Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1913, p. 5

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PROFESSOR JORDAN'S NEW BOOK JUST ISSUED THE SONG AND THE SOIL By Professor W. G. Jordan, DD. . "THE SONG AND THE 20H." 1 the name of Professor Jordan's new nook, which has for sub-title "THE MISSIONARY IDEA IN THE OLD TESTAMENT." It contains eight separate discourses, several of which bave been delivered at the Sunday afternoon University Services. That which gives a measure of unity to these expositions is the fadt that they all deal' with passages that express good forms of "the missionary idea," or in other words, show how the Hebrew religion was struggling to free itself from ional limitations. 'The problem faced (by ancient prophets and saints. How can we sing Jehovah's song in a strange land? Is shown to be a matter of abiding interest and significance. All through there runs the thought that we owe a | debt of gratitude to the men of those distant times re helpeu to create the larger worla of thought in which we liv : PRICE, 60 CENTS PER COPY, CLOTH. UGLOW"S 141 PRINCESS STREET E. BLAKE THOMPSON, Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance ~---- Agent for---- Union Assurance Soc'y & Liverpool Manitoba Assurance Co'. OVER NORTHERN OROWN BANK, MARKET SQUARE, FOR SALE. Houses and lots in any part of the City. . List your property with us. J C. Hutton- H, S. Cruniley 18 Market St. Telephone 703. ; > i Manufhotarers of all kinds Fancy Clothiers, Bakers, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, D =F Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hatd. | : ancy xes of every description made to order PHONE 883 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. ware, Stationers, Stock and F and Factory : King Street West ['S a fine, old, mellow ~Stpst--that is as rich - "aid nourishing, as fresh - cream--yet won't e you bilious because it's extra mild. ORDER A CASE FROM YOUR DEALER. INTERCO ATE HOCKEY EX. BOUTIVE CABLED To Meet in Kingston on Wednesday ~St. Michaels Defeated Varsity in Senior OH.A. Game by Nine i Goals to Two. » Prol. Manly B. Baker, of Queen's, president of the Intercollegiate \ hoe key union, has celled a meeting of the executive in Kingston on = Wed: nesday evening, to consider the posi- tion of Laval, of Montreal, in the schedule. He received word = from 'ather Stanton that Ottawa Collegd would not play in the Interasllegiate union this winter, and Laval is therefore "out in the cold," as it was to have played a series with Otiawa. Queen's has not objected to retaining Laval in the league, but Varsity has. What provision will be made is not yet known. lavalis really only of intermediate calibre. St. Michael's Defeated "Varsity. In a senior O.H.A. match at To- ronto Arena, on Saturday. afternoon, St. Michael's put it all over Varsity, the «core being 9 to 2. pson, the former St. Michael's . goal was Michael's tam, and not confined to the col- ° Tussler Hockey Club. "The officers of the Tussler hockey club are: on i Siciant, Capt. Hughes, H. W. rdson, A.. RB. Cunningham; president, V. A. Sim- mons; first vice-president, Master Gunney Hird; second No presidet, J. N. Scott; secretary-treasurer, . McDonald; manager, Fdward Ryam; captain, R. Germain. The club thanks ita many friends who have so kindly supported' it. : Y. LC.B.A. Hockey League, The younger members of the Y.I CBA. have organi a Roskey leagae under the eo management of James J. Bryson and J. Bulger. This is a very fast league and should be well patronized by lovers of fast hockey. The names of thé teams competing are as follows : Outlaws, Shamrocks, Glee Club, Dramatic Club, Sailors, and Independants. : ¥rontenacs' Busy Week. Frontenacs will have a busy time of it this week. To-night the seniors play Peterboro in Kingston. Tuesday night the juniors play in Belleville. On Friday night the juniors sticks with the K.C.I. team at the covered rink, and on Saturday of- ternoon at 3.30 the semiors play Varsity , in - Toronto. The manage ment will charter a special Pullyian for the latter game, and the players will he, able BS sloth about 10. riday night, special being a for them at the GYW.R. sta time, Fis dome A Co sin > Peterboro Here To-Night. There will be glorious ice for the big 'opening ' semior O.H.A. game to-night hétweensPetorboro-and From- tenacs, at the covered rink. The "Pe- "are - a mighty 'strong agiifega: tion and expect to be credited with a win over the locals, Kelly, Arm- strong, . Coaglin' and other stars are here with the visitors, &nd 'round out a very speedy