PAGE TEN TRAVELLING. EE Holiday Rates FOR Christmas & New Year's Round Trip Tickets will be issued as follows § SHE FAINTED "Fiaitatves" Cared Mer Kidneys FARE, 24th and before SINGLE Good going bec, and returning on 26th, 1512 Also good going Dee. 31st 191%} and Jan 1st, 1613, and returning on or before Jan. Znd 1913, i SINGLE FIRST (LASS FARE AND | ONE-THIRD. Good going Dee. 2 Jan. list, 1813, inclu and re-! turning on or before Jag. 3rd, 1913.1 Tickets issued to intermediate points between Montreal and Toronto will not be valid on trains | and 1 { For full particulars, apply to J. P.- HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. | 25th, | Dec. | or tn 1912 ve Hin | Miss MAGGIE JANNACK Mountam, OxT., Dec. 14th. 1910 "1 desire to let the world know the | | great debt I owe Fruit-a-tives"" which | saved my life when I had given up hope | | of ever being well again. For six years, I suffered from dreadful Kidney Disease, My legs and lower part of my body were fearfully swollen The pain in my side and legs oud | be | #0 bad that I would faint with the a Five different doctors attend > and all said it was Kidney Disease and | gave me no hope of getting well, A kind neighbor visited me and mentioned the case of Mrs, Fenwick | who had been cured of a sickness like mine. I took *"Fruita-tives" and ia a | short time, I began to feel better--the swelling went down -- the pains were easier--and soon I was well, 1 have gained over 30 pounds since taking *'Pruit-a tives"'--and my friends look upon my recovery as a miracle.' (Miss) MAGGIR JANNACK. "Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at soc a box, 6 for $2.50, tfial size, 25¢.-- or sent on receipt of price bw Fruitg. | tives Limited, Ottawa, P. and Street, IN CONNECTION wiTH CANADIAN PACTFIO RAILWAY, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S EXCURSION FARES SINGLE FARE AND FARE, Ca Good going ONE-THIRD. Dee. 24, : Return Dee. 26, Also Dec. 31, Return Jan. 2, going' Jan limit, Also siz Det OIE 1 Jan, 1. Hmit, 1913. 21st to Return Wed., Jan. 1913. limit, | >] Full particulars at K. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario F. CONWAY, Gen, TEA! | TEA! | From the Finest Tea = Ceylon, uncol red, and flavor, Green and Black at prund, at ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Ontario Sirest TEA! Gardens of the fe Pass. Agent. at per » Vr. de Van's Female Pills | A reliable French regulator: never file. These | pills are exceedingly powerful in rege lating «he generative portion of the Jentale system. Kefase all cheap imitation s » de Van's are soid at | PRESS = Louth. O70 rate 18 Broadth, 6734 fest a Wireless and NL For sale ab Mahood's -- store. FOLD ALL BPECORDS BETWEEN ---------- -------------------------- CANADA AND LIVY iL Hutton' s, Limited 1S MARKET STREET, KINGSTON, Fire, Life, Accident, Marine losus. i ance, Hen! Estate, Stocks, Specialties. 14, 0. Hutten, HH. KS. Cramiley, Colin | Cinrk, Agents. "$1,000 REWARD | For information that will lead | | to the discovery or whereabouts of | the person or persons suffering from | Nervous Debhility, Fits, Skin Dis- ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary | Troubles, and Chronic or Special | Complaints that cannot be cured | Lat The Ontario Medical Institute, 1 263.260 Yonge Stceet, Toronto. SUGRESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS Hol Toasters. Dec, 27 Jan. 10 Jan. 24 «. Fob. 7 Bmpress of Ireland Empress of Britain Tunisian (chartered) Empress of Ireland . -------- Tickets end all information from any steamship agent, or FF JON. WAY, GPA. K & PR, Kingston, Ont 'Go To BERMUD Fast twin.sforew 88 "Bermudian 10.5618 tons displacement, sails from New York, 2 pom. 28th. December, 10 a.m: Sth, 15th, 28nd and 28th January, Suites de luxe with private bath, orchestra, submarine signals, oilge Keels; electric 'TAGS. wireless tele Eraphy. No stéerage Fastest, gewest and only steamor landing passengers at the dock In} Hamilton, i WEST INDIES NEW B88 "GUIANA" and steamers, 2 pm, 4th, 11th and January, from New York. for Thomas, 5t, Croix, St. Klitg, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinigue, 3t, ducts, Barbadoes apd Demerara For full information ap or OR KIRPATHRIOR K, Agents, ys un; Quebec Steamship Co, Quebec. other «5th Ht Point Electric Irons. Coffee Percolators. Broilers. Water Heaters. Heating Pads. Make useful and acceptable CRUE Ve presents. S.5. CLEVELAND | Roy Francisco Feb. 6 Cities S04 Countries op 8 "erves ary and Super dunired, i oe 10 & choise at $6..." and up. including all necessary expenses hy and railway, rages, botels 1 also railroad i Tiamburg so 5 the gh tleve ot 1 ot Tetorning Prom | Thar Crates. bo: The, West Indies ond N Write for tustrated booklet. Call and see them. | aly Hectric Co. King Street af, rissmanly "hich NO REASON FOR DOUBT A Statement of ot Fc Backed by; ICAN LINE Strong Gamiwotee Pia s Ne You or loenl agents We guarantee complite relic to all Jaalevers from constipation. In every case where we fail we will suppl he M medicine free. ¥ Rexall Ordetlies are a gentle, oftec- | ae tive, dependable"and safe bowel regu- Iator, strengthener and tonic. They re establish nature's functions in a gwiet easy way, They do not cause any incon veni gripng or nausea. They are 80 t to take and work so easily that they may be taken apyone at any time. tone up the whole system to and give me a trial. "500 Princess Street. No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Coal order with WITH THE AGONY finest | "dalled roan oy address. | st. os, INL THE DAILY BRITISH onl i ' ¢ ' ¢ GOSSIP @vesresw 1 "H's principles to sta not hing uttered Penn snapped out and rose. pompadour fairly against wy a room wherp gossip Mrz the: waras severely lameil compact gray {quivered with wrath ~he gathered up the scraps of blue gingham she was fashioning into tipy and waists. 'Then she walked into the and closed the door other members association were mn TE hut {next room i The ne charitable stricken gta idieness for moment Then a look of seared relief appeared Lon five jnces wisely f tr panic o " Four | here long vupul time that Mix {ished them Every inoon they had chee Vaily Lsapproval and 1 { When the {aut fifteen was only were was silence 7 Vhis wasn't the! Venn had admon- Thursday after jenmmattal three a, first gossiped their glad fourth minute had ticked seconds Lane, nineteen, an } th of thread, khaki blouse she was fashioning Mrs. Pernstein's eighth and said: Kase { bit off extra long I the {for they said Jerrold | { had to leave town on business; then | J thes said 'Kate couldn't get . her {elothes ready in time. I'd give a good o know just why. Duaniek, working----it that Mrs. { mityv-interrupted waornedly | he'il hear Hose And, as she! do poke our noses in other business wore than is twice, First | ding {deal t Mrs | roon parior they her dining dig- in whose was to Penn had fled in you, | SAVE, we {people's neces { sary or kind | Rose hushed pointingly and {others glanced apprehensively at the urtsined doors, for Mrs. Penn had 1atarted the association and it was Mrs | Femw's > that paid for the | greater thé gingham and khaki the afternoon slipped away warm Aptil sun fell behind the stedple | of the church Lhe ard still Mrs. Penn sewed in offended sechus- on Mrs. Dunwick served refresh- (ments as usual, and they laid dowp { the tiny frocks and trousers to drink | tea and eat cake Mrs. Penn took a jeup of tea, but her digestion was as moral as her tongue and she did not annoy it by between meal feedimg. i When they rcse at 5 o'clock and | put away the work Hose murmured: | "1'd give anything to know why Kate put it off-- or if Le put it off.' Then zhe drew her breath in tightly For the gray head bending over the { box of finished diesses, that she had supposed belonged to good natured old Miss Harding, was raised | angrily, and it was Mrs, Penn'sy i "Perhaps my daughter will inform the mone part of Across wav, { you if you ask her!" i Penn's mother. She dropped the | blus dress and turned to Mg. Dim- | mick 'I regre: to tell you that | fill Fave ,i5 sever my - connection | with t's body," she said icily. Then | she left the hous: ay she had left | the room at the beginning of the {afternoon, while nine abashed women looked at each other Mrs. Penn walked up the |ghaded avenue that led to her! roomy, we': furnished house. She {and her daughter lived there alone | The rext week Kate would marry and leave it for a tmy, almeoy | shabby cottage the town, "1 don't see," she said irrftably over the pe:fectly appoin* ed dinner table that evening, "why you and Jerrold cant live with me, instead of incurring useless rent.' Kate sighed. It wasn't the first | t me her mother hadg comp! ained. | Jerrold wants his 'own home | she said wearily. « "Woull I imterfere?" her mother! demandes. "Isn't this house your home? He'd be as free as you are { to do what he liked." Kate was 8'lent, She was a pretty, whose white chin was Secretly ghe was glad | of Jerrold's decieion. The following week she was married, and Mrs. Penn grimly watched her ride gayly away to the station, The wedding trip lasted a month, Mrs. Penn ; had never before been alone. She | was not the kind of woman to let other people suffer by her action. 