THE pAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1912. ° - F ls THE WHIG, SEVENTY NINTH YEAR [iow to mo o i ours es DAILY BRITISH WHIO, published at 306-310 King Bt K sought, Mr. to posed . k, urniture Ontario, at §6 rer year. a - 130 o 'and 4 4 pm ~ rout; Rngavolh contention that gome punishment ' WEEKLY BRITISH 'WHI lished in parts on Monday and |b. uld be_ imposed upon the erring or Boys d 5 -- Furniture ng RR Ag a 17 #5 an KE for postage hd 18. | co ding party. that he or she should Shoes : Attached fs one of the best Job a Offices fo Canada: rapid, styl- |be made to. realize that marriage lsh, and cheap work; nine improved presses. coulll pot be trifled with, and that the THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED _ |. ER be trifling would BOYS' DEPAR 1 MENT. EK; y YAGE FOUR, J. G. Elllott, President, find in the divorce "some dread Leman A Gulid, See~Treas. future consequ The Proposal is being combatted by some clergy, the laymen and the lawyers, but their ar- guments are not new. The fact that divorce colirts exist in four of the pro- vinces is very suggestive. What is OLD YEAR DIES.TO-NIGHT. [poner according ue they are true to | ines, # Yo, witestive. Whas i There" is something i inipres- | standards that are set before | 4 Cid he regarded as a good dhing in deeply | them. So if 1912 has bequeathed us them all; and certainly no one wants! {sive about the death of the year. One | the spirit of patriotism, let t : : i spirit of patriotism, us nurture |. the senald committee continued | contemplates the fact that time is + : a . . esti ay a litas the one thing that makes us men is a mins of - disposing of marriage fo ol bia " 24 gk by j and turns them into nation builders. |difficilties and marriage tragedies in ! individual phn a n oo . 1 Homer is credited with having opened | hy most expensive way. 3 y lods an ali he clouds, 1 there un- an a galery in the el end ¢t u | Years. Time, too, like the individual, vei led Achilles as the ideal Greek. It THE CIVIC NOMINATIONS [carries with it a record that candet ecame the ambition of every Athen- Se -- {ve changed, What has been written ! jian_boy to fix the Iiiad in his mind | The municipal election pot began fmt remain written, forever, to be- {aud reflect Achilles in his heart and |to boil yesterday in real earnest. Tt {come a 'source of comlort or of coi jlife. Is that not better than the | had been only simmering" up till fusion, or happinesg or heartache, unto {iraining of the boys 'to be soldiers | Monday. For the next few days there hy d b 2 i I e end of buma history or exist- and/ bby ughods entirely lacking in [will be a vigorous canvass prosecuted a hs jueconies Gu ink 7 then, to she on of a great model * by those who 'seek the people's sul 'down and contemplate Passing even -------- frage. Big reductions on all lines of (°F to mentally occupy some high | LOCKING FOR THE IDEAL. For the mayoralty, two men of ex- Christmas goods. Jard. Stands, | Vantage gained and look out upon the o I bo perience are contesting. A perusal Parlor Tables, Ted Levels, Tea|milestones that have marked his pro-| Une of the candidates for the con of their nomination addresses shows Tables; Parlor Cabiaets, = Music' gress during a twelve months. Net zo !ollership of Toronto, James Simp- : d b 4 Cubinety and all lines of Fancy {so abe g both to be in accor upon the ques- 3 Good : {much that one should grieve over Bsa 'shows rpresmulative and so tions pertaining to Kingston's wel ! $2. 98 "hat cannot he recalled or revived or | i8list, and 'former member of the } inte Ald oy ev claims he is on roconsidered, but that there miny come | Press, favours the division of the civie | © 0c THEREY © aie | ¥ titled to the mayor's chair on ac \ Hro, iti meditation fresh resolves to [service so that each of the controllers. t of length of allermani vi d e 0 oys' ui dil Overcoat > : v 3 gr : Se e " en e of life, ar of the years, to come {ect will be the. head of a depart- SP Sd) Alt o riormed " . lee " i Phone 577. Ambulance the very best and highest use. | ment. His suggested divisions are i goc : - pe is oe _ i : | THE PERSONAL ASPECT Jo number : (1) 'Engineering and | ite ang Senin oy Bu ales ~ BUSTER BROWN S i : NAL "CT. onstruction; (2) Finance and Eeono- |"'2'™* "1° iY ve . ob Individually the