2 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TI'PSDAY., DECEMBER 3 1, 1912. Th 'Holiday Rates FOR Christmas & New Year' Round Trip Tickets will be issued as follows: ~ sl Good going Dec. and returning on 26th, 1812. > Also 'good going Dec. 31st, 1912, apd Jan 1st, 1913, and returning on or before Jam. 2nd 1913. SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE AND . ONE-THIRD. Good going Dec. 21st, 1912 to Jan. ist, 1613, inclusive, and re- turning on or hefore Jan. 3rd, 1913. Tickets issued to intermediate points between Montreal and Toronto will - not he valid on trains 1 and 4. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts Sol EER CL YTS IN CONNECTION WiTH CANADIAN PACWIC RAILWAY. NGLE FARE. 24th and 206th, or before Dec NEW YEAR'S : EXCURSION FARES SINGLE FARE AND FARE, id Good going ONE-THIRD. Dec. 26, Return mit, Dec. 26, 1912, Also oging Dec. 31, Jan. 1, Return Hmit, Jan. 1913. "Also 1. Return Hmit Wed.,, Jan. 3 4913. 2 " Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. going Dec, 21st fo Jan ss - a ' : - STRUGGLE! COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS. READY . 6 } This Worthy Writer Taking Lessons & on the Bagpipes. WOULD NOT GIVE UP whi A---Alive and alert yet? ; a 'e WON B---Buyers and sellers sundry? THEY HAVE WOX. C--Christmas cheer and Christ- -- mas peace pot irreconcilable. Back Down--Unless| D---Dinners pyramidal, and, like | the Mitle boy. some of us could not have managed much more except we stood up. ~~ kB: Must Pro 1s are Modified, War will be Resumed, Fadangering Peace of All Europe. E--Enough is as good as a feast. Notwi ge F--For a creditable, deleciable Laid: Dee Notwithstanding] amber, commend us to the Christ- APPA tive A iste of the | mas issue of the "Whig." fiends IR 3 . prospects to- G--~Glorious reading and portray- peace confe ineingntt Fd Right Ipok brightel ae - " Hi--How real and beautiful among the changing 3TE0 ot of anv new |a thousand sparkling gems, the an- fog ua | swer penned: to Mttle Virginia's fact. the first place iti stated on good | Question as 10 dear old Santa's iden- thotity » Turkis legates | tity! authority that the Turkish delega we Sill present to-morrow modifed! Is 4 wan fit to live who is not jean betiet ealentat he eo) Flor calenlate, If you can bow yasis Lo gO 10 '. ond place, the allies appear more anx- manv little takens of Tegard ave ious to come to real business, if it isi ust passe @ £ a ossible oved ones. : : at all Poa . ceupied the week-end inl K--King Edward's faithful dog, exchanging long cipher telegrams | "Caesar" to have a monument. with their respective governments Lucky dog! ; . : ordegs to be fully informed on all] L--Limestone elt, oe points and in complete agreement. limelight of progress alright, They seem to be nervously apprebel-1 why should she ort "lp sive that they will he deprived of the M---Mention a Bagpipes, hn fruits of their victories by kutopesn Bible must in ate they aball | be intervention. One of the delegates, Seal LHC he "sithough a dittle said -night < { o A cult to say whether our shy as to his kilf suit. struggle will be harder against us-| N--Now, it is possible that suffra- selman oppression of against Euro" | gettes want a vote hadauge candi. pean intervention. which already sev-! dates (say for mayoralty" & eral times has prevented us from shak-| both gallant and good-loking) can ing off the Ottoman yoke. Dear YB, msurmou' es th ference than of in and Although "hordly leave them indifferent. our armies have victoriously reached hearts! . Tchatalja, Europe might wish to re-| Q--One's own esteem, every man turg.Adrianople to the Mosiems, for- ghoufd try and merit. gettthg or ignoring what that would = P--Perhaps its just as well Rev. mean for the Christian population: fT. W. Neal's picture came a little "1f official Europe likes horrors it late for Christmas number. We shall have them. We wil fight to the Philistines, don't want all the good, bitter end. An eye for an eye and a Godly men to stand in ofie spot. tooth for a tooth' Q--Quite a task some reverend he Balkan delegates fear that Aus-' gentlemen have (06. in making tria's