Coats, Muffs and Stoles Reduced p.C. to ape: advigability of We are showing special val- 'ues in Mink Muffs and Stoles, $40 Mink Muff, - now $25 $35 Mink Muff - now $20 Special values in Men's Coats. JOHN McKAY Promptly attended to - perienced workmen, at Py. mum price. : Our prices are one-third lower than any other firm's. Scott & Ryan | UptoDate Electricians. 116 BROCK STREET. The choice residential trict of the future. Building reductions most de- "A number of new homes to De erected this epring. . Boulevards and roads made. Then you will gee prices go Up. Buy now and reap the benefit of enhanced value. * Lots 50 x 125 to lame, | | dis- | Kt. AND BELLEVILLE _ SCHE- DULED FOR FRIDAY NIGHT. Senior Frontenacs Have Three More Games to Play--Queen's Slogan --Interest in Frontenac-K.C.L Game, The Kingston Collegiate Institute team was dué to leave on Friday af- ternoon for Belleville, where it plays that team on ij8 own ick in the even- img. The result of this game is look- ed forward to with great interest. { A defeat for the high school! boya would mean a bad pull-down in their standing. So far the boys have won all their games, and a win will put them in good standing for the the season {he tcam bas made a most creditable showing. When it was announced that the eam was considering entering the H. A, several objections, as to it taking the jump, were raised, but the boys have made good. in Picton last Tuesday evening. They were wall treated, though, and all survived the battie. The size and | layout of the rink puzzled the locals. | During the first period they took their soundings, as it_ were, and came back in the second half and landed six counters," as compared with the two of the opposing team. Brownfield, who holds down cover point, is laid up with a bad cold, and it was feared on Thursday that he would be forced to stay home. If he is unable to go his position will like- been playing spare man all season. "Charlie" Stewart is in the pink of condition; also "Jimmie Stow- art. These who saw the game in Piclon state that if any person but "Charlie" Stewart had been in between the posts a different story would have been related. The team was never in better i shape, physically. Art, Simpson, "trainer of Queen's senior team, has taken "a great interest in K. C. 1, |". The team will line-up: Goal, C. | Stewart; peint, Brownfield or Single- ton; cover<point, R. Stewart; rover, JH. Cooke; centre, J. Stewart; wings, | Williams, Hiscock and Toland. E. 0. Sliter and J. W. Kelly were 10 accompany the team. ? sp-- Three More Games to Play. The Frontenac seniors are commenc- ing to think that there is some truth in the old saying that "13" is am unlucky number. The team has been up against it since New Year's, not having ice. Their loses are mainly attributed to lack of practice and cog- dition. While the Toronto teams ha practising two and three times a week on the artificial ice, the local team has been sitting around praying for cold weather. It is many a lon year since the Frontenacs have had Furniture, Carpets, Cur- tains, Linoleum, Rugs, Shades, Etc. Your chance to save money 'and ' get the best goods. Repair and Upholstering prompt: ly done. s+ "Phone 90, chanipionship of this group. During K.'C, I. had a _gecigedl} hard game] ly be filled by Singleton, who has|® - TAR DAILY BRITISH WRIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1913. Yo acknowledge such & record of loses. io. IN SPORTING CIRCLES: | St. Michael's lave stored anay the championship of the 'district. The sé Frontenace still have three games io play, two Bt home and one away. St, Michael's and | Varsity play in' Kingston, while the local team 1s billed to play in Petér- boro. | Queen's Advance Step. "We want a rugby shampionship, | is the slogan of students interested in Queen's.. The student body ! is of the impression that another sea- son should not depart unless a rugby trophy decorates university halls. ' Un looking up records, we find that it is eight vears since the senior rug- | by trophy rested at Queenls, ni years for the intermediate abd years for the junior honors. : With this end in view the students Lave formed a rugby class, which al Who 'desire (0 learn the game may at- tend. Coach E. 0. Sliter and Prod. Li~dsav Maleolm lecture on the rules ~and plays, Interest in Fronténac--K.C.I. Hockey fane are much disappointed that the Frontenac-Collegiate game had again to be postponed on account of weather conditions. Some declare that it is a toss-up between the two local sevens. A co rison of the teams would be difficult, but it is cer- tain that the Frontena¢s have it over' the high school boys a little in weight. The K.U.1. hockeyists have played