Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Dec 1912, p. 7

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- THE DAILY hi mse WHIG. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 1912, - ------ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY "TANG ERENT) II THE BANK OF TORONTO |) |:oev. rom i eee PE (OE | | 1 |n THE PEOPLE'S FORUM T 1 HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO CANADA Rarystings = Na it du fics SAURDAY, DEC. 28, ------ se ion os . , the Readers of the Whig. "Lensational Sarai amATle: Seema -- | IN: PORATED 1835. . NOCORPORAT : William Switine, piado. tuner. Didory | conpRNsED ADVERTISING RATES LOST. | FOR SALE. RECORD FOR; BUSINESS YEAR ENDING 30TH NOV, 1912 received "at: Me viey's. Phone 6. an a Joseph | ¥irst tnsertion Je a word. Each eom- A POCKET MAGNIFYING GLASS IN] GOOD WORK HORSE. APPLY TO ¥ a 330" Hodge, certificated EA CAPITAL... .. . RCI aA : $5,000,00 : tuner. Phone 368, 836 Brock t secutive Insertion thereafter bail wr y Whi fic? : a we ie $1 HiTR BITRE Increase tor year AL Eseries 2 tas cre > . : The burg Cobourg i= on the Mont es onderful Star of Westerns | sont a word. Minimum charge for oa SR ENGL SH = AINC oats ~ an Yu RESERVE FUNDS .. .. 3 eo. : . at the Montreal Iransportation , one insertion, 30¢; three Insertions, BROWN SPANIEL DOG, "SPoarT, Frank Coolte, Increase for year ........ aaah van ian = 16, pand's yards Evening se Boe; six, $1; one month, 83. on Wed YL Be ater dep ------------------ - NOTES IN CIRCULATION .... .. .. .. ... a Ladies up-to-date dresSaking. ne ne i 8 _--_------ Wellington Stre nd | receive | EIGHT = HORSK io ora HELP WANTED, i : " ES ur TA ! Wathen, 47 oh Stre Phone Increase fOr YORE « .. so... is cc wu us . Terms moderate. Miss A. beyes, 2: i AY a a | : ' DEPOSITS .. .. . " RE 622,345 Princess street mst tenis seen | CE ll TH aN i 5 The Iztest geport from the i D PLAIN COO APPLY du] CILIER Gd ys BRAC Kir | sen - hii Increase for year a 85,81 off aL 3 ty fu o Lue « best : cool ALAIN JPRS a i We - bday. alterna ab. Ba FINE LOT OF WALYCE AXD ui y 3 tk Ie ovey | tufd ii 4 uf ! enw ur V i b v LOANS and INVESTMENTS ..... rarest seq anstier twelve month | TT : a : blres rr} a rd ¢ Pee h 4 oa ih he halt: We org INCroane fOr. FORE .o ovis: so ivi in iviessrn A WF Nickl VS Matlnees New Year's aud Saturday. | A COMPETENT NURSE. APPL LY rol ie case x 4 a "Phone 105. _ « has prosented i WwW. H TOTAL ASSETS. . .. .. .. . nah 50,226,518 as yi ERS hi: ROCHA. with a pe Tpeiual hal i et tia P : : Increase for year . ....., .. atts 58, lenge trophy for galloping ar ovem, F Te < x Ase MiL1. STRAYED. FoLR SEC OND. ND wna B Hofiort. BMI, given tm years at St i Bt a Peterbus Mu ner a_i 1 ser Bown &8 the i a i tame toi 1 PREMISES OF J. . Cotli ba) te yr 4 The #, for i e Lt FROM THE 4) a serious oflence, DRAMATIC COMPANY, | i Catar brought to the pemitentiary on Fri. on mc KINGSTON BRANCH-107 PRINCESS 8T. day morning. ' MONDAY, "DAD'S SWERTHEART | dei s big commission te Fi : irs oid : Kindly ' FAC TORY, DOING "Coughs and colds" sured at omve. Change of Pinay and specintiied Nightly | . Li. 8a k a # ! e 1X nin pre fits le biminess, a snap fC suid GEORGE B. McEAY, Manager Gibson's Red A rast Drug Store makes PRICES ~=1¢, 40, 30. bi Brie ---- bm wi y v ee i. COO TOT SE IN NAPANEE; Goon 8 specaity of cdring these. Ked ross Seats now on Sale. 8 Mon Gin s AND HOY 8S: ) BIRDS, R A ¥lze, larg lot Ho od do} ae : a. cn ------ gud Wage i Baers BIRDS, BIRDS, RIRDS $1. FRAME HOUSE, NELSON gripp and eoid tablets will do it. : Tal y . Toxt te < ---------- c------ -- ay Patrick McKenna, Princess street, "CARD OF THANKS. i 'ataranul Street, ON {IMPOR ANAS 8, Pooky OUSE, COLLING. - $ t t 3 in parte was removed from his home, on -------------- : AR -- arst ! I t: others all rs ie r § ¢ i N Rd BEAT PE RSON MAY dng: : 3 . M Wetingion TELLG ; « dia Ntwue HOF CHOICE FARMS Thursday, to the Hotel Dien, wilh a Mr dame ' : . ¥ COTTE onding AF HOWARD Ss. "FOL EF bad attack of grippe sire, wishes th express ho wiicers | gan, $100 Tmonpuiy corrseponing) fu EE St Sorta Rh aii. Fa There is to be a joint Masonic in or thelr Jindness during th i Send far § lars, P yng er mare WAS g GARDINER, INSUR. 44 CLARENCE 8ST. PHONE 995 «iallation this evening, faliowed by Band Hines of seem en iat " en or ' n Ro oats god Money ie INVESTMENT BROKER. fn supper in the Masonic hall This, Lo = -- . ] + BUSINESS CHANCES. 3 A : : is St, John's day. 4 : HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS. THe YR 0.A a to Hold un open AI : Ja I TE eee oer cee 2 evning in the building 'on. New yr ™E pi ; : Lo ole { SASKATOON REAL ESTATE. Year's evening. Th Wilk be a big w ot alalogy r | INVESTMENTS TNSURANCE, MONEY TO LOAN. «| time in the gymnasfum * and re : ie | The Joh "AM Rae C tty P i / freshments will beiserved. + CANADIAN GOVERNMENT NEEDS e John A. McRae Co ene neat City Park, p 3 ba, : ; ; Agent for Canadian Pacific Farm Lands in Manitoba, Alberta So Provios Fotre Shahn" This is Crest 3 rn gy pre I ESOS ) : ' atehewan, the reply given by Mr. Gibson, pro Brand 3 : $34 90 mo kt Hay ae iis | ® FOR ru -- RE CLEAY ATTRACTIVE LIST OF HOUSES AT REASONABLE PRICES IN prietor of Gibson's Red Cross lirug * h : ie 2 | airy rooms, absolutely moth : ade. Thi H i ¥ & t te, b a (| ANYON ANYWHERE CAN START roof. your own lock and key TIONS ON HAND AT PRESENT FOR SALE. Store, about his Christmas trade. Thi 8 Highest 20 er, N AN Mall 'Srder business At home. 00! rostis 'Clty Storage. 298 Ques is the result of only selling strictly Quality ; : fei { kT Be } cAnvVASSing: be your own boss St Phone B28b high s good 1 B } Sen ar booklet: t YO Be - - igh @ass goods and telling the people | SALESMEN WANTED: NO EXPERI Bond Ii 2908 choos. BF how through the press where thes br y ce @ O08 BEC » thay p Sy oan ty " sce Hrs Bn Bi -- -- FOR SALE OR TO LET. From the estate of the late James ROLLED OATS oben pay te 00 OSTEOPATHY. NO 100, comyER \RL AND Vic. Maguire, of Flizabeth, N.J., formerly € POUND COTTON BAG FOR year, J i uN eee - - = Loria streets futnics, bath " A aay w ' ri all! modern cons of Kingston, Bi. Mary's cathedral re abe. i » 4 Ol eRALY HG i v ceives 85,000 and the Hotel Dien | Fass roan Sus mmm. OR Asherof ji Wel _ hard. wd and the House of I'tovidence $2.50 em " " amr ------------------ y ah w' * ARD Mi A ler irony each. f oft ol ' - - a Citizens who happened to be at th M i Operators, A natic M 08 al CITIZENS' CANDIDATE Kingston and Pembroke railway sty OH! OH! OH! ¢ lly 1s Se a 4 eot---- ~ - ad DENT ----i le . tion on Thursday afternoon saw an Where Will I Go? : ' ' h 1 to TEACHER WANTED AE. KN APP, HA, LDS, DDS, RE. Having been requested by a old ri satiding on She platforn 1 want a Turkey, Duck or ' Opera " ' : moved to 258 Princess Street smoking a pipe. This used 16 be 100 me nice Tender } € Lette en : 1 ---- Rmn--------"------ - -- pm ------ --- SHORE REPAIRING, large number of citizens to offer| "oH ia Sethe rs During So me Ten Nhe , a! LA ramen TEACHER FOR S.8.0nn, oo, NASM, DENTIST) DR. , @ 1 have installed the Good. myself FOR THE MAYORALTY |... part of the afternoon th Ment. Butter Egos Li { pst . in portance nt} Whtcker LasHatant, 133 Princess ' . es 8 a > i } 1 . r. E a { A pe ic ee! 0 78 Yaar Wek Maghin Repairing. re 1 have consented to accede to "old girl" was up street enjoying a Mish, wil Il you where --- . ary, te 4. Woodman a _.