attitude is encowaging the! podels of some of us. Turks to resist. li repotts irom Vi- R-=Ratt'e, wrecked, baby? enna are true, Austra still persmsts m Well, don't cry, dad will fix the fargement of the frontiers of you when 'he comes home antenomons Albamsa to sich an ex $---8otto voce. sauce of plum- tent that it will absorb the territories. pudding not exactly on option lines. claimed by Greece, Servia, ind Monte- T--"{hirteen "' fatal to' Turks negrogand as Montenegro treats the whe took Constantinople in 1458, propofition of the exchange of Scut-' (whieh added together makes that ari idr Mount Lowehen as a 'black: number) and mow in 1912 (an- mailing . proposition," the difficulties gener thirteen) they may have to raised by Austria's attitide have gyidoo : Al! it Kor 9% BERMUDA B18 tons displacement, sails from New 10, be N.S. York "HERMULIAN twin screw, 10 am. every Wednesday, sth Jan ¥. wireless! © ri trip 39 hours 20 minutes. newest and only passengers at the without transfer. 10.083 tons displacemuht, New York every Tuesds 4th February, Tickel with RMSP Co. W 8 8 "GUIANA" and from New York fortal Thomas, St, Croix, Si. Guadaloupe, Dominica, Matinique, Lucia, Barbadoes, and Demerara. For full information a HANLEY or OC. 'B. KIR Ticket Agents, Kingston; Steamship Co, Quebec ~~ ginning signals; Salis htly for St st Submarine rd Fastest, sicamer landing | i), delegates. is in dock In Bermuda S. K. SOROTAVAS"S from 3 juts a wr rehangeable ¥ INDIES New other steamers itis; Antigua ply to J. P kbaTICK Quebec rather increased than diminkhed. U---Unless our old friend. Zero, According to the Vienna Neue Freie pustles with the ice, heroic hockey Presse a conflict exists between the nay have to be played in the par- Dreibund and the triple entente with Jor. I pity the furniturel regard to Albania. The formef favors |" y_iyeritas liberavit vos. a large and powerful Albania, while! w_ wailing and whimpering at the Powers of the entente. urge a go40 no use. Roll up your sleeves greatly restricted Albania 2 like a man and do or die Rechad Pasha, the head of the Turk-' "yx yxis ance enhanced . cosstam touch nobled by work. ' with Constantinople with respect to . the declarations which he will make | Yours, to the end. at the next meeting of, the conference | ZACCHEUS to-morrow afternoon.) It is report- | ed that he is personglly opposed to | extreme proposals, but has beens fore | ed to accept inst fictions from k i Porte, which were dictated partly by " p . a . . fear of the "Young Turks" and the The ollowing » the list_of sowina. military party and partly in hope of ny for the township of Wolle ls- favorable European intervention oy The Turks hold the view that they nay. en- MUNICWAL NOMINATIONS, Wole Island. "Reeve--Dr. William Spankie and Grant Grimshaw have nothing more to lose and may | secure better terms after the résumn- Uomneitlors-- William Allum, Daniel CANADIAN PACIFIC] EMPRESSES Leagth, 570 fret Reshs: 673% font T " Wirsloos and Submartnn Signals OLD ALL RECORDS BETWEEN ADA AND LIVI RPOOL . Jan. 10 . Jan, 24 . Feb. 7 Feb, 21 \, Tickets ond all Information from any eamship agent, or F. TON- IA » GPK, K & PR, Kingston, Empress of [ritain Punisian (chartered) Empress of Ireland Empress of Britgin and the Leaving New York by the Palatial S.S. MOLTKE (4%) Jan. 4, 33; Feb. ¥§; March 30. S. S. CINCINNATI (12° February 15 1) and the S. S. Victoria Luise ('31) Jan. 15; Feb. 8; Marek 23: Ape 10, ~ On all trimmed and 'untrimmed hats. ; Taogart, Daniel Mclaren John Glynn, on of hostilities. Rechad Pasl § - x tion of hostilitie Rechacd asha Wiliam 'Allison and George- Gillespie. himself still is sanguine of a success- | ful issue of the conference. ! ; Se -- The allies are determined to keep| Storrington Township. ; what they have 'bought at the price | Reeve--William Gibson, Charles W. of bloodshed. Their armies are rest- Fie, John Taylor,. Samuel Jamieson. ed and strengthened; their troops are I Councillors James [hxon, James Lsaid to be in perfect condition, as all | Skeppard, R. J. Boal, William Han- wniectious diseases are now under con- le, Adam Ritchie, T. Clarke, C. trol and they