Celebrating St. Valentine's Day Hearts. Tally Cards." Dinner Cards Vilentines and . Books. THE SPORT THR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1043. ' The club has secured new =ooms, and will remain intact for the season of 5 ! summer sports. : : { -- COLLEGIATES WON JUNIOR | Beavers at Cataraqui. OHA. GAME BY 8 TO 1, The Beaver hockey team of Ports- mouth, which has baen enfered m the g 3 ior. ¢ity juvenile league," goes to Defeated Belleville On Wednesday 1 avr, SY NYVEE oo gh wiiove Night---Half-time Score Was 4.6 the Bay boys play the juniors of that O--~Garrison Sergeants Form An |village. A pumber of fans will ac- EEC ERR HERE'S A FEW SPECIALS Special Sale of Utz & Dunn's Women's Gun Metal , company the team, which will line up as follows:--Goal, . Yorsythe; point, a, Scanlon; cover, Wickham; rover, Wil: Cupid will. be Master of Ceremonies at many a party in a | reat many Bowes in the nex. ten days, assisting the good St. ; alentine. Hearts, Tally Cards, Dinner Cards, Table Napkins, Buttons---Bluchers---also a few Patents--- One lot regular $3.50, $3.75, $4.00 for $1.98 sprang Valentines and Pooks neatly tjed with red ribbon, will be greatiy used for ornaments and decoration. ¥ ; '"WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE." We are showing Valearines in a great number of 'shapes aril sizes, at all prices, from be 10 $3.00 each. New IHiastrated Books tied with led Ribbon Bows, Including: J © "Rosebuds," by Henry Hutt. "A Young Man's Fancy," by Coles Phillips. "Sweetheart of Yesiercay." i "Swee heatts--Jourtiey End in Lovers Meeting." "A Little Book of Love," and "A Little Book of Brides." New Harrison Fisher pietures,--mountetl at 25c each. R. UGLOW & COMPANY 141 PRINCESS STREET YOU NEED A PAR OF TROUSERS to wear out vour winter coat and vest. Trousers from good cloth,' 'properly cut, will hang well, keep their shape and give satisfaction in wear. We know how to cut and make trousers and ask you for a trial order. y » f A Merchant Tailor 157 Princess St Agency for The House of Hobberiin,| ight Grade Made te Order Tallors, | | -- NOW IS THE TIME Get the Best at JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPCN WT ONE, "NED GOLLS ND CAVRRY VANISH at any drug' store. This sweet, fra- grant, balm dissolves by the heat o! the. nostrils; penetrates and heals the inflamed, swol membrane which ig the nose, head and Bihrdaty chain eo air ; stops y cha and a wo of ire, soothing relief comes immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly necdloss, Put your fath--just once--in "'Ely's For Rubbers, Over- shoes, Felts, and occasing. In One Minuté Your Stuffly Nose and Head Clears, Sneezing and Trey Lig Cropm Balm." Get a small r, 4 anyway, just to try "it--Apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your 'clogged nose and § dup air ssages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dull- ness and headache disappear. By morning ! the catarrh, cold-in-head or Cream Balm" and your cold or eca- HERE FORE MEN'S BLACK and TAN {| WATERPROOF BOOTS -ri y 5x lon. Si Sel : ReuaA. : : Kingston Sollegintes surprise on Bellevi on ednesday evening by. giving them a bad beat- ing at the covered rink in the sche- auled jupior match of the O.H.A. series. The score was eight to one, the widest margin of victory of any Kingstou team this winter. Colle- giates with this win put themselves in running order . for the champion- ship of the OHA. and put the chances hetween two local teams, themselves 'and Frontenacs. The fast ice work of K.C.I was a surprise to the visitors who claim that in Belleville they did not show any of the work of last night. The ice was poor in Belleville. The lat- ter claimed that lack of team work was responsible for its loss and an observer might add that the visitors bunched the play too much on 'resch- ing the local nets. The forwards, after earrving down beautifully, would moet K.C.I. defence together, thus making it easy for Stewart and Sin- glelon to sphother their shots. Had they spread out more here there might have heen a different tale. Then they shot from away back and not more than half a dofen times during the whole game did they bore inl on the local nets aud do any real shooting. The Belleville men did not lack speed, however, and Hingin- gan. and Wallace repeated a two-man! comnbination over and over which re- sulted in their only" goal, shot hy Wallace after filteen minutes play in the last hall. ! Williams and "Jim! Stewart