1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHTIG., TUDITAY, JANTARY 16, i018. . PROFESSOR JORDAN'S NEW BOOK ---- JUST ISSUED : THE SONG AND THE SOIL | By Professor W. G. Jordan, D.D. "THE SONG AND THE BOIL" is the name of Professor Jordan's new book, which has for sub-title "THE MISSIONARY IDEA IN THE OLD TESTAMENT." It contains eight séparfite [discolrses, several of which have been delivered at the Sunday afternoon University. Services. That which gives a measure of unity to these expositions is the fact that they all deal with passages that express good forms of 'the missionary idea," ar in other words, show how the Hebrew religion was struggling to free itself from: national limitations. The problem faced by ancient prophets and saints. How can we sing Jehovah's song in a strange land? Is shown to be a matter of abiding interest and significance. All through there runs the thought that we owe a debt "of nae to the men of those distant times who helped | to create the larger worla of thought in which we live. "UPRICE, 80 CENTS PER COPY, CLOTH. SS UGLOW'S 141 PRINCESS STREET EET EW ree nn pind _. The hostess who gains new friends serves LIPTON'S TEA Try the Grey Label Blend, 40c per 1b HOUSE SEEKERS. : Onlythree houses of the Landeryou Estate left for sa'e. Get busy if you are looking + for a cheap property. J.0. Hutton H. S. Crumley p elepho ow Market St. ~ A row of Threo good, brick houses in good lo. cation on Alfred * t. $7.20000 ~ Offer good only until Jan'y 15th. The J. K. Carroll Agency. | Phones 3 . Gffice 68. Res, 874. 14 Market St List with Pus, we will sell. HA he b the tg Wn 250; 3.00, 3.50 and 4.00 'ted he stated that he did not think © QUDY AND VICINITY. A Point Road Sale. Patrick Fowler will sell by auction, on W y, Jan. 15th, two teams horses, colts, thirty-five milch cows, ete. William Murray, auctioneer. Early Vegetables our Specialty. We offer for Saturday 1913 cauli- flowers, spinach, brussels sprouts, parsley, green peppers, lettuce, to- the county held at the court house onf matoes amd celery. Carnovsky, on Thursday afternoon, it 'was decided to the corner. form an association known as the; ' in Winnipeg: Frontenac association. The: 3 oC Wo electi f otheers took ce as fol- n wiord, Wi g, "Who was oh ook, pla Monday is dying! J. BEEKEEPERS ORGANIZE THEY ELECTED DR. A. P. CHOWN AS PRESIDENT. Another Meeting to bg Held in February for Further Organiza. tion and to Hear an Address. At a meeting of the bee-keepers oi lows: Presilent, Dr. A. P. Chown, reported ill on Kingston; secretary freasurer, J. G. Word from his mother, Mrs. J. Taggart, B.5.A, "It 'was thought ad. Crawford, who yout from here on, visable to let the matter of electing Tuesday, says that there is no hope, the other officers stand over until a and he is sinking rapidly. later date. When the new president was momina- The Council at Bath. The council for 1913 is: Gi, A. Wart: the county "men were doing the proper man, reeve; Jay Switzer, Frederick thing in putting him jn such a posi: Hagerman, James Hawley and James tion. However, he ventured the re- Shibley, councillors. Local option was mark that on many occasions he bad defeated by three votes. 'The fall of heen "'stung" and perhaps that was a snow has greatly improved travelling qualification. and cutters are quite plentiful, It was thought wise to elect. Mr. : ; Taggart to the position of secretary-{ Died in House of Providence. treasurer as he has d opportuni-} Ropert Halliday died in the House ties to look after the business of- such of Providence on 'Friday morning, & | aged 87 years. Edward Halliday {of this icty, is a son. i "Another resident of the House of Providence passed away on Friday "morning, in the person of Miss Em- ma O'Keafe. » : Held Up For Two Days More. The Whig will have to be printed to- day and on Saturday at the Standard office as needed parts for the brokés press have had to be expressed from the factory. The figst edition, *conse- quently, cannot be ifsued until we are able to use our own press which we hope will pe Monday next. *Banished to the Oastle." "Everything quiet" was the report from police headquarters on Yriday mong. bul one case was in court and that a Swede who had "fallen by the wayside," when' he'came fo "the city from one ol the railroad con- struction camps. Phe, magistgute fined the foreigner, who being financially em- barassed, will occupy quarters at the "Castle," for ten days, - ¥ wrema-------------- Post Office Improvements. With the completion of the post- office, and the re-arranging of the staff, Kingston will have a splendid mail service. M. Parkin, who has been @§ letter carrier for some years, wap Fecommshdod for : he position of foot collector for