8 | Our Christmas Greeting, We wish you' A MERRY CHRIST- MAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. May yon live as long as you wish and have all yon wish as long as you live. R. UGLOW & COMPANY. eet ret "THOS. LAMBERT "Merchant Tailor A Hand Tailored Suit or Overcoat can always be depended upon for good service. We have a large assortment of Suit- ings and Overcoat Cloths which we can make up at a very reasonable price. We also have the House of Hobberlin sam- ples to sell from. Prices for Suit or Uvercoat from $18 up. THOS. LAMBERT, 175 Princess St. WANTED By Xmas Eve. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS $1,000. : For the Poor Patients of Kingston General Hospital "1 1 can keep one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain, 1 I can ease one iife the aching Or cool one pain, Or help ome fainting fellow Into his strength again, I shall not live in vain." Contributions large or small, will be gratefully received by the Treas. ~urer of the Cleneral Hospital. ' Leave Orders Early FOR Cream Puffs, Short Cake and Currant Bread. R. H. TOYE 302 Biss 2 KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY (British Whig Publishing Co, Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Clothiers, 1 utters, Furriers, Confectioners, Bakers, 1'.guits, Florists, - Grocers, D Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- ware, Stationers, Etc. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory: King Street West : $83 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. variety in Kingston, containi 3, ete. 12 in box, 16e, 20c, i's Stockings ¢, 0c. 35c, 75¢, $1, $1.25, $2 and 30c, {For Able Manner in Which He Con-| " i {thing it is! The Vresbyter Year--| ;qiuts a Com- ada have been working towards un- } i i | WARM: TRIBUTE PAID TO CHAIRMAN RIGNEY OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE i -ducted Business of the Buffalo-Ontario Smelting pany After Power---Business Final Meeting, Monday. , { At the final meeting of the year of | the civic Utilities committee, héld on | Monday afternoon every member of | the eommities paid a warm tribute | to the chairman, Ald. Rigney, Tor the | able manner in which he had carried | on the business of the year. A hearty | | vote of thanks was tendered the chair-| man, on motion of Ald. Elliott and Ald. Bailey. The committee also | thanked the manager of the plant, |C. C, Folger, for his work. The mem- {bers were agreed .that he was one of | the very best men who could be se teured for the job. | Matters of a routine nature occu- ipted the attention of the committee. {Ald. Rigney presided and the other (members present were Alds. Elliott Harrison, Bailey and Shaw. i Although the committee had no of- fial communication from the com- {pany relative to the matter the man- 'ager made the announcement that he had received a request from the Bui- falo-Datario Smelting Company to be supplied with seventy-five horse power, which went to show the ever increasing demand © which is being made on the service. The plant is certainly going along at a rapid rate. J. H. Macnge appeared before the {committes for the Kingston Realties {company regarding the water and gas {mains to be put into houpe being |arected by the wompany on Stephen {street. It is expected to have four lof the houses ready by the first of {the year and it is desired to have the {work dons as speedily as possible. The 'work will be proceaded with under the usual terms. { On the recommendation of the man- lager it was decided to purchase a se- parator for use on the turbine engine {from the Canada Foundry, Toremto, at a cost of $177, and a transform- er from the Canada General Electric company, Toronto, for $430. An account from the Donnelly Wrecking company, for recovering the anchos which was lodged against the |intake pipe, amounting to $80, was ordered to be paid. The question as to salvage on the anchor will be re- ferred to the city solicitor. The an- chor belonged to the schooner Major {Forry, During a storm some months lago it was dropped in the harbor and fit drifted and lodged against the in- 'take pipe. It was feared that the pipe had been damaged and thus a J dive was yoeural to remove it. The oi suffered no damage. pipe regards the aT supply, a ye port was made to the effect that Dr. W. T. Connell had made a test of the water,after chlorination, and found it [all right. It was also reported that ithe process of using the chlorine had {been changed-as a result of the in- formation given \the committee, at its | last meeting, by 'an expert from the provincial board of health, and that the matter was receiving very caréful attention. The complaint of Col. J. H. Y. for at Crowe, regarding better lighting Cataraqui bridge, was referred to F. Nickle, M.P. The latter stated that