Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1913, p. 7

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i INCORPORATED 1a, "THE BANK OF TORONT Paid Up Capital $5,000,000 Reserved Funds - $6,176,578 IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, if de- sired, either of whom may deposit or withdraw money." These fre very convenient household accounts. ad v KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McEAY, A Sultomdhe of Facts Backed by a Strong Guaranteé. We guarantee com) plete relief to all sufferers from - ¢o lar's Pure Raspberries. lar's Pure Strawberries. Manufactured by Millar & Co., N Belfast, Ireland. Vagstatfe's' Pure Black Cur- 'rants. Wagstaife's © Jam. Wagnaties Pure Old English LM. GORDON, Pure Food Grocer, i Gor. Bay and Montreal Sts. Phone 88, if will supply the Rexall Orderlios are a gentle, effec tive, dependable and safe bowel r lator, strémngthener and tonic. They | re-establish nature's functions in diet; easy way. They do not ul any inconvenience, or nausea. They are so aint ko take and so easily that they may be tak- ea by anyone at any time. They thor- oughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal' for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to all suf ferers from any form of constipation and its attendant evils. Two sizes, 10¢. and 20¢. Remember, you can ob- tain Rexall Remedies in this communi- © ty only at our store--The Rexall Store. G. W. Mahood, FOR SALE. positions Pure Apricot BUY NOW Three Houses on University Avenue; best location in City; $3,300 00 to $3,700.00, at Right 1st--Modern up-to-date detached solid brick residence, large grounds, gar- etc., located corner Union and LLAlbert streets. 2nd--Solid brick, distinctly modern, detathed, lot 66x132,. University 3rd---Double solid brick, Bagot street, oe m conveniences. A bar- 4th Modern solid brick, hres storeys, eight bedrooms, electric lights, fun Jatdwoad floors, hot water , Frontengc street. 5th--Sofld. "brick, detatched, seven bed- rooms, all modern conveniences, lot 40x132. Johnson street Attractive Frame House on Victoria " Street; 100 feet frontage; barns; all $2,500.00. Three Brick Veneer Houses on Earl Street; all improve- ments; $4,500.00, improvements; 1912, all modern conveniendes,. lot 66x142, barn and poultry house, Neison street. A $2,600. Tth--Large' double s 12 bedrooms in ech modern; 66 ft. frontage; Brock Street; would make excellent apartment house. For full particulars of the above at! tractive propositions and pihers (too numerous to mention) Howard. Folger, 44 Clarence St COVERED HOCKEY MATCH Senior Inter-Collegiate VARSITY vs. QUEEN'S TUESDAY, JAN. S1ST. Gamo called at 8 p.m. ADMISSION. -- Gents', lation, 26c; Reserved Seats, Plan opens for sale of 'seats and tickets on Jan. 21st at 10 am. Covered Rink. & Webb Js 'Wellington Street HOTEL s---- FRONTENAC boc; boc Owing to 'the unseasonable, weather, we had to postpone -the *Varsity-Queen"s Senior Game, and have had to give them the band night, which could not be avoided, rink. But we will try and make the night good to our patrons if the weather man will only change | 'hig mind and give us 'some good, seasonable winter weather. w. E. BONTER, Manager. Covered Rink Match MoSDAY, JAN. SoH. fo Game called ai 8 pm. . and M fretoverinig from a severe illness. Lions In every | Notice to our 'our Patrons. and contrary to the rules of the LOCAL NOTES AN AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings m me City and Vicinity ~-Whas the Merchants Offer to the Headers of the Whig. "buy povril" at Gibson's. W. C. Martin, Clergy street, con: tinues quite seriously ul. Children's slippers cheap, at Dut- son's. Major G. R. Hooper, i in Kingston fou Some time, left, onj¥riday -mght, for "+gh Class Sweets" Gibson's. Rev. T. W. Neal preaches anniver- Ssaty sermons in Merrickville Meth- udiae church on February 16th. ! #4 