the athering the | "ha 5 } , : eity. His appoingment> has been reat, benefit. that could be derived ,;.de. The two new letter carriers BOF Only ped (ho Sssovintion, - 2 commence duties on Monday morn- going into the qusiness for the first time, but therae was a good deal that | the.old timers could learn from it. The provincial government gives grant of 3,000 for the whole pr vince, which goes to show that such an amount cannot i much good. When there were fewer orgesi-| zations in Lhe vince some were 1o« ceiving as much as $0 u year, while to-day since more have organized they are only receiving from $7 to $8. The annual fee will be ¥1. The as- DR, A. P. CHOWN, president of the Frontenac! Bee Association. Elected as an organization. This association will necessitate a board of directors. A representative of the association of the county of Hastings was present | and bi t before the Is Good Story Teller. a' Wiliam Coo, the officlal stenog- o. Tapher, attendifig the dairymen's | convention, is one of the best story tellers in the business. At ever; session the president.calls upon him, and every time he Bas something real good. - Mr. Coo' has been "do ing" the conventions for twenty years, and is well up in the dairying bubliness At Nuradays svagion he sociation is compelled to the pro-| delivered a fine ess, reviewing vincial association a fee of $5 and She! the progress made by the associa: makes every member of the local or-| Hon in the dairying trade. anization a member of th vincial Bet a Trust gan a e provincial , His The next meeting will be called some! Michael MoGraw was arrested at time in February and the matter of Deseronto and a charge of horse it. arranging a programme was left in the| bands of the president and the socre- | tal One of the best authorities on' the subject will be invited to give an! address. Any person .in the city or the county wishing 'to join the asso- ciation is asked to.send his name to the secretary, CONDITIONS IN FRONTENAC. Evidences of Distress and Ignorance in Some Quarters. : From. time to time evidences of unfortunate conditions in the coun- ty of Frontemac come to hand. It Was stated at a recemt meeting in the city that a girl, ten years ofage, rad come under the notice of a citi- zen traveling through the northern part of the county. She had lived | in that district all her life, and had been the victim of careless bringing- | up and environment. An example of the state of affairs in thai home is that she bad never known what it was to wear a pair of boots or shoes. The. root of the trouble lay with the father. He was a "gentleman of ivisure," "having no regard for the welfare of his children. They did fot' live; they only existed. A Whig representative has been informed of a remarkable case of ignorance. A young man eatered the lobby at the postoffice, some time ago, and purchased a two-cent stamp. He produced a letter from hig pocket, and proceeded to stamp He turned the stamp over and over and finally asked a lady how the stamp was made secure. He in- formed her that he had been living on Wolle Island for some years, and had never mailed a letter in his life, -- AN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU the various charities | ¥ 'them the ve: at 'their annual! neeting, 'advising the establishment of Th emt orp Sted |Sting. weighs 2,035 pounds. 'Ihe executive meeting of the Ak-| Chmeitios held on Thursday, | well preferred against him. The employed at John Ford's place in Tyendinaga township, took Mr. Ford's children to school, using a horse attached to a cutter. As McGraw did not return, Mr. Ford telephoned to several places, giving a description of McGraw and the out- fit he had, The result was he was apprehended at Deseronto. The ac- cused had only been in Mr. Ford's employ for a short period. - nieo---- Best's Saturday Bargains. Witch Hazel Cream, 10 cents. Fine Toilet Soap, 2 hoxes for 26c¢. Toilet Paper 5 10-cent rolls 25c. Iron Tonic Pills, 2 for 26e¢. Dressing Combs, 50¢ for 25c. Best's Short Stap and Cold Tablets, both 25 cents. ' Violet and Rose Tale Powder, 25¢ for 1be. Tooth Powder and Paste, 25¢ for 15 "cents. Dr. Thodlas Cure certainly cures asthma, 50 cents at Best's. Placing the Bell. : The memorial bell, placed in St. tieorge's Uathredral tower, will be the largest bell in the city, The total weight of the bell and stand will be about 7,000 pounds. The bell itself weighs some 4,350 poundsp twice as heuvy as the city hall bell which only Kingston foundry 'has the contract for placing the bell and 1 expects 6 have it in working order by Sunday. On Friday the men were busily engaged in placing it in the stand; Saturday afternoon the work 'be com: . ' Po---------- ; Altafa in Frontenac. At the dairymen's convention, Henry Gletdeaning, a strong advo: cate of thie growing of alfafa, was talking up the subject, when he was » ditions, made to : ey ! bors adjourned to James ~ Hockey Boots - Moccasins Overshoes Slippers Everything that's seasonable at ABERNETHY"S Furniture, Oilcloth and Carpet Squares We are giving a very liberal dis- count off the above. v All the latest and miost up-to-date lines at JAMES REID'S THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 'Phone 147. THE WEEK OF PRAYER "THE HOLY SPIRIT AND MISSION- ARY WORK" Was thé Subject Dealt With . Thursday--Rev. 8, J. M. Compton Was the Speaker. 