Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Dec 1912, p. 3

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All ¥, Hata, 32 Has i, Children's from Sle, to £1.00 Untrimmed price, Sale g¢lones Die. 24th. at Miss £ D. HAMILTON'S Opposite Y.M.C.A, Shapes béiow hall Thesddy, Kingston Business College Highest Educatien at Lowest Cost Twenty sixth yeur, Fall term yun! sth. Courses ip Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele raphy, Civil Berviee and Kng graduates get the best Withiprs short 'ime secured positions with & of largest "milway cor. rations In Candida' Enter any Call nr write for Snforas H. ¥. Mcteaife Principal Kingston, Canads Our Positions. r sixty ' Cream Puffs Cream Rolls Choc Eclaire Charlotte Russe riss Rolls J. J. Lackie's | 168 Princess St. Your Oculist's Prescription For weary, strained. or (njuved dyes will be oiiioved by us to the thous- andth of an. baeh in ai Wing the nailed for glasses. WE GU tee to fill it exactly as he AN We will carefully adjust them the most comfortable manner, ess. ing you entire satisfaction or refund- ing the money We Grind Our Own Lenssen, MEET. on DoE THE OLDEST RELIABLE OPTICIAN IN TWN, f= Storehouse Hrs nn E. P. Jenkins, every cman and Child - ingston .a:.ve Mex Christmas. i | Most every one dote his or her share in making this the most sae Cliristmas "in our history and we return thanks, Keep on cing till the. doors pe locked to-night. { Contimue om page 2. Mrs. |heodors Lymae, ""Ualderweod' ii entertain at a large family house ips for Christmas hose present t out of town will be Mr. and Gegrge Lyman and family, zabeth 1yvman, Messrs. Phinp tefiry Ly Montreal Posto Vg firace and Mr. 'Theadore layman, FOIE man, ot i Lymaao, | ho New ¥ ork afternoon last Miss Nellie Ce Kilbarnde, gave a linen ghower in honor of the bride-elect, Migs Emma Reed. About ock a da nity luhch was served by Mis. Cowan and the evening @ pumber Of Young and music and games were On Thursday in indulged Nickle, a family Mra. Hugh will entertain on Christmas « Min A. WW. Winnett, will be hostess ut a family party on Christmas might Mi hauncey Johnston, and Russell Marshall, Toronto, arrived town today to spend the holiday Mr. W. Goodwin is visiting his par ents, rol Mre. W. LL. Goodwin, \iee street Miss Lilian spend the holiday tavior, King #treet, Mr, 13, Nesbitt, Standard Bank Cunada, will spend Wednesday in Bow Earl sireet, al dinner party fay street dinne ingot Mr. and Ottawa, will Mrs. Charles Taylor, oi with manville. Mr. Henry Fowler, of Toronto, spend Christmas with his motner, Mrs Fife Fowler, Broik street, Mr, Guy Gamsby, of Bank, Westport, is visiting his mots er, Mrs Hale's Cotlages, King street Gi. Gamshy, down on Sat visit her thna Fairlie came toronto and will parents, Kev. John and Mrs Hirock street, tor a few months. Mi. 1. Hillyard Robertson, of gina, visiting his mother, Lwworge Sydenham for the holiday season. Mr. Hugh 'taylor, Siandard of Canada, Toronto, ix the guest his mother, Mes. Charles Taylor, King sireet, Mrs. Parkin, who has ern Untario has returned to town guest of Mre. W. L. Grant, avenue, - Mis urday from . Re My street, is Robertson, Bank west and Ln been in is the versity » . Mrs. Norman Major and Emily street, John, NHB. I'rofessor ( allandar, versity, eral days at to spend a few weeks 3 of Queen's Uni- Atlantic City. Mr. George laylor, of the Montreal, Montreal, arrived in town on Sunday and is the guest of his | mother, Mrs. Charles taylor, King! street, Bank ol | Lafferty, R.C on Sunday, HA, to left | M r. Heber spend | for Toronto Christmas. The Rev. Canin Starr, Weliiggton] gtreet, who spent the week-end in| Brockyille, returned home on Monday. | Mrs. Philips and Miss, Dorothy Phil ips, of. loronto, atrived in town on Saturday and are the guests of Mr. | KF. W. Spangenburg, Johnson street Me, and Mrs. 1). 