await the Turks' attack | Smith, F. F. Ferguson, John Bale, against their lines at Tchatatalja. | William McNeilly, The allies profess not to understand | - what Turkey means by proposing that i a prince of a neutral state shall be ruler of the principality of Macedonia, |v ' Truscott Matthew Truesdale and he a Protestant. They contend [qh omed H Watson, Levi Storms ' that iit. could only be a prince of one | Councill TH WOW Asselati e. James of the Scandinavian countries, be- 'w yor Howard Stover. J nes Meek cause Belgium and Luxenburg are Witham Shillin Aas 4 ho Reid AL 'Catholic and Switzerland has no i Z Thoximor, Balfour Shay Pye Wesley Babcock, Benjamin Revell, Thomas H. Watson, Levi Storms, Samuel Irish, Lewis Vannest. Portland Township, Reeve--I.. H. Ruttan, H. Freeman, -------- Rejected Lover Kills Waitress. Buffalo, Dec. 3t.---~Before a crowd | we of diners in a Niagara street lunch- Loaghbore Township. room, jot Valiquette, a deaf mute, Reeve--Jdames Graham, Joha Blake, stabbed 10 death Julie Goodie, a wait- Chatles Truscott aad J. M. Stoness. ress. - Valiquette came from Spring-! Councillors--F. J. Devo, James Gra- ville, Ere county, to marry' Miss ham FE. G. Martin, J. M. Blake, Goodie. When he called at the res- Thomas Hagerman, H. Woodruff, Wili taurant she refused to go with him. {iam E. Ennis ! Valiquette drew a knife and stabbed | oo . her three times in the breast. 'He Aiding Growth of Pearls. Made no eflort to escape. The girl, Our recent mote on the artificial uy ater. { infection of oysters with the para- On Déce or 9 . site which causes the pearls to grow aber 26th, at the home of i; tne bivalve might be supplement- Mrs. E. Winter, S rilie, he dncahiery Any 8 a aso, hat ed hy a reference to the utilization FF. Wi BD of the X-rays in the Ceylon pearling atta Mn Soh ison, only son of i, 4uciry. When the oysters are Mr, ho i Ss - 1 : mm and Mrs. John Wilson, Shannon brought up they are immediately ville . y On Thursday last, in Sydhey town- | photographed by the X-rays. and ship, 8. Myers' . i {from these photograhps it can p Myers' house was robbed of ily be seen which oysters contain a : | eas Iwo watches and gome money. | the pearl parasite and which - are v7 |parasiteless. Into the latter the SAFE REMEDY ENDS . parasite might .(it has been sug- gested) be easily introduced, and CATARRH MISERIES deviopment of the pearls. The {only othe method of discovering: * ---- pearlless oystegs is to-épen them, Cures and 4nd that means the death of the oyster. The '"skiagraphing" of its medical applications the} only practical use to which the Rosent- gen rays have yet been put.--Lon- don Chronicle. ------------------ ned Gives Instant Relief, Prevents Ostarrh and Cold in the Head. The quickest, best and safest way to cure catarch or & cold in the head is by using a remedy that will "touch the spot" and do ite work quickly without leaving nny bad effects. Fly's Cream Balm, is applied to 1 nostrils or on the throat chest gets right at the root of trouble and instantly relieves ev worst case of catarrh or cold. x the oysters returned to the sea for oysters, by the way, is, apart from Windmills as Newspapers. .In Holland, births marriages, and deaths, instead of being recorded in newspapers, are {dicated by wind- mille., When a miller gets married he stops his 'mill with the arms of the wheel in a slanting position and with the sails unfurled. His friends and guests frequently do likewise with their mills, in token' of the cermony. To indicate a birth "the wheel is stopped with the arms in a slanting position, but at a more acute angle than for a marriage and with the two upper sails unfurled. Should a miller die the sails of his mill are al! furled and the wheel is turped 'round until the arms form an upriht cross in which position they are left until after the funeral bas taken place. ' the few g a] i if The msrriage of Miss Bessie Bruce Kearns, daughter of Mrs. Kearns, Westport, to Arthur H. Tett, son of SOc. bottle will more than Mr. and Mre. J. P, Tett, Newhoro, h cure. All drag-,will take place quietly, at Westport, ® G. W. Mahood, agent, ou Jaguary Tth. til i / é