grr Er SL ---- HE BANK or TO Paid Dp Capital Reserved Funds - IN OUR SAVINGS DEPAR INCORPORATED 1855. $5,000,000 $6,176,578 TMENT accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, if de: sired, either of whom may These fre very convenient deposit or withdraw money. household accounts. Public Meeting, City Hall Ww ednesday, January 22nd at S NW. ROWELL, Leader of and others will discuss * Compensation " All citizens including ladies, in R. E and Kindred Live p.m. the Libéral Party i in Ontario Tax Reform" * Workmen's Issues. vited, KENT President, Reform Association. FOR SALE, Attractive Proffaition at Right 1ét~Modern up-to-date detached solid brick residence, large grounds, gar: ete., located corner Union and t streets. Solid brick, distinctly modern, detached, lot 66x132, University avenue. . 3rd-Double solid brick, Bagot street, a. modern 'onveniences, A bar- odes solid brick, three storeys, Re ric lights, Barly floors, hot water tenac street. Sth~Solid rik, detatched, seven bed- | conveniences, lot Johnson street. , newly rebuilt in Sorin. 3 Dy chad ipme convenienees, - 10 Soria, barn and poultry house, Late aod og 7 1g hl ae storey, bodrooms. in each; distinctly odern; 66 ft. frontage; Brock t; would make excellent apartment house. rs of the above at- ive ns and others (too ailerons" to mention apply to Howard. Folger, 44 Clarence HOTEL FRONTENAC [£2 -- i KINGSTON'S January, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In thé Matter of the | the Eatate Right anors le Sir Rie Cartwrigh of fhe {ana in he County t Grand Cross of the Most Din- hed Order of t Michael nt George aud her of Hin o y's Privy ' " NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, PUR- nt to the statute of I, George V., ng Chapter. 26, that .all cre ors and others having claims against the estate of the said Sir Richard John Cartwright, who died on or gbout the twenty-fourth day of Seple are .. required, on or before the twentieth' day of February, 1913, to send by post, prepaid or deliver, to Alexander Dobos Cartwright, of the sald Clty of Ottawa, Secretary Board of Railway Commissioner: Richard Conway Cartwetkht the Town of Napanee, in the "Eouniy af Addington, tdieine the executors oy t la and testament of the' saia 4 bine, or to the' undersigned, Neir Christian end surnames, ar and descriptions, With full' Dartlcuiars of their claims, the 'statement of th. accounts and the nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them, duly verified by affidavit. And further take notice, that aft. such last mentioned dale the # a executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having "re- gard only to the claims of Which they shall then have notice, and that the sald aSxacutars will not be liable for the assets or any- part: thereof to' Pg person or persons of whose | claims potice shall not have been re ceived by them at the time of suci _j distribution, Dated at NE this 10th day of AD CHRISTIE GRE INE & HILL, Of 110 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Solicitors for the said Executors hn or on al tention. ion which was over tho great lakes on Saturday is now off 4 refi Newfoundland const as a severe depressi from eg westward has spread Cha Mt ics given mtinuance of mild conditions cold continues Throughout the aris iri ad organization m of dies Sounsit a iin and pit louigh is eomserry (2 jive association al. daly Soda." -Juemere, - ag etibulance ong Nears that the Inter- Tikely be sold or er, ioli2 ton a or | ar y nt) THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY wh an LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS GENERAL INTEREST. ; . Happenings m me City and Vicinity ==What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564. L.O.F. complimentary entertainment this evening. Members may bring a friend. "At your service," early and lato, le Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Phone 230. | Ladies' up-to-date dressmaking. { Terms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 2:11 Princess street. | "Early and late' at your service. [Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Jandary, 1913, is furnishing about as nice weather as did July and Aug- ust, 1912. Lolfee, White House, | Drig>. and 8S. Cohee. 