were] the strength of the local Cooke, © who followed up every combination most dutifully, redoubled . the scoring chances when a player lost the puck at Belleville's deience. "Charlie" Stewart is a wonder in the nets but Belleville did not put him to any severe tests last night. Wal ace, on Belleville's right wing, deserves credit for his fast skating and excellent stick-handling, and Brotherhood in goal made s=ome beautiful stops. Bat for him K. C. I. might have made a much higher score. : Singleton, who replaced Brown- field on the dofenze, deserves praise for his playing, and although| Brownfield's rushes were missed, hej could hardly surpass Singleton for, defence work. In tho first half, after a long bit of two-man . combination between "Jim" Stewart and Singleton, Stew- art scored. "Jim" was right there with his winning ways, and figured in nearly every score. He shot the next two after breaking up a com- bination of Belleville, and carrying up with Williams and Toland. He gcored the third goal also, while the fourth was pushed in by Williams, from a mix-up in front of Belleville's' nets. v The first fiflcen minutes of the last half passed without a score... Belle- viile started the fun by Wallace, all atone, who, with some skillful stick work, came down and shot, giving Be leville |. nly goal. The fifth tally was made for the hime team by Stewart taking a pass irom Willams. The latter scored twice for K.C.1. Toland scored the last. 'The teams were: x Belleville --. Goal, point, Whittle; cover, Finkle; rover, Hodgins; centre, Higgins; right wing Wallace; left wing, Goyer. ' Collegiates--Goal, C. Stewart; point, A. Singleton; cover, R. Stew- art; rover, H. Cooke: centre, J. Stewart; right wing, Toland; left wing, Williams. °* Referee--W. F. Hancock, of Bow- manville. Coming Hockey Games, Next Monday and Wednesday nights, February 10th and 12th, weather per- mitting, the hockey games in the in- termediate Intercollegiate will be pull- ! al off on the 'covered rink. Royal Military College 1 and Queen's II will play at this comparatively late hour of the 'season. The games count by points, and the winner will meet the in the Toronto:and Mont real group. Cadets will have prac tically the same men as last year's championship gation. Queen's Hi line will be poked after the practice on Thursday noon. ' Owing. to the difficulty of securing dates at the rink; the junior Inter- col! te schedule' has not been drawn up. But an endeavor is being made to arrange double-headers when the in ate and junior teams ma) v. Which ome of the latter four, Fe 11, RAC. 11, K.C.L or | f lis, has not yet been decided. The fol- low! schedule has been ox : rat th--R.CHA. vs. Lith, P.W. RR. Feb. 13th--14th P.W.O.R. ve. mili- Feb. 20th--R.CH.A. vs. 1th. P.W. Beh--1ith POR. ve milk | i winter, and is composed of some goocl team, and | Brotherhood; | the son; centre, Darrett; wings, Smith,! Johnson. ' Kingston Team Beaten. The, J.ondon Lilc Insurance hockey team paid a visit to Napanee, Wed needay night, and lost in a game' with the team there, by a score of 7 ro 4. It was a good, clean 2% 49c in Blue, $2.98 and very interesting. The team Na- panee put up is ome they are coach- , to enter the senior O.H.A. next husky players, who give every appear- ance of making The ki team put up a fine game. G. ran, of Napanee, was referee, and the teams lined up as follows : London Life--Goal, Sowatds; point,' Williams; cover-point, Stanshury; rov- | er, R 8; entre, Sleeman; leit, Dui- fy; right, Crawford. f Napanee--Goal, Babcock; point, Alli- son; cover-point, Kedey; rover, Soby: centre, Oldham; left, Blate; right, Steacy. . - waves CHILDREN'S AID WORK At Palace rink, on Wednesday after- noon, the Wanderers defeated the Black Cats, in the first £3me oa THE ANNUAL REPORT HAS JUST Junior. "'junior'"' series . ittle v a chaps went into 'the game for all BEEN ISSUED, they were worth, and the contest | : proved very interesting to the spec- Work Done By the Local Agent Intars. 