8b, having seversd her connetecion 1 with the band that Kept the town's poor partly supplied at least with { whole clothes, she felt it her duty to hire two sewing gm'ris and keep them busy. She let the town know that they did ag much work as the | while nine gossips, And they | worked in the silence she liked. | That /'s, che liked it at first. After | two weeks had gone by she discov- 'ered that she was gripped by a; stiante feeling of restiessnes Either | she was succumbing to typhoid. or 'ghe was growing old. or she was 'losing her wind. For the clock {moved with maddening slowness "and the world was a humdram, lfe- less place, Meat, cake had the same stale taste. | Even church, that never failing solace, was dul'. Out in the vestry 'ro m, as she paused to Lf spezk to the minister's wife «lie heard a whisper about Jenny An- ~ [dew divorce. But. it was cnly a whisper. She went home te her fonely dipner slowly. Surély that chit wasn't gefling a divorce after six months. Of course Carl was shiftless but he was young. He would settle. She wished oe kaqw the particulars. was standing at 'a front gate talking ex- 'And he threatened to sap t the awe-si pak | delicate girl, rather weak "Nice weather we've been having," qusvered Anune Herding. "i was just wwndering if it would win," she meu daciously added. She was a $ i # oj the house With sound that | pants' ignored her | who! smoothed nicely | 'It's awfully queer to postpone a wed ! 'Hush! | The | sngpped Kate | at thel other end of | vege'ables, and | WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, get lomesome Ualy weak, silly ple are lonesome Pat now though much of her bad been quenched code of rearing, vet pec anders Load hate patural vives by the maierna did much to i And, though hér mother daly rebuked her tendency ta gossip, she managed (0 relate all ithe news. =6 that Mrs. Peon was sl wavs mtormed of the bickerings, fends, mortgages; engagements, and changes sof the small t« % During the [ast three weeks a silenee had fallen hetween her teliow townspeople. Her twas ir od never to sip. The pwing girls were mun all the | ors 'that they fut and stitchad the chantshle association thai founded and thea abandoned? Chat tocol 1 was quoth ut. Her old face turped red oh wrinkles as sell knowledge Harpe fits hitter way through her keen brain i She understood now why Kore wanted to know the reason that Kate had the wedding. She under- shittless, bawy Mrs. Bern her nme hungry children husband to squabble while areavway and listens {te Mrs. Schaudt tell how Jim Whit tattied on Art and had him fired from the (ailor shop Mrs. Peon let her Sunday chicken cool while she wrole nim notes to the members of that char I table association. And each note was # courteous invitation to meet Mon {day afternoon at Mrs. Penn's Yand arrange for the Thanksgiving col {tections of food and for ~ the {town 8 poor : And each member she read the last lines of her note, hurried | the nearest house to talk and talk. hey read lease overlook lerusty old woman's tantrams. | gues: {1 like to hear the news well as any {body she nly pal anu MAIC [E Je ng \nc of her £ se ba Mrs ange, a post pon sd {stood why stein left jand sick | she hung in the stewed i clothes when as i ites ai i . ELECTRIC SHOCK, | How to Resuscitate Victims of Elles frocution. resuscitation organizec Ameri { The commission on {from electric ih {through the 'mitiative {can National Electric {ation with the co-oper | Ame jcan Medical essodiation am [the Anerican iustitute of electrica lenvineers, has formulated rules foi quick aid to those who have suffer ed electric shock, and has pub | I'she d them in pamphlet form. The j commission , p points out that the in structions given apply a'so to in !stances of suspended animatior from any cars. The fist thing to do is to break the current inimediately without the rescuer a'so receiving a shock. This the rules say, sLould be dene with la siugls guiek movement, using rub if these are a dry rope ck, of the of the i ber clotls ar gloves, or not handy a dry coat, 'a dry sick or board or any othe» |dry nor-'onduciter. Beware 01 'using metal or any meist materia' | Tie recur siould use only one ! hand if this je pract cal, and he ie adviced against touching the soles {or heeds of the victim's shoes b- | cause of the nails in the shoes. If he vietim is con lucting the currea' 10 the und end is convulsiven c¢'utching ths 1 e e ndoctor, it may {be ea'jer to shul off the carrer: i by lifiing him than to leave him ov { the ground and try to break a's grasp. If nccessiry to cut a live wire, use an axe or hatchet wit a dry wooden mandle, or a pair o properly insulated pliers. As for the work of resuscitation after the victim has been freed from | contact, the commis says tha! | the 0. method of Amy Tr sn lon his back and