as the work of making the changes at the bridge, was now under way, the question of the lighting could not be attended to just mow, but would re ceive attention later on. An American firm wishes to open negotiations with the committee, for the placing of electrical signs around the city for merchants, but the matter waft allowed to stand over. At the close «v the business, Ald Elliott moved, seconded by Ald. Bail ey, that Chairman Rigney be tendered a hearty vote of thanks for the able manner in which he had conducted the business of the committee during the year. In moving the resolution Ald. Elliott" paid a warm tribute to the chairman's worth. Ald. Rigney thanked the members of his comunittee, in a neat reply, he re ferring to the harmony which had pre- vailed during the year, between all the members of the committee, at the same time thanking the members of the committee for their support in carry- ing on the work. It has been a pleas- ure for him to work, knowing that he had the confidence and support of his colleagues. The committee had had a great deal of work during the year ~work which required a great deal of time, and he had great pleasure in staling that during all the year, he had never noticed the faintest desire, on the part of any member of the committee, to shirk his responsibility on work he had been given. The chairman paid tribute to the work of Manager Folger. Ald. Shaw declared that the plaat had one of the best managers in Canada. In his eclosing remarks, Chairman Rigney stated that it was a matter of congratulation, that while the work had been rather upset, at the first of the year, the output had been greatly increased and there was no doubt, but that the financial report would be most gratifying to both committee and citizens. . -- Transferred to the Homes. This week the Wednesday evening prayer service in Queen Street Meth- odist church has been, as the pastor remarked, projected into the homes of the ation, © evening ser- Fe Lan Ys a chapter in 1 , sing a Chri hymn or repeat the Lord's prayer together, if family worship cannot be periormed. He wished that in every home there would be some remembrance of Christ on His natal day, and hovor shown to Him in som Held Up by the Ice. Capt. William Tulloch, has return ed home from Sorel Quebec, where he laid up R's steamer Marshall, Capt. Tulloch intended avi ve the Where (Canadian | settled Christmas UNITY IN ESSENCE, Needs are Great Christians Are Getting Together, C. Mary White, in and British News of ronto, writes: Behold how oe) To Miss G. good and pleasant a ians, Meth- i Congregationalists in Can- in mew and sparsely places union churches are coming into existence. Union is not likely to be accomplished on a large scale yet a while, because there will} for many ye be excellent souls who think more of their denoming~ tional name than they do of their Lord and Master, who do not yet understand that some of the things) we used to regard as essential wel now regard" as details, and that you may, without losing your Christian self-respect, or ruining the clemency of the Father, break bread with an other lover of the Lord who does not think precisely as you think about candles on the altar, about the laying on of hands, or about the procession 'of the Holy Spirit. ion for years For the love of God is broader 'Phan the measure of men's minds. Yon always find the greatest ex- emplification of great things where the need is greatest, and where the people are humblest. The power of she church | ot in its magnifi- cence: no! no! no! Who was thrust out of the synagogue? People who dress in the height of fashion "and go on Sunday to magnificent uild- ings, sit in capacious pews, to the pealing organ, critically enjoy the cultured quartette, and rest com- fortably under the smooth phrases of the pulpit, acquire an interest in the institution and its attributes of pomp and power. They make a club where they should make real sacri- fices. Out on the prairie, where men and women of great heart and little means come together fo found com- munities, it is no splendid institu- tion that appeals to them, but their need for tho Almighty Unseen, their capacity for fellowship concerning the weightier matters of this life. Leave them alone and they draw to- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUTSDAY, DROEMBER 24, 1912, THE SPORT: ~ REVIEW, FRONTENACQS HAD ICE PRACT ICE MONDAY NIGHT. Thirty Players. Were Out----Another Practice Will he Held This kven- ing--Notes on Sports, Frontenac juniors had a great work- out at the Palace rink Monday night It was the largest hockey turnout in years. Some thirty odd candidates for places on the team being on hand. It will be a very ditheult matter dor Ue as there is material. "Bob" executive to select a team ceriainly an