'ton, Gilbert's, William Chapman, 21 University javenue, is seriously ill in the weneral hospital. "Buy Bowvril," at Gibson's. H7> Cunningham, piso tuner, King street. leave orders at Auley's book stove. Benjamin Hardiman yendered a fing, solo, at St. Jantes' chareh, on Suny day eveni Sutter in tin pails, Gilbert's. 4 Miss "Minnie_(ireen, Watertown, N.Y., is visiting r cousin, Miss Edna Ureen, Wolie lsland. ; { 7A prompt delivery service" from Gibspn's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone OF Dalton's French G. Washing- nN Me- 25¢. pound, ati James Reid, Renirew, is in the gen- al hospital, undergoing another op« atioa on a troublesome ear. "E. Anglin, of Battersea, who has been in- Saskatchewan for the past two weeks, has returned home. "Buy Bovril," at Gibson's. Benedetto Allegretti Co's choco- lates, the highest class chocolates in Kingston. Sold only at Prouse's Drug Store. "A prompt delivery ~service" from Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 230. George Eccles, King street, was in Toronto, Saturday, and" witnessed the hockey match between Varsity and Frontenacs. Extra fancy Barbadoes molasses, Thc. a gallon, at Gilbert's. Miss Grace Mclelland, Kingston, re- gistered for the winter short course in household science at Macdonald Col: | lege, St. Anne, Yue. Phone 230 for drug store Special messenger from Gibson's Cross Drug Store. , Poultry show, Untario. Hall, 'Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. Bist, 22nd, 23vd. Adults, 10¢; children wants Red rol 0. D. Skelton speaks before the Women's Canadian Club on Jan. 23rd "I'he Revolt of Labor; Is Europe Drifting Into Socialism?" "The home of high-class sweets." Gibson's. Council 20, C.O.C.F. meets to- moirow night. Business, auditors' and initiation of candidates. A large turnout is requested. Ask vour grocer for Ericka Hand Soap. Don't take imitations. | The police had a very quiet time over the week-end. Threa drunks were 'the only offenders. Four men came to the police station for protection. Flufly Ruffles assorted chocolates, the aristocratic sweetmeat unique, $l I. Sold | only at Prouse's Drug Store, | "The home Gibson's. Renfrew is likely to recover $3,000 fii to the Kingston and Pembroke Railway "company as a bonus.' The agreement was that if at any time the railway becam, mg amalgamated with the R., the money would be refunded. | x: Washington coffee, 4c. size, makes 25 cups; $1 size, 100 cups. Most eco- pomigal on the market. On sale at Gilbert's stores. & Eo "For x0 results" leave films at of high-class sweets." They Barspraph in Saturday's issue lot the 'Whig, regarding the number of marri performed last year by in- dividual clergymen, omitted to state that Rev. W. F. FitzGerald, of St. i Paul's church, officiated at twelve wed- !ding cerem Perey Livingston, employed in the 'news room of the Standard, had the misfortune to drop a form on his foot early this afternoon. He was taken to' the general hospital and it is feared it will be necessary"to amputate ona "MONDAY, GRAND Fu H. A. TREMAYNE ANNOUNCES Canada's Favorite Emotion Actress. BLOSSOM BAIRD. The Cup of Life ae York Chst and Production. PRICES. --25, 35, 50, 75. Seats now on sale. SAT, JAN. 25 JOINT RECITAL MADAME : 3 The Greatest Living Contralto, And KENNERLEY RUMFORD The Distinguished English Baritone. PRICES, --70¢, $1, $1.50, ¥2, §2.50 Seats on Sale Tuesday. SPECIAL EXTRA PROGRAM E Will be presented To-Night at Wonderland The manage ment have se- lected an extra quality of pic- tures for THIS EVENING. Don't fail to see it. | : J. S. McLAUGHLIN, Proprietor. COVERED RINK. HOCKEY MATCH Senior Inter-Collegiate VARSITY vs. QUEENS TUESDAY, JAN, 21ST. Game called at 8 p.m. ADMISSION. --- Gents', Ladies', 25¢; Reserved Seats, extra. foes ble tickets on Jgn. 21st at 10 a.m, Covered Rink Hockey Match Junior 0.H. A. TRENTON vs. FRONTENACS MONDAY, JAN. 20TH, _ Game called at 8 p.m, Admission, 25c. DE JONG'S GLORIA COCOA Manufactured at the ROYAL FACTORIES, WORMERVEER, "HOLLAND. of his toes. Ericka Hand Soap is the original and only genuine lle. a tin, Insist on getting it fram your dealer. At a meeting of the official boards of the First Methodist church, Ham- J ilton, 'a ananimous resolution was adopted asking Rev, C. 0. John son to remain as pastor of the church' As the eon | for the full term. was unanimous Rev. Nr. to remain, " GNISE OF TE GRPPE How to Reon: its Ih Dangerous Miter i Effects. oul With so much grippe prevalent this winter a few words of advice regard- Johnson de- i ing its cause and treatment will ae { he out of place. 