i LIVINGSTON'S * A AO SR ry i BO a A SMU TORO re 3 i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1912. THE CENSUS RETURNS SHOW EXTENSIVE GROWTH, Immense Production of Some Estab. lishments -- Ontario Still Holds Leading | Position Among Pro- vintes, dvd Montreal in the Cities. Ottawa, Dec. 27 --The Informa tion obtained from the census of the manufactures of Canada taken in Juffe, 1911, has just made its appearance in a bullet'n from the census branch Some of the infor- mation was given the public by Mr Archibaid Blue in a epeech at thy annual meeting of the Manufactup ers' Association (mn September, but much is entirely new. The returns show that at the time of the census Capada had 19 21% manufacturing establishments, with a capital of $1.247.573.609: with 215,193 employes; with a pay roll of $645.288.733; using raw mater- A A A At a iI airman ns Exclusiveness in a man's dress does not mean peculiarity, but rather refinement. The well dressed man you no- tice on the street is the man that appreciates the difference between ordinary tailoring and the best. and turnng out products to value of $1,165,975,639> t In ten years the number of estab- lichments increased by 4,668; capl- tal by $800.000,000, employees by 176,000; wages by $128 006.000; raw materials handled by 533.000 - 000 and finished products by $685 .- 660.000 The exteng've development of Canada's industries is indicated by the immense production of some of the establishments. One in Nova Scotia 'n 1910 turned out more than eight million dollars' worth of products, one in Ontario more than fine million dollars' worth. and two. In Quebec more than ten méllion dollars' worth. These were four- teen establishments which had a product'on just under seven million dollars each for the year. 1 Ontario continues the banner pro- vince for manufacturing, 6,543 establishments, Quebec being next. with 4.845; Nova Seotia fol- lowing with 1,188; New Brunewick 919; Brirtsh Columbia. 392: Edward Island, 334. Manitoba, 324. the We've earned a reputation for doing the best of work. Come in and talk tailoring with us. el AA Pit sind cnn Suits, $25, $28, $30. Overcoats, $25 to $35. a fr tN Nt AN gether 105 The figures indicate that amalga- mation was practised in Ontario to a very large extent, as during the lest five years the number of mann facturing establishments Increased by only five, while the to'al capital- 'zation of the Ontario manufactur- Ing companies Increased by 200. 000.000 by Afty thousand, the amount; of wages paid by $£55,000,.00, and the total piotuction py $21Q,000,000.. In Quebec the umbedfor estab lishmenis showed an inftease of 1.619 five vears the total capital- fzat'on $71,000,000. the number of wniplgyees by 39.000, the wages ral them by 222.000,000, and the toad producticn of the factories showed an 'nerease of $131 000,000 Toe province with the highest rate of increase in the value 3 during the last ten vears was Wl berta, with 1.331 per cent. the aroun! of increase being $17 500 All Wool + Blankets 3.5 BROCK STREET = 'Pure White Wool, slightly dust soiled, at 20 Per Cent. Off. Suitable for single and double beds. Ladies" House Overalls The handiest article ever made. To be worn over the dress whilst doing house- work. ® Made of fast color English Ginghams and Percales, in light and dark-shades, Suitable for large or small figures. Neatly Trimmed. 