7 ---- T 'KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1913 LAST EDITION, YEAR 80-NO. 11 Lo ; I 1 A THRILLING ADVENTURE. A HRAVY VERDICT. . 3 Gives Prospectors Exciting 'tyme. : Promise Suit. : : p -- Calgary, Alta., Jan. 14.--The larg- HA . R SUMED -- ; ' Moon Bay, fifty miles i the coast, Collard, twenty-seven. years old, a EE --. . The Nation to Educate Every ¥ Hate tae. on Calgary three THE LATEST TIDINGS Nanton Valley ranch, for failare to T Sid low, but taking his last aim, Thomas noon, where the 'champion will be ' Vancouver, B.C., Jan. 14.--~Madden- -- J ed when wounded, fighting to the Tet est verdict ever given in a breach of HEME OF EDUCATION death, and attempting ko] tear the Despatches From Near And 'Promise case in Alberts; and one of bodies of his assailants to 'shreds, a the largest in Canada, $20,000, was last week, according to Thomas Hare, | \ . oo Child months ago, with his brother and the keep his promise to marry her. : . the ground when a lion made his ap- Take Johnson to Chicago. big mountain lion was shot at Half Distant Places. awarded by a jury to Miss. Louise y school teacher at Nanton, suing Mar | 'e who collected the bounty. tin James Armstrong, owner of the Hugh Guthrie Speaks on the J : | latter's wife. They were looking over ' \ rl g rance and plunged towards them. : : Chicago, Jan. 14.--Champion "Jack . . | Fr Though wounded sqveral times ho sj | PRESENTED IN THE 'BRIEVEST dapaeagn. das. 1 --Champion dusk" : T0 ADD UNIVERSITIES Ty fame on. Smarr wae" open POMTLRIOMM. fing hack i Cpitugd. Sh ah : -- Hare sent a shot through the brute's | The Whig's Daily Condensation of charged with being a fugitive from head as he was making the final | pg News of the World From Tele- | justice in leaving Hlinois' state while A BROADSIDE INTO BOTH RICH AND POOR TO BE ON spring, and it rolled over in the snow, 'Service and N Ex. Junder- bail "bond. ra ond. When fou POLITICAL CAMS. red, it w EQUAL FOOTING, measu it was f d end. ~ changes, EEE =~. fo he sora tm The arrest of Eli Barritts, at QUITE A SHAKE-UP JACK JOHNSON WAS Niagara Falls, may solve a Toronto J. H. Burnham Introduces a Bill to murder committed 'nearly five years IN THE 61h OFFICES Abolish All Titles of Honor in ---- Canada, Which are Contrary to 10 LIVE IN TORONTO == wo thousand dollars' damage was the Spirit of Democratic Consti. done hy a water-sprinkling system tution, Was Held Battle Creek in a Welliggton street building, To- agog over a colossal scheme fore- He ~ Up at ronto. Ottaws, ' Jan. 14.--Bright, clear, cagted 'by Viseount Haldane for At Allan, Sask., a heavy loss by cold snappy weather inspires the the improvement of the edu- Mich., While Enroute to fire was sustained when a bank, three resumption ¢f the naval battle at cation of the people of the Unit- H He or ; + |general stores' and areal estate office Toronto, Jan. 14.--The long an Parliament hill this afternoon De- . @d Kingdom. This scheme will be | If 7 1 were completely destroyed by fire. ticipated shake-up in titles: in the | SPite the energy in the air, howewer the noxt great social reform to be Toronto, Jan. 14.--Just' how near |] os $30,000. various offices of trafic and trans. | OttAWa seems to be comparatively undertaken after the franchise re- Toronto Canada, escaped being the | In New York, the trial of Juljan portation departments of the Grand | dUiescent. Many members have not form, home rule and Welsh dises- f * -|Peimanent post office address of Hawthorne and others, charged with Truk, took place to-day yet arrived... Hugh Guthrie, fresh tablishment are disposed of, SIR ERNEST SHACKLETON. Champion Jack Johnson is the gos- using the mails to defraud iin promot H. E. Whittenberger "who is su. | from the depths of old Ontario, The avowed object of this scheme | - Lieut, Sir Ernest Shackleton, the | #10 of inside sporting circles here Ing mining stocks, was postponed, yes- perintendbnt of the middle 'division, { P¢ned renewed hostilities this af. 