bunch, The Fron® tenacs, however, are mot 'the least daunted. ' Their tedm is now in fine shape and can be upon to "go some." The executive will pro- bab! select the following players for to-night"s game: Connors, goak . Nicholson, and Hyland, defense; right wing, LaRush; leit, Reid; rover, Meikle; centre, ' Crawford; spares, Williams and Hughes. Frontenacs vs. Belleville. Frontenae juniors will leave at 3 pm. to-morrow per G.T.R., for Belle ille. The following players will be Aaken : Cook, Ferguson, Stanton, Purtell, Derry, Millan, Angrove and Dunlop. This bunch ought to give. a good account of themselves. MORE "HELL FIRE" be Preached, Declarés Rev. E. Le Roy Rice. That when those who believe in the teachings, life and spirit of Jesus, apply 'those to death, the darkness and gloom which now surrounds it will be phasized by Rev, E. y Rice, in the First Congregational church, on Sunday evening. He discoursed Should THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, [THE SPORT R postéu St. is ne 'oronto THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S ORATORIAL CO} ING! MATER -------- r Was Won by Mr. Baldwin--The ® Society Not in Favor of the Stud. ents Wearing Dress Suits at Social Functions. The meeting of the Alma Mater Soicety Saturday evening was' the occasion for a great flood of oratory. It was the date set for the oratorical contest for the Greaves trophy, and the efforts of the embroy Qujeen's reflected great credit upon the uni- | versity as a school of rhétofic." Few of the students redlizes how much latent oratical talent Queen's pos- sesved, until the fact was demon- strated on Saturday night from the vostrum of historic Convocation Hall. The rules governing the contest calls ed for an cration of origifial co a- position, of not less than 1,000 and not more than 2 000 words, and the judges in coming to a decision were to award 50 per ¢eai. of the points for composition and 50 per cent. for delivery. Principal Gordon, Prof. John Dall and Prof. J. F. Macdon- ald, after listening to the five con- téstants, Messrs. Baldwin, Brady. Gren, Matheson and McNab, award. ed the trophy and gold medal to the first speaker, whose oration "A Plea for a White Canada," excelled both in matter and delivery. Mr. Bald. win's was a noble effort and stamp: ed him as an orator of mo mean " { ability. Dawson Matheson was a close gecod to Mr. Baldwin, and was awarded the silver medal. His sub- ject was "The Demand of Queen's for Students." The I competi- tors were Mr. Brady, who chose for his subject: "Has every Canadian youth an opportunity to make his life count for the most;" Mr. Green, who spoke on "Canada," and Mr, McNab, who eloguently held forth on "Canadian Immigration." Stan ley Cornett, who submitted a paper entitled: "Three Types in Goethe's Faust" decided not to enter the con- test. The object of Prof. Greaves in pr: senting the trophy, viz, to deviop the art of public speaking at Queen's, was abundantly attained, in this first competition, and even more may be looked for in the future con- tests, Previous to the oratorical contest, the regular meeting of the society was held and considerable important business transacted. 'The report of the Executive committee was adopt- ed, mendations: Ng That Stuart Laing be Queen's representative to the Trinity College conversat, : P. T Pilkey, the secretary, gave the report of the Association Foot- ball club upon the 'occasion of its annual meeting. He stated that the club had experienced the mons Syccessful sersou of twenty-eight years. "It had succeeded in winning the interco'legiats championship and had eccred eightysev'n . per cont. of the goals secured ih the league games, Thanks fo the generosity of Prof. MacClement, the h-ncrary president,, who had don- 't:d a cup for an inter-year soccer league, 150 men had taken part in gimrs, This trophy was won by Medicine "14 alld was presented to that year, by President Watts of the A.M.S., Pref. MacClement being pre- vented from making the ' presenta- tion. © Hugh Macdonald, captain of the wining team, acceptedithe cup on behalf of his year and expressed i's thanks to the donor and to Mr. Pilkey, the energetic secratary of the elub. - The election cf officers for the en- suing year was then held with the following rauit: Hon. pres., Prof. I. FP. Macdonald; pres. R. J. Mac- kenzie; vice pres, A. M. Ball, sec. t'eas.. 0. Masters; ass. sec. treas., D. & Suther'snd, committee, Messrs. Coulter, Gavie, McCree and McNab, Capt. Hugh M. Macdonald. The date of the protesied debate bétweéen '13 and '14 Arts was fixed 'or Tuesday next at 3 p.m. instead of Monday, as formerly arranged. The arnual meeting of the Rugby Club was held and the report of the secretary r:ad by E. 