working the arau | back and forth has Leen discarie' | by present-day &clentists in fav. o! | the Schafer, or "prone [press ire method of artificial resp'ration. Taking Poison. Proi. A. Laing fils the chair ol {chemistry in Toronto university He is a man of the intensest applicatios {ta the dry subject of © his serien jealling, vet withal he has not lost | his relish for the humorous A chap {ter or two fram the text book is the j sub, ject for each day's lecture but lopee in a while it in customary, br | way of variety, for the to {deliver a lecture on some subject of {enc val interest commocted with chem {istry it #0 happened that just befor the chapter on strychnine was reach led the professor took for his lec ture "Antidotes." learped, abstruse, {and experimental, ho spoke of and tested overs antidote for every pois on that chemical analvsic had yet | discovered, in all of which he was imore interested than his aonreciative audience. When he so ab | morbe d was his mind by subject that he was about to dismiss his | class without the lecture for the {next day He was reminded of his neglect and said abstractadly, "Yes, flat me see. The mext dav is--well, bovs. vou may: ake strechnine'" "Rercchpine 1" exclaimed one of the bifys who had been esnécially in {attentive "Does 'the professor real ily intend v= to take strychnine *" "OW." ssid the professor, with " twinkle in his eve, "H voy had daly approvriated the lecture "you have just heard, the strvehnine can't hurt yon; you are prepared for it. Kepler Notes, Kepler, Deo, 19+ The missionary ser mon preached by Rev, John Webster, Broek Street Methodist chureh, Kings- ton, was very much appreciated. The WMS. have sen. out a bale, valued at $40. Stapley Donnell, at his fath- er's, under the doctor's care. A pub- lie school concert was held, Wednes- | | { i | i professor closed, the day night, under the ma tof Townsend Bo Smith visited Mrs. A 1» ftors : William A. Beer, Oxbow, Sask, 3 A. Townsend' at Thomas Garrett's; Stanley Tlanson. who has been away Mr. Gunn, Wol'e Island, at G, Urans- ton's, ---------- Women write that the yeast they've used" makes sour bread, but White Miss Pell, teacher, oleh yors iss Fie M Abbett, Cataraqui, this week. i w Miss Johnston, for mine years, is visiting his mother; Makes Sweet, Wholesome Bread. makes binad sweet, {sample from White Eo . pire & Limited, Toronto, Oni -------------- house pwhile 0 ONE KIND ACT A DAY Not 'Faough, Says Commander | Evangeline Booth. kind act a way is far below | mr standard of one's duty to man, "hristian or otherwise nt Is al tandard below the animal standard Vatch the cati'e or any of the | egasts: you will find them frequent i ¥ helping their kind No professing Christian considers | hat one kind act a day Is sufficienty o discharge his duty to his fellows. { 3alvationists would have hard work | o find one act that doesn't serve | wme one else If we could get jety, the poor, the literate, the wicked as well as the oud, irrespective of any religious seliefs--to make a sacred vow to | tod, their Maker, and to their | wn hearts, that whatever and vhenever opportunity confronted bein of rendering a servige to their elows they would use it, did that consist of but a word, or a) varm handshake, or even less than! his a smile or an encouraging | look, then indeed a wave of uplift] vould sweep aver the cities and 4 owns of this great nation, smooth- 1 the stormy waters brightening | s One mankind---¢ii learned, the me ng 10c Cakes USEFUL PRESENTS When Giving a Present Give Something Useful Nickel Plated Tea and Coffee Pots. Nickel Plated Silver Knives and Forks. Carving Sets from $2.00 to 810.00, Tea and Coffee Perculators. Carpet Sweepers from $2.00 to $6.00, Or something in "AUSTRIA" AGATEWARE, tures. At the Inst manufac EVANGBLINE f Salva States BOOTH commander "n At t making easy the paths to tens and tens of housands of hearts As a worker in the slums, where have lved and toiled among the erv poorest, 1 might say that there 3 \ttle more astounding than the ¢dindnesses these. poorest show to 'ne another. How quick they are 0 exoress their sympathy over an- sther's "hard luck," although they bemselves may Le even more sor owfully situated! How gladly they share the'r crusts! The classes whom fortune has essed with comforts, love and wmppiness might perhaps leain this esson. more quickly from those of he underworld than from any other ourece, The ruling principle in the Salva- ton Army is service to others. It 8 impossible to remain in its ranks vithout becoming tne servant of wimanity. Our young officers are' aught above all eise that their own nterests are but secondary consid- rations, not to be thought of when 