18 to increase the efficiency of the plinguished English Antarctic ex. to-day., The news became public terday, until Japuary 20th, bas been made general superi dant ternoon. W. G. Middleboro is to ho lo ¢ race 10 the Sout LV a pene : nation as a whole, to make the full n or cam th Roa ! Abe Routh When despatches arrived here, tell-{ A¢ Oswego, N.Y, Capt. William H. of Ontario lines. This includes every- Jeply. Mo XN Macdonald will ois or the Canadian navy an est possible use of the natural abil- hag kletan is now in New York, and|ing of the detention te ne puny | Griffin, for many Joars one. of . thelining on the rond west of Toronto : ities of all children, irrespective of | wii fos BC Sin Purpose tne Poison Beero ang his tate. wife at Battle best known captains on the chain of} 10 the Sarnia tunnel. He also takes ten W. F. Maclean who has been their station in life, and to maintain of the wSonbinent at the South Pole hey were going through i Grand lakes, died on Sunday. He had been over the northern divigion, and Su- ing Is Sling will probably pour p e oe s Stance wf abou B p a ; A » , the ar hick hers.of the nation 2,300 miles," To 0 distance wr about Trunk train from Chicago to Toron- ml gn bait Ue pant vo paintendent P. J. Lynch will ; hold Bnd One ae 'the er a og. herals . i » them a ---- p ¥ : ses hi . a any rate equal advantares with any OPPOSE DUTY ON 119i to. Johnson has many ' pertomal [*"yplio 1ds the world in gifts to |. Position under Mr. Whitfenber- | {a0 one of support to both poli- ) PPOSE DUTY ON LUMBER. friends h including Tom Flana- : ad er. next meeting of the board for the of the great nations of the world. > rends here, including To na | foreign missions. Protestants of the W. H. Farrell, who inal cles, a navy and a contribution, too. urpose of considering special mat- The scheme will link the primary | Grain Growers Toi « gan, the wealthy hotel keeper and | United States gave uenrly $15,000.0000 i. C-, wiTell, Yo Was terminal su. { Ap set entitled "A DiI abolish | Purpose g: 8p 2 4 ? s w ormer manager. i % { . nde ol nto, ti p " ta p p - schocl win the anivarolly Sr an rain Growers Take a Strong Stand sport, who was his f r anag. last 'year, an increase of about 8. perintendent f Toro to till three titles of honor in Canada. is to be ters. to Je deakt ith at the forth i in Resolution. : It leaked out that a"fine residence 500,000. Canada gave $648,000 more {MONths ago, has been appointed su- presented to parliament on Thurs. | "O/2IB& convention: in future the child of any maz will, ... '. : : ; y * Winnipeg, J 14.--The Grain Grow- : had been purchased in the fashion- es perintendent of frieght serviv: over The time and place for holding the be able to glimb to the top of the peg, Jan. 14. e Grain Grow- | p than last year. day next. J. H. Burnham gave . Pp the whole system. notice of such bill this morning. | "€Xt convention has been fixed. The ers' convention was most em ic in | ble Hillcrest district for Johnson. J A atonal ladter. if ho has the its oppositiob to the re phatie in Once here, Johnson's friends hoped _ U. E. Gillen, who has heen super- This is a democratic country, and convention will meet in Hamilton handicapped for want of money. |U4U6 on rough lumber. A ressluion | to keep him here. notwithstanding intendent of the eastern division late- | all titles-gHould be ruled eos accord. | 07 Wednesday, Sept. 3rd. By the scheme the whole strue- | V4® Unanimously adopted in the fol- | the international white slave laws. ly, has been appointed general su- ing to the member for West Peter- PEI SHED VS { ture of national education will be |'OVing terms: "That in the event of | Se parifiloadout of the western lines, with | borough. SRISHED IN SNOW, strengihened and made complete. It | ** interpretation being given by the | Johnson Protested. adquarters in Chicago. 6. 8. "Knighthoods are contrary to the Mother Dead and "Sl Exhausted will werk a new ara in the develop- | *°UrtS which would have the effect of | Battle Creek, Mich., Jan. 14.