ftmbyof the year | hy 3). Property and Maintenance; | °F chain because of civic service and Single and Doub le Breasted styles, {involves the seli-examination or intro- L4) Social Progress and Public Wel- close attention to civic. affairs; also new Grey ( 'hev riots, Brow n Tweeds, 3 I ine Tweeds and awibts, nedtly {upection which is good for the soul. |fare. because of the time he can devote to Fancy Scotch Tweed effects in new trimmed and tlre hy specialists, - I. - Interior Finish {Owen Meredith long since defined Laau- | Simpson's idea is to convert thé ie Sie, : Boh Susdidnien Frigid to est effects, neatly trimmed. militar y : : i y y ie . : rol i 4 nk a lot of each other, for Ald. YW. Oa ; _--- tifully the growth, physical and men- | Board of Control into a kind of com a. rior to. 2d. Riguey "un collar with imitation lape Is ve ry sty- New coloring, new models. | 3.3 A \ tal, that should correspond with the mission, without 'presuming to say so ) i y so. ; £ y ® Q: . 91 vonra ORE BIROH, growth of years. « Time changes, he |The only difference between the real excellent alderman and a painstaking lish models. Sizes for Boy ™ 2) ye: rs Sizes for Boys 2} years to = yours, Deny { remarked, and man changes--{or the [article, as it is in many American chairman." On the other hand Ald. to 8 years, A MAHOGANY, | better or the worse. Nothing is cities, and one in Canada, St. John, Rigney pays Aribute to Ald. Bailey $2 98 : : $2.98 each PLAIN OAK, stable. The tree no sooner reaches its | N-B., is that commissioners are elect- | PY suggesting that he should be ap- . QUARTERED {full strength or stature than it ed #0 that they retire by rotation and pointed one of the commissioners for These Coats cannot 'he bought These Suits cannot be bought else! . {begins to wane. Man has no sooner {if Such a manner that there are still [the management of the civic utilities, slsewhere for less than £3.50, $3.75 where for less than £3.50, $3.75 and CYRESS, Etc, { fimishod his great tasks than he be. |in office a majority of the members. | position as responsible as that of 050 £4 00 : , To : {gine to fail. He is growing, but in The advantage is that the city is nev- |mayor, so that Ald. Rigney proclaims and $4.00. Iwhat way ? Stronger and better or |*T without the guidance of experienced | the Victoria ward representative well | wi i . | men d h eloped fitted- to be mayor of Kingston. With ' weaker and decrepit ? What is the » and men who have developed - a fitted. to be FOr of Amis 9 ty B 0 t S. A h & Co i a \ : . public policy and are interested in ity|the two candidates seemingly embrac- 0ys yercoa S or 0ys > TORONTO OFFICE.~Suite 19 snd '20 Queen City Chambers, 31 Church Btreet, Toronto. H. BE _Bmalipiece, J.P. representative. 8 CHET remy the inspire dea 2 ds i | | i ---- eoadition of his ming, for according : ; to : it his whole course - is shaped. maintenance. : : ing each other the people have a pro- 8 years to 16 years. Manufacturers of Fine Woods Dwight Hillis, ove of the most vig. Toronto, according to F. 8S. Spence, bem before them. The combination Collar Coat is lk orous writers of the day, in "A Who is 8 candidate for re-election, af-| IM the right men be elected from asilv the fivorite: coat at present Man's Influence to Society," 'dwells jor one year in retirement, has an [those nominated in the wards for casty 10 AYO t . Dat at prese n . Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. Jl upon the influence of thought upon jideal government, and one which can- [aldermen, the City Council of 1913 Strong, warm Cheviots are the choice character, Every thought, he says, not be improved. No? It is not solwill be a strong one. Ii political fabrics. The ( Coats are cut long and is a builder, and as the builders of)!o8g since the controllers made it [:ecling dominated (and the conserva: roomy and the tailoring is excellent. the Cologne cathedral were guided by | "lear that the system was not per: [tives have ratified a programme), Prine sw goods arrived thif ve ry day. the plan of Von Rile so man's [Tot and would not be until the al lsome very unwise selections are liable thoughts are guided by the match: loged legislators, the members of the ]to be made. In voting, the elector ces 34. 50, $9, $6, $6. 