4 THE BANK OF TORONTO ASSETS + $38,000,000 'In the Bavings Department of this Bask deposits of large or small sums way be made at any time, and in- terest is added to balance half-yearly. A Savings Ac- count at: this Bank would bea convenience to ydu. CAPITAL AND RESERVE. . $11,000,000 We *s BF seas HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS, REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE, MONEY TO LOAN. Agent for Canadian Pacific Farm Lands in Manitoba, Alberta | and Saskatchewan. ATTRACTIVE LIST OF HOUSES AT 'REASONABLE PRICES IN | GOOD LOCATIONS ON HAND AT PRESENT FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE The Basis of All Wealth Good Frame House, near the car line. Price, $1,400. Market Garden, Good Frame House with furnace. Barn and outbuildings. Near the 0 Framé House fron , Dear car Union Street West. with 120 feet line, $1,200, y Five Dwelling Houses To-Let. Norman & Webb eal Estate and Insurance. HUGH DOYLE Has opened a Barber Shop .. Ac consighment of Saider's Tomatoe Soup. 'Snider's Chili Sauce. Snider's Tomatoe Catsup. Blue Label Ostsup. Heinz Tomutoe Catsup. Heinz India Relish, Rowat's India Chutney. ® § 2 Y ®v . A Awe Wish Stands, Big reductions on all lines of Christmas' goods. Jard. io ~Tiblen. . Tea Levels, Tea 'Cabinets, Music g | E Cutunets, ada lines 'of Fancy} | old days" OF THE Bi st, Adie. Bo fo A » orl he 'Merchants Offer Offer the a iuqa Ripd piieppres ar Carioviky's. cody is {doth brushes." Gibsin's. Swilling; had Siazo 2 tuner. Orderg oT a of Galt, is visiting a "dd I. Gedige J. Clark, of 120 Victoria street wo Caibhorated Oil" ib oxo p Hodge, certificated" tuner. Phone 868, 338 Broek Sm Ladies' Terms moderate. Miss rem, street. Penberten has returned io To- onto, after visiting her sister, Mrs. Horne, Brock street "Strong Camphoratéd Oi" 's. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. aave orders' at. Mc Auley's book store. lodge, No. 59, 1.0.O.F.. held a social evening, consisting of a euchre and refreshments, at the hall, Thursday recived at Gib street, on evening. 's. . Everybody reads The Forum. The ttle advts. are interesting and pro fitable. Get the habit. The 34th battery, Belleville, has nine members. a three months course at & jhe barracks, Rition, for quali- LN Eb. FL at Gibson's. ol ated from fup- ent of D, G raid Earl street, on rv evening, was extinguished baforé much damage' was dol Don't be afraid to advertise in The Forum because you think you can't write dn advt. Come m, tell us what you want sad we will gladly write it for you. We're to serve you. "Strong horehotd candy." Gib 's. W. M. Moore, of Messrs. W. J. | Moore & Sons, leit for Montreal, on Tuesday, to attend the automobile show. Miss Treme Moore accompanied her brother and will spend a few days visitind friends. A twenty-five word For Sdle advt. in the Whig costs only 25¢, for one day or BUc. for three days. It will dispose of Shat lot or house at a good price. Try i "The king of cough Red Cross Cougin Syrup. Sol at Gibson's. tups," only erowd of skaters were pres cov rink, on Thursday evening, to enjoy the second skate of the season. The management has had 5 nied Sime to get ice, but now that it has a good sheet, it expects to it, a infants' foods" at Gibson's. Parioipate in Ki rity, anes tid hi ody Ss bright. ee i the future is The haven't anything on are now. enjoying. Are you stand still, or are you feet ur share of the good th a Reve 'The death occurred at the home ob L. Woods, 276 Ki street, on Thurs day, of Mrs. Martha Clark, widow of the late. William Clarke, formerly ol Collins Bay. 