-- Cunningham, who was superintendent | gpirit of a democratic constitution," | ST A Blizzard: ay ment of the national .ife. Fduca- |"PoSing a duty on any class of Jum. Johnson protested loudly against be- at Detroit, will act under Mw Gil- {said Mr. Burnham "I would net] : : MI tion w'll Yegin earlier and continue | PF hitherto entering Canada free. leg- ling ditained here. Ho said he had no len. attempt in any way to interfere with | Kamloops, B.C., Jan, 14.--Within later while the universities will be | station be passed amending the cus- [intention of forfeiting his $35,000 bail C. G. Bowker, who was formerly | the. prerogative of the king, if hig) One hundred yards of shelter, which increased in number. with ihe of superintendent . of the southern divi- majesty wishes to knight anyone, could not be found Towing to the ject of serving local needs. sion, with headquarters at St. Thom- well and good, but I maintain that | terrific blizzard which raged, Mrs. Some of the opponents of the gov- es ee as, has been sent to Montreal to [the government should not recom |Cornwall, wife of Capt. Cornwall, of ernment profess to see in this VIEWS NOT ALTERED + scheme a defeat the Lloyd- succeed Mr. Gillen. well and good, but I maintain that { lose Hill ranch, and her daughter, for -------- D. Crombie, who was formerly as- [no honorary title should attach to | spent a terrible night in the snow. George section of the government, BY SIR JAMES' REFUSAL CAN WEAR TWEEDS. ---- Evening Dress No Longer Indispens- sistant to Vice-President Kelly, has |a specific position. - A man whe | The mother periched of exposure and and say that this is put forward in- George is in full with | > mm * able in' Theatres, Lord Haldane aid Lloyd<George Announce Colossal Project of _ National Development -- English People Agog Over Measure. London. Jan. 14.--All England is J. IL. WHITING, KO funds of the association be invested in certain securities, These were referred to the committee in charge of investments, Special committees were appoimts ed to meet between now and the | | EEE EE TTT) + & TO TERMINATE THE ARMINIIUCE, + * * + London, Jan. 14.--The + peace delegates of the Bal- + 'kan states to-day informed b 4 Sir Edward Grey, foreign Ooms act so as to permit free im hor, | bond white slave charges. He|¥% minister, that t ey had been tation of rough lumber," gi Ry ind ue Hon Flan: # authorized to Brmmediateln + + + + + + > igan, his Toronto ma . ardin terminate the armistice with NT ante.) Chingo. TR Torker ul rmistice with agreed to the terms offered by the allies, including the cession of Adrianople and the Aegean Teas. C of transportation. tied down and not able to express homestead near at hand, as s00n as : _-- ¢ Whereas if he had no such daylight broke; She is now in Kam i a heen appointed general Superintendent accepts .a knighthood very.often is | the daughter crawled to Humphrey's stead of land reform, but Mr. Lioyd- oR A iy ew 5 Mr. Cornwal © talk of forcing an election on [started from | pin a ale G {the navy issue will not crystallize f on Saturday evening Tor their home. Pittsburgh, Jan. 14.--LeRoy Hig- | Into anything until the first liberal | Thev were caught ju a blizzard, which opwavng cil } latest @vidence of thi tice: . " - + Refused 3 Cents, Y will form a fit- : Regulations. posted dt the Savoy Theatre, -- FREE LIBRARY : PELE] Mother. 