'nother's interests or another's 00d are in question If- this era of good deeds is to rome first the hearts of men and yomen must become awakened to he opportunit'es all around them fhis'awakening can be brought ibout only by shaking themselves rid of the self-centred spirit which leafens and bnds them to the nultitude of evidences of human ied and suffering Second, conscience must be awak- sped to our individual respousibility to give help where help is needed vhen we have that help at our dis- so8al. By all means stir men up to one kindly act a day, but please remem- per that .n my opinion this is a ontemptibly small goal for. which 0 strive Stir men up to use heir opportunities as they ong long---picking each fadeless flower of kindness as they come to it--and fou will find that a very much greater number of kind acts than one will have been recorded by eventide Anyway, if men would serve their brothers they would find that at the "eventide of Ffe it would be light he dark skies, ough A Queen's Bracelet. Queen Alexandra haz many beauti | fal bracelets. Besides those which be long to sets of jewels, her majesty has one that she particularly prizes as a mememto of het marriage. Th was presented oy the eight daughters of Frglish peers who acted ax her bridesraaids and became thereafter het lose frimds, This bracelet is of fine gold, richly set with * brilliants, and divided into sight compariptenis, each of which contains . the miniature portrait of one of the givers. On the reverse side s the initial "A" in diamonds wpon Garter blue enamel. \ A very preity opal and diamond bracelet, interspersed with small em- araldd, 'was presented to Queen Alex andra by the women of Manchester, le other sistors of Feeds gave her miiesty one of exquisite an the oceasion of her silver wedding celebration A Sop to Her Consrience. Hub (alter a t out) feed like at . 1 wi you'd one to the office that I'm in bed with the io Wife-- That would be a lie. Hub--How particular you women sre! Fetch over that grip and lay it J on the bed near my feet. There! - Now will you telephone ? : A small boy doesp't find it very amusing to do the things his parents are willing to let him de ¥ "what 'he siyle may be, Nearly every shiftless man has. al diamonds | horseshoe nailed over bis door--ihat | in 4 hebas 8 door, : ELLIOTT BROS. Phone 35. 77 Princess St. SUTABI PRESENTS FOR TEE (CHRISTMAS A pair of Hockey Boots, A Fine pair of Boots, A Fine pair of Slippers, A Trunk o Suit Case, Ladies' Over-Gaiters or Leggins, Children's Mocecasin's or Slippers, Or a little pair of Boots for the Baby i if | I 1 Send for our Xmas Price List. Christmas Cut Flowers We flower seldom have sufficient cuts rs to supply the Christmas des mand, hence the need of getting your orders placed some days in advance Xmas, Roses. Xmas. Carnations, Xmas. Violets, "It's a pleasure to open a box of Flowers from Hay's." Xmas. Lilies of the Valley. gtems, beautiful blossoms for These Treasures of Nature with their long and fresh green foliage are much sought afier CHRISTMAS FAVORS, We attend to every little derail--Carefully paced, box express charges prepaid If you desire--and given Co, in time to reach destination Chrisimas morning. The Hay Floral & Seed Co. FLORISTS BROCKVILLE, ONT. card inclosed fo to the Express IT RESTS WITH EVERY WOMAN T0 BE ATTRACTIVE No woman, perfect features or otherwise, can afford to have an anemic of worn-out, tired appear- ance if she would wish to be thought of as either beautiful or attractive. Good features are to be prized, but many a woman pos- sesses them who never impresses you with the fact Why? Because she is pale, sickly and worn-look- features, however, are not the essential factors, for how often do you see homely secple whose faces are attractive? The healthy complexion, the bright eye of health, the altogether fresh appearance make it so. These alities Are Within the Reach Every Girl and Woman by using Restoratone Tablets. Prompt in action, they restore the by sing of youth. It is their capacity in this ion that makes atone Tablets stand first. In shory, they are attracting great atten- tion. Their continuous effect is entirely beneficial while their tonic properties raise the vitality and nutrition of the wi organism, thes restoring the blood to a healthy normal condition--the resi secret of 8 Jeod complexion. Restaoratone Tablets have been tried and in eds of cases; all you need to do is to give them 2 trial to be cofi- vinced of their wonderful virtue. They are recognized as being = most matural and, therefore, the best treatment for 1 diseased conditions found in girls and women. For sale 3 cents 3 box or $2.50, or sent ceipt of price by