Tool It is One of the First Signs of Kid, ney. Troubles, If Neglected, Seri. : ous Diseases Follow, be well and healthy un- eys wark properly and When théy be up abd inactive, nature bas a way of warning you. Backache 'is one of the first symp- toms. You may also be troubled with disagreeable, annoying bladder di ers; have attacks of lumbago or riieumatism; become nervous, tired, and feel all worn-out; puffy swellings sh under the eyes or in the feet prs, Phx and many other symp- * toma are noticed. If they are negleet- ed, dropsy, diabetes, or Bright's dis- ©a#®, which so 'often prove fatal, may result. . It is not only dangerous, but need- less for you io sulier and endure the tortures of these troubles, for the pew discoveryr Croxone, quickly and surely ends all such misery. - There is more effective remedy known for ¢& Prompt cure of all such troubles than this new, scientific preparation, bé¢ause it removes the cause. It soaks right into the kid- neys, through "the walls and linings, cleans out the elagged up pores; peu- tralizes and dissolves the poisonous uric acid and waste matter that lodge in the joints and les and cause those terrible rhesmatic pains, and makes the kidneyd filter and sift the i out of the blood and drive it am the system, You will find Croxone different from all other remedies. There is nothing on earth like it. It is so pre- pared that it is practically impossi- ble to take it into the human sys tam without results. You can' secure an original package Croxone at trifling cost from any ore. All druggists No. one can less the kidp keep the blood pure. come of first-cluss = drug st are authorized to personally return the purchase price if Crozone should fail in a single case. Three doses a day for a few days is often all that 38 ever needed to vure the worst backs ache, relieve rheumatic pains, or over- come urinary disorders. ¥ SHORE REPAIRING, I have installed the Good Year Welt Machine System for All kinds of Hhop Repairing. Call and give me a trial. Skates Sharpened. ROBERT PAYNTER, Mid-Season Furniture Sale Everything reduced; do not miss this opportunity, Buy pow, THE COUN WANTS G.T.R. CO. TO REBUILD RIDEAU STATION, Dog Lake Bridge To Receive At. tention--Report of the Good Roads Commiittee--Showed Ex. pénditure Last Year of $16,461. After an hour and a half in 'com. mittee the County Council met for short session at 4.30 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. Councillor Franklin gave a statement of the Good Roads commiites, showing that the sum of $16,461.7% had been spent on road improvement during 1912! Councillor Franklin and Gordon mov- ed that the report' of the committee be forwarded to the minister of pub- lic works and the usual grant of this amount be requested. On motion of Councillors Donald- son and Godkin, a deputation, 'com- posed of Councillors Donaldson, ome Thomson, Kennedy, A. Thomp- son, Hamilton, Foley, Miller and Geod- kin was appointed to go to Toronto in the interests of colonization roads. Councillor ' Donaldson explained to council what had heen accomplished by. similar deputations in the past, and the necessity of this annual de. putation. b. Councillor Sleeth raised the tion of the bad condition of the Dog Lake bridge. The township of Battersea, it was intimated, should have taken the move in the matter of rebuilding it. - The old Roads and Bridges , commitiee was unanimeus that the bridge should not be put on the county. "Judge Price recent- ly thought differently and decided that the county was responsible . for fifty per cent. of its maintenance. Councillor Freeman held that the dominion government was responsible for a portion if not all of the cost of the new bridge, as the waters had been backed up upon the land. The matter was settled by roads and bridges committee being instructed to visit the Dog Lake bridge and confer with the township council. A motion was earried asking the Grand Trunk railway to re-build the railway station at Rideai, which was burned last year. Passengers are put to much inconvnience owing to no provision for shelter this station. ques- the at ------------ "King's Quality" flour, bread or pastry. The United Farmers of Alberta are in Winnip ¢ in strong