sweater coats for ladies, ni Dutton's. Miss Dily Sharpe, daughter of Mr. rs. A. Sharpe, Barrie street, is "Huyler's Sweets" Gibson's. Miss Mary Pelow, Queen street, died in 'the Hotel Dieu hospital, on Fri day She was a sister of Thomas LI. Soc. Drug ow. Ponce De Leon bitter sweets, HM. Sold only at Prouse's Store. The Iroquois Club, of Watertown, N.X., will have its annual banquet on Yebeuey sth. Kingstonians will at- tend nt. "McUonkey's Caramels" Gibson's. Sale ! Mackinaw rubbers and sox, very cheap. Dutton's. es, Davis Fitzgerald, 32 Lower Un- ion street, was called to Rochester, | N.Y., owing to the illness of her s mother. up-to-date dressmaking. rea ® ate. Miss A. Keyes, 241 Princess" Rev, H. > Fenvick, rector of the i Episcopal ch at San Antonio, Tex., 18 in; ton, to spend his vacation $I motor veils, 50c. Dutton's store. Queen's Dramatic Club is looking ahead. Its next move is the com- of modern plays. Aviator caps, cheap, at Datton's. wv, J. W. Mcintosh, of Cooke's church, will be one of the speakers at Hille St. Andrew's ganiversary, Perth, n January 26th. "Huyler's Sweets" Gibson's. Genuine clearing sale. Few sizes left of hockey boots, less than cost. Dut- ton's store. "Billie," the goat, the most recent property of Granite lodge, 1.0.0.F., was tried out for his part in the initiation, this week. "McConkey's Carameis'" Gibson's. There was no session of police court, Saturday. Four knights of the road, | who came in for shelter, were the only ~occupants of the cells Friday night. Great comic song, "I'm the thy,' 'ioe. Dutton's. Maitland Newman, aged sixty-six, for forty years a commercial tra- | veller, passed away, here, on Satur- daz, after an illness of about six 21 "H Cunningham, piano tuner, Me- | King street. Leave orders at Auley's book sture. } Basil Fullerton, Bank of Toronto, 6th--Dettched frame, newly rebuilt inf, "heey (ransisried from Gananbaus to the branch of that bank in Fine { Jon, and arrived in town on Wednes- Yiign Class Sweets" Gibson's. Great clearing sale of hoots for all, to make room for spring stock. Dut- he n's store. Miss Charlotte Greene, teacher of the domestic science classes, has recovered from her severe illness and will be able.to take over her classes on Monday. "MeConkey" s Caramels" Gibson's. Women's gaiters, 50¢c.; chil dren's corduroy Or Ste Dutton's the R. & O. RINK. = Edward Charles, of company, loft, Saturday, for Roches: ter, N.Y., where he will remain for three works, to look after some work to be done on the company's tug, Pandora. Flufly Raffles assorted chocolates, {the aristocratic sweetmeat unique, $I f.° Sold only at Prouse's Drug Store. At a bankuet of the Leicester lodge, i$ Sous of England, and the Daughters Maids of England, on iday se in their hall, a five star jewel was presented to i H. Parker, past | president. January boot sale: Women's $3.50 exira str boots, $2. 25. Dutton's. Joseph Davies, sent to the peniten- tary for ten years from london, | Ont., attacked Deputy Sheriff Watter- Ls th while en route to Kingston. He 'tried to stab his custodian with a kitchen knife. Sale of boys' heavy fleece-lined un- ar, 25¢c- garment. Duttom's. Buy your tickets for poultry and guess number of beans in ! sealer in W. J. Paul's window an {$5 paid Rhode Island Reds. John McGuirl died at Moosomit; on [Jahuary 4th, after a day's illness. He was born in Kingston, Ont, and was a veteran of the Femian raid, belong- ing then to the 14th P.W.0. Rifles. He was a contractor and alderman in Moosomin. Men's extra heavy Dutton's. A candle set fire to a pair of cur- (tains in the kitchen, at the home of | Morris © Yamphulsky, 220 Parl street, Friday night, caused o 3 good deal of 'excitement in the household, and did damage to the extent 'of about twén- y-five dollars "Gres at PRE fs 110 5, 1 show uart win wool sox, 25e. h street, aR ilers Bs on Gideon's. Pe some excitement at