to- gether for two seasons, while "Jim" Sutherland's performers cannot elaim that advantage. The contest is sure to be well attended, if it is favored with fast ice. Angrove, of the Kron- tenucs, 1s new to O.H.A. this season, and up to the present time has "made Regiopolis at Practice. The Regiopolis hockey team had a workout at the covered rink on Wed-, nesday. Most of Just year' players were on hand, and, with a fe new men, should make a good showing. Last season this college team made its first legiate hockey. The games of this ser- ' ies will not open for some time yet on | account of the delay in securing ice. The college gave Connors, the erack guardian of the nets to Frontenacs. Game at Oataraqui, In one of the best games ever play- ed in Cataragai, the £ onion Life In- surance company, of Kingston, played to a tie score; 3-3, with the team there. 'I'he teams played twenty min- utes overtime, and still were unable to break the tie. The spectators were treated to a first-class game. . Alexan- der Sullivan, hingston, acted as re- ferce. The match was played on good ice. The insurance company has a strong line-up, and has shown great class in every game played this sea- son. p-- ; Toronto Comment, Toronto Mail and Empire: The Frontenacs were simply outclassed in every department, the game was fust a light workout for the locals. me, who sustainetl a cut on Harvey Sproule, of Toronto, act as referee to-night in the between Picton 'and Frontenacs. The ice will be in shdpe and a fine match is looked for. The F nacs will line up as follows : Goal, Cook; point, Stanton; point, Ferguson; centre, Millan; ver, Angrove; right wing, Gunn; wing, Derry. -- Varsity vs. Fronteaucs. On Monday night the hockey fans will 'have a treat when Varsity's strong team plays Frontenacs. Lou Marsh, of Toronto, will referee. This should be a great struggle, as Var- sity is very last, Toromto éritics say "the best Varsity ever had." Fron tenacs are rounding into condition and will put up a grea: game. Must Have Artificial Tee. It Kingston ever sexpécts to again in senior hockey, an "artificial vink will have to be available, said a hockéy enthusiast to-day. : Now that Toronto has such a ri , Wote how splendidly their teams are doing. Outside teams look like school boys inst them. It was not hike that When there was no artificial ice in kToronto, so jf King#ton is to win championships, it must have artificial ice. ----;, A wa 3: Curling Again Stoppel. The mild 'weather has agdin put both and skatin, was openixl for ska appearance into junior intercol- Smythe, Dr. Meikle vs. A. B. Cun- pingham, 7: Lambert vs. £. R. Beck- with. \ Hard to Make Ice, Captain J. Dix, who has charge oi making the ice at the curling rink, states that he cannot remember a winter when it was as hard to make ice. There were some mild winters, but the mild spells. did not remain for a week at a time, and this pre- sent spell has remained. The visit: ing curlers were 11 leased with tle ice furnished for the tankard and district cup games. A couple * of tite men stated that it was a pleas are to curl on such ice as the King- ston club always furnishes. + Basketball Games, Two Y.M.C.A. basketball teams 're ceived defeat hy the hands of the Queen's University students at = the college gymnasium on Thursday ev- ening. The following were the teams: Queen's I--Meck, Pound. .Jemmett Erskine, Watts. s Queen's Il--Bate, Cheney, Barrett, Buchannon, Sutherland. Y.M.C.A. I-Day. Harrizon, Trotter, Moxley, 'Sharp. : Y.M.C.A. HI--Reid, McConnell, Stagg, Bartch, Ferguson. Z Return to Seven-Man Hockey. The N. H. A. hockey teams will go back to the seven-man Leams, commen- cing on Saturday night. For. some Ladies' Home Journal. Modern Priscilla. McCall's. - Cosmopolitan, Smart Set. Ailnslee's. McClure's. Green Book. Munsey. Argosy. Short Stories. . 1% Pictorial Review. hn Delineator. Art de la Mode. Costume Royal. Dress. » Ladies' World. Designer. Gallery of Fashioa. ~i IEEE ¥ . Caen FS TRY, ERC OPEN NIGHTS. 