Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1913, p. 6

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| Pn Se «| The Master of Scuipture Declares Tiuat | Sgmbita Is Back Again Among His HER MAJESTY DISPENSES With Portraits Are the Hardest Work. | Adorers In Madrid. MAID CF HONOR. Augtiste Rodin, the master of mod-| Bombita. the darling of Spain, has vs : rd nae pulps, the Zeias ith | Jreavered from the dangerous wound She Does Not Lik 7 . DEErs appear Carry { he had received in a bull fight, and Avi ing © 8 Crowd Around 1,0, the. breath: of life, the Worker | - recent Sunday ill Madsid went to : * King and the Queen! whose every effort adds one more the Plaza de Toros to welcome the Will 'Pay a Visit to Paris Next | paje to the tecorded history of man, | greatest of all toreadors to the scene |. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0,, LL.D, D.C.L. President ALEXANDER LAIRD 3 JOHN AIRD General Manager . Assistant General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000. ° REST, $12,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will 'receive the " 1 n Fruit-a-tives EDMONTON, AL¥A., Nov. 20th 1911, *I had been a sufferer from babvhood with that terrible pation. I have been treated by physicians and 'have taken - every medicine that heard of, but without the sligh benefit. I concluded that there was no cure for this horrili'e disease. Finally, 1 read of **Fruit-a-tives" and decided to try them, and the effect wes marvellous. bor Cat Taliet The first box gave me grea i and after I used a few boxes, I found that I was entirely well. 4 "Fruita-tives' is the ovly medicine that ever did me any good for Chronic Constipation and I want to say to all who suffer as I did--Try 'Fruity -tives--"* why suffer any longer when thre is a | perfect ' ' wy er maseseriomgn. Moreh. = | 18 not a personality that needs intro- | of former triumphs. =. En eens felt 1 duction to any part of the civilized he sun was beating down on the ome airpiize been is boosune at. World. There are some who revel in tier of seats opposite me, where a : Queen spensed wil the fruth of his work, there are oth-| thousand fluttering fans looked like tendance of a maid of honor while ho idly mock at it, and there are | brilliant _butterfl King Alf t Bandringham, contenting herself ers who idly mock at it, an re a rilli ul ies. ing onso " ' hor A ta attenidar, of a sing] again those who admire respectfully | and the Queen were in the royal box, complaint, Consti- hs 24 bor 8 single woman | 4 ugh occasionally: incapable of com. | surrounded by the flower of the Span. { > ° bédéhamber. ! pletely comprehending this man\ who | ish aristocracy." All the women wore carves music, poetry, and- it would 'the graceful mantilla and the queen seem life itself from mere stone. It had red roses in her hair. - is perhaps. to this latter class, though aonarmed we the people were to see : i a in, h bd ie ith or tiodin will want to. pes: | (he POhint HOE. ad ueen their | one cavefil attention as is given to all other departments of the illastrated volume--*'Art"--just 'pub- | dashing Bombita, whose photograph Bank' i A ithdrawn in this lished, incorporating conversations | 3PPears in dozen of newspapers every | DANK'S business. Money may be deposited or wi in with Rodin collected by Paul Gsell, | Weck. He is as dering and as way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. se expert | will particularly a The talks a toreador as the men. of the old 3 . P. C. STEVENSON; Manager, KINGSTON, Ontario. ho a a are so charming and so simple that school, but he is not in ordinary life .But Queen Mary is not icularly fond of a crowd about her. and at York Cottage always has as few peo- ple in residence as possible. ' Then, too, owing to the illness of Miss Mabel Gye, the other two maids of homer have had to take longer periods of waiting than usual, and Her Majesty is exceedingly considerate on these points. Lady Bertha Dawkins, Sandringham with the Queen, is a widow who has'had rather a sad life. ; Bhe married when she was thirty- Seven. Major Arhut Dawkins, Satiois : 'cine | Uhings having kept them apart cure » Ha x IT, | many years, and he lived to enjoy the *'Fruit-a-tives" is the only remedy' in | fulitiment of bia arly Joule ir the ond made of fruit aly | marry Gen. Lawson, is her sister-in- one that will com and absolutely" | N cure Constipationy y | Jaw » and the present Jha Lathom, soc a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 2 ne Rm 8 w 48 } Hep iow. At all dealers or sent on receipt Aoi so ery pang And Queen, wisn shay by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, aa Se March For your Grocery orders. (Pro mpt delivery.) D. COUPEK'S Phoae 76. 