THE HOUSING CONDITIONS EX. ISTING. IN KINGSTON. Woman's Conucil to Co-Operate in an Effort to Secure the Services of Dr. Thomas Adams, of the British Government Board. The local Women's Council is in ia vor of encouraging any movements for the betterment of conditions in the city. At a meeting of the executive of that body, in the police court room, on Monday afternoon, it decided to co-operate in an effcrt to secure the services of Dr. Thomas Adams, of the government board of Great Britain. lhe purpose of this expert's visit to Canada is that he might confer with those cities which are face to face with the serious pro- blem, of improving existing housing condition, and preventing the growth here of still greater housing evils, such as afflict oir lands, to assist in determining what is.a desirable stan- dard of housing for the working peo- ple of Canada, and to advise in re gard to means of attaining that stan dard. It is pointed out that in no country has private initiative proved adequate to solving these problems. Dr. Adams' advice on every phase of this would be of inestimable value, be- cause of his ability and great prac tical experience. The Toronto Housing company, of which the Duke of Commaught is pa- tron, is making the effort, and is de- siring to interest influential = organ: izations. : A new consolidated municipal act is to be introduced by the government of Ontario, and suggestions for the amendment of the same are now in or- was der. The mayor, : thesBoard of Con- trol, and the City Council of Toron- to, last February, passed a unanimous resolution ta approach the provincial governmeht. with a view to the remov- al of the present disability of married | women own property to exeercise the till municipal franchise during the lifetime of their husbands. The pro- vincial secretary was approached in December, by a deputation, urging such an amendment, and promised to give the matter full consideration. It was pointed out on that ocea- {cannot be IT TOOK THE BIRCH To Cure English Prisoners Whe Be. came Unruly. London, Dee. '31.--The plan of thd Pritish government to, cure habitual prisoners by Kindness has received a temporary setback. Early in the year thers was estab lishpd at Camp Hill" Isle of Wight, whist is known as a "prison hotel." where men sent for an indefinite term of detention after penal servitude have privileges that are not available to the men in the neighboring penal servitude prison. There is a canteen from which they can obtain certain Juxuries: they are permitted to smoke und write to their friends: and there nf a common hall for meals and recreation. A certain period of good behavior; however, is required before the men are eligible for these privileges. Recently some néw arrivals demhnded exceptional treatment immediately upon arrival. They refused to do their allotted work, smashed the cell furnishings, and demolished the cottage wmdows. Roft words had no effect, and not unfil the ringleaders were tramsferrod to Parkhurst prison and the birch ap- plied to them did the trouble end. For a time the military. were held in readiness so violent did the prisoners become. -------- FOOD TAX STAMPEDE. s ---- The Daily Telegrapa is Latest Cov. vert. London, Dee. 31.--Government news papers are excited over what they de- scribe as "the tory stampede from food taxes." The latest convert to the ranks of the opposition newspa- pers, which have come to the conclu- sion that the next general election won on the tariff reform issue as outlined by the unionist lead- ers,. is the Daily Telegraph. There are now over a dozen leading unionist organs, including the London Times, the Daily Mail, the Saturday Review and the Spectator, advocating what #& dubbed by the liberals "the blank-check policy," or arguing that food taxes are now highly improbable, since Bonar Law has shifted the re sponsibility for them to the overseas dominions. The "blank-chetk policy" means leaving out the question of imperial sion} 'that from eight to tem million dollars worth of property was owned by married women in Toronto, and that at least' five million is owned withoufmny representation whatever. Another speaker drew attention to the fact that under the present municipal act a woman who keeps a house of ill- fame and 'who is wither unmarried or a widow, ean vote, while a respee- table married woman, who owns pro- perty, is disfranchised. At this stage it is important that all citics and towns should send re- cil of Women, 18 advancing the mat- ter, and communicated with the King ston council. The local ladies will take steps to further the amendment. ------------------------. CHANCE TO WIN $2.500.000. Offer Prige for Getting Nitrate From Saitpetre. Santiago, Chili, Dec. 31.