than fivg years old, was taken from her and placed in a home near Pittsburgh, . She was later in a home at Philadel phia and then went to A servant. Her mistresd to her about her mother, and found that she did not know who her mother was. ny te was written to Warden De urk, a meting arranged. The several other yo Shi of Mrs, Fdwards were widely' scat tered after the murder, beisg gived to char- itable organizations, + oldest, Mary, who was about 3 old at that time, is now Baptist minister in the Affecting BRAINS AND BRAWN. 9 Si. Petersburg. GIBB PPRGPP PREP NSOH } . According to the first report Prince | Viasemsky swallowed a small gold * 'plate attached to a false tooth, which the whole alimentary canal. He ! in the hospital within five hours. | | Medical evidence now shows that three teeth broke off from a plate and {entered the prince's windpipe, and fin fally logiged in his lungs. It was impos- sible to operate, and the prince was dosed with morphia until the end. He received the holy sacrament during ac interval of consciousness. Prince 'Viasemsky joined the em- bassy in London this summer, and had not spent much time in this country. He was visiting St. Pelersburg on a diplomatic mission when the accident ocourred. Military Party Plotting in Turkey. London, Dee. 16.--A Constantinople despatch to the Exchange Telegraph company reports that the military party is becoming se strong as to threaten the overthrow of the Kiamil ministry in favor of a triumvirate composed of Nazim Pasha, the minis ister of war; lzzet Pasha, chief of the general stall, and Mshmoud Scheiket pasha; the former commander of the revolutionary army. thod, which they adopted after ordin ary methods failed The case was that of a new born babe whose life was despaired of because of hemorrhage fransfusion was the only possible ! means of saving it, and the first at- | tempts failed. As a last resort blood was drawn into a glass antitoxin syringe. lhen, by the usual method of using thes syringes, it was mnjected into a ven of the baby. The child revived and now seems on the road to health *"I'he method was highly successful," declared Dr. Cooley to-day. "'It seems much simpler and more generally ap plicable than the omes generally em ployed. It also appears to be quicker in performance and action and morc positive in its results." Accidentally Killed Father. Rome, N.X., Dec. 16.--Alfred J Payne, filty-four, of Taberg, one of the best-known men in the canning indus try of Central New York, was acci dentally and fatally shot by his son, Bert. Payne, of Oneida, while the two wee hunting Saturday morning. Mr Payne died at his home at four o'clock, less than five hours alter-the accident occurred. Romans ANADA is alive to the vital importance of good roads. Every land-owner knows that they contain the secret of greater pros- perity; that they mean more farms, more profitable crops and more valuable land. Every merchant knows that they alonc cap swell his trade and his profits by giving him more customers and making it eafier for those custom- ers to get to his store ( But just what do we mean by "good roads?" People in Louisiana are glad to get a strip of sand across their marshes -- and they call it a "good" road; People in Arkansas ride horseback through their barren hills--and they call their winding, rocky paths "good roads;" But people in prosperous, fertile Canada do not have to be content with such 'make-shifts. : : . "They are going about the work of providing proper highways as they have gone about everything else -- carefully, systematically, intelligently. Their definition of a good road is the "best" road--and that definition means a Concrete road [VIODERN concrete, made with cenrent produced by modern scientific meth- ods, is more enduring in every cubic yard than the best the Romans ever made. Modern road- making machines enable a dozen men to lay more-- and better road in a dey thane hundred slaves could put down in a week. these modern concrete roads will have paid for themselves -- and will still be there, i as good as new, to pay their builders and i generations, annual profits. A BROAD statement? Yes -- but it is supported by incontrovertable facts; by the experience of more than twenty years and by the most exhaustive tests and investigation. It is admitted to be the fact by the foremost road authorities on the con- tinent. It is guiding the road-building policy of great commonwealths. The Romans history's greatest road-builders-- used a crude form of natural concrete to build the bighwesrs that have given service for two thous- yean. : Until this present century, no later nation was able to equal the Romans se road-builders. Now. we can build better roads than. the Romans. for less money than our fathers paid for roads that would not last for half the lifetime of those who buik YOU owe it to yourself--as a merchant, a professional man, or a farmer--and to your community--as a citizen--to use your influence on behalf of this modern "best road." We have made it easy for you to do so by collecting all the information necessary to thoroughly post you on the subject--and putting it into convenient form. j a ol ben re, ios 2 upon request. » } Address, Good Roads Deparunent, Canada Cement Company, MONTREAL Limited Any town of county « plating road impr may valuatle assistance by notibying our read d:partmeat of its plans. ¥ wn, | ming, was united in marriage to Adam | George Rook has been elected pres ar- | Arinstrong, a prominent business map jdeul of the Prescott curling club and - joi Midland, Unt. Wiliam Byrne secretary-tressurer, I secured positions with one of the largest rallway core porations in Canada, Enter any ime. Call or write for informs tion. H. PF. Metoalfe, Principsh Kingston, Canada. WE BELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, theebest Antaracite. Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARBS COAL CO. North End Ontario Street. "Phone 1886. REAL ESTATE The Basis of All Wealth Double House on York Street, 6 rooms, for $2,450, Easy terms Double House on the north side of the city, bringing In $204.00 a year, with barn and good deep lot, for $1,700, $700 cash, balance mortgage. Nine acres of good market garden land, good ore hard, good dwelling house and barn from the street car for $2,100; ten minutes' walk Wanted to purchase---5ix nodern dwellings, good down- own locations, before spring ---- ------------ Norman & Webb leal Estate and Insurance. 177 Wellington Street We have a complete stock of - Hectric Table Lamps, Irons, Toasters, ; Hers, Fah Lights, all suitable for hrist- mas gifts. See our Window Display H.W. Newman Electric Co 79 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 441.