force, to urge on the government the financing if a big co-operative elevator scheme. best for pgeemere BE BREAK WHISKEY'S GRIP ON YOUR LOVED ONES Drunkards will tell you with tears sincerity that they do mot want to rink. The eraving coming from the inflamed membranes of the stom- ach dives them to it. Aloura will soothe the trembling nerves and remove the ofaving that is ruining your home and stealing an otherwise kind husband or father from you. It costs ouly $1 per box and if it does not cure or benefit af- ter a trial the money will be refund: Aleura No. 1. is tasteless and can be given secretly in Tea, Coffee or Food. Springs, Mattresses, Pillows. R. J. REID Leading Uudertaker Phone 577] ~ {SPECIAL. Women's | Kid with Alcura No. 2 is taken voluntarily by those wilhng to help themselves. Alcura can now be obtained at our store. Ask for Free Booklet, telling all about it, and give Aloura a trial. W. W, Gibson, druggist, Kingston. - ASKED FOR SHELTER, And Later on Was Locked up For » Drunkenness. his name as William Parker, has heen 'going the Jace" all week, and as a result in police court, Friday morn- ing, Magistrate Farrell imposed fine of $5 and costs or one month in" jail. 4 A Parker was at the police station two or three nights to seek protec tion and was accommodated. He got under the weather, however, 'and had to 'be\ taken in charge. Two youths oe before the ma- gistrate for loitering around the cor- ner of Barrie and Union street. They were allowed to go' with a warning, I but the magistrate pointed out to. them that they must behave in the future. This is also a timely warn- ing for all other youths - who have | been in the habit of loitering around this corner. HON. JAMES Of Rythesay, NB. tu the Canadi DOMVILLE, recently appointed an Senate. ¥ Character. Human character is moulded by a thousand subtle influences; by exam- ple and precept; by life and litera- ture; 'by friends and neighbors; by the world wé live in, as well as by the spirit of our forefathers; whode legacy of good words and deeds we innerit. But great, unquestionable, those these influences are acknow- ledged to be, it is nevertheless eq- ually clear that men must necessarily be the active agents of' their own well-being and well-doing, and that, however much the wise and good owe to others they themselves must in the very nature of things be their own best helpers... 8S. Smiles, News From Lyn. Lyn, Jan. 30.--Miss Jennie Hamil- ton, who is attending Ottawa Nor- mal, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Eleanor Seaman, Cole's Ferry, was a récent guest of the Mt Pergan. Alexgnder Tennant spent a few days last week with friends on Revois street. Mrs. Joseph Purvis, Yonge Mills, called vn friends here yesterday. Miss Grace Stewart was married yesterday to Joseph Bolin, a prosperous young farmer residing near Lyn. There is considerable sicknes® in the village at present. Mrs. (Dr.) Lane, Brock- ville, is the guest of Mrs. A. E. Cum- ming. ------------ Revorts From Bath. Bath, Jan. 30.--The basket social held in the town hall on Friday night mst by the Epworth league was a Ral ALL wanl! Suits "at 20 p. c. Off. $20 Suits for $16 Overcoats | 29 .c. Off. {20 Coat for $15 { Knitted Scarfs 25 p. c. off. Money saved is better E P. JENKINS, succéss, and had a large attendance. A nice Bum was realized. Dean Mc- sue. Ut vaueylhield, Que., who has been visiting at H. Cover's, returned home on Wednesday. Miss Munsey, of Pevth, 1s visiting at Dr. Northmore's. Rev. A. L. Mclear is attending the meeting of tné synod at Kingston. The island mail carrier finds it very 'difficult now to make his regular trips owing to the high winds and drifting ice in the bay. Mr. and Mrs. Rikley returned Monday from a short vis- it to fri near Belleville, Presentation Made. Plam Hollow, Jan. 25.--~Miss Ina House is holidaying at Toledo. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. H. Lawson on Thursday. They pre- "A stranger inthe city, who gave DR. WILLIAM SPANKIE HOST ON h THURSDAY NIGHT As the Iroquois Hotel--The Hope Expressed That City and County Would Work Together For Each Other's Good. The annual dinner of the wardan of the county of Frontenac has al- ways been an enjoyable event of the January session. And the affair of this nature that took place in the Iroquois hotel on Thursday night Was no exception to the rule. Firty Were guests of Dr. Witham Spankie, the newly-elected warden of the county. The dootor was "banked in" at the speakers' table by Mayor T, J. Rigney on his right, and br. 8 Ryan to the left hand. James H. Metcalfe, Ald. F. J. Hoag, Dr. A. RE. Ross, M.P.P,, Dr. I. G. Bogart: D§ H. A. Boyce, M. Avery (Sharbot Lake), Dr. W. McOarthy, and Dr. R. Hanley were also guests, As well as the councillors, thore were a number of ex-wardens and councillors present, With some of the warden's friends. Among these Were:--R. J. Fair, G. B. McKay, D. Purdy, W.' J. Bradshaw, WW, Toner, J. Purdy, W. Murray, W. Fawcett; G. Friend, J, H. Hughson, G. Kill'as, F. and R. Godkin, @Q. Lakins, T. Dn. Minnes, H. Spankie, James Small, C. 8. B. Harvey, J. Cousins and C. Cor- bett. Mine Host J. Theriault spread bounteous repast and service, Warden W. Spankie acted as toast- master, the initial health being tha. of "His Majesty the King," whieh was responded to by she singing ot the national anthem. Br. K. Ryan, like all the speakers, took occasion to congratulate Dr, Spankie on his elevation Lo tae war- denship of the Mstorie county ol Frontenac. Having been ass.e ate) With the warden all his Yfe, "for a great par! in the profetsiona® eapac- ity, Dr. Ryan declared that, "at all times th#-Wolfe Island reeve had discharged his important duties ably and well, and there hsd not been a man in the province who had brought education t6 a higher plas» of efficiency, under the same difficul ties, as the doctor had during his long term as public school inspector, "Jim" Metcalfe claimed a share in the 'success which the warden had a provided good CHICAGO POLICE MUST HURRY. ted States government has proof suf- ficient to warrant the in hand: he toast to the eity y e Spankie spoke prin- cipally of the newly-opened tuberculos- is hospital. He pressed its worthi and noted the advance which Untario, was making in the stamping. out, or curbing, of this enemy to mankind. Dr. H. A. Boyee urged the calls irom the general hospital, as well as other institutions of kindred nature, who treat not only the consumptive, but those affhicted with all diseases. As always, the health of the ladies was not missed, Ald. Hoag proposing it, and Ald. R, Hanley "excelled him- self," in nr nse, Jawes | Metcalfe was accorded the pleasure of proposing 'Our Guest," which he did, in his humorous way, | and Dr. Spankie responded. 'the affair was brought to a conclus-| ion about ome o'clock. During the! evening ('. S. B. Harvey and John| Cousins contributed appreciated songs, and the latter recited. Captivating Bargains for Saturday Sale starts 9 a. m. | For real live ba gains don't miss coming to the *" Steacy Store © on Saturday. Coats. Winter Coats---in Black prices range from $9.00 to Clean-Out Price » Navy and Grey -- $16.50. $4.95 Furs." A few neck-pieces in Mink, Sable and S Half-P - rice. Squirrel, worth from $10.00 ! Half-Price. pie ice. Underskirts. ; French Taffeta Underskirts in colon Brown and Grey, worth $5.50, Clean Out-Price ---- a NI nt A.99¢ Bargain Table. Of Skirts, House-Dresses and Golf Jackets all worth from $1.75 to $3.50. eal, Fur linings in to $30.00. s Black? $1.49 -~ JOHAN KK KALANTANAOL Nelegate frony Hawaii to the 1 States House of Representatives, Montreal Authorities to Liberate Negro Accused of Murder, Montreal, Jan. 31.- Unless the Uni- GASH _ NO APPROBATION | further oxten- made of his life. He had taught him in school, and t "started the colt out right." Complimenting the warden, M Rigney said:--"In you have honored yourselves, and to honor yourselves and the old county of Frontenac is no small thing in- deed." Dr, Ryan capably proposed the toast, "Canada." He reviewed her geographical extent and resources, and in this connection referred to the untold mineral wealth of Fron- tenac, which was waiting for devel- opment. He suggested that the new warden should impress upon the dominion government its value, and urge that a survey of these extents be made. He said that Kingston's industrial future depended upon this, as well as the hope of the county. The speaker closed