--Chemical inventors are soon likely to have a chance of winning $2,500,000. Sena- tor Bulnes has introduced a bill in the senate appropriating £2,500,000 as a from Chili saltpetre. system in Scotland has been introduced into Dundee. The essential difference between the 'Mew and the ordinary electric tramway | system is indicuted in the former's | designatibn--it is railless, and the cars haye free control over the full | width 6f the roadway, being steered | with the same facility as a motor | bus. | The vehicle, of which there are | only two in use in Dundee at pre-| sent-----weligh about three and one- half tons egch, and are constructed on 'bus ciples, says an exchange. | They are of the most approved type, being lower in sherbeay more easy of access, and mor®, commodious | than their predecessors. Accomma- | | | passengers. Each car is provided with two of controlling the vehicle, and the overhead equipment is the same as the ordinary electric ears, with thé difference that each railless vehicle carries two trolley poles, one of which acts as the rewurn for the electric qurrent and completes the circuit that is necessary for operat- ing purposes, function," which is fuifiled in the 'ordinary system, by the tram rails. So far as equipment is concerned it is stated that the cost per miley works out at about one-tenth of the average outlay in the construc- 'tion of an inary tramway. It the new syst proves successful in Dundee,, it is stated that extensions will be pade to link up the suburbs and outlying districts in this way acting as feeders for Lhe regular city Hes" ----p-------- Unkissed Children. This world's a rare and joyous place 'or those who deem it so, With smiles enough for every face This is no tale of woe. b But yet, when all's been done: apd said, Somes little children creep At cuddling time unkissed to bed, And sob themselves to sleep. Their daddy's off at work. somewhere Their mamma's tired and worn, Both burdened down with earking care From the fist break of morn. Fark loveaintved young one on the ist » o£ 1 V Has troubles by the heap, Yet each must go to bed unkissed, And sob himsell to sleep. Oh ! world of supshise mixed storm, 1 world of tears and joy, world of frozen hearts and warm, ! world of tears and jov, Less were your sorrow, less your dread, . If, when night's shadows cresp, Hitt to bed 9 with Oh Oh ! Oh Each le lad wort Kiseed solutions supporting the amendment. The Toronto local council, which is | in- affiliation wit) the National Coun- prize for ank one who discovers a pro- cess for extraMing all pure nitrate © él Ralless Electrie Oars in Scothand. | The first railless electric tramecar | recently | dation is provided for twenty-eight | | showing great brakes. either of which is capable military conference. preference and tanfi reform as an is {sue at the next general election, with {the idea of secdring the subsequent tratification by the country of the un {onist scheme. { ---------------- ROUMANIA TO MOBILIZE? i | Transports are Rushed to Froutier. London, Dec. 31.--The Belgrade cor respondent of the Daily Telegraph says there are constant reports that | Roumania has begun to mobilize nd {that enormous' military, transports are going to the frontier The Belgrade correspondent of the Times telegraphs: "It is to be | gretted that the adviee of the Austr lan minister at Belgrade to the Aus itrian military authorities to counter {mand the more extreme measures now fin vogue has borne little fruit. { Searchlights from: the river gunboats still aweep the bridge dividing Servia from Hungary, while on two or three occasions during the past week peas ants engaged in harmless occupations on the banks of the rivéd have been fired upon from the Austrian side. A recurrence of such actions will lead Servia to fear that some frontier inci lent may occur which it will be pow- to prevent.' A MILITARY CONFERENCE. A iY ow Military Being | | {erless | In- Pad v Governor-General Evinces | terest in Coming Event. Ottawa, Dec. 31.