3 {ham 1-2 1b, Tin, 23 At Your Grocers. "PRICE ACTION REGARDING SYDENHAM HIGH SCHOOL WALL, Cents. Which Fell Over a Year Ago While | C FUCHON ~-- Shon. | wall bulging, due to mot being proper- Under tractor Swes Contractor for Extras Mat- The action brought "about by sub- thew Revelle, 'erona the contractor, who erected the Syden- | high' scicol additionn, asking for certaih extras from George Lar- kins, the contractor by whom was employed, occupied. the attention i Judge Price, at the court - cham- bh i® an infectious disease eas- Doers, on Monday morning and after- n when the system is in a tired or rin-down condition. | oe best means of prevention ' are x [ik the blood in healthy | , ahd if the system gets into wn tion, take Vi-' ol, ou our delitions cod liver and iron Long 'Branch, N.J.,) in a mer run-down condition.' bottles of Vino! than {commend Vinol to ® all who have sul- from the 'need fsnath, > (Name § Tarpished on Te | We have never wold in store such a valua Aronth --or and by Health valiable for the comvalescent, as Viool, and it He (eight bv noon Mat thew Revelle, who was engaged by. George Lakins to do the mason work, was the first witness called. He_swors that he had been engaged to do the work for $2,200, of which $1,600 bad been passed before the wall fell. The contrael called that Mr. Lakins should "supply the material 'and Mr. Revelle and his men do the work. The wall fell on Dec. Sth, 1911, and he swore he saw the wall bulging during the afternoon. th Re 1 have for and I cheerfully re | When further examined he account- ed for the fall because of the tim- ber put in the lentile. The contract called for timber eight by tem or eight in these lentils, but Mr. Lakins supplied timber only four by eight, made up of two timbers two by four. These timbers wonld not be as good as one three hy six. was sure there were po dead arches. © He was told to put as prop Plan opens for sale of seats and! EARD JANUARY 20, 1043. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES! iret insertion 1¢ a word, Hach eo! secutive Insertion thereafter halt 'ome imsertion, 35¢; three insertions, She; aix, 81; one month, $2. HELP WANTED, =IN Apply PRESSROOM Bt Whig of- GIRLS TO WORK and Bindery, fice. PUPIL NURSES WANTED AT CoRny Hospital, Apply to Supt, Cerry, Pa, USA. TWO GIRLS TO WORK iN Crag. Parviar. Apply to apps 134 Princess Street. we oA GENERAL Apply wo Barriy St A YOUNG GIRL TO Duo housework; no cookingz. Mrs It Stevenson, 171 FIRST-CLASS. HAND Dipper for position wul Apply, stating wages, to care Whig oifice WANTED, A Chacolate of clty Box 1186, INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding fur newspapers; no canvassing. Send for Re tiguIArS, Press Syndl. cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. AN STEADY MEN WHO married employ: A NUMBER OF want work for one Sear; men preferred; steady nent: good wages, Apply to A Davis & Son, Ltd, Ringston Tan- nery, Kingston, Ont, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT railway mail clerks, city carriers $90.09 month: many ppointments coming: Kingston examination son; specimen pations ae, Franklin Institute, Rochester, N.Y. GOOD, RELIABLE BOY for mailing department. app at once, Business Whig. cent a werd. Minimum charge for LOST. WATCH AND Fon, initial "MM on . watch, Friday evening. Kindly leave at Whig office and receive reward, LADYS GOLD A ROLL - OF cheque for last week. to Whig office ward. BILLS, CONTAINING $54.507 latter part of Finder please return and receive .re- GOLD CH AIN BRACELET, STUDDED with 1 1 Sunday, morning, ther 31. George *s * Cathedral on King Street between Cath. edral and Earl Street Reward for rettirn to Whig office. . BIRDS, BIKDS, BIRDS. IMPORTED GERMAN CANARIES- first shipment received of these beautiful song birds; each bird a varanteed songster; come and hear them, W. J. Driver, corner Queen and Barrie. 