'I'he deceased lady was born in Krnesttown eighty-two years ago, dud lived at Collins Bay for years, but of late had been living in this city. The funeral will take place on Saturday afternoon. The Late Mrs. McAdoo. An old resident of Kingdton Junct- ion passed Ly on Thursday shortly he person of re. Sar jcAdeo, widow of the late Pheatt Emr Mrs. it swarms with liza; 'jand ether '}It becomes in course of time so PED Leavy. that it will break the roof if Ne he. ira is iogarded ia to - | young storks LOST, A A oo Sy es pr ts. Highly Sucessful Run a "the $9th 86. Theatre, New York. . One SoMd Yéar in London. The Play With the Great Trial Scene PRICES.-- Matinee, 25, 50, 73, $1. Evening--25, 50, 75, $1.00, $1.50. Sedts now on sale. GRANL 3] DAYS Xo JAN, 18, 14, and W rect from 10 Jo. Mouiy on Broad- PAUL J. RAINEY'S A Ax A OPERA ot Toe Boy, PU wi NURSES WANTED PROBATION GENERA v EY WAG BROOCH SET. WITH AMBTHY and pearls an Sydenham or Prin: | cess - Streets, going 0d heatre, Thursday evenis kindiy Jeave al this attics Pr receive rewa an, Sa, Bo. FOR A DRLIV gon. A, Maclean, Ontario Street, - = i pater avon RACTER APPLY, coseemens, Limite, . incess st AT OORRY Apply [to Supt. Cerry, Pa. alt A HUB ALD, APPLY, IMPORTED OGRUMAN CAN First &hipment received heautineg song hinds: each uaranteed songster; coms aad th er, Qusen and Barrie. 'Phone 61! BUSINESS NOTIOR. BETWEEN p,m. to Miss Dwyer, 64 Batre Stréet. e FEW SW. GIRLS, APPLY TO Kingston Hosiery Ceo. Ltd, Hing Street West, TABLEMAID; REFERENOES RE- quired. Appiy at 0 the "Avonmore," 207 William COALS: COALS! ALSI-WHY PAY such need gust bi ils Tn Jou ee aa iP Stree - t, for prices on gas hN a tion. URSES, TWO YEARS odes enn Hospia 3: course. 480 E 32 Street, Chicago, IIL L SERVANT, APPLY, . INA the evening, "to Mrs. R. J. Gar- diner, corner Willlam and Bagot Streets. AND STENOGRAPH- HENRY King Btrere Phone 8 ure. tects, etc. Ottices, bp ray ot 'Phone 008, some experience. State ful 1 percha and references ta 1. Whig office. AFRICAN HUNT "Maryeions Motion = Pletures"==N.¥. € AME hed by we Tut ing J "Se Eatirely arm fie: Different: Deis and Sem Sou Svords: ¥ Express." =Lond AN GOOD JOB COMPOSITOR 1 ENT PERSON NAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for IWspapers; no canvassing. Send particulars, ress Syndi. cate, 3,989 Lock kport, NY y eg RAINCOATR, -- Gu TO Bk Cooke, 38 Clarence Si eat, o uae ie vi of at aaron WALNUT A A e best we TeasOnable price, * Phone 706. A YOUNG BROOD MARE, SOT NisR Yetirs old. cheap, weighing L100; reason for selling, going 'West Apply to this office - SRCOND-HAND BARBER Chalrs * will be sold cheap: also veel. Property, known as the Culling flay Hotel. Apply, J. M, Taeobald, Kingston, Ont, LE HOME, BRICK HOUSE; modern improvements: twenty acres of land; all kinds of frail, also one hundred and twenty-six acres of land in North Ontario; would exchange for city property. Lake, attersea, Iuire of Dr. ont. TO LET. LARGE FURNISHED ROO witn or without board; all modern con. veniences: near City Park, 0 Wellington Street. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH anARD. also table boarders to he had a 215 University Avenue; new Aoitne with every modern con enimndo, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, 0 dry, alry rooms, absolutely LEAN. oot your own lock Wh" ke; Fronts City rage, wets St 'Phone 526b al PLE UPHOLSTERER. FOR R. Ottaws; steady work tory: union wages Ww. rrison; J, it Ad- Taylor, tisfac Daly sa 5H w. J Vy UPHOLSTERING, RE. Co ahp nando ie Rent Sirant © dress, J. Avenue, Ottawa. ~ The = Production Which has Crowded the First-class Theatres of the Big COsties Wherever Pre- A MAID FOR mn GENERAL HOUSE- BUSINESS CHANCES. woman pre- fe or ironing: small Tamils. Ap) between five and six o'clock at Ps 3 Albert St. ted. BRED cin © Seats on Sale Friday. Covered Rink. oon, nsuisLs sox 0 ig Grand Opening, of Senior Hockey | === Frontenacs v. Queen's | Friday, Jan. 10th | Game called at 8 p.m sharp. «+ Admission -26e¢. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEET: OUT. wa RMPLA ANYONR ANYWH! SASKATOON INVESTMENTS WRITE The John A. McRée Co. Saskatoon' NN ATART oma" be no boas x a mail Srdar Pueiness a Send for ; : oki HH or free hookle Heacock, 2,969 Jaockport, ir n 000m onth: nan fon en Leming ations Franklin Institute, Pent 713, 'Rachester, N.Y. N.Y. SERVES al righ yo rr trade; al- ployment _for barber, methods, constant mstruction qualf! fst Hon in ele ame. or catalogue. oler ol- ronto. abs Alay, mall Clete: cy ny carriers: inal W. practice ou nd = "HEALTH OSTEOPATHY. t, Son "ae ington a outs; 10 to 1%: 3 2 to 4 = Fo BO. outs: a "ig an 1hgone 1de Shen Dyes Fo ing of thé Ontario Powder Com- Limited, will be held in Room pany, No. 807, Transportation Building, Montreal, on January 1380 1913, at Three o'clock p.m wk By order; H. B. BRAINERD, Secretary. CUSTOMERS WANTING LIGHT OR PERSONAL. oe heavy carting of an EW 4" a, staat 'Phone at then, 884. ha, Terowths and wis Madan, rdnoted Dermadently BS dst A SEWING BY DAY OR neatly E. Ar Wiison, B work Mary home; all promptly done. MFDIOAL. ne Street. on Higheclae Tallort ti the ne chit © the tlor, u. 18 Montreal Street, Kinge- ro She RT rae | on. pam suite As CAYS; Fou t and Ear, allington Str corner Johnson. Hours: 9 to 1, 3 to 65, 7 to 8. day, 2 to and 'Phone 814. " 134 Sun by Appolntn ent. DENTAL. 3 LDS, D.D. A Bndved to" thi Brincees Bureet PR Which or Smhistant: 18 Princes reet. 'Phone 738. KS, DENTISTS, treet {over Cars 'Phone 344, DENT pe 1 FINANCE AND INSURANCE. INSURAN Boo 1 Wein ton Fire, Life avis aes IR 5 Policies Jasued. C, 8S KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL (N,: surance Agent, Accident," Marine, Fire and Guarantee, 42 Clarence Street. Tel. 568. "oma A cot (ablaned iit presi dent, onry RJ inon hey on city pr ey. munieipal ny Riri Sebatur gages purchas foe geal i? wd % Pa ran yornam, ab ny. Taviiicls es Hadith 2 r o +r Bef rere wing " Be Amen SPARKS AND SPA 159 Wellington novsky's, Kingston. D.D.8 cess _ and Bagot Street. phone 638 GENERAL CATERER. WE CATER TO RAR Weddin, Breatosts ete; Meo Ron nens and gis hime ambrook. . 'Phone SE ol i ers and Solicitors, | CUNNINGHAM & org Lan OF RARRISS. Clarence Street, Kin MOTHER LOVE IN BIRDS. That in the Stork and and Lark Reaches ; Heroic Passion. So strong is the mother love de- veloped in the stork and the lark that it amounts to a heroic passion. Me} The stork, which spends the winter WANTED TO Buy, SEVERAL about $1 200; one ~ne semi-detached REAL BS v Ans, #1 Ciarence St, abel Bigs = "lin Egypt and the summer in north- ern and western Europe, likes to «build ite nest on the top of some Steep gable roof. = Such a nest is often a real nuisance to man: It is from threes to nve in diameter, , frogs, toads disagreeable creatures. CaRPEY Repdirs Furniture 1a #il Styles. - Drop a-Card or 35 Clarence not artificially propped up from be: low. Nevertheless, for us su AES eas: She a wi even ed by te European peasa not be denied that ¢ the respect wih It a house ker fire and . the to be of an age at Seine ox: théy cannot be saved by Seing taken or away b from the att the New York Sun. -- late John R. Arbuckle, the cof- ax: success was due to his knowledge human nature, Knowisg How to. Sell. who left an estate of $100, Sion id that «part oF hig DOMESTIC COKE STOVE SIZE 29¢ per bushel IET'S 'FOR BREAKFAST CHIVERS' PURE. ENGLISH ORANGE MARMALADE Ses that the lave! # 4s packed at Chivers. Sani- tary Factory at