sheds, Ontario street, , when one of. the «pressing «GRAN BOUSE Willian A. Brady Presents The Dramatization of One of the Greatest Books in the World, Louisa M. Alcott's LITTLE WOMEN Stage Version by Marian de Forest, By Arrangements With Jessie Boustelle. Prices, 25-50-75-$1-$1.50 Seats now on Sale. MONDAY, JAN, 20th H. A. TREMAYNE ANNOUNCES Canada's Favorite Emotion Actress, BLOSSOM BAIRD In the 4-Act Comedy Drama, The Cup of Life New York Cast and Production. PRICES. --25, 33, 50, 75. # Seats now-on sile, SAT, JAN. 25 \JOINT RECITAL MADAME CLARA BUTT The Greatest Living Contralo, KENNERLEY RUMFORD) The Distinguished English Baritone. PRICES. --75¢, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50 Seats on Sale Tuesday, Charity Dance and uchre 1X AID OF THE Hotel Dieu Q Htital In City and MONDAY, JAN. 20th Tickets, including Both Halls, $1.00. On Sale at Hotel Dien and Col- lege Book Store. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Ladies of the Committee of the Home for PFriendless Women and In fants take thi® opportunity of ex- grateful thanks to all whe have so generously responded to the appeal for Christmas donations. A great many bags have been returnsd well filled; algo several generous gifts in money. Although we miss a few names, we fre doubly many new ones. grateful for DE JONGS GLORIA COCOA Manufactured at the ROYAL FACTORIES, WORMERVEER, HOLLAND. » 1-2 1b. Tin, 25 Cents. At Your Grocers. . TAX REFORM Meeting, City Hall _| Wednesday, January 22nd at 8 & prot). NW ROWELL, Leader of * and others will disenss " Tax Reform" Compensation " and Kindred Live Issues. BUILDING fan citizens including ladies, invited. R. E. KENT OPERA) : ¢ GIRLS WANTED, AT ONCE, AT THE Re -------- | THE. PEOPLE'S FORUM | 1 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES 80¢c; six, $1; one month, $3. + HELP WANTED. x 5 Impe rial Laundry. PUPIL NURSES WANTED AT CORRY Pospliad. Apply to Supt, Corry, PROBATION NURSES, TWO YEARW course. Rhodes Avenue Hospital. 460 KE 32 Street, Chicago, IIL GENERAL Apply vo Barris St A YOUNG GIRL TO DO heusewurk; no cooking. Mrs kK. Stevenson, 1ii IMMEDIATELY, TWO STRONG! young men as plumber"s he sipers Apply, McKelvey & Bireh, 67-71 Brock Street. FIRST-CLASS HAND Dipper for position out Apply, stating wages, to care Whig office. WANTED, A Chocolate of city. Box 116, AN INTELLIGENT PERSON AY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing. Send for particulars, Press Syndl cate, 3,969 Lockport, A GENERAL SERVANT FOR FAMILY of three; no washing or ironing Apply, in the evening, to Mrs. Ernest 193 Joanson St Sparks, A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH coud Hght he work: one who sleep ad frome preferred. Apply to Mrs. Mois, 124 University Avene ---------------------------- A NUMBER OF STEADY MEN WHO want work for one year; married men preferred; steady employ ment; good wages. * Apply to: A Davis & Son, Ltd, 'Kingston Tan- nery, Kingston, Ont, DON'T WORK FOR OTHERS: START mail order business at home; | made $8500 first year: 1 will show you how; instructive booklet free. Voorhies, Desk $13, Omaha, Neb. iI WILL START: YOU EARNING #4 daily at hole in spare time, silver- ing mirrors; na capital; free In. structive booklet, giving plans of' operation. G. edmond, Dept. 336. Boston, as, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT NEEDS railway mail clerks, city carriers $90.00 month; many appointments coming: Kingston examination soon;. specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 613 A, Rochester, N.Y, EVERY AGENT SALESMAN should know proposition; essentials; new article; good profits: satisfied customers. For full particulars write to Speciali. ties Agency, Box 1836, winnipeg AND our SALESMAN WANTED; enee required; earn good wage while learning; write today for list of hundreds of positions now open paying $1,000 to $5000 a year. Address, Dept. 