'W. Boak. The exceutive for the forthcoming: year 's composed of the following: Pres., Prof. Malcolm, vice vres., P. J. Ken nely; sec, treas., K. cKay; t. Hockey Boots | Moccasins - Overshoes Slippers Everything that's seasonable at : ABERNETHY'S It-made the following recom-| We gre giving a very liberal dis- 'count off the above. All the latest and most up-to-date lines at JAMES REID'S "Phone 147. - past term, has again aris. i 2 18 « Hair Remedy"--you will get aa many friends of Grant Soe en bottle for about 50c, Some first team, J. Hazlett. 5 A mot'on was put through which read as follows: "Inasmuch as it is A prevailing custom to attend the At Homese of this university attired in dress suits; and, inssmuch as the ~ gtom pravents many men from at- tending the said At Homes, that this society put itself om record as mot being in favor of As numbers at- tending tke said £ocial functions at- fired in dress suits." . It was the spirit and not the form cf the motion which was voted upon, for the mover, in speaking to . it, stated that his object was not to do away with the wearing of dress suits, but to make it possible for a man to attend thes: social functions without necessarily being att'red in formral evening gard. © Very little discussion took place 'on the motion and it' certainly will not mean any revoluti change in the conduct of the Queen's dances. for such motions. as' these canpot upset the ized world-wide rule of oti. quette ey calls for a dress suit at all formal social fundions. Those who attended the perform- ances of "Buttérfly on the Wheel," on Saturday last, in the Grand Opera House, must have been struck by the presence of such "an intelligent look- ing jury in the trial scene. This en' lightened. "twelve" was composed . of Queen's students, some of whom were made to appear of a more mature age by the addition of moustaches--culti- vated for the occasion. They did this duty nobly. ? ---- James Wardel, B.Sc., 12, is in the city for a few days, en route from his home in British Columbia te O%- tawa, where he has accepted a posi- ficm. - Stanley Edgar, arts '12, who has has been out of college ing the eine be THE LEADING UNDERTAK TY Next to Opera House AFTERNOON TEA Lady Fingers, R. H. cation on Alfred 8t.° Phones: , | Gfficeds. Res, 874. GRAY HAIR TURNS ITS Mixed With Sulphur #t Darkens Beautifully and Takes Off every one knows that Sage Dandruff, = a Iph and Sulphur, properly compound: od,' beings back the natural color and lustre"to the hair when faded, streak- ed or gray; scalp and' stops faliing hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mus- 2} and troublesome. Nowadays skilled chemists do this better: than ourselves. By asking at any drug store 'for the réady-to-use product--ecalled "Wyeth's Sage and their 'own, but it's ste - make --e c-- also cured dandrufl, itching | goes bv PAGE FIVE. | vp" ' : New Year's Chocolates In Fany Boxes and Baskets, which would make a very suitable Gift. SAKELL'S Phone 640 BISCUITS. Plain Macaroons, French Macarcons Almond Wafers, Vanilla- Wafers 50c Ib. Mixed. TO ) iy Phone 141 Real Estate A row of Three good, brick. houses in good" lo- $7.20000 Offer good only until Jan'y 15th. - The J. K. Carroll Agency. 14 Market St List with (us, we will sell, NATURAL COLOR AFTER APPLYING SAGE TEA usthily too sticky, so insist upon get- ting "Wyeth's"" which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair | and is the host remedy for dandruff, dry, feverish, itchy scalp and to stop falling hair. Folks like "Wysth's Sage and Sul phur" because no one can possibly tall that you darkened your hair, as it a well-known downtown druggist. You dampen a spon, or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This re quires but a few moments, by morn ing the gray hair disappears dpd af- ter another application or two if ree stored io its natural color and looks even more beautiful and glossy than ever. Agent, G. M. Mahood. ¢ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT ~ W.L. MOORE & SON Beg to announce to the public of Kingston and district that they have added to their Automobile Business an Electrical Depart: ment and are now prepared to furnish esti- mates on all classes of Electrical Work. Competent. workmen and a full line of supplies "always on hand. " se Give them a trial and be PHONE 815. it 30 maturally and evenly, save

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