with the thought that the type of citizenship which is developed in this dominion and her ideals are paramount in her sue- cess, This toast was responded to by the singing of "The Maple Leaf," and an "inspirational" speech by James H. Metcalfe. After a number of his amusing references, he spoke of Canada's great heritage, her de- velopment and inspiration. Ex-Mayor F. J. Hoag briefly pro- posed "Our Parliaments." The burden of Dr. A. E. Ross. speech, in response, was a review of the steps and legislation from Norman times, by which the Anglo- Saxon * franchise and representation in the' governing bodies. bonded by imperialism. Difference of"race, politics or religion would be cast aside If ever the time came for imperial or colonial defence, and the British navy should be kept in its position as the first in the world. M. Avery, ex-M.P., Sharbot Lake, responded to this toast. The health of '"The Corporaticn »f the City of Kingston," was y:opis:l by Councillor Freeman, of VPorulaad, sented Mrs. Lawson with an address and half a dozen silver tea knives, prior to her going away.. Rev. Wil- liam Westell, Athens, and Rev. Mr. | McAlpin, Delta, are having special meetings in the Baptist church, Miss | Eliza Percival is spending a few days at her home here. Try a sack of 'King's Quality" flour and be convinced of the results. The Central Ontario Railway is about to construct a spur from its line at Marmora village to Deloro | mines. The spur will be nearly two miles in length. RHEUMATIC PAINS. Get rid of rheumatic pains. To relieve excrutiating rheumatic pains fch are appreciated only those who have suffered, and for all rheumatic affections there is. nothing so effective as + system---the cause of the trouble, and excites the excretory organs to healthy action, preventing a recyrrance o excess 32s. aed. Prescribed for over 5 "Warner's Safe Rheumatic is doing the right thing-- 2 My rheu i much trouble. ith. your work." --- APR Natnat Soldiers' Maine. a Write for a free sample ving ember ot Beira to and he observed, referring -o Vr. itig- ney, that the electors of the county congratulated the citizens on thew choice of chief magistrate and ulder men for 1913. On the other hand, every councillor of the county was proud of their choice of warden. The speaker, among other things, pointed out that the recent mayors of hing- iston had crested a progressive spirit which at presen. dominated the city. | This brought a worthy reply from {Mayor Rigney. He noted that there was an sir of optimisin at present in the city, and at this time it was right that the relations and spirit of har! mony between the city and county {should be strengthened. Kingston was 'at the elbow of the couniy in all Js) endeavors. The mayor advocated the advancement of agriculture in Fro tenac. | br. 1. G. tribe timely response to "The City. based his hope for the most part the city advancement on her geograj (deal position, educational institu. {tions, varied as they are, and the min- (erals that lie in the county, really at her door. He regretted that so much monéy was tied up in the banks of Kingston, and advocated that be got at work. He favored advertisement, and if need be the ap pointment of commissioners to » 3 plish this end. He went so far in deal- with the railroad aspect, to ur that the city should boycott the Grand {Trunk until it gave Kingston better , service. Dr. W. McCarthy, with 'apt remarks, called the gathering to drink to the health of the county, and Councillors 'J. Foley and Jerome Thonwon re . The former declared that was not a county in Canada thet was in a baker Annticial position than Frontenac at present time. ) is \a net indebtedness of but JN. He ciled the instance of the county sbolishing the tolls on the eoun- ty roads, called for the city coun: al to by doing the same with the market tolls. Ulosing, he Bogart also contributed a sion of 00k some credit, Missioner Choquet, on in the laying the foundations that} Will two weeks ago was ayor | charge of having, houoning him, | Newton Estess, Harte in Chicag d the United States consulate, and the judge said that since made that he North German reaches this port in a day, the ashed of Capt, Adolph merly master of placed ward trip