'Phone 612, WANTED--GENERAL. CUSTOMERS WANTING LIGHT OR heavy teaming of any Kind, apply E. Wathen, 47 Mack Street "Phone 584 NICE CLEA N will pa FOR price: for mac mer: ia good same. Bri Whig Po blisking Company. FoR, OR GENTLEMEN'S Tigh-class Tailoring, try Ashby the Tallor, the man that sults you. 19 Montreal Street, Kings- ton. LADIES BOATS TO BUILD: PRICES GIVEN on all kinds of gasoline launciie®y skiffs and sailboats: repair work a speciality S. Woolgar, # 'at- rick Street, Kingston KE NOTI THAT 1 WILL poy! AR kinds of second-hand furniture, and Stoves: will pay heat rices. see me hetore a rors else BUSINESS NOTICE. COALS! COALS! UOALSI---WHY PAY | such high coal biils when you <an use gas for cookin 3 Drop 8 card to David Marshall, 101 Quest heat, for prices on gas installa- on. % | CUPHOLSTERER. + 3, GAVIN UPHOLSTERING, RE. | pairing and carpet work, hatr ma. tress Jenovating. Drop a card i | call 216 Bagot Stree . | Mots | Loren, CARPET | TER, | EDGARD RIEGEL UPHOLSTERY, Repairs PoE in all Style. Rates Reasonable. Drop a Card or Call. 35 Clarence St. If you want the best Jams BUY Millar's Pure Raspberries. | | | | | i | Millar's 'Pure Strawberries. Manufactured by Millar & Co., Belfast, Ireland. Wagstaffe's Pure Black Cur- rants. Wagstaffe's ~-- Jam. Wagstaffe's Pure Marmalade. J.. M. GORDON, Pure Food Grocer, Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts. Phone 88. | i Pure Apricot Old English Ou' consulting Mr. Truscott, the reeve, | the witness told him the condition of. the building and attended a meet- ing in the court house-on Nav. 28th, but nothing was dome about the mat- ter. ' | On Saturday started to settle, afternoon the The building could; have been" finished October 15th had | | the Yatonal been on hand. | Witness stated that no pérson ever] told him he was using 100 'much mor-! tar or that he was not bending the! wall as he should. The timbers were' teertainly to blame. He also swore that he did not make contract aceord- ing to plans and specifications, aid never read the specifications. NM Lakins suid it was to be the same kind of work as in the old building, so he followed his instructions. He oh- jected to the sand that was furnished. Robert J. Pipis, foreman, swore that he worked on the job. Ho saw the ly bonded; and when tie men reinsed | to do their work properly he quit. IM they had bond if, he said it would | not have fallen. The mortar was poor | {and the sand fair. He noticed the wall | © going on the east side. | James Butler, another mason, swore; he | {the wall was not properly bonded. Ho| | was told to bond it by Mr. Revell: and Mr. Pipis. He thought the {all might be due to bad mortar or sand, G. G. Publow Spoke. G. G. Publow, of Kingston, chief dairy 'rspector, was one of the #peakers at the sessions of the Western Ontario Dairymen's Associ- ation, held at Woodstock. He spoke on Ris recent trip to the old country, and gave the dairymen the benefit of the information he had gathered, about Canddian cheese. * Masonic Installations. On Friday night Ancient Fron. tenac and Cataraqui Chapter, R. A. M., met and {wo installations t ok place. George H. Gillespie was in- stalted, Seribe E., and W. Campbell as third principal. The ceremonies ware performed by M. Ex-Comp. W. Moreh and 'M. Ex-Comp. W. C. Con- neil. 'underneath the. windows snd When the f sprit idole wank) take: them "oul, "Good resulte with films developed at Gibson's. | GENERAL " | FRONTENAC LOAN wall | __ 333 Princess Street next St. Andrew's Church. GENTLEMEN 0 BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into ul to-date sults. Prive and wor manship guaranteed t please. Pressing and repairing done on . shcrtest notice. Thomas Gallo. 