AEE AR i TASTE, SMELL AD HEARING RESTORED ' A Simple, Harmless Remedy Quick. x Ro. Ontarrhal Despiule ~.; The thousands who suffer the mis ries of colds and catarrh and claim ] 'have never found. + " reli anointing H nostrilg ih Ri Croan Balm, "Unlike internal medicines which ap- Wet ihe stomach, or strong snufis only aggravate the trouble, cleansing, 'healing; antiseptic ] instantly rehohes the pont of the Brouble, stops the pasty discharge, "siears {6 nose, head and throat, pd A ) £ the sense of taste, smell "aud 'oves the hearing. More than "this it strengthens the weakened and & tissues, thus protecting you JAgainst a return of the trouble. This "remedy will ha 4 cold in a day "and tit i chronic frost it becoming Nasal catarrh is an inflammation of : fhe membrane lining the air passalges; '8nd cannot be reached by mixtures taken into the stomach, nor can it be jwured by soufls aad powders which Oaly cause additional irritation. Don't _ 'waste time on them. Get a 50c. bot te of Ely's Cream Balm from you ty ist, and 'after using it for ga 'day you will wish you had tried iV 1 sooner, + Mothers should give the chil! on Kly's Creams Balm for colds = und 3 It is tly harmless and Steagnnt to t Agent, G. Ww. Ma. in i Cures Nero. Mental nnd Train Worry, Dey al Anoay, y h buse or J and Effects od or Dennison & Co. 1 gaa Rede I Bato Bldg, 18 King St. W,, Toronto Soon: | the surprise w | On all my big stock of Antique } Pe. very ce ; Fare articles are in the cui. ang so wy vie vas {REVIEW OF THE ELECTION. of AS Bo haw in the school -board he | w | he offered. N zen. Jol 'the mayoralty dectidh was the ap- . a THE WHIG, 3 Deine macnn it 2 ish, and cheap work; nine improved THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY L'MITED TORONTO OFFICE.~Suite 19 and Street, Toronto. H. BE. Bmalipiece + H-- The municipal elections are over, and it is well because they were wnd- ing towards very regrettable differ: ences: of opinion. = When the two men who beayme candidates. for the mag orally announced their's intention they made certain, so far as their personal pledges could 'do so, of one thing. They would appeal to the people, non-politically. The one had already. given evidence of his in- dependerice; the other said he had re- fused a party nomination and, lke his confrere, was fully building = his 'progpects upon the favour with which {his public service, non-politiodlly, ap- pealed to the people. © The Whig was asked where it stood, under the cir {@umstances, apd it said, at once, that the lelimination of politics from the cogneil would receive its support. With this understanding the cam- paign was begun. At several points, while it continued, it looked as if some persons were either misdirected or misguided, but the Whig con- tinued" the contest as it had heen he- gun,.and it has now no rash thoughts or statements to recant. wv *~ THE MAYOR-ELECT, | The mayor-elect, Timothy J: Rigney, has been warmly congratulated upon his success. He had been Ji in pub Ec life than Mr. oll given much of his time to the consideration of civic affairs. Personally nothing could be said against him. In public land private life he was most gener- ous, and [in the wards where he lived and~laboured he was given unmis- takable evidence of his popularity. {dle will make a good' mayor, will carry himself as a gentleman, and eel AES ha pasa sa HE aA EBIGHTIETH G, a at 150 'snd 4 pm TI0E Brent, Kingston, WHIG, 8 gee. published in parts on Monday and y $3 and Attached fs one of the best Job Printing Offices In Canada; rapid, styl- 4.8, Gi 4 no 0 ay it Bt 2 had t Weekly F100 18 Srabosiase a 20 Queen Si Chambers, 33 Church | the' tity as well in the counc be & popular member. - An Rideau ward Mr. Bows made temsrkable run, "and will join thé Other young men in the council in showing what young plood can do. # Generally the council, as reconstruc ed, should be equal to the! new. life which the city is taking on. Be COMMISSION FOR UTHATIES. Now comes the tes) as to whether % 14.7 GET NE $a Tee Sa aida, Sao, ASE er Ive iE a ETE preg HEP EA R the Lord gave the land fo. oo cupy and use, and magn, «or his re Presentatives in the government, have been giving away so mich of it that already he is crippled and handicapped in his attempts to make a living. The man who undertakes to do much, in the American or Canadian west, with- out money, will get a severe shock. EDITORIAL NOTES The people generally have no. re gard - for the : roorback men. Those who do things in the dark 'rank with conspirators, : "Only ong School election. The people board, though it. mow. spends nearly us 'much of 'the people's money us the council, Will the new council be 'able to con- ogive of some plan of getting rid of the stoves in -the city hall? It is Lime they ceased to be the joke on every public occasion. the council is disposed, like the mayor-elect, to pass the utilities over | to a commission, The law of On- taric demands' this 'o>mmission when the city proposes to buy and sell' power as it must so when it makes, or seeks to make, a contract with a yin Lleatrjo company or commis. sion. hat contract must be sought | this year 'us it is understood: the pre- sent plant, with the recent additions, cannot meet the increasing demands 'beyond the fall. How the commis- sion is to constituted is. another The Montreal Star thinks it possible that the Borden government. may have to appeal to the Asquith government to curtail the power of the Canadian sepate. The Star should be ahove that silly talk, The fight in the municipal election was in Ontatio ward. Why was such a desperate effort made to defeat Ald. Harrison ? Is any 'body fearful lest he should develop too much in power and 'populirity ? 