-- a Call and give me a trial. heir wishes and therefore 1sk the| smoke. a 11 go CATERER. and : . SEARKS AND SPARKS, ve NTINTS, 11 ~ » » av to # ap 7 2 , Ls 4 Ct ARE . i al 159 'ellinet n Stree wer - CRE By. ratepayers for their VOTES AND| bow i po tv saieioe' A bv, | The New Meat Shop, TP TREACHER (PROTESTYAT), SG-| hovaky's, Kingston Phone 348 : s proprietor o nous hat ' iy? | WE RTO PARTIES, BALLS Sond A A Pu me ---------- | UENCE to elect me asi. "= Drug Store. Ope example he will Phone 1314. 83 Earl Street | |, od Breakfasts, Banquets 0; dutie ence Jan, Ard. | . SIMPSON, 1L.DA, D.D.S, DENT. ple. ; Rn i X rissi #1 FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH or with Gut boapd; all moder oon. - GHEY MAGISTRATE OF KING- give you is the number of orders from tent Dishes, . Table 1% . . : y . i st, CO rner Princess and Bagot THE TOGGERY SHOP, 8TON for the year 1913. aut of town customers who read the JYSr WAR Reid - & 1 } y Fntran on Bagot Siraat Tele 'Phone 843 or 203 } t . ' hud phona 26 ' singel Brit Wi » reeeived th 3 . { : - For Men Who Care, SAMUEL R. BAILEY Hinge oe Bettiah W BY raed o ppd ye & i me - OUR CHRISTMAS LETTER. : Fan With service and you are sure to get HER: nr rout S em | EDGARD RIEGEL aA ra CE AND INSURANCE : ¥ xiguaten the | UPHOLSTERY, OILCLOTH, CAREY WANTED---GKNERAL. - meet ee op A We wish to extend Christmas Cire 3 results providing you tell the people : Y LAYER n INSURANCH. 1 i thaihhk the many whe # 0 " 13! en Ne ay i. -------- -- A en ad ss | GIENS y jase aha, ore 0,8 opening | Shout it iu the Whig. | ous Debility, Ment ' Repalrs Furniture in all Styles NICE (LEAN RAGS ron WIPING Boon, Agent, 169 Wellington " in Kingston m-- - ; | pondency, Serua! ? Wear y HRafes Reasonable machinery, will pay good price for Fire, Life, Accident and Health "Our Xmas. trade is beyond expecta- LADIES CURLING CIAB matorriuea, and Lf cre of <lluse or E " Drop a Card or Call. . heme. Sanus Whig Publishing Policies issued. ~~ fans: ry Nich WAH HO Y, \ ASE---- Le re a b3 n i 35 Cl 8 68 oO NECKWEAR, 1 t aN ini 5 82 phily Dold £8 i . i - -- IRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUS. TO THE ELECTORS \rranging for a Big Banspiel nv, S00 0ke or pools of Ne Clarence Bt. [TWO OR THREE 1 NFURNISHED|C, 8. KIRKPATRICK. GENERAL IN, DERS, etc. . January, Thatiad fros, The § Tho edicine © SE ------------------------------ ------ joc 3 te SUPATLCe ARS nt, Marine, A few Sweater Coats and Umbrellas a > z aren io: Ont te vaik from Mark Fa Fire and Gua Frio 42 Clarence Very reasonable, Our store exponscs OF THE Ihe Ee Where rams Tare more. reasonabi meeting on Friday morning (6 make coir EN amare What we save in this way we CITY OF KINGSTON artangemcnts for the bonspiel lo be - BO gi tats Tatloring, (15 Kaho | FRONTENAC LOAN AND. INVEST x : i"g 4 Al in f AM y A - - willing to share with our customers yheld in the city on January 15th; | | | the Tallor, the x that sul ment Boclety:- established 1883; 18 Montreal Street, Kin pres ident; Lt..Col, Henry R. Smith to frequently originate ideas whi . 