overplus of Cook, in goal, looks good and Ntgunton, at point, is better than ever. Millan brothers at centre ice were very good. Purtéll and Gunn of last year's team showed up well. Dun lop, Fergusom, Angrove, Derry, Morri- son and Swaine were also good. The team will have another work-out from eight to nine o'clock to-might at the Palace rink, when the merits of the players will be further considered. Has Not Been Decided. On which rink the games of the cily hockey league will be played has not yet been decided. The executive of the league spent Monday evening in dis cussing the matter, but came to no de finite decision. Propositions have been received from the Palace and Quoen's open rinks. Another meeting is called for Friday evening, for the settling of | this matter and the drawing up of the schedule. Would Play Belleville. The physical' committee of the Y.M.C.A has been endeavoring to arrange a game of basket-ball with the Belleville *"Y" team. That team could not arrange a game for the date the local boys des red December 27th--but has promised to give a date in the New Year. In Hockey Circles, McGill will play Mict the Toronw Arena next Friday night! in view of Frontenacs not being ready to give it a game I'he O.H.A. executive will likely meet 3 - St. els at cer ther regardless of Athanasius, or or the Wes- ge the Westminster Confession, fifty-three sermons of John | ley. | Find yourself in ome great soli tude snd yet your mind travel back- wards, and forwards over your own life: and upwards into the illim- itable blue, and you will see how gmall and petty the things are which divide man from his brother, and you will long for union in com- munion, even as the flower at mid- night must long for the dawning day. A creed for yourself? Yes, surely. But to think of refusing to praise the Lotd gxith your neighbor because his.cmind does not appre- hend your creed exactly #8 you do; and most likely it is d@¥inely en- dowed to have.a creed of its own, that just as perfectly fits him as his face does. And so in small places, where reeds are great, people are getting together in uniom, because they see how futile it ig'to build different temples, not t4 the Lord, bat to the miserable differences in creed which will count about as, much in the Everlasting Kingdom as the foam counts upon the heaving sea. ARTIFICIAL ICE RINKS Numerous in Can ada. There is an ingrgasing: number. of ar titicial rinks in Usnada, which are al ready Jocated in. Toronto, Hamilton, Vancouver, Victoria, etc. These have the advantage thai skating can be continued at all times irrespective of weather and temperature. There is a great demand for the skates manufactured by The Starr Manufacturing company, limited, Dart- mouth, N.S., which are especially ad- apted for both artificial and natural ice. The Starr skates are in use not only in all the artificial rinks in Can- ada, but also hold the leading place with prominent skaters in the artitie- ial ice rinks such as New York, Lon- don, Eng., Paris, ete. For over fifty years they have beén making skates, which have always held the leading position throughout Canada with hpckeyists, figure skaters and generally for rink and out-door skating. Now Becoming . Church Services. St. Luke's church--Rev. R. 8. Forneri, B.D., rector. Christmas Day services. 8 and 10.30 pm,:§ Holy Communion, 8 and 10.30 a.m; Rev. R. 8. Forneri will preach. Special Christmas music will be rendered by the choir. Seats free end unappropriated. Strangers made welcome. St. Andrew's--Rev. 8. J. M. Comp- ton, B.D., minister.: Divine service, Christmas day, at 1} a.m. Strangers welcome, St. Paul"s--Christmas day. Holy communion, 8 &.m.; morning prayer, and holy communion, I! a.m.; preach- er, W, F. Fitzgerald. ' mae -- Presentation to George Driver. To mark . their t at his de- parture, the office addr of the King- son and Pembroke railway present- ed George Driver with a pearl horseshoe stick pin. The presenta- tion, took place, oh Saturday even- ing. James Rutherford expressing the feeling of the v. ME. Driver was for four years paymas- ter, of the road and has left to take over the duties of ageat for the Shedden company in this etiy. Greetings From Dr. Mackie, Postmastér Stewart bas received from Rev. Dr. their home in wend cic Tom A ; also Friday night to pass upon the tificates of several doubtful members. 