841.8 Princess St. one feels at the end quite familiar | the toreadar with a little pigtail, hap- with the great en to those pier ig the cafe than in the drawing 'loving the true in art, will always be | room. The fabulous fees he receives a friend. p | for his dangerous work permit of his He who has gazed a} artificial pie- | Xeeping a motor car, and enable him tures, preseriation its and: 0 dine in the most fashionable res- busts, wondering ail the while about | taurants. He is faultieasly dressed | artists who care to cliim the cre. | 37 ondon tailor, and : ; : : | the other night at an evening party I ations, will be particularly interested | : 3 % to hear the comments of such an Spanish grandes. | 0 © ; 3 | Spanish grandee. | authority as Redin. The greatest! Pon | difficulties." he says, "for the artist | [7 S00 IS, fompita mee radiant | { who medels a bust or who paints a | y hi silk 8 ima ports do not coms from. the work | Je, vor while, alk wockings' and whi executes. They come from | erade : ! The Slient for whom he works. flor a mag 8 Toappue Hisilo | "By a strange and fal aw," con- | 3 tines Rodin, "the one who orders his | wit, death Khe oso with 5 ne | own likeness is the one who always | Ho knelt for a moment in the sand | desperately combats the talent of the | go his second t artist he has chosen. It is very sel | guru Hom that nan goes himself, as e is, ; ithi i { and even if nows himself, he | his body when ste, aside , not wish the artist to represent him ja) the eS ha None and as he is. He ask to be represented | plunged his short sword into the ani- under the most banal and neutral as. | *s neck. pects. He wishes to be an official of | | worldly marionette. It pleases him ! to have the function he exercises, the rank he holds in society, completely |-'effact the man that is in him. The i | magistrate wishes his robe, the gen- | eral his gold-laced tunic. They care | very little whether one can read their characters. This explains the success | of so many mediocre painters and | sculptors who are satisfied to give the | impersonal appearance of their clients; their gold lace and their offi- | cial attitude. These are the artists | who are generally highest in favor | because they lend their models a | mask of riches and importance. The | more bombastic a portrait is, the more | joining it resembles a stiff, pretentious doll, the better the client is satisfied." "Valasques,"" he goes on to say. who portrayed King Philip IV. as a | nonentity, though an elegant man, and who unflatteringly reproduced his hanging jaw, nevertheless kept his favor. And the Spanish monarch has acquired' from posterity the great glory of having been the protéctor of genius. But the men of to-day are Livery Stock Of Cutters, Sleighs, Robes, Blankets. ~The tabargain at Bibby's Garage BROCK BT. x in the British | Embaesy, which is one of the most _ } buildings al the whole of TRY NOLANS fe oe HIS long he While of Special 'Blend Of Bertie is: one of the High Grade Coffee, 40¢ a Ib. | ambassadors Paris has known sinee ' the day of Lord Lyons. The house is 338 Princess Street, Phane 720 filled with Sroasures of avery Soseripe R ion, i in; any relics Prompt Delivery. Nou, including sy wiich of peck no stranger there, but, curiously en. ough, the Queen never stayed there. Indeed, Her"Majesty has no great liking for Paris and knows little of the city. Princess Mary is, it appears, to go to Florence to pursue her studies in art and languages. It wi bered that Ques ary spent a year of her girlhood in the City of Flowers, and her constant attendance at 'the Pitti and other galleries gave her that rare insight into paintings which she possesses. The princess, when she , goes, will, of course, be accompanied by a governess and a maid of honor, Mrs. Adair will be missed from England this Winget, although it is some since was in contents of the sruall package Eon ei the hs Je of enclosed in nach carton of Club | the year. This time she has really Jelly Powder. 