48, 60c, 75¢, 79¢c, 85c, ' 98c, $1:10 Each. - ' "poe the same time. Mani-' CANADA'S INDUSTRIES = 7% i produces by $41,000,000 or 315 per ials to the value of $601,509,018¢,+ Ottawa having | Prince | and Alberta and Saskatchewan to-| the number of employees | of produats | R' to my position---well, I will not say | ter, During Years--They and Distant Rankin, Jr. Belleville, is in expected this city, spent MONEY NO GUARANTE Toronto, a former | cent., British Coluwibia nereased by | { $46,000,000. or 335 per tent; Qua TO KINGSTON AND ELSEWHERE tec by $192.000,000, or 121 pgr | FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK. icent.; Ontar'o by $338 000,000 or! { or cont. S chews b 9,- a Jia 000, or Fo kates wan 2 (The Old Homes See Many Familiar i Among the cities Montreal con-| Faces of Bygone | tinues in the first place as a mand-! Came From Near | facturing centre w'th Toronto gain- Places, jing. In 1910 the value of manu- | S | fractured products in Montreal w E. | proper was $166 000,000, an ing | the ety. 2 crease of 146 per cent. in twenty Percy Ward, Calgary, #is years However, including Maison- Bome to-morrow, {neuve. Westmount, and Lachine, ' Joseph Miller, of { which are e:sentially a part of the Ubristmas in Picton | Montreal industral centre, the value J. G Taggart, B.S.A.., of Svden lof the production for the vear was ham. is in Kingston on business | $115,660 000, which 's an increase | Henry Lalonde, George street; is of 168 per cent. in twenty years. confined to his home through tHuess. {The value of product'on in Toronto Edward Mcintosh, of Los Angeles, wits $154.000.000, an increase of Cal., is visiting his old friends in 234 per eent. 'n twenty years. Ham. Bingston. ilton takes third place as a Canad-' Miss Lavra Turcotte. of Toronto, ian manufacturing centre with a pro- D8 been visiting her parents in this duction of 65 125,000; Winnipeg is City. i : 4th with production $32.654 600; Eric Dunn, Toronto, is visiti his th with $2v 954 000; Que- Porents, Capt. and Mrs. Dunk, Mont ber six'h wth $17.149,000; London real street. seventh with $16,273,000; Brant-' James Mills, Calgary, is visiting his ford e'ghth with $15,070 000; Van- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, couver ninth with $15,866 009; Portsmouth. Halifax ten'h with $12.140,000; st.' 'George Dais and Henry Batchelor, John eleventh with §10,089.6006; © Montreal, are in Kingston visiting Sydney twelfth wth $9,395,000; ©ld friends. . Berlin thirteenth with $9 268 006: Mr. and Mrs. R. McConnell arrived Calgary fourteenth with $7,751,000. in theseity irom Belleville, on their . wedding trip. Leo Doyle, of Kingstonian, is visiting his parents, on Ridegu street. Miss Eva Davy .and Miss Ida Purvis OF WORTH, DEOLARES J. OGDEN ig Cy to visit. W. Bucknell, - ' 9 at Alymer, Ont, ¥ ARMOUR, | Roy Humphrey and sister, Miss Myr- tle, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. F. Harper, Ross Delong reed to Teronto on' Thursday, having spent a jew days in the «ity. Charles Edwards returned to treal on Wednesday, after a few days in the city! Vernon Crawford, B.Se., returned 10 Pittsfield, Mass, to-day after visiting Jd€ his parents for a few days. | save as he strolled back and forth John Allan, Jrock street, superin n ike portico of the Hotel Mdry- tendent for Jago & Harris, spent his | lana, in Pasadena, to-day Christmas vacation in Ottawa | "Maybe you dou't think I work" Rodney Horne, Toronto, formerly of he said. "Why, every man must Kingston, i= visiting his parents, Mr | Wwork----{f he 's worth a million, if and Mr«. (". Horne, Brock street {he is worth a hundred mill"ons or Eroest lenley, of the Kingston {if he is dependent on his weekly. street railway, spent Christmas with : We ought all to tyke our his parents at Watertown. N.\ n the great crganizafioca and Miss Minnie Ball, of the city elerk's work of the world office, has returded from spending ihe "You know money doegn"t mean Christmas holidays at Sharbot Lake evervthng--in fact little in Fritz Muller is here irom Peterboro, | come cases-- for value of spending his holidays with his par 8 pot gained. Take the sons of ents on Earl street, until after New rich mem; money is Year's . squandered in drinking and other Thomas Collins, superintendent of UE 1 : the Canadian Pacific Kailway T'o- "Somelimss a pqor man is far and 'routo, will pay a visit to the Cityy away better off than a rich man | on Saturday. watch