'The Holy Spirit nd Missionary Work," as set forth in Adts 1., 1-9, and Ephesians 111, 14-21, was the subject of the address at the meet- ing of the' week of prayer on Thum day evening. A large number of people gathered in the Bible school of Sydenham Street church. Rev. T. W. Neal conducted the service. Others who participated were the Revs. J. W. Mcintosh, S. T. Butler, John Boyd and Dr. KE. J. Lake, Dr. R. E. Sparks, F. G. Lockett and H. E. Ricker, Rev. 8. J. M. Compton, minister of St. Andrew's church, dealt with the subject outlined. He emphasiz- ed the necessity of all Christian workers, especially those engaged in home or foreigh missionary work, being' enthused and stimulated to their best efforts by the Holy Spirit He spoke of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the dis¢iples of Peute- cost, and what it 'réally meant to them, and us now. 3 The preacher held that a man might be a Christian worker, apd yet nol a' missioner. The gift of fhe spirit made the difference. He ad- vanced the thought of missioners in all departments of life, but contend- ed that they were but secondary to the position of the missioner of Jesus Christ. He ewhorted his hearers to fulfil the conditions and accept the gift of the Holy Spirit. Rev. W. K. Shortt wilt take the last subject of the week-in Bethel church on Friday evening. e---------- ' LIMESTONE LODGE A.0.U.W. Held Installation of Olmcers, Thurs. day Evening. The installation of the Limestone Lodge A.O.U.W. officers took place et the lodre rooms on Thugsday naw oMters were in- of Camden ast, and R. 8. Graham, grand representative of Kingston. The foilo were "installed: W. Murray, M. D. W , For.; C. Davidson, overseer; D, Couper . fin- ancier; Lieut. Col. J. Massie, tr urer; William Pil'ar, recorder; H. D. J. Vick, inside After the installation, the New Year's Chocolates In Fancy Boxes and Baskets, which would make a very suitable Gift. SARKELL'S Next to Opera House AFTERNOON TEA BISCUITS. Plain Macaroons, French Macaroons ff Almond Wafers, Vanilla Wafers': | Lady Fingers, 50c Ib. Mixed. | R. H. TOYE 302 King St. KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY Phone 141 Methodis| {* Fancy Paper Boxes, ware, Estimates Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, , Bakers, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, D: 'Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- Stationers, Ete. Boxes of every description made to order (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and for Milliners, Tailors, Jonfectioners, Stock and Fancy Furnished. : King Street West "PHONE 883 AND A I EPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. ° -- -- 'Phone 386. ; : Agent for Union Assurance Soc'y & Liverpool Manitoba Assurance Co'y. E. BLAKE THOMPSON, Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance ¥ PEOPLE DO NOT UNDERSTAND The Object of the Loeal Associated Charities. In' speaking to thé Whig of the work of the Associated Charities, the secrdtary, Rev. A. E. Smart, said he found that it was very little ungder- stood. © "There seems to be a pre- vailing imtpression that the Asso- ciated Charities is a separate society and Dg a separate work. It is | simply clearing house or a bureau uf information for ali other chari- 3 other society before taking any ac- tion. This prevents over-lapping amonge various organitzanosifco various organizations of city and ould | committees > LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. A Citizen Makes Suggestions About Civie Chairman. Kingston, Jan. 10.<(To the Edi tor) ' | would like to make a sugges tion to the City Council of 1913 with reference to the appointment of chair mon of -civic committees. Let i ap- point a new sot of men to these posi Yond, and give the younger elemént in the council a chance. The mayor will, of course, be chairman Finance, and Ald. Kent is a fixture for Parks, but there are five other to he directed, and '1 would most sat . Beach sok ath oa LI Ty | desire. --~CITIZEN. J : A was fifty-five age. Hi ins will be interred at Napanee. Constipation 3 lsCureaby