5. Robertson, Sy-| denham street, and their son, Mr, Stewart Robertson, leit on Monday to spend Christmas with Mr. Eladale ko- | bertson, in Ottawa, . in few Mr. Robert Creighton arrived town on Safurday to spend a days at "Saint's Rest.' Messrs, James and Hugh Macdon- nell, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr and Mrs. uw. M. Macdonnell Univers ty Mis Marjorie Williams, who Is attending school in Ottawa arrived home on Saturday to spend the holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs I. J. Wiliams Univers'ty Avenue, Mr. E. H. Birkett arrived in town to-day from Delora to visit Mr. and | Mrs. J. H. Birkett, Bagot street, for a few days. Miss Lilian Mundell, expo ts to leave on Thursday Montreal to spend the week-end. Mrs. J. (. Watrous and Mrs, Griffin, of Brockville, are Brock street, for o VG the "Hil eroft." Miss Constance Low arrived Ottawa from Orillia.on Saturday spend the holidays with Mr. aad Mrs, EE. W. Low, Gladstone Ave Dr. John meDowall. of New York arrived 'n town to-day to spend | Christmas with his mother, Mrs. R J. Mcbhbowall. Wellington strae.. Mr. E. R. ¢. Dobbs, treal, Ottawa, win soehd day in town the guest of ents, Mr. and Mrs. FP. W, Barrie street. the ho! his pa' Dobbs Mr. James Rogers. of Belfast, land, whe 's attending Princlen College, arrived 'n town on Ssztur- day, and will be the guest of Rev. J. 8S. Moore Compton. St. Andrew's manse - until after the New Year. The Rev, Alex. Cordon, of Otta- wa, ts via'ting his father, Rev. D. M. Gordon. Queen's University. Mrs. W, C. Caldwell, Mes Besue 'Caldwell, Mrs. Jackson of Lanark, and Mr. William Caldwell, Bdmo » will spend Chris*mga in Ottawa, guests of My. and Mrs. A Goldwyre Lewis. Mr. Arthur Martin arrived from Chicago on Monday to vig't his father, Mr, W. C. Martin, Clergy street. Mr. Stanley Waldron of Wi ni- peg. arrived in town on Monday and 's the guest of his parents Ms. and Mrs, Richard Waldron, Barrie street. Miss Aileen Folger, Sydenham stree!, expects to leave on Friday for Pembroke to spend a week wiih Miss Helen Bethel Dr. wna Mrs. J. D. Roberteon and twa children of Tweed, will be the guests of Mts. R. J. McDowall, Wel- street, J.C. Dickson. and Mics Jes- he Dickson, have arrived 'n Kelow- na, B.C, to spend the winter with Pr. and L. a 8 Migs. oy on sad --E } Hiss | and | Miss Helin five | men dropped in, | oh Leslie, | left on Saturday for St. | left on Saturday te spend sev 1 i wnich lia | thes S00.000 habies under |dving yearly Avenue, °* | ihur, of the United States Census Dur guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Minnes | in | to | Bank of Mon- | Tres | THE iosie jo -town-on Monday. - . "ow Mr: and "My Ring street, jeft | duyk with 'She in Lanark rge from Monireal | with his parents, MM j Zany, Bing street Mr. and Mrs. J. PD. Uruig, who are at present at Lape [will arrive in town on Friday Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Craig, street Mr. J. ( Bank of ( in town h ' AEeRIBANS Strachan, ! day to spend a few | and "Mh 1. BY eld: arrived gpend Christmas and Mrs. liar Pandy to to visit Barrie Smythe, of Canadian arrived guest Smythe, the GIT Os n om Sunday the i brother w. at ree i Mrs. Vernon Js entertained at Barrie par honor I iaton he and Peg endolyne Br | 9 PL arvuth Enid ylom street, iy of a children's on Saturday allernoon in her daughter, Miss Helen incloded. Mis Sains, Cecil Mary Ogilvie, Forrance, Faith | Zinst a KNOL, wn ot | will | the Merchants | Fairhe, | Barbara Pidwell Elizabeth (Cunningham. Hoh) Cosh of 1s alte Metin hohdagy | and Mr who the | Mrs. ane, Vancouver, ding 8 spending with grandmother, ontenn ITO TRY AND SHE © THE LIVES OF BABIES One Child Out of Every Eight Expires Before It is a Year Old. Washington, Dee. 24.- Beginning im mediately after Christmas the newty- vreated children's bureau of the De partment of Commerce and labor, of Miss Julia Lathrop, Chimgo, will begin a campaign lives of babies under one Cochrane, street, the chief, to save the ver of age. Mmvestivaiors will go into typical communities in every section of the country and make a house to house canvas, YUhe purpose oi the find out why the babies live and why die," said Mise lathrop. Of the one vear of age in the United States, at least 150.000 could be saved hy the a nlieation of methods with which wa arc already as a people well ac quainted. "The death rate for fetion slowly but surely declining. Adults are living on the average longer lives, but the death rate for bahies than sear old is pot leclining, I'he estimate inquity is to the total popu- 18 less ane of Dr. Cressy LL. Wil eau. that at least 200,000 babies die annually in the United States, means that one baby out of evary vight dies before it is a yesh old, 'In vertain unfavorahle this rate is much better. Babies in neighborhoods in an