1¢' looks that' way. The. 'Asquith government has 'tii question. . Perhaps it' may be com- posed of 'the appointees of the coun: cil for "the present." The city solicitor will' Advise upaen this point. . Later! the 'people must 'elect 'the three , or! five men, and they must retire at a time: so as 10 secure the tinuous service of men who are skilled in 'or devoted to the work. The ac tion of the council in this matter will | be studied with interest. i | \ ong ' con- ! TO MAKE LIVING CHEAPER The Trades and Labour Council, of Toronto, is giving an evidence of its usefulness. Its mission is not to discuss wages only, or the rela: tions that should exist between capi will probably pursue his way, as the head of the council," without any in- dication = of the SWenuous time through which he has just passed, Ex-Ald. Bailey has had many kind words in his defeat, and he deserves them, honourable and clean election. somewhat brief, only theee years. . In that time, however, he had given the city a great deal of his attention. Living in retivenient; from Jusiness, he 'was able to devote his time and talents to the city as ne one els in his time could do; and he had reason to expect that the people would accept of his service for the larger sphere of usefulness for which That they have not been accepted will not disturb his peace of mind or interfere in event with his usefulness as a any citi RELIGION AN ISSUE. Cne of the most unfortunate phases peal to religion. This aspect of the case the Whig repudiated when rofer- ence. was made to it nomination day. It was hoped that a gentle reminder as to the unseemliness of the thing would keep. it in check or in the back ground, and great =~ was a fiy-leal made its sppenrifice on the eve of the elation, and with the evident intention of ine fluencicg partizan feeling against one of the! candidates. It was surely oonceived in wickedness, and executed in venom. The other candidate took the very proper course of promptly dis jowning and reprobating it. = That sort of campaigning, prompted by an animus or a bigotry of the most re prohensible type, must surely have received its quiotus in the election. Instead of hurting the candidate a gainst whoso success it was pub lished it did his cause good. Tt 'en voked resentment from electors who were unmoved or He = certainly conducted Jan | Mis Fie connection wilh the council had heen |. | <atisfactory progress with their stu. tal and labour. It deals with many social problems, and in a 'serious and suggestive way. For. instance, last week it appointed a committee of seven to consider the fuel question, It is felt that hy co-operation - the jrki of .the Queen City . may 49, get. a. supply of coal nexy kt. a much lower 'rale than theyigre now obliged to pay. Tt is hoped they may succeed. Then it 'was rumoured that many children of the poor were being sent to school hungry, and it has been de- creed that this must stop; that pro: vision must be made. if necessary, for free foods, properly cooked, and that the Iurnishing of a modern school should include that of a kitchen and dining hall. Tn London, ¥ngland, the school board . feed" the. children, and, properly nourished, they make dies. . The complaint against dental charges lotonght up a new, issue. In the = in- spection of school' children the school does its purt when, through the phy- sician or the nurse, the pupil is sent home from school 'for the treatment of the family physician. "The teéth have to be cared fof by dentists and as the only way of providing against tharges the poor ecannot- pay the school board may appoint its ~ ows dentists. : All these matters have been . con sidered by the Trades and Labour umphed in its 'enforéement of the In- surance, Aet, 'and Lloyd-George is showing' his magnaminity by declar- ing that he will be just and fair to the doctors who did their best to de feat him and his plans. ELECTIONS IN NAPANEE. Ww, 'A. Steacy Elected Mayor Geo. Armstrong Died in Manitoba. Napanee, Jan. 7.