--Preparations are being made for an extensive Canadian military conference in. February dur ing the week of the smeeting of the Dominion Rifle Associafion here Ad vantage will be taken by Col. the Hon. Sa Hughes of the presencé' of officers from all parts of the domin- ion to have conferences between the militia codneil, headguarigrs staff and the officers ot rd cae VArious activities of the militia, suggestions will be taken for the tel efficiency of the force and the stier op ment of the material at hand. The last conference was very and it is expected that the next will be productive of excellent results. His royal highness the governorgenecal is intgrest in the coming v Fight Against Tuberculosi. ondon, Dec. 315Since January lst,, when the notification of all known cases of pulmonary tuberculosis hecame compulsory in England and Wales," 102,100 cases have been noti- fied. To give proper treatméht to those sufferers who cannot themselves afford it is one of the main objects of the national insurance plan. Thus far in the county of Middlesex alone there have been 157 applicapls for treatment, although the act is just becoming known. Of these applicants 120 were men and 37 women. Most of these were recommended for sanitari um 'treatment and are receiving it, and those taken in time are improving. A very determined effory is being made to stamp out the useful A. How She Obtal "Y have been Baking now for twelve years," writes ome housekeeper, "and hav never had good hread till. 1 used White Swan Yeast Cakes." Sold at grocers in packages of six cakes. for Sc. Write White Swan Spices & Cer- eels, Limited, Toronto, for sample. Exile Goes to A Edmonton, Alta, 31. Emiléd Petronovitch, a political exile, whose sensational escape from the salt mines at Sauiritz, Siberia, was the talk of twa continents, recently, has come fo Edmonton to make his fiome in the porth country. Officers of the third section of the Russian police followed Rim to the eastern states and did net abandon the chase until the former prisoner landed on im osofl. Apd souled himself to sleep. E HAIR Will quickly remove 'SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Absolutely harmless. Convenient to use. Price $1.00 postage paid Jessop's Pharmacy - ' Napanee, Ont. | ERADICAT 4 4 _---- _-- BLAKE THOMPSON, | | rudy E. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance + --figentt JOF-- : Union Assurance SoC'y & Liverpool-Manitoba Assurance (o'y. OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. T-MARKET ayaun, or pa------n -- IMPORTANT To close out an Estate. We have left for sale: House and Store at- tached, cor. Colborne and Barrie Streets, and "a storehouse with furnace and b, and c. 87 Colborne St. H. S. Crumley J. O. Hutton Aus Market }St. - Kingston. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HAS INSTALLED SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. ILODGE YOUR Wills, Title Deeds, Mortgages, Insurance Policies or other valuables in one of these boxes so \ \ ll -- See-- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO P. C. STEVENSON, Manager, KINGSTON; Ontario. £ SLIPPERS FOR NEW YEAR'S ~~ PREP A ------------ We kave many nice Slippers for Men, Women and Children from 50c to $2.50 REID & CHARLES ---- mo -- f Sade ~ Ad 5. THE QUEEN MILLINERY Desire to thank the Ladies for thoir patronage during the season amd Wishing You All a- Very HAPPY NEW YEAR Our Gaiters and Leggings Ladies' Leggings in Long Jersey $1.25 and $1.50 Ladies' Black Beaver Gaiters, Thirteen w~. Buttons + Other Black Gaitors Men's Black Beaver Gaiters 80c 75c and $1-00 Leggins 85c and $1.00 x H. Jennings, - King St. © $1.00 80c and 78c Children's Corduroy