American figures are available, [die at the rate of 373 per 1,000, ha thi under one yedr ol e, while the corresponding rate for babies in the ood resiaenice quarters of the same 166. The New Zealand death ta for babies but sixty-eight per 1,000 births, localities paor ity for which | 18 i x is i Size of Primitive Men, skeletons of primitive sloping directly back {frome the eves, and with two rows of {teeth in the front of the upper jaw, {have been uncovered in Craigshill, at Wash, They were found twenty feet below the surface, feet back from the face the in a cement roek formation over shale. The Fhe jaw © bones, hreak, are so large that around the face of the man of today." The other bones are also much larger than those of the ordinary man. The femur is twenty inches long, indicating a man o | eighty inchés tall. The teeth in froat are worm almost down fo the jaw bones, due, Dr. Munsen savs, to eat ing umcovked foods snd crushing hard pabstances with the teeth. The slop ing skull shows an extremely low or- dev of intelligence. i Eleven men, with foreheads | Kliensburg, { about twenty { slope, ol which was a layer of rock fwas periectly dry i which. 'ensily {they will go Lyndhurst Locals. Lyndhurst, Dec. 23.-Mrs. Joseph Danby passed away, on the 17th. She was an old and much respected resi- dent of this place. Mrs, J. M. Somer- ville is confined to her home with lumbage: Lorean King is able to be out again, after an attack of poeu- monis. Mrs. Barr, of Edmond, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Amos Weeks. CC. John:ton, of iQuemn's, is spending his Christmas holidays at his hi G. S. Rooney is home fi inn to spend a Jew dave. of Montreal, is at his mother's: for the Christmas holidays. returned home, after spending two weeks at Fecley's Dat. J. MeXNab, of Queen's, ably filled the pulpit of the Preshyterian church. Mrs. a Galees, an aged and i resident of North . 1 yom - 'iw with Mr. and Mes George DAILY BRITISH Wiig, n ESA), to-day | of Mtawa,! Vincent, | William Tate has | DEC TEE TOWN OF GANANOULE IN CALGARY +TYN WRICAT, DEATH er J Commercial Travellers RBanguet-- Garanoque to Have a Kink--ice | in the Canals Causes Imnonveni. ente to Manufacturers, Gananoque, Des ceived hers yest the death of of Mr. and Mrs lenham street, vyiAlta., ! for several ald © local public r known 2%. ~Wurd was erday by relatives Mostyn Wright, son Charles K. Wright, which ateurred at where he had been lo vents past. Deeensed apanogue boy, educated and high schools ly and held in me. by his many friends. He un brother of Mis: Nellie Wright, of the stafl of the local pullic schools Tae third annual banquet of the Gananoque Commercial Travellers' As- wintion was held last evening at the Interna Hotel ihe annnal Christmas entertainment of the Maple Grove Methodist Sunday school was hald in that church last evening. A fine programme was ren dered "under the direction of Mis Flossie Cornett, wher of the Maple Grove publiz schoo! Tee the canals cans able amount of inconvenience to the loca! manufacturers, vesterday, a num- bor of them having to knock off work until noon, . The Wat Power Com rany had a large gang of men at work through the forenoon clearing away the ice, Rev. F. J. MeCloment, pastor of Anne de Bellevae, Quo, and siud dent of the Montreal Theological Col lege, is spending the holiday season in town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, B. 0. Britton.. The question as a rink rink in Gananoque for the =ecason has heen satisfae answered in the affirmative Ward started re- of was tional in od a consider or to or wo Lorily Charles vesterday EMBER 21, ne EVEGE b FaoM YARKER. Toy Sceuts Organized--Other New: ef Vicimity 2.--A oung people attended | avhurgh, in aid of the high H report an tent progr ¥ winan, general merchant, fel a drive shed on his mites 'The Scouts have ard are now holding weekly Friday evenings for drill Pex number of ty arser, { the concert whool ammo, { A has erect large on hens School Zome mas. Mrs, CC. Peters is visiting friends Kingston for a few days. Miss Brushioghaw spent' Sunday last ring friends in Camden Fast, Firzie Winter, teacher at Moscow, hame for Christmas, Dr. Coulter, Singsion, is attending to the prac of Dr. Galbraith Mise Main has eeturned to Yarker, after a long mw Marlbank A meeting of the W. will be held D3. 