Special reductions en Or- ders. Every Fur in the Store subject to discount. me Early. JOHN Mena, * Promptly attended to by ex- 'perienced workmen, at a mini- mum price. Our prices are one-third lower than any other firm's. Scott & Ryan + Up-to-Date. Electricians, 116 BROCK STRERT,. You can have almost anything in our stores at greatly reduced prives this week, Money is.' preferable to .goods when entering up stock. Repair and Upholstering work promptiy.. done. 'Phbne 90. T Fl {oa ais 0. Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Dri card 10 19 Pine Street when f wan anything done in the Carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all k nds repai and new wor alse Harawood Floors of 'all kinds. Al orders will receive prompt attention Shop, 40 Queen Street. RETIRING SALE OF MILLINERY All Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and everything in stock must be sold, as we are giving up business. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. MISSES M. & E. JACKSON 243 BAGOT STREET (Next to Macnee & Minnes), TON. * on STAMINA IN MEN AND HOW TO Fusimay (From "Man's Maladies." IT, h J Sninent Piusician being aske: the. question: * are the things in life 4 man a most 2° Answer "Physical . health, strong _ nerves men efficiency, money and sodia" success.' Any man posse these five atiribupes ¥s a ne. cess. Any man ssing the first three edn a an Have ssion Strong nerves requirement Ww _men need most. Meh necdd stédmina, courage, . sta qualities; ens emotion When 4 man. has durance' and perseve Srance, in order to h ave these re nalivies the nerves neg and keenly Li te every foreboding, sensations timidity accom --- Bessie os dh eb TRIPP VIIIITNY TETVPORNeNY Boilie ede ie Bible be ih duh iB PROP Pd Success Sa sodaily" a Kher rwise. 0 write ~ to hove ® SE Somes only ly oe ves in ' Sanind Bb wisdo oh THVT YTYTY ce63asa tox "oy SSE ddd At td ad hss asa Ipurchase THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, INAUGURAL MEETING Of THE CITY COUNCIL ! that Ald. Ross had the time to Warm Biscassion Aids. Shaw and nd Graham. "MAY GOD HELP ME," DEOLAR- : ED ALD, SHA. In Compariig Himsell With Ald. itiees Appointed--Ald, Ross is Chalrman of Utilities and Ald. ~ Fair of Board of Works. The inaugural meeting of the Ciy Countil of 1913 was held in the council chamber "on Monday morning at eleven o'clock. Ii took the ecom- mittee chosen to select the stand- ing committees nearly an hour to bring in a report, @nd the mayor and other aldermen grew weary waiting for the return of th, six appointed to make the choice. Council had ad- journed for. fifteer minutes ard bx actly fifty-eight 1 inutes was take to' bring in the report, the longest time expended in the work in / ten vears. There had been a good deal of wrangling 'over' selections, but finally 4 . good slate was secured. There was some interesting discussion on the slate hy Alds. Elliot, Hoag, Graham and Shaw. . The latter paid their compliments to each other. Mayor 'Hoag occupied the chair at! the beginning of the council pro- cevlings. He called upon Police, Ma- gistrate Farrell, who administered the oath, of office to Mayor-elect Rigney. 'Thee rotiving mayor then placed the chain of office around fhe nec of his successor, and yielded up ~ the chair to him, amid the applawsy of the aldermen and spectators, The mayor's wife © and two little sons occupied chairs at the left of the mavor's platform! Mayor Rignét read the declaration if office fo the aldermen-elect, who subseribed to the same. Those around the horseshoe were : Alds. Bennett, Bews, Clugston; Cou- ner; 'Elliott, Fair, Gillespie, Graham, Hanley, Harrison, Hoag, Kent, Lit: ton, O'Connor, Peters, Ross, Shaw Stroud, Sutherland and White. Ald. Halty' was the only absentee, being out of town. These commiunications were read : + The Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto, asking for a grant. H. Stratford and members of the fire department, asking for increase in salary; $2.50 a day for the cap- taing and $2 a day for the men. a: John Maedonald, secretary-troasuror J Board of Education, Cowdy street, John Wgodonald, secretary-treasurer | Boatd of Fducation, subm#ting names of retiring high school trustees. City clerk re vote on bylaw @ combination hose chemical