my men know the lives Charles Summerby, of Trenton, is of many. Thet doesn't mean oaly here for his vacation, visiting his par the men who are|close about me, ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Summerhy, but the men 'n my plant Sone | Johnson street with only a moderate ealary are far! Mrs. . McKenna, happier than men to whom Jthe has returned home jworth of a bank means no mor Dieu, where she was | than a box of cigars in value to thy atrack of pueumonia. | ordinary parson. i ar Fhomas Vincent Daley returned { "Because a men has woney, tha: to Providence, Rhode Island, aiter { does not: make him any be. ie'. Por spending Chrismas with his parents | vor it would be better if al! men at 3% Wellington street i Were equal in wealth; still iF thot! Leo Gieecon who has been spend- {Utop'an éondition were brought about ing a few days at his home, in ths | there would be ome in the city left at noon for Ottawa, on | that would corral the dollare of the | his way to Calgary. jothers and we would cme back to! William Blomeley, Toronto, who the conditicrs of the present day. came here for his sister's wedding | "Bul let me tell you something will remain a few days at his former | Often Counts, | Multi-Millionaire Says it Means Little, and What He Says, is Work. Los Angeles, Cal, Dec. 27--J Ogden Armour &f Chicago, worth (pumerous millicns, does not think | money is a guarantee of worth or haracier or a touchstcme of happi- | ehs nessa, according to an intervew Mon spending some i Princess street from the Hotel suffering from an word right here. 1 have no nich men home on Collingwood street working for me; 1 don't want them | "Jack" Wright, of the Bank of To- | When a man takes a position and 's | rento, Montreal, spent Christmas j rich enough not to be dependent 01 with his parents, Mr. dnd Mg, C. this salary which comes from that W. Wright, Colborne street. | posity n be has reached a stage| Miss Charlotte Howisou, Montreal when Me is pot worth a continental. street, left on Thureday for Mon Now, this is generally speaking. MM tredl, where she will spend some | course there are exceptions to all time visit ng friend and relatives j rules. I don't care to have a rich Henry Jones, an "old bev" of | man's gon in my employ unless the (Kingston, now on the staff of the boy is there for work. Mail and Empire, Toronto, is visiting "In my plant all of the head wen his former home, on Johnson street bave risen from the ranks. There | Colin McMaster leff last night for | & not an office boy 'mn my employ | Toronto after spending Christmas with fat the present day who cannot $2' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McMa I il fl Pine street, and also attending Alcombrack-Slade wedding Mrs. W. H. Jones, St. Catharines came down on Tuesday to spend {Christmas with her parents, Nergt Major and Mrs. Slade, and also at tend thé Alcombrack-Slade wedding my postion, but next te me The | (he affice boys are picked most careful | ly. We never go outside for a man; | we advance them "Take T. J. Connors He started with our firm thirty years ago as a clerk, with a sa'ary of perhaps $1!" + minth. Now he is one of my head mien." } | Wedding Ceremony at Bride's 'Tome | on Thursday Evening. A pleasant event took place Thurs y evening, at the home of Sergt Major Instructor J. BE. and Mrs Vithough the local Chinamen are Slade, 281 Montreal sireet. when thei not saying anvihing about it, it is second daughter, Isobel Helen, beeams expected that they will follow the ex: the bride of Joseph Byron Alcom {ample sot by Chinamen in various brack, New burgh, in the presence of jother places, and celebrate the dawn about fifty guests. Shortly after {of the new year for the first time on eight o'clock the bride, who was January lst. gowtied in pale blue duchess satin de It is stated that the eelebration of chine, and carrying. a boujuet of the Chinese pew year in the month oi white roses and fern. entered February is likely to be discontinued. the drawing-room on the arm of her With the fall of the Manchu dynas- father, to the strains of the Loben- ty, the ages of the old calendar of grin Wedding March, played hy Miss the Ming dynasty, it is stated, will E. Cook, Cataraqgui. After the eere be followed no donger, and that here 'mony the guests repaired to the din alter, Jagpary Ist will be the date ing-toom, = where a sumptuous repast | for the beginning of the new year with (was partaken of. 