50 to $10 loss model, Jesus Christ. While our | 0806, were relieved of service. The |should ask himself which candidate thoughts work His thoughts work, | P08rd of Control may be ideal, .in the |is likely to best serve the wal and ' 1 mons also adding beauty. to the soul's opinion of Mr. Spence, but it was [the city. See our Boys Sweater strength. And: there are. Hillis con never regarded as such by others, and The failure of his friends to pro tinues, unexpooted providences in life. not regarded by them as periect | pose Ald. Turkington before the hour at 75¢ ---- strange influences, interventions, ani] The Board of Contyol is better | of oné o'clock shows the need of ev a) 3 ii : ; 26, IN, . . GANONG'S i MOIR'S voices in the night. These 'events han the council, because it is a small ercising more care in seeing that Sizes 26, -Ty 30 and 32 3 ody, and i om: be a 3 . . . WEBBS & ROWNTRER'S over which we have no contrbl, thes i 0 nd te suembe 8 Are in session | names are rightly placed in notina- aily d de ' 2 \ - thoughts of the Master above, sha uly and dealing promptly with the |iion. It is only a few years since 4 ue 20% lose than 'the. thoughts that fuastioy that are most requiring con- some one - entirely forgot until too " 5 : - . ¥ 0. ; A. guide from within. And this build eral ion late to place the name of Dr. J. W, ing goos on apace from day to da DIVORCE COURTS IN CANADA Campbell in nomination in the very : *{*ame ward, and an acclamsation was 86 Pies 1. Phos 58 and: year to year until the edifices s--i-- ¢ mide with hands, the character, The address which Mr. Johnston, | he result i v not is complete. 3 SE. made before the Ontario. Bar Ea aueosion il} uve n ke ; 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. Nineteen Hundred and Twelve has | Association, in favour of a divorce been pretty much as the people have | "0urt, has oceasioned considerable | public bodies should have a few made, so far as human history is | omment. Mr. Johnston is one of the | changes each year. HERBERT J. 8. DENNISON concerned. May it carry with it into | leading members of the bar, and as Mayor Hoag's address to the elec REGISTERED ATTORNE reo x p . ins ]*uch he has kad a very wide o i- {tors was timely. His "Drop th. a (formerly of Fethorstonhensh forgetiulness all the sorrows, sins, A Wide experi hoe ine : pol | Gea AMSAMMASAMMLALLSS Go. nee in the courte, and this experience | Hammer and Sound the Trumpet Denn! & wd imperfections which hive been 18 Years' Experience' in Patents] |" imPe has induced him to conclude that [suggestion is a good one, and his re- LEAVE YOUR ORDERS AT { | - » 4 » and Practical Magineerin registered, and may Nineteen Hun 8 : . -y + Star Bldg. 18 Kiag St. W,, ey dred and: Thirteen come 16: us all {Some marriages should be dissolved, } ievence to business men criticizing the | F: J. JOHNSON S. USIness ways . 1S froighted with all the comfort and |?09 after a proper hearing of all the | City Council and yet doisg nothing Progen AND HEATERS, happiness that attend the righteous | by a proper court. At the out- | to try and{elect nrore mpable alder - tet he relorred to marriage as a con- | men needs to be repeated. 1lis sug. Kingston's Leading Florist, Pent for sale, reason.) ,. : . s at Di rd lispensations of Providence. a i Bae 21 i hugs, Sian an thay . -- tragt which should be amwwlled if it | gestion that a mayor who has done | 3 u ht and sold. wld 3 , And be sure to get satisfaction 9 dri ni AN, 282 Onis Stress THE MUNICIPAL VIEW, ould not be endured. Some good |good work should be offered 8 second Opponlts Craig's Wholesale Grocery Cu ' : people said that it was more than alterm, is well worthy of consideration Wedding Bouquets, Fuueral ' Ontario Street. io + the VO . : Municipally the end of the year has ontract, that there was a 'sanctity | Aldermen are elected for three voars|$ Designs a Specialty, been made an occasion for great heart | in the ceremony which should not be Jand why should not a good mave i ri rehifigs. As the nation is built up : g YO ' : Ab i sa] It makes Mttle difference what season of the year it is, we Tg ---- - Ry le - i» - on 0 lightly esteemed or ignoreds Vhaye at least two office. 