'The N.A. season will open in To ronto on Christmas night, when Can adiens play the Torontos Boston Athletic Assocation hoo kev team found little difficulty in de ferting the Irish A. C. team of New York. The score was to O.. Toronto University play the cent Athletic' Club, champions of the New Vork Amateur Hockey - League, at the St. Nicholas rink, New York, next Saturday night. AT THE GRAND, Events on Christmas Worth. Seeing. The final scene of "The Fortune Hunter" which will be presented at the Grand on Christmas day, mati- nee and night, shows Nat Duncan and pretty Betty Graham standing together on the lawn, whispering words of love as a quiet summe evening rain falls on them. on' Sam Graham, Betty's father, | tp- toeing out with an umbrella, holds it over the cpo'ng pair. This forms the final scene of the fourth act It is a sort of sweet o the clean. quiefly movings stage story, which Widthell Smith tells in his charming comedy. It's the sort cf a play that sends the audience home with_the feeling that they would like to help their neighbor, and there "s a lot of room on. the modern stage for more plays like this. 7 Cres The Day "Billy the Kid" Coming. At the head of what is reported to be one of the strongest compan es that hae been got together ir the support of a melodramatic star, the popular young actor, Berkeley Has well, '8s to present the ever popu- lar play. "Billy, the Kid, at Grand on Saturday, Dec. 28th mafinee and night. All of the scenes of the play, which 's a good strong, well written melodrama, are laid in New Mexico and the settings which are shown in jhe four acts are reported to be exceed- ingly handsome as well as typical of the localit'es they represent. The part of the hero, Billy, is said to fit Mr Haswell most admirably and4 the story is a very interesting one the A Green ( Last year Kingston had what known as a green Christmas, and from the present outlook it will again have something on the verge of greenness The weather is probably colder this year, and the rinks are open. (ili zens who passed through the city and Macdonald parks on the 25th of last December, remarked upon the green ness of the grass 1# Fall and Winter Importations. Prevost Brock street, has received all his fall importations for nm tailoring department, consisting o! suiting and overcoating in great va riety of patterns to choose from, Also large stock of ready-made eloth- | ing snd gents' furnishings. x received a pleasant surprise from the fm, on Mondiy, in the shape of plump Christmas turkey. t stood warding that position last week. Ha. Young came from Montreal at that with the tinuous. Each employee of Hooper & Siater's | a night, | appearance. ABERNETHY'S PLEASE MISTER SANTY BRING ME A PAIROP MSPHERSON'S Many hearts will rejoice over The Lightning Hitch' Hockey Shoe ithis Yule Tide, because it is a skating shoe which ddapts itself to the needs of modern skates, Lovers of skating and hockey players have been | quick to appreciate the merits of "The Hitch" --it supports the ankle and makes skating & pleasure. Men's Boys' $2.25. ' Girls' -- Sold at ABERNET - $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 $2.50 Women's $2.60 HY'S Christmas Chocolates In Fancy Boxes and Baskets, which would make a very suitable Gift. SAKELLS Next to Opera House Phone 640 us Debitity, Mental nnd Bra pondency, Sexual Weakness, konisni matorrhaa, and Effects of Abuse or [KE cssca, Price $1 per box, sixfor $i. One wil plese, six will cure. Dold by £1) druggists or mailed in lain . of receipt of price, New pam, asled The Wood Medicine Cu Ty Windsory Yornnto, Ont WILL GO ON THE LIST. Young Man Endeavoring to Cut Out Drink Habit, A young min, trembled from head to foot before Mayor Ho'g police court, on Tuesday morning He wa; accused of being drunk He has been bsfore the cour, many occasions for bang dranx i1 fact when asked by the mag { ate, as to just how many tines he had been before the he could not sav. As he has been go- ing down hill very fast, the Mayor thought that *f he would allo whim- s2lf to be placed on the "prohibited Hel,' would be ofr great benefit to him Hs consented to do so, b leving that it would of great assistance There were two other drunks. One who made his first appearance, was given bis sitberty, and the other was fined $1 and costs dr:gsed, as he at the well on cou + t be George Young Retire s. Christmas Gifts that Pleas (1 SECTIONAL BOOK CASES, George Young, Universily avenue, } who, for the past thirty-two years, has been agent for the Shedden For- Company, resigned from time Youug's service has been Mr. company The express companies are having he- busiest season of the year. Every ain that arrives in the eity brings ith it a large quantity of baggage. With all the stores open Monday the streets presented a lively 2 THE 1873 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFicy TORONTO paying all bills Ly advantages. It shows EEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and KINGSTON H.ERichardson, BD BRANCH, " Marage Mr. Wud | FANCY TABLES. We store your purchase. JAMES REID'S Tere Owing to unforeseen' circumstances, Christmas Dinner will not be served at the Grosvenor Cafe, as announced. Mrs. Beardsell, Proprietor. re pn ds a TRY NOLAN'S ¥