they will be scattered the winds in the middle of the lantic. winter was cremated. company ed of, (Her Péace Delegates--The Reason common' people secured the ernment has He believed our|to system of gofernment almost ideal, le sublime porte He Lies a Grouch. Blessed Are for | Grateful," ph- | ith Extradition Com- Tuesday next, Henry H. Bell, who arrested on the under the pame of murdered Beatrice De o three years ago. When the case was called yestor- ay, there was no represmtative from the case, = STEACY'S Where Most People Deal. the' request was further time he granted, would, ou of courtesy to the American government, permit it. a ---- SEA CAPTAIN'S ASHES To Re Scattered in the Ocean, OF Steamship. Philadelphia, Jan. 31.--When the Lloyd liner Chemnitz on board, and on her The name is enough you know the rest. Don't fail to examine all the pretty things, quaint shapes, sugars and creams. Mar- malade Jars, cups, saucers, plates, vases, ete. Also open stock Dinner Ware in this celebrated make, You will appreciate the good of these. At- Capt. Riebman -died early in the in Cincinnati, and his body His widow and the complied with his ashes thus dispos- have wishes to have his ----s TURKEY HAS RECALLED Is Not Known, I Constantinople, Jan. 31.--The gov- ordered the peace dele on to return at once Turkey. Whether they are want- d for court-martial or whether the is thereby retaliating for the Balkans withdrawing, their del- egates, is not assured. In some Quarters it is believed the government is going to leave the whole matter with the pow ROBERTSON'S LIMITED FINE CHINA, RICH CUT GLASS, gates in Lond of settlement ers. great See Our Girls' and See Our | A BIG CLEARING |: i and Men's A L Ej Quality NDAY Epitaph of a Grouch. Marion, Kansas, Record Once there was a man wio wos not thankful, When good ttacs came his way he rake: them in w.d never sald a word. He never saw the beau'y in the fields or ta woods. al | sunset ever please! hir, ile neve: heard a bird sing, never sad howdy to a stranger and never gave & chad a piece of candy. hs murn- nig and his evening safwtaiion was a z2runt, He dragged along through the years uncil the thing was over, but he didn't die. He just sort of shpiv- eled up and blew away, And thel happy orleokers wiio gathered near saw a green vapor hover for a few minutes over his' oM clothes and then pass with a wierd and mourn- fu] aound into an abandoned well. "And they filled the old well with in cans and erected a monument over it in the shape of a cucumber, And this was the eplihph: "Hess tha Rubbar at | S SATURDAY aii MO NII A ctr, Men's Overcoais, very latest thing, worth from $20.00: on sale Saturday and Monday. . . , $10.98 - Boys' Overcoats, made up in the latest style, worth from $6 $7.00; on sale Saturday and Monday $3.98 14 worth $1.00; on : 19¢ Men's Shirts, in ah shades sale, Saturday and Monday 8ze 10 17; Men's Working Pants, in he good for the winter: day be Mon- $1.08 would and Just what Saturday avy gray. worth $2.50; on sale -- Prince to Visit Canada. Montreal, Jan. 31.--It is thoaght that if the [Princess Datricia of Connaught does accompany her pa- rents to England in the spring she may return shortly afterwards with ber brother, Prince Arthur, who. is to come to Canada in a few weeks, and who is likely to stay some time visiting friends here. : | Dr. Beattie Nesbitt's wife appeals for her husband's freedom by the | auashing of the © Farmers' bank charges against him. 'The hearing will be on February 10th, Lr | CAS] ORIA | Toe En IY wtimaten' ape th fhe Kind Yoo Have Always By 000, which will surprise: nobody. Pro- nt Beh Tz " a] bably five pew battleships will be savater e. & 50 pairs of Men's Boots in Box C regular $2.50 and $3.00, on sale Sa L. ABRAMSON The Up-town Clothier. 336 Princess St alf, Dongola with good soles, turday and Monday $1.79 A petition to Premier Borden, ' ask- ing for the elevation of W. H. Pug. senate in the place of the late Sen- : ator Campbell, was unamumonsly en t The bank bill was given its second | dorsed by the York County Congeil reading without division in the com-| Use "Ring's Quality" if you wani sley, reeve of Richmond Hill, to . t o built. mons on Thursday. V3 } choice loaf of bread. N