'all the Chinese. { The bride, who is a graduate nurse EN ASE of Rockwood hospital, was the recipi ent of many: costly and beautiful pres jents, including cheques from the {groom's mother apd the bride's lath er, and a magnificent parlor lamp from her sister nurses at Rockwood = i mang the eubaltoun Siesty Roty : ™ rs. DP. Stanton, Cleveland, io, | Thrilling War 1 a "mother of the groom: Mrs. N. Locke At the King Edward to-night and ridge, Centreville; Mrs. W. H. Jones, Saturday a two-reel feature entitled | 84 Catharines, sister of thi bride "At Old Fort Deathorn," or Chicago Mise A. Alcombrass, Newburgh, awd (in 1812, in which this series of 'C. McMahon, Toronto. 4 (events is vividly portrayed Ly abigl The bride's travelling costume was a 'company, including a large band of {ailo.-nade suit of navy blue serge, Indisns.. SometBing happening 2. white beave. hat, with King's blae the time. Usual admission trimming. Mr. Sad Mrs. Alcombrack -- {left on . the midnight train, : "The Poultry Show. | showers. of rice and good wishes, foe The prize list for the winter show Toronto and pointe west, before tak- of he' Ratton Poultry Asotiation, ing up residence in Newburgh which is to be beld in city hail! ------ A o------ "in January, will be distributed ma | His Foo: Badly Jammed. few days. The "fanciers" had a meet- | Noleon Holinnd, son of George Hol ing on Yhursday evening, regarding land, Portsmouth, had the mistortune the show, which promises to be big. to have his foot badly jammed while ALCOMBRACK<LADE CHINAMEN UPTODATE, Will Likely Celebrate Dawn of New! Year, Jan. fst, Quly One "Bromo Quinine." This % Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for the siguatyre of EE. W. Grove. Cures a cold in one day. Cures grip fa two days. 25c. i | Hole Proof Hosiery A New Pair for Evety Pair That Wears Out in Six Months. This printed and written guarantee goes with each box. For Ladies, 6 pairs in a box, fine winter weight Cotton Hose, very comfortable and properly made leg and ankle, $2 box. Or 6 pairs in a box, winter weight Black Lisle Cotton Stockings, $3 box. Or 6 pairs in a box, Fine Black Cashmere, seamless feet, $2 box. Or 3 pairsin a box, Black Silk Stock- ings, $3 box. These 3 pairs of Black Silk Stockings are guaranteed for 3 months, and any pair requiring darn- ing within 3 months will be replaced with a new pair. Men's Black Cashmere Sox Guaranteed Holeproof for 6 months . 6 pairs in a box for $2 a box. 6 pairs Men's Fine Black Cotton Sox for $1.50 box. Children's Holeproof Black Cashmere Stockings, 3 Pairs in a Box. All wanted sizes, from 6 inch up to 9 inch foot. Prices $1.00 up to $1.50 Box. Every pair guaranteed for 3 months. A written guarantee goes with each box. ---------- lt Pg tl, rl tA Nt yal A NG John Laidlaw & Son "ger and better than formerly. working at the Kingston Shipitsiiding ci company, on Friday morming. He and "it seems a pity" whem a number of ahr en wey meaged Gri Ned {ross lifting a» large te, - whi sli h AL mstant vy at ting on his foot, Medical aid Gibson's Hed Crose Drug Store, Zhe. wmmoned and the imjnred was ; : taken home om 8 street Gifts For The New Year Ladies' Boudoir Slippers : ; In Black, Checolaty Hod. Pink and Blue, Kid and Satin lined > 1.28 pair Ladies' 8kating Boots at $1.75 $2001 $2.50 Felt 8lippers for the house from . 38c wp to $150 The Lockett Shoe Store