0 bowed that th Last Month--Rev. 8, J. M. Comp- e sma. boys show a ey - o . could 'play the game: as well" as: the ton Was Elected a Member of the older boys, and as for stick-handling, | Council, they had it. over the others "like a tent," as they say in hockey eircles. There is keen interest in this league, which promises to be the sensation of the hockey season. ' THE BRIDGE TOLLS SIGN The sixteenth annual report of the Children's Aid Society of the city of Kingston and County of Frontenac, has been published, in Very attractive form. 1f contains cuts of some of the { children who have been dealt with, all of whom are now in good homes, hap- nent 'py. and have, to use the common ex- Has Been"Handed Over to the His- | Pression, "made geod." A resume torical Society, of the business done at the annual The Kingston Historical Society | meeting last November is given and has come into posession of another | the inspector's report is printed in its valuable addition to its store . of entirety. Copies of the report have relice. The Minister of Public Works been distributed to the mavor and has instructed that the old hoard, Members of the City Council, and will on which - was designated the tolls, be addressed to interested citizens and which has been on the front roof of friends in the county. : { tle Cataraqui bridge house for the _ At the monthly meeting, in the po past eighty years, should be handed lice court, on Wednesday afternoon, over to the society. i the report of the inspector, Rev. A. I. The board was removed from its | Smart, showed that during the month position on Thursday morning and | of January, the following work was becomes the property of the society. | #°Complished by the agent, in addition The rate of tolis is hardly legible, | 10_Other kindred interests: owing to the paint'being Worn off |, Visits and interviews, 137; children with the weather. It is understood | involved, 43; warnings given, 17; po. that it was never remewed during lice court 'attendance, 10; children in the four lscore years which it has {0Urt: 15; children made wards. 6; been on the bridge house. Behind sent to industrial school] 2: children it was a quantity of earth 'and re: laced, |; removals from foster homes, fuse that had accumulated during ifs Rov. 8. 7. M life. As'the bridge is now gov- A a ala Compton was elected ernment property no tolls are charg- od. " a member of the council of the socie ty, and a resolution of condolence was passed to the family 6§ the late Canon . HE A. MW. Cooke, who was always in Sym MOVEMENTS on MAY, pathy with the workfof the chiidren' There Will Soon Be Much of it on Ee i Market. ISHEEHAN™ OPERA COMPANY The farmers are waiting for good sleighing to rush their hay into the city. Still, with the wheels, over thirty loads have been weighed at the hay market since Monday. It sold | for drom 813 to $14.50 a ton. When e- ice in the harbor tightens\ up sufficiently the hay from. Wolie Is- land will. be brought over. A local dealer says it will take a drop "in price when these conditions material ize. The street . market, on Thursday; was rather small and the island mar: ket the same. The general price of eggs was J0e. a dozen, with butter from 28¢. to We. a pound. Tur key, jowl aod chicken (somewhat scarce), were offered for 20e. to 2%c., le. to le, and 15¢. to l6e. Po pound respectively. eef was offered for 7c. to 9c. a pound; pork, 13c. to. 15¢. a pound, and mutton, Mec. to 3c. a pound. a [win Be At The Grand On Saturday Next, Among the American temors te come out strongly for "grand oper: in English" is Joseph F. who with his large compan, come to the Grand Opera House Saturday Feb. Sth, in "Il Trovatere," fdr matinee and "The Love Tales Hofiman™ in the evening. As leading tenor of the Casth Square and Henry W. Savage' Grand Opera companies, graml opers in Faglish was advanced beyond the confines of a fad, and no singer o those days contributed more to that worthy innovation than Mr. Sheehan His present company has been mad: up of singers imbued with Mr Shechan's ideas and the repertoire has been arranged towards that jend. "The star never had a better ol IN MEMORY OF THE Pe this season. 5 vA REAL. A For a special twelve weeks" tour TATE CANON: COOK. Mr. Shevhan has secured -tKe services i . of Mrs. Fwily Grey, famous harpist, Written by a Convict in the Ports- Fdirect fron Covent Garden, Er mouth Penitentiary, don, England; Miss - Sibley Remus, You have left your bed at midnight, s violinist virtuoso, Paris Opera Comi While the storms were raging high; and a special grand orchestra To the call of some poor convict fore Who was about to die: que, under the baton of England's most conductors. i You sat beside the comvict's cot, TO VISIT QUEEN'S, And soothed his burning brow. ! here are many kind and loving deeds , He Registered in heaven for vou now. Will _ Detiv Lectures Popular Character. Rev. 6G. PBryee, DD. LAD. i | about to visit