1 + ting complément to the old age pen- i! : i . sions and insurance acts. Ottawa, Jan. HM. "Our position is all the hcl" ale Door gins, aged elever, shot and kil his | caucus, which will be held probably sq frightened their horses that they --- Youn MP8 how Mvgoa the a sh regard to the bi-ling- production of "Twelith Night," which | ITY MUST BE RESPONSIBLE | mother in the bedroom of thei home BOA sek alive ireaton 4 sive. bolted and. overtirued the vehicle, 000,000 a year extra to the elemen- Press announad Premior White rs the Nin ns hart A his 4 Deatre i FOR MAINTENANCE. De Lea, newt bere, ie he oF tacular battle if the opposition ob- ¥ EE ---- : tary schools. Ply to our request, or before we | This is the first theatre in London C réfuded five cents Yo purchase candy. |Structs regular business in ils ef- NEW BRITISH GUN. de went to see the 'government at To- |to recognize the fact that the general | Meeting of Kingston Public Library | The lad then reloaded the shotgun, | forts to carry the principle the ide Fire of 17.000 WILL WRECK BORDEN. ronto," said Chairman P. M. Genest; | public dislike obligatory dressing 'for ~The City's Needs Dwelt Upon-- | and) going into the yard, fired a |80 autonomous navy. Has a Vratide re 'of, 144 - ------ of the Ottawa separate school board, [the best - seats. Five years ago no A Public Meeting to be Called charge through the wall of the house, Miss Violet Asquith, daughter of ounds. : That's What Keir Hardle Thinks yesterday, speaking af Sir James | one would think of sitting in the stalls 3 i ' leading the police to believe, until the | the British premier, was a witness London, Jan. 14.--According to the About Naval Bill. Whitney's refusal to change the laws [unless in full dress. Now it is only | Is there some public spirited citi. boy yoonf , that some other person | Of the proceedings during part of Evening News, the admiralty recently - London, Jan. 14.--Keir Hardie in governing French-English schools, during the opera season at Covent |#en who will donate a free site for [was guilty of the erime. the afternoon to-day. perfected a 16.25 inch gun. This A week-end speech at Burton, made | | Premier Whitney says there is a | Garden that the failure to have even- the erection of 'a building which |- ear To be Minkter or Rail may be mounted on the Quben Eli- reference to the Canadian Dreggd- | misapprehension as to the intention , ing dress is followed by refusal of ad- (Will be an educational factor in the 240,000 MASSACRED. M ° Minister ol Ways. zabeth class of battleships. The gun, noughts, and eaid that the accep- |of the regulations," went on Trustee | Mission. Of course, certain people al- city ? t uld come - 'about, ¥ tin { Ottawa, Jan. 15.--Col. Sam Hughes, lit is stated, has a broadside fire. of ance by the British government of |Genest, "but we have been studying | Ways dress for the theatre the same a8 land those interested have hopes that | This Number of Defenceless Turks it is stated, will be next minister of | 17.600 pounds. Mr. Borden's offer looked very much | these fegulations since June of lasi jthey do for dimmer, but there is a [the city will shoulder jts responsibil- Slain by Alles. railways. It is understoed that, on like wrecking the present Canadian |vear, And I think we know exactly | large floating population who like to lity in the matter, a new free library | Berlin Jan. 14.--The Tageblatt the appointment of Hon. Mr. Coch- The Alberta government has prac government, the intentions of regulation seventeen | POP into a show 'when the fit seizes | will be erected by the Carnegie fund. prints - despatch from Rome quot- |The, next autumn, as lieutenant: | tically decided to guarantee tl To those who, like himself, were | (which provides for the teaching of | them. : This was the burden of discussion at ing an unnamed diplomatic |S of Ona. io, Prem) Borden | bonds of the Grain' Growers constantly in touch with public opin- | French for an hour each day in the . . the annual meeting of thé Ki tative of a great power in the Orisnt, | Will 'select Col. Wughes for" the rail- | pany, whose headquarters ar: fon in Canada it had been obvious | earlier classes: and doing away with THE EASTERN TOWNSHIPS public library, at its rooms, on got | who in ie A wg way portfolio! In the event of Col. | Winnipeg to the amount of at least from the outset that such a contri- | it later in the year). There iss no ---- street, on Monday afternoon. rages perpetr: upo Hughes going to railways it is not $1,000,000. The company is doing bution of $35,000,000 to build ships | misapprehension = whatever with re- | Are Strongly Opposed to the Borden| The report of the librarian showed | Turks of ee pou the else unlikely that Major Jobn Currie, [an extensive business in the Pre. Which would be handed to the gard to the regulations - or their jn- | Policy. that there are now nearly seven hun- "The number of those: massacrrd is | North Simcoe, will be made minister | vince of Muniwba, and bi build British admiralty would not be |tention." Montreal, Jan. 14.