'D GE MEN ) s foll . i Vou are difficult for others, not so or LADIES AND GENTLEMEN x igth and a, To Moving om | i Make a a ton mor issued on city and farm miitees weve a pon el i ] | 3 > na a--a-- - -------- pri Tries municipal and Sint Ladies' Curling Club held a} " " Whig of Btreet ----_------------------------------ tunate to follow am : . : Just now we ince. AoLuTRLY n response to a general requdst| (emeral committee--Miss M. Betts, Year's Gif mortgages purchased; od R Fou ay Rr rh bance bit on the part of the Citizens of Kings- Miss H Macpherson, Mrs. i. J | ] AE poms of x AY Bin ast ¢ ana qatareat Yi 5 Croan; sls FRONT AND BAG K NCE Sop Ofer JuTsall an an IN Hooper, Miss A. Fairlie, Miss 1. Tan | Frosh Pork Sevsiocs. Gib. ci 14 Come In now before the and st will pay highest Clarence Co Jon, Manager, #7 on all shirts 90 or TH wl AR " a 4 a t The Thy DM OY i prices; s me before anyone else! ~~ y tv, Mrs. Howard Folger and Miss Ib make. 1 gl rush. J. The fod 233 Princess Street,' a values, prices, eic guaranteed Mayor for the year 1018, and re- hieeh, i { id! | next 8 Andrew's Ch ureb. het the same article sold any- spectfully solicit your votes and in- Reception committee--Mrs. R. 1] Hamburg Staak, . oar oY el . Hh {reer Sl ane YR re TO Fos fos RS a pane chy 33 fmiblar price, | fluence, T. J. RIGNEY Hooper, Mrs, Ww. Macnee, Miz. W. 8. A Cuts "4 The Cooke Studio | or 8 nd Shoe an assis, 361, 187.215 os ua ddition w THE TOGGERY SHOP . 2 Ma AN le Hughes, Misa ¥. Gustingham, Miss-1. Peet. : { Par Ki gf ree ' which 8 Er a ey of RIDEAU WARD Tandy ane Hine be Biveh Miss FE > Parl i . | 244 Princess St dei roe shine first i possible arty Te wa Goodwin and Mise Hilda Hague. : : = . Se ; Lh on 5 on ares 8 phe pel tates GENTLEMEN T0 BRING T™MEIR 'Phone 22 h and have lt made up Into up~ - r-- p count of work in it 3 ' ache pe . i amendments to the Assessment Act, don, Mrs. R. Waldron, Ms. Macpher a to-date suit Price and work- have consented. to do and again | . Le manship i tend to please ARCHITECTS, solic your tes fd ni 3 rg 2. Givens offered the use of . . AAI ASTRAY Pressing and repairing done on once re." Phe 9 your « ! » for a bridge to be held dur ' the shortest notice. Thomas Gallo- ARE -------- way 13% Brock Street, mnesr HENRY PF. SMITH, ARU Irmor "ro, Rihhv's Livery 88 King Street "Frans 24h, RG. ARMSTRONG. ing the homspiel: : Pure Food Grocer, Fresh Lobsters, The follgving clubs have been in- ited fo wend rinks : Montreal, Heath- Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts. Macker | Has opened a er. Westmount, St. Lawrence, Lachine, Phone 88. y e y Oat remont, Quebee, Rideau, (Ottawa), p S Its v | Pe rth, St. Andrew's Club of 8t, } me . { Johns, Thistle, St. John city, Opange- da SABE . Lm S. R. BAILEY {town, Smith's Palle, Renfrew, Tovon-| British System the Rest. Shell Oysters. r op The Citizens' Candidate for Mayor |io, Peterhoro and Belleville. { oyoionto, "Dec. 27.--Before the H a | Workman's Compensation commis } esr -- --_-- . a8 opened No Fromterae Practice. | dion of Ontario to-day, Tecumpeh MFDIOAL, > p o wat woathi re Sherman; United States expert; 1 . v mer, AT THE (Committee Rooms on Brock St gto the Wet weather *, there SROUmAN, Baited States expert, said DOMINION Fl FISH € 00. ET. SrRoAL: : BUSINESS NOTICR. N ! . in ¥ I will no practice of the team at 1 1 i FS and : / : je rl : Nn t, } e ron r 24] Between Wellington and Bagot Sts. | ths Palace rink to-might The man. COTpensation was undoubtedly the $ 53 BROCK 8S. y "PHONE 520 + Wellington Street, corner BL Ab - [ coars: COALSE COALS} HY PAY | best, and the province should adopt ) - ¢ Hours: 9 t igh £ Bune such high coal Bilis when you "ap | + 3. 