motor car. Mayor Rigney then delivered his ad- | dress, which will be found in full on page two, and which, on motion of Alds. Fair and Litton, was referred for consideration to the various stand ing committess interested. Ald. Harrison moved that the. ity Solicitor be instructed to prepare a by-law to be submitted to council at | its mext meeting, providing for com- position of the as follows : inant, 7; Board of Works, 7; Utilities, City Property, 5; Fire antl Light, 5 Purks, 5; Indus tries, 3: Home for Aj ged, The mover said it was 0 known that it had had heen difficult to get qUiorams at the City Property com- mittee last year. Ald. Shaw advised leaving over this matior, and JHiscussing t ate in the year. The Property onmatten ho thought, was to be a very important one this year. Ald, Graham opposed. the proposed reduction. The success of a committee depended upon the chairman, Ald. Gra ham said. After some further discussion, Ald. Harrison withdrew his resolution. The Standing Committee, In motion of Alde. Elliott and Gra: ham, the following were named = to strike the standing committées for the year : Alds. Elliott, Graham, Hoag, Keat, Shaw, Sutherland. The report of. the committee was re light on to and Hoag, as Ald Ross, Fair, Elbott, Hoag, Ki of ork Alds. Yai {chair . Ross (chairman), Pil reison, Litton, Hoag 35d £8 rim | Kent: (chairman), Bews, | % hem tony, Reters, Stroud gud | White: "IF 1 AM THE LIGHTER Graham ~~ The Standing Com. 980. standing commit ices | fdopted, on motion of Alds. Shaw and | Fae Mayor Rigney (chairman). apa, wen, de Vote to the werk, owing to his' being 'the cit¢ member in the Ontario legis lature. There were twenty-three meot- ings last year, and Ald. Rose had at: tended only * thirteen. 'ihe ex-chair- man found that it took ome houf of his time each day to attend to the work of the utilivies. However, it was up to-Ald, Ald. Elliott farther pointed ott that a year ago it wae declared that it Was most advisable to appoint as chairman of the Utilities one who was in accord with the Ontario govern ment. Yel to-day the city is no fur they ahead with rogard to Hydro- Electric power than it was one year i Ald. Elliott thought that Ald..Shaw should have been retained on the Utilities committee, and also aschair- man of the Industries commit tee, He himself had accepted the position of that much-abused committee, viz: Pro- perty. The speaker thought that "the other side" had taken advaniage of a chair around the board that was vacant--that of Ald. Hamy. Ald. Hoag replied that ' he thought that the end of the year would show the wisdom of the selection" of the committee, which had been cHosen in accordance with the gestion made in 1506 by ex-Mayor BAL the selection of a Utilities chairman, all fmally agreed upon Ald. Ross. The name of Elliott was suggested, but' was not acceptable. That of Ald. Ross met with some objection. Then Ald. Harty was suggested, but that aldetman is out of the city, Ald. Hoag thought that the slate was very fair. Ald. Shaw vs. Ald. Graham. I Ald. Grabam remarked that the slate was drawn up so that each al- derman, would not have too = much work. Alds, Elliott and Hoag were on thfee committees, while the other aldermen, were on two. He thought the committee ' had dealt generously with Alds. Kent and Elliott in giv- ing each a committee, .He said that Ald. Shaw wanted to be on Utilities and Industries and "in fact it stems le," declared . Ald. Graham, "that Ald. Shaw - wanted to be on all the committees." "He wanted to take the places 'of All. Litton, who micht be theebotter man. 3 } -Ald. Shaw disputed the statement of Ald. Graham, saving it was not . so. | Hx had not gone into the committee, { wanting any position, "You have heard Ald. Graham be- fore," added Ald. Shaw, "and doubt: {less vou have sized him wp. T hope that this vear yon will be able té tweigh us both, and if I'm the lighter mav God he Ap me !"" '" Ald. Graham declared that Shaw had asked for cortain tions. Ald. The mayor said that as Ald. {Shaw had denied it Ald. must take the word of a derman. | AM. .Craham--*1 want fo sav that I have alreadv been weighed and 1 Yo not think 1 have been found | wanting, * Ald. Shaw has vet to be | weigh and we'll see how he meas fellow al "» TA. Eikiott stated that Ald, Shaw, in committee, did not ' sug- zest lmmmself for any positions. It was: dome by his two colleagues--him- [self (Ald. Elliott), and Ald. Kent. The discussion then ended and council then proceeded to pass by laws, ratifving = the assessment for | 1913, to raiso $150,000 for current the Kingston's Famous Fur Store, { These coil winter days | 1a be indeed enjoy- e were wearing § } one of 4] warm Winter § 'Coats. Just now prices are unusually attractive. As to posi- ! Graham if Ald. Sha MONDAY, Jin ARY 18, 1013. -- COLLEGE BOOK STORE| OPEN NIGHTS. 