4 | sold her house in Ourzon street and Catia ul Yelles. as has gone to Colifornia, where she has Dix-een popwiar .€i9eS, 8&4 ranch, anl delights in entertaining true as the pure fruit flavors. | those of her friends, who are enter. Put up by S. Hi CWING & SONS, Montreal, prising enough to journey out there. Gentle and Sure However, she is not to be lost as a hostess to London, as she has already You, also, should give ap- proval to this efficient family practically taken a house in Portman remedy--your bbwels will be square for next season, and means to acquire new and original ideas for dances while she i in Amerie. No So made that they fear truth and regulated so surely and safely ; your liver stimulated; your digestion so improved by one who was there will ever forget ||, . jie. They seem to be displeas- WE BELL 'absorbs the dust, "brightens the. floor, and cleans your carpet, Rn One week free trial.' Yours for health, DUSTBANE, ALL GROCERS dr, de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator ; never fails. hese ! ills ere exceedingly powerful in regulating che jenerative portion of the temale system. Refase iil cheap imitations 8 are poid. ot « de A box, ot these Jor 8K Sed to any Address. Yor sale at Mabood's drug store Selected from the Celebrated i Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. ¥ Mines, the best Antfaracite. Coal ined in Pennsylvania, - Place your next oraer with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL C0. North End Ontariv Street. 'Phone 106. N aduea atiracuon to the A appetizing appearance and flavor 6f Club Table Jelly is the delicious | Club Jelly Sauce which is easily made from the The Gates of Paradise. When the plague which visited | Florence *in the year 1400 had subsid- | Tw. Rs Be with work on Nov. 23, 1408. was iwenty: years before the b doors were © her fancy dress ball in Ourzon street, | oq 1, appear in their busts as the given before the craze for these en- | are. ey all want to have the an tertainments had revived. of hairdressers. And even the most beautiful women, that is to say, those 4 December, 'whose lines have most style, are hor- "Nobody is worried nowadays by ' rified at their own beauty when a the fact the twelfth month of the | Sculptor of ta.ent is its interpreter. year is called "the tenth, December," | They beseech him to make them ugly says a writer, "and no. doubt even | by giving them an insignificant and ancient Romans soon got use to | doll-like physiognomy." the anomaly when the new year was | And ending up on this particular shifted back from March to January, | subject, Rodin says, "You speak of a | though the old names of the months face without expression. There is no | were retained. But there was one of | such face to an artists. To him every | them who made enious use of it-- | head is interesting. Let a sculptor ! Licinius, a rascally "procurator at | note the insipidity of a face, let him { Lyons under Augustus. He insisted ' show us a fool absorbed by his care y on having certain monthly payments | of worldly parade, and there we have | made fourteen times a year, arguing, | a fine bust. . . . Finally--hew shall | when December came round, that as | F put it*--even the most insignifi- {it was the tenth month' of the year | cant head is the dwelling-place of j and there ought to be twelve there | life, that magnificent force, and so | must be two more to be accounted Jhlers inexhaustable matter for the for." sterpiece." | -------- vy Curious French Market. * There is a curious old market near | Paris in which everything is sold at secondhand. Working girls oan fit | themselves out there from head to foot. As a writer says: Mimi ean sell her old felt hat and buy a straw one, exchange her old dress for a new ohe and, if she likes, buy a steak and a salad for her dinner, a paper bag of fried potatoes, sweets and some flow- ers for her window. Democracy is king here, and no more attention is paid to the millionaire who is looking for something marvelous which he may pick up cheap than to the man with a woeden 'leg who wants a new | boot in exchange for a dozen sardine | tins, five gloves and a stocking. Ovériend Model ov 30 H.P. Five Passenger Touring or Roadster, $1,350, F.O.B., Toronto. : 45 H.P., with electric self starter, $2,275. KINGSTON AUTOMOBILE CO. AGENTS Cor. Bagot & Queen Sts, Kingston REAL ESTATE | The Basis of All Wealth Good Frame House, neat the }.a house many jars of preserved figs. | The Original Fruit Canners. London's Pure Water. 