--Election day Was very quiet. The condition of the roads made it difficult for pedes- trians to get abeut and every hack and carriage in town was in service, The new town fathers for 1913 are: Mayor, W. A. Steacy; reeve, John N° Osborne; councillors, ¥. H. Carson, R. J. Dickinson, A. Alexander, M. P, Graham, George T. Walters and Dr. Simpson. Trustees, ¥. W. Vandusen, 'S. R. Miller and G. W. Gibbard. Mr. and Mrs. O: B. Howe have Just returned from a trip to Toronto, Ni- agara Falls, St. Davids and other western points. Miss Hyland return- ed from a two weeks' visit with her parents in 8t. Mary's. Miss Ethel Hawley gave 'a t€a for her friends on Monday aftermoon. Miss Kath- leen 'Cowan Jeft Saturday for North Bay to.resume. hexgluties as teacher. + JB. Huft of Petertore is spenting a few days inp Napanee visiting his father, H. W. Hutt whe has just re- turned from a trip to the west. Miss Annie Armstrong received a message yesterday, announcing the death of her brother, George Arm- stroug of Melita, Man, Decease:dl was a former resident of Napanee and was injured gst fall when bis horses ran away. Pere ce. THE WEEK OF PRAYER. Monday Evéning Meeting Held in St, James' Church, The first meeting of the prayer was held on Monday in St. James' Sunday school hull, Rev. T. W. Savary, rector of St. dames', presided "at ' the meeting. Prayer was offered by Rev. &. Ty Butlet, Rev. T. W. Savary and Rev. BE. 1eRoy Rice and Alvin Peters, Soriptures were read by 'J. R. Forsio and G. ague. . The meeting was addressed by Rev. M, Macgillivray, D.D., on the subject "The Holy Spirit and 'the Individual Life." The speaker read texts refating to thé coming of the spirit on the Christians of oll times, and likened the spirit to a light "which, coming woek ol evening {into our lamp, will partly illuminate lamps to a number of show but coming will give a great Jight and things as they are' 'Council, and in such a practical way that one can see the advantage at} their discussions. In Toronto. this | council is a live body, and it is cer- | tainly making its influence felt. DOING A GOOD WORK. A wise manor a man reputed to he wise--Jamies M. 'Stacy, of Idaho, and representing all the western states, « living. He finds, on enquiry, that there | Lave - 300,000 unemployed persons . in ; New: York, and that there are 700,000, 00 .actes of unoccupied land in the 3 grand, Mrs. C. Horde; R. S. has a scheme for reducing the cont of /Srl, Mrs. R. Reynolds; RK. S. vice record, p ; Snandiat secretary, Miss treasurer, 'Robert Fraser, marine LOUISE LODGE REBEKANS. The Installation of Officers on Mon- day Evening, : The annual installation of officers of Louise lodge, No. 10, of Rebekahs, 100k on Monday evening. The following officers were install No- ble grand, Miss Emma Gwatkin; vice- grand, Mes. R. Davy; past noble and, Miss Laura -Hackett: chap: ain, Mrs. W. Clarke; 15. S. noble nohla grand, Miss Sadie Randalls; J. S. Vice grand, Miss Wigrence Pugh: Mrs, W. ge: inside 'guard, Mrs. J MeGall: outside" guard, * John Gordon; cording "sectetdry, ~~ Nry. 'C. Creer; + Watson. - NEW MT, 00. APPOINTMENT. - H: No MeMaster, of this city, appointed assistant ter Capt. inl supefintendent Fat "the Montrea: Prausportation: com. ,-and has commenced his duties. y, Et Asi anencad his em- {Hloymmnt_of the sompany for ral years. SALOONS MUST PAX $2000. {Pum Awarded to Wife of Hsbitual u., J 7 George . Waukegan tam. 3. Ww » Ceasar and A. conductor, Mrs, 8. Angtove: 'warden, |, lose: Inez Bryant; | 8 Tdi er " Llsen Help Wanted A Clothi Saks . have great confidence in the school | \BIBBYS, LIMITED! Men's and Boys' Departmental Store Our Suit Sale For $12.00 At this price we.are offering some special values. English Worsted fabrics, 'hand tailored, two Button' style coat, full Peg Trousers, plain or cuff bottoms. , Good patterns, new colorings, sizes 33 to 42. Regular $15 and $18 values. $12.00 Bibbys January Clearing Price - For $15.00 % You can get at this price soe real dandies, fine Serges in blue of black. Latest models, expert tailoring, rich shades, Scotch Tweeds and Chevjots in very classy models, in rich colorings. all wool fabrics. Sizes 33 "to 42 Regular $18 and $20. Bibbys January $15 00 Clearing Price - Je ~ Our $4.00 'Shoe Special. If our $4.00 Men's Shoe is not the best Shoe you ever bought for the money--we'll give you your money back--Tans, Blacks and Patents in Button and Blucher styles, All sizes. BIBBYS Limited 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. ra. \ | LEAVE YOUR ORDERS AT F. J. JONSON'S | Kingston's Leading Florist, "And be sure to get satisfaction Wedding Bouquets, Funeral Designs a Specialty. "Phones-- Store, . 229; Resid- ence, 1212; Greenhouse 235. ieee caamtianss. 5 HONEY California Oranges. _- This is the Orange season. ceived a very nice lot of California Navals---all'sizes ---all prices. Bale Sweet Mexican Oranges These are now the sweetest oranges in the mar- juice, and as sweet as honey. Z California "Celery, Cucumbers, Boston Lefiuce, Leaf Lettuce, Spinach, Tomatoes, Parsley, Etc. Henderson's Grocery, 59-61 kets, full of: We have just re- 10 Low xn you want to' pay off | an 'old mortgage or bor: I row money on Real is "Solder, Sheet Tato Pipe, nem. THE CANADA METAL C0, Limithd,. Babbitt, hr NTREAL,