26th for elec tion officers. A. Vandewater, Na was visiting at DD. Smith's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, M, ©, and son, Buck, are out from ston for a few day A A. has closed up his husiness onth to make some repairs nrovements J, Reul, eattle wm in this vicinity huving rattle, George Keinieghen, spent Sundav with his sister, Kelly. EXECUTIONER ELLIS "HAS E000 GRIEVANCE Threatens to it Because Tie is Not a Living in the Job. Dec 24.--Arthur Ell's public executioner in past three years. to their homes to spend Christ Mary vis: Li of pane, King- Connelly for t anlim dealer, young Verona Mrs. I? Montrea', who has been Canada for the operations morning for the erection of rink the ground. ik of park. 'Ww in this months at family here on beén spending the past few with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Landon, | | an on the oped reac the formerly an undertaker | located for the past few | joined his wife and she having months Fdgar | 8. Yule, town, Calgary, Saturday, Mr. and Mrz. J. Arthur Jackson and family left yesterday for Perth wend the holiday" season with the lat- ter's father, Ur. Kennedy. R. J. Ser- son, n former resident located in Ham- ilton 18 renewing acquaintances in this section. - Miss Mabel Seal, Long Point, it spending the holidays here with her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Seal. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and fam-1 ily are spending Christmas. with rela- tives in St. Mary's. Mrs. I'homas Montague has gone to New York city to spend a few with her daughter, Mrs. (r.) KE. I Snider. Daniel Smith left yesterday for Chatham to spend a short time with his zon;~(. D. Smith, manager of the Chatham Spring and Axle wiss Agn Johnson, B.A. modern § teacher in the Ladies' College at Roth-' esay, N.B., is holidaying here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Johnson. Mr. Seymour Hamilton, of Halloway i is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryant for a short time. = Gordon F. | Hurd left vesterday for a few days' visit with his sister, Mrs. Fraderick | J. Miller, Brockville. Miss Evdyn | La is spending the holiday swason with friends in Peterboro Lieorge RWeyworth, Mattawa, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | wilham Keyworth. s Mrs. Charles MeNab, Marsey, is spending the holiday season with lo- cal relatives. Roland La France, Sy-! racuse, N.Y., i® in town for a short visit 'with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leander La France, George A. Whit- marsh is spending the holiday season' in Merrickville, guest of his daughter, Mrs, Dr. Bedell. 10 Co. | 8 France i 'mas day MEDICINE HATS NATURAL GAS. $80,- | Estimated at 000, An illuminating sidelight thrown ! upon the subject of the reason for the | comparatively low rate of taxation in Medicine Hat, Alberta, by statistics gathered in the office of the city en gineer, under whose care the natural gas distribution of the city comes, both for domestic and manufacturers' use, While Prelit to City ! Mr. the figures are not yet com- plete for the vear, it is estimated that the net revenue the city for the sale of natural gas for the calendar year will approximate 350000. § the weather had not been so mild for the latter part of the year, Kagineer Grim mar estimates. that the total would run close to $100,000 pet For the vear 1%), the net profits frony this department of the city's pub lic utilities were 345. 19. For the veap year 1910 the profits were $23,230 Fach vear has thus shown an increase of about 100 per cent. over the pre | ceding twelve months, and should this ! continue during 1913 the municipality would have a profit of around $200, O00, AH this is accomplished by sell | ing the gas to consumers for domestic use at 14} cents per (housand and to manufacturers at 5 cents per thousand feet. to Buying Him Cigars. Presdent. Hadley, of Yale, at the Carnegie Foundation's retest iugcheon in New York said of a certain charge: "Sach a charge indicates ignorance ludietous gnorapce. It remunds me of the young lady who desired to buy a box of egars for her liasoe's Christ~ mas. ' *'1 want to get a box oi cgarstor a tai, slender man with blue eyes and a pale brown mustache-- my fiance, m fact. Now, George wears dark colors . usually, and | suppose a long, black cigar would suit ham host, don't you] tank? . : . Prefers Death to Killing King. Bologna, Dec. 24.