160 and 162 PRINCESS STREET. time past, the teams have only been] playing six men, but this was. joand|| to make the game somewhit unsatis- factory. Garbage Collection. In connection with information, pro- to be secured from Westmount, relative to the incinerator, for gar- bage, ex-Ald. Toye, who was chair- man of the special garbage commit- tee, Points out that all the informa- tion is now in the hands of the city, and available, as his committee, in takidg up this matter, secured all the information necessary. He says it can be secured, if trouble is taken to get it, and that there is no need to waste time over it again. The Finance com- mittee will take up the garbage ques- tion, with the present contractors, to see-if the system can be improved. A Girl Telegraph Messenger. Kingston can now boast of having a young lady telegraph messenger, the first one having commenced duty on Friday morning. Yor some: time the G.N.W, Telegraph company has had difficulty in getting boys to do the work, so they advertised for girls and one accepted a position, and in all possibility "others will follow. Our Vegetable List For Saturday. Includes green onions, peppers, cu- cumbers, head lettuce, parsley, oclery, leeks, Brussels sprouts, spinach, sa- voys, cauliflower, radishes, pie plant, oyster plant, tomatoes, sweet pcta- toes, artichokes, etc. Caroovsky's, on the corner. Sale ! Boys' fleece-lined shirts pants, 2c. Dutton's. "Phone 230, Gibson's" for drugs. or ES Hs The most popular Furs among the rich Furs is undoubtedly the and during our big Annual Sale 'we are offering some snaps inMuffs, Stoles, Ties, ote. It's very hard to get a * Fur to "and we still have ES BE sas SIS on wn vr Bi: === CF | frm Tes = [J instituted. lence between the faith 2 --- Buy your supplies at this store. \ re ~~ N \ Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, special at 28¢ 35c¢ and §0c¢ a pair. } _Children's Black Wool Hose, extra good wearing 'quality, all sizes 28¢ a pair. Ladies' Elastic Ribbed Underwear, Whiteand Nat- ural, special28c, 38c, 50¢ a garment, Ladies' Aviation Wool Caps, dainty colors and very serviceable, half price Z{)¢ each. : : Wide 8ilk Ribbons; all colors, 15 ¢ a yard. Still selling Ethel Kid Gloves, the Queen of $1.00 Kid Gloves, all shades, all sizes, and backed with the strongest guarantee. : Ladies' Tailored Waists, White and Colors, broken liaes in odd sizes 84 to 40, good serviceable garments priced up to $1.50, On sale Saturday Morning to clear at 8c each EWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORN. § ou WAS ADDRESSED BY THOMAS DUFFY, OF TORONTO, ORANGE MEETING S Hyacinths Daffodils PURDY'S The People's Florist, Roses Valley Violets Tulips Who Spoke About Protestant and Romanist Dierences--Much to he Learned From the System of the Roman Church. The Orange Lodges of the city united in an open meeting on Thursday even- ing in the Orange hail to hear an ad dress of W. Bro. Thomas Duff, of Tor- onto. Uharles (i. Clarke, District Mas. ter of the order, was in the chair and introduced the speaker. Mr. Duff explained the object for which the Orange association was form ed, and added to it an interesting dis- cussion of the essential differences be tween the leaching of Homadism and! that of Protestantism. The Roman Catholic clergy, he said; 'and it is_to Fd Ras AE 4 434 H per po 5 February Magazines * Elite Styles. Tf' §¥* Eig. Baseball, 2 X22 ®R Technical World. Zola { i Young's. RY Wide World. Smith's. Popular. » People's. Pearson's. i New Story. (ADR COLLEGE BOOK STORE 4 All remaining Ebony Toilet Pieces in our Stock will be subjected to a discount dur- ing January of 25 per cent, These articles comprise Mir- rors, Hair Brushes, Manicure 'es, Cloth and Hat Brushes, 3 SMITH BROS. Jowelrs and Opticians, 880 KING STREET, Broadcloth, rat marten collar revers. "and $3250 Rat lined, with sable col lar and revers, $52.50 GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street, Real Estate A detached = two.f storey dwelling on Nelson St., con- taining 8 rooms, improvements, good cellar, stable and yard, $2,500 Fire and Life Insurance. Money to loan. E. W. MULLIN Kingston's Real Estate Broker. Cor. Johnson and Division Stwpets. 'Phone 530. their credit, look aiter the teaching of their children, so that any Koman Catholic child of seven years can tell why it is a Homan Cathole. The Pro- testants could profit by this example. Mr. Duff also dealt with the politic- al side of the order, and urged the members to be neither hide bound grits nor dyed-in'the wool tories, but on all questions afiecting the welfare of the country, particularly from a Protestant standpoint, to drop party polities and vote for the man or the government, which is prepared to sup- port the principles for which we are NO MAN NEED WONDER Whether his eyes need glasses or. not! KNOWS the moment also said that the differ of Protestants ists, lies in the latter's Hoetrine of transubstantiation, which the bread and The speaker ahd the print blurs, the eyes tire, or straining the eyes to see makes the headache, Have any of these symptoms made thémselves felt in your case? If so, there's relief for you seeing . NOX. "Phone 230, Gibso ; Se a rb No contradiction can wash out that fact. It is as clear #5 the water we use, as in effable as the snowy. white ness, we irap#rt to linens, and as unyielding rs th~ starch in our collars and cuffg, WE DO HIGH-