'We are indebted to Pompeii for the Lond great industry of canned fruit. Years.| ed ihe at et 8go, when the excavations were just | the Metropolitan Water Board the ! beginning, a party of Cincinnatians ' other day, 'that a proposed experi- | found in what had been the pantry of { Ment in garifieation by lime would 0 . ) equiva; "painti car line. Price, $1,400. | Business Dici ne was . and they were found or gilding refined Sa. Str Se an : 4] Tome {90 be fresh and -good. Investigation | Melville Beechcroft, Dr. fon, sad piathet Guden , Good Atos ' showed that the Sus haa been put rd i Sites members usged that the boawd lousé wi urnace. Barn a vn a heated state, an aperture should never be satisfied thet London outbuildings. Near 'the city: . : prighe the steam and then : water was so good that it could not $4,500. 4 . led hint was taken, | be made better, and they should con- Frame House with 120 fest That Homey Feeling. A little girl went to spend the after. noen 'with her aunt, and- for some | time she enjoyed herself hugely, hut then she became silent and reflective. r fruit cariang was | tinue. their researches. By twenty: 0 y mear car line, $1,200; * Union votes to eighteen the suggestion of Street West. Five Dwelling Houses To-Let. EEE ------------ a EN, Real Estate'and Insurance. | the experiment (which was to shave cost $1,200), was referred back to the committee which proposed it. The Dardanelles. The Dardanelles is celebrated in ancient -history on account of Xerxes and Alexander having crossed i, the former in 480 B.C. to enter 'Rurope and the latter in 334 B.C. to enter ail CEE i crossed young Leander nightly swam the Hellespont to visit Hero--a feat jerfarimed in modern times by Lord Ry Heat From Cold Water. Heat from cold water seems fabu- lous, but it is an established fact. The water is decomposed by electricity into its constituent gases, » hydrogen jand oxygen. When these gases are reunited the act of combination causes the "evolution. of. i : | well known lisnelight is an i 3 i Bi: i Hat Wot & -, ' "If 1 were a great suthor I would Jor : "© dedicate a book to you." : : Harry--8Sneezin'! Wot n'us? | "You'll do that anyhow," replied ereckin' 4 cath, | the bride. fing he Blok "What sort of a book?" "A check book." Citing ~ The United States decided to huild a friend vou can't teel Corporation 000. plant at in this world is « ~on when you an Asia. At the point where Alesander A dish of apples was on the table, | toward which her eyes wandered fre. , guently, but shé had been taught never to ask for anything not freely offered to her. Finally she said slowly, *1 wish I was at home." Naturally the sunt inquired * be To which the little girl replied, soft ly, " "Cause if I was qt home i'd eat an apple." Of course the apple was immediately Mixed. | Mrs. Youngwedd (to caterer's boy). Oh, this is the chicken salad my hus- band ordenod. Here's the money for it, and now you must tell me how you make uated) : tell you how can't you it's made, mum, : But you must; Mrs. Youngwedd-- ay husband told me when I paid for e ample of | it to be sure fo get the receipt. ' I ---------------------- "A Record Colliery. A woman man know a man lke a book, but she can't look shesd ' and soe his finish, : i f Many a man becomes resigned" to fate after he finds himself all in from fighting it. 2 = D7J.Collis Browne's / UL jv / THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENU:HE. The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best émedly for Coughs, Corps, | ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. § EN "PrSENTERY & CHOLERA. cuts short. all attacks of STASMS. Cheche aad acrests hose too often fatal disenses-- FEVER, CROUP aad Ig.' The only palliative (x NEURALGIA, GOUT, TISY, ated accordink to the malady. Chilorodyne is a liqwid tok in drops, Hiinvariagly Jtievys pain of whatever i. €roates a cabm refreshing sec ; - 8, em ened - BG ve Yad effects = pls Whe no anal attiar seme be erated : CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY BOTTLE Sold by afl Chomists Prices in Eagiani : Vy J s a Eat \

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