--Eatique. te eh Fl of a bullet wound in his The polite hope, 3 compromising correspondence. in Dalfaro's pockets, Lo wieft the arrest' of hus accomplices, i 3 pital dying skull. Fa ¥ feiusa public | ¢ RF j fellows wecks Is "said, {He Will | report | ducks, threatens to give up the work be- there is not a livelihood in it. H 8 ch ef complaint is that the ominoa government had cut off the annual retainer of $.60 w had been allowed Radcliffe for teen years. He said "1 Lave officiated at tions this year and my an ouated to leas than € y i eight execu- fees have $600, not my family. wi nister of if the post be made It ¥s spough to feed me and have appealed to the but he doubts executioner should appo ntment not federal worth wh le in view cf the popular | prejudicas sgainst my work. 1 have to tace a gool deal of ostracism, but I thnk I am a uselul ember tf sieiety into ani at the humane way etern.ty w.th game time in poss ble." A NEGRO BOY ADRIFT prec.sion the most On a Tree in the Ocean for Two Days. New York, Dec. 24.--'"lhere"s a co- coanul tree drifting ahead offi the port bow. 1 do believe there's a hwnan be ing .in it." In the track of the recent West In dian hurricane, while the steamer Foxton Hall was passing debris of the storm sixty miles off the Jacaican ( oast, the vessel's first oflicer made this discovery and was =0 sure of it that he sent a lifeboat to the (ree, Half an hour Iater the crew lifting a half-eonseious, half-clad ro lad tenderly from its branches lad calied himself "Willie (ee was a beachcomber at Port When the hurricane came, the he sought refuge in a deserted hut, but with it he was blown to sea He swam to the tree where 3 drank milk from and, finally exhausted, fell nslerp in its bianchos He believed he Hoated for two days. dhe Little fellow ROW boar the Foxton Hall, which is dischargi its cargo' in Brooklyn, but Christ the steamer will back with him to his home. we neg "he He Antonio boy cocon its nuts 8 on on siart TO BE MOVED RAST. Become Head of One of Gould BE. Milwaukee, Wis., Dec ley J. Shepard, the Helen M. Gould, head of one of the current here by Mrs. D. W. Shepard. The will "give els, 24 fiance KOON hat Fin of Mis is to Gould roads is the and confirmed Cutler, sister of story is that the him a promotion part roulds which will make it possible for him to in the Une oi the facts engagement ix Miss Gould's interest in Mr. Shepard's mother, Mrs. Pero E. Shepard, who has heen an inmate of the New Haven (Conn.i general hospital siace 1907, She blind and bed adder Mrs. Shepard fell at Clinton, ured he reside cast by the disclosed home in and in her Conn five vears ago Toronto Street Toronto Dee, 23: 93¢. to $6c.; whea Sie: oats, bush., 4 ¥ hush., 6°¢c, to 73} rye, > hay, ton, 37 to 31%; hav, it #14 to $15; straw, ton, 17 to $18; dress ed hogs, $11.25 to $11.50; eggs, Steak, doz., 3e. to We; eggs, new-laid, to 6bc.; chickens, Re, ih., We. to 22 geese, 1h., 1% to 2p: turkeys, 1h, We. to 28c.; ap: ples, winter, bbl, $2.50 to £1.50; po taloes, bag, $i to $10; celery, doz., 3c. to dlc; cabbage, doz., 4%. to $5c.; beef, forequarters, $7.75 to 0; beef, hindquarters, ewt., %11 (0 $12; beef, choice sides, cwt.. $10 to Si]; bead, medium, ewt., $2.50 (0 $8.95; beef, common, cwt., $6.50 (o $7.50, mutton, light, cwi., $7.50 to $9; veal, common, ewt., 8% to $10; veal, prime, ewt, $i} to $12; lamb, 31250 to $13.50. I ----------, L To €> on 2 Tramp. Calgary. Alta, Dec. 34. Norman Grantham wll Jeave Calgary on Sun day noon dressed in a suit of news , on. an undertaking to walk 25,600 miles without a dollar. , mor steal, Fins is undertaken for a Market. "Wheat 9c. to to ox 3 of th + province. Charles Ketrheson, reove of Sidney | township, is favorably mentioned warden of Hastings for 1913, uns ES Se Lhe at pre organized meetings closed for Nolidays and the teach- Misses Keechy and Patterson, have in Mise is al n dispateh ng those poor { | | | -- | | | i become in | hip. ; | bush., | He | PAGR THRE. Weather Probabilities : Ottawa 'alley and Upper S --- Moderately anew abou LC Lawrence cold, with Haht loon} Tulle, Wednesday, « fale, with the same temperature. ? Terante, Out, Dee. 24t | dainty and choosing. TO Sm ----" ---- esti Ps 1 pieces, 12 Dinner Plates 12 Téa plate 12 12 and