160 and 182 PRINCESS STREET. Memo Desk Calendar « An Ornament - on desl A Record of past as well as future mem- | oranda. Every pair guaranteed. ities $1.00 and $1.2 All at popular prices. A A A ANN . expenditure, and, for appuintment members of the Board of Health, School of Mining Board, Court of Revision, and Beard of Education. {1° was moved by Ald. Ross, and } snconded by. Ald. Peters, that the Finance comthittee be asked to sub {mit to the people the question of | management! of the ecivie utilities {bv a commission, and fo take steps Ito seture a Vole as soon as possi- 0. Adopled. Blea Butheriand moved, seconded by Ald. Hoag, that reports of com- mitteés be printed, and mailed to the members of council, not later than Saturdey. He stated that he wished to have action taken on th's matter, in order that the members might be better acquainted. with the different matters which would come before council. Ald. Hoag said he thought it would be a good thing to have the li revorts printed. | The city elerk poinfed gut tha® the ¥ 4 | one drawback would be in the report 'of the finance committee, which m i. on Friday night, that owing to the fact that the local printing .offized were not open Saturday afternoon, it would be hard to get the reports printed. The suggestion was made by Ald. Harrison, that Finance committee meet Thursday night, instead of Friday, seid that even if (he H reports weré received, by the mem i bers on Monday morning, it wound give ample time for the digesting vf tlie réports. it was agreed that an endeavor shomld be made to have the commyii- tee feet so that reports eo b printed, and in view of this, All Sutherland withdrew his motion, for the time being. Tt'was 140 o'dodk when thé cotn- cil adjpurned. At Police Court. Magistrate Farrell had a very short sosaion of police court Monday morn: Two drunks were the offenders. By | LADIES KID GLOVES We claim leadership in Kid Glove valies, The celebrated Jules Guerry brand of French Kid Gloves. Every pair made from fine selected light weight skins, extremely light and pliable: newest style with three rows of stitching on back, gusset fingers and two dome fastencrs Tans, Browns, Greys, White, Black, two qual- 5 a pair, of! Underwear (Good AND Underwear for every me ymbe of the household. All the best makes, Imperial Penman, Hewson, Watson, and Puritan brands. a oa at & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY 'STORR. TE Hyacinths « ! Daffodils PURDY'S BROCK STREET, The People's Florist, "Phone 36. Tulips | Roses Valley Violets Carnations Don't Think Your Eyesight is good because you read the paper a yard frow your eyes. 1 gmre sign that you Conyopia and need Glasses to see clearly for close work. Deci® to-day to have me exiug your eyes and pre- pare fust the Lenses ybhur eyes need to enable you to see |. without effort. J. §. Asselstine D. 0. S. 'Registered Optometrist & Optician 342 King #t, "Phone 1019. Kingston's Exclusive Opticias. Reductions. All remaining Ebony Toilet Pieces in our Stock will be subjected to a discount dur- ing January of 23 per cent. These articles comprise Mir- rors, Halr Brushes, Manicure Pieces, Cloth and Hat Brushes, I SMITH BROS. Jewelrs and Opticians, 856 KING SYREER. i Issuers of Marriage licenses. Hudson Seal, 50 inches Jong, Shaw] Collar and Cuffs, + 13500 Perslan Coats, 32 Hiches | long, 'Shawl Collar and Cuffs, . $160.00 GOURDIER'S 76-78 Brock Street, fe ao te Sa Se ccimicssie I have excellent *oppor- tunities to. invest 'money on first mortgage securities, Real Estate 3 houses on Victoria A brick row, Brock St, facing Park for $6, 000. FIRE INSURANCE. HOUSES TO RENT. E. W. MULLIN Kingston's Real Estate Broker, 1 : KINGSTON LAUNDRY