557, National Salesmen"s Training Association, 156 Yonge Street, Kent Bldg. T)- ronte, Ont, " NO EXPER REPRESENTATIVES WANTED: IN. dependent, semi-professional' voea- tion: permanent, new, warthy, at- tractive, fine returns for all or part time; exclusive territory and contract given if desired; clean reputation and references essen- tial. The Iastitute of Oxygen Therapy. Delaware Avenue Buffalo, 284 N.Y. = | GOOD, RELIABLE BOY for mailing department. a ply at once, Business ce, Whig. I. BUSINESS NOTICE. COALS! COALS! COALS}-WHY PAY such high coal bllls when you ap use gas for cooking? Drop a cw to avid Marshall, 101 Queet treet, for prices on gas losialls tion. UPHOLSTERER. ~ OLSTERING, RE. t worx, halr mat. a card or WW. J. GAVINE, UP pairing and car tress Renovating ion call 218 Bagot tree +rsoEDGARD RIEGEL Repairs Paria in all Styles. Rates Heasonabie. Drop a Oard or Call. i 35 Clarence 8t. | {KINGSTON HUMARE SOCIETY Annual Public Meeting Monday, Jan. 20th at 8 pm ST. GEORGE'S HALL Members are asked to further sup- port the Society by their presence at this Ponti, The public generally are cordiaily invited to come and hear what the society is dolag, and lend a hand by Becoming mem Jers. p.m. the Liberal Party i in Ontario " Workmen's President, Reform Association. "A YELLOW CANARY BIRD, NICE CLEAN RAGS - TOR WIPINC b C, 8. KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN. FOR SALE. ---- wae LOST, FINDER please notify the Whig office ENGLISH RAINCOATS, -- GO TO Frank Cooke, 39 Clarence Street AND FOB, LADY'S i day GOLD initial ™M" WATCH on wal -- lea reward. eyening. Kindly hig { office and receive CONTENTS OF SMALL HOUSE, INS cluding pian oves, re frigerator, ete. Apply, 3 on, son dSiree!l, . 'GOLD OPEN-FACED WATCH, WITH black hair chain,- on Wednesday, on Johnson or Bagot Streets. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning same to WHig office AUTOMOBILE, MODEL 17, McLAUGH- lin-Buick, § car, fully equipped, Garage. Apply, Bibby' - WANTED--GENERAL. A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK fidebdards, | the best we have ever reasonable price, at * 'Phone 708. CUSTOMERS WANTING LIGHT OR heavy teaming of any kind, apply 3 Wathen, 7 Mack Street E. 4 'Phone urk . 884 DESIRABLE HOME, BRICK all modern improvements: twen'y acres of land; all kinds of frail; also one hundred and ninety-six acres of land in North Oatarie; would exchange for city property, inquire of Dr. Lake, Battersea, Ont. good price for machinery; Publishing same. Lo a RWhik FOR OR GENTLEMEN'S High-class Talloring, try Ashby the Tailor, the man that suits you. 19 Montreal Stree: Kings- ton. LADIES BUNGALOW, SEVEN ROOMS, DECOR. ated; mission finish; twe : brick fire places; hot water heating; splendid basement; electeie faX- tures; gas complete: splendid home for young couple orf sma family, Apply. B. Blackhall, 19% Brock Street, evening. TAKE omic, ¥ AT WILL BUY all kinds --aAr ay furniture and stoves: will pay highest rices; see me before anyone else Thompson, 333 Princess Btreet, next St. Andrew's Church. THREE OR FIVE acres; well watered; within half a mile of cheese factory, store, post 32 acres fall plowed; about all good buildings Woodhirn FOR years, situated school, office; 90 acres 'in hay: in good repair: Road, half mile south of Joyea- ville post office. «ply to Wm Woods, 104 Charies Street, Kings. ton. TERM OF 145 GENTLEMEN. TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into u to-date suits, Price and wor manship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shertest notice. Thomas Gallo. Brock Street, near Bibos* 's Livery. on the OWNED AND Toplitfe, been PLYMOUTH ROCKS, bred by the late W. E. #gix cock birds, which have winners at many shows, n= cluding the silver cup Ww Bic 3 they won at Gananogue' show 1811; price, $3.00 and $5.00 eac a and also three prize- winning hens at $2.00 and $3.00 Mrs Saphronia Topliffe, vale, Ont. SEVERAL $1,200; one semi-detached TO one BUY, about "ne WANTED Houses, about, about $3,500 BATEMAN & GARDINER, REAL Bs. tate and Loans, 67 Clarence Bt, Kingston. BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. Glen- GERMAN CANARIES.