~Duting th dred substribers to the library, estimated at two hundred and forty |of militia. new inducement they wi pd popular. Organised labor was -- ee liamentary Tone oto ik the Pur- |g pundred-of which have bee if thousand, and I consider thet this pore abou sixty Je¥ levator Wiroug against it,"and now ten thousand 'HIS CRIME MANIA GONE NOW. em ary a al Of host hout | ® during the past year. The hoard number is not too high." GRAND COUNCIL OF CM.B.A. |out Alberta during the. coming Western farmers were protesting. a s et Makes. ~ aan em ipa By HS Ro. aad those ibtecented renting tha thé ; mo x ma 2 'a matter of fact, Mr. Hardie nge in Body Tissues es New 8 A iy. 2: on, ibrary in Kingston, as in all other GETS TWENTY YEARS. et in Ki on fe . concluded, the only section of Can- Man. Yolphs. Lewisax, Hon. Byiuey Nise places, has reached the pl in ita], yams ciation Flourishing. MARRIED. adian people that favored the idea : Cloveland, Ohio, Jan. 14.--Joseph | siriew of meetings have oer rei in [history when it must either expand | Gordon Priest Pleads Guilty to Sec-!| A meeting of the grand president KIRKGAARD_MERRICK~On Mon was that of the commercial inter- * Kirwin, sentenced here in 1903 to 'life } the varous or throughout [°F from financial considerations, re- ond Degree Charge. and board of trustees of the Grand Boamish, Rector of Chris Orion: ests, which: hoped by reciprocity | i fiecnment " in" avenworth, Kan.,"| the townships, where' the il of | main in the present state. Splendid Watertown. N.Y. J Council, of the C.M.B.A. of Canada, Belleville, Marjorie Eileen, daugh- with Britain, combined with a mili prison Te We great lakes, the day, and, in rtioular the navy, [8% it 8, to carry out 1's pur. jon "the Ev. ns Mill n. 34 r-Gordon was. held at the head office, King- Sok, Khon to Carlos AtHug "tary policy, to secure a "corer" in [IU appealed for "a pardon, on the peation, has Bom horton and (Pose, the Kbrary must be free. And been iris he last. of this month on |Ston . on Monday. The following Montague Kirkgaard. of Toronto the trade between Canada and Great tground that a complete hange in the frankly discussed. In every eC if such is to come to pass the city a $ : aa of this month _ officers were present: grand presi- Britain, enriching themselves st the |i uoc Uf the body, which scientists | the reception afforded the ' speakers [must become directly responsible for | 0 "J%% © MRC Ea degree, «<u. | dent, Hon. M. F. Hackett, Stanstead, x; DIED, expense of the Britishers. Say oocurs every seven years, has cur- was a most enthusiastic one, and the |its maintenance. It ia estimated that Preme court, was, wi 3 y itted | Que.; grand 1st vice president, Hon. GRAWFORD In Winnipeg. on Jon. ee {?d him of the mania which caus- | disevssions and resolutions passed all | this would mean a difference of one- to enter a plea } guilty es murder, | A+ D. Richard, Dorchester, N.B.; | = ith i018, Jack rawford, DROWN IN THAMES. 'led him to commit the offence of which | showed a determination to force the [quarter of a mill in the taxes. King- ve. y ' Igrand supervisiing medical examin- Funeral from the residence of his A} : p ilty is sai j i H : : . E. Ryan, Kingston; grand ather, 241 Alfred Street, Thirs- Engine Exploded When it Reached |" a¢ found guilty. the easy ecument to the country on (sion it mid to be the only "city in | "Proeet Saved a Shntence of twinty [LF rw 3 MeRan Withaor | daiver, it Alfred Sires, Prats While under the charge of rob the naval iss The same rit Ontario where there is not a ic Ry a , ( be the Water. on the lakes, which is 5 x bey Joatie. ' _ has library, "and 'nunierous towns Publi years in Auburn prison. grand secretary, J. J. Behan, King- LAWL oR Bin. Milhaven; on Jui, 1th. London, Jan. M.