1f Phones---Store, 239; Resid- 20 Per Ce t. Off 4 i' . ne t i wif ee Mr.' Johnstop then traced a tragic fie City Council of 1913 follows up ence, 1212; Greenhouse, 235. rw nd fruit | : 2 aria en. ul pie are simulated hy wise a vieture of marriage as he had known !all that the retiring mayor and the " eh ho The Reason Why. {ful © conceptions. The individual citi |. . x 3 3 } L in certain cases, where the marriage | fw mayoralty candidates h | i r 3 s % dud yt ef have map- For Holiday Beason | fon has his duly, and he should per obligation was degraded, where the ped out for it a great service will be | The goods we handle ace Healthiul, Pure and Unadulterated, Premmen----__ » LL. L E SSF S building there has beom fault, with continue NE maby. years until some | loving in their footsteps, but so far | NR ny form it worthily. The council of a parties to the union were guilty of {done for the city. and you will find our prices are right -not a bit higher than y pte' "whom does it Tie? If the average man |, oo heyoud the court of law, their identification is not complete 2 : 3 1, $n. alt ny big stock of Antique [Bioity ix a reflection of the men and the |, most 'shameful misconduct, where -------- you "will pis alsuwhere for perhaps inferior wdod . ome very choles women who, eyercising a sacred trust, thus were. cruelty andy contempt. | EDITORIAL NOTES '. . . It Is Surprising were asked to define his civie plan he : 3 Jue, be ional ota and pat an end to them. Mr. Johnston There is too much political talk at Lhe lesson follows, the lesson of the |"* hot in latour of saparations, be- non-political fundtions, and it is not |§ e lesson follows, cause they lod, in many cases, tol;, good form. Why can men not apanid and rare arpheles are in the cole elect to office those who will repre where there was quarrelling actoated What a dilference good Colfec will make to a meal, and particu} passing year, that we build our city | "= | ind; evils of the most flagrant kind: and |, cis] hour together without bav- li lection, Call and seo my big lista sent them in public life and give ex arly Henderson's Java and Mocha Blend. It is fragrant, mild aad delicious. Price, 40¢ per Ib vii ee ------------ 18 We conceive of what it ought to Ye was 3 : 3 a {€ vas pot in favour of sensational di- | ; 4 , i the litical ghost walk ? Ari. be, that the civic hfe and civic puls vorees, because they favoured the py E Pleasure to show the goods, ! 5 i are a reflection of our home and in Heh NH A> happy snd prospmeus: year i} dividual life, and that we think more | ir pena . ihe Whi" por Sea . = If you want to pay off B} pe way . Sr . . Bo ln. yA: re ay or Common whic a fie Whigs cama wih fo it iu a ail 3,9 OUR PRICES (or Tin. Lead, Zine, Babbitt thank them when they serve us. was quoted. Tt made an extensive |necessarily increased wealth, but in-(§ - % der, Sheet. Lead, Lead Pipe. THE NATIONAT, OUTLOOK. survey of the field, and Nanv of its fereased activity, increased helpialness, row money on Real ©s- | THE CANADA METAL co, Limited, to conclusions woud not be acceptable to [and increased self-sacrifice. . x * ~~ EX hry ia zo difasition, to teview fu *Sneltsione oust Sit be So nn yg [{) tate, come and talk the Factories--TORONTO, MONTREAY, WINNIPRG, Mr, Johnston concurred. because they | The Medical Association has lost in |¢] matier over with me. assigned definite and sorious causes | 1% fight against the Insurance Act. i for divorce, extending the causes and |?90 more Lloyd George has won cut. : i making them cover the following : |The descriions from the Association US Adultay, dbsrtion. for three years [indicate . that it has not been repre. $i} ) ; ail and upwards, cruelty, incurable insan- senting popular "opinion in its fight | . v Y ity after fig years' confinement, ha- | Against' the government. v RAW FORD S bitual drunkenness found incurable af-| 1, Gormuny the "custom at New |g] - BO8I Estate and Insurance. EL "OAL. tor thres years from first order of sep- ara' fon, and imprisonment under com- Yeut ie to patch up ull quarneie. to [§ CLARENCE ST. ncated death sentence." The plan a: - - gested by the eminent King's couse <5: |B (over Bank of Montreal) - p---------- a Si CW 71) Co are kept on the hop sll day long, week in and week out = ¥ y! ~ iy the coarsest and most vicious feel- | Some great men passed out of the { pression to their ideas, If in civic wigs. and that * those: conditions may fworld in 1912. As good may be fol- * ER siemens. § Year, »