1 iv use gas for eooking? Direp a care ; All Citizens are invited to make | agement is endeavoring to arrange a ¢ i : it "deen 1 nd v appolntr i 8 Hotel Frontenac free use of 'these rooms practice at either the covered or the | -» ~wwt ! day -- a , ppointr ent ! jo David Marsal 101 Queer, 5 Palice rink on Saturday night. The or wo wa ---- . Sireat, for prices on gar Insiails A | -- } AS a great many electc rs have ask- ed me to stand for o y Committee for prizes--Miss M. Gor > -- NEWLANDS a San, ARORA. ow ARTS, BmTn, jasta, ofc Ottices, 198 vugor wi PERSONAL, POWER & SON, ARCHITROMY, WER. cha ity' Bank Balldings rorner Mh ck and By ellington Mrests ron a -ae wa anata aaned -w pinyvers will be notified to-morrow -------- F . g urniture Victory of St. Anthony. - -- a LEGAL i 41 A despateh from Ottawa says: . . , UPHOLSTERING, RE. Jae Whete he would * The victory of T. Brownlee's 8t FOR BREAKFAST a: arpet wor, naif mat. | CUNNING AM & MUDIE, RARRIST. leased to see Fi Anthony, driven by Percy Burnham ig ova iE JRrop a card vt | ere and Solicitors. Law Office, 71 . oF0 nN 44 t ot Clarence pat, sto hi be 2 NN urniture! in the 2.11 pace at Toronto Yestey- CHIVER .y i Arer re ngston TI ey {day, did not come.as a surprs: io 8 10 er patrons ) local horsemen, in vew of ths good S BYABLIS work, the former K ngston horse § ESTABLISHED 1868 C ] Th : had been dong in his trials at SET t t Lansdowhs' Park. St. Anthohy PURE ENGLISH Ils oa a asts went several fast miles last week > A : fi © UCU JORANGE MARVIALADE| SSR 4. heating sus orm | pn ea / ever, were disapp inte) because of the fRilare of "Ja Lh" Hoores *or- mer pacer. Grand Own, lo état - . 3 » yesterday at Hill Ores Park. They . : ; power with little waslie In are aching so to speak is A ace 2 3 ; 4 {IS : between Grand Opera bud St Ape / : 4% Ashes and Clinkers. thony. They may nex. hafare the i "We Guaraniee Hill Crest races are all run on fy Also i ~ Every Load." VISITING CARDS i i TOR THE : STOCK MARKETS, Fendi Packed » { NO OTHER ESTABLISI- F.. B.;McChrdy Co., Clarence Cha © Ta : WwW } p= | MENT IN KINGSTON EN. Ee he i ' in : } | VES ITS OWN * TSNAYES YH OWN CorpEn Closing ries, Doe. Fith. UWVERS™ on Glass Sua Bo rh ares Bri a Kins RK. . Ce Hw Hy CTRL aT 7 1b. Tins, , | Noma Fie 2. Cl Kingston's gston dam nH ea | | Beauty Parlor ||/Covered Rink Crown Reserve a 350 RX i Leave your order for 8 The Rink Office will qpen on i : i} ella High grade Cerseis tos Dec. 14th for Sale of Season Ticko's x Fork. 1 if the suring Manicuring, and Lockers ilnes of i} fhampooing, ete. dope Fancy x se that the label reads packed at Chivers' Sani- {} Goods, CPC. Goods a apei- | |Family Season Ticket (of 34 34.09 ality. " " " (3) $7.99 tary od at i " - (4 or 5) 38.00 .i Er My tre Sensor Tica" 1081 : M. F. DUNNETT Aady's Season Tickét ...... $3.90 HISTON, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND in es tin " ' » ib 1% wetting : Children's i $2.09 } on St. Phone STH. v » i : Lj Students" Ticket .. .. .. ., $2.00 - AT ALL GROCERS. 1 : Notice of opening for skating . A RE TRE : " } | baeutCol. Bartletr, - of the Essen will. be given Inter. Families, io. dead at. Windsor, _W, B. BONTER, Mauger. - A reductions on -all Jard. :» Stands,

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