-- shipment received of these beautiful! song birds; each bird a guaranteed songster; come and hear them. W. J. Driver, id Queen and Barrie. 'Phone 613, INPORTED, rs TO LET. LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH or without board; ali modern con. venjences; neax Chy Park, BUSINESS CHANCES. Wellington Street. SASKATOON INVESTMENTS WRITER The John A. McRae Co. Saskatoon! ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START & mail order hpainess at home; nc canvassing: be ur boss Send for free hooklet: Heacock, 2.969 1.mekport, FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH! 00RD; also table boarders to he had at 215 University Avenue: new house with every modern contenianoe. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms, absolutely moth proot; your own lock and key Frost's City Storage, 2090 Queen St 'Phone 526d. FARM OF 200 ACRES TO LET ON shares, possession Marca 181; stock, Implements, ete. farnish. ed; three miles from village. Ap. . ply, Moses Spafford, Sydenham, Ont, OSTROPATHY. "HEALTH WITRODL DRUGS. =H, P Asheroft, D.O, 136 Wellington 8 Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4, and blntment, Edna Re Ash. 0. ours: pm hone, 447. 'Resldasnor wb! DENTAL. A NAPP, B.A, LDS, D, RE. aia i Princo: Dia Bk DR, i PPriket SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 159 Wellington Street (over Car. 'Phone 318 'whone DR. ©, CO. NASH, DENTY Welcker, Assistant, FINANCE AND INSURANCE. Street. 'Phone 73 ENE] RAL INSURAN 3 SEN Agent, 159 Weniizgion st.; Fira: Life, Accident and Health Policies issued. novsky's, Kingston. H. SIMPSON, L.D.8, D.D.S ist, corner Princess and Entrance on Bagot Street. ott] - nhona £26. s. Accident, Marine surance Agent, 2 Clarencs and Guarantee, Tel. 568. Fire Street PERSONAL. WARTS, all growths and . removed manent) FRONTENAC LOAN AND NVEST. ment Soclety; ie 1863 president; Lt. "Col, Henry R. 8mith fssued on city and farm without . scar; 27 eure a roperties, municipal and country ence. Dr. 5 x Rebontures; mortgages purchased; * Bal in deposits received and interest al Specialist, lowed. C. McGill, Manager, §7 -- Clarence Street. ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Liv POOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE » ire Insurance Eompany. Avallablg] = assets, $61,187,215. In addition to] DR. FREDERICK A. CAYS, SPECIAL. which the policyholders have for ist, Nose, Throat and Ear, "434 security the unlimited lability of wellington Street, other Johnson. city property insured at lowest Yours: 9tol, 3 to 7 to 8. Sun possible rates. Before renewing old day, 2 to 4, and oy Appolntr ant. or giving new business get rates 'Phone 814 from Strange & Strange Agents Fhone 328. ARCHITECTS, HAR, MOLES, marks and blemishes money at "6s Bagot Bt aa, MFDICAL. % LBGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, RARRISY. ers and Solicitors. Law Office, 1 Clarence Street, Kingston. CATERER. HENRY FP. SMITH, ARCRITROT, ETC, 258 King Street. 'Phone 346, NEWLANDS & "ON, ARCHI. tects, etc. Otfices, 258 'Fagot | 12 "Phone §08 wE win TO PARTIES, BALLS Ing Breakfasts, ban ues Neu also Rent Dishes, * Linens and Silverware. & Hambrook. 'Phone $43 or 30% POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, WER- chants' Bank Bulldinks. oornet Brock and Wellington Streets, drop a card SABLE toe Our Branches. No. 374 Princess St. No. 227 Montreal wt. each, | passenger touring A HOUSE Naw. Coal orders taken in any - rwo Guatasfee quantity. Every Load." -2 Varieties, ~1 Tablet (ic) makes 3 platefnls. AT ALL GOOD GROCERS,

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