Butte Soup Plates Bread Sauce Pl 12 Caps and Sauee i | 2 Cov Vegetable ered Plate Dishes $6.25 DO YOUR LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT STEACY'S A et A Nl Sl Pt tt tr We have hundreds of serviceable gifts still left for your WE WISH {A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL. | STEACY" S "The Christmas Store." CTIVESER COSESELT CSE) (GISELE SYS em -- $6.25 Dinner Set We are offering for a few days only a complete Dinner Set of 97 the best English Porcelain, handled pieces neatly trimmed and gold with dainty stippled light green flowers; Salad Bowl small Platter, Medium Platter Large Platter Gravy Boat Cream Jug low sugar Bowl FINE CHINA, RU : ROBERTSON'S., LIMITED H CUT GLA p---- "THINK" | Man Draws Salary for lion. I'here is a man in an office York whose business it think ahead on behalf of the community and prepare for coming events, writes | Sharper Knowlton in the "Century discussing *' I'he { Imag in Business He a hig and before him is a map of Ne {with 1ts environs by land and fhe problem to determine shipping accommodation will quired m the and to begin the vork onstruction now During the Inst century the story one growth, growth, growth: and ihe to be continued. How? juestion which the man witl {has to settle. He is not work; he is paid for thinking er words, whatever his official may be, | shall eall hia Act fessor of Imagination to the Interests of New York. In every progressive house of ness there is, or ought to be ar 'oihcer. Generally he 1s the prige pal himself. hat is one reson wh he digyles his business into depart ments and pays men high salaries to superintend them. He wants time to think. But the far-seeing element in im ag ination 1s not the only one; there 1s one which concerns itself with details It might say so, imagination is teles. copie for big things and microscopic fo. small things. You can imagine a billion-dollar trust and you ran imag me a new way of pointing a needle Provably Bo man makes a sure ad- i vance without using both instruments {but the essential work of the imagita- ition is always the same; it creates the things which ave not. Judgment pas ses its verdict, and action brings real zation. PAID 10 AHEAD" His Now in is to 8 of ination Sits at Labie, v York sen what be = re fature, of re was of sory "= That 1# the the may piece In oth til ng Pro Shipping n busi a smal i Keeping It to Himself Mrs. hunagg--Have you heen telling the neighbors that you were hempeck- od? Mr. K ~Why, you know, my love I wouldn't have the nerve to sav a thing like that Chicago News Man; on girl's | When te rods broke. ahattered A ) Imagina- | {Ho H Lake Lake, Dee, 21 and the te eft her home ~eabrook, who has been ill weeks past, was successfully operated on by Doctors Gardiner and Belfy and his condition is said be much in "eeley"s Bas was Inst week tons were Leo teportis, chool elosel Miss Helena at ates esterda ach Hart for <tewnrt some to poultry and disposed proved held of Taar over elve rang 2k waliry 1 wr and rural Miss st week Dunn, of st few days price follow Hie posts g In hicken, 1 he as key, duck 12e for the mstalled ; geese nail delivery Le Murphy, Je Donel * ! pin are being weevilie, spent In 1 pa . ho ¢ Sand Day Notes, Hee 21 Ottawa was here « urveying for the rand wer from here attended the eoncert held in Lansdowne on Friday evening last, Wilkam Marshall purchased =a valuable horse from James McDonald. Mrs. J. J. Lappan returned home al ter visiting friends in Lyn Misms Vera and Mamie Mebonnld visited at i. Mcllonald's on Sunday last My and Mrs. Albert Modier are visiting William Ferguson Orman (Gibson Yonge's Mills, , visited his sister, Mrs A. Lampson. Michael J. Lappan re turned home alter visiting his sister in Kilburnie, 'Ae in Sand Bay engineer Wednesday A num om new Be sure that she is the right girl, then lose your head. Blood Humors Commonly cause pimples, bolls, hives, eczema or salt rheum, or some other form of eruption: but sometimes they exist in the system, indicated by feel- ings of weakness, languor, loss of ap- petite, or' general debility, without causing any breaking out They are expelled and the whole sys- tem Is renovated Strengthened and toned by ood's Sarsaparilla it today. Sold by ali dragsists ay 19 Doses One Dellar. Te,

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