-Two British air- | Kirwin was 'tried and acquitted of a ¥ Fi lages lead the Limestone City in this ston; grand trustees «Hop. Judge M. _° of Patrick Lawlor, aged 70 years. view, L. F. "MacDonald and a man [charge of smothering to death a young respect. a 3 10 HAVE A RESPITE A. McHugh. Windsor. Hon. John Funeral from her late residence. 'Mil- named Inglis, were drowned ta the | woman found dénd here. | At the meeting speeches endorsing : Morrissy, Newcastle, N.B., and Dr, Cataraqul Cemetery. Friends and River Thames, yesterdny. g ADE Fa ' the movement on foot were made by FROM ANNOYANCES Alexander Germain, Montreal. acqueEimances are gespectfuiiy fn. 'wiih aviators were flying at a height | NEWSPAPER BURNED OUT. Dr. A. E. Ross, N..C. Polson, Lieut. - =a A TevieWw of the work of the past vited to attend. well above the river when the ma- meccnfic Col. H. R. Duff and Ji Re ~Stuart. six months was presented 'and ld p : * chine suddenly swooped downward. | Plant of. Moncton' Times Destroyed » The latter gentleman was in Strat. sidered. © A number of communiea- ROBEBT J. REID, Immediately upon coming in contaot| by Fire, : X ford when the same situation was tions from branches as as a The Undertaker. with the water the wngine gxploded. | Moneton, NB. Jon. 14.~The plant reached and met - by. the btablizhment Xiflous matters were rang and 'Phone 877. Princess Stress The grand secretary presented the STOVES AND RANGERS, financial and other statements for) The best lot we have §ror hadi At wt of f of the Moncton Times was of a free library. A mach i 4 London, Jan. 14.--Great, Britain 'is |the period y which showed that the | Drosera: Stands 'aad respite association Yas ih & splendid con- |\lhe.. Haseonable Prices dition. Thgpincrease of member- ship since last meeting had been large and the work of the organi- gers on the whole was very satis- factory. In some few districts bet- ter work was expected, but special . JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers, 354 and 256 PRINCESS STREST, 'Phone 147 for Ambulance. ng q | and nes 675, an by mi over 1911 of 6,174 and 1382 re 3 ; i ; Berlin, Jan. 14.--The use of the of dogs as a food for many is Ros Detoning common even ia : the From necessity the German work- "¥man has long made horse meat 'a substantial portion of his daily fare, but, whi Saxony consumes thousands of dogs annually, the | practice of eating this meat has not! until recently invaded A : ~ Now the efforts 'will be made in these dis- in the future. ihe state- , inet showed the present member- OUR COFFEE RECORD. to be 24,787 and the financial We are pleased to report the statement showed a surplus of |largest coffee year in gur experl-- BMO1.344.07" edical exalncs ence, The supervising medical e: n presented his report on his visit to | Sold during 1912, all our . the branches in the provinces of own roasting .. .. .. 9,456 Iba. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Albertaf; .. voure record and British Columbia Which was > eminently satisfactory. Increage., .. ... .. 2.0.4 4bs Reports on the work of organifa- | Noming needs to be adued ex tion in Ontario, Quebec, New Bruns- [cont this Will you not join the wick, Nova Scotia and Prince Ed-|.vor increasing number who are ward lslatid were also presented and | yging this favorite Coffee, and Who - showed that the work was being lara go well satisfied? 1 conducted in & very satisfactory and - : enthusiastic manner. Arrangements 3 considered for the intro- - scion ot the smmeaion wis oo JAS REDDEN & CO - i fie colony Newfound'and. - or communications were read Specialists. asking that portions of the surplus,