Queen's University apd * ithe city. He will address the Q.U.M. {Aon Saturday morning, preach in Cooke's and Chalmers on Sunda¢ and give three lectures during the fol lowing week. Dr. Bryce is a wember of the Conservation committee of Canada, the Royal Commission on Techaical | Education and honorary professor of "Manitoba university. He is visiting {Kingston as the Robertson lecturer for the present session) of a Though your eyes are closed forever, And your lips are sealed in death memory of your cheerful face Lingers with us yet. '" A Boy Severely Burned. h he i the youngest att: | of i composing-room staff, ttle. fellow; suf st » ednesday evening, whigh will con: fine him to bed for a ph ei The Young members of the family were en- deavoring to put life into the kitchen fire by adding a little cond oil. The flames leaped up, and burned "Larry" quite severely. . No Police Court Session. Magistrate Farrell bad' an off day e h Brought to Hospital. Adial Parmenter. the young {who was injured near Gananoque, on pUwduudgy | by falling off a load of hay was t to al ital 'on Wednesday aftesndon. He Deri " mo! t in James Reid's amba- from court business on Thurs laace, where he was attended by Dr. day. there ee hod a ven othe ly E. Mundell. 1pon examingtion it tier. x very Tet was found he was suffering from con- time all day = Wednesday and cussion of the brain and ales a F 's night, No arrests were made ured log, ae ¥ | a; okt appoisted to fl the vacancy i Onelot regular $4.50 and $5.00 A few Women's Colored Silk Strap Pumrs regular $2.50 clearing for See window of odd lines, broken sizes, Men's Fine shoes--your size may be here, some regular $4, $4.50 values ABERNETHY'S for $2.50 Green, Yellow, Mauve. etc., 49c $2.98 Ask for our new Candy Cocoanut Caramels. Something new and delicious. SARELL' Next to Opera House Phone 640 (British WhigsPublishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, Confectioners, Bakers, Druggists, Florists," Grocers, Dry ioods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- ware, Stationers, Etc. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every deseription made to order Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory: - King Strest West § { "PHONE 883 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. Sheehan ~company than the one which supports man |i hw | be blood and builds up the system. fc ran mt or Cooking and Drinkigg. also for Cake Iceing and Making Fudge. Why Be a 3 per center' We paid a gash dividend of 20 per cont in addition to a stoc ltonus of 80 pér cent to our sixty-seven share ho'ders, on the i paid-up 'capital stock, December 31st, 1912. : | 4 ' | { | | wl Shares zre $05 each with only $15 cash and $10 in three, six, nine, and twelve months, or the whole may be paid on application _} it dedired. Here is a sound, clean and capital'st or the lowest salaried man overlook. 1 Write at once for booklet | references. Globe: Investment Company, Limited Sui'e 7i8, Rogers Building . - VANCOUVER, B.C. | vw lucrative investment for gther the which you cannot afterd to } and full information, - best bank 2 A 4 1 --- BPC We HOME FROM WATERTOWN. a Srwar ww ae Members of Jroquols Club Atténdest OUR BIG on 0 James a Banquet, |, " Kane, J. Garrigan and E. oh Martin, have refurned from Water- town, N.Y., where' they attended the fifth banquet, of the Iroquois Club, of thati cwy. banquet was a grand success, members being present from New York Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, Regina, ast, and Kingston. loo A. Kane, of Ottawa, amd J. Kane, of this city, werp among the spedkers of the even We ing. : . A feature of the banquet was he prisintation of a large bust of an Indian chiel, by the Watertowy Chal, bo the Kingston Club. : -~ ns Montreal Methodists propose to raise a quarter of a miles > dollars in 'a week for'a new theologicpl cul v Rheumatism Is A Constitutional Disease. It manifests itself in local, aches and pains. --inflamed Joints and stiff hus- cles --but it cannot be cured by local ppiigations. t requires constitutional treatment, und the best is a course of the great biood-purifying and tonic medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla which corrects tle aiid condition of A line of Odd Dressers and Stands > Chiffoniers and Dressing Tables to match. s : $79 Reid's Quality, Reid's low prices 2 E 3 at *: im J Hon. io of the late o ir Get it today. Soll by fi} drugeists evepywhere, 100 Doses Ou Iniflur, ®