131 Brock Street, near Bibby: 8 Livery. SEVERAL $1,200; one semitdetached TRUY, about ~ne. WANTED Houses, about $Y.500: about $3.6500 BATEMAN & GARDINER, REAL ES- tate and Loans, 67 Clarence St. Kingston. TO one BUSINESS CHANCES. SASKATOON INVESTMENTS WRITE The John A. McRae Co., Saskatoon' ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mall prder fainess at home} no nvassin e your Send for res booklet: tells how Hencock, 2.969 1.ockport, N -- OSTEOPATHY. " LTH WITHOUT DRUGS --R. G A Try, D.O., 38 J erlinkton » Of a B urs: 10 to "ad ointment. Baha i) Ash. Hours: 3 Som 'Residence in sho aur. Office On 'vhone 1.09. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. INSURANCE. Boon, Agent, 159 Wouiimaton ot a Fire, Life, Accident and Policles issued. ee i-------- 8. KIRKPATRIC K, GENERAL IN. surance Agent, Accldent, Marine Fire and Guarantee, 42 Clarence Street. Tel. 668 AND INVEST. Soclet established. 1883; president; 1 Lt Col, Henry R. Smith; money lssued on' ecity and farm ropert i. municipal and country a has mortgages purchased; demons recetved and interest al. 8, C. McGill, Manager, ¥1 ment Clarence Street. roo LONDON, AND GLOBE jy he Tosiiraice Company. Avallable assets, $61,187,315, Pn addition te which the Lo itcyholders have for security the uniimited Hability of city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing vld or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange Agents CONTENTS 'Phione 328. ENGLISH RAINCOATS. = GO TO Frank Cooke, 3» Ulurendy Strevt OF SMALL ROUSE, IN. cluding plano, stoves, refrigeration etc. Apply, 352 Jahnsonr Siree! AUTOMOBILE, MODEL 17, M MeL AVGH- lin-Buick, § passenger (ouring ear, fully equippefl. Apply, Bibby's Garage A FINE LOT Side hoards, had Turk" . QF WALNUT AND OAK e¢ Dest we ave ee a th b h 1 resxoushie price at ! 'Phone 105, P DESIRABLE HOME, BRICK HOUSE: all modern improvements; twenty acres of land; all Kinds of fraud, alse one hundred and ninety-six acres of land in North Unigfie fur city property, would exchange Lake Hattersea, Inquire of Dr. ont, ow, yep AND 1 Topiirte, LH been PLYMOUTH ROCKS, bred by the laie W six cock birds, which winners at many shows, (b= cluding the silver' clip whieh they won at Gananogue show ia 1911; Price, $3.00 and $5.00 each: and also three prize-winplag hens at $2.00 and $3.00 enh Mrs Saphronia =Topliffe, Glen. vale, Ont TO LET. with arn oe Park, FURNISHED Roows all m Qity LARGE or without board; veniences; near Wellington Street. dron AGE FOR FURNITURE, CL RAN absolutely mth lick and our own n 299 Queen City forage. "Phone 5260. ron TERW OF THREE OR FIVE 45. acres. well watered, within haif a. mite «of 1eese factory, Silnve, pas: acres fall plowed; about in hay; all good bud lilings wd repair; on the Woodburn half mile south of post otiice Aaply 104 Charies Strest FIyta=- to Wm Wings. ville Woods, ~ tan. DENTAL. ma bi DDS, RE. A. B. KNAPP, BA, LD, moved to 258 Priacins Btreet, OR, ©, C. NASA, DENTIST Lg Welcker, assistant, 138 rin Street. 'Phone 738: (PARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 159 Wellington Street ji S48 novsky's, Kingston, "Phone 3 §. H. SIMPSON, L.ID.&, DIS Tae 41 8 ist, corner Princess Entrance en Bagot Street. phone 626. PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, WARPS WN. marks and all growths aa shin blemishes remov without scar; 27 oars' efpery- ence. Dr. Ene Bye ar, Nose, T an onin Spee lalist, 268 Bae Street. MEDICAL. wr DR. [FREDERICK A. CAYS, seio ML oa, Throat and 3 is Wellinaton Otreet, fohnson' Hours: § to 1, 2 to § §. Sune dav. £ to 4 and by appeintt ant "Phone 814. 7 £7 , 1 to LEGAL. SER O------------ CUNNINGHAM & MUDIR, RABERISY, ere and Solicitors. Law Office. 71 Clarency: Bireet, Kingston. OATERER. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding Breakfasts, nquaets ete.; also Rent Dishes, able Linens and Silverware id & Hambrook, 'hone $43 or 303. ARCHITECTS. HENRY FP. SMITH, ARCHITIOY, wn 268 King Street. o 84k; - oy ARCH, WM. NEWLANDS ol + 268 Su tects, ote, 'Phone 608 POWER & SON, ARCHITRCYS, NER. chants Bank Building enrder Brock snd Wallington Btrests.- drop a card { Our Branches. No. 374 Princess St. No. 227 Montreal St; Coal orders taken "We Guarastes Every Load." quantity. SWIFT Morrow's Dinner bodied. Quick and easy